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Page 1: The cottonmouth snake

A poisonous snake

by Danny 4B


Page 2: The cottonmouth snake

• The Cottonmouth snake is called it because of the cotton-like mouth it is very dangerous it has a long black scaly body that can camouflage themselves


Page 3: The cottonmouth snake

Diet in the zoo




Diet in the wild

Their diet includes fish, frogs, salamander, lizards, small turtles, baby alligators, birds, small mammals, and other snakes. Prey such as frogs, fish, and other snakes

are held in the jaws for a few moments after capture to allow them to succumb to the venom. Mammals (which are likely to bite back) are struck and then instantly

released. If the victim flees before the venom takes effect, the cottonmouth tracks it by scent. It then examines the carcass by touching it with its tongue to make sure

that the prey is dead. It swallows the prey headfirst. Unlike non-venomous reptiles, the cottonmouth takes its time when feeding, perhaps because its prey is dead.


New-born cottonmouths have a unique predatory technique. They flick their brightly coloured tail tips, which look like worms, as bait, enticing small frogs or minnows

within striking range. The copperhead is also know to do this


Page 4: The cottonmouth snake

The enemies of the cottonmouth are these include king snakes, great blue herons, and largemouth bass.


Page 5: The cottonmouth snake

• This snake lives in South America


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The babies are born from eggs and are really small.