Page 1: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –

The Bulletin

Number 5 Apr 2018

Cooking Program with Reception Classes

This term we have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

We made delicious, healthy homemade pizzas and veggie omelettes!

Please enjoy our home made pizza dough recipe on the last page. Teresa

Page 2: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –


Dear Community Members

I hope you had a great break over Easter with your families. Only two weeks now until the school holidays!

One aspect of school life that needs an occasional reminder relates to birthdays and class celebrations. It is very important that parents remain mindful of our guidelines. Our Parent Handbook states:

bring or send along photographs of your child, particularly their photographs at birth and subsequent birthdays. These photographs are used to build a TIME LINE of your child’s life.

bring along a healthy birthday treat to share.

(Fresh/dried fruit, dip, cheese, crackers etc.) Please note that sugary foods are not acceptable.

Our Healthy Eating and Food Handling Policy states:

Birthdays are an important part of a child’s life, and educators and children are encouraged to celebrate them at the Centre. Parents are welcome to bring a healthy snack that complies with our policy to share. Food must be in the original unopened wrap or container, with current use-by date clearly displayed and a full list of ingredients. A full list of ingredients must also be provided for home cooked food. Food must be transported in an insulated bag or box.

Finally, from our Healthy Food Policy: We encourage:

foods that are low in salt

foods that are low in saturated fats

foods that are low in sugar or have no added sugar

foods that do not contain additives such as preservatives, artificial colourings and flavourings

Our educators have discussed this topic recently and it has been agreed that food that does not align with these policies will not be shared at celebrations.

Online Training for Parent Volunteers

Over the past 12 months I have flagged in various communiques that parent volunteers will be required to undertake online training in relation to Responding to Abuse and Neglect; Education and Care – RAN-EC.

Last week I received a memo from the SA Independent Schools Association that the new update for 2018-2020 has been released. I have previously said that this will not be mandatory until the start of the 2019 school year. Nevertheless, I encourage all parent volunteers, including sports team coaches and managers, to undertake the training when you have some time.

Volunteers should use Non DECD sign-up and select the option Volunteer from Select Account Type.

Page 3: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –

The RAN-EC 2018 – 2020 update will take approximately 60 minutes and it is recommended that it be completed in a single session, however, if this is not practical, progress is recorded and participants can return to it at any time using the same log-in details.

In the training module a HELP button is located at the top of each slide as well as a drop-down list of the resources referred to in the training. Use the NEXT and PREV buttons to progress through the course or different sections can be accessed via the MENU button on the top left of each slide.

Don’t forget to print your certificate and provide the school with a copy so that we can update our register

Many thanks once again for the volunteer work you do in our community.

‘In the life of a child play is perhaps something of little importance which he undertakes for the lack of something better to do. A child feels that he has something of greater moment to do than to be engaged in such trivial occupations. He regards play as we would regard a game of chess or bridge…When we have some important business to do, bridge is forgotten. And since a child always has some important thing at hand, he is not particularly interested in playing.’ Dr Maria Montessori The Secret of Childhood

Montessori Moment

Why not knowing the answer is important Children are curious about their world and love to ask questions. In Cycle 1 these questions often begin with “what”? As children grow their questions become more sophisticated often starting with “how” or “why”.

As an adult, the temptation is to provide the answer but it is often not in children’s best interests to do so. Research shows that the most effective learning takes place through active participation. Children need to develop both the inquiry skills and dispositions necessary to allow them to become confident independent learners, such as resilience, persistence, organisation, and time management.

When children ask us questions, Montessori teachers will often reply, “That’s an interesting

question. I wonder how we could find out?” Sometimes children will immediately set to work

researching the question. At other times, the teacher will need to provide an introductory lesson

often telling a story or using materials. This lesson is designed to grab the children’s attention

and awaken their curiosity, but it is just a starting point and teachers are careful to ensure that

the lesson leads to children asking more questions.

Noel and Heather

Page 4: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –


Term 1 30th January—13th April

Week 10

Tue 3 Apr Tennis Week 2

Wed 4 Apr Cycle 4 Orientation Evening

Thur 5 Apr SAPSASA Cross Country

Cycle 2 Excursion Planetarium

Week 11

Thurs 12 Apr Amanda Rishworth’s 2018

Kindy Art Show. 4-5pm.

Fri 13 Apr Last Day of Term

Casual Clothes


Term 2 1st May—29th June

Week 1

Thurs 3rd May 5-Year Vision Planning 6-9pm

Week 2

Wed 9 May Adelaide Crows Visit 10-12pm

Thur 10 May Onkaparinga Council Meeting

to approve Middle School

Kalyra Site

Week 3

Tue 15 May NAPLAN

Wed 16 May NAPLAN

Thu 17 May NAPLAN

Thu 17 May Board Meeting

Week 7

Mon 11 Jun Queen’s Birthday Holiday

Thurs 28 June 5-Year Vision Planning 6-9pm

Dear Parents,

Any families that have not yet returned their Offer of Place

paperwork for Preschool, Toddler and Baby Steps programs

for next term, please return these to the front office as soon

as possible.

Sausage Sizzle notes for the last day of term have gone home.

Please return to the front office along with the money by

Wednesday the 11th of April.

Second-hand school uniforms are still available from the office at $4.00 per item – and still a bargain after many years at this price. Preferably before or after school hours would be best for access. Wishing you all a very happy holiday before Term 2 when we do it all again. Danielle and Janine

Information and Workshops

from the Community

Children’s Yoga – Ages 3-4 years. Free yoga Monday 23rd of

April 2018, 10am or 10.30am (30 min session). Woodcroft

Heights Children’s Centre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft.

For more information and to register please call 8381 8005.

Being Dad – A Men’s group to chat about the role as a father.

Lunch provided and a crèche available. Wednesdays 12-2pm

for 6 weeks starting 23/5/18. Hackham West Children’s Centre

Unit, 50 Glynville Road, Hackham West. Please call Milan for

bookings on 0403 369 791. For course information please call

Richard on 0428 004 780.

Who’s in Charge – Parenting strategies for coping with diffi-

cult situations and behaviours! 8-session course Mondays

from 10am – 12pm beginning 7th May 2018. Community Con-

nections Hackham. 72 Collins Pde, Hackham, 5163. For more

information call 8392 3000.

Page 5: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –

Reception News ~ Karen and Adele

(Weeks 7 and 8)


• We have finished learning all of the single sounds with the Alphabet Family

• We are starting to learn how to read and spell high frequency words

• The children have enjoyed oral language tasks which have included giving a talk about how

things have changed since their parents were younger


• We have been exploring time, including months of the year and days of the week, as well as

o’clock time

• We have been learning how to skip count by two’s and to recognise the difference between an

odd and an even number

Cultural Studies/Health/Science:

• We have had a fantastic time looking at our photos and starting to construct our personal

timelines with our big Buddies

• As part of recognising our identity and the relationships between the past and the present, we

have talked about family trees and have found out the names of our family members, to make

our own family tree


• Enjoying yoga and relaxation skills

• Practising movements that cross the line of our body, as well as more games that incorporate

listening, cooperating and coordination


• After this week, we will begin to present this newsletter on our class blog on the Southern

Montessori website rather than the paper format

• Next week is Learning Conversations. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss and

celebrate your child’s journey so far

Voice of the child……

I learned…about how to write stories –Tristan.

I enjoyed…doing Jolly Phonics – Piper

Page 6: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –

Cycle 4 News

This term, the Middle School students have studied a unit of inquiry based learning about architecture. Students were tasked with having to build a scale model of a house they designed to fit on a 400 square metre block of land. They had to adhere to some strict ‘council regulations’ set by the teachers, as well as considering passive, contemporary design to ensure that their houses were energy efficient.

We ensured that all teaching areas linked back to the architecture task. For example, in Mathematics, students have focussed on units of measurement, shapes and space, perimeter, area and volume. In Humanities and Cultural Learning, we have studied climate change, pas-sive design and sustainable living. Students looked at the different angles of the summer and winter sun, and how that affects their dwelling. These were all things our students had to incor-porate into their model. We are now in the final building stage, with students carefully bring-ing their plans to life with balsa wood. These impressive pieces will be on display at our repeat of the ‘Orientation Evening’ on the 4

th of April.

Another Occupation that has proved very popular has been the ‘ASX Sharemarket Game’. Students in Years 8 and 9 have taken place in the twice-annual student version of real life share trading. The game gives students $50,000 to spend in the share market, and everything replicates real time trading. The rise and fall of shares happens in real time, as happens exactly in the market. Students have spent a lot of time researching different companies, how the market works, learning the Mathematics behind investing and why companies are listed with the Australian Stock Exchange.

Every Wednesday Middle School students cycle through the opportunity to cook lunch for the group. Students make healthy, nutritious food for the whole group and share a lunch with their peers; this has proved very popular. Some of the lunches have included Thai green curry, frittatas, stir fries and vegetarian burgers.

It has been a very rich and busy term, we look forward to the challenges of next term. Enjoy the

holiday break.

Page 7: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –

Classroom News

Term 1 in Rachel and Anne-Marie’s Class

We have had a busy start to the year! The children have all settled into the routines and expectations and are enjoying learning many new things.

Most children have been working very hard at learning all

the single sounds while others have been working on

developing some great narratives! In Maths we have been

working on number and have recently been doing lots of

work with patterns. We were even able to find many different

patterns in our school.

We have also started the program ‘What’s the Buzz?’. Every Wednesday afternoon we read a

story and do some related activities or games. Last week we learnt about cooperation. Our

activity was to pass a hoop around the circle while holding hands the whole time. It was great

for developing team-work.

One of the highlights of our week is Tuesday afternoons when we get to see our buddies. The

Reception children (and the Year 6 children) look forward to seeing their buddies and reading

some books together. The Year 6s also helped the Reception students to create their timeline.

They are now on display on our classroom windows.

Rachel and Anne-Marie

Page 8: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –

Alison’s Cycle 3 Adelaide Zoo and Urrbrae Wetlands

Term 1 Round up

A fantastic term has been had in Room 9. We have worked hard on getting along as a new group and are working and playing happily together. Our term has been very rich in learning about animals and conservation. The Zoosnooze at Adelaide Zoo and Urrbrae Wetlands were brilliant opportunities near the start of term to collaborate on learning and cooperate socially. The students have followed up the visits by comparing adaptations of animals in different biomes and a STEM activity that required them to design and make a zoo enclosure for an animal. This project involved researching animals’ needs, size and behaviour, zookeepers’ needs and lots of Maths as the model was ‘to scale’. Our water sampling at Urrbrae was very interesting and it has been great to borrow equipment from the NRC to use to sample Christies Creek.

The students have led the learning program, choosing to raise money for the zoo by hosting an Easter bake sale. It was a success, making $191. The students did a great job, which included letters to Noel for permission to host the sale; market research to inform pricing and products; visiting the shops for price research plus risk assessment of the excursion and lots of Maths to work out profit margins.

With Aquatics and Tennis, Frisbee and an assortment of fitness games the students have been

very active. These opportunities have been fabulous to watch, especially seeing our younger

students being encouraged by the older ones and the class generally pulling together.

I look forward to all Term 2 has to offer.


Page 9: The Bulletin - Southern Montessori School · Heights hildren’s entre 25 Investigator Drive, Woodcroft. For more information and to register please call 8381 8005. Being Dad –


INGREDIENTS · 2 cups plain flour

· 1 x 8g sachet of dry yeast · 1 teaspoon caster sugar

· ½ teaspoon salt · 2 tablespoons olive oil

· ¾ cup warm water

METHOD · Combine dry ingredients in large mixing bowl and add oil and water.

· Mix to a soft dough. · Knead on a floured surface until soft and pliable.

· Return to the mixing bowl and cover with cling wrap and leave in a warm spot for 30 minutes. The dough should double in size.

· When it has risen, ‘punch’ the dough once to remove air bubbles. · Remove from bowl and knead gently for 1 minute.

· Roll the dough out to desired size and thickness and add favourite toppings.

Enjoy! Teresa.
