Page 1: The benefits of sedation dentistry

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

 Some people get anxious and scared just from hearing talk about a dentist’s office. When it is time for them to actually go for their own appointment they are very tense and frightened of what could happen. If you need a procedure done and you are someone who is very scared by the dentist’s office then you might want to look into the benefits of sedation dentistry and your options regarding this type of work. This type of dentistry is useful for not only people who have high levels of anxiety about the dentist’s office in burtonsville md but people in general who maybe just don’t prefer someone working on their teeth or people who have a low level of pain tolerance. Sedation dentistry is designed to provide dental care and work in a comfortable and safe environment. Proper oral health is very important for overall health so it is ideal to make sure you do not put off any dental work that you may need simply because you are nervous about the process. Medications

The benefits of sedation dentistry occur because there are a number of sedative drugs that can be administered to a patient in order to relax them. Some of these drugs include tranquilizers, anti-anxiety medications, depressants, nitrous oxide gas and so on. These medications can be taken orally prior to dental work being done or they can also be administered by an IV in the arm. When these medications are being administered by a medical professional they are safe and used in moderation. Semi- Conscious Sedation

At one time if you wanted to be sedated for a procedure you had to be completely put under. This means that you did not have any recollection of the procedure and you had no idea what was happening while it was going on. This can be ok but using a full anesthesia can pose a number of risks and adverse effects. Semi-conscious sedation is useful because while you are somewhat awake, you are not at all affected emotionally or mentally by what is going on. You maintain a certain level of consciousness throughout the procedure and you wake up much faster and easier. Raising The Bar

One of the benefits of sedation dentistry includes the higher threshold for pain. When sedation techniques are used to relax a patient they become less aware of any pain that they are feeling and what they are feeling does not bother them. They are aware that something is going on but they can tolerate it much better than if they were wide awake. This helps the person sit through their appointment which in turn is very helpful to the dentist who is doing the work. 

Page 2: The benefits of sedation dentistry

Quicker Procedures

Sedation dentistry allows a dentist to focus on their work and be able to get it done in an efficient manner without having to constantly stop to reapply novacaine and such. Every time your shot would wear off your dentist would have to stop what they were doing, give you a new shot of pain relief and wait for it to kick in before they could start again. This made for a lengthy procedure which is not very helpful when you are already scared of the dentist to begin with. Also, you may be having a procedure done that is going to take an hour or more. Another one of the benefits of sedation dentistry is that you may have been sitting in the chair for a couple hours but it feels like just a couple of minutes to you when you come around again. Fewer Appointments

If you have a dental issue that needs to be corrected sometimes you need to go back to your dentist a number of times to get the whole thing corrected. One of the benefits of sedation dentistry is that your dentist may be able to get the entire procedure done in just a matter of one visit if you are sedated and not moving or feeling pain. This prevents you from having to make additional appointments and you won’t have to pay additional co payments or fees. A total of 30 percent of the population in the United States is scared of going to the dentist. This phobia often prevents people from seeking proper dental care when needed or maintaining proper oral health which can lead to a variety of health issues later on. The process of using sedation dentistry is constantly evolving and more and more dentists are using needle-free sedation options to keep their patients comfortable and at ease. Most areas will have at least one sedation dentist in their area if not more. As time goes on more and more doctors are practicing this type of dentistry and you will soon be able to have a pain free and more importantly, anxiety free dentist’s appointment.
