
THE BOURNEMOUTH ORATORY IN FORMATION Sacred Heart, Bournemouth & University Catholic Chaplaincy

served by the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratorian Community of Saint Philip Neri

CONFESSIONS Daily, 20 minutes before each Mass. Wednesdays 11-12 noon. Also 1st Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm.

Saturdays 11-12 noon, and 4-5pm.

TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year (A) Parish Mass book page 137 (Psalter week 3)

Readings: Isaiah 5:1-7; Philippians 4:6-9; Matthew 21:33-43

Sunday Bulletin 8th October



Numbers in the blue Hymnal Entrance hymn 285 Kyrie & Gloria 467 Credo 3 469 Offertory hymn 398 Sanctus 467 Acclamation 471 Pater noster 467 Agnus Dei 467 Communion hymns 859 / 536 Recessional hymn 348


Eucharistic Adoration: Sundays 6pm Benediction Wednesdays 8am – 12 noon. (1st Wednesday 6pm - 9pm, Benediction 8:45pm)

Saturdays 11am – 12 noon.

Oratory: Mon-Fri 7am & 6pm.

Rosary: Monday-Saturday, after 12:15 Mass.

Blessing with St Philip’s Relic: Mondays after both Masses.

Sacred Heart Devotions: Fridays after 12:15 Mass.

Devotions to Our Lady: Saturdays after 12:15 Mass.



th October–Caritas Ports. Diocese 22

nd October-World Missions

Saturday 17:00 Vigil Mass Dimitrios Dioxanidis, RIP


Sunday 17:00 Cath. Soc. Fellowship Group - studying Pope St John Paul II’s ‘Theology of the Body’ (after the 4pm Mass).

18:20 (after 6pm Benediction)

Cath. Soc. Fellowship Group continues with pizza & wine.

Monday 18:00 Bellringing Practice 19:00 Alcoholics Anonymous

19:30 Evangelium


18:30 Hope 4 Food 19:30 Bible Study 19:45 Narcotics Anonymous

Wednesday 19:00 Narcotics Anonymous

19:30 Schola music practice for 10:30 Mass

Thursday 18:30 Hope 4 Food

Saturday 18:00 Come and join the celebration of Our Lady with a street procession and food.


Carolina & Family: Tabernacle

Etward Gokool: Our Lady Alan Wright, RIP: St Joseph

For a Shrine Lamp to burn for your intention (£10 for 7 days) contact the Parish Office

Sunday 8th


08:00 Mass Mike & Anita King

10:30 Solemn Mass Benedetto Di Adamo, RIP

12:30 Mass (in Polish)

16:00 Mass Pro Populo

18:00 Oratory & Benediction

Mon 9th

Blessed John Newman, of the Oratory, Cardinal

07:30 Oratory Vocations

12:15 Charles Coughlan & Family

Tue 10th

Feria or St Paulinus of York, Bishop

12:15 Daphne Hunter

Wed 11th

Feria or St John XXIII, Pope

07:30 Oratory Benefactors

12:15 Anna McCarthy

Thu 12th


12:15 Robert Nicholson, RIP

Fri 13th

Feria or St Edward the Confessor, King

07:30 Rebekah Southard, recovery

12:15 Benny & Mary Mulhern

Sat 14th

Feria or St Callistus I or Our Lady on Saturday

09:15 Elisa Barros De Almeida, RIP

10:00 Baptism of Jayden Goodacre & Yasmin Mendes

11:00 Holy Hour of Adoration & Confessions

12:15 Margaret Donovan, RIP

16:00 Confessions

TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Readings: Isaiah 25:6-10; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 22:1-14

Saturday 17:00 Mass in Portuguese Manuel Marques, RIP

18:00 Street Procession of Our Lady of Aparecida




08:00 Mass Pro Populo

10:30 Solemn Mass Carmel Buckingham, RIP

12:30 Mass (in Polish)

16:00 Mass Ware Family

18:00 Oratory & Benediction

To have a Mass offered for your Intention (as above), take a Mass Offering envelope from the back of church, and return it via the Sunday collection, or Oratory House / Parish Office letterbox, at 1 Albert Road.

The Church is open daily from 6:30am to 6:30pm on weekdays, on 1st

Wednesdays until 9pm, and from 7:30am at weekends.

ORATORY CLERGY Fr Dominic Jacob: Oratory Moderator & University Chaplain, Fr Peter Edwards: Parish Priest, Br Andrew Wagstaff

The Oratory House / Parish Office: 1 Albert Road, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth BH1 1BZ

Parish Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 12 noon. Telephone: 01202 411140 Email: [email protected]

Parish Website: Oratory website:

Parish Deacon: The Rev’d Roger Carr-Jones: [email protected] Telephone 01202 428451 Parish Administrator & Hall Bookings: Sharon Head Telephone: 01202 411140

Youth Ambassador: Adam Bussell email: [email protected]

IF YOU DIDN’T FILL A GREEN CENSUS CARD LAST WEEK please do so before going home today. The Census is linked with the month’s National Mass Count (which is required by the Diocese for statistical returns to Rome). It is important to register with the parish in which you reside, or where you habitually attend Mass. This can be a matter of life-or-death, as we have enquiries about next-of-kin or emergency contact. School applications rely on whether or not your family is registered in a Catholic parish, as do sacramental applications for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage. All information is strictly confidential under the Data Protection Act. Please complete a green card today. Don’t think: “It doesn’t apply to me”.

THANK YOU to everyone who has completed a Census Card. The first Sunday’s Mass Count was 485 (for our 4 English Masses). 210 household cards were completed, listing 420 individuals. 14 new requests were made for direct debit / standing orders, and 55 new requests for weekly envelopes. 51 Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration were offered, and nearly 100 people offered to participate in parish life in various ways. The next few weeks will see letters going out to all those who responded in these positive and encouraging ways, and there’ll be specific (and much-needed) financial follow-up on the forthcoming ‘Stewardship Sunday’ (see below).

COURAGE: Speaking the Truth in Love: Welcoming and Accompanying our Brothers and Sisters Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction. Hosted at Holy Family Catholic Church, Redbridge Hill, Southampton SO16 4PL at 8pm on Monday 23rd October. Speak to one of the Fathers or Brothers if you’d like to accompany one of us to this talk. There is no cost for the evening, which is sponsored by Portsmouth Catholic Diocese.

Father Philip Bochanski (Executive Director of ‘Courage International’, an apostolate that works with persons with same-sex attraction) is making a short visit to the UK. His talk addresses ways of welcoming and accompanying our brothers and sisters experiencing same-sex attraction, in a manner that is consonant with the Catholic Church’s teaching, and moral and natural law.

Fr Bochanski writes: “Our pastoral priority toward people who experience same-sex attraction, and towards their parents and loved ones, must be to welcome them in the name of Christ, and help them to understand and accept God’s plan for their lives. This talk will consider how ‘speaking the truth in love’ to someone about his or her identity, vocation, and relationships can lead him, or her, to a greater self-understanding and fulfilment in Christ”.

OUR CATHOLIC CHURCH SHOP is open every Sunday 11:30am to 12:30pm, after the 10:30am Solemn Mass.

To go to our Church Shop, leave the church by the main entrance, down the disabled ramp, and left onto Richmond Hill. Then turn left down the stone steps into the ‘Catholic Institute’ (clearly etched into the arch over the entrance). The shop is located at the rear of the small hall, where coffee and cake are also served after the 10:30am Mass.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE, continues (until 5th November). We are one of nearly 400 cities around the world, engaged in peaceful prayer vigils

Some may not feel called to pray outside these facilities, or are unable to do so. But we ask that you please pray, every day, wherever you are – especially at Sacred Heart’s extended periods of Eucharistic Adoration, every Saturday 11am-12 noon, every Wednesday 8am until 12 noon.

Please contact the Day Captain for your chosen day(s), of praying at the abortion centre, or register your choice(s) on our local roster (as part of the international campaign) at: [email protected].

Day Day Captain Contact

Sundays Ivor 0871 698 0127

Mondays Michael 0871 698 0126

Tuesdays Magdalena 0871 698 0119

Wednesdays Elena 0871 698 0103

Thursdays Paddy 0871 698 0128

Fridays Colin 07981 441 998

Saturdays Stephanie 0871 698 0124


Diocesan Day for Catechists, Saturday 14th October, at St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth. Including launch of the new programme for First Holy Communion which we will be introducing in 2018 at the Bournemouth Oratory.

Diocesan Day for Children’s Liturgy of the Word Catechists, Saturday 4th November, at St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke.

Diocesan Day on Demystifying Natural Family Planning, Saturday 11th November, at Michael & All Angels Church, Leigh Park.

Fruitful Discipleship in our Diocese, Saturday 18th November, at Winchester.

Please register for these via the Diocesan website:

STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY (in a fortnight’s time) is one of the very few occasions in the year when the Parish Priest will talk to us about money – particularly about the Biblical teaching on Tithing (i.e. giving back one tenth of everything which God gives to us), and about giving regularly, responsibly and realistically. The Parish has urgent need to reverse the deficit trend indicated in the (now weekly) ‘finance box’ below.


Gift Aid Standing Orders Gift Aid weekly envelopes Visitor envelopes Loose Cash


Average weekly expenditure Last week’s shortfall

£534 £468

£36 £676


£3,062 £1,348
