Page 1: The Crusader States Do Now: Simply by looking at the map, what can we learn about the nature of the crusader states?

The Crusader States

Do Now:

Simply by looking at the map, what can we learn about the nature of the crusader states?

Page 2: The Crusader States Do Now: Simply by looking at the map, what can we learn about the nature of the crusader states?


• Gain an overview of key features of the Crusader Kingdoms.

Page 3: The Crusader States Do Now: Simply by looking at the map, what can we learn about the nature of the crusader states?

Travel article

• Create a travel article exploring the crusader kingdoms.

• It should be written as if you are a contemporary writing for Western European readers.

• Focus on the similarities and differences with Western Europe.

Page 4: The Crusader States Do Now: Simply by looking at the map, what can we learn about the nature of the crusader states?

Fancy a life in the sun? Well you could do worse than a life in Outremer. Outremer boasts an exotic range of new foods and cultures to encounter. You’ll find very few of the unwashed, filthy peasantry with which we are so familiar in France. Here the peasants occasionally wash and, pleasingly, keep themselves to themselves. They have their own local headmen who take care of the day-to-day running of the estates which allows us nobles to luxuriate in the attractions of the towns. Perhaps best of all, their feudal dues are replaced by taxation. Gone are the tedious tours of ones estates; no more will a filthy rabble crawl over your lands to harvest turnips. Instead a steady stream of good, hard cash will stream into your coffers. One can even dispense with the peasantry entirely. The kings here are fond of retaining their vassals through payment rather than land.

Some of the customs of the Holy Land take some getting used to. One is surrounded by the infidel – Jew and Muslim – and it is impossible to go about business without some dealings with them. Fortunately some of them are rather tolerable and one can always release some pent up frustration by raiding Seljuk territory to massacre infidels and seize their assets. Far more irritating than the infidels are the Italians. They saunter around as if they own the place, carving out niches of cities which operate under their own laws. For them, Christian brotherhood takes second place to financial gain. Like leeches they suck the wealth of this kingdom but, alas, we need them and their boats.

So, come to the Holy Land where very day is Sunday! Visit the Holy Sepulchre, kill in Christ’s name and be assured a place in heaven!

Page 5: The Crusader States Do Now: Simply by looking at the map, what can we learn about the nature of the crusader states?


• What are the three most important:a) Similaritiesb) Differences

between Outremer and Western Europe in C12th?
