  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    The British Isles and the


  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    What would you do in this


    Imagine water is very

    deep, and 31 miles to

    the other side.

    This was Probablya bad

    ideaTheres got to be abetter way!

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    How can we get to the other side?

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    Chances Are

    You CANT summon dolphins whenever

    youd like

    You ARE NOT Michael Phelps

    You DO NOT have an awesome inflatable

    human hamster wheel that floats on water

    The Penguin DOES NOT like you enoughto let you ride on his submarine

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    So what are you going to do?

    You cant just sit thereYou have to get to the other side!

    Brainstorm with a partner and come up with ways to get across

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    The Chunnel

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    How much does it cost?

    Eurostar : Tickets, Bookings, Timetables,

    fares and offers
  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    The British Isles

    Made up of the United Kingdom

    and the Republic of Ireland

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    The United Kingdom

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    The United Kingdom

    Size of Oregon

    Made up of four

    regions England,

    Scotland, Wales,Northern Ireland

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    United Kingdom (Economy)

    Major industrial and trading country

    Manufactured gods and machinery are theleading exports

    Service industries such as banking,insurance, communications, and healthcare employ most of the countrys people

    Although farming is efficient, the UK mustimport about one-third of its food (lack offarmland)

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    Government of the UK

    ParliamentaryDemocracyvoterselect representatives to alawmaking body calledParliament

    House ofCommons/House ofLords

    House of Commonschooses leader (Prime

    Minister) House of Lords has very

    little power

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    Government of the UK


    MonarchyQueenor King is the official

    head of state Represents the

    country, has very little


  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    People and Culture of UK

    60 million people

    90% of people live in cities and towns

    7 million in London People get around on double decker

    buses or by using the subway, which they

    call the tube

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  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    The Republic of Ireland

    Called the Emerald

    Isle Lush green

    meadows, Tree-

    covered hills

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    Potatoes, barley, wheat, sugar beets, and

    turnips are major crops

    Joined the European Union to market

    products more widely

    Manufacturing employs more people than

    farming and contributes more to the

    countrys economy

  • 7/28/2019 The British Isles and the Chunnel


    Northern Ireland Conflict

    Southern, mostly Catholic, counties ofIreland won independence from Britain in1921

    North, mostly Protestants, remained partof the UK

    South wants the entire island to be united,

    the North prefers to be a part of the UK Lots of killing and fighting, signed a peace

    agreement but disputes still erupt

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