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“The Courageus Princess”(by 5th grade B)

Once upon a time, there was a princess. She wasn't allowed to play with the other children.

-”How boring it is to be a princess!”, she said.

Hace tiempo, había una princesa

She heard few girls singing and asked them:

-”What are you singing?”

The girl said that in order to get to the King's castle, she had to break a pair of iron shoes.-”You have to break a pair of iron shoes”, said the girl.

She wandered until she got to magic forest.

- I need a pair of iron shoes , strong but nice , she said.

She met an old woman who didn't know where the king was, but asked her son the sun.

-”Do you know where the king's castle is?”

-”No”, Sun said.

Sun said, he didn't know anything about it.

-“I don't know where it is, maybe my sisters, the Stars, could know it.” He said.

The old woman prepared some breakfast that was eaten quickly by the starved Princess. The stars arrived some time later, but they didn't know either and suggested her to ask to the wind.

The princess continued her journey and met another old woman, who didn't know where the King's castle was, and suggested her to ask to her son, the wind.

-”He may know it, but he can also hurt you.”

Wind said to go out from the back door and she'd be there. Once she was out,the iron shoes had disappeared and there was the castle.

After looking everywhere, she saw him. “There he is!”

The now happy princess sat down by the bed-head. “He is very handsome”, she thought.

Time was passing by and the King was still asleep, but one day time had come, it was Saint Jonh's day. One of the servants suggested that she go outside, but King woke up.” Look out the window!” The servant said.

Once the king was awake, he saw the servant who triked him by saying she was the princess.

-”My majesty, I looked after you the whole time.”

The King promised a gift to every dame.”i will give you gift, choose whatever you want and you will find it in your room”, the King said.

The pricess asked for a stone and a branch of sorrow.”I just want a stone and a branch of sorrow”, she said.

The King promised a gift to every dame.”I will give you a gift, choose whatever you want and you will find it in your room”, the King said.

The King stopped her. -”Don't do it ! You are the one who was by my side the whole time”, he said. And when the two looked at each other again......

They fell in love, got married, and lived happily ever after.

“The End”