Page 1: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

The Call

Sermon Title and Scriptures

March 6, 2016

“Grace of the Father”

Psalm 32

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Sermon Title and Scriptures

March 13, 2016

“Seen Anything New?”

Psalm 126

Isaiah 43:16-21

Rev. Dr. G. Mike Weinman

Spring Cleaning

The Property Committee is in the process of

organizing a cleaning of the church for the

coming Regional Assembly.

Items that have not been used within the last

2-3 years will be donated to those who can use

them or they will be found another home.

This will include many of the items stored

within our building, including decorations,

puppets, shelving, light fixtures, etc. If there’s

anything at the church you wish to take with

you please let the office know.

Wine into Water

March 4, 2016 7PM-9PM

National Avenue Christian Church Gallery

Again this year, Central Christian Church

is partnering with other Disciples of Christ

congregations in Springfield to bring this event to

the community. The proceeds for this event will

go to help bring water to all the people in the

world who are in need of clean drinking water.

This is a great event and for the past two years it

has been a wonderful time to get together with

other Disciples in town to meet, mingle, and share

in fellowship. The tickets for this event are $25

per person and all the proceeds will go to Week of

Compassion. With the price of the ticket you will

be able to taste the wines, as well as enjoy hors

d’oeuvres and dessert. If you are interested in

being a part of this event please let the church

office know. Tickets will be available at the door

as well as online through the link below.




Immediately after Sunday School please join

us for lunch with an Irish theme: soup, sand-

wiches, and homemade desserts! We are

pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform

for us. There is no charge for lunch but we

will gladly receive your love gift offering that

funds our annual budget. If you can’t attend,

you can place offering marked CWF in the

general offering, send to the office, or give to

our Treasurer, Wilma Frazier.

We THANK YOU for your support and hope

to see you March 13. We will be wearing

green to receive your “green”.


Anne Schultz

Board Meeting

April 3 at 11:30 am

In The Sanctuary

Page 2: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

Congregational Concerns

Slone Kays Laura French Diana Criger Mary Pering Dan Hicks Marjorie Ray Marcia Weeks

Mary Slack Linda McCoy Carl Potter Betty Fesperman Eldon and Shirley Cobb Don and Sue Brown Joyce Prince, sister of Wilma Frazier Brenda Gahagam, Daughter of Vivian Loucks

Lori Harach, daughter-in-law of Gary and Nancy Morris Bill Nelson, Son-in-law of Betty Jo Gardner

Margaret Austin, sister of Shirley Cobb Barbara Gard, Daughter-in-law of Lorene Murray

Lorelai Clubb, Granddaughter of Barb Rossetter Terri Griffith, Daughter of Darrell & Nancy Kays

Vi Graham, cousin of Hattie Alishire Kim Norris, friend of Patrick Willis

Benetta Renshaw, friend of Wanda & John Haley Wayne Whitlock (Please notify the office when a concern can be removed)


General Fund

Contributions: $ 4,717

Attendance: 168

Sunday School



Youth: 3

Bilshan: 8

Loyal Workers: 9

Friends: 8

Baraca: 17


General Fund

Contributions: $ 3,284

Attendance: 155

Sunday School



Youth: 6

Bilshan: 7

Loyal Workers: 9

Friends: 8

Baraca: 16

March 6 March 13

Elders Jim Ferguson

Patty Thurman

Wilma Frazier

Mary Jane Cross


Bob Edwards- Karen Fischer Helen Gunther

Paula Letterman Rhonda Stewart

Dana Powell Patrick Willis John Manary Darrell Kays

Larry Graham Sandra Graham

Bill Fischer – Barb Rossetter Debra Gleghorn Sean McGinnis

Patsy Tipton Anna Marie Walker

Tyler Habigar Darrell Zweerink Carma Weinman

Josh Thomas

Invocation and

Offering Curtis Thomas Geoff Weinman

Communion &

Fellowship Prep.

Darrell & Linda Zweerink

Bill & Karen Fischer

Bob & Dorothy Thurman

John & Mary Bermond

Usher Everett & Carolyn Deeds Curtis & Isaac Thomas

Greeter Bev Vestal & Dana Powell Robert & Beth Taylor


Pianist Vicky Claborn Michael Payne

Scholarships Available

The deadline is April 15 for Scholarships that will be awarded from the Memorial Fund.

If you are a post High School student who will be entering or continuing your education

in the fall you may fill out an application. The continuing education may be at a college,

university, seminary, or technical school. Applications are available in the Church Office.

Page 3: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

The weather is starting to warm up (knock on wood, cross your fingers, anything not to

jinx it!), and with that means that hopefully more people will be spending time outside. As the

weather becomes nice we become reminded of what a wonderful and beautiful place God has

created for us, and it is up to us, humankind, to make sure that God’s creation stays wonderful

and beautiful. This has become one of the many missions that Central Christian Church has

taken on. As we are trying to be a “Green Chalice” church we are trying to keep the natural

resources given to us alive in all creation. Genesis tells us that we are to have dominion over

the creation. This means that we are to make sure that all of creation has the ability to bear

fruit and become a blessing to everyone. At Central we have recently installed a recycling area

in the kitchen that will hold our recycling until we have the ability to move it to a center

provided by the city. Everything that we use during the week, especially at Culture Club, that

can be recycled will be recycled. I am asking for the congregation to take part in our effort to

help creation. If you see something around the church that can be recycled, please take it to the


One of the biggest areas that we can work on is recycling paper. We are already

recycling all the paper that we can, but we need your help. On Sunday mornings, if you will

leave your bulletins in the pews Raul will go and pick them up, give them to us, and we can

recycle the paper. Recycling paper can make a big difference in the world. Approximately 1

billion trees of paper are thrown away every year in the United States, and each ton of recycled

paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic feet of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of

energy, and 7000 gallons of water. It is up to us to be stewards to this world and allow all

creation to bear fruit.

Please help the church as we do our part for God’s creation. If you have any other

suggestions or would like to help the church with this effort in any way, please let us

know. The more we help with creation, the more beautiful days we will have enjoying


In Christ’s Love of All,

Page 4: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

Ministry Team

Greg Walton, Board Chair

Rev. Geoff Weinman, Minister

Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

Vicky Claborn, Organist

Shirley Musser, Visitation Director

Geoff French, Youth Director

Joyce Thomas, Children’s Director

Jim Criger, Office Administrator

Raul Juan Duran, Custodian

Office Phone: 417-869-7241

E-mail: [email protected]


Central Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

1475 N. Washington Ave. Springfield, MO 65802





Return Service Requested

Specially prepared for:

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am Worship

10:30 am Fellowship

10:45 am Sunday School

Page 5: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

2016 Pictorial Directory

We are going to be creating a new pictorial

directory and Carolyn Deeds will be

heading up this project. This will require

some volunteer effort so please let us know

if you would be willing to help with this

exciting project. Also, please notify us of

any changes in your contact information.

Page 6: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

Boyd Book Festival

Central Christian Church has been

putting on the Boyd Book Festival for the

past 10 years. This is a wonderful event

and one that helps the children continue

to read through the summer by providing

books for them to own. The event is held

every year in May, before the end of

school, and last year there were 86 people

who attended, as well as 28 volunteers.

We want to thank Carol Newman for all

her help and dedication to this event, as

she has been running it for the past 10

years. But as life continues on, we are

going to need someone or a group of

people to help for this wonderful event to

continue on into the future. If you would

like to be a part of the planning and

design of the Boyd Book Festival for this

year, and maybe further, please contact

the church office and let us know of your

willingness to participate.

Page 7: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

March 2016

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

1 2 3 4 5 9am Quilters

9:30am CWF Service Day

6pm Rehearsal –

Ozarks Showcase Chorus

3pm Culture Club

6pm Bell Choir

7pm Chancel Choir

NO Culture Club

7:30 Concert – MSU Choral Union

5:30 – Jared Swope Voice Recital

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9:30am Worship

10:30am Fellowship

10:45am Sunday School

9am Men’s Fellowship

NO Culture Club 6pm Rehearsal –

Spfd Metro Chorus

9am Quilters

9:30am CWF Service Day

10am CWF Board Meeting

10:30am CWF Assembly Day

6pm Rehearsal –

Ozarks Showcase Chorus

NO Culture Club

6pm Bell Choir

7pm Chancel Choir

NO Culture Club

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:30am Worship 10:30am Fellowship 10:45am Sunday School 11:30am Love Gift Luncheon 3:00pm Organ Concert – Dr. Mark Bowdidge

9am Men’s Fellowship

NO Culture Club

6pm Rehearsal – Spfd Metro Chorus

9am Quilters

9:30am CWF Service Day

6pm Rehearsal –

Ozarks Showcase Chorus

3pm Culture Club

6pm Bell Choir

7pm Chancel Choir

3pm Culture Club

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Palm Sunday

9:30am Worship

10:30am Fellowship

10:45am Sunday School

9am Men’s Fellowship

3pm Culture Club 5pm Exec Board Meeting 6pm Rehearsal – Spfd Metro Chorus

9am Quilters

9:30am CWF Service Day

6pm Rehearsal –

Ozarks Showcase Chorus

3pm Culture Club

6pm Bell Choir

7pm Chancel Choir

- Office Closed -

3pm Culture Club

6pm Service

Maundy Thursday

In The Chapel

7pm Service

Good Friday

Here at

Central Christian

27 28 29 30 31

Easter Sunday 9:30am Worship

10:30am Fellowship

10:45am Sunday School

9am Men’s Fellowship

3pm Culture Club

6pm Rehearsal – Spfd Metro Chorus

9am Quilters

9:30am CWF Service Day

6pm Rehearsal –

Ozarks Showcase Chorus

3pm Culture Club

6pm Bell Choir

7pm Chancel Choir

3pm Culture Club

Page 8: The Call… · The Call Sermon Title and Scriptures ... pleased to share that Betsy Nace will perform ... Dr. Mark Bowdidge, Music Director

March 2016

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

1 2 3 4 5 Mary Pering Kim Eoff Vicki Nelson

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jan McGee

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Greg Walton Debbie Cook

Carla Frazier

Jody Hahn

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Mary Gleghorn

Diane Miller Dennis Hahn Karen Hahn

27 28 29 30 31 Debra Gleghorn Jon Thomas