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The Chiron Natal Report

The Key and How to Use It

By Tom Jacobs

Evolutionary Astrologer, Energy Worker, Channel [email protected]

Name: Donald Trump

Birth data: 14 June 1946, 10:54 AM, Jamaica NY

Personal Chiron placement: 14 Libra/2nd House

Natal Aspects: Chiron Conjunct Jupiter, Chiron Sextile Pluto, Chiron Sextile South Node,

Chiron Square Mercury, Chiron Trine Sun, Chiron Trine Uranus

Major Transits & Progressions to Chiron: Transiting Saturn Square Chiron, Transiting Jupiter

Sextile Chiron, Progressed Moon Sextile Chiron, Mercury Sextile Chiron

Major Transits of Chiron: Tr. Chiron Opposing Neptune


1. Report Introduction

2. Chiron and His Myth

3. Natal Chiron House

4. Natal Chiron Sign

5. Natal Chiron Aspects

6. Upcoming Important Transits to Chiron

7. Upcoming Important Progressions to Chiron

8. Upcoming Important Transits of Chiron

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1. Report Introduction

In the years since 1977 when Chiron first entered the astrologer’s vocabulary, we have

seen a lot of remarkable work done on the archetype. However we might view this body and

the stories that go with it, we as a collective certainly have been hungry to understand it.

To date, much work has been done on the psychological side of our experience of Chiron,

and it is time to add to that by looking at energy and how it affects us. The view on Chiron

you will explore as you read this report seeks to help you understand what Chiron does in

your psyche and energy field and, therefore, your life. This is a more complete picture than

the psychological view on its own.

When considering what had been done on Chiron in those four decades, I realized that

how the teachings were landing in people’s minds were that one could be wounded or a

wounded healer. Many teachings developed so far may seem to leave us little other option.

For a few years I thought about and around this, in it and through it, trying to understand

what about it bothered me. The answer was that wounding and healing are in fact two kinds

of responses to what Chiron is really about, which is energetic sensitivity.

If we look at a person’s Mercury as representing his or her mental function, and Moon as

his or her emotional and feeling function, Chiron is the energetic sensitivity function. It

works as a sort of antenna for energy. Through it we pick up on energies in the world around

us, including those within other people, and our response to this unique sort of input

determines if we come out the other side feeling wounded or able to serve as a healer for

others. But it is time for us to get beyond this identification with the wound we might be

carrying, as it is limiting. It is one part of us, but as we have not yet really figured out how to

work well and in healthy, balanced, conscious ways with energy – which we experience

within us as emotion – the states of wounded and wounded healer can seem our only two

options. We cannot, however, proceed with our evolution as a species if we remain

connected to our wounds in the way that we have been, letting them and the associated pain

define who we are. We need to learn precisely what the wounds are, where they came from,

and how to release the pain and heal the wound, and manage this antenna for energy within


Yes, you just read that we can heal the Chiron wound. You will read more about this in

the section on Chiron’s myth and archetype below, but know that this perspective that the

Chiron wound can be healed is something I bring to the discussion on this archetype. For

different reasons we have not yet been ready to learn this, but I see that now we are. I

channeled the basic perspective on Chiron relayed here, with the messages coming from an

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© 2010-18 Tom Jacobs [email protected],

ascended master I work with,1 and it came through when it did because we are ready to hear

and benefit from it. This report has made its way to your hands because you as an individual

are ready to move beyond whatever wound Chiron represents in your life. The good news is

that you are not the only one! Many of us are waking up to realize that we don’t have to feel

limited by that wound, and we’re looking for routes to healing it ….

2. Chiron and His Myth

In this section, I will tell you two versions of Chiron’s story, then discuss how the wound

happens and how you can heal the wound. As with most myths, details can differ from

source to source. Chiron’s story as told below represents a summary of a handful of readily-

available sources on Greek mythology.

The Myth as We’ve Received It

Chiron is an immortal. He is known to us as the wounded healer, but he is a teacher of

many subjects to a number of youths who eventually go on heroic quests and become

immortalized in verse. Because of his expertise in many areas – healing, herbs, music, martial

arts/weaponry, etc. – he is for many a go-to guy when there is a problem or when someone

needs to learn one of these skills.

He is a Centaur, which means that he is half-horse and half-human. Almost all the other

Centaurs are uncivilized and boisterous, always getting into trouble. Chiron, on the other

hand, is civilized and therefore does not fit in with them. He also does not fit in with

humans, as his obvious physical differences set him apart in very clear ways. He lives a life of

relative isolation on the fringe of society, and helps others when they need his special skills.

There comes a time when he is called upon to fight in a battle with the other Centaurs.

At one point in the fight he is accidentally pricked in the foot with a poisoned arrow

intended to be fired at the enemy. Some say the poison was of his own creation. As an

immortal, it does not kill him, but he does suffer.

He puts all of his considerable skill in the healing arts toward an attempt to heal himself,

yet he realizes over time that it cannot be done. He continues to suffer excruciatingly, yet

still cannot die. After he has exhausted his skills and resources, he reaches out to make a deal

to trade places with Prometheus and, in the process, give up his immortality so that he can

die. Prometheus is at that point chained to a large rock, having his liver rather

1 A.M. Djehuty, a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin.

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© 2010-18 Tom Jacobs [email protected],

inconveniently eaten out daily by a giant vulture, only to have it grow back in time for the

vulture’s return the next day. He was being punished for stealing fire from the gods and

giving it to humankind, and the punishment was meant to be for eternity.

The deal goes through and Chiron can finally die, ending once and for all the horrible

suffering that he endured from the wound with the poisoned arrow. Death frees him.

Retelling the Story: Two Wounds

While he story above is what you will have encountered in astrology about the meaning

of Chiron, it is in fact about his second wound. It offers us a confused model about why we

experience suffering, and it can ingrain in us a belief that we cannot heal our deepest pain. It

seems to imply that we are better off dead because we cannot heal that pain. This message,

even if only in subtext, is not in any way healthy and cannot serve us going forward. It has

been useful for the last four decades since Chiron’s entrance into astrology because it has

enabled Chiron and his themes to enter our awareness, yet now it’s time to get a more

empowering and life-affirming story into the mix.

To get to the first wound, I’m going to tell you the story of Chiron’s conception and birth.

His mother was a nymph named Philyra. As she went about her business in the forest one

day, Kronos (whom we know better as Saturn) saw her and decided he wanted her. She did

not want to be had by him, so she took the form of a horse and fled. He took the form of a

horse and chased her, ultimately catching up to her and having his way with her. Not long

after, she returned to her humanoid form. When the baby was born later, she was horrified

to see that he was a Centaur, half-horse and half-human. Her reaction upon seeing him was

one of shock and disgust, and she had the baby taken away. Chiron was then raised primarily

by two gods, Apollo the Sun god (also the god of healing) and Artemis, the goddess of the


This rejection at birth is the first Chiron wound, and it is the one to focus on now if we

want to understand how we experience Chiron in our lives. This wound is some sort of

rejection at birth or when we are very young – anywhere from minutes old to about 18

months – and all future Chironic wounding is an echo, or repeat, of that original wounding.

This fact is a critical key to understanding healing Chiron issues.

How You Were Wounded

What happened to the baby that you were is that in being hypersensitive to energy, you

were aware of the energetic reactions of your parents or other primary care givers when it

came to a particular energy and part of life. There was a moment one day when that parent

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disapproved of something you did or wouldn’t do, or gave you a funny look that was

unintentional, and you perceived that he or she did not love you. It seemed that you were

unloved, or that you were about to lose the love you did have to that point. You associated

something about you or what you did with that reaction, and the fear of rejection or loss of

love became cemented. Chiron’s configuration in your birth chart tells the story of the kind

of thing you did that – and how you did it – that seemed to earn this rejection or threat of

the loss of love.

When your Chiron wounding is triggered later, it is because you perceive that you will

be rejected for doing something or behaving in some way – the same way of being or

behaving as that important wounding moment in your infancy ….

How You Can Heal the Wound

But what is really going on is that it is this inner child of yours, this infant, who is

reacting to others’ reactions. You are now carrying a number of inner kids, each shaped by a

painful experience at some point in your youth when you decided you needed to protect

yourself – always they are shaped in response to very painful situations in which you felt you

couldn’t protect yourself.

In your daily life now, you go about your business and something in your environment

triggers this inner infant into defense mode, or into self-editing or suppression. The

emotional charge when this happens can be deep. You might try to hide this part of you and

avoid certain mine field-laden parts of life to make sure you are not hurt again. It is

important to realize that in these moments when your Chiron wounding is stirred, it is a

little-kid version of you, a baby version of you, who comes to the surface and, in a way, takes


There are solutions for various aspects of this situation. One is to be aware always that

the fear of being different can be healed by accepting that, in truth, everyone is different,

and everyone at one time or another feels vulnerable about this fact. The fear is related to the

wounding from infancy because you don’t want to stand out, or get attention for going

against the grain – you don’t want to risk doing something or being some way that might

make others reject you. Chiron in any of us, then, relates to a way in which we are different,

but also a way we might tend to fear being different because it might lead to rejection or a

loss of love if others saw it in us.

The second healing route is in becoming the kind of parent that you wish you had when

you were a kid ….

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Energetic Health

When we do accept ourselves in all the ways that others have not, we can take the

Chironic energetic sensitivity we carry and turn it into a gift we can give to others. And we

can do this without being burdened by all the emotions they might be carrying and trying to

put on us. When we’re reacting from an inner infant’s wounding, we are wide open to

energies around us, as the inner infant does not feel safe and secure. The unconditional love

your inner infant did not get resulted in you feeling unsafe and insecure.

When we meet the emotional needs of our inner kids, better emotional health and

feeling free to help others when we wish to results, without feeling compromised or letting

ourselves be drained by it. It also leads to clarity about what it is that we could really do for

others in a situation and when it’s appropriate (a.k.a. energetic and emotional boundaries),

which helps us be more effective and consciously aware when we do choose to help others

when it comes to their pain and suffering.

As we are learning more about ourselves as energetic beings, Chiron is an important part

of ourselves to get to know. Understanding the nature and function of the energetic antenna

within you will allow you heal past Chironic emotional wounding, and this in turn will

allow you to deal with other people’s wounding and suffering in wonderful new ways and in

the present tense, not subject to your fears about the repeating of painful histories of

rejection and feeling unloved. You will be available to feel all you can feel, yet have healthy

emotional boundaries because you understand how not to make too much of the energy that

others carry and perhaps offer you, and not to take on from others what they are feeling.

On the next page you will see your birth chart. The rest of the report is dedicated to

explaining Chiron in your birth chart.

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3. Your Chiron House

The houses represent different parts of life. A house is where the action takes place.

When we have a body in a house, we have an emphasis of action in that house. That body

works through, primarily, the parts of life represented by that house.

Your Chiron house is where you show up as different. Automatically, it also represents

the history of the wounding that you have experienced. The original wound is always about

things that have to do with parts of life associated with this house.

If you're in a wounded phase, then this is the part of life you will try to edit. This house

represents the experiences in life that you may try to edit out of your life to avoid

experiencing the pain of rejection. Everything that has to do with this house will contain a

lot of buttons in your emotional life that get triggered, so you might tend to avoid it as much

as you can, and you will also be hypersensitive to what goes on in these parts of life.

As you edit this part of life out or try to, you may even not let others in your life become

aware of your sensitivity to these things. In attempting to edit it out, you avoid things that

have to do with this part of life, and hope that nobody notices. Eventually people notice, but

if they don't have the kind of vocabulary of astrology or some other kind of interpretive art

that helps them understand and explain how people are wired, they won't get it. They’ll

simply see that you’re vulnerable, insecure, or hurt about that part of life.

The feeling with the sense of being wounded in your Chiron house is that "I've done this

before and I've been hurt, why should I do it again?" If you are in the wounded healer phase,

you will have an identity surrounding your role in parts of life represented by the house

where Chiron is. You might have developed an identity surrounding what you do for other

people who are hurt in this part of life or who need help and support. It is an extension of

identifying with the wound. It's just kind of a different take on it.

The third phase is when one is beyond the wound and beyond the identity of a wounded

healer. This house represents the parts of life in which you can provide an example of

uniqueness, and can teach others by example to have compassion for anybody and everybody

because we all are unique. Those beyond identifying with the wound can provide this

example for others because they are committed to being compassionate with themselves.

Chiron in the 2nd House

The 2nd house represents skills, resources, value systems, self worth, and self esteem. A lot

of times we hear about the 2nd house being about money, but there's this chain that is linked

through the 2nd house, where you get from self esteem to money: Whatever you find

important is your value system. That's going to dictate what skills you choose to gather and

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develop and perfect, and those are going to dictate where you put them to use, in what parts

of life, and that's going to dictate what kinds of resources that you get in response, and one of

the resources we talk about is money.

The bottom line here is about survival. We look at all the things that are necessary to

survival including skills, so that you can earn money so that you can have food so that you

can continue surviving. So this is a whole chain that goes with the 2nd house.

The wound when Chiron is in the 2nd house is to your capacity to develop self esteem. It

is to your capacity to love yourself and utterly accept all the ways that you are wired. In the

1st house, it's about the body and how the body shows up and is used. In the 2nd house it's

more about your conception of self and what you are worth.

The wound here says, "What I think is important doesn't matter, what I think is worth

gathering as a skill, the things I consider worthy of learning are not that important. How I

use the skills that I have isn't important, they will get me rejected." All of these things, your

interests, value system, skills, the ways that you want to earn money, the ways that prove

yourself to you, the ways that you establish self-esteem may seem pointless because others

will always reject you for being who you are.

If you have identified with this wound, this part of life will bring you pain and you may

try to avoid it altogether. How that can look is if you follow someone else's game plan, even

though it's very obvious that it's not important to you and/or that you don’t want to do it ….

4. Your Chiron Sign

A sign is a lens through which the energy of a planet or point works. It indicates the

method and also the motivation of an energy. The sign in which Chiron is found in your

chart tells us of the way your Chiron seeks expression. It will be the sign, or one of the

twelve ways of being, that you may try to edit in your life so that you do not trigger

invalidation, rejection, or a loss of love and support from others.

In other words, a twelfth of your possible kinds of expression are affected by this

sensitivity. Look to see what other planets or points you might also have in this sign, and see

how their expression has also been affected by your experience of emotion and energy

related to Chiron’s energy antenna.

Chiron in Libra

Libra is the sign of trying to find balance, working to create fairness, and learning healthy

negotiation and compromise. It’s often thought to be about relationship, but it can be more

fruitful to think of it in terms of being about relating: What you expect from others, what

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you ask them for, what you assume you are to bring to others, and how you respond to

others’ desires and needs. Through the lens of Libra, we learn about ourselves as we gauge

how others see us. We learn to value ourselves because they value us or, sometimes, the

opposite. A planet working the lens of Libra seeks to be kind and generous in order to be

liked and accepted.

With Chiron in Libra, your primary wound from childhood is to the sense of being able

to both ask for what you want and say “no” when others want things from you. Your ability

to feel open to approach others when you need support may be compromised as a result, as

you attempt not to have to find out what someone else thinks of you. As the wound of

rejection with Chiron here is to your sense of togetherness, and of feeling safe opening up to

another, you might have developed certain strategies to avoid letting others see much of who

you are. The inner kid you’re carrying is pretty sure that if you do, there’s just more rejection

waiting for you. The pain from the original wounding event left that part of you feeling that

giving others a chance to see and get close to you isn’t going to work out well, and that inner

kid might still carry the pain that resulted from one of your parents or other important

caregiver not being available to connect or spend time with you when you were so young

and very clearly needed it.

It’s important that you realize that you are hypersensitive to how others treat and react to

you. While that inner child might be afraid of rejection just for telling someone who you are,

what you want or need, or just making conversation, you as an adult can learn to temper that

part’s reactivity to perceived rejection. The truth is that you are not worthy of rejection, but

this inner child has an eagle eye constantly on the lookout for signs that others don’t like

you, or might not like you. If you can’t get someone’s attention, that part of you might

withdraw inward and internalize pain. The same can happen if someone keeps interrupting

you when you’re trying to share something that matters to you or, even, to the relationship

between you. Getting on the same page with others can be easier for you if you realize that

these behaviors from others aren’t judgments from them about your worth, but

manifestations of being distractable that many humans experience as we live in our minds

and sometimes forget to treat others around as humans. It’s just that you are more aware than

others of the importance of maintain connection, and you’re more sensitive than others

when connection is lost or denied ….

5. Chiron in Aspect to Natal Planets

When Chiron makes an aspect with a planet or point in your birth chart, it says that

there is a conversation within you between the two energies. You can think of your psyche

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as a meeting room filled with all the different planets in your chart. Those in aspect to each

other are friends, supporters of each other, perceived enemies, or rivals. As aspect says that

they are always in dialogue with each other in one way or another.

No aspect is good or bad. Aspects thought of as traditionally easy, sextiles and trines, can

be difficult to experience, as too much prodding (sextile) or supporting/boosting (trine) can

lead us into spasmodic, unconsidered expression or laziness and complacency, respectively.

Aspects thought of traditionally as not so easy, squares and oppositions, can bring wonderful

opportunities for creative change and growth (square) and increasing levels of self-awareness

(opposition), allowing us to lead ourselves into new levels of healthier, happier living.

Conjunctions, traditionally thought of as either good or bad depending on the natures of the

planets involved, indicate a fusion of two energies, which is neither automatically good nor

bad. For all of these relationships between energies, infinite manifestations are possible.

Natal Chiron Conjunct Jupiter

Jupiter in your natal chart is the planet of belief, higher ideals, philosophy, taking risks,

and having hope and faith. It’s the planet of the internal dance between optimism and

pessimism, and you have to learn through your Jupiter placements what’s worth believing in

and why. When Chiron is aspecting your Jupiter, your internal belief function is affected by

your awareness of energy and emotion in the world around you. A healthy experience of

these aspects will include at times altering or upgrading your beliefs because of emotional

data you pick up on or receive from others in your environment. One question that might

arise could have to do with if your beliefs factor in or overlook the reality of they affect

people in the real world.

It’s possible with one of these aspects that you’re inclined to come up with big ideas that,

at some point, have to be framed due to the real impact they have on the actual lives of

humans … including you. A good guiding principle would be to make sure you don’t attempt

to expand into new territory or create new universes in your imagination and ignore your

subtle awareness of emotions, needs, and feeling.

With Jupiter conjunct Chiron natally, your belief and hope function is entirely wrapped

up with the sensitivity and vulnerability of what you pick up in others with the Chiron

energy and emotion antenna. While some others’ Jupiters may seem to be able to make big

plans left and right and act on them with no issues, your process will involve the need to

overcome any sense that there’s something wrong with how you see the world and what

goes on in your imagination ….

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Natal Chiron Sextile Pluto

As Pluto in evolutionary astrology is the marker of the soul's desires and intentions as

well as the soul's deepest wounding and pain, I look at it as the marker of the soul's

empowerment mission. We have to overcome our fears from the pain from the past in order

to feel the deep sense of grounded strength that Pluto can offer us, to feel empowered to

manifest the mission we came here to manifest.

With Chiron is in aspect to Pluto in your birth chart, Chiron is involved directly in your

karmic history, your experiences in many lives that your soul is living on earth. It means that

Chiron is wrapped up in the intentions and desires of your soul as well as your deepest


The Chiron wounding is about your sense of rejection for being unique, for just being

yourself as a unique individual. The Pluto wounding is about feeling disempowered, or

feeling not strong enough to accomplish what is most important to you.

When these are in aspect in a birth chart, the awareness and sensitivity to energy of a

person affects the soul’s mission and capacity to feel empowered as a human. It is a multi-life

issue, and so learning healthy ways to feel and acknowledge energy and emotion, including

responding to it, is extremely important for your growth as a human.

Whatever aspect you have, you will experience your sensitivity to your own emotional

reality and those of others as affecting your most important goals, and your sense of strength

and personal power as an individual.

With the sextile to Pluto, there is a triggering effect between your sensitivity to energy

and your deepest passions and fears. In some way in your soul’s many lives, you experience

again and again your mission being shaped in response to the energy you sense in the world

around you. How you understand the point of pain and suffering, how you deal with your

own as well as those of others, will determine a great deal of your empowerment journey.

The sextile’s triggering effect is to poke you in the ribs or to tickle you, each of which can

call for a response. Sometimes, in fact, the poking or tickling does not stop until you respond


Natal Chiron Sextile the South Node

The South Node of the Moon is the repository of emotional memories from our past lives.

The South Node by house, sign, and aspect tells us about your conditioning environments,

the families that your soul chooses again and again to be born into. The North Node indicates

what you are ready to learn, to expand your repertory by adding this new perspective.

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When Chiron aspects this axis, the energy antenna is a major part of your soul’s learning

journey as a human. You are in a long-term learning module about the point of pain and

suffering, and what one should do in response to it in self and other.

The sextile to the South Node says that the environment you were born into are

stimulated by Chiron energy and experiences. The buttons of the people you were born to

are pushed in a very stimulating and aggressive way by Chironic issues. For better or worse,

whether this is about wounding or healing, you are very familiar with how and why to

respond or not to respond to pain within you and in the world around you ….

Natal Chiron Square Mercury

Mercury in your natal chart represents the perception and communication function

within you. How you open to, take in, and process information of all kinds is described by

your Mercury placement. When it’s in aspect to Chiron’s energy antenna, these functions

within you are informed by an awareness of emotion in others. Your linear, logical mind is,

in other words, picking up an entirely source of information beyond logic, and you are

challenged to figure out how to live with these two sources affecting each other.

Your mind and communication tendencies are affected by your own emotions and those

of others, leading at times to unique expression that no one – including you – expects. To

make healthy use of this aspect, you need to honor that your mind, ears, eyes, and mouth are

at times operating according to cues and information that are not obvious may be hidden to


The downsides of Mercury-Chiron aspects include come when you fear learning,

thinking, and speaking because you believe others will reject you for your unique take on

things. When you can accept your uniqueness when it comes to learning, mental processing,

speaking, and writing, you will see that you have an ability to bridge thought and emotion in

ways that can bring healing to you and others. The gift of Mercury and Chiron in

conversation within your psyche is to become aware of and be able to articulate subtle

realities of human experience that typically escape the normally controlling natures of the

human brain, focused as they tend to be on eliminating complexity and subtlety.

With Mercury natally square Chiron, your mind and mental abilities will seem at times

in friction with energetic/emotional information. As you go about your normal business

doing things with language and numbers, and engaged in research and communications, you

will feel subtle cues from others’ emotional realms coming to you. This can at times seem like

an interruption to what you’re trying to accomplish, but there’s an invitation here for you to

allow in emotional cues that can help you reorient what your mind is doing and why.

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Mercury for many is the part of the self that most often runs life, and with this aspect you are

being challenged to allow more sensitivity to various human emotional realities affect and

guide what you learn, think, write, and share with others ….

Natal Chiron Trine Sun

Within a person, the Sun is ideally the part that makes all of the decisions. If we talked

about your chart as telling us of a meeting going on within you, the Sun would be the CEO,

the one running the meeting. In order for our Sun to be healthy, we have to maintain a sense

of rationality, we have to express ourselves, we have to consider and then make our opinions

count, and we have to shine in some way. That's one of the functions of Sun – not only

organizing all of the rest of the parts of us into one voice, or as much of one voice as possible

given all these different agendas within us, but also shining – taking responsibility for

expressing ourselves personally and creatively.

Being human is about being creative. When you think of the Sun’s function in you as

being about creativity, it doesn’t always look like what we usually consider creativity to be.

Human creativity isn’t just about art, music, drama, and dance, but about all the ways that

we make choices and show others who we are.

When the energetic sensitizer, Chiron is in aspect to Sun in your natal chart, this part of

you that is making the decisions is deeply affected by a deep sensitivity to energy. How this

is experienced and how it is expressed will depend entirely on how you perceive this

energetic sensitivity. It will depend on what you think is happening when you sense it, and

what you believe is happening when you do or do not respond to it. Some of us respond with

much compassion for self and other. Some of us respond with a sensitivity that is experienced

as a vulnerability and a woundedness., even seeing sensitivity as a weakness.

With your Chiron aspects, everything depends upon your relationship with your wound

and sensing and responding to the pain of others. With the Sun involved, the part of you that

is making your decisions, the final arbiter within the psyche is sensing energy in one way or

another. Most of us are taught that the Sun is this rational, grounded, sane, with-it energy.

Ideally it can and should be, but when you add in Chiron, you're talking about you having a

sensitivity to energy that can result in a wound that affects your solar and creative

expression. Your experience of this will depend entirely on how you relate to sensing energy

and where you stand regarding the wound that has developed because of it ….

Natal Chiron Trine Uranus

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Uranus in the natal chart represents the part of us that needs to create freedom,

sometimes at all costs. This is the rebel, the revolutionary, the iconoclast, the anarchist. To

do Uranus well, we have to become willing to be free, which means become willing to say

“no” to and leave scenarios that don’t work for us – anything that constricts us or makes us

feel fenced in, corralled, or limited. Part of the Uranian process also involves being willing to

conform until you explode into needing to be free. And so there is in fact a wide spectrum

involved living Uranian energy that spans from utter and complete boredom to being

unwilling to put up with anything that feels limiting or constricting.

When Uranus is aspecting Chiron natally, the conversation between this energetic

sensitizer and this need to be free is engaged. Uranus energy on its own makes us aware of

where we need to bust out into new and healthier levels of freedom, while Chiron makes us

aware of how others perceive and receive us. These two in conversation present the

opportunity to become deeply aware of the costs of freedom both within us and in the world

around us, including in our relationships.

With natal Uranus and Chiron trine, your need for freedom and innovation is in sort of a

cheerleading relationship with your energy/emotion antenna. You might find that you rush

into new Uranian expressions because of the subtle energies and emotional cues you pick up

in other people. In other words, you might be inspired into Uranian territory when you feel

emotions of all kinds flow.

You might get your best ideas as and after you feel challenging feelings come up for air

and to be talked about and processed. It could be that the best thing for you is to express

whatever it is you’re carrying so that you don’t have to get stuck carrying it. This is because

you will have learned over time what it’s like to feel stuck in place in your life in a general

way because you’re holding onto some uncomfortable feeling, slight, or rejection. When you

let it go, you can move on with your life ….

6. Transits to Chiron

Transiting planets ask questions. They infuse, stimulate, stir, challenge, or confront the

energies within us in order to inspire us to figure out answers to those questions. Transits to

Chiron ask questions that vary depending upon the planet in question. All questions from

transiting planets to Chiron center on our relationship to ourselves as sensitive to energy, as

beings who feel energy. How will we respond to the pain and suffering within us and outside

of us? is the basis of many of these questions. What will we decide it means that we feel what

we can feel and what we do feel? Also: Are we willing to own our uniqueness without

apology or fear of rejection?

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When these questions are asked, invariably our past experiences in navigating the energy

of Chiron come up for review. Remember that most outer planet transits are slow, so with

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, it might be up to a two-and-a-half-year process of confronting

your history and choices about Chiron energy. As a consequence, a lot of deep and

meaningful experiences can build up over that time and you can be stirred to go really, really

deep into how it is that you experience your Chiron.

For any outer planet transit, our experience is determined by our response to the

questions. As these outer planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – ask their

questions, whether this is a positive experience or a negative experience is all determined by

your response. Navigating transits to Chiron in a healthy way invariably requires coming out

of being wounded, and coming out of choosing to perceive yourself as a victim being forced

to experience energies around you ….

Transiting Jupiter Sextile Natal Chiron (early January 2019 – late September 2019)

Jupiter transits always ask us to expand, to take some risk, and to imagine something

better than we've had before. Its questions include, Have you underestimated yourself?

Should you believe in yourself more, should you do more, risk more, be bigger in some way?

We tend to think of Jupiter as the bringer of luck, sort of like Santa Claus, but what it really

does is bring the opportunity for us to believe in ourselves and that our life can be better and

more enjoyable.

When Jupiter transits Chiron, it brings the opportunity to risk more sensitivity.

Regardless of which aspect we could talk about, the questions Jupiter asks Chiron are, Are

you willing to feel more? Are you willing to imagine that what you thought it meant is

different? It will do this by bringing an abundance of feeling opportunities. For somebody

who is really identifying with the wound in Chiron, Jupiter will seem to augment it. Jupiter

will seem to bring opportunities surrounding it, but automatically, as soon as you open to

that energy of making something bigger that Jupiter brings – bringing this energy of

abundance to you. If you're feeling the wound and you're not letting it go, then the feeling

will intensify, and you may have new opportunities to feel into what this Chiron natal

wound is really about.

The sextile from Jupiter to Chiron will seek to set off Chiron. It will trigger and stimulate

your Chironic sensitivity. The effect you might feel is Jupiter poking your sensitivity to

energy and emotion in the ribs, or tickling it so that it can't help but respond. This is the

energy of bigness stimulating or triggering this antenna for energy that is Chiron within you.

You're going to see a lot of new opportunities to feel with this transit! If you are not

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comfortable feeling, or if you are not comfortable feeling all that you human energy antenna

can feel, then there could be some coloring outside the lines when it comes to emotional

sensitivity and expression ….

Transiting Saturn Square Natal Chiron (mid January 2019 – late November 2019)

Saturn transits ask us, "Are you doing enough? Are you working hard enough? Are you

realistic, mature, and willing to sacrifice in order to achieve a goal?” These questions are

designed to bring out the part of us that can do all these things. These transits seek to stir us

to mature in new ways, and get more grounded in realism than we have ever been before.

When transiting Saturn comes to contact Chiron, the questions can include, "Are you

being realistic that this is what suffering is about? Are you being realistic about what you

think pain and suffering are for?" They will also include a reality check about structure,

discipline, and sacrifice when it comes to emotional and energetic sensitivity. These transits

seek to make us more aware of whatever emotional indulgences we might partake in related

to Chiron. This can include where we feel sorry for ourselves for having been rejected in the

past, and also how we respond to the suffering of other people. These can be great times for

coming out of any whininess that we might be slipping into now and then (or be mired in!),

and for keeping a realistic eye on how we help and heal others and why we do so ….

The square from Saturn to Chiron in transit will say to you, "Whatever you're doing with

your Chiron, whatever you're feeling, however you're feeling, you're not doing it right. Here

are some ways that you can change in order to make that better." Squares always present

friction and pressure. Whenever something squares something else, there is a natural

criticism that you should change something, and there is always advice from the squaring

planet about how that can done.

Now, this is a fantastic opportunity for growth. Sometimes we need some pressure from

outside forces in order to learn more about what we are really doing and what we can do to

change it. We need to have our assumptions and beliefs challenged, and this square from

Saturn is inviting you to open to seeing how more structure, discipline, authority, and

maturity when it comes to how you manage your energy antenna could really be great for

you right now.

This could be some form of reality check for how you deal with serving or helping

others, and how you manage your emotional life and the wound that you might have been

carrying since infancy. The sobering influence of Saturn is now asking you to gain clear

insight into your Chiron and to choose to do something constructive about healing it. It can

seem a clear and direct demand to grow up already, in fact. Not many of us respond well to

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that, but if you see that this demand is actually meant to stir you into taking better care of

yourself, this can be a time during which you relationship to emotions within you and

others, including how you respond to suffering of self and other, can be healed and evolved

with a little realism and effort ….

7. Progressions to Chiron

Secondary progressions represent inner change that needs to become expressed

outwardly. You will feel these changes from the inside out and, eventually, feel like making

them part of your outer life in some way. The different parts of you represented by the

different angles and planetary bodies that we progress in charts each undergoes an evolution.

When you bring out the parts of you that are changing, you add different experiences to

your repertory over time.

Progressions to Chiron indicate a need for different parts of you to integrate and to

incorporate an awareness of energetic sensitivity into your conception of self. Ultimately it

will be important for you to allow that to come out in your behavior. Your life over time

changes from the inside out when you adapt to this new Chironic information and new

levels of opening to and incorporating it – which is to say the data that your Chironic

antenna for energy provides you.

When we add progressed elements to a chart, we look at Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus,

and Mars as well as the angles, Ascended-Descendant axis and the Midheaven-Nadir or MC-

IC axis. The outer planets move too slowly to be considered useful in progressions.

Progressed Moon Sextile Natal Chiron (early April 2018 – late July 2018)

The progressed Moon making the rounds of your birth chart tells us about your priorities

in the moment surrounding your evolving routes to creating happiness, safety, and security

in your life. When it comes to contact your natal Chiron, it’s time for you to integrate

something about the importance of emotional and energetic sensitivity. For many of us this

will be about learning better and more conscious ways of approaching and dealing with the

pain that we and others experience that we might not have to date been completely sure

about how to live with and process.

The sextile from your progressed Moon brings the energy stimulation to your energy

antenna. It’s time to open to learning more ways not just to deal with the facts of your

energetic sensitivity, but also to make sure that you do something about it. Perhaps more

important at this time is that you become aware of what you think and feel about the needs

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of self and other, and what motivates you to do anything about them if you do (and why not

if you don’t!) ….

Progressed Mercury Sextile Natal Chiron (late January 2018 – late June 2019)

Mercury in the natal chart represents perception, mind, communication, and curiosity,

including what you’re interested in. Progressed Mercury represents all of these things in an

evolving state: the evolving interests, the evolving communication style, the evolving

perception style and ability. When this timing marker makes contact with your natal Chiron,

your mind, thoughts, and voice are developing in ways that must now integrate some

message of your natal energy and emotion antenna.

It could be about your interests now leaning toward the human condition, including the

ways that people create pain and suffering for themselves as they learn to grow into being

the source of love for themselves. Or perhaps through your senses you’re picking up more

subtle cues, the energies and emotions behind the words people are using. It could also be

that you’re now more vulnerable about your communication style and voice and haven’t

understood why, even as others may be encouraging you to speak out and up while you

wonder if you can afford to risk being heard with this newfound sensitivity. Or, it could be

all of these things. The particular aspect will provide more details.

With progressed Mercury sextile your natal Chiron, your energy antenna is being poked

and prodded by words, ideas, questions, and new information. From the inside out, you’re

now realizing that you don’t have the whole story, and that you need to figure out new ways

of understanding what’s happening within people and why. The world around you might

reveal itself as a tapestry of individual responses to personal issues, and your curiosity about

how this works and what it means might be piqued ….

8. Transits of Chiron

Chiron in transit serves as an energy sensitizer. In transit it touches the different planets

and angles and points in your natal chart, offering new opportunities for you to experience

energetic information and learn new ways to conceive of and respond to it. Remember that

how we typically receive that information is in the form of emotional input and data. Chiron

in transit will, therefore, bring you opportunities to open to feel more and on deeper levels

your natural human emotional and energetic sensitivity.

This can have you gaining new insights about how it is that you typically function when

it comes to Chiron, and what you might be ready to learn to do differently. These transits

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may stir your natal Chiron wounding or, perhaps, open up your energy antenna so you can

feel more and more deeply, and learn to leave behind whatever resistance to sensing energy

and emotion, and dealing with pain and suffering of self and other, that you might have.

Your experience of any Chiron transit will be determined by how you answer Chiron’s

questions for you. Chiron transits can offer an opportunity to gain more consciousness about

yourself and how you are wired. Take the time to see just what you are being asked and take

a look at your habitual responses to such questions – you might surprise yourself!

Transiting Chiron Opposing Natal Neptune (late April 2019 – early March 2021)

Neptune in your natal chart represents how you need to connect to something bigger

than yourself to find a sense of meaning in life. The planet tells us of how you do or don’t

find yourself at home in the universe, and how you do or don’t feel like you belong on this

plane(t). Neptune is also a marker of energetic sensitivity sort of akin to Chiron, but it’s a

wide net or a satellite dish in comparison with the pointed energetic antenna of Chiron. In

other words, with Neptune you pick up a lot that may or may not be relevant to you, while

with Chiron you pick up specific signals of emotional data in others and in the world around

you that have to do with what you are personally wired to feel and that have been part of

your personal experience.

Neptune can represent your connection to the collective or to the masses of humanity.

This part of you can pick up on energetic cues and trends in the collective unconscious,

whether through consuming mass media or simply being aware of what’s going on in the

world. If you don’t get that sense of meaning and connectedness to life you innately need,

you might pursue escapist tendencies and behaviors. As we all know, escapism can have us

sliding toward some sort of addiction. It can be the kind of thing we typically recognize, such

as alcohol or other substances, but it can also be related to food, media, games, pornography,

sex, or anything else that gives us temporary infusions of pleasure and distracts us from the

pain of feeling a meaninglessness and disconnection that our inner Neptune needs. What

that meaningfulness gives us is, in fact, a sense of being part of the divine scheme of things.

While we always have it within us, we have to get through the fogs of self-deception and

misunderstanding that can keep us from knowing it directly as part of who we are ….

With transiting Chiron opposing your natal Neptune, you are being asked to gain new

levels of awareness about any distractive or escapist behaviors you might resort to if you are

trying to avoid a painful sense of purposelessness or meaninglessness. You might be going

about your normal routines and begin to catch yourself noticing that your motivation for a

certain choice or pattern just doesn’t feel right. Ideally, you’re willing to take some time to

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feel and intuit into the source, the reason, or the thing you’re trying to avoid or forget

through choosing this behavior. For many, this opening into willingness to explore this can

bring a profound sense of emptiness. Or, better put, it can reveal that such a sense has always

been there but covered over with escapist band aids that may have, in truth, been destructive


Additional Resources on Chiron

Chiron, 2012, and the Aquarian Age: The Key and How to Use It

-An 11.5 hour MP3 course, available through

-The transcription of the audio course is available through, Amazon, and


Living in the Present Tense: A Personalized Astrological 2012 Prep Course/Natal Report

A natal report focused on emotional healing related to the end of the Mayan Calendar, a.k.a.

2012, focusing on Chiron, Pluto, Lilith, and Lucifer. Available through

Living Myth: Exploring Archetypal Journeys

Book available through, Amazon, and Kindle.