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Now writing under the pen-name of HARUN YAHYA,

Adnan Oktar was born in Ankara in 1956. Having completed his

primary and secondary education in Ankara, he studied fine arts

at Istanbul's Mimar Sinan University and philosophy at Istanbul

University. Since the 1980s, he has published many books on poli-

tical, scientific, and faith-related issues. Harun Yahya is well-

known as the author of important works disclosing the imposture

of evolutionists, their invalid claims, and the dark liaisons between

Darwinism and such bloody ideologies as fascism and commu-


Harun Yahya's works, translated into 72 different languages,

constitute a collection for a total of more than 55,000 pages with

40,000 illustrations.

His pen-name is a composite of the names Harun (Aaron) and

Yahya (John), in memory of the two esteemed Prophets who fought

against their peoples' lack of faith. The Prophet's seal on his books'

covers is symbolic and is linked to their contents. It represents the

Qur'an (the Final Scripture) and Prophet Muhammad (saas), last of

the prophets. Under the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

(teachings of the Prophet [saas]), the author makes it his pur-

pose to disprove each fundamental tenet of irreligious ideo-

logies and to have the "last word," so as to completely silen-

ce the objections raised against religion. He uses the seal

of the final Prophet (saas), who attained ultimate wis-

dom and moral perfection, as a sign of his intention to

offer the last word.

All of Harun Yahya's works share one single

goal: to convey the Qur'an's message, encourage rea-

ders to consider basic faith-related issues such as

God's existence and unity and the Hereafter; and to

expose irreligious systems' feeble foundations and

perverted ideologies.

Harun Yahya enjoys a wide readership in

many countries, from India to America,

England to Indonesia, Poland to Bosnia, Spain

to Brazil, Malaysia to Italy, France to Bulga-


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ria and Russia. Some of his books are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian,

Portuguese, Urdu, Arabic, Albanian, Chinese, Swahili, Hausa, Dhivehi (spoken in Maldives),

Russian, Serbo-Croat (Bosnian), Polish, Malay, Uygur Turkish, Indonesian, Bengali, Danish

and Swedish.

Greatly appreciated all around the world, these works have been instrumental in many

people recovering faith in God and gaining deeper insights into their faith. His books' wis-

dom and sincerity, together with a distinct style that's easy to understand, directly affect

anyone who reads them. Those who seriously consider these books, can no longer advocate

atheism or any other perverted ideology or materialistic philosophy, since these books are

characterized by rapid effectiveness, definite results, and irrefutability. Even if they continue

to do so, it will be only a sentimental insistence, since these books refute such ideologies from

their very foundations. All contemporary movements of denial are now ideologically defea-

ted, thanks to the books written by Harun Yahya.

This is no doubt a result of the Qur'an's wisdom and lucidity. The author modestly

intends to serve as a means in humanity's search for God's right path. No material gain is

sought in the publication of these works.

Those who encourage others to read these books, to open their minds and hearts and

guide them to become more devoted servants of God, render an invaluable service.

Meanwhile, it would only be a waste of time and energy to propagate other books that

create confusion in people's minds, lead them into ideological confusion, and that clearly

have no strong and precise effects in removing the doubts in people's hearts, as also verified

from previous experience. It is impossible for books devised to emphasize the author's lite-

rary power rather than the noble goal of saving people from loss of faith, to have such a great

effect. Those who doubt this can readily see that the sole aim of Harun Yahya's books is to

overcome disbelief and to disseminate the Qur'an's moral values. The success and impact of

this service are manifested in the readers' conviction.

One point should be kept in mind: The main reason for the continuing cruelty,

conflict, and other ordeals endured by the vast majority of people is the ideological

prevalence of disbelief. This can be ended only with the ideological defeat of disbeli-

ef and by conveying the wonders of creation and Qur'anic morality so that people can

live by it. Considering the state of the world today, leading into a downward spiral of

violence, corruption and conflict, clearly this service must be provided speedily and

effectively, or it may be too late.

In this effort, the books of Harun Yahya assume a

leading role. By the will of God, these books will be a

means through which people in the twenty-first

century will attain the peace, justice, and hap-

piness promised in the Qur'an.

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Kayışdağı Mah. Değirmen Sok. No: 3

Ataşehir / İstanbul / Turkey - Tel: (+90 216) 660 00 59

First Edition: March 2015

All translations from the Qur'an are from

The Noble Qur'an: a New Rendering of its Meaning in English

by Hajj Abdalhaqq and Aisha Bewley, published by Bookwork,

Norwich, UK. 1420 CE/1999 AH.

Abbreviation used:

(pbuh): Peace be upon him (following a reference to the

prophets) / - http:/ /

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� A special chapter is assigned to the collapse of the theory of evolution because

this theory constitutes the basis of all anti-spiritual philosophies. Since Darwinism

rejects the fact of creation—and therefore, God's existence—over the last 150 years

it has caused many people to abandon their faith or fall into doubt. It is therefore

an imperative service, a very important duty to show everyone that this theory is a

deception. Since some readers may find the opportunity to read only one of our

books, we think it appropriate to devote a chapter to summarize this subject.

� All the author's books explain faith-related issues in light of Qur'anic verses, and

invite readers to learn God's words and to live by them. All the subjects concerning

God's verses are explained so as to leave no doubt or room for questions in the rea-

der's mind. The books' sincere, plain, and fluent style ensures that everyone of

every age and from every social group can easily understand them. Thanks to their

effective, lucid narrative, they can be read at one sitting. Even those who rigorously

reject spirituality are influenced by the facts these books document and cannot

refute the truthfulness of their contents.

� This and all the other books by the author can be read individually, or discus-

sed in a group. Readers eager to profit from the books will find discussion very use-

ful, letting them relate their reflections and experiences to one another.

� In addition, it will be a great service to Islam to contribute to the publication and

reading of these books, written solely for the pleasure of God. The author's books

are all extremely convincing. For this reason, to communicate true religion to

others, one of the most effective methods is encouraging them to read these books.

� We hope the reader will look through the reviews of his other books at the back

of this book. His rich source material on faith-related issues is very useful, and a

pleasure to read.

� In these books, unlike some other books, you will not find the author's personal

views, explanations based on dubious sources, styles that are unobservant of the

respect and reverence due to sacred subjects, nor hopeless, pessimistic arguments

that create doubts in the mind and deviations in the heart.


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INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................14


THESE LINES WITH CARE .........................................................15



MARXIST-LENINIST IDEOLOGY .................................................20

IS IT POSSIBLE TO PREACH TO ÖCALAN? ..............................26


ON A9 TV - 1 ...................................................................................28



OF TURKEY? ...................................................................................38

An artıfıcıal term; "The Kurdısh Problem" ...................................39

The PKK Is a Darwınıst, Marxıst, Stalınıst and Lenınıst

Organızatıon ....................................................................................42

What Kind of Ideology is Darwinism? ........................................ 42

How does Darwinism provide an intellectual basis

for savagery? ....................................................................................46

Admissions by Bloodthirsty 20th-Century Fascist and

Communist Dictators That They Drew Their Basic Ideas

from Those of Darwin .....................................................................52

What Kınd of Communıst Barbarıty Took Place ın the

20th Century? ...................................................................................58

Bloody Communıst Leaders Belıeved ın Theır Savagery as


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a Requırement of Communıst Ideology ........................................72

Bloody Communıst Leaders Reject Relıgıon, the State and

the Famıly .........................................................................................90

Quotes from Bloody Communist Leaders Showing Their

Opposition to Religion and Religious Moral Values ...................92

Quotations from Bloody Communist Leaders About

the Lack of Need for the State ........................................................96

Quotations from Bloody Communist Leaders Regarding

the Need to Abolish the Concept of the Family ..........................98


BROADCAST ON A9 TV - 2 ........................................................104




COMMUNIST STATE .................................................................112

The Ideology of the PKK Is Identıcal to That of Bloody

Communıst Ideologıes of the 20th Century ...............................113

1. The PKK is Darwinist ................................................................113

2. The PKK Is Irreligious ...............................................................116

3. The PKK Is Opposed to the Family and the State .................118

4. The PKK Relies on Communist Terror ...................................124

The PKK Terror Organızatıon Applıes the Requırement of

the Communıst System of Thought – Terror and

Vıolence ..........................................................................................136

Lıke All Communıst Groups, the PKK Employs Guerrılla

Tactıcs .............................................................................................142


BROADCAST ON A9 TV - 3 ........................................................150

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WEST ...............................................................................................154

A 100-year plan ............................................................................155

The key region: Mesopotamia .......................................................157

The West’s Sensitivity over Kobane ............................................160

Speculation about the PYD ...........................................................165

The PKK’s mask of imperialism ..................................................172

Women under the mask of imperialism .....................................178

Religion under the mask of imperialism ....................................183

Perception operations in the West ...............................................184

Pseudointellectual Sycophants in the Middle East and Asia ... 188

The Defeatism That Stems from an Inferiority Complex .......190

Pseudointellectual Sycophants Are Prepared

Step by Step by Their Lords and Masters ................................191

The Desire for Approval, the Idea of Being Approved

of by the “Lords and Masters” ..................................................194

They Also Offer up Their Sexuality to Their Lords and

Masters .........................................................................................196

Submission to Their Masters’ Beliefs ........................................198

Pseudointellectual Sycophants in Turkey ................................201

A Common Philosophy: Putting on Airs .................................204

The desired outcome from Great Kurdistan ..............................208




"COMMUNIST REGIME" ...........................................................210

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The Real Aım ın Southeast Turkey Is a Dıctatorshıp of

the Proletarıat .................................................................................211

A Communıst Autonomous State Wıll Seek to Perpetrate

Slaughter ın the Name of "Suppressıng the Bourgeoısıe" .........219

The Communıst State They Want to Establısh ın Southeast

Turkey Wıll Seek to Be a Sprıngboard to the Rest of

the World ........................................................................................226

Those Who Say That "Communısm Is Not a Danger Anymore"

Are Beıng Deceıved by the Communısts ....................................232

"One step forward, two steps back" ............................................234

Communism Covertly Continues Its Existence .........................238

Many Muslım Countrıes Are under the Protectıon of the

Shanghaı Bloc .................................................................................244

Long-standıng Communısts ın Turkey Are Secretly Pavıng

the Way for Communısm .............................................................256

The Supporters of Communısm Are Plannıng to Inflıct

a Dısaster on Turkey and the World ...........................................260


OF THE COMMUNIST THREAT! ...............................................261




PROPAGANDA ............................................................................264

It Is Darwınısm That Feeds Communısm, and That Ideology

Must Fırst Be Scıentıfıcally Elımınated .......................................265

A Perverse Intellectual System Can Only Be Kılled off by

Ideas and Knowledge ....................................................................270

The Whole World Has Surrendered to the Darwınıst

Dıctatorshıp That Prepares the Infrastructure for Terror .........273

What Kınd of Intellectual Actıvıty? .............................................276

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Everyone must learn the scientific evidence revealing that

Darwinism is nonsense: ................................................................276

Works need to be done to stop Darwinist propaganda ............280

The Constitution must be amended so that the scientific

facts of Creation are taught alongside Darwinism in

the curriculum ................................................................................281

The scientific invalidity of the theory of evolution needs to

be described in the visual and written media, and in books,

brochures and magazines .............................................................284

Civil society organizations must discuss the scientific

invalidity of Darwinism ................................................................286

Fossil exhibitions and conferences must be staged ...................287

Individual activities must be encouraged ..................................288

It is impossible for someone who sees the invalidity of

the theory of evolution to be a Darwinist again ........................292

What Wıll Be the Result of Antı-Darwınıst and

Antı-Materıalıst Intellectual Actıvıty? .........................................293

Anti-Darwinist Intellectual Activity Will Eliminate the

Threat of Communism, Not Just in Turkey, But All over

the World ........................................................................................297

After Antı-Darwınıst Actıvıty, "Turkısh-Islamıc Unıon" ..........301

What Will Turkish-Islamic Union Bring to Our Kurdish

Brothers? .........................................................................................307

CONCLUSION ..............................................................................312


THE DECEPTION OF EVOLUTION .........................................318

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Page 17: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

A grubby stratagem is being played out in the Southeast of

Turkey. The aim is to be able to make first the Southeast, then

Turkey and ultimately the entire world communist. Crazed voices

saying, "Let us sit down with the PKK" or "Let us give the PKK some

land in the Southeast" are, knowingly or otherwise, serving the

same end: a communist world state.

A great many people are not even aware of this grave threat.

They imagine that if land is given away, that if we sit down with the

PKK and if Öcalan is won over, then the terrorism in Turkish terri-

tory will come to an end. Some of those in favor of this proposed

division are former communists. The majority of these people

appeared to change their spots over the years and strove not to

attract attention. Yet as the fiercest adherents of communism they

waged a covert propaganda, and are still engaged in it even now.

They are systematically trying to propagate the idea that "the best

thing is to give up some land," trying to portray this cunning idea as

legitimate. The Turkish people are being hypnotized into thinking

"this is the only remaining solution." By doing this,

they foolishly plan to inflict a disaster on our Kur-

dish brothers and all of Turkey. They are realizing

this stratagem using soft words and gentle indoctri-

Those Wıshıng to

Dıvıde Turkey Should

Read These Lınes

wıth Care

Page 18: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

16 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

nation, under a mask of "we are innocent, we are oppressed, but salva-

tion lies this way." They are trying to resurrect communism and its sav-

agery, which inflicted such pain, cruelty and conflict on the world in

the 20th century.

The aim of this book is to expose the true objectives of the PKK, a

communist terror organization, the stratagem being applied against

our Kurdish brothers and the twisted way of thinking of those indi-

viduals who favor the division of Turkey. There is another point here

that needs to be known. This separatist terror organization is not sim-

ply a terrorist group based on the aspirations of Kurdish nationalism.





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17Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Awareness of this fact brings with it a perspective very different to

what is generally known about the PKK and the measures that need to be

taken against it. After reading this book, those who imagine that they can

resolve the problem of terror in Southeast Turkey by splitting the country

up and who say, "Let us give up some land and be done with it," will have

a much better idea of the scourge they are dealing with.

Before we go on to set out the details of this terrible scourge:

The PKK must realize this!

We will never permit a communist uprising in the Southeast of the

country and will most definitely never give up even the smallest patch

of land to the PKK. As Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made clear, "Communism

is the worst enemy of the Turkish world. It must therefore be crushed wherever it

is seen," and we will abide by that principle and never allow communism

to enter our country.

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18 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Those who seek to prepare the way for communism by saying,

"Let us give up some land and put an end to it" must realize this:

Giving land away will not bring peace to Turkey; on the contrary,

it will just lead to an even worse tragedy. The Turkish Nation has no

problem with giving up martyrs, but we will never allow the slightest

patch of our homeland to be given up. There is not the remotest pos-

sibility of this ever happening.

And the Turkish people must realize this:

Giving up the slightest part of our motherland would mean the loss

of all the character, honor, nobility, strength and very existence of the

Turkish nation. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. We have but one

The PKK terror organization needs to

know this; we have not one inch of

land to give to communists!

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agreement with the PKK. The basis of that agreement is these peerless

words of Ataturk's:

"The essential thing is for the Turkish nation to live as aproud and honorable one. The Turk has a great and loftycharacter, self-esteem and ability. SUCH A NATIONSHOULD RATHER DISAPPEAR THAN LIVE UNDER CAP-TIVITY. INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH!" Kemal Ataturk

One thing that those who support the PKK separatist terror organi-

zation and communism in general, and who are trying to make a place

for themselves in the East of the country

must realize is that we will never allow

our motherland to be divided.

A second very important

point is that we will never

allow communism in Turkey

or the world as a whole. This

book shows the public the sole

effective way of opposing commu-

nism. That is through an intellec-

tual struggle and revealing the

truth about Darwinism. ANTI-









Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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The "Solution Process" directed toward the PKK terror organization

laying down its arms, which the state and the government are pursuing

with great determination, has so far been prosecuted successfully. Prime

Minister Erdoğan's emphasis on "a single nation, a single flag, a single

country and a single state" right from the outset and particularly in

recent times, and the lack of any objections to it, is a very important and

appropriate thing to say in terms of increasing the confidence of the

nation. Our prime minister's rational and foresighted attitude and deter-

mined resistance to division are also a fine manifestation of his good con-

science. The fact that as of this time the PKK terror organization is rela-

tively less visible than it was in the past also increases faith in the success

of this initiative.

However, various things said by Öcalan that have recently appeared

in the press are also important in showing that there has been no sub-

stantial change in either his or the PKK's ideas.

It is clear from dialogues between deputies from the BDP party,

known to the public as the "Imralı Minutes," and Abdullah Öcalan that

he has not relinquished his mentality and perverse Stalinist philosophy

that regards terror as legitimate and that he has no compunctions what-

soever about drowning the country in blood.

Statements of Öcalan in these minutes:

� "A truth committee will be established. It will be under the super-

vision of 'rational figures.' That is when there will be a withdrawal. Therewill be a return to the villages. If they do not do these things, there will

be no withdrawal. We will grow the guerrilla movement still furtherwherever we withdraw to. I do not agree that the guerrilla move-ment will end if we withdraw. There is Syria and there is Iran. We

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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have 50,000 in Syria, 10,000 in Kandil and 40,000 in Iran at themoment."

� "If they do not do this, they will find themselves looking at amore advanced agenda."

� "If I am successful, there will be no more KCK detainees or anyone

else. If this does not happen, then there will be a popular war with50,000 people. People will die. It will not be my fault. However, everyone

must know that 'We will neither live nor fight as we did before'."

� "Our class and people did not know how ruthless our warwas."

� "The Kurds must develop a self-defense force."

As the above statements show, Öcalan thinks that in the event that

the proper circumstances and conditions mature in favor of the PKK, then

there will be a return to terror, Stalinist revolution and separatist violence.

On the other hand, Öcalan says that use will be made of the KCK that

the Supreme Court of Appeals regards as a terror organization, that there

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The definitive solution to terror is to eliminate its intellectual foundations. Thatis only possible through anti-Darwinist and anti-materialist scientific activity.


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will be a rebuilding in the region and area to which the PKK terrorists

withdraw, and that many more new members will be settled in the places

that the PKK moves out of. In addition, Öcalan says that PKK forces are

already out of the country, and that if necessary these forces can enter the

country and initiate a civil war.

Öcalan particularly emphasizes the idea of a 'self-defense force,' and

armed force parallel to that of the state and allegedly constituted by the

KCK. These illegal groupings, referred to as self-defense forces, intended

to back the establishment of a PKK state and to prepare the people of the

region for war, are a concept that Öcalan commands the organization to


To summarize;

1. Öcalan speaks of popular and class war, of representing the

Turkish left and of maintaining the Dev Genç revolutionary line.

This shows that he has not relinquished the idea of "building a

state based on Marxist-Leninist principles" as identified by the

Ankara State Security Court prosecutor,

2. He issues commands for work to be done to secure and build

armed terrorist forces for an armed terrorist uprising,

3. He orders the organization's Marxist-Leninist teachings to be

stepped up and spread to the grass roots, and orders an increase in

militant numbers,

4. He wants the people of the region to be prepared for a civil war.

In addition to all this, notes in the press also show there has been no

change in Abdullah Öcalan's ideas about federation and autonomy:

"The Kurds will express and rule themselves freely. It mightcreate an allergic reaction if we legislate for it now. But it canhappen in the future."

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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"Our attitude will be suchthat if a fundamental princi-ple arises we will use it. Youcan legislate for it or not.The democratic rights andsolidarity of ethnic groupsand regions are guaranteedin Spain within its territori-al integrity. We arguedabout it yesterday. Histori-cal and cultural identitiesare our inherited wealth.They have not expressedthemselves freely, yet thisalso includes organizationand administration, andthey have a right to live andthese are guaranteed."

The reason why Öcalan and the

BDP particularly refer to Spain is that

the Spanish Constitution states that

the autonomy given to the

Basque region of Spain will not

damage Spain's integrity and that

the autonomous structure is under

constitutional guarantee. The fact is,

however, events in Spain are not turn-

ing out as hoped.

Spain currently has 17

autonomous communities and two

autonomous cities. The autonomous

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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region of Catalonia, in the northeast of Spain, fought for independence

for many years. At a time when the economy has hit rock bottom and

unemployment has reached 25%, it now wishes to obtain economic

independence from Madrid and wants various legal changes. Catalon-

ian politicians have already given signals of a breakaway by saying, "If

we cannot change the status quo within Spanish law, then we will seek

ways of doing this within local Catalonian law." The 1.5 million people

they have mobilized marched through the streets of Barcelona to

demand independence on September 11th, 2012, shouting "Catalonia, a

new European state."

Writing about this phenomenon in the German magazine Der

Spiegel, Fiona Ehlers, Hans Hoyng, Christoph Schult and Helene Zuber

said, "The debt crisis is strengthening European separatists."

We must not forget that the PKK is a Marxist-Leninist terror orga-

nization that has grown strong through propaganda. Young people

who go to the mountains to join it still undergo several months of ide-

ological education in so-called 'academies'. After signing up to Marx-

ist-Leninist ideology they are then given weapons in order to "build a

Kurdistan based on this ideology." In the event that they obtain any

kind of autonomy in the region, they will clearly impose an oppressive

Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist system on the Kurdish people. The terror

organization dreams of becoming stronger through

receiving material, military and political support

from the central government in the initial stages,

and then plans to alter this autonomy into a fully-

fledged independent communist state of Kurdistan.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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This is a very dangerous plan, not only for our Kurdish citizens but

for the whole of the Middle East. It would no doubt end in bloodshed.

Therefore, it is vitally important to constantly bear all these perils in

mind during these negotiations.

The building of a Turkish-Islamic Union is a cause that the

Republic of Turkey can never renounce. The sole objective in the

scope of this ideal is to become strong and build a great union along

the lines of the European Union, not fragmentation

and division. When this objective is made a

reality not only Kurds, but also Turks,

Laz people, Abkhazians, Circassians

and all the peoples who comprise

the country and all the peoples of

the region will enjoy peace, tran-

quility, ease and comfort.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) preached to Nimrod. He did not just

leave him to his own devices. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) did not leave

Pharaoh to as he liked. He obeyed God's command and preached to


Our Prophet (saas) preached to the antichrists of his own time,

such as Abu Jahil and Abu Lahab.

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will also call on all the antichrists in his own

century, numbering more than 30, to believe. He will fulfill the com-

mand that God reveals in the Qur'an and for which He holds all Mus-

lims responsible; "amr bi'l maroof wa nahi an al-munkar" in other

words, to "...command what is good and eschew what is evil."

The moral values of the Qur'an require that Abdullah Öcalan be

preached to and called on to believe. It is out of the question not to

preach to the antichrists of this age, such as Abdullah Öcalan; it has to

be done, because that is what the Qur'an requires. Then he will either

accept that preaching, or not. This is what God commands in the


Page 29: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


As one of those in the vanguard of the Mahdi, Mr. Adnan Oktar's

sending Abdullah Öcalan a copy of the Atlas of Creation and calling on

Öcalan and the PKK to renounce communism and turn to Islamic

Unity, to repent and to live by the Qur'an, is also what the moral val-

ues of the Qur'an require.

It is incompatible with the spirit of the Qur'an to say, "How can

one preach to Pharaoh or Nimrod? One cannot preach to Abu Jahil

and Abu Lahab."

People with no knowledge of the Qur'an may well regard this

method revealed by God in the Qur'an as very strange but the right

thing to do is to obey the Qur'an.

"Go, you and your brother, with My Signs and do not

slacken in remembering Me. Go to Pharaoh; he has over-

stepped the bounds." (Surah Ta Ha, 43-44)

And then, after them, We sent Moses with Our Signs to

Pharaoh and his ruling circle but they wrongfully reject-

ed them. See the final fate of the corrupters! (Surat al-

A'raf, 103)

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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The PKK thinks that the armed struggle can bring resultsand believes that it can easily split Turkey up. We willnever allow Turkey to be divided.

ADNAN OKTAR: The PKK thinks it has a good organization in the Southeast and

enjoys wide popular support there. They think that they can bring Marxist think-

ing to power through elections, in other words, that they can split Turkey up

through elections. They believe they can get a result for sepa-

ration in a referendum. And they therefore think that a

Marxist, Stalinist party can easily come to power

through popular vote. In other words, they are striving

to suggest that the armed struggle has produced

results, and by suggesting that if it does not then they

will step it up until it does. The Kurds are very dear to

us. We will never surrender the country or our fellow

citizens to the communists. They can forget that.

We will never surrender an inch of land. (January

11th, 2013; A9 TV)

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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The founding of the PKK was a plot by the alleged terrororganization Ergenekon

ADNAN OKTAR: Some circles are trying to give the impression that Öcalan is sup-

posedly "the man to save Turkey" because he is supposedly a hero who will save

us from various scourges, terror and anarchy. "The state cannot save you, but

Öcalan will; in other words, he is stronger than the army and the police. He is so

good and so blessed that you really need to appreciate him properly." that is the

kind of impression they are trying to give. And that is a terrible thing.

The man is a stone cold killer. A fanatical killer. He is someone who has caused

the deaths of tens of thousands of our troops and police. I fail to understand why

they say these things. What is their aim? For one thing, our opinion as a nation

about that man will never change. Life imprisonment. He would normally have

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been hanged, but it was commuted to life in prison. I am not saying he should

be mistreated. He should be treated the same as everyone else. He should

read the Qur'an and memorize its verses and inform himself. He should repent

to God, pray and prepare himself for the hereafter. The hereafter is where he

will have to account for himself. He will have to account for tens of thousands

of our martyrs in the hereafter. He should be thinking about how he is going to

explain that. He should prostrate himself in prayer day and night.

They should therefore stop trying to create a good impression of this man. Our

opinion as a nation will never change. We will never allow anyone to split

Turkey up. We will never give up the Southeast, and we will never give the

Southeast to the communists. We will never allow our mothers and sisters there

to be oppressed by communist gangs. We will never allow a bloody regime

like that of Pol Pot there. We have no intention of needing passports to go there.

We will never, ever allow it.

We know what Öcalan and the PKK are. There is no need to prolong the issue.

The PKK should not try to pull the wool over our eyes. Saying things like, "Who

knows where we will go if there is an agreement?" You may be dropping in for

a coffee and coming back again. "We will lay down our arms," they say. Yes,

they will, but then they will come back with ten times newer models. What mat-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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ters is to lay down the abnormal thinking in their heads, and Darwinism and

materialism need to be eradicated for that to happen.

Abdullah Öcalan is a communist, a Marxist and a Stalinist. Neither he nor the

organization will abandon their ideas. If Abdullah Öcalan tries to dismantle the

organization, the organization will destroy him, if they can catch him. And they

will never accept his leadership, or even take him seriously. Tens of thousands

have laid down their lives for communism, and tens of thousands more have

gone to prison to bring communism in. What do you expect him to say? He is

not going to tell them, "You have all been wasting

your time, so break up now and go home."

"Why?" "Because that is how I feel today."

Then we are expected to say; "What a great

man Abdullah Öcalan is. He has saved

Turkey from terror and anarchy."

Some people in the media are seeking to

legalize Abdullah Öcalan. They will first turn

him into a legal, friendly figure and then say;

"Look, this is the man who saved you. Why is

he in prison? Are you not being ungrate-

ful? Did he not save you? You would

have been drowned in blood

without him. He saved you

from anarchy and ter-

ror, so what more do

you want? He is

stronger than the

state. Shelter behind

him! Respect and

value him. Abdullah

Öcalan is a great

man." Who do these

people think they

are kidding? No

child would even fall

for that.

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People who are being taken in by

this need to come to their senses.

This is simply a project intended to

legalize Abdullah Öcalan, nothing more.

It will not be possible to deceive our

nation with that. Go and ask people in

the streets, if you like. Nobody will go

along with it.

Our government will never go along with

such a thing. Prime Minister Tayyip

Erdoğan is highly alert. We see the KCK

operations and this and that. The govern-

ment has a firm stance against the PKK.

Our interior minister's attitude is perfectly

clear. Our prime minister's language

never makes any concessions to the PKK.

I regard the prime minister's behavior on

this as very right and proper.

But some members of the press are fool-

ishly trying to legalize Abdullah Öcalan

and portray him as a pleasant person.

They are wasting their time. They have

been striving to that end for months or

years. They are sniffing the wind. No

way! That is out of the question!

I am describing what our nation

thinks. Go and ask anyone in the

street. My nation is a truly strong

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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33Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

and heroic one. It does not forget what has been done to it. We have tens of

thousands of martyrs buried underground now. Mothers go and visit their mar-

tyred children's graves every day. Flags fly above them all. They water the

graves every day and tend the flowers, those dear mothers of ours. They recite

verses from the Qur'an.

They are trying to give the impression that they were martyred for nothing, that

the police officers were martyred for nothing. My brother, it was not easy for us

to make Anatolia ours. Success did not come easy. Did it? It took hard work,

and faith and the Qur'an. We will not give the lands we won with faith and the

Qur'an away to a handful of bandits. We will not abandon our mothers, sisters,

brothers and grandfathers in the Southeast to communist gangs. (January 2nd,

2013; A9 TV)

Laying down of arms is only possible with ideas. So long asideas remain unchanged, weapons may change, but theywill never be laid down.

DİDEM ÜRER: The terrorist Nuriye Kesebir, one of the organization leaders who

sat down on behalf of the PKK at the Oslo talks, issued a statement confirming

your analysis of the PKK's way of looking at its weapons. She said; "Our

weapons are not a problem for us, they are our means of self-defense. Telling

us to lay down our arms and go away means they do not know us. They are

laughing at us. Who can tell a guerrilla movement spread out over such a wide

area what to do? Those weapons can only be laid down once the aim for

which they were taken up in the first place has been achieved. If a solution is

reached, then we will discuss laying down our arms. And that does not mean

laying them down, it means discussing the position we want to move to, name-

ly 'autonomy.' We will not abandon our weapons until that happens.

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ADNAN OKTAR: This exactly reflects their real way of thinking. This describes

what they honestly think among themselves. Why should they abandon their

weapons? She says they will just change their types but they will still have

weapons; they will not abandon them. Why should they? The laying down of

arms can only come through ideas.

When the PKK signs up to Islamic Unity, when that fine idea spreads among

them, then Islamic Unity will spread rapidly all around. That will be good for them

and good for the nation.

What will happen when they espouse Islamic Unity? Iran will be theirs from one

end to the other. Jordan will be theirs. Izmir will be theirs. They will be able to

come and go everywhere. They will be able to live everywhere. I am speaking

of our Southeastern brothers. Otherwise, the PKK will just pen them into the

Mardin mountains. You will pen them in to the mountains of Siirt. You will be sur-

rendering them to that cold, harsh climate. They will be penned in. Communists

will come from North Korea, Chinese communists will come, missile batteries will

be installed, advanced weaponry will come in and even old men of 60 will be

placed under arms. They will put our mothers under arms, and a huge commu-

nist army will be established. As a nation, we will never permit such a thing, we

will never let our country be divided. We will not surrender our Southeastern

brothers to communist gangs.

The reason why some Kurds in the Southeast support thePKK is that they think this is the way to escape the suffer-ings inflicted by the alleged terror organization Ergenekon.Yet the freedom and liberation they seek actually lie inIslamic Unity

ADNAN OKTAR: One characteristic of our people in the Southeast is that they dis-

like pressure. Everyone always wants to be free. Threats are not the only reason

why some people support the PKK, as I said the other day. They may say, "If,

may God forbid, there is a different structure set up, autonomy or a federation,

then there will no longer be anyone looking down their noses at us." In terms of

faith, a great many of them think this, "We will be free to carry out our religious

obligations. We will be able to dress as we wish. The headscarf will be free, and

we will be able to wear turbans if we choose. We will live by Islam as we see fit."

They say, 'We will be able to do business as we wish, without paying taxes." But

most of all, they think, "There will be nobody above us to humiliate us."

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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The reason why our brothers think like that is previous policies. The alleged ter-

ror organization Ergenekon and those who shared its views constantly humiliat-

ed our Southeastern brothers, never took them seriously and talked down to

them. They behaved most contemptuously toward them. They made it clear in

all ways that they despised and did not want them. They behaved in such a way

as to claim to be much more clever and superior to them. They also tried to

emphasize the idea that being Kurdish was a source of embarrassment.

In other words, they said, "We are Turks, so we are a superior people" but in

genetic terms, rather than moral ones. Their idea was one of, "We are genetically

superior to you. We are your lords. They have placed us over you. You must sub-

mit to your lords." Those dear ones of ours bore that arrogance patiently for

many years. They were beaten and defamed and sworn at. Some of them were

ashamed of being Kurds. They were Kurds but would not admit to it. Ask them

where they were from and they would say, "I am from Ağrı," may God forbid, but

in an icy tone. As if being a Kurd was one of the worst crimes in the world. Those

dear ones of ours really felt inferior because of that, from what I have seen, from

the people I have asked. They say, "I am from the Southeast" but not, "I am Kur-

dish." I have seen that with my own eyes, may God forbid.

These vile types devoid of character so oppressed my dear ones that they put

them in a state of depression. Precautions need to be taken as once to rectify

this immorality and terrible state of affairs. My brother, you are an ordinary

human being, a servant of God. If your moral values are defective, then what

use to you is being Turkish?

Some people think that Islamic Unity raised its head all of a sudden when things

were going really well. They imagined that this strong belief in Islamic Unity

appeared just as they were going to achieve their aims. They panicked. Islam-

ic Unity emerged as a cause just when they thought that all of Turkey was about

to be split up, may God forbid, and when they were about to turn the Southeast

communist. We are now saying, "Turkish-Islamic Union." If Turkish-Islamic Union

had emerged as a similarly racialist idea, had it been based on the idea of the

superiority of the Turkish race, then that ideology would have been defeated

right from the outset, because the whole world can see that this ideology has

been defeated. Everyone knows that. The world would unite as one against the

idea of the superiority of the Turkish race; they would crush it. Nobody would go

along with it. Fortunately, no such claim has been or can be made.

So all that remains is Islamic Unity. Islamic Unity will be hugely invigorated with

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36 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

the system of the Mahdi. It will go on the (intellectual) offensive, insha'God,

because Islamic Unity is a structure supported by 1.5 billion people, and one that

can achieve very clear results. (January 17th, 2013; A9 TV)

The PKK is saying, 'If you give us the Southeast' there canbe a temporary peace and end to the bloodshed

DİDEM ÜRER: The first of the funerals for the three PKK members sent over from

France took place in Diyarbakır, with nearly 2,000 people in attendance. Warn-

ings were issued that trouble could flare up and major security precautions were

put into place. But for perhaps the first time, a BDP mass activity passed off qui-

etly with no trouble and no posters of Öcalan being unfurled. This report in the

papers was interpreted as the BDP and PKK showing their sincere eagerness for

peace and being on the side of a solution.

ADNAN OKTAR: They are still saying the same thing. I fail to comprehend the lan-

guage here. Right from the start they have been saying, "We do not want blood-

shed, let us resolve the problem peacefully." They do not really say anything,

they just say this. They have been saying it for 30 years. "Our desire is a very plain

and simple one," they say. Not the BDP, the PKK. "There is a region there, Mardin,

Diyarbakır, Siirt, and that region belongs to us. We want to establish a state there,

by your leave. Do not make things difficult for us. Otherwise there will be blood-

shed. So do us a favor. Then we will be good and polite and honest and well-

behaved. We will not wave the flag. We will do whatever you say. But you must

do this for us," they are saying. And what if we do not? "Then we will bring the roof

down." They keep saying the same thing. "Peace is a fine thing, we have attained

peace. Peace." Do we not know what peace is? Peace is in any case a distin-

guishing feature of Muslims. Who wants war? As though we have said we want

bloodshed, as if the nation is baying for blood. Then they stand up and go on

about peace as if they expect us to say, "Great idea. We never thought of that.

This is the first time it has occurred to us." That is what they are saying, "Let us

make peace." What did Stalin say? "Hand this region over to us without making

a fuss." If you do that, Stalin will treat you like a good boy. But if you do not, he

will bring the roof down on your head. It is the same with the PKK. They say, "We

would very politely ask you to let Abdullah Öcalan go, and then he can be head

of state. We want to live as a neighboring state, as a communist state." They say,

"We really do not see what you could find troubling about that." They keep going

on about peace, peace, peace: That is what we all want. Nobody wants war.

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37Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Bring me one normal person who wants war. Nobody wants it. (January 18th,

2013; A9 TV)

Öcalan and the PKK should repent and turn to Islam andthe Qur'an. They should espouse Islamic Unity. If they dothat, there will be wealth and social justice and an air ofrejoicing all over the region.

ADNAN OKTAR: Shall I tell you what the PKK should do? And do you know what the

best thing for Abdullah Öcalan to do would be? He should repent and turn to Islam

and the Qur'an. He should read the Qur'an. That also goes for the young members

of the PKK. They should read the Qur'an and turn to Islamic Unity. They should

espouse Islamic Unity. The whole region would then be saved. Everyone:

Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Kurds, Laz people, Circassians, they will all be able to

relax. An explosion of economic growth, vast social justice, wonderful architec-

ture and art, a great joy, a great spirit of brotherhood will enfold everywhere. There

is no other way out. Otherwise they will just sink; God will never permit it. If they

want to give a good impression of themselves, they must turn to God. They must

not expect anything from other people. They must turn to God. They should pray

to God and repent. They should read the Qur'an and memorize its verses. They

must see the truth. And other members of the PKK must also turn to Islam and the

Qur'an. Let us spread Islamic Unity across the world; all mankind must hasten

toward happiness and joy and peace. Let there be an end to wars and weapon-

ry. Instead of weapons, that material could be used in factories for washing

machines and fridges. They should strive to use the steel and copper and what-

ever that goes into weapons for factories and good purposes. Let us enrich the

world. Let the whole world live in peace. Let everyone be brothers. Let there be

the complete rule of law and justice. At the moment people are wary of the law.

They do not trust the law in many parts of the world. There is a world without jus-

tice. The judicial system in much of the world is corrupt and inflicts suffering on

people, as if the main task of the judicial system were to imprison people and

frighten and inflict suffering on them. The main task of the judiciary should be to

free people and direct them toward good works. It should work for people's good,

not to do evil, but in many parts of the world the judicial system has become a tool

of repression, of suffering. The system terrifies people, whereas they should regard

it as a blessing and make good use of it. That is how it will be in the End Times. Peo-

ple will regard the judicial system as a blessing. (January 17th, 2013; A9 TV)

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Why Do They Want to Separate the Southeast of Turkey?

Page 41: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

The term "The Kurdish Problem" has been widely used in

Turkey for many years now. And this term has succeeded in mis-

leading people for many years; so much so that some people imag-

ine they are dealing with a problem originating from our Kurdish

brothers. They have come to believe as fact an artificial grudge

between Turks and Kurds, as if our Kurdish brothers were traitors

and not members of the Turkish Republic. The name "Kurdish Prob-

lem" thus became a propaganda tool.

Yet the term "The Kurdish Problem" is an utter deception, a

false phrase intended to foster division between Turks and our Kur-

dish brothers. With the constant use of the term "Kurdish Problem,"

the impression has been given that there really is a problem between

Kurds and Turks and an artificial climate of distrust has ensued. The

Laz people from the area of the Black Sea, Circassians, Georgians

and all ethnic groups live in peace and comfort as Turks in Turkish

territory. They maintain their own traditions, use their own lan-

guages freely and describe themselves as "Turks." Yet all of a sud-

den, Kurds have been made to question their "Turkishness." With

the establishment of an artificial division between Turks and

Kurds, who have lived together as Turks in the same

lands for many years, a great many people have

come to imagine there really is a problem and today's

An artıfıcıal term;

"The Kurdısh Problem"

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talk of separatism has thus found an artificial foundation. But the fact

is that a sly and dangerous game is being played behind the idea of a

"Kurdish Problem."

This artificial question, referred to as the "Kurdish Problem" and

supported by certain circles, is preparation for the communist, Stalin-

ist and Leninist rule that efforts are being made to establish in the

region. As we all know, communist regimes thrive in a climate of dis-

order and conflict. In order for a communist regime to take over, an

uprising against the rule of the state has first to be initiated and an air

of conflict thus created. Since communism makes conflict, savagery

and terror essential (as we shall be seeing in greater detail in later

chapters), once disorder has been brought about, the appropriate foun-

dations will have been laid for a communist regime. That tactic has

been employed in all countries ruled by communist regimes, such as

the People's Republic of China, Cambodia and North Korea; their peo-

ples have been incited by propaganda techniques, and the savage

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Is a federation the

only solution to the

Kurdish problem?

We must consideran autonomous state in

order to be free fromterror.

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regimes that have subsequently been formed have since slaughtered

millions of people in those countries. The stratagems being employed

in Southeast Turkey are part of just such a plan.

People need to be well aware that the problem in the Southeast of

Turkey has nothing to do with Kurdish nationalism or the conditions

in which the Kurds find themselves. And again they need to be aware

of the kind of climate of disorder tried to be brought about using the

pretext of the supposed "Kurdish problem." There needs to be a close

examination of the ideology of the PKK in order for people to better

understand how our Kurdish brothers are being misused in this

wicked system. That perverse ideology is that of Marxism, material-

ism, Stalinism and Leninism, and its one and only foundation is Dar-


Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

"Give it up and befreed" for social peace?

The initial preparations for acommunist, Stalinist and Leninist rule in

Southeast Turkey are being made, and an artifi-cial "Kurdish Problem" is being manufactured for

that purpose. By constantly engaging in media propa-ganda along those lines, some secret communists

working in media organizations are encouraging theidea that dividing the motherland can resolve the

problem. But the fact is that giving away landis the beginning of terrible disasters.

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What Kind of Ideology is Darwinism?

Darwinism, or the theory of evolution, espouses the fictitious

claim that life on Earth began by chance and that all the living species

on Earth descended from one another, again by chance – in other

words, that they evolved. According to this claim (a complete decep-

tion in scientific terms), the starting point for all the variety of life on

Earth was a bacterium that formed spontaneously in muddy water and

life forms assumed their present forms by descending from that bac-

terium. Again according to this illogical claim, human beings are also

descended from some species of ape and subsequently became human.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The PKK Is

a Darwınıst, Marxıst,

Stalınıst and Lenınıst


Page 45: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


According to this facile logic of the theory of evolution, which has lost

all validity in the face of modern science, in order for a chimpanzee to

be able to turn into a human being, all it had to do was experiment

with standing upright a few times, be able to make a bit of use of tools

and lose its fur because of the heat.

This is of course pure myth. The theory of evolution is the worst

scientific fraud in history. Darwinists are unable to account for even a

single protein possessed by the imaginary first bacterium they regard

as the origin of life because it is impossible for a single protein to come

into being by chance. In addition to being definitely impossible, even if

we assume that life did emerge spontaneously

in some way, that still changes nothing,

because it is also impossible for one species to

turn into another. No life form can ever possess

new characteristics outside those encoded in its

own genes. Genetics absolutely refutes that claim.

To briefly summarize the basic points that cause

the theory of evolution to collapse in the face of


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� Living things can never step outside their own genetic informa-

tion and can never acquire new information not contained in their

genes either over time or through external effects.

• Mutations can never cause progress in a living thing. They

always injure the organism. They can never, ever add to the genetic

information of a living thing.

• Billions of fossil records should have been discovered to docu-

ment the fictitious change from one species to another, in other words

there should be many "transitional forms." But THERE EXISTS NOT

ONE transitional form fossil anywhere to confirm Darwinists' claims of

a passage from one species to another.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The fossil record is exceedingly rich and sufficientlynumerous for us to understand the origin of life.

When we examine fossils we see that liv-ing species emerged independently, in

a single moment and with all theirdifferent structures, with no imagi-nary evolutionary "transitionalforms" between them. And this isone of the proofs that AlmightyGod creates all living things.

This fossil garfish is 152million years old and hasnever changed.

This fossil gingko leaf is 290 to 248million years old and identical topresent-day specimens.

A 125-million-year-old fossilscorpion.

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• Although there are no transitional forms, there are more than

350 million fossils showing that life forms have remained unchanged

for millions of years – in other words, that they never evolved.

• The most important point, however – as described above– IS



in and of itself sufficient to totally invalidate the theory of evolution.

As can be seen from all this, the theory of evolution is a massive

fraud refuted by science, a theory that collapses right from the start

when it fails to account for the origin of life.

(For more detail of the fraudulent nature of evolution and the sci-

entific facts that eliminate that fraud, see The Evolution Deceit - Harun

Yahya, and Atlas of Creation - Harun Yahya)

The subject we shall be concentrating on here is to reveal the ide-

ological aspect of the theory of evolution, rather than producing scien-

tific evidence of its invalidity. The reason for

this is because Darwinism represents the

supposed basis for all materialist,

communist and fascist ideologies.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

This beetle, one of the darkling beetles,is 100 million years old and the speciesis still alive today.

This fossil sycamoreleaf is 54 to 37 millionyears old and hasremained unchangedfor millions of years.

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It is exceedingly difficult to keep a fraud propped up and make

people support it in the face of scientific developments. In order to do

that, they first familiarize people with the logic of evolution through

demagoguery and propaganda. The Darwinist dictatorship is at work

to that end. After taking over states, governments, the media in all

countries, universities, schools and scientists, the Darwinist dictator-

ship then began using them to spread this fraud. People who opposed

evolution were silenced, one-sided instruction in evolutionary theory

was given in schools and a biased pro-evolutionary indoctrination was

carried out in the media. Thus, people were obliged to either believe in

evolution or at least appear to believe in it. In this way, the idea of evo-

lution entered everyone's minds as an indisputable concept.

How Does Darwinism Provide an Intellectual

Basis for Savagery?

What we have seen so far is the essential logic of Darwinism. It is

important that this should be known, because this ideology is respon-

sible for savagery, slaughter, terror, hatred and conflict.

Darwinists regard man as a highly developed species of animal.

Therefore, in the perverse eyes of a Darwinist, human beings are of

equal value to animals. For a Darwinist, a human being possesses the

same value and importance as an animal. To put it another way,

human beings "are of no value or importance" for a Darwinist at all.

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47Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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48 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

According to Darwinism, if a living thing in nature is to develop and

become strong and advantaged, the presence of a climate in which the

strong eliminate the weak is essential. In other words, there needs to be

constant competition in nature. In this fictitious, Darwinist climate of con-

flict, one species will supposedly try to eliminate all other species, and it

is thus always the strong that survive. This struggle also goes on between

members of the same species, and even of the same family. Every indi-

vidual enters the fray for its own selfish existence. This false tale repre-

sents the basis of Darwinism.

This tale constitutes the basis of Darwinists' theories and world-

view. Because of this supposed conflict that they believe exists in

nature, Darwinists constantly speak of a "nature red in tooth and claw"

in which the weak are eliminated. According to their erroneous

beliefs, since human beings are also a species of animal, the same

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conflict and elimination must

also apply to human societies.

Therefore, under this perverse

logic, the weak can only be elimi-

nated through conflict, war and terror.

This is, of course, totally false. Of course nature is not a battlefield

in which living things are in a competition to the death. Living things

exhibit amazing instances of affection, compassion and altruism, not

only to their own species and offspring, but also toward other species.

This represents a powerful challenge to Darwinism. The existence of an

entity that risks its own life for its community, that is willing to starve

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or even die for its offspring and that even protects the offspring of

species other than its own is by itself more than sufficient to refute Dar-

winism's perverse claim that "The strong have to eliminate the weak in

order to survive." That is why Darwinists are very careful to avoid

mentioning these amazing characteristics in living things, because

when evidence is produced that affection, solidarity and compassion,

not a ruthless struggle, reign in nature, Darwinism will no longer be

able to represent the foundation for the claim that life consists of fight-

ing and conflict. To put it another way, bloodthirsty communist and

fascist ideologies will lose their intellectual foundations.

The essential logic of the theory of evolution thus prepares the

groundwork for aggression, rebellion and killing between people and

communities. Social Darwinists believed that the conflict they believe

exists in nature must also be present between human communities and

peoples, and that this is the only way in which favored and privileged

species and generations can emerge. "Dialectical materialism" was

therefore imposed on communities.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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Under this, a thesis is proposed. There must also be an anti-thesis.

When the thesis and anti-thesis clash, the result is a synthesis of the

two. The synthesis son becomes a new thesis, and a new anti-thesis to

clash with it is produced, and the conflict goes on ad infinitum. There-

fore, according to that belief, societies are places in which there needs

to be intense conflict. This conflict will give rise to "elimination." When

the desired end, the "synthesis," is achieved, fictitious "progress" from

the primitive to the more developed will be brought about.

The fascist and communist dictatorships that emerged in the 20th

century applied this peculiar Darwinist logic to societies word for

word. All fascist and communist dictatorships openly stated that they

drew their ideas from those of Darwin as they imposed their brutal and

ruthless systems of elimination.

Examples of the horror caused by Darwinist


To the side, Red Army prisoners treated like

wild animals by being kept in cages

Page 54: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

52 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Admissions by Bloodthirsty 20th-Century Fascist and

Communist Dictators That They Drew Their Basic

Ideas from Those of Darwin

Joseph Stalin:

"In order to disabuse the minds of our seminary students of the myth

that the world was created in six days, we had to acquaint ourselves with

the geological origin and age of the earth, and be able to prove them in

argument; we had to familiarize ourselves with Darwin's teachings." 1

Mao Zedong:

"The foundation of Chinese Socialism rests on Darwin and the theo-ry of evolution." 2

Friedrich Engels and KarlMarx:

From a letter by

Engels to Marx:

"Darwin, whom I

am just now reading,

is splendid." 3

Marx's reply to Engels

written on 19 December

1860: "… this is thebook which containsthe basis in natural his-tory for our view." 4

Page 55: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

53Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Marx: "Darwin's book is very important and serves me as a basisin natural science for the class struggle in history." 5

In the German edition of his Das Kapital,

which he dedicated to Darwin, Marx

wrote in his own hand: "To CharlesDarwin from a true admirer, fromKarl Marx." 6

Engels: "… nature works dialecticallyand not metaphysically . . . In this con-

nection, Darwin must be named before

all others." 7

Page 56: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

54 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Fascist and communist ideologies

that inflicted horror on the world

and led to the slaughter of millions

drew their ideological foundations

from Darwinism. Darwinist logic

was installed in people's brains,

and they were indoctrinated with

the idea that mass slaughter,

genocide and persecution are


Page 57: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

55Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Engels: "Just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution inorganic nature, so Marx discovered the law of evolution inhuman history." 8

Leon Trotsky :

"Darwinism … was the highest triumph of the dialectic inthe whole field of organic matter." 9

"What is man? He is by no means a finished or harmoniousbeing. No, he is still a highly awkward creature. Man, as ananimal, has not evolved by plan but spontaneously … Toproduce a new, 'improved version' of man — that is thefuture task of Communism… Man must look at himself andsee himself as a raw material, or at best as a semi-manu-factured product…" 10

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56 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 59: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Adolf Hitler :

"Take away the Nordic Germans and nothing remains butthe dance of apes." 11

Benito Mussolini:

For the fascist leader Mussolini "... the reluctance of Eng-land to engage in war only proved the evolutionary deca-dence of the British Empire." 12

As the words of these bloodthirsty leaders in question, who

claimed that nature functioned in a dialectical manner, openly

express, they applied the idea of "conflict in nature" directly to

human societies. It is clear that Darwinism is the sole reason for the

shameless and ruthless bloodshed perpetrated before the eyes of

the world by fascist and communist dictatorships in the 20th cen-

tury. What we shall be concentrating on in this book is not so much

fascism as communism, so the way that Darwinist ideology shaped

and fed communism shall be dealt with in more detail.

A brief reminder of 20th-century communist barbarity will be

useful in realizing what a terrible scourge communism, which

draws its strength from Darwinist ideology, truly is.

The idea of superiorityamong races, ethnicity,nations and classes, andthe logic of conflict thatresulted, became realitythrough the application ofthe false claims of thetheory of evolution. Peo-ple sat back and watchedthe ruthless genocide andslaughter of millions.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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58 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Communist savagery began with the Bolshevik Revolution in Rus-

sia in 1917. After the consolidation of the newly established Soviet

Union, it spread to Eastern Europe, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia,

Latin American countries, Cuba and Africa.

More than 350 million people lost their lives, directly or indi-

rectly, during or after the two World Wars of the 20th century. One

hundred twenty million of these were civilians. The communist sav-

agery that took place in countries may be summarized as follows:

As a result of his devotion to Darwinism, Lenin regarded human

beings as simply a species of animal. He therefore had no qualms

about using the most repressive ways of dealing with the people

under his rule and spreading his terror-based ideas.

What Kınd of Communıst

Barbarıty Took Place ın

the 20th Century?

Page 61: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The Soviet Union

In the Soviet Union,

the Communist Party

that grew under Lenin's

leadership carried out a

revolution using the

method of armed strug-

gle and propaganda. In

Lenin's time, both units

of the Red Army and the

secret police organiza-

tion set up by him,

known as the "Cheka,"

inflicted terror on all

parts of society they

regarded as being


Militants even devel-

oped special forms of savagery against the people.

Bolshevik militants, the Cheka secret police and units of the Red

Army raided villages all over Russia and began rounding up the har-

vests of the peasants, who were already living under very difficult

conditions, at gunpoint. The result of this policy was terrible famine

in the country.

Six million people starved to death because of a famine caused by

Stalin, with hundreds of thousands of children falling victim to the dis-


Those resisting collectivization were shot, and others were sent

into exile with their wives and children and the elderly. Many of these

people were unable to bear the harsh conditions in exile and died.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The Bolshevik revolutionaries shown posing with their

weapons in St. Petersburg in November 1917 were all

symbols of Lenin's ghastly and vile reign of terror.

Page 62: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The toll of the communist sav-

agery in the time of Lenin and


� The shooting of tens of

thousands of hostages detained

without trial and the killing of

hundreds of thousands of peas-

ants and workers who rebelled in


� The famine of 1922 leading

to the death of 5 million people;

� The forced exile of the Cos-

sacks living in the Don region in


� The killing of tens of thou-

sands of people in concentration

camps in 1918-1930;

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

As a result of the famine deliberately engi-

neered by Lenin in 1921 and 1922, 29 million

inside the Soviet borders faced starvation. Five

million of these died for this reason. The total

casualties of the communist terror under Lenin

and Stalin are terrible indeed.

Page 63: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


� The killing of approximately

690,000 people in the Great Purge of 1937-


� The death of 6 million Ukraini-

ans as a result of deliberate famine in

1932-1933; (the famine, known as the

Holodomor, was not the result of insuffi-

cient crops being produced in the Soviet

Union, but rather of the Communist

Party refusing to allow crops to be hand-

ed out. In other words, this was a delib-

erate mass slaughter.)

� The exiling of hundreds of thou-

sands of Poles, Ukrainians, people from

the Baltic states, Moldavians and

Bessarabians, first in 1939-1941 and then

again in 1944-1945;

� The exiling of the Volga Germans

in 1941;

� The sending into exile of the

Crimean Tartars in 1944 and their being

abandoned to die;

� The exiling and abandonment to

die of the Ingushetians in 1944.

� European countries such as

Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,

Romania, Albania and East Germany

falling under the control of Stalin's

bloody regime in the Soviet period.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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62 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan


Communist guerrillas led by Mao Zedong seized control of China

in 1949. For China, that meant murder, slaughter, torture, famine,

impoverishment, corruption and a terrified, inward-looking society.

Millions of people regarded as exhibiting the slightest negative

behavior with regard to communism

were considered enemies of commu-

nism and arrested for no crime at all,

imprisoned, and often killed in public

executions in the squares of large cities.

It is estimated that in that period 6

and 10 million people were killed

under Mao's directives. Some 20 million

people branded as "counter-revolution-

aries" spent much of their lives in

prison, being treated like animals.

The Tiananmen Square Massacre in

June 1989 (around 1,000 dead) is just one example

of savagery from China's recent past.

Policies in the field of agriculture resulted in

terrible famine and suffering for the people of

Chinese communism developed and came to power with the

support of Stalin's Russia. But the savagery Red China inflicted

on the people was so terrible as to leave even that of Stalin's

in the shade.

Page 65: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


China. People who opposed

these policies were punished

by forced starvation. The death

rate from famine in some vil-

lages exceeded 50%. The num-

ber of people dying from starva-

tion in that period is estimated at

around 40 million.

The Dalai Lama, who direct-

ed the Tibetan resistance to

China for many years, described

the savagery inflicted on his

people by Chinese communism

as follows:

"Tibetans not onlywere shot, but alsowere beaten to death,crucified, burned alive,drowned, mutilated,starved, strangled,hanged, boiled alive,buried alive, drawn andquartered, and behead-ed." 13

The Uighur Turks were sub-

jected to systematic genocide

after Mao came to power in 1949.

China carried out nuclear tests

in the Uighur Autonomous

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Political executions were one of the

extraordinary measures implemented by

the Red Chinese regime. Many people

were executed in plain view on the

grounds of "deviating from Mao's path."

Page 66: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Red China became the scene of

the worst communist savagery

and slaughter. Communist publi-

cations, however, played host to

deceitful communist propaganda,

as if they could cover that horror

up. Pictures of happy people

holding flowers and supporting

the regime, happy peasants with

copies of the "Little Red Book"

(properly, Quotations from Chair-

man Mao Tse-Tung), smiling sol-

diers and workers side by side

with peasants living in peace, and

a happy Mao listening to the

problems of workers and peas-

ants was intended to propagate a

vast lie to the world. The truth

behind these pictures of happi-

ness was in fact most terrible.

Page 67: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

65Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The propaganda of a happy people in com-

munist publications is a huge lie. Mao's time

was one of horror, when a large part of the

people of China starved to death, when pro-

fessors, artists, statesmen and writers con-

demned as "bourgeois" were humiliated in

public, had insulting placards hung round

their necks and were executed.

The reality of communism is very different to that

of the false picture in communist publications.

People were slaughtered en masse for no reason

and executed wherever they were.

Page 68: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


regions with no safety precautions being taken. As a result of these

nuclear tests there was a huge rise in cancer rates among the Uighur

Turks and many children were born handicapped or dead.

Uighur Turks were forbidden to have more than one child in East

Turkestan. The children of those who disobeyed were killed inside

their mothers' wombs. As a result of the policy of assimilation pur-

sued since 1953, Muslims who represented 75% of the population in

the Uighur Autonomous region now represent only 35%. East

Turkestan Muslims, with a population of some 25 million are still

subjected to Chinese persecution today.

The Black Book of Communism, a book put together by a team of his-

torians in which the crimes committed under the name of communism

were collected together, describes the savagery of communism in

China as follows:

The whole people were invited to public trials of "counter-revolutionaries," who almost invariably were condemnedto death. Everyone participated in the executions, shoutingout ""kill, kill"" to the Red Guards whose task it was tocut victims into pieces. Sometimes the pieces were cookedand eaten, or force-fed to members of the victim's familywho were still alive and looking on. Everyone was theninvited to a banquet, where the liver and heart of the for-mer landowner were shared out, and to meetings where aspeaker would address rows of severed heads freshly skew-ered on stakes. This fascination for vengeful cannibalism,which later became common under the Pol Pot regime,echoes a very ancient East Asian archetype that appearsoften at cataclysmic moments of Chinese history. 14

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 69: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan



The communist Khmer Rouge came to power in April 1975 under

the leadership of a fanatical Maoist called Pol Pot (his real name was

Saloth Sar) and emptied out all towns and cities.

The Khmer Rouge regime is regarded as the apex of communist


One of the worst mass slaughters in the world took place under

Pol Pot's regime. Between 1975 and 1979 alone, some 3.3 million people

out of a total population of 9 million were killed by being shot in the

head, suffocated by having plastic bags put over their heads, pickaxe

blows to the head or starvation.

Under Pol Pot's rule, the party decided that for the sake of the coun-

try, the only duty of a communist was to work to death in the rice pad-

dies, and it duly forced the entire population of Cambodia to work in the

rice paddies. Tens of thousands of city-dwellers – politicians, civil ser-

vants, teachers and intellectuals – were

exiled to the countryside and forced to

labor on collective farms under terribly

harsh conditions.

Shirking, eating even a tiny piece

of produce without permission or per-

forming any religious observance were

regarded as "counter-revolutionary

activities," and under that pretext,

killing at the level of almost one person

a minute was initiated. At least one

member of every family lost their lives

during this slaughter.

People who spoke more than one

language, those who were doctors or

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Pol Pot, the ruthless Khmer

Rouge leader and murderer of

3 million Cambodians

Page 70: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


teachers, or even those who could simply read or wore eyeglasses were

tortured and slaughtered as "parasite intellectuals" or "under the influ-

ence of depraved foreign cultures."

Under the Pol Pot regime, people to be killed were executed with a

bullet to the head at first; however, it was later decided that this was a

waste of bullets and more barbaric methods were employed.

The Khmer Rouge regime finally came to an end when the Viet-

namese launched the invasion of Cambodia in 1979. In order to expose

the savagery of the previous regime, the Vietnamese dug up the rice

paddies, known as the "killing fields," produced the bodies and put

them on display.

North Korea

The Red barbarism in Asia

was by no means limited to

The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

The Communist Khmer Rouge num-

bered some of the people they execut-

ed and took pictures of them. These

photographs are of Cambodians taken

before their execution.

Thousands of mass graves have been

found in the "killing fields" of the

Khmer Rouge. The bones to the side are

those of Cambodians suffocated to

death by having plastic bags placed

over their heads. Cambodia experienced

the very worst of communist barbarity.

Page 71: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


China and Cambodia; the communist regimes in North Korea have also

inflicted a ruthless terror on their own people. The "Juche" (Juche mean-

ing "spirit of self-reliance" or "independent stand") doctrine, even more

ruthless than Mao's policies, was implemented in the country.

Falls in production, famine and mass deaths have taken place

because of communist agricultural policies. It is estimated that some 2

million people starved to death in North Korea in the 1990s, though the

true figure may have been as high as 4 million. While the people starve,

spending on the military, ballistic missiles and the nation's pursuit of

nuclear weapons continues to consume the country's resources.

Though very little is known about the

internal life of the country beyond what

their carefully managed propaganda and

state media chooses to release to the

wider world, there are the testimonies of

those who have defected and speak of

horrors such as "Camp 22", officially

Penal Labor Colony #22, a concentration

camp in North Hamgyong Province,

where the inmates, sometimes whole

families, are isolated, forced to work all

day regardless of weather conditions,

systematically starved and abused, and

frequently executed or tortured to death.

There are also disturbing testimonies of

medical experimentation similar to that

practiced by the Nazis at Auschwitz.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The Red barbarity in Asia was not limited to China

and Cambodia; communist regimes in North Korea

and Vietnam also inflicted ruthless terror on their

own peoples. The number of people murdered by

the North Korean regime under the decades of dicta-

torship by Kim Il Sung has been out at 1.5 million.

Page 72: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

70 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Communist barbarity spread to many

countries during the Second World War

and after. Genocide, executions, famine

and hunger in countries that fell into

the hands of communism cost the lives

of millions. The toll from the communist

savagery that spread to Europe, Asia,

the Far East and even South America

was very high. These historical facts

show us once again that the true objec-

tive of communism is world domination.

This perverse ideology that inflicted ter-

ror on the 20th century is still alive

today. And its aim now, instead of the

failed communist initiatives of

the 20th century, is to be

able to establish a more

comprehensive commu-

nist dominion to rule the

entire world.

Page 73: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

71Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 74: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


No communist has ever admitted that this balance sheet of horror

in communist countries was a mistake. Savagery is a requirement of

communism. Pol Pot, who killed 3.3 million people, thought that when

he said on his deathbed in 1998, "My conscience is clear." Bloodthirsty

communist leaders have always been proud of the savagery and

slaughter they committed because they always think they are serving

communist ideology by killing, destroying, creating famines and plun-

dering the state treasuries. They invariably have this Darwinist ideolo-

gy in their minds that tells them that their actions are legitimate. One

can clearly see this in the communists' own words:

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Bloody Communıst

Leaders Belıeved ın Theır

Savagery as a Requırement

of Communıst Ideology

Page 75: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

73Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Under the leadership of the bloodycommunist Pol Pot, Cambodia suf-fered the most appalling slaughter.Forced to labor in the paddy fields,the populace was constantlyexposed to savagery. Writers, pro-fessors, artists and scientists werebrutally murdered in these killingfields. The time when an estimatedone third of the population of Cam-bodia was slaughtered is that ofthe bloody communist Pol Pot.

Page 76: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Lenin :"They must arm themselves as best they can (rifles,

revolvers, bombs, knives, knuckle-dusters, sticks, rags

soaked in kerosene for starting fires, ropes or rope

ladders, shovels for building barricades, pyroxylin

cartridges, barbed wire, nails, etc., etc.). …

Even without arms, the groups can play a most impor-

tant part: 1) by leading the mass; 2) BY ATTACKING,









The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 77: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan










detachment of the revolutionary army must be ready to

start such operations at a moment's notice." 15

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Türkiye, 19.10.2011


n, 2




Zaman, 20.04.2012

Yeni Akit, 30.06.2011

Zaman, 29.09.2011

Sabah, 07.07.2010


"100,000 people

may die. The

number is unim-

portant."Mine trap forthe police inBitlis: 8 mar-tyred, including3 civilians

Police stationtargeted again

Öcalan's order for "500 soldiers

to be killed every day"

The police

are the PKK's

new target

The PKK member Bahoz's

order: So long as one

police officer dies, 50

civilians are not important

Page 78: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


"The propagandists must supply each group with brief and simple

recipes for making bombs… Squads must at once begin military

training by launching operations immediately, at once. SOME MAY









wonder how they can forget the rudiments of Marxism." 18


KILLING … Only in direct, immediate connection with the

mass movement can and must individual terrorist acts be of

value." 19

"When I see Social-Democrats proudly and smugly

declaring 'we are not anarchists, thieves, robbers, we

are superior to all this, we reject guerrilla war-

fare',—I ask myself: DO THESE PEOPLE


clashes and conflicts between the Black-Hun-

dred government and the population are

taking place all over the country.




The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 79: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan




"You cannot do anything without

rousing the masses to action. …






SPOT." 21

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Abdullah Öcalan engaging in mass propagan-

da accompanied by Communist Party flags,

just like his teacher, Lenin

Zaman, 24.11.2011

Sabah, 14.01.2011

Bugün, 18.08.2010

Öcalan's chaos plan order:

the KCK must encourage

tens of thousands to rise up

PKK threat to

opinion formers

The PKK has pressed thebutton and the Southeast isin disorder

Page 80: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


"In reality, the state is nothing but a machine for the sup-

pression of one class by another. Dictatorship is rule based

directly on force and unrestricted by any laws. The revo-

lutionary dictatorship of the proletariat is RULE WON







ed by individuals and by small groups. Some belong to

revolutionary organizations, while others (the

majority in certain parts of Russia) do not belong

to any revolutionary organization. Armed struggle

pursues two different aims, which must be strictly dis-










The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 81: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


"The emancipation of the oppressed class is impossi-


LUTION, but also without the destruction of the

apparatus of state power which was created by the

ruling class." 24

"The proletariat must carry to completion the democ-

ratic revolution, BY ALLYING TO ITSELF THE



THE AUTOCRACY and to paralyse the insta-

bility of the bourgeoisie. The proletariat must

accomplish the socialist revolution, by allying to

itself the mass of the semi-proletarian elements

of the population IN ORDER TO CRUSH






Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 82: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

80 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

COMMUNISM SURVIVES THROUGH TERROR Communism thrives on terror. Bloodshed and terror are the only path in communism. In spread-ing their own ideologies, the bloody communist leaders of the 20th century constantly empha-sized that terror, cunning attacks, propaganda and guerrilla tactics were an essential conditionof communism and implemented them accordingly. Therefore, criticizing the acts of terror per-petrated by the communist PKK terror organization as it enters the big cities, martyrs civiliansand attacks workers and the police, or condemning them in the press under captions such as"cowardly" or "treacherous" will merely give this communist terror organization the impressionit is achieving its aims. The PKK is currently applying the requirements of Stalinist-Leninist ide-ology to the very letter.

Taraf, 30.10.2011Yeni Akit, 05.06.2011

Taraf, 30.10.2011

Sabah, 16.07.2012

Vatan, 10.11.2011

Civilians struck


PKK threat to theKurds: We will burnyour hearth andhomes

The bomber detonated it,

knowing it was in a child's


The PKK's new trap – sensor


Living bomb horror

Page 83: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

81Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Communist terror seeks tospread fear among peopleand to slaughter as manyas possible, regardless ofwhether they are women orchildren. With its terroristactions, the PKK is fulfillingthis requirement of commu-nism. Terror will not beeliminated until the commu-nist mindset is done awaywith.

Aydınlık, 21.05.2012

Zaman, 28.09.2011

Star, 12.11.2011

Turkiye, 19.07.2012

Cihan Haber, 12.07.2012

Yeni Akit, 09.02.2011

Bugün, 19.10.2011

Same PKK, same violence

Members of the PKK terror

organization snatch a sea bus

They martyred a father, his 2

children and 5 police officers

with a bomb: VILE AMBUSH

PKK Nerons arrested

PKK members start prison fire

PKK burns ambushed vehicle

PKK kills a laborer

Page 84: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Mao :

"A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay,

or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it can-

not be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so tem-

perate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnani-




Leon Trotsky :

"The question as to who is to rule the country, i.e., of the

life or death of the bourgeoisie, WILL BE DECIDED on

either side, not by references to the paragraphs of the con-






"… the revolution does require of the rev-

olutionary class that it should attain

its end by all methods at its dis-




ISM." 28

The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 85: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Joseph Stalin :"Can such a radical transformation of the old bour-



"To think that such a revolution can be carried out

PEACEFULLY, within the framework of bourgeois

democracy, which is adapted to the rule of the bour-



Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 86: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Che Guevara :

"This means a long war. And, once more we repeat it, a



START OUT for fear of the consequences it may bring



"My Marxism has taken root and become purified. I



"All the oligarchies' powers of repression, all their


will be placed at the service of their cause. Our mis-

sion, in the first hour, shall be to survive; later, WE






SESSED MASSES. The galvanizing of the

national spirit, the preparation for

harder tasks, for resisting even

more violent repressions.

Hatred as an element of the

struggle; a relentless hatred

of the enemy, impelling us over

The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 87: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir



MACHINE. Our soldiers must be thus; a people with-

out hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy." 33

"We must carry the war into every corner the enemy hap-

pens to carry it: TO HIS HOME, TO HIS CENTERS








BEGIN TO DECLINE. He will even become more

beastly, but we shall notice how the signs of deca-

dence begin to appear." 34

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 88: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Pol Pot :






COMPLETELY, giving place to [a system

of] self-management of factories by the pro-

letariat and of agriculture by the peas-

ants." 35

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 89: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


That is communist savagery.

Communist ideology as summed up in

the bloodthirsty communist leaders'

own words: a system of barbarity,

• that seeks to leave not a moment of peace,

• that turns human beings into effective, violent and cold

killing machines,

• that applies terror as a principle,

• that believes that anyone opposing the revolution must have

a bullet put in his head,

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The savagery of the 20th century, which every-one sat back and watched, has still not lost itsessential mindset. Terror and slaughter willcontinue so long as the communist threat per-sists. Therefore, what needs to be eradicated isnot those who hold the idea, but the idea itself.

Page 90: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


• that survives through the violence committed against the

bourgeoisie by the proletariat,

• that is unrestricted by any law,

• that regards it as essential to kill leaders, soldiers and the


• that seized their financial


• that imposes red terror against a

class "doomed to destruction,"

• that believes the only way to

achieve its aim is through armed insur-

rection and terror,

• that describes those who think

the aim can be achieved through

peaceful means as having "lost

their senses" or having

abandoned communist


• that makes it

essential for the mili-

tary not to be given a

moment's peace, inside

or outside their bar-


The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 91: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


• and that seeks to totally destroy the state.

These were not just words. Bloodthirsty communist leaders have

applied this savagery they described in the passages quoted above

before the eyes of the entire world. This scenario is no imaginary one.

People who regard all human beings, themselves included, as a more

advanced species of animal and who believe that the supposed conflict

in nature also needs to be applied to human societies implemented the

savagery described above in an even more extreme manner. Their ide-

ology convinced them that what they were doing was not only right

but also absolutely necessary. This perverse ideology created a belief

and purpose in their brains. They never hesitated for a moment when

it came to this mass slaughter, which they perpetrated for the sake of

this belief which they had transformed into nothing less than a false

religion. Communist barbarity is a cause of fear and horror for the

great majority of people, but for a communist it is essential and some-

thing that simply had to be acted on.

Communism, developed and prepared by the Darwinist mindset,

is truly a barbaric ideology. For that reason, it is impossible to prevent

such mass slaughter without shattering this false belief system in a

communist's brain. There is just about no other way of convincing a

communist of the illogicality of the savagery he espouses apart from

convincing him scientifically of the invalidity of Darwinism. The rea-

son for our consideration of past communist slaughter here is to be

able to show that, given the opportunity, the communist barbarity

they seek to apply in the southeast of Turkey will be no different

because the terrorist and communist PKK draws its strength from the

same intellectual foundation, Darwinism. We shall be looking at this

in detail in later chapters.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 92: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Since communism is based on Darwinism, it shares all the charac-

teristics of the polluted morality that the Darwinist ideology imposes

on people and communities. In the same way that communist savagery

and barbarity are founded on Darwinism, it also draws its irreligious

nature and way of regarding the state, the family and moral virtues as

bad things from that same Darwinism. The theory of evolution, which

takes chance as its false deity and was launched solely for the purpose

of denying the existence of Almighty God (surely God is beyond that),

represents, in Marx's words, "...the basis in natural history" for com-

munism. Therefore, both ideologies serve the same aim. It is of

course impossible for a Darwinist who believes that

chance is a creative force (surely God is beyond

that) to believe in God. And a commu-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Bloody Communıst

Leaders Reject Relıgıon,

the State and the Famıly

Page 93: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


nist absorbs all these perverse ideas and applies them with no com-

punction whatsoever.

Communist ideology, which maintains that "Man came into being

by chance and is an unfettered animal," will also seek to spread irreli-

gion in all those regions in which it disseminates commu-

nism. Since a communist society recognizes no religion, it

will also not recognize moral values, the family, moral

virtues or the existence of the state. As we shall be seeing

in more detail in due course, it is a complete waste of time

to invite someone with a communist mindset to have a

conscience, recognize moral virtues, the warmth of the

family, love or compassion and to be forgiving, or to crit-

icize anything that he may do.

We can see the kind of irreligious environ-

ment, far removed from any kind of spiri-

tuality, that communism seeks to

impose from the words of blood-

thirsty communist leaders:

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 94: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Quotes from Bloody Communist

Leaders Showing Their Opposition to

Religion and Religious Moral Values

(Surely God is beyond this)

Vladimir Ilich Lenin:

"Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression …" 36

"… any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation

even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, … for that

very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful

'infection'." 37

"There can be nothing more abominable than religion." 38

"We must combat religion—that is the ABC of all materialism,

and consequently of Marxism." 39

"… to be an atheist, which every socialist is, …" 40

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 95: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


"Even the bare mention of a citizen's religion in official docu-

ments should unquestionably be eliminated. No subsidies should

be granted to the established church nor state allowances made to

ecclesiastical and religious societies." 41

"The philosophical basis of Marxism, as Marx and Engels repeat-

edly declared, is dialectical materialism … —a materialism which

is absolutely atheistic and positively hostile to all religion." 42

"Religion is the opium of the people—this dictum by Marx is the

corner-stone of the whole Marxist outlook on religion." 43

"Marxism is materialism. As such, it is as relentlessly hostile to

religion …" 44

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism." 45

"Our Party is an association of class-conscious, advanced fighters

for the emancipation of the working class. Such an association

cannot and must not be indifferent to lack of class-consciousness,

ignorance or obscurantism in the shape of religious beliefs. We

demand complete disestablishment of the Church so as to be able to

combat the religious fog with purely ideological and solely ideo-

logical weapons, by means of our press and by word of mouth. But

we founded our association, the Russian Social-Democratic

Labour Party, precisely for such a struggle against every religious

bamboozling of the workers. And to us the ideological struggle is

not a private affair, but the affair of the whole Party, of the whole

proletariat." 46

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 96: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

94 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Karl Marx:

"For Germany, the criticism of religion has been essentially com-

pleted, and the criticism of religion is the prerequisite of all crit-

icism." 47

"The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people

is the demand for their real happiness." 48

"Man makes religion, religion does not make man. … This state

and this society produce religion, which is an inverted con-

sciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world." 49

Joseph Stalin :

"Then Devil is with us, and together we will win." (In response

to Churchill's "God is with us", during WW2) 50

"We carry on and will continue to carry on propaganda against

religious prejudices. … The Party cannot be neutral towards reli-

gion and does conduct anti-religious propaganda against all and

every religious prejudice…" 51

Nikita Khrushchev: (Secretary General of the Soviet Communist

Party, 1953)

"Communism has not changed its attitude of opposition to reli-

gion. We are doing everything we can to eliminate the bewitch-

ing power of the opium of religion." 52

Page 97: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan





i Akit, 23.04.2011

Yeni Akit, 19.09.2011

Zaman, 30.04.2011

Zaman, 20.03.2011

Yeni Akit, 07.06.2011

Vakit, 18.08.2010

Zaman, 07.06.2011

Yeni Akit, 08.05.2011

Tercüman, 02.11.2007

Vakit, 08.09.2010


Ideology of

"The PKK is my

god" imposed

in organization


Apo thinks prayer

is a show

Islam is the main

threat for us!

PKK burns 4 mosques

Imams are the

new target of

the atheist PKK

PKK uneasy at devout Kurds

Clergymen are the PKK's new targets

The PKK is against religion and does not want young people to believe

PKK traitors are stealing our children's faith

The PKK's problem is with religion

Page 98: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Quotations from Bloody Communist Leaders

About the Lack of Need for the State

Communism represents a huge threat because of its perverted

view of God, the Divine religions and Holy books and religious moral-

ity. In the same way that communism is inimical to religion and spiri-

tual values, so it does not believe in the state. Communist thinking

employs a concept of "oppressed peoples" invented by itself. Commu-

nist thinking portrays itself as the supposed liberator of those

oppressed by the bourgeoisie. According to their nonsensical view, the

state must only exist on a temporary basis, following which all the

resources of the state must belong to the communist system. Indeed,

communism seeks world domination and is based on the elimination

of national boundaries and thus of states. Communism's aim is a com-

munist world state.

Communist leaders' words on this subject are crystal clear:

From a lecture delivered by Lenin at the Sverdlov University;

Vladimir Ilich Lenin:

"The doctrine of the state SERVES TO JUSTIFY SOCIAL






The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 99: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


"… a certain apparatus of coercion, an apparatus of violence,

such as is represented at the present time, as you all realise, by

armed contingents of troops, prisons and other means of subju-

gating the will of others by force—all that which constitutes THE








We shall reject all the old

prejudices about the state

meaning universal

equality—for that is a

fraud: as long as there is

exploitation there can-

not be equality. …




Such is the view of our

Communist Party." 53

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Communist ideology is opposedto the state and to state institu-tions. They frequently use this intheir ideological propaganda, andseek to impose the idea on themasses.

Page 100: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Quotations from Bloody Communist Leaders

Regarding the Need to Abolish the Concept

of the Family

In the same way, for a communist the family is a concept that

should never exist. Communists regard familiar relations as feudal

relationships (a local, hierarchical relationship between the protected

and the protector). It is the construction of a small, nuclear unit instead

of a broad community. When the concept of the family enters the equa-

tion, communists claim that the individual loses his priority values,

abandons the broad community he serves and seeks instead to further

the interests of his family. For that reason, according to communism,

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 101: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


and as set out mostly in the writings of Engels, the institution of the

family must be done away with altogether. The concept of the fami-

ly is expressed as follows in communism:

"Revolutionary elements whomarry, establish a family or arepart of a family, for what-ever reason, are in a stateof contradiction." 54

Page 102: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

100 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The first thing that Pol Pot did, for example, was to split families

up, since he regarded them as an obstacle to communist objectives. By

forcing people to live in communes, he kept family members apart

from one another and attempted to eliminate the very concept of the


The same thing was done by Stalin in Russia. Peasants' lands were

first taken away. Then great care was taken that the small plots they

were given back should be scattered and far away from one another.

As a result, family members were forced to live in different places in

order to work their lands consisting of very small plots. Declarations

were made that stated "...the revolution will remain weak so long as

family ties and the concept of the family survive," at meetings of the

Communist Party, and indoctrination was conducted along that line.

That is the terrifying and barbaric view of social life that a com-

munist will hold. For a communist, words about virtue and moral val-

ues are meaningless.

Page 103: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

101Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Stalin's aim of "...conduct[ing] anti-religious propagan-da against all andevery religious prej-udice…" is amethod espousedand applied by allcommunist move-ments today. Thedream of commu-nism is to be ableto produce irreli-gious, anti-spiritualand ruthless soci-eties in which chil-dren are killed, peo-ple made wretchedand the concept ofthe family abol-ished.

Page 104: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

102 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan



Yeni Akit, 08.06.2011

Türkiye, 01.01.2011

Vatan, 11.11.2011

Türkiye, 01.01.2011

Sabah, 18.09.2010

Zaman, 26.04.2011

Bugün, 28.09.2011

PKK again burn a child! The PKK kidnaps children and turns them into militants

The PKK has snatched 700 children in Diyarbakır!

The PKK are always baby-killers

Wicked types throw Molotov cocktail at a baby

Pregnant woman hit

by 200 bullets

The PKK demand

money for returning

to his family the body

of a terrorist they

killed and burned

Page 105: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Since a communist rejects the concept of the state, he will also dis-

regard the laws of that state. He cannot be won over with the concept of

the family; sentimental approaches such as "return to your family" or

"go home to your mother" will never have any impact on a terrorist. For

a communist, moral values, the state and the concept of the family are

meaningless. Therefore, neither state laws, nor calls to moral virtue

nor the family will have any effect in stopping a communist. In order

to stop a communist, the intellectual system that made all these con-

cepts so worthless has itself to be eliminated. That means the Darwin-

ist, materialist, Stalinist and communist intellectual system.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Zaman, 01.10.2011

Bugün, 26.09.2011


Ballistic tests reveal

the PKK killed moth-

er and 2 children

They gave young people drugs in the Kurdish Language

Association and made them attack the police

Cowardly trap

"Burn children" command

from Öcalan

Yeni Akit, 25.11.2011

Page 106: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan



Öcalan will never regret being a Marxist or renounceMarxist thinking. He will never regret what he has done

DİDEM ÜRER: Our Hodja Ahmet Taşgetiren has said that Öcalan has undergone

a huge change and decided on a democratic unitary

state, and that Öcalan has personally stated this.

Ahmet Taşgetiren went on to say that because of his

change of mind, Öcalan had abandoned his idea of

an independent state and of democratic autonomy,

but that the time has now come for him to apolo-

gize. He then said, "Öcalan has undergone a

change of mind, but he led 40,000 people into the

flames before that happened. I am disgusted by the

way that such people come to their senses after

thousands of people have lost their lives, after the

passage of many years, and under their leadership."

ADNAN OKTAR: Anti-Darwinist and anti-materialist

education are essential. Abdullah Öcalan will

not renounce his Marxist way of thinking. Sole-

ly because he is unhappy in prison, he now

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 107: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


thinks that he can send messages that people will find pleasing. He thinks that he

can gain sympathy in that way. Abdullah Öcalan included, nobody who has had

an intensive Marxist education will renounce Marxism and will never repent of

their past deeds. He should be sorry for being a Marxist and in order to be sorry

he needs to have faith; in order for him to have faith, he must not be a Darwinist-

materialist. That is very hard. (January 17th, 2013, A9 TV)

The PKK is the fanatical army of the alleged terror organi-zation Ergenekon. What it fears most is the enlightenmentof the people.

ADNAN OKTAR: PKK communists act hand in hand with the alleged terror organi-

zation Ergenekon. The alleged terror organization Ergenekon is the founder of that

devilish and satanic organization known as the PKK. The alleged terror organiza-

tion Ergenekon planned this as far back as the 1970s. It brought the PKK out in the

1980s. It has always used the PKK as its bloody puppet. They have martyred our

troops and police. They are still doing it. They think they can now enjoy a bit of

rest and recuperation.

What the PKK, its ferocious army of killers, fears most is the enlightenment of the

people. That is why they attack schools. They attack exhibitions. They attack

libraries. They burn books. They thus try to prevent people from learning the truth.

But they cannot possibly succeed. They have panicked in the face of the way

that people have recently come to see the invalidity of Darwinism and material-

ism because the collapse of Darwinism means the collapse of the PKK's entire

system. That is why the PKK thinks it is being very clever by send-

ing hired killers, the alleged terror organization Ergenekon's

leftovers, to attack places where people can be enlightened.

They attack libraries and burn cars; there is no disgrace they

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 108: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


do not perpetrate. They foolishly imagine they can in this way prevent people

becoming enlightened. Yet, quite the contrary, and thanks be to God, such

activities are continuing apace, with a huge rise in fervor. Things are increas-

ing in multiples of 10, insha'Allah. (January 2nd, 2013; A9 TV)

The PKK will not lay down its arms without being intel-lectually defeated. There needs to be propaganda againstall ideas that might damage the structure of the nation.

DİDEM ÜRER: The British daily The Guardian has referred to the İmralı process

and suggested that "The PKK will lay down its arms in a matter of days." The

paper said that if the process is successful, the PKK will turn its weapons over to

Mesut Barzani in Erbil.

ADNAN OKTAR: Well, let us see them lay their weapons down. There will be no

lying down of arms or anything until they are intellectually defeated because

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

This 54-to-37-million-year-old moonfish hasremained unchanged for millions of yearsand is still living today. Fossils tell us, "Evo-lution never happened, Creation is true."

With its matchless fossil pictures and undeni-able scientific evidence, the Atlas of Creationdeals a deadly blow to the theory of evolution. Itis impossible for anyone who reads, sees orlearns this information to be deceived by Dar-winism and materialism. Materialism disappearswherever the Atlas of Creation is present.

Page 109: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


their intellectual campaign is continuing. This campaign waged by the com-

munists is far more effective than the armed struggle. Their intellectual cam-

paign is continuing. They are continuing to spread their ideas and propagan-

da. The PKK and the deputies from the BDP have embraced one another this

time, and even that is a major propaganda coup. Intensive propaganda is

going on. And scientific and artistic propaganda is also going on in all of

Europe. There is scientific propaganda in Greece, Syria, Russia and every-

where. Marxist propaganda and Darwinist-Materialist propaganda are still

continuing. What Turkey is doing is to tell young people about Darwinism and

materialism. That is all Turkey is doing. It is not making any counter-propagan-

da; they do not even want to speak of it. They never say, "Counter-propagan-

da, scientific propaganda is needed." Do you ever hear anyone say, "There

needs to be scientific propaganda against the PKK"? Maybe sometimes in the

most veiled of terms, along the lines of, "Various social responses need to be

made to them" but never anything explicit. This needs to be explained explic-

Page 110: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


itly. The state needs to have its own relevant unit. Counter-propaganda. There

could be a relevant directorate even. There needs to be all kinds of propa-

ganda activities aimed against all ideas that might damage our national struc-

ture. If this is not done, then there is something wrong. (February 9th, 2013; A9


"The PKK is the religion of the antichrist and the exactopposite of Islam. There is currently a struggle betweenthese two diametrically opposed faiths."

DİDEM ÜRER: "One of those accused on charges of taking part in PKK and KCK

activities made a statement concerning the kind of ideological education they

use to win students over to the organization. He said that provinces have their

PKK educational institutions, that students arriving from the East and Southeast

are exposed to terror organization propaganda in these institutions and that

after completing their theoretical training, they are then given practical train-

ing up in the mountains."

ADNAN OKTAR: These are not hollow men of straw. They are cultured and well

read. They have examined and believe in Marx and Stalin and Lenin, the lives

of all the Marxist guerrilla leaders and materialist philosophy. Because this is a

religion, the religion of the antichrist and the system of the antichrist. The

antichrist appeared in the form of Darwin, but that perverse religion has its own

sects and priests. There is Marx and Lenin and Stalin, for instance. That religion

has its own rituals and places of worship. They stage their show parades, for

instance. Those are their acts of worship. It has its flags and pictures, and there

are religious observances.

That religion has its laws. For example, while it is a sin to kill in Islam, in that reli-

gion it is lawful and useful. While destruction is unlawful in Islam, in that religion

it is lawful and useful. The family is sacred, but not in that religion. It recognizes

no families. Moral values are sacred in Islam, but no such values are recog-

nized in that faith; they are regarded as simply a man-made institution. Per-

sonal property is permitted in Islam, but not in that religion, which harbors the

belief that property belongs to all. Therefore, that religion is the exact opposite

of everything that Islam says. Since it is the religion of satan, it has its own

satanic rituals. Since they have given themselves up to satan, as Almighty God

says, "We assign him a satan who becomes his bosom friend" (Surat az-Zukhruf,

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 111: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


36) – He says, "And We have assigned them (devils as) intimate companions

(in this world), so they have made fair-seeming to them what is between their

hands (i.e., in front of them) and what is behind them (i.e., , what awaits them);"

(Surat al-Fussilat, 25) Once people have entered that mindset, satan is all

round them like a shell and they become impervious to religion, Islam and the


In one verse Almighty God says; We created many of the jinn and mankind for

Hell. They have hearts they do not understand with. They have eyes they do not

see with. They have ears they do not hear with. Such people are like cattle. No,

they are even further astray! They are the unaware. (Surat al-A'raf, 179)

Someone who undergoes PKK education, a member of the organization, liter-

ally becomes crazy because he has entered the religion of satan. For exam-

ple, in their perverse faith, may God forbid, killing is lawful, killing other people

is lawful. Killing oneself or others is a sin in Islam. These two are diametrically

opposed faiths. There is currently a struggle between these two diametrically

opposed faiths but our Southeastern brothers are unaware that they are under

siege by the antichrist. The antichrist approaches them pleasantly, in a manner

appropriate to them. For example, the antichrist says, "I will give you mountains

of food and mountains of water and mountains of broth and mountains of

meat; I promise you paradise."


MEAT, AND WILL HAVE RIVERS OF WATER..." (Portents of Doomsday, Muham-

mad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul al-Barzanji, Pamuk Press, Trans. Naim Erdoğan p. 214)


THAT NEVER COOLS, A FLOWING RIVER, a forest made of green gardens and

a mountain of smoke and fire... He will say this is my paradise and that is my


Doomsday, Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul al-Barzanji, Pamuk Yayınları,

Trans. Naim Erdoğan p. 214)

And the antichrist acts very quickly and dazzles them. He approaches them by

speaking of religion, as if he were a spiritual guide. That even appears in the

hadiths, "When the antichrist first appears, he will portray himself as a spiritual

guide," says our Prophet (saas):

When he (the antichrist) appears ... EVERYONE WILL FOLLOW HIM AS IF HE

WERE A GENUINE SPIRITUAL TEACHER, he will continue with the same activi-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 112: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


ties when he comes to Kufa, IN SAYING THIS HE WILL CLAIM TO BE A

PROPHET... Rational people who see this will then depart from him... HE WILL

LATER CLAIM TO BE DIVINE... May God forbid, he will say, "I am God."... (Al-

Tabarani narrated this from the Companion bin Mutamar.) (Portents of

Doomsday, Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul al-Barzanji, Pamuk Press, Trans.

Naim Erdoğan p. 212)

He (the antichrist) will first say: "I AM A PROPHET." Yet there will be no

prophets after me. Then he will make a second claim and say, "I AM YOUR

LORD." Yet you will not see your Lord until you die... (Sunan Ibn Majah, 4077)

The PKK says, "Let us perform the Friday prayer en masse in the Southeast."

Look, "The antichrist will appear as a spiritual teacher when he first comes."

"Then when people realize this, they will turn away from him," he says. "The

antichrist will have a particular effect on rural dwellers, people of rural back-

grounds, but people who are ignorant," he says. He says that the antichrist will

"influence women and children faster." And when we look at the Southeast, we

do see that these brothers are generally the antichrists targets. (January 17th,

2013; A9 TV)

A federated state system is what certain foreign powerswant in order to divide and redesign Turkey and thus ruleit more easily

ADNAN OKTAR: The "Kurdish problem" is an artificial cause. Some countries

want to see the Southeast break away and imagine that they can thus redesign

Turkey more easily. They want the Black Sea region and Central Anatolia to

break away. Once it is divided it will be easier to rule. That is the issue: That and

nothing else.

In that event, every mini-state they make will have its own little army. The Black

Sea will have a separate army, the Southeast will have a separate army. Lots

of little armies and little states. Russia could run them all over with its tanks in

five minutes because each one would be an independent state. And lots of lit-

tle states could not hold out like one large one.

A federated state, a miniature state. What they mean by federated state is

independent states. They want to see lots of little states. They want Turkey to be

divided into separate statelets. That is an idea held by Europe and others to

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 113: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


impose their will on it. Small states are easy to manage because it is easy to

stare them down; they are easily frightened. That is why they want them to be

small. It would be much harder to manage them if they are large. They cannot

do it, they cannot manage them.

For example, during the American invasion of Iraq they told Turkey, "Allow us

to pass through your territory, let us use all that Turkey has and open your air

space to us." Turkey refused. But had it been a small state, there would have

been no need even to ask. "Here we are, hello," they would have said, and

they would have walked straight through; no need even to ask. But when one

is a great state, a large state, then people have to ask. (February 23rd, 2013;

A9 TV)

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will never allow theSoutheast to come under the control of the PKK.

DİDEM ÜRER: Devlet Bahçeli has issued a new statement about the PKK. He sug-

gests that there is a desire to bring down and fragment the Turkey that was

acquired through great struggle. He went on to say, "A mentality that has no

place in our existence and unity has decided to take Turkey away from us in a

separatist flea market. What did the prime minister mean or intend to suggest

by talking of politics and negotiations?"

ADNAN OKTAR: No. The prime minister will never do such a thing. He will never

give away land and put the Southeast under the control of the PKK. That is not

possible. The Turkish nation as a whole would never permit such a thing. Those

beloved martyrs of ours surrendered their blessed souls to Almighty God for this

country. It might be possible; there are 70 million of us, and if they martyr us all,

then they can take wherever they choose, but that is the only way. It is out of

the question. That is why I am quite relaxed. Nobody could even suggest or

think of such an outrageous idea. Nobody can bring that about. The prime min-

ister is a highly alert man. Tayyip Hodja is a great man. He is not someone to

fall for such a thing. He loves the country and nation. So there can never ever

be such a suggestion even, insha'Allah.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 114: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

The EventualAim in Southeast

Turkey Is theFoundation of

an IndependentCommunist State

Page 115: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

It is of great importance to provide evidence from the words of

those communist leaders who drowned the world in blood in the 20th

century if their perverse ideologies and perspectives are to be fully

understood. This is because the terrorist movement in Southeast

Turkey is also rooted in communism. It is far easier to understand the

perverse ideological system of the separatist PKK terrorist organiza-

tion when one sees the scale of the barbarity that the terrifying atti-

tudes of bloody communist leaders have inflicted on millions of peo-

ple. The general strategy and policies of the terrorist PKK and the

words of Abdullah Öcalan, the child killer who led it, provide a very

good idea on the subject:

1. The PKK is Darwinist

All the bloody communist leaders of the 20th cen-

tury were Darwinists and, as we have already seen in

some detail, each one openly expressed his admira-

tion of Darwin and Darwinism.

The Ideology of

the PKK Is Identıcal

to That of Bloody

Communıst Ideologıes of

the 20th Century

- Surely God is beyond this -

Page 116: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

114 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Like all communistgroupings, the PKKis Darwinist and irre-ligious. AbdullahÖcalan, the bloodyleader of the PKK,also explicitly stateshis atheistic andDarwinist views. Theterror in SoutheastTurkey and somepeople's demandsfor autonomy are allintended to be ableto set up a Darwinistcommunist andatheist state.

Page 117: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


In the same way, Abdullah Öcalan, the child-killer and leader

of the PKK terrorist organization, also frequently expresses his

admiration for Charles Darwin and his false theory. Exam-

ples are as follows:

"In this rule of dialectics, thesis and antithesis persist in

a richer form in a synthesis. THE ENTIRE EVOLU-TION CONFIRMS THIS RULE." (Extract from the

chapter "Natural Society" from the book "Bir Halkı

Savunmak" ["Defending a People"] by the separatist

leader Abdullah Öcalan, published in 2004)

"In general, the natural process of evolution in all living things

apart from man, also continues in human societies in a conscious

manner with his own comprehension and expression. The greatadvance in the conceptual process that led to today'sspeech in the human race, Homo sapiens, made a greatadvance in the development of conscious societies possible.During the primitive stage of society, human groups livedat the level of groups of some developed animals..."

"Being entirely with nature is a transition from a divided nature

to an integrated one. And that leads to the creation of democrat-

ic and socialist society. There is a great inter-relation. It is

respect for THE EVOLUTIONARY CHAIN that creates man."

(Extract from the chapter "The Present Situation and Likely

Developments in the Middle East" from Abdullah Öcalan's book

"Bir Halkı Savunmak" ["Defending a People."])

"As the discoveries of tools and fire increase, products will also

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increase, and as they increase the species will develop more rapid-

ly and the distance between [man] and primates will grow.THE NATURAL LAWS OF EVOLUTION determineprogress." (From the chapter "Natural Society" from Abdullah

Öcalan's book "Bir Halkı Savunmak" ["Defending a People."])

"Sociality is a precondition for the existence of human species. It

is a fact of social science that he split away from the PRI-MATE species (the family closest to man) and humanized,

and advanced at the social level." (Extract from the chapter

"Social Realism and the Individual" from Abdullah Öcalan's

book "Bir Halkı Savunmak" ["Defending a People."])

2. The PKK Is Irreligious

All the bloody communist leaders of the 20th century were athe-

ists and encouraged irreligion by indoctrinating people with the idea

that religion has no place in communist society.

Abdullah Öcalan, the bloody leader of the PKK, is also an athe-

ist, and the entire PKK, which also shares the Darwinist perspective,

adheres to the same ideological system. One can see the kind of atti-

tude to religion held by members of the PKK terror organization

from Öcalan's statements:

[Surely God and His Prophet (saas) are beyond this]

"God is a kind of medieval feudal manifesto, basic law anddeclaration." (Abdullah Öcalan, "Sümer Rahip Devletinden

Demokratik Uygarlığa" [From the Priestly Sumerian State to

Democratic Civilization], Vol. 1, December 2001, p. 313)

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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"We have nothing to do with religion. Our people mustbreak away from God and that ideology. I strove hard, and

eventually broke away from God.

I went past God. And I was thus able to become Abdullah

Öcalan. Islam has given our women nothing. We willreplace it with socialist morality."

"When we look at progress in history, we see quite clearly that

they sought unity and power through the worship of GOD. Con-cepts such as the beloved servant going to paradise are thefantastical elements of the matter, the literary bits."

"Monotheistic religious ideologies are political ideologiesfrom beginning to end. Religious accounts, concepts such as

GOD, the prophets and the angels are the political literatureof the time." (Abdullah Öcalan, "Sümer Rahip Devletinden

Demokratik Uygarlığa" ["From the Priestly Sumerian State to

Democratic Civilization"], Vol. 1, December 2001, p. 204)

"I experienced a great philosophical depression in my high school

days. I waged war on God, after emerging victorious fromthat war I became a semi-God myself." (Abdullah Öcalan,

"Özgür Yaşamla Diyaloglar" ["Dialogues with Free Living"],

October 2002, p. 257)

"In general terms, the [salat] prayer is also a piece of the-ater." (Abdullah Ocalan, "Sümer Rahip Devletinden

Demokratik Uygarlığa" ["From the Priestly Sumerian State to

Democratic Civilization"], Vol. 1, December 2001, p. 354)

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"The God of Muhammad expresses the need for the maintribes to unite and become strong. It is the common concep-

tion of the Bedouin tribes, the power of a united Arab tribes.No community had any compunction about redesigning itsown God to the extent they strengthened themselves. That is the

historic and social reality. Today's God is the essence of science."

The Noble Qur'an: "Is a transition of Sumerian mythologycarried out at the level of ideological identity, its thirdgreat version."

3. The PKK Is Opposed to the Family and

the State

All the bloodthirsty leaders of communism have been against the

family and the state. During their dictatorships they made strenuous

efforts to eliminate the concepts of the family and the state.

In the same way, the child-killer Öcalan also maintains that the

family is a concept that needs to be done away with. The terrorist

Öcalan says this on the subject:

In his 81-page defense presented to the Imrali Court, the terrorist

Ocalan describes his childhood as follows:

"My reaction was against feudal family ties. One might say that

my first rebellion developed against the structure of the fam-ily and the village which was a far cry from responding to a

child's expectations... I broke away from the family … witha major conflict at an early age.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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From the book Kürdistan'da Kadin ve Aile (Woman and the Family

in Kurdistan):

"In the same way, all of Western Europe is suffering a profound

trauma on this subject. The institution of the family has lit-erally become a scourge for them." (pp. 27-28)

"Like military wars, a concentrated political expression, peace

policies and cultural wars, wars waged in the field of the fam-ily also represent a significant part of that general warfare.If we are not to think of war solely as clashes betweenarmies, then it is clear that one of the greatest battles in

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Communistideology isopposed tothe family,the stateand, mostimportantlyof all, theexistence ofreligion. Statements against reli-gion, the state and the family bythe child-killer Öcalan are ofsuch a nature as to confirm thatthe PKK terror organization is acommunist group.

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human society is mental warfare, that warfare within the

body of the family must not be ignored." (p. 30)

"They are debating whether the dangers of the institution of the

family can be consigned to history. An unsteady nuclear fami-ly has emerged.

That conception itself will disappear spontaneously withthe disappearance of capitalism." (p. 44)

"(The family) is a hugely enslaving relationship that byitself will cause a person to cease to exist... We reject andare terrified by stale familial relationships in every village

and town in Kurdistan." (p. 47)

"It will be of use to regard confusion in the body of the family and

that the problems are at the highest level objectively. We need to

adopt a political approach to the institution of the family, that

had not advanced of its own accord in hundreds of years. Thefamily is a most dangerous institution that imposes a verydangerous, ideological, political, moral, cultural and eco-nomic backwardness, that some forces are seeking to rein-force by settling crutches to left and right." (p. 48)

"The family is the institution we have the most difficultywith. Instead of regarding the family as an institution with

immunity and always deserving of respect, it is an institutionwithin close binds of colonialism and is the firm founda-tion of its ideological policy within the country, and itleaves our people in a state of despair and deprived of a

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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future, living by the height of irresponsibility, and it must be

exposed to a revolutionary criticism and revolutionary process.

We must see all aspects of the obstacle posed by the fami-ly in the process of our national liberation. This is a sharpobstacle they are trying to erect, like Mount Ağrı." (p. 50)

"With us, the family, in a state of disorder, is like a BermudaTriangle in which thought is buried and free will is turnedinto a jigsaw puzzle and scattered. That is why we put the

family at the top of those institutions needing to be exposed to the

revolutionary process. A revolutionary must carefully consider

his duty on this subject. We cannot consider this intangible and

reactionary family relationship as a simple matter of pride. We

are not responsible for this relationship, but we have a duty to

make it revolutionary." (pp. 52-53)

"We are trying to transform our people, who have been brought

down by the enemy and trapped within the narrow bounds ofthe family, into powerful revolutionists. Were you all withinthe ranks of the family today, you could not avoid beingcrippled men and women.

Although it inflicts nothing but chaos on the individual –

men, women and children – the family is still the institution that

most occupies people's minds. So much so that this is a fact not

just in society as a whole, but also in terms of the individuals in

our party ranks. Many comrades cannot improve themselvessince their thoughts are mainly centered on familyism.Bearing all this in mind, the struggle against familyism andthe resolution thereof is as important among us as the res-

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olution of colonialism. The inconsistencies of that institution must

be exposed and combatted at least as much as those of colonialism."

(p. 57)

"Engels' analysis and criticism of the origin and structure of thefamily is well-known. This is a definition and theoreticalframework we need to consider with great care. It is a fact thatthis problem is the source of deep-rooted sicknesses among us."(p. 67)

"If every family could transform the existing relations that cannotbe escaped into revolutionary relations, then the Turkish Republiccould not survive for even two days, and would at once collapse. Iffamilies combined and imposed such an education among themselves, the

Turkish Republic could not survive. Among us, since the family is closed

to the outside it can work like a secret force in the revolution. The issue of

why we cannot use this secret force is another matter." (p. 74)

"We have nothing to learn from thefamily. One cannot learn politicsfrom the family. Our fathers at thehead of this deceived institutionare in a wretched position; and theposition of the mothers is evenworse." (p. 75)

The bloody communist leaders of the 20th cen-tury spread communism through armed struggleand terror. As a requirement of communism, thePKK terror organization uses the same methodsof armed struggle and engages in the same slyand treacherous kinds of attack.

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123Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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4. The PKK Relies on Communist Terror

All the bloody communists of the 20th century have said that the

armed struggle and terror are essential if communism is to survive and

have consequently translated these ideas into action.

Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the communist organization the

PKK, also states that armed struggle and terror are essential for its sur-

vival and makes it clear that communism requires that this be put into



"... We state that in order to raise the national liberation struggle to

the level of an advanced war IT IS NECESSARY TO BEGINWITH ARMED PROPAGANDA, and ARMED PROPAGAN-DA WILL BE the main vehicle for the success of the tasks of agita-

tion, propaganda and organization, and ARMED PROPAGANDAWİLL SERVE as the basic pier in the creation of a revolution-ary structure..." (Abdullah Öcalan, Selected Writings, Vol. 1. p.


"... Ho Chi Minh says this on the subject, under the conditionsfacing Vietnam before 1944; '... We can initiate neither a guer-rilla war nor a popular uprising. But WE NEED TO APPLYARMED PROPAGANDA to prepare these.' And this is an evenclearer and more obligatory fact under the conditions of Kur-distan..." (Abdullah Öcalan, Selected Writings, Vol. 1. p. 213)

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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The PKK has adopted terror because it is a communist organization. And like all com-munist organizations, its sole method is shedding blood, spreading terror and inflict-ing fear and tragedy on society.

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126 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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127Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The hammer and sicklesymbols on the PKK terrororganization flag, otherprominent communist sym-bols at PKK party meetingsand portraits of Marx, Leninand other communist lead-ers all explicitly documentthat the PKK is a communistorganization.

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128 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

In order to understand that the separatist terror organization is a communistgrouping, one needs to look at the Darwinist and communist statements inthe PKK party manifesto on its official web site:

Sociality is a form of existence of the human species. The human race break-ing away from its animal-like forebears and becoming human takes place atthe same rate as the level of socialization. There is no individual life outsidesocial life.In social change and development, dialectical dilemmas, the language of theuniversal system, flow by constantly growing richer or poorer.


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129Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Pictures of the separatist terror organization leader,the child-murderer Abdullah Öcalan, from the PKKParty Congress. Those who claim that the PKK ter-ror organization is not communist need to take along, hard look at these pictures. They will see pic-tures of Lenin and Engels alongside the red PKKflag with its hammer and sickle emblem.

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130 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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131Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

It is important for people to know that the PKK ter-ror organization is a communist separatist organi-zation because people who are unaware of thetrue face of the PKK cannot grasp how truly dan-gerous its objectives are. They fail to understandthat they will never renounce terror so long astheir communist mindsets survive, that if they aregiven land they will start an even more intensivearmed struggle aimed at taking over the wholecountry, that they will grow stronger and movetoward the foundation of a communist world state.That is why it is essential for this terror organiza-tion's true aim to be well known and for efforts tobe made to eliminate its fundamental logic. Com-munism, which makes a necessity of terror, drawsits main ideas from Darwinism, and it is essentialfor the fraud of Darwinism to be eliminated frompeople's brains through intellectual activity.

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132 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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133Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Since the PKK terror organization is a com-munist grouping, it starts its training bydescribing the intellectual foundation ofcommunism. Every young person who goesup to the mountains to join it has received aDarwinist, materialist education from anearly age. They are taught the false scientif-ic logic of terror as an ideology. Followingthat education, generations of people whoregard man as a species of animal, whobelieve there is no reason for their exis-tence and that they have to kill to live andwho regard conflict as essential beginappearing. The one and only way of haltingterrorism is for the fraudulent nature of Dar-winism to be exposed. A terrorist who seeshe has placed his faith in a false religionwill lose all his belief, enthusiasm and falseaims.

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134 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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135Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

To the side can be seen an award given by theSouth African Communist Party to the leader of theseparatist terror organization, Abdullah Öcalan. Ingiving him the award, the general-secretary of theSouth African Communist Party, Blade Nzimande,praised Öcalan for his terrorist campaign againstimperialism and colonialism, and described him asa beacon of the communist and socialist move-ment. As this shows, the communist movement drawssupport from communists all over the world. Sincethe movement in Southeast Turkey is a communistone, and since it perpetrates terror in its most fero-cious form as a requirement of that communism, itenjoys constant support from communist countriesand groupings until their dream of a communistworld state is achieved.

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136 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

The communist, Stalinist, Leninist and Darwinist mindset that led to

the barbaric slaughter of scores of millions of innocent people in the 20th

century is identical to the separatist ideology being attempted to be trans-

lated into reality now in Southeast Turkey. In trying to portray the situa-

tion there as a local problem, some people are unaware of the stratagems

being implemented in Southeast Turkey, while others are pretending to

be unaware. These people interpret the treacherous traps set for Turkish

troops with a most astonishing naiveté, and imagine they can achieve

results by calling on the terrorists up in the mountains to behave in accor-

dance with good conscience, issuing calls for peace or else condemning

them outright. The fact is that the dominant mentality there is a materi-

alist, communist and Darwinist one. To put it another way, it is the mind-

set of Pol Pot as he murdered 3.5 million people.

By claiming that the Pol Pot regime and the terror going on in

Turkey have different foundations, those people who try to give the

impression that this separatist terror in Turkey is a question of region-

al nationalism are preventing the realization that we are facing a com-

munist threat. This is a blatant deception. The communist mindset is

the same wherever and whenever it may exist. It is based on the same

The PKK Terror

Organızatıon Applıes

the Requırement of

the Communıst System

of Thought —Terror and Vıolence

Page 139: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


perverse ideology – Darwinism – and serves the same aim. Therefore,

the savagery that took place in Russia, China and Cambodia in the

20th century is the only way for the separatist PKK terrorist organi-

zation to achieve its own aims.

Since someone raised with a Darwinist-communist mindset will

imagine he has brought about the elimination of the weak required by

nature when he kills another person, he will think that his own death

will serve that same aim of elimination. Therefore, for a PKK terrorist

with a Darwinist mindset, killing or dying is a natural outcome of the

laws of nature, and must absolutely be made to happen as a require-

ment of Darwinist ideology. Under this perverse mindset, which

regards human beings as equivalent to animals, the elimination of the

weak is essential and benefits "those who achieve an advantage," in

other words, "the survivors." The idea that Darwin emphasized in his

book The Descent of Man, devoid of any scientific foundations, of "the

preservation of favored races and the survival of superior races," can

only be brought about in this way.

Therefore, telling a terrorist with such a perverse perspective to

"heed the voice of your conscience and do not kill people," or to threat-

en him with death, will do no good whatsoever, and is most certainly

not doing any good now.

So for all these reasons, asking PKK terrorists who martyr Turkish

troops in the Southeast of the country, "Have you no compassion?" or

"Do you feel no pangs of conscience?" is pointless; they are merely

empty words. Telling a community that has adopted killing as an ide-

ology and way of life that "You are on the wrong road," "You are

behaving disgracefully," "You are behaving like barbarians" or "This is

inhuman behavior" is merely to say that, "We are distracting ourselves

by saying this instead of embarking on an intellectual struggle." This is

an utterly feeble approach that will do absolutely no good. Newspaper

headlines over the last 30 years wholly refute this perspective. In the

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same way that headlines such as "Have you no compassion?" from 30

years ago achieved no results then, so they are likewise achieving no

results now, and it is impossible for them to ever do so. But these head-

lines, a statement of weakness and despair, still appear in the newspa-

pers of today. The aim is not to put an end to the evil of the PKK, but

rather to give an impression that "We are not remaining silent in the

face of this evil."

In the same way, telling a PKK

terrorist indoctrinated under the

communist ideology, "You are very

cruel and ruthless" is an expression

of that very same naiveté. This is

just what a communist wants to

hear. Perpetrating an effective

action as required by communism is

a most important objective for him.

Cruelty, oppression, terrifying the

enemy, causing terror among the

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

People in commu-nist posters holdingguns with cold andhate-filled facesrepresent theessential logic ofcommunist ideolo-gy. Communismconsists solely ofblood, savageryand slaughter.

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139Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

PKK terror organizationmilitants are trained withcommunist ideology.Therefore, it is the blood-thirsty communist mind-set that makes the PKKdangerous. The commu-nist red book next to theweapon of a PKK militantup in the mountains inthe picture to the side,and the communist flaghung up in a PKK shelterin the picture above arestriking.

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enemy and spreading panic are not words of criticism, but rather

words of praise for him. It is only through the employment of such

words that he can realize he is achieving his aim.

Lenin gave this answer to those who criticized him for his ruth-


"... WHEN PEOPLE CHARGE US WITH HARSHNESS wewonder how they can forget the rudiments of Marxism." 55

The PKK acts according to the same Marxist principles mentioned

by Lenin in this quotation. Criticizing the communist PKK for its terror

and ruthlessness will therefore do nothing but perhaps amuse these

terrorists. Those who do not apply ruthlessness, terror and barbarity

are accused of not being Marxists, of flying in the face of science and of

denying the fundamental claim of Darwinism, that of "...the strong

eliminating the weak and the conflict of opposites." Terrorists up in the

mountains are told, "It is essential for the oppressed class to fight the

exploiter class and for it to win that struggle, and for them to adapt to

the [imaginary] natural course of history, the dialectic." By brainwash-

ing terrorists it becomes possible to make them commit savagery and

barbarity. Yet the fact remains that Darwinism is not scientific, the con-

flict of opposites and the strong eliminating the weak is not a fact of life

and the dialectic does not actually operate in nature. These claims are

lies that have been imposed on people for many years by materialists

and Darwinists. But minds that have been thoroughly indoctrinated by

Darwinist ideology cannot think along any other lines. And that is the

greatest danger of the communist mindset.

Some people say that if a democratic environment is established,

if PKK terrorists are promised families, warm homes and hot food, and

told, "Your mothers are missing you," this will somehow have an effect

on the terrorists. They think they will repent and come down from the

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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mountains, and frequently say as much. But the truth of the matter is

that the Darwinist ideology and the communist mentality it gives rise

to reject democracy. They know nothing of human rights. They know

nothing of sympathy, affection, love or compassion. They reject the

family. They do not want brotherhood, peace and friendship. The only

thing that Darwinist and communist ideologies want is savagery, ter-

ror and barbarity. Terrorists do what they are told to do by the Marx-

ist, Leninist, Darwinist and materialist education given to them in

schools, academies and on the radio and television from a very early

age. Because of that education, they regard themselves as being in the

right and on the right path. That is why propaganda in Southeast

Turkey aimed at encouraging love and brotherhood and the family and

stirring people's consciences

has never borne any fruit at

all. So long as the Darwinist

mindset persists within the

separatist PKK terrorist orga-

nization it is impossible for

this empty propaganda to

produce any results.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Shedding blood and tak-ing part in terroristactions is a matter ofsuperiority and pride incommunism. It is there-fore totally futile to criti-cize or condemn a com-munist for sheddingblood or try to get him toheed his conscience.What needs to be done isto eliminate the commu-nist mindset.

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The separatist, terrorist PKK, a ruthless group that constantly lies

in ambush for Turkish troops, shoots them in the back, that attacks

them in the barracks or in police stations during ceasefires and that

perpetrates various and sundry attacks against the civilian population

in city centers, is simply employing the most cunning tactic of the com-

munist mentality – guerrilla warfare. Some writers or state officials

from time to time criticize the terror organization for "behaving dis-

gracefully" by committing these treacherous attacks, or "breaking the

rules." But these messages of condemnation will produce no results,

and are in fact just what communist PKK militants want to hear

because communism is an ideology that draws its strength from sav-

agery, bloodshed and terror and grows by means of treacherous guer-

rilla tactics. A communist militant has no feelings of compassion, love,

affection or sympathy, and such people certainly recognize no bounds,

rules or legal standards. Communists' greatest objectives are to attack,

in whatever way possible, to carry out acts of violence, using whatev-

er method is available, and to kill as many people as possible. In order

to achieve these aims, faced by an army with military rules and the

laws of war, the most effective and productive thing for them to do is

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Lıke All

Communıst Groups,

the PKK Employs

Guerrılla Tactıcs

Page 145: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


to ignore the rules of war and use cunning and treacherous techniques,

in other words, guerrilla warfare. Obtaining intelligence, food and

drink by inspiring terror in the people and ensuring artificial support

by sowing fear amongst the population brings about the requisite

framework for guerrilla methods. Telling a communist, terrorist group

that is proud of employing cowardly techniques and regards it as

essential to shoot people in the back that "You are committing treason"

and imagining that results can possibly come of this is, to put it mild-

ly, the height of naiveté.

As we have already said, changes of time and place have absolute-

ly no effect on communist principles because the basis of communist

thinking is Darwinism, which never changes as the years pass by or

from country to country. Therefore, the guerrilla techniques used dur-

ing the Vietnam War in the 1960s are largely the same as that applied

in the southeast of Turkey today. People who maintain that, "There is

no resemblance between communist terror in the Southeast and Viet-

nam" are totally mistaken. These people are either unaware of what the

communist mindset actually is, or else they are trying to misrepresent

the danger here as something simple and different from what it really

is. It will be of use to remind these people that the child killer and

leader of the PKK terrorist organization, Abdullah Öcalan, said that the

communist uprising in the Southeast needed to adopt Vietnam as a

role model:

"... Ho Chi Minh says this on the subject, under the conditions

facing Vietnam before 1944; '... We can initiate neither a guer-

rilla war nor a popular uprising. But WE NEED TO APPLYARMED PROPAGANDA to prepare these.' And this is aneven clearer and more obligatory fact under the conditionsof Kurdistan..." (Abdullah Öcalan, Selected Writings, Vol. 1. p.


Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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The child killer thus says that terror needs to be applied in the

same way as in Vietnam. We need to return to the example of Vietnam

here: the war in Vietnam, the alliance between the anti-communist

South Vietnam, the United States of America and various militia forces

against the communist North Vietnam, lasted for many years. An army

of around 1.5 million, consisting of 900,000 South Vietnamese, 580,000

Americans and 1,480 militia, faced a much smaller North Vietnamese

army of just 320,000. In the course of just three years, 500,000 tons of

bombs were dropped on North Vietnam.

Yet despite all of these signifi-

cant disadvantages, communist

North Vietnam won the war by

employing very cunning guerrilla

tactics. The North Vietnamese

Army and Viet Cong guerrillas

initiated a guerrilla attack against

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 147: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


36 provincial centers in 1968; this was the Tet Offensive.

The U.S Army lost a total of almost 60,000 troops in that war over

roughly a ten-year period. Eventually, when attacks from the air and

sea by U.S. troops all came to nothing, America finally decided to aban-

don South Vietnam. The country was conquered by North Vietnamese

troops in April 1975, forever remembered in the West as the Fall of


The sole reason why communist North Vietnam, with its relative-

ly few soldiers, emerged victorious from the war against an adversary

with an overwhelming technological advantage was the way that they

consistently struck from behind, set ambushes, failed to abide by

agreements and ceasefires, attracted the populace to their own side by

their skillful use of propaganda and the frequent slaughter of innocent

people in the most horrible ways, making no distinction between mili-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Despite being in a

seemingly highly


position, commu-

nist North Vietnam

won the war using

cunning guerrilla


Page 148: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


tary and non-military targets. To put it another way, they applied

the communist tactics espoused and applied by the communist Chi-

nese leader Mao.

The terror perpetrated in Southeast Turkey is just that same

communist terror. PKK terrorists set what Turkey calls "treacherous

ambushes" with great ease as a requirement and tactic of commu-

nism. The mountainous region they inhabit is ideally suited to guer-

rilla warfare. They wage intensive Darwinist, materialist and com-

munist propaganda at the local populace, indoctrinating them and

frightening them, and thus try to bring large masses of people

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The struggle of the regular Turkish Army against the communist terror organiza-tion the PKK that operates using the guerrilla tactics required by communism isof course a heroic one. But the terror organization's cunning tactics causeTurkey to constantly give up new martyrs. The Turkish Nation has no problemwith giving up martyrs, but the one thing to be done, as a matter of urgency inorder to put an end to terrorism, is the intellectual struggle against communism.

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147Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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148 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

The sly aim of the Stalinist communist PKK terror organization is to establish aKurdish state over a large swathe of territory. It is to bring in communist ruleacross that territory, intimidate and control innocent people and surroundingcountries by means of terror and then to found a communist world state, by firstexpanding from Turkey to Armenia. The only solution in the face of this hugethreat is the elimination of communism from the roots. The communist threat canonly be eradicated through an intellectual and scientific campaign.

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under their control. They are easily able to meet such

needs as intelligence, arms, food and drink through

this policy of intimidation.

A militant from this organization is not bound

by conventional rules. He is highly mobile, and can

strike when and where he likes. Because of these

characteristics, the communist PKK is able to obtain

almost all the advantages of guerrilla warfare. They

can attack our Turkish troops who stand guard in

police stations and are bound by laws and regula-

tions from every direction. It therefore seems impos-

sible to successfully oppose a terrorist group that

employs such cowardly methods – even if their num-

bers are far fewer than those of the powerful Turkish

Army – using conventional military tactics.

What needs to be done in order to eliminate such

a cunning movement is to wage a multi-faceted intel-

lectual campaign. Communist terror can only be

defeated when its foundation, its intellectual system,

is annihilated. What one has to do is analogous to

drying up the swamps where mosquitoes breed,

rather than trying to swat them all one by one. In

summary, what needs to be done as a matter of

urgency is to eliminate the Darwinist, materialist

mindset that lays the foundations for communism

through intellectual activities.

The form that this intellectual activity needs to

take is considered in detail in a later chapter. Before

that, however, we need to look at the finer details

and key points of the type of communist movement

being aimed for in the Southeast.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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All the Communists in the World Support the PKK

ADNAN OKTAR: All the communist organizations

backed the PKK in the latest marches in France.

The PKK has a communist structure. All the

communists in the world support the terror

organization. People need to see this

danger. They describe the PKK's actions

in a one-sided way. You must respond

to the PKK's ideas with your own ideas;

do work that will intellectually eradicate

Darwinism, Marxism and Leninism.

Our state should engage in that kind of

activity. Or it should support those engaged

in anti-communist activity in the region.

Many states are still unaware they have fallen

under the control of the antichrist. Darwinism is

still discussed in books in Turkey. They con-

tinue to tell people about Haeckel's

drawings, even though all scien-

tists agree that these are invalid.

The state should talk about Dar-

winism. I will respond if they will

let me have just three pages in

school text books to repudiate


The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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Southeastern businessmen came here the other day. They said, "The KCK is

more of a danger in the region than the PKK. They are telling people about

communism and Leninism. It is really they who are trying to mislead the pub-

lic." The state needs to take precautions against that.

Some media commentators say, "The PKK will stop doing what they are doing

with our methods." Of course, if you give the region to the PKK they will stop

what they are doing for a time. Why not, if you give them what they want, if the

country is split up? That is what they want. But they will never renounce terror

until communism is defeated.

Fethullah Hodja recently gave a talk along the lines of "Let there be peace."

Everyone wants peace. The very name Islam comes from the word 'silm,'

meaning peace. But peace can only come through intellectual activities,

through the intellectual destruction of the PKK. ( January 13th, 2013; A9 TV)

The PKK Will Not Bring Freedom for Believers. On the Contrary, It Will Prevent People Living by Religious Moral Values

DİDEM ÜRER: Star newspaper columnist Hakan Albayrak was asked this ques-

tion on a program broadcast on the Habertürk channel: "If the BDP grass roots

are secular grass roots, then is it right to emphasize the concepts of Islam and

the Islamic Community in order to win those grass roots over?" Hakan Albayrak

replied, "Ten million people voted for the BDP, but the grass roots are not like

them. There is not a huge atheist, Marxist and Stalinist mass in Turkey. These are

religious people. However, there is a racial, tribal element here. If you give the

Kurds their rights, and not as if you are doing them a big favor, then the BDP will

lose much of its grass roots." In addition, there may be some religious Kurds

alongside the Marxist Öcalan, and that is interesting, of course," he said.

ADNAN OKTAR: We must emphasize the brotherhood of Islam more strongly.

We must convince people that Islamic Unity will remove this scourge. Some

Muslims may think, "At least we will be able to escape." We will be able to live

as Muslims more easily, in other words. But there is such a thing as out of the

frying pan and into the fire. They would lose all the benefits they enjoy if they

fell into the hands of ruthless, savage Stalinism, may God forbid. They would

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burn mosques, rape young girls, eliminate the concept

of the family and allow believers and religion no room

to breathe. That is why our brothers may go along with

PKK propaganda, since they are unaware of the scale

of the tragedy awaiting. The PKK tells them. "You cannot

live by your faith or tell people about Islam at the

moment. But when we come to power you will be free to

dress as you like, to pray as you like and to talk as you

like, without interference." And that is quite attractive

to some of our brothers. But this is just one of Marxism's

ways of deceiving people. It is the start of a terrible

disaster and tragedy. The attitude toward religion

is now more positive in Turkey. It seems much

more positive, and will be even more positive

in the future. Since the system of the Mahdi will

soon begin directly making its presence felt

across the world. Muslims, Christians and

Jews, not just in Turkey but everywhere in the

world, will all be able to live at ease. Peo-

ple of other beliefs will also live at ease.

There will be no despising of people, nor

more wars or terror, no more social

injustice, and wealth will be shared out

equally. We will therefore enjoy very

happy and fine days, insha'God.

(January 19th, 2013; A9 TV)

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153Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The Alleged Terror Organization Ergenekon Established the PKK

ADNAN OKTAR: The PKK is not the only problem in Turkey. There is also the

scourge of the alleged terror organization Ergenekon. It was these killers who

founded the PKK, you know. Whenever they talk to one another, they talk only

of blood and war.

These killers hate everyone. They perpetrated terrible persecution in the South-

east. They were so horrible to our Southeastern brothers because their aim was

to make them hostile to the state and to break away. But out dear ones in the

Southeast were not so easily deceived. These killers tried to portray the follow-

ers of Bediüzzaman as enemies of the state, too. They tried to portray our Süley-

manlı brothers as enemies, they gave the state the impression that all religious

communities were hostile. The important members [of Ergenekon] are over-

seas. In Russia and Kazakhstan in particular; the state there has fallen entirely

into the hands of these killers. Members of the alleged terror organization

Ergenekon go there and seize all the assets of a company and nobody says a

thing in protest. These people are in complete control of the state. These killers

are in Russia, Iraq and Syria now. The government should not allow these killers

room to breathe.

Let me also say this. When I refer to the alleged terror organization Ergenekon,

I am not speaking of those on trial now. They are on trial, and whatever the

judicial process reveals, so be it.

The only way of putting an (intellectual) end to the alleged terror organization

Ergenekon and the PKK is by establishing Islamic Unity; ideas such as getting

them to lay down their weapons will be of no use. Let us open up the borders

and unite Russia and Iran and all the Islamic countries. Everyone must at once

sign up to this highly reasonable solution."

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The West is usingthe PKK, and

the PKK is using the West

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There is a Middle Eastern scenario that was dreamed up appro-

ximately one hundred years ago. That scenario was actually shaped

on the basis of a project that some evangelical Christians dreamed up

on the basis of the Bible, and has actually been set in motion. Under

this plan, the Middle East has to be broken up and the Battle of Arma-

geddon, in which all Muslims and most Jews will be killed, must be

initiated. According to evangelical belief, that battle is a portent of the

return to Earth of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and absolutely must take

place. (In fact, this battle is a sign of the End Times. What those evan-

gelicals who believe that this battle will take place do not know is that

Armageddon is over and done with. The 2003 Iraq War is the great

battle that is the portent of the End Times. This is the war -God knows

the truth- identified as Armageddon in the Gospels and described

with all its signs in the hadiths and the Torah. Further detail on this

subject can be found in the chapter “Some Christians’ Error

Regarding Armageddon” in Harun Yahya’s book Christians Must

Heed Jesus.)

Of course, not all Christians hold such beliefs

and expectations; not all Evangelicals have such

expectations, either. However, although those

Evangelicals who do expect such a great battle are

A 100-year plan

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156 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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not many in number, they are quite influential and are able act toget-

her in this respect with many different views and people who have

plans for the Middle East. The main proponents of the view in questi-

on today are the neo-conservatives (neo-cons). The neo-cons are acti-

vely working, particularly in the US, on plans for the Middle East.

Let me say that the intention here is not to criticize these Evange-

licals or neo-cons. These people may well think that they are doing the

right thing in the light of their beliefs. The aim here is to point out that

there are a number of errors in this objective and the path and methods

adopted in the light of that objective, as well as to reveal the cost of

such errors that will be made in the Middle East. If the facts on these

matters are set out, there will be a much greater possibility of building

a better and more peaceful Middle East together with the neo-cons,

America and Europe.

The Key Region: Mesopotamia

To return to the 100-year plan, the most essential condition for this

plan is to have the countries of the Middle East ready for war and tur-

moil. This plan has been relatively easy to put into operation because

of the divisions among Muslims and their adoption of a false concepti-

on of religion based on superstitions. The Middle East is now suffering

the worst turmoil since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. However, the

real target of these plans for the Middle East is the area of Mesopota-

mia because, according to the belief in question, that is where Arma-

geddon will take place and where dominance will be established.

Mesopotamia, as is known, is a region that covers the Southeast of

Turkey, the Southwest of Iran and a part of Iraq and Syria. The impor-

tant thing about the area is that it is also predominantly where Kurdish

people live. Therefore the longstanding aim of Evangelical Christians

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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and their political allies is to break up the powerful states in the region

– Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq – and to establish a new Kurdish state

there. That state must have two important features; it must be an

unconditional ally of the U.S. and Europe, and furthermore it must be

a pawn that goes along with all the demands of the U.S. and Europe.

This puppet state will thus provide the West with a highly strate-

gic area in the Middle East and at the same time provide the means, the

climate and the location for the awaited war. The people of the region

will no doubt be the first community to be slaughtered in that battle.

Although this objective is never stated explicitly, this is the main idea

that lies behind the belief in question.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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This plan is in fact in action. The Kurdish Autonomous Region, the

foundation of which was prepared when the area to the north of the

36th parallel was declared a safe zone after the Iraq War, was establis-

hed on Iraqi territory. The worsening turmoil in Iraq at this time has

led to the Kurdish autonomous administration's making statements

saying, “We may declare independence.” As a matter of fact, the Iraqi

Constitution permits that. So long as the inhabitants approve, the auto-

nomous administration can break away as an independent state.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

There was a plan for a Kurdish state dreamed up 100 years ago, based on Iraq, Iran,

Syria and Turkey, where the Kurds predominantly live. A pro-Western puppet state

would be established in the region, and the foundations for the evangelical plan

would be laid through that state.

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However, the present moment is too early for that to happen, because

similar conditions also need to emerge in Iran, Syria and Turkey. Until

then, the Kurdish autonomous administration in Iraq will continue to

exist as a de facto established state.

The second stage in the plan, which is the awaited progress in

terms of the Syrian Kurds, also appears to have been achieved. The

Kurdish administration here, which is divided into cantons, frequently

declares autonomy but because of the ongoing civil war in Syria, it fails

to find an audience and then reverts again to the already existing

system. However, in this particular stage, there is one noteworthy

point, which is the extreme sensitivity displayed by the Western coun-

tries towards the Kurdish region in Syria. Let us examine this under

another heading.

The West’s Sensitivity over Kobane

We know that the Arab Spring protests that broke out in 2011 had

a particularly damaging impact on Syria. It will be remembered that

ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or Islamic State as of June

2014), which became increasingly powerful on Syrian territory, took

over a number of strategic points and moved into Iraq. The interesting

thing is that as ISIL took over areas such as Ar-Raqqah and Deir ez-

Zor, cities of strategic importance in terms of oil and their proximity to

the border, they captured Fallujah, Ramadi and eventually Mosul in

Iraq and assumed control over the Turkmen town of Tuz Khormato,

then continued to move through Al Anbar governorate and approac-

hed the Iraqi capital Baghdad. The West had remained silent so far, but

when ISIL changed its existing plan and started targeting Kurdish

areas, the West went into action. The moment an attack on the Kurdish

region in Iraq was sensed, the West, which had until then turned a deaf

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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ear to calls for action against ISIL, established a powerful coalition to

protect those areas. The second and more important impetus came

with ISIL’s attack on Kobane.

Readers will remember that after allowing safe passage for civili-

ans in the canton of Kobane, ISIL then initiated a guerrilla operation

against the PYD (the Syrian wing of the PKK terror organization), the

controlling force in the area. Coalition forces rapidly and unwave-

ringly lined up alongside the PYD and started bombing occupied areas

and providing military assistance for the YPG, the armed forces of the

PYD. At that point, as if in agreement, the entire Western press made

Kobane their main story, gave the impression that a tragedy the like of

which has never been seen before was unfolding, while the mainstre-

am TV channels covered almost nothing else. A massive support cam-

paign, the like of which has rarely been seen, was initiated on the soci-

al media for Kobane. An extraordinary international protest was star-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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162 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

November 26, 2010, Bugün

April 4, 2013, Aydınlık

August 19, 2006, Ortadoğu

October 17, 2014, Aydınlık

The West’s worst mistake in terms

of the planned Kurdish state was

to believe it could achieve it by

means of the PKK. That is why it

backs the PKK at every opportuni-

ty. The PKK has assumed an impe-

rialist mask in order to benefit

from this, and has declared the

U.S. in particular to be its greatest

ally. In fact, however, each side is

trying to use the other.

WikiLeaks: America

helped the PKK

Special Forces confirmed

US-PKK connection in 2007

From a covert alliance

to open collaboration

US-PKK collaboration official Signals of mili-

tary assistance

from Germany

PKK view of US call to “lay

down arms”: The USA considers

us someone worth dealing with

US officers at PKK camp

The PKK’s weapons are ours;

sad confession from the USA

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ted, as if this tiny town were the only place that had been captured by

ISIL. Yet ISIL, which declared that it had founded an “Islamic State”

while all this was going on, had established its own system in key citi-

es such as ar-Raqqah, Mosul, Ramadi and Fallujah. It had imposed its

own educational curriculum, enforced its own laws and set up its own

judicial system. Yet nobody even mentioned those places.

Of course we have no wish to see anyone anywhere, be it in a vil-

lage, town, city or country, being wronged; the people of Kobane are

our people. Indeed, Turkey was the only country to exhibit any huma-

ne sensitivity in the immediate wake of the attack on Kobane, admit-

ting some 200,000 Kobane Kurds as refugees. Consequently, the peop-

le of Kobane were already placed under protection.

It also needs to be stated that it is not possible for us to take part

in the consortium known as the coalition, established to carry out mili-

tary operations against ISIL. In the same way that we did not support

the coalition’s military operations aimed at Mosul, ar-Raqqah or any

other area in order to neutralize ISIL, it is not possible for us to support

attacks aimed at Kobane. Peaceful solution can only be brought to the

region through a rational, scientific approach, not through the use of

weapons. Arms have never provided a solution, and can never do so.

This point will be explained in detail in the pages that follow.

What we wish to note here are the West’s sensitive areas. The way

that coalition forces only took immediate action when Kurdish areas in

Iraq and Syria were captured once again confirms that these lands are

the most vitally important ones for the West. The turmoil and frag-

mentation in Syria and Iraq were not taken all that seriously. That is

because under the plan, the Middle East needs to be brought to this

state through a range of factors. That is the reason why coalition forces

had no qualms about intervening the day Kobane was occupied but

said not a word about the civil war in Syria.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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164 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The PYD in Syria is nothing but an extension of

the PKK, and is a terrorist organization that

regards Öcalan as its leader. Indeed, PYD leader

Salih Muslim gives speeches and holds meetings

under posters of Öcalan.

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No harm must befall the Kurdish region, however. The West’s

protectiveness over the Kurdish region emerged perhaps most clearly

during these events. And this is now being openly discussed by nume-

rous Americans and Europeans.

Speculation About the PYD

The most striking thing about this protectiveness regarding Koba-

ne has been the speculation over the PYD (The Democratic Union

Party, Kurdish: Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat), which controls the Kur-

dish part of Syria. This indoctrination conducted especially by the

Western media and some neo-cons is sometimes deliberate and some-

times stems from ignorance. Various points of which many people are

unaware about this subject therefore need to be set out.

The PYD was founded in 2003 and is an extension of the PKK. It

was founded by those members of the PKK who remained in Syria

after Öcalan and other PKK leaders had to leave the country because of

pressure from Turkey. Although, just like the PKK, it has today assu-

med a mask of imperialism, it is also, just like the PKK, communist and

Leninist. Abdullah Öcalan is the spiritual leader of both groups. Its

official identification states that it was founded as an organization affi-

liated to the PKK, that it recognizes Öcalan as its ideological leader and

it declares Kongra-Gel (the political wing of the PKK) as “the supreme

legislative authority of the Kurdish people.” Indeed, information

regarding the PYD appeared in the second indictment prepared in 2012

in the context of the KCK investigation in Turkey. The indictment sta-

ted that Öcalan sent a letter of collaboration in April 2011 to Bashar Al-

Assad through his lawyer, in which he said that the PYD would sup-

port the regime in return for being given administrative powers in the

north of the region. 1

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In October 2014, Mardin High Criminal Court No. 2 sentenced a

person from Rojava who had been brought to Turkey to prison on char-

ges of being a member of a “terror organization” on the grounds that he

was from the YPG. With this court ruling, the PYD and YPG, which had

not been on the list of terror organizations before, were recognized as

terror organizations.

Thusly, Salih Müslim, co-leader of the PYD, holds PYD conferences

under posters of Öcalan, and YPG militants carry pictures of Öcalan in

their pockets and put them up in their homes.

Retired Major General Armağan Kuloğlu says the following on the


“The YPG was not founded as an independent terror organi-zation. It is an extension of the PKK in the north of Syria.When events broke out in the north of Syria, a Kurdish orga-nization appeared in the north. The YPG was established bythe PKK as an organization controlling the area and thepeople in it. It is an organization under the control of thePKK; it is an extension of the PKK. Since the PKK is a terrororganization, the YPG is also a terror organization.” 2

It is interesting that a fact known to almost all politicians and expli-

citly admitted by the PYD itself, the link between the PKK and the PYD,

should still somehow be denied by some individuals and countries. It is

of course a fact that many politicians and writers in the West are genui-

nely unaware of the truth about the PYD in Syria. In their eyes, there are

people of ethnic Kurdish origins in the southeast of Turkey and northern

Syria, and these people are only waging a struggle for freedom. It is

because of this lack of information that they fail to grasp the reason for

Turkey’s reaction to these alleged “freedom fighters” and why Turkey

refused to support the “Kurdish fighters” in the region during the Koba-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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ne operations. They vehemently

accuse Turkey and the Turkish

government of ethnic discrimi-

nation. What is truly surprising

is that there are even politicians

and writers in Turkey who do


The fact of the matter is this;

the people who fought ISIL in

Kobane are not “Kurdish figh-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Protests were held in almost all of Europe

following ISIL’s attack on Kobane, and

pressure was put on Turkey. Yet the admin-

istration in Kobane was that of the PYD, an

extension of the PKK. The protests in sup-

port of Kobane in Europe had posters of

Öcalan and PKK banners.

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ters” but a terrorist group that is an extension of the PKK. The PKK is

a despicable terror organization that has been engaging in separatist

propaganda in Turkey, has been attacking us repeatedly and has inflic-

ted terror on our Kurdish citizens in particular and has martyred tens

of thousands of people and our troops for more than 30 years. One

would have to be extraordinarily lacking in awareness or have ulterior

motives in order to want Turkey to help such a terror organization in

Kobane. Of course the Turkish government will not help a cowardly

and treacherous terror organization that has been stabbing it in the

back and trying to break the country up for years on end. The people

fighting ISIL in Kobane are the very same people who have been the

enemies of the Turkish people for more than 30 years.

Certainly, those people who accuse Turkey of discrimination are

not only those who are uninformed about this subject. Various intelli-

gence agents, politicians and writers who are trying to prepare the gro-

und for the establishment of a Kurdish state in the region, despite

being well aware of the true nature of the PYD, are desperate to turn

the situation there to their own advantage. Almost the entire mainstre-

am media have been used to that end, and American and European

politicians have issued serious, if specious, criticisms of the Turkish

government. Time and time again, Turkey has been asked why it refu-

ses to help the terrorists of the YPG, and Turkey was placed under

international pressure from an international dictatorship. Right now

Turkey is perhaps the only country in the history of the world to be

asked “Why are you not helping bloody-minded terrorists whose

hands are red with the blood of your citizens?” This extraordinary

state of affairs is somehow never seriously mentioned by almost anyo-

ne, and Turkey was made the target of an expertly planned smear cam-

paign by the international media dictatorship in particular.

Let us make it clear that the PKK has been greatly pressuring our

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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Kurdish citizens in the Southeast of Turkey for many years now. Kurds

constitute the great majority of the people it has slaughtered. The same

thing applies in the Rojava region in northern Syria. Our Kurdish brot-

hers there have for years been violently repressed by the PYD, the

extension of the PKK.

Indeed, when the civil war in Syria first broke out, the first Kur-

dish refugees to reach Turkey from Rojava came from the Jazira Can-

ton. These brothers of ours explicitly said that they were fleeing, not

persecution conducted by Al-Assad, but by the PYD. In fact, since the

PYD was collaborating with Assad in Syria, Assad never attacked

those areas at that time. Later on, people sought to take advantage of

the turmoil in the country and seized the opportunity to flee persecu-

tion conducted for years by the PYD and sought refuge in Turkey. Con-

sequently, in total contrast to the image the PYD seeks to present to the

international community, the PYD is an extraordinarily dangerous ter-

ror organization that has imposed a Leninist system upon and oppres-

ses its own people, just like the PKK.

What Abu Abdullah al-Kurdi, the leader of the Syrian Kurdish

Islamic Front which speaks for the religious Kurdish community in

Rojava, said about this matter is highly significant; “We came out of Al-

Assad’s dungeons and entered the dungeons of the PYD. These two are the

same for us.” 3

Indeed, in the wake of events in Kobane religious Kurds confir-

med in a press statement that they never supported the PKK: “There is

no doubt that Muslims are strong enough to respond to these cowardly gangs

[members of the PKK] who are fleeing Kobane like rabbits.” 4

As it can be seen, the Kurdish people in the Kurdish area of Syria,

Rojava, regard the controlling PYD as a scourge and want to be freed

from their oppression. It should be remembered that the same thing

applies to Turkey, that the Kurds in Turkey can never be regarded as

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one with the PKK and that the Kurds in Turkey are always among

PKK’s targets.

The Human Rights Watch report is most significant in proving the

situation in question in the Kurdish part of Syria. According to this

report, PYD forces are implicated in arbitrary arrests, human rights

violations and unsolved killings and kidnappings. HRW met with a

number of detainees in prisons, who stated that prisoners were held in

the absence of any arrest warrant, prevented from speaking to their

lawyers, not brought before the courts and were constantly beaten by

officials. It is also reported that their children were given guns and

used as militants, and dozens of other human rights violations were

listed. The report explicitly emphasizes that the PYD is directly part of

the PKK terror organization in Turkey and says that ever since the

Syrian government pulled out of the region because of the civil war in

2012, the organization has behaved arbitrarily with local courts, pri-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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sons and police. The report emphasizes that the practices in question

are worrisome. 5

On that basis, it is very important to properly assess the fact that

Kurdish people living there have been fleeing to Turkey to get away

from persecution by the PYD since 2011. The wretched people there are

trying to escape a Leninist terror organization that has declared control

over the region. The fact that they prefer to go to Turkey and know

they will be safe there should be an important sign for the West, which

either distorts or fails to grasp the situation. Turkey proudly and

lovingly embraces all those who flee to her and stood up for these Kur-

The criticisms of Turkey on the subject of Kobane are all logically flawed. Of course

Turkey will not support the PKK in Kobane. At the same time, however, Turkey has

done what no other state in the world has done, admitting the entire population of

Kobane and even literally building a town for them. The Turkish people and military

have mobilized to ensure the comfort of our Kurdish brothers from Kobane. Syrian

Kurds shed tears of joy, not solely because they had escaped ISIL, but also because

they had escaped the PYD and were now in safety on Turkish soil.

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dish brothers of ours in a magnificent way and ensured that they can

live in security: Yet at the point where we are today, it is Turkey that

is being blamed for not helping the PYD terror organization in the Kur-

dish part of Syria. Due to the huge efforts made by the global media

dictatorship against Turkey, very few people are aware of this remar-

kable state of affairs.

The PKK’s Mask of Imperialism

Readers may be wondering how we can describe the PKK and the

PYD as Leninist organizations when their supporters seem so imperia-

list, receive direct support from the U.S., are favored by Europe and

hold U.S. flags in their hands. The reason is this; the PKK and its exten-

sion the PYD have worn an expertly crafted mask, particularly since

the early 2000s. This strategy, which the PKK was forced into adopting

in the wake of heavy defeats inflicted by Turkey, was strengthened by

the U.S. occupation of Iraq. At that time Turkey refused to allow mili-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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tary forces to enter Iraq from Turkish territory and with that decision,

Turkey became closed to all interventions against Iraq. Consequently

Turkey had no means of taking action against the PKK camps on

Mount Kandil.

The PKK seized this opportunity to give the impression of being a

U.S. ally, using the Iranian card against the U.S. It was no longer any

secret by then that the U.S. administration of the time had sent various

forms of aid to the PKK camps north of the 46th parallel, a declared

safe zone. The PKK therefore emerged as an imperialist, Kurdish natio-

nalist movement and an important ally. The U.S. and the other coaliti-

on forces were taken in by this mask and concluded

that the organi-

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zation was an ideal candidate for the plan of a Great Kurdistan. That

imperialist mask benefitted the PKK enormously after that.

So convincing is this mask that Westerners, who regard a Kurdish

state in the Middle East as being to their advantage, were very willing

to be taken in by it. The PKK made great use of that desire and sud-

denly began adopting imperialist language. That mask deceived com-

munists and extreme leftists, even in Turkey. This cunning and well-

crafted stratagem is in fact a well-known communist tactic. In order to

see that, we need to look at previous examples from history.

Stalin, for example, was one of the bloodiest representatives of the

communist ideology and used extremely harsh language against reli-

gion, as communism demanded:

"We carry on and will continue to carry on propagandaagainst religious prejudices. …The Party cannot be neutraltowards religion and does con-duct anti-religious propagandaagainst all and every religious

prejudice…" 6

That same Stalin who spoke

of anti-religious propaganda

against all faiths signed an

accord with the Russian Ort-

hodox Church in the early

years of the Second World

War, permitting the reope-

ning of tens of thousands of

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churches and the rebuilding of the hierarchy under Church leadership.

In addition, Islamic Sharia was recognized in the south, Buddhism was

supported in the east and anti-Semitism was strongly disapproved of.

There was just one reason for that strange accommodation; to be able

to eliminate fascism, which had escalated into an existential danger to

communism in the war and to attract support in the fight to defeat Hit-

ler. Stalin used the influence of the Church for a long time in order to

oppose the Nazis.

Lenin set about a short-term change of economic policy in order to

reinvigorate the collapsing Russian economy and reach the levels of

capitalist countries, and adopted the principles of capitalism. Under

this system, known as the New Economic Policy (NEP), a policy allo-

wing small businesses to continue with the aim of making a profit, as

in capitalism, was adopted. The Bolsheviks regarded the NEP as a tem-

porary measure, and those policies adopted from capitalist economy

were criticized within the party. The NEP, a policy at complete varian-

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ce with the communist conception of the economy, was adopted as an

essential measure and then abandoned once sufficient economic

growth had been achieved. The same tactic can be seen today in Chi-

na’s Hong Kong policy.

Another interesting example of the communist shape-changing

and withdrawal policies can be seen in their approaches to the family

and the state. As we have seen in detail in previous sections, commu-

nism is violently opposed to the family and the state and regards these

two institutions as obstacles in the fight to return to communal societi-

es. Nonetheless, communists generally resort to a stratagem and say

that a strong state is needed in order to do away with the institution of

the family and in order for the state to be strong, the institution of the

family has to be strengthened first. They therefore first take one step

back and strengthen the family. The communist state is thus strengthe-

ned, after which the institution of the family is gradually done away

with. The next stage involves doing away with the state, and that is easy

for communists in a society with no more family or religious values. 7

Communist tactics have been applied in a determined manner by

most communist leaders and have been regarded as essential for com-

munism to grow and flourish. To put it another way, all possible masks

are worn for the sake of a powerful communist state. It was clear that

Stalin would never support the churches; however, when circumstan-

ces so required, a mask was adopted with great mastery. And no con-

cession was made on that deceptive appearance.

The PKK are currently employing the same technique. The PKK

realized that the way to settle in the region and obtain autonomy was

by drawing closer to the West. They are aware of the fact that standing

with a communist identity would attract a negative response from the

world superpower, the U.S., and that such a reaction would inevitably

result in failure.

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In addition, despite being fiercely opposed to the state system and

organized with the intention of destroying it, the organization changed

its way of speaking and began describing the existence of the Republic

of Turkey as a guarantee for them; that was a separate tactic. Of cour-

se they really imagine that in the autonomy stage, the Republic of Tur-

key would be a guarantor for them and that the republic would be their

main source of funding, weapons and infrastructure. That is why the

PKK and its supporters are always talking about the importance of the

existence of the state. The real aim, however, is once they have estab-

lished a state of their own, to eliminate all the states in the region,

including the Republic of Turkey, and to

proceed in this fashion until the objecti-

ve of a communist world state has

been achieved. This talk is therefore

no more than a tactic.

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Women Under the Mask of Imperialism

As the PKK began the tactical change in question in the 2000s it

also began admitting women to the organization. Major divisions had

broken out within the organization at that time, and it had been wea-

kened and suffered severe losses. Consequently, the real aim behind

the admission of women to the Party was to use women as fighters to

encourage male terrorists. As the PKK began producing female fighters

from that time, the way to competition among the male majority was

opened and men were encouraged by that means.

From that time on, the PKK made women a significant part of its

mask of imperialism. It manifested itself as a group that spoke of

women’s rights and giving women prominence in the Middle East,

where women are all too often regarded as second-class citizens on the

basis of radical ideas. This is a very sensitive point for the West, and

the PKK skillfully exploited this sensitivity. It attracted the West’s

attention as the only community to speak of women’s rights in a fun-

damentalist region that attached no value to women at all.

It needs to be made clear that it is of course essential to espouse

the freedom and superiority of women, and that it is one of the basic

principles of our religion. In that sense, the Middle East is a very back-

ward region, the main reason being that Islamic territories long ago

turned away from the Qur’an toward superstitions instead. Turkey

must be a pioneer when it comes to valuing women and must represent

an immaculate role model for the Middle East.

The subject of criticism here is not what the PKK says on the sub-

ject, but its hypocrisy. The PKK has adopted this language and these

policies regarding women solely because that is the easiest way of curr-

ying favor with the West. What women inside the organization say,

however, suggests the very opposite of those fine words.

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One female PKK member, code-named Zelal, says:

“I criticized Öcalan for his attitudes and policies. I critici-zed the organization’s internal democracy and people’sbackwardness... They put me in jail for two months. WhenI came out, Öcalan accused me of speaking against him, inthe presence of 500 people in a training area. One has noright to say anything against a deity. If you speak againsta deity, you will be struck down. In other words, he ascri-bed divine status to himself. I wanted to leave the organi-zation, but they threatened me with death. I had never beenso terrified in my life.” 8

The person code-named Bese, who was active in the organization

during the transition in question, says:

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“When I joined the PKK I was up in the mountains. I had agun, so I thought I was free. But as time passed, I realizedthis was not freedom. Because I had no identity of my own.I could not freely express my ideas or criticisms. I wantedto leave the organization, but I could not leave.” 9

A woman by the code-name Leyla says:

“Nothing was done about freedom for women in the PKKapart from things done on the symbolic and show level.And what was done just damaged women’s freedom a bit

more. Because it was Öca-lan, a man, who developedthis ideology in the nameof women, organizedthem and took and imple-mented all the decisions.I was free before joiningthe PKK, too. I had no

individual opi-nion regarding

the present orfuture in the

PKK, nor could Iever have.” 10

The writer Necati

Alkan said this in his

book written on the

basis of his own obser-

vations and intervi-


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“Women, who were given various roles and duties by thePKK from the 1990s on, became the main force keeping theorganization alive. All the women interviewed said thatthe ‘organizational structure’ would collapse if that forcewere to leave. Ronahi says, ‘If there were no women, youcould not keep the men in the organization,’ Beritan says,‘Men remain up in the mountains for the women,’ Ejin says,‘Not one man would remain up in the mountains if it werenot for the women,’ Revşen says, ‘If the women left theorganization nobody would remain up in the mountains,’and Pelin says, ‘if the women left, the men would not rema-in up in the mountains for a moment.’ All of these com-ments are highly significant inthis context.” 11

In fact, according to

Alkan’s analysis,

women, who were

regarded by the PKK as

“slaves to be freed” in

the early years, were

referred to as “com-

rades” from the

1990s when they

began taking part

in armed attacks

and as “goddes-

ses” when they

began taking

part in suicide

attacks from

1996. However,

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despite all this purple prose, it appears

that in actual practice inside the organiza-

tion, women are looked down on by men,

not regarded as equal and undervalued.

Many women who were uneasy at the

discrepancies between the organization’s

words and deeds and its promises and

actions wished to leave it. Some escaped,

and others were caught trying to escape,

denounced as traitors and punished. 12

It is no surprise that despite all that

talk, women say their only role in the

PKK was “to be used.” Women have

always regarded as worthless entities

under communist systems. The same

thing therefore applies within the PKK.

Indeed, since as a result of his Marxist-Leninist ideology Öcalan regar-

ded family, the law, education, religion, tribe as upper structure estab-

lishments, in his first writings he referred to women as people who

“lower and debase men.” 13

Furthermore, since communism is an ideology that desires a com-

munal system, there can be no question of “women’s worth” in such a

system. Under the system desired by communism, women are regar-

ded as communal property, just like children and all other goods. In an

environment in which there is no family and moral system, in which

everything is regarded as a "commodity" to be exploited in the com-

munal arena, the kind of a "value" that could be attached to women

could easily be understood.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Necati Alkan, Symbols, Actors

and Women in the PKK

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Religion Under the Mask of Imperialism

The PKK wears the same mask when it comes to religion. Western

politicians and writers are generally taken in by the “moderate” Mus-

lim impression given by the PKK, and the organization scores very

highly in the West under that guise. Some Western commentators

point to the fact that the Middle East has turned into a sea of blood

because of radicalism and consider an ally coming forward with mode-

rate statements quite suitable for their own norms. Indeed, the author

Bernard-Henri Levy sets this out explicitly: “[In Kurdish areas] one finds

a level of gender equality, a respect for secularism and minorities, and a

modern, moderate, and ecumenical conception of Islam that are, to say the

least, rare in the region.”14

These key and misleading factors make an ally that can be well

used in a region of strategic importance that will also be well used,

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highly valuable for the West. Yet this is just another one of the PKK’s

deceptive tactics.

As we saw in detail with supporting evidence at the beginning of

this book, communism emerged together with the ideology of atheism,

and all communist leaders have in fact engaged in atheist propaganda.

The concepts of religion, morality and family will be abandoned in the

communist state they plan to found anyway. The attitude of the PKK

leader Öcalan who once said, “I broke away from God and went past God,”

(surely God is beyond that) regarding religion has also been set out in

detail in preceding sections. Indeed, the PKK was shaped around that

irreligious ideology. Consequently the fact that the PKK started using

a perception of moderate Islam after a certain date is nothing but a con-

venient facade. They are opposed to religion of all kinds yet some

people in the West believe what they want to believe, and they fondly

imagine that the PKK embodies the model they picture in their minds

for years, and are flat-out being deceived by it.

Perception Operations in the West

As we have already seen, in order to carry out this 100-year plan,

some Western writers have embarked on an intensive operation since

they genuinely believe in the mask being worn by the PKK. We, of

course, need to make mention of the dominant global media dictators-

hip here. The countries, people, systems, ideologies and institutions

that the world’s leading mainstream media organizations will support

or oppose have all been defined right now. The project is based upon

supporting those supported by the powerful and denigrating as much

as possible those they do not support; those that are part of the global

media can never step outside that line. News reports must be broadcast

in that context, and commentators must write their pieces in that con-

text, too. Since the system in question is a dictatorship, anyone who

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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fails to abide by these rules should definitely be marginalized. Under

this system, which the whole world is aware of but silently acquiesces

in, perception engineering is carried out accordingly. Those in charge

of the global media easily achieve their aims by involving various

people they think they can use in the region in question.

The global media have recently begun using this technique quite

intensively for the PKK. Under the influence of the perception mana-

gement in question, some countries even started to talk about taking

the PKK off the list of terror organizations. So much so that members

of this treacherous organization, one that has ruthlessly murdered Tur-

kish soldiers and Kurdish people over the last 30 years and that knows

nothing other than shooting people in the back, were photographed

holding a baby bear, under the caption: “Turkey still thinks this guy hol-

ding a baby bear is a terrorist. Is he?”15

Depicting a terrorist as a symbol of affection in one of the world’s

leading dailies, and selecting Middle Eastern writers in particular to give

that impression, is a tactic of this perception engineering in question.

The Western secret states implement this tactic using such crude and

well-known methods, and so blatantly, that it does not care whether

people realize its real aim, or not. After all there is no one who is capab-

le of criticizing or putting a brake on the media dictatorship in question.

The impact of this perception management is incalculable. With

the information they glean only from these sources, people in the West

in particular regard the PKK as an innocent community and are una-

ware that it is in fact an exceedingly dangerous organization that tre-

acherously shoots people in the back, that has been killing innocent

people for decades and that also carries out countless executions wit-

hin its own ranks. It is of course easy, thanks to this operation, to give

the impression that it is “Turkey persecuting the Kurds.” Westerners in

particular imagine that the PKK represents the Kurds, and that Turkey

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detests all Kurds. In fact, the Kurdish people are of inestimable value

as symbols of Turkey’s character, honor, honesty and decency. The

PKK, on the other hand, is a vile and treacherous terror organization

that oppresses our Kurdish brothers first and foremost. The difference

between the two is as sharp as that.

The aim behind this cunning method employed by one part of the

media is to smear Turkey’s name as well as whitewashing the PKK. As

we have already seen in detail, the plan is to break Turkey up in order

to realize the dream of a Great Kurdistan. Turkey being a powerful

country that others listen to poses a danger from that perspective. For

that reason, Turkey’s opposition to the PKK is presented as a kind of

crime, and Turkey is alienated in the international arena for failing to

support a terror organization in Kobane that also attacks itself.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

November 27, 2014, Washington Post

The depiction of a terrorist as a symbol of love and compassion, and in one of

the world’s great newspapers, is important evidence that the media dictatorship

is acting as part of the plan for the Middle East.

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This is probably a first in the history of the world. No country in

the world has ever been forced to help a terror organization that treac-

herously attacks its domestic peace, government and citizens and that

appears on almost all the world’s lists of terror organizations. No

country has ever been isolated for criticizing a terror organization

attacking it. No country has ever been told, “Why do you not like this

terror organization that is causing you such pain?” or “Why do you

refuse to provide it with weapons?” This extraordinary state of affairs,

the first of its kind, has been depicted as something completely reaso-

nable by the global media dictatorship. The world blamed Turkey with

a single voice saying, " Why do you not give arms to your sworn

enemy?" As a matter of fact, the majority of these people have no idea

what they are talking about.

The global media dictatorship is powerful enough to easily port-

ray black as white, and white as black. People who are unaware of this

cunning tactic are those who can easily be misdirected by this percep-

tion management. Sad to say, the numbers of such people are very


Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

November 28, 2012

January 15, 2008, Radikal

Kurdish traders in

revolt against the PKK

The PKK has damaged

the Kurds

Page 190: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Pseudointellectual Sycophants in

the Middle East and Asia

It is most important to be well acquainted with the flaws of cha-

racter and logic of those who prefer to support the American, British,

German and other secret states instead of the interests of Islam and

Muslims. The most distinguishing features of these pseudointellectual

sycophants is their sense of inferiority and the way they try to cover it

up by putting on airs. Such people, who are frequently found in Asia

and the Middle East, make numerous foolish concessions in order to

acquire prestige and, even worse, encourage others to make such con-

cessions, too. This character defect – that no Muslim who believes in

God and who knows that all might and power belong to Him would

ever exhibit – is spreading rapidly, by being encouraged by such types

in most countries. It is of the greatest importance to perform an accu-

rate analysis in order to take the necessary precautions before this

turns into a societal disease and for these people’s moral and intellec-

tual flaws to be exposed.

One of the main activities of intelligence organizations such as the

CIA and think tanks that are the extensions of such organizations is to

identify people they can control inside Middle Eastern and Asian

societies. However, the CIA and other intelligence organizations tend

not to deal with them directly, but use various think tanks or writers

and go-betweens. Having identified such people with their sense of

inferiority, they then win them over with clichéd language and ideas.

They start approaching such people by saying things like, “You are very

talented, you could be a great and famous author,” “You are very clever, your

cleverness stands out among other people” or “You are different from the

rest.” One of the tactics they frequently employ to influence people

with that pseudointellectual sycophant character is to “manipulate”

them by saying, “You are clever and modern. Muslims are misunderstood,

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189Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

it would have a great impact if people could see you.” Since they accurately

identify the other person’s sense of inferiority and know that they can

easily influence them with such manipulation they frequently resort to

such ideas.

The next stage is to control the writings of such writers with their

sense of inferiority. In fact, most of these people are not particularly

talented writers anyway, but they are in one way or another made into

authors. These people are first provided with an opportunity to write

for the domestic market and later for international web sites or news-

papers. They then become “famous.” And all these writings are super-

vised and generally totally rewritten by those who provide those

opportunities. It begins with advice along the lines of “Do you not think

it might be better to say such and such instead?” after which these writings

gradually come to entirely support the views and interests of those

sinister forces. That is the trickery lying behind dozens of articles in the

international arena against a Muslim country or Muslims that obvi-

ously all share a common source.

At the basis of this system is the pseudointellectual sycophantic

character of various writers in the Middle East and Asia. Let us now

look at that pseudointellectual sycophant character in more detail:

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190 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The Defeatism That Stems from an Inferiority Complex

Inferiority complex is a widespread psychological problem in the

Middle East and Asia. The complex derives from a person regarding

himself as unworthy in the face of someone else, particularly someone

whom he regards as superior. Many people from Asia and the Middle

East are self-conscious right from the outset, due to the color of their

skins, the different languages they speak or the fact that their resour-

ces are relatively less than those of the West. According to such peop-

le’s sickly mindset, being born in a Middle Eastern or Asian country,

being an Arab, Pakistani, Indian, or Egyptian, is enough to feel inferi-

or. Those born in the West must necessarily be superior to them.

Since they have no self-respect, these people are unable to develop

a character that will be respected by others. They are literally pained

by their feelings of inferiority in the face of

those they regard as their “superiors”

and they strive to cover that sense of

inferiority up by striving to be

happy and content. They are

always trying to prove

themselves to the people

for whom they act as

p s e u d o i n t e l l e c t u a l

sycophants. They the-

refore advocate not

their own ideas, but

those imposed on

them by others, and

imagine that they will

enjoy greater esteem

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by doing so. They live, not a true life, but one shaped by the idea of, “if

you do this, you will be admired.”

Pseudointellectual Sycophants Are Prepared Step by

Step by Their Lords and Masters

Pseudointellectual sycophants are easily employable tools for

intelligence agencies and the various think tanks that are extensions of

them. The bodies in question generally use these people to raise issues

they could not bring up themselves or that might provoke a negative

reaction. For example, it would not be that significant among the inter-

national public if an American were to make comments against Tur-

key, and it would be most unwelcome among the Turkish public. Yet

if a Turkish writer says things against Turkey, then that will be very

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sensational indeed. That is why the identification and training of pseu-

dointellectual sycophants and making them ready for use is such an

important process.

Once such pseudointellectual sycophant characters have been

identified, they go through a lengthy and fastidious grooming process.

These people are first approached by telling them, “You are an intellec-

tual, and very different from the others.” Then they are gradually molded

into the desired form. And during this process, it is the pseudointel-

lectual sycophants’ immense efforts to gain approval that most serve

the interests of their “lords and masters.” They begin influencing such

a person by first praising his/her “intelligence” and “knowledge,”

while inculcating that person with their own philosophies on the one

hand and turning him or her into a writer on the other. Guidance along

the lines of “This sentence on that subject is not exactly right,” or “Why not

put it this way instead?” is actually part of the training. Through this

detailed training these people are both turned into writers and indoct-

rinated with a specific philosophy. After minor corrections of senten-

ces in their articles, this then turns into, “Why not let me write this secti-

on for you?”. Whole paragraphs are added or removed. During this

time the pseudointellectual sycophant starts to learn what form the

“ideal” written text should take. The result is a conveyor belt produc-

tion of numerous papers, the work of a common mind and defending

the same way of thinking. Many articles you read overseas in particu-

lar are prepared in that way.

Pseudointellectual sycophants’ education is not limited to their

writings. They are also taught in fine detail how to behave in which

environment, what to wear where, what subjects to make jokes about

and how to react to events. They are told to adhere to this model if they

want to be famous in the West, to be admired by those around them

and to be regarded as “someone very important” in their own country.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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The eventual result is people with no

beliefs, analyses or ideas of their own,

and who are totally devoted to the beli-

efs, philosophies and life styles of their

“lords and masters.”

At this point, the person imagines

that they have made friends within a ter-

ribly important social circle. The idea

that they have acquired such a circle of

friends goes some way to lightening their

inferiority complex. The people in charge

of the system are also very careful to give

that same impression. The German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who

admitted working for the CIA, summarized how the system works

very clearly:

“The reason I agreed was that I came from a poor family. Itwas like a penniless child suddenly finding himself in acandy shop, and everything was free … Instead of money,they game me gifts that money could not buy. For example,an honorary citizenship award in the U.S. state of Oklaho-ma, gold watches, 5-star trips and even women. But mostimportant of all I was being included in a 5-star businessnetwork. I could call for help whenever I was in any diffi-culty because I knew the highest-ranking figures in the net-work. You are chosen to be present in the same diplomaticenvironments as chancellors. You are placed next to influ-ential people when you travel to foreign countries. Theytrust you. That was a lovely feeling.”

As we have seen, the system satisfies feelings such as “being famo-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

German journalist Udo Ulfkotte

Page 196: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


us,” “rubbing shoulders with famous people” and “being admired,” on

the part of those whom it wishes to win over. Rubbing shoulders with

cabinet ministers and members of Parliament, in other words giving

the impression that “you are important, too,” is far more important

than money to such people.

The Desire for Approval, the Idea of Being Approved of

by the “Lords and Masters”

The most sensitive point of people with an inferiority complex is

“being taken seriously.” Those who know how to do that can easily

make these people devoted to them through small gifts and gestures.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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There is no need for expensive gifts in order to win over the pseu-

dointellectual sycophant. While they may appear to be greedy, they do

not actually expect a very lofty position or title. The most important

thing to satisfy them is to receive the approval of those from whom

they seek it because their true sense of inferiority is actually in the face

of those people. Even if they become involved in the running of their

own countries or become the CEO of a very large company, they are

still unable to shake off that feeling of inferiority toward those to

whom they behave as pseudointellectual sycophants. That means that

they can never escape the desire to be liked and approved of by them.

Since their aim is to be liked, approved, honored and esteemed,

hearing things like “Well done, that was a good piece of writing” or “That

was a good speech,” cause them to walk on air. They have no hesitation

about writing negative things about their own circles, loved ones or

countries in order to hear the words, “Well done.” They ruthlessly

denigrate and look down on everyone. The main subject of their wri-

tings generally consists of such denigration. They imagine that the

more they speak out against Muslims, the more they foolishly criticize

Muslims and the more they look down on Muslims, the more praise

they will receive. They even tend to put on airs along the lines of,

“Look, nobody can criticize Muslims as much as me. I know them best and I

put them down best.” Or they imagine that the more they denigrate their

own countries as “antidemocratic,” “backward” or “oppressive,” the

more “first-rate” analyses they will be producing. The way that a great

many writers denigrate their own countries to foreigners and look

down their noses at their own people is based on sending the message

that “I am different from them. I am in fact one of you.” The aim behind

their writings and analyses is not to produce genuine criticisms and

solutions, but to make propaganda and hear the words “Well done.”

Of course Muslims or the countries they live in may very well

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have attitudes deserving of criticism, and that criticism needs to be

made. But the aim of these pseudointellectual sycophants is not to be

instrumental in the correction of errors through criticism, but to earn

the approval of the people whose approval they seek. That means that

their writings and analyses and statements go no further than being

propaganda for the circles in question.

They Also Offer up Their Sexuality to Their Lords and


One of the most terrifying aspects of

this clan-like order is the way that the

pseudointellectual sycophants of

the Middle East and Asia also

offer up their sexuality to their

“lords and masters.” Male or

female, these pseudointellec-

tual sycophants also attempt

to earn the physical and

sexual approval of those

they regard as superior to

them. Young girls of the

Middle East and Asia are

made available for the

enjoyment of middle-aged

people belonging to secre-

tive organizations in the

West with wide material

means at their disposal.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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In the same way that young girls who wish to become famous in

the movie industry from time to time offer up their sexuality to peop-

le they believe can help them become stars, some Middle Eastern and

Asian women with affectations and feelings of inferiority will also

make their bodies available so that their articles can appear in a well-

known newspaper or so their views can be heard on a well-known

channel. It is known that many young Palestinian, Pakistani or Egypti-

an women seek to be a part of certain circles by building and using

such relationships.

These young women who offer up their own sexuality for the sake

of acceptance have also become included in a very strange system.

They not only have to offer their sexuality to the lords and masters

they are directly associated with, but also to other people those masters

refer them to. Although this is a humiliating situation, it is not regar-

ded as in any way extraordinary in those circles. One often sees an att-

ractive Palestinian woman entering into a relationship with a well-

known Israeli businessman, being made part of the circle she has wan-

ted to enter all her life as a result and also entering into relations with

other “lords and masters” in order to be able to remain in that circle.

Many politicians are known to have taken advantage of this in murky

U.S. and British politics. Many Middle Eastern and Asian girls are used

in this painful way by personalities that include former ministers, for-

mer prime ministers and former lawmakers.

As the public read their daily papers or watch analyses on TV they

are unaware of this painful truth. They imagine that these people are

setting out their own ideas and thinking and researching for themsel-

ves. The fact is, however, that these people who have fallen under the

influence of those circles, even in sexual terms, cannot possibly set out

their own opinions or conclusions.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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Submission to Their Masters’ Beliefs

Another one of the most striking features of Middle Eastern and

Asian pseudointellectual sycophants is their submission to their mas-

ters’ beliefs. In other words, these people sign up to a belief system that

is developed for them, rather than acting in the light of the truth inspi-

red by God in the Qur’an, our Prophet (saas) and their own conscien-

ces. Since they completely subscribe to the worldview of their lords

and masters, they also shape their beliefs on the basis of those masters’

opinions. They do not regard what God says as at all import ant – may

God forbid – but regard what the secret state in America or Great Bri-

tain says as most significant. They do not apply what is written in the

Qur’an, but implement everything the masters, whom they deify, say.

They never think of the interests of Muslims or Islamic lands, but

defend the interests of the circles, which they are enslaved right to the

bitter end. That attitude is actually an external manifestation of their

subconscious hatred for Muslims and the anger and inferiority they

feel at being born in the Islamic world.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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For example, the fact that Muslims may be harmed by

an idea they espouse causes these people no distress at all. They

place innocent Muslims in a terrible predicament under the guise of

saying, “I am making a stand against terror” or “This is not part of the real

Islam.” Defending the air attacks taking place in numerous countries,

such as Iraq and Syria in particular, and also places like Pakistan,

Yemen and Afghanistan, is one instance of this.

Aerial bombardments are a form of mass punishment that destroy

everyone in the selected target area, making no allowances for women

and children, or the sick and the elderly. It is a violation of both good

conscience and human rights law. Whole towns and villages are not

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 202: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


destroyed in any democratic country for the sake of catching people

who have committed serious crimes. Nobody, not even a crazed killer,

is killed by having bombs rained down on him, before he is even put

on trial, in any democratic country. But when it comes to Islamic lands,

however, these secret forces put the law and democratic values on the

back burner. It is at this point that the responsibility for portraying

such an inhumane and unconscionable policy as something “reasonab-

le” to the public opinion falls to the pseudointellectual criticisms of the

Middle East and Asia. These people passionately espouse tactics that

wreak destruction and havoc in Islamic lands and lead to the deaths of

large numbers of civilians under the name of the “fight against terror.”

If their masters say, “Let us kill,” then they say, “Let us kill,” too. If their

masters say, “Let us bomb people,” then they say “Let us bomb people,”

too, or “Let us do even more than that.” Yet someone who really wants to

fight terror will know that the intellectual foundation of terror needs to

be demolished; he will know that no solution will be forthcoming thro-

ugh guns and bombs without intellectual activity, as well. Even more

importantly, he will know that violence always leads to more violence.

Yet what matters for these people is not the truth, but for the people

these pseudointellectual sycophants serve to tell them, “Well done!”

Merely for the sake of a “Well done!” and gaining even more approval,

they enthusiastically espouse ruthless policies that are totally incom-

patible with the Qur’an and are willing to stand in the ranks of mur-


Another striking example of the surrender of beliefs on the part of

these pseudointellectual sycophants is the way they never refer to Isla-

mic Unity and even, on the contrary, describe how in their eyes such a

thing is impossible. Even though God commands Muslims to be united

and even though numerous verses of the Qur’an tell them to be brot-

hers and live in unity, these people insist on opposing unity. They

reveal their opposition through rather cunning tactics. For example,

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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they do not openly stand up and say, “Let us not be united” because they

know that will attract criticism. They use fabricated hadiths instead.

They use a false hadith attributed to our Prophet (saas) but which was

never spoken by him, which reads, “Disagreement among my community

is a mercy.” They thus seek to influence Muslims by saying “Look, even

our Prophet (saas) says there is no need to be united.” Yet our Prophet

(saas) would never say anything that was incompatible with the

Qur’an. He would never say there is mercy in division when dozens of

verses of the Qur’an command Muslims to be united. Unity is a bles-

sing for Muslims because that is God’s command. Yet for people with

a pseudointellectual character, it is not God’s command that matters,

but the interests of the masters whose satellites they are.

Pseudointellectual Sycophants in Turkey

Close inspection will also reveal the presence of the pseudointel-

lectual sycophant character, which is so widespread in the Middle East

and Asia, also in Turkey. One of the most distinguishing characteristics

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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of these people, who live far removed from the spiritual values of their

own country – or who, to be more accurate, imitate foreign culture –

who are ignorant of Turkey’s shared values, who seek to give the

impression of being unaware of popular values and beliefs, who des-

pise ordinary people and regard themselves as terribly important and

who analyze events from a remarkably narrow perspective is that they

care absolutely nothing for Turkey’s interests.

Just like the examples from other countries, these people denigra-

te Turkey at great length, make comments contemptuous of the Tur-

kish people and, even more painfully, passionately espouse ideas that

may damage the country in the long term, all for the sake of a “Well

done!” The recent increase in writings and statements that seek to port-

ray the PKK as a group of freedom fighters, that try to bring Turkey to

heel using the threat of the PKK, that threaten Turkey along the lines

of “Either you support the PKK or else you must suffer the consequences,”

and that prepare the way for the breaking up of the country is one indi-

cation of this. These people, who espouse the ideas served up to them

by various think tanks in the West on a word-for-word basis, never

stop to think where the line they espouse may lead. They espouse wha-

tever they are indoctrinated with for the sake of approval, fame or even

just seeing their name under a column in a foreign newspaper. When

they promote these ideas they imagine that they will be perceived as

ultra-modern, capable of seeing what ordinary people cannot and

making the most accurate analyses. The fact is, however, that they are

people, who merely recite what is told to them, have lost all character

and self-esteem and are regarded with pity by the majority of people.

Pseudointellectual sycophants also compete with one another in

terms of pseudointellectual sycophancy. The competition involves

seeing who can secure most “well dones” and who can be most pseu-

dointellectually sycophantic. In order to win that contest, they entirely

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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abandon the interests of their own country and merely wonder how to

make themselves even more popular. It is this competition over pseu-

dointellectual sycophancy that lies behind the way they shower praise

upon the PKK, even though they know it is a traitorous terror organi-

zation that still continues to martyr our troops and police, raise the

subject of an amnesty for terrorists and even shamelessly advocate the

idea of Turkey providing the terrorists with weaponry. The anti-Tur-

kish writings, or comments within those writings, that frequently

appear in the foreign press, are a manifestation of that competition.

The pseudointellectual sycophancy contest waged out of a hope that

“maybe they will include me among them and then my name will be mentio-

ned in the same breath as theirs,” will eventually cause damage that leads

the person concerned to sign up to all kinds of ugliness; instead of sac-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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red values such as their own cause or ideal, the family, nation and

country, these people are worried about what their “masters” think.

Another humiliating behavioral defect that the people in question

learn from their masters is that of putting on airs.

A Common Philosophy: Putting on Airs

Putting on airs is a behavioral and moral defect that is widespre-

ad in Western countries. These people, whose language consists of a

mixture of showiness and “I know best” attitude have a common tone of

voice, accentuation, way of sitting and placing the spotlight on them-

selves. Their desire is to emphasize this state of being “rather special,”

which regards themselves as different to other people, in their every

gesture and action. Some of the best known aspects of putting on airs

are using exaggerated facial expressions, insisting on using foreign

words all the time when speaking, speaking while chewing gum, des-

cribing things they would never normally like in terms of admiration,

describing places they may never have been to as if they knew them

well and people they may never have met as if they were close friends,

and talking about music they have never heard as if they liked it very

much and about films and art they have never seen or understood as if

they understand them very deeply. Being able to sit in the lobby of a

five-star hotel, blowing the smoke from a cigar given to them as a gift

by that hotel into other people’s faces, posing with a wine glass in their

hand and being seen at the entrance to a famous restaurant are all ter-

ribly important to people who put on airs.

Details about the routine matters in the lives of high-quality and

noble people are of exaggerated importance in the lives of those who

put on airs. They imagine they can become esteemed and gain impor-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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tance through them. They make every effort to show

that importance they imagine they possess to other

people. Every action in the philosophy of putting on

airs is intended to tell those whom the individu-

al admires so greatly that “I am one of

you.” That is why in one sense, put-

ting on airs represents a common

language and philosophy among

superficial folk. Someone who puts

on airs will immediately recognize

another of that ilk, and someone

who puts on airs will best unders-

tand the language of another of

that kind.

Although putting on airs

is an embarrassing and humi-

liating state of mind, many

ignorant people feel a sincere

admiration for those who do

so. Those who put on airs from

high school on enjoy great pres-

tige among other people, while

modest and well-mannered

people are generally undervalu-

ed. That is the reason why diffi-

cult, spoiled and showy people

enjoy great esteem in high school.

Putting on airs then continues to

grow apace after high school.

While the pop music groups they

listen to, the concerts people go to

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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and what they buy in the shops are all tools for putting on airs in

school years, in the years that follow it is temporary phenomena

such as one’s social circle, the places one chooses to go on holiday,

the exhibitions one attends, rank and position, the car one drives and

the area of town one lives in, that acquire importance. Each one of

these is used as a tool to psychologically put down more humble


Putting on airs is a common philosophy between pseudointel-

lectual sycophants in the Middle East and Asia and their masters.

However, pseudointellectual sycophants never put on the airs they

learned from their masters in front of them. They only display such

attitude to put down ordinary people whom they regard as beneath

them and inferior. In the presence of their masters, they are very

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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humble and sycophantic; they would never think of putting on airs

to them. It is not hard to imagine the kind of language that someone

in Egypt, Bangladesh or Palestine who has seen Europe will use, or

the way he will look down on ordinary people. People who live in a

state of great feelings of inferiority in Europe or America, and sla-

vishly do everything they are told, suddenly develop an entirely dif-

ferent character when they return to their own countries, as if that

despised person had not really been them at all. That is another

manifestation of putting on airs. What is embarrassing is that poor,

ordinary people are generally mightily impressed by such airs and

regard the person concerned as terribly special.

Yet the moral values and qualities that should really be admired

are those of the believer. The character of the believer, who knows

that God is the Lord of all blessings, that power and might belong to

Him alone and who is fully submitted to Him, is as steady as a rock.

It is sturdy and unshakeable. That person knows that he is dealing

with shadow entities and that God witnesses him at all times. He

never stoops to the facile. He is ultra modern and high-quality. He

lives by the moral values desired by God, not by those of the people

who would wish to shape him. He knows that the lords and masters,

whom the pseudointellectual sycophants regard as very important

and enslave themselves to, are just helpless servants of God and

mortal beings. The respect and value he places on someone is

directly proportional to that person’s love and fear of God. He will

never be rude to anyone, but he knows how humiliating it is to feel

inferior in the face of weak and helpless human beings. The only

entity to Whom the believer will sincerely submit himself is God.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 210: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The Desired Outcome from Great Kurdistan

Looking at the present picture it is clear that the PKK is engaged

in a comprehensive stratagem intended to bring global support behind

it and is trying to use the climate in the Middle East as a starting point

for the communist world state it is planning. The West’s stance at this

point is very important: Some secret forces are without doubt well-

aware of what is going on within the Great Middle East Project. They

therefore know full well the kind of policy the PKK has adopted and

that it exists for the sake of its Leninist ideology. Even though they are

themselves opposed to communism, the secret forces in question sup-

port the existence and strengthening of the PKK in the region. That is

solely because, with this policy, they wish to establish a designated

ally, or a “base” that belongs to them, to put it more accurately, by

making use of a Leninist terror organization or any other way. The aim

has never been one of “contributing to the Kurds’ fight for existence.”

As a matter of fact, the first thing the forces in question will do when

the objective is reached will be to chuck the PKK and the Kurds in the

region aside; their real objective is to seize control of the Middle East

and prepare for an apocalyptic war. Those people in the Western world

who are unknowingly backing this project must become aware of this

state of affairs.

This is the plan. But this is very likely not the way things will work

out. As we have seen in detail throughout this book, the region in ques-

tion will become the basis for a communist world state. Although the

region is under the control of secret imperialist forces, communist vio-

lence will manifest itself and with the support of communists from

across the world, that step forward, one that has been planned for such

a long time, will be taken. The capitalist world, which in one sense is

allied against communism, will have brought about a communist

world state by its own hands, albeit unwillingly.

If the true nature of the PKK in Turkey, the PYD in Syria and the

PJAK in Iran is not properly grasped, if their true objective is not reali-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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zed and if dangerous stratagems are enacted in this key part of the

Middle East, despite all the warnings, this will lead to disaster for the

entire world. The communists’ ultimate aim has always been to secure

a state in this strategic but also very fragile region, from which they can

reach out to the rest of the world; with the backing of imperialist for-

ces they are moving step by step closer to achieving that. Imperialist

forces must not support a savage system that will end up stabbing

them in the back. Astonishing things are happening in the Middle East

today. A communist state that emerges out of such a plan will grow

strong and soon become able to spread terror across the world. Under

such circumstances the West will be unable to afford the luxury of sit-

ting back and saying, “Let us not get involved, and let events just take their

course in the Middle East,” because the scourge will definitely reach out

to everywhere. We of course have no desire to see such horror in the

Middle East or the West. However, that is probably what will happen

given the facts as they now stand and it is essential that we issue the

appropriate warnings against this threat. The aim here is not to present

a pessimistic perspective, but to open people’s eyes.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

NOTES1. Questions & Answers to American Trade Unionists: Stalin's Interview With the First American TradeUnion Delegation to Soviet Russia, Pravda September 15, 1927; Komünistler Nasıl Yalan Söyler (How do communists Lie?), Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, p. 215-2168. Necati Alkan, PKK’da semboller, aktörler ve kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK), 2012,Karakutu Publishing, p. 1049. Necati Alkan, PKK’da semboller, aktörler ve kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK), 2012,Karakutu Publishing, p. 25610. Necati Alkan, PKK’da semboller, aktörler ve kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK), 2012,Karakutu Publishing, p. 25611. Necati Alkan, PKK’da semboller, aktörler ve kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK) , 2012,Karakutu Publishing, p. 25812. Necati Alkan, PKK’da semboller, aktörler ve kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK), 2012,Karakutu Publishing, p. 9113. Necati Alkan, PKK’da semboller, aktörler ve kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK), 2012,Karakutu Publishing, p. 7714.

Page 212: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

The Real Aim of the Separatist Movement in the Southeast Is to Be

Able to Establish a "Communist Regime"

Page 213: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

"There needs to be a referendum in the east to seewhether the Kurdish people want autonomy or not,"

"The best solution is a federation,"

"Terror will come to an end when autonomy isgranted "...

These and similar notions in the newspapers have been, and still

are, being written by journalists who are either unaware of the real

threat in Southeast Turkey or who possesses a communist mindset.

Some of the authors of such characterizations are apparently bliss-

fully unaware of what will befall them, while others are trying to lay

the groundwork for a communist state.

In order to warn those who are unaware of the dan-

ger and to expose the underhand stratagems of

columnists with a communist mindset, let us together

examine the true danger in the Southeast:

The Real Aım ın

Southeast Turkey

Is a Dıctatorshıp of

the Proletarıat

Page 214: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

212 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The danger is this: once a federal state is formed, when Turkey is

split up, when a part of Turkish territory is set aside for the Kurds

alone and when autonomy is granted in that region, this WILL


AND FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. The PKK's aim in demanding an

autonomous state is not for Kurds to enjoy favored status there, for

them to be able to freely express their own ethnic identities or for them

to be able to enjoy greater physical and psychological freedom. The

PKK is merely making use of our Kurdish brothers' nationalist senti-




LENINIST WORLD VIEW. After achieving that, it will be able to fur-

ther weaken an already enfeebled and fragmented Turkey and TO

SPREAD COMMUNISM RIGHT ACROSS IT. It will not take long to

do that in a Turkey that has suffered profound physical and psycho-

logical wounds by giving away land. Have managed that, the limits

will be exceeded for its ultimate aim: THE DREAM OF A "COMMU-



The aim in communism is not only to ruleover one region. Communists have alwaysdreamed of a communist world state.

Page 215: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

213Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

In the event that a communist, autonomous Kurdish state is

established, Turkey will quickly become a springboard for commu-

nists. In short, the fundamental plan in seeking autonomy in the


SIDE WORLD FROM TURKEY, which occupies a most important

area and assumes important responsibilities.

Lenin's idea of "a state under the sovereignty of the proletariat"

now represents the PKK's dream and ideal for Southeast Turkey. A

state under the sovereignty of the proletariat is a machine used to

crush the middle class. When the PKK establishes communist rule in

the region, when it establishes a Kurdish-communist state equipped

with heavy weapons, it will have achieved its aim of founding "a state

under the sovereignty of the proletariat" which they claim will be

founded on workers and peasants. This is the first stage. As we have

seen, the important thing here is not Kurdish nationalism but a com-

munist state supposedly under the leadership of workers and peas-

ants, as required by communism.

The PKK's true aim is to install a communist regime on theregion, then to spread this to all of Turkey and prepare thefoundations for a "communist world state."

Page 216: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

214 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 217: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


But this in no way reflects the true facts. No communist state real-

ly wants an administration that values workers and peasants and wish-

es them to live at ease. Countries such as Russia and China are highly

significant examples of this fact. The peoples of those countries suf-

fered the worst oppression in communist times, when millions of peo-

ple were imprisoned without having committed any crimes, millions

of innocent people were murdered and millions more

systematically and deliberately starved to death. That

oppression is still going on today in communist China.

Pol Pot's insanely cruel regime in Cambodia, which we

have already described, forced intellectuals, workers

and peasants to labor in the rice paddies, and then left

them to starve to death. The communist movement that

emerged in the name of "workers and peasants rights"

attaches no value to human beings, and seeks to exploit

workers and peasants by awarding them the status of

animals. As a requirement of Darwinist logic, those who

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Communist propagan-da posters try to depicteverything as perfect.People are shownworking happily, andworkers as livinghappy, content lives.But the fact is that theyare very far fromhappy. They are forcedto work in great hard-ship in the rice-paddyfields, live in fear andterror and are con-stantly oppressed.

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216 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 219: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

217Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The end for those whofail to abide by the rulesof the communist regimeis torture or death. Thosewho fail to go along withhorrifying working condi-tions are slaughteredindividually or en masse,and societies of fear andterror are produced.Twentieth-century com-munist regimes are full ofscenes of such horror.

The events taking placeunder communistregimes are a far cry fromthe happy, bright picturesin the posters. Workersare forced to labor underthe harshest conditions.They live under the con-stant threat of death andcan be slaughtered forthe most trivial reasons.

Page 220: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


cannot be exploited are to be eliminated under this system, and so the

terror and savagery continue.

This also applies to the PKK, a communist terror organization.

Our Kurdish brothers or their nationalist feelings and aspirations mean

nothing to the PKK. In the same way that they attach no importance to

any human beings, themselves included, they attach no human impor-

tance to our Kurdish brothers, either. In the same way that Pol Pot cyn-

ically deceived his people with promises of equality and justice, so

they are trying to deceive our Kurdish brothers. The communist Pol

Pot regime, that used to say, "To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is

no loss," quickly and ruthlessly slaughtered 3.3 million people. In the

same way that the Cambodian people meant nothing to Pol Pot, so the

Kurdish people mean nothing to the PKK.

Concepts such as the state, nation and race have, in any case, no

place in the communist mindset. The only concept is that of the people,

the "masses." The communist mindset seeks to eliminate states and

replace them with communal systems made up of peoples. Statements

such as "Everything for the Kurdish nation!" are therefore merely

intended to deceive. This is a technique employed by this terror orga-

nization to deceive people and encourage them to rebellion and revo-

lution. They merely wish to use the Kurdish people as a tool of provo-

cation. It particularly needs to be repeated that the PKK, a terrorist

organization, is not a nationalist movement that espouses the rights

of the Kurdish people. It is a wholly Leninist, Stalinist, Darwinist

and communist terrorist organization. Once it achieves its dream of a

communist state becoming reality, the first thing the PKK will turn on

is the people, the innocent Kurdish people in Eastern Turkey. Such a

thing cannot, of course, ever be allowed.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 221: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The primary aim of a communist Kurdish state established in

Southeast Turkey will be to "suppress the bourgeoisie" because that is

what communism fundamentally requires. "The bourgeoisie" means

various people they think dominate the state today. They want to real-

ize Lenin's idea of "... rule based directly on force and unrestricted by

any laws." Since they want rule based on force, the greatest need of the

PKK in the Southeast at the moment is heavy weaponry and a state to

provide that.

Therefore, it would be the height of naiveté to expect the separatist

PKK terror organization to suddenly turn to peace. Since violence is an

indispensable requirement of Marxist-Leninist thinking, peaceful solu-

tions are always unacceptable. The PKK has acquired weapons for vio-

lence and terror. But for the PKK an unarmed form of struggle is weak-

ness, a retrograde step and a deviation from its target. In point of fact,

communists regard a climate of terror stemming from violence, terror

and uprising as fertile ground for them to grow in. Because people are

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

A Communıst Autonomous

State Wıll Seek to

Perpetrate Slaughter ın

the Name of "Suppressıng

the Bourgeoısıe"

Page 222: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

220 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Communists are very wellaware that communismcannot come to power bydemocratic means. Thatis why the only thing forcommunism to do is toterrorize people.

Page 223: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


in a state of fear in a climate of violence, the communists make use of

that fear; they are very well aware that communism can never come to

power by democratic means. And there has never been any effort to try

to bring communism to power by democratic means. Communism has

always come to power through violence. As a result, communism

never, ever regards peace as a method worth pursuing. And as a result

of that, the PKK also engages in the politics of violence.

The Turkish government and the Turkish people have to under-

stand what this terrorist separatist organization really wants in order

to eliminate this threat of terror and prevent a communist uprising in

Southeast Turkey. If the PKK is given any area of territory, it will try

to use the "revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat" established

there in order to survive, expand, strengthen and grow in all areas by

applying violence against the middle class and thus the state.

According to the communist mindset, all wealthy people, religious

believers, soldiers, police, intellectuals, teachers, lawyers, doctors,

engineers, scientists and writers are part of the "bourgeois class" in

question. Therefore, this communist state they want to see established

will only survive so long as all intellectuals are suppressed. The same

policy as that adopted by Pol Pot will be implemented, and the entire

people will be subjected to oppression, violence and terror.

Let us here have a look at the kind of results an organization based

on the ideas of Lenin, whom we have already quoted, can give rise to:

the autonomous state that will arise in the event the land demanded by

the PKK in Southeast Turkey is given will be "maintained through the

use of violence by the proletariat against the bourgeoisie," as Lenin

said. And since it is "unrestricted by any laws," it will be a state entire-

ly based on violence and that will attach no value to the laws of the

Turkish state. Therefore, any autonomous Kurdish state established

there must be regarded as a purely symbolic one. They will regard

being run by a Turkish state from Ankara as a purely transitional stage;

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 224: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


a Turkish state that governs in name alone will be one that

effectively does not exist for them because the communist

PKK will continue to enforce its own communist system, its

"dictatorship of the proletariat." It will not heed the police or

the military, it will recognize no laws and will abide by no

agreements. It will persist with its communist uprising with

all the violence, disobedience and rebellion demanded by the

communist mindset, after which the state will become an

entirely independent one.

In the event that an autonomous state is established in the region, that

communist state will want its own police force and military and to set up

its own regular army. Then it will adopt a different flag from that of the

Republic of Turkey. It will use that flag, though it will perhaps allow the

Turkish flag to be flown for a short period of time. The Turkish flag will

continue to exist as a symbolic one, like the Turkish flags flown in other

countries. The communist administration in question will also make regu-

lar demands for money from the Turkish state. All its needs will be met by

the Turkish state, and that autonomous state will easily be able to arm

itself. It will be the Turkish state and the citizens of the Republic of Turkey

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

In the event the autonomouscommunist state the PKKdesires is set up in SoutheastTurkey, that communist statewill immediately want its ownpolice organization and regulararmy. It will not listen to theTurkish government, nor recog-nize its laws, and the savageryand terror required by the com-munist mindset will continueand grow even stronger.

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223Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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who, albeit unwillingly, give them money for troops and weapons.

This communist administration, with its own independent army

and police force, which is now armed and recognizes no laws of the

state of Turkey, will soon begin resorting to violence again. It will

always respond to calls for peace and reconciliation with violence, ter-

ror and aggression. It will ban the ballot box and elections. It will pro-

hibit the following of a democratic system, in other words. It will

impose intense pressure on the country's leading institutions, and their

sanctions will therefore be of no importance for this communist state.

No law proposed or brought into force will have any effect on this

communist state, because the communists in question will heed no

laws or judicial process. They will respond to democratic, friendly

overtures with terror, violence and rebellion, but they will never, ever

heed calls for peace. Thus, in the same way that the separatist PKK ter-

ror organization cannot be put down with laws and rules in Southeast

Turkey, in the event that any territory is given up, it will become even

more impossible to put down as a "state" in its own right with its own

army, police force and weaponry. As a state in its own right, with flag

and army, it will be impossible to keep such an organization at bay

through military precautions.

At this point, Turkey will suffer a heavy blow from the autonomy

granted. In addition to material losses, it will suffer severe psycholog-

ical trauma. A wounded Turkey that has lost its psychological belief in

the homeland, the republic and the military will become an easy target

for the communist state in question. The public will be put into a state

of panic through violence and will have to accept what communism

imposes by violence. Following that, demands for full independence

will follow just as surely as night follows day. Since communist

regimes make use of the existence of "peoples" and their demands in

order to achieve their own aims, the communist administration in

The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 227: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


question will encourage all different peoples to demand independence

and favor a communist style of administration.

Calls for independence are indeed starting to be heard from other

minority peoples. Such a communist force that wants to divide Turkey

in 22 regions, to produce 22 different communist regimes, and that

wants each ethnic minority to have its own parliament, will also seek

to use these duplicitous communist tactics to achieve power over a

Turkish government that is unable to cope with it. So if the commu-

nists are given just one single piece of Turkish territory, it will be easy

(may God forbid) for communism to spread right across Turkey, and

from there, the whole world.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The PKK terror organization's first aim is to establish a communist Kurdish state inSoutheast Turkey. But this is not the ultimate aim. It is to first turn all of Turkey commu-nist, and then to reach out to the entire world. Of course, such a thing can never be allowed. BY GOD'S LEAVE, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FORTHE MUSLIM TURKISH PEOPLE TO GIVE ONE INCH OF LAND TO A COMMUNISTREGIME. However, the entire Turkish people and the whole world must be aware of thisgrave danger.

Page 228: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


As we have already seen, the real aim of the separatist PKK ter-

rorist organization is to establish a communist regime, first in Turkey

and then the rest of the world. All communists regard the communist

regime that was set up in Russia, but that subsequently collapsed, as a

failed attempt. They believe that since the Russian Revolution failed in

its aim of making the whole world communist there is still some mat-

ter of unfinished business to be completed. What they essentially say is

this; "We are communists. We have declared a holy war on God, reli-

gion and spiritual things (may God forbid). We hold Marxist-Leninist

and materialist views. It is true that Russian communists failed to rule

the world, but we will do that. We will complete the unfinished busi-

ness." Therefore, their true aim in demanding an autonomous state is

not to be able to live in peace, to raise families and settle down, to live

with their mothers and never leave them, to drink soup or to enjoy

some fine spring weather among the flowers in the park. If they do

establish the communist autonomous state they seek, then the first

thing communist militants do will be to split families up and establish

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The Communıst State

They Want to Establısh ın

Southeast Turkey Wıll

Seek to Be a Sprıngboard

to the Rest of the World

Page 229: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


a system based on fear and oppression. They will use force and intim-

idation to force all people to obey them and seek to achieve their dream

of a communist world.

No communist engages in an armed struggle so he can take it easy.

He does not undergo training night and day to take it easy, nor live in

difficult conditions up in the mountains to take it easy. He does not

slaughter innocent people or risk his own life in order to take it easy.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

No communist receives training torelax in the harsh conditions up in themountains, or wages an armed strug-gle in order to relax. A communist willnever abandon violence and revolu-tion. The only way of getting him torenounce terror is the elimination ofthe Darwinist ideology in his brain.

Page 230: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


So long as there is no change in a communist's materialist and com-

munist worldview, he will never renounce violence and his dreams of

revolution. There is no end to the revolution in communism. Another

new country (or people) is always declared to be "fascist" and an armed

struggle set in motion against it. Under that mindset, so long as the

world exists, there must always be a communist struggle and commu-

nist violence because a communist believes there are always conflicts

in society. He believes that the cycle of thesis and antithesis will always

and endlessly renew itself. He therefore always believes there is a need

for conflict and contradiction and the violence that is based on these.

For these reasons, revolution is always ongoing for a communist. Once

one place is made communist, it is the turn of the next, and so on, until

the communist world state they dream of is achieved.

That is the true aim of the communist Kurdish state sought by the

separatist, terrorist PKK. Their aim is not to achieve their own state,

but to acquire legitimacy by establishing an autonomous state, and

then to secure world rule through a series of revolutions. This has been

their modus operandi since the time of Lenin.

Communists will recognize no obstacles to the achievement of

their aims. They will immediately exploit the Kurdish people they

have spent so many years using as a tool to impose their own ideology

on the region and turn them into wretched pawns of the communist

regime. Following the establishment of an autonomous communist

state, the Kurdish people will find themselves subjected to the most

intense oppression, violence, poverty and misery. Deaths will follow

closely on one another's heels. As with all communist regimes, this

communist regime will impose a reign of terror on its own people;

indeed, in this fact the communists are nothing if not consistent. The

most persecuted and wretched, and those suffering the worst losses,

will be the very Kurdish people the communists have been cynically

manipulating for many years.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 231: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Calls for peace and to an end to the violence will not even be taken

seriously by the communist regime in question; they will laugh uproar-

iously at the suggestion. This is because according to the communist

way of thinking, if a communist regime feels sorry for its enemy and

turns to peace, if it turns away from a government based on terror and

violence, then it will collapse and cease to exist. As communist thinkers

and leaders frequently state, "Communism draws its strength from

violence, terror and savagery." Therefore – as at the present moment –

everyone issuing calls to peace will be put down, and all calls for peace

will be met with violence.

We now need to remind ourselves of the subject we looked at in

detail above: the communist PKK movement in Southeast Turkey is not

one that seeks Kurdish communism alone. Communism claims that

only the oppressed people of the world have any sort of rights and that

a dictatorship of the proletariat is required. Therefore, autonomy

granted to the communists in the Southeast will soon become a scourge

upon the whole of Turkey. The first target, as it opens up to the outside

world after Turkey, will be for Azerbaijan and Armenia to be ruled by

communist regimes. And they will start making our brothers there

promises of autonomous ethnicities and independent territories there,

too. The people of Azerbaijan and Armenia, who have already spent

long years under the brutal yoke of communism, will begin being

oppressed again. Once communist rule is established in those regions,

major progress will have been made, and communism will continue to

reach out to new peoples from there. Of course, it will inevitably be

using the guerrilla tactics, terror, savagery and violence for which it is

so infamous.

This is not some mere conspiracy theory. The same stratagems are

being employed in Turkey today as were previously, and successfully,

used in China, Cambodia and Russia in the 20th century. This mindset,

which divided, Vietnam and Germany then and continues to divide

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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230 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 233: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


the Korean Peninsula to this day, and created a communist

structure by imposing its rule on their peoples, is exactly

the same as the mindset of the PKK today. The communist

uprising in Turkey is an effort to compensate for the com-

munist movement failed in the 20th century. In other

words, communists ARE SIMPLY CARRYING ON


There is never any change in communists' methods,

strategies, guerrilla tactics or objectives. Their need for vio-

lence and savagery is always the same. They are merely

seeking a suitable environment and location in order to

repeat the savagery they inflicted upon mankind in the

20th century. If Turkey – may God forbid – gives land in

the Southeast to the PKK, a communist, separatist terrorist

organization, then it will have made the environment

being sought for this policy of terror available to them.

Those who say, "Let us give them some land, so we can

sleep safely at home in our beds," will have seen with their

own eyes the sheer savagery that results from surrendering

the country's territory to a Marxist and communist terror

organization, and will end up longing for the comfortable

lives they enjoyed in the past.

Therefore, giving up land in the Southeast to a com-

munist terror organization will not bring peace and ease to

anyone. On the contrary, it will end in nothing but the

most terrible suffering and destruction.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Today's communists want the same terror and violence as that inflicted inthe 20th century. There has never been any change in communism's needfor terror, or guerrilla tactics or objectives. The communist PKK in South-east Turkey aims to do what communist China, Russia and Cambodia didin the past. Therefore, if communist terror spreads it will inflict a gravedisaster on the world.

Page 234: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Some people in our country, just like some in the world, are

unaware of the things that they might be facing and are now claiming

that there is no longer any danger of communism in our day. They

assume that communism was simply a scourge of the 20th century and

that it had been lived through and ended in that period, and that it is

no longer a threat. They are very much invested in that idea and they

are neither aware of the dangers they are facing, nor able to take pre-

cautions against them. On the contrary, by saying that there is no dan-

ger of communism, they are dragging people around them into a state

of complacency and thus drag themselves into that scourge as well.

With such an approach, they give way to the communist mentality to

easily become stronger and find a door with which to gain entry. The

pages of history bear witness that communism gains strength and

expands at times when people are lulled into complacency as they say,

"There is no communist threat anymore" and do not take any precau-

tions against this scourge.

People who say that, "The danger of communism ended in the

20th century" are in a state of grave delusion. Communism has never

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Those Who Say That

"Communısm Is Not a

Danger Anymore" Are

Beıng Deceıved by

the Communısts

Page 235: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


ceased to exist. So long as Darwinism continues to exist, communism

will continue to exist as well. That is because fundamentally both of

these rest on a shared philosophy: Dialectic Materialism. Charles Dar-

win adapted this thought to nature and Karl Marx adapted it to histo-

ry and society. Consequently, just as in the 20th century, Marxism con-

tinues to exist today as well and so long as Darwinism continues to

exist, it will never disappear from the world politics.

Indeed, at the moment, the "Darwinist dictatorship" reigns in

almost all the states, educational institutions and the press. This reign

nourishes the communist thought system and the system of education

continues to educate communist militants without slowing down. To

say it in brief, communism is only in ambush at the moment.

As we have stated before, the communists attribute the unsuccess-

ful result of Soviet communism in the 20th century to the incorrect

application of Marxism. Now they think that they can resuscitate the

communist system without making those same mistakes. This thought

is being advocated by many organizations, think tanks and non-gov-

ernmental organizations all over the world who still believe in Marx-

ism. Those modern communists separated the communist regimes in

the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc from Marxist ideology even

while they still existed. They used to call the current communist

regimes "real socialism," meaning practiced socialism, and claimed

that the socialist ideology is not bound to these regimes and would

remain a viable ideology even if those regimes collapsed.

Today they are voicing this claim even more effectively. Their

claims are as follows; according to Marx, each society should go

through some certain phases. They should first have feudalism, then

capitalism, then socialism and then proceed to communism. However

in Russia, and in the other communist regimes of the 20th century, they

had a sudden transition to socialism from what were more-or-less feu-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 236: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


dal agricultural societies. The capitalist phase in between was skipped

over. Consequently, according to the Marxists, it is natural for these

regimes to be unsuccessful. Now with these countries embracing capi-

talism, the "capitalist phase" mentioned by Marx will be experienced

and after that socialism will return more permanently and strongly. All

communists, in their hiding places, have waited for this moment

since capitalism started to rule the world.

"One step forward, two steps


The scenario we have stressed in the previ-

ous section is Lenin's well- known "one step

forward, two steps back" tactic. According

to this tactic, in order to reach their goals,

communists will occasionally take a few

steps back whenever it is necessary and

appear as if they have distanced them-

selves from their goals. However, they

simply wait in ambush. This principle, that

Lenin wrote a pam-

phlet about, is

being executed

at the moment.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 237: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Lenin explained this situation with the following words:

"One step forward, two steps back.... It happens in the lives of

individuals, and it happens in the history of nations and in the

development of parties. It would be the most criminal cow-ardice to doubt even for a moment the inevitable and com-plete triumph of the principles of revolutionary Social-Democ-

racy, of proletarian organisation and Party discipline." 56

As it can be clearly understood from these words of Lenin, it is not

possible for a communist to give up communism or even to doubt com-

munism's eventual success. At the moment, they only have taken a step

back and are waiting for an appropriate moment to switch to the com-

munist system. That appropriate moment will be the period in which

capitalism has become most widespread all over the world. Among the

states that practice wild capitalism, there will be a fight over capital,

people will show an inclination to material things instead of spiritual

values, and thus will become remote from religion. Societies becoming

broadly and generally irreligious would, of course, be most advanta-

geous for the communists. The first condition necessary for the estab-

lishment of communist societies, which is to keep people far removed

from religion, moral and spiritual values, would thus ironically be

ensured by the capitalist system. After this step, the duty on the com-

munists lying in wait is to confiscate capital, neutralize the bourgeois

and abolish the concepts of family and state. They believe that to real-

ize this in an aimless and spiritually empty society which has signifi-

cantly lost its beliefs and moral values would be considerably easy.

The things going on in the world at the moment are developing

just in the way that communists want and wait for. Countries are prac-

ticing a most ruthless form of capitalism in the perfect sense of the

word. The inclination to material possessions has genuinely caused

people to drift away from spiritual and moral values and gave way to

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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the establishment of aimless societies that are lost and far removed

from the morality of religion. At the moment, the communists in Rus-

sia are making an arrangement in their own way because of the dis-

ruption in their historical order (namely, the transition to communism

from capitalism). That is the reason why they have rendered the Russ-

ian public into the hands of oligarchs, plutocrats and organized crimi-

nals and prepared the way for classical capitalism. Through the system

they have established, they are having their people severely oppressed

and thus they are trying to make them say, "There is no other solution,

the only way out is communism."

The capitalist system of life creates an effect on people that is

almost similar to hypnosis because people in these societies are gener-

ally after making money, living in comfort and consumption, and they

are generally not aware of the dangers waiting for them in ambush.

They are not in an alert state of mind; their senses are dulled by their

never-ending quest for material gain. Communists are keenly aware of

this. They frequently state that people fail to realize that the commu-

nist way of thinking is gaining strength because they are consumed by

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 239: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

237Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Under the capitalistsystem, people literallyenter a state of deephypnosis out of theirdesire for posses-sions. They are notalert, and are unawareof the danger rightbeside them. Becausepeople are blinded bythe capitalist system, itrepresents an idealenvironment for com-munism to spread.

Page 240: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


their ambitions for goods and income, and thus are constantly defeat-

ed by communism. Even though they see that they will be swallowed

by the communist thinking, the vast majority becomes blind because of

their greed for possessions and earthly desires, and thus they lose their

defensive reflexes. It is as Lenin once sarcastically remarked, "The cap-

italists will sell us the rope with which we shall hang them." That envi-

ronment is the most suitable environment for communists to take


Communism Covertly Continues Its Existence

As a result of the "one step forward, two steps back" strategy, com-

munism still covertly maintains its existence. Especially in Russia,

where the entire leadership of the government and the bureaucracy

consists of former communists. Those people, who are well-trained in

dialectic materialism, have not given up their dreams about

communism. On the contrary, those who believe that

communism requires a passage through a capitalist stage

are merely looking on as capitalism is practiced, in order to

realize the necessity of becoming a "communist." Because

they are real communists, they are practicing

and advocating capitalism at the moment.

This is the situation today not only

in Russia but in many parts of the

world. In almost every country of

Europe, communist parties maintain

their existence and moreover in some

countries, they are getting a quite decent

share of the electorate. In almost

every country of the for-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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239Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Communism is currently exist-ing in secret, in line withLenin's strategy. Communistsare currently waiting for capital-ism to ready an appropriate cli-mate for them. In this way, theyplan to eventually emergemuch stronger than before.

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240 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Communists regard thecapitalist system currentlyenveloping the world as arequirement of Marxismand believe they are on theright path. They think thatthe damage done to peo-ple by the capitalist sys-tem will combine with aglobal economic crisis andthat this will represent theideal environment for com-munism to come to power.That is the underlying rea-son for the increasing actsof terror and debatesabout the granting ofautonomy to communistregimes. The communistthreat has gone intoaction.

Page 243: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


mer East Bloc, there are socialist parties managed

by the former communist staff. Communist

authors and artists silently continue their exis-

tence in a quiet corner and give covert messages

that place a communist way of thinking into the

subconscious minds of the people. In fact nothing

has changed. They are only waiting patiently for

capitalism to prepare the proper environment for

them. Thus, they are only behaving in accordance

with the recommendations of Marx.

However, perhaps the one thing that most

serves the interests of communists is the econom-

ic crisis that engulfs the world at the moment.

Even though until recently there was a belief that

economic and democratic structures could never

be harmed, the massive economic crisis plaguing

the whole world, in addition to people's political

tendencies, has also changed people's way of looking at life consider-

ably. And this is an important means of advantage for communists. As

it will be remembered, this was previously experienced in history as

well; as the result of the Great Depression beginning in 1929, a great

economic crisis occurred in the whole world, and the popularity of

both communist and fascist parties in Europe increased exponentially.

Communists, who evaluated the Great Depression as the "collapse of

the capitalist system," thus gained the opportunity to influence the

masses very easily. In their desperation, people were left obliged to

accept that communism was the only way out.

Such a danger is also valid today. All the former communists wait-

ing in ambush, the new communist groups trained by them and the

communist youth are making great use of the present economic crisis.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 244: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Consequently, the years that we are living in right now are highly suit-

able for the danger of communism to once more reassert an effective

place in world politics. Most of the communist parties regard the eco-

nomic crisis as an opportunity to drag their countries into the commu-

nist swamp.

The capitalist system eventually gave the communists the opportunity they had beenwaiting for in 2007. With the global economic crisis, various groups criticized the sys-tem under the slogan "Occupy Wall Street" and began giving the message that com-munism is the only solution. Communist sympathizers poured onto the streets withposters of Ernesto "Che" Guevara in their hands and began shouting slogans aboutthe only solution lying in communism.

Page 245: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

243Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

American communistsshouting slogans to"Fight for Socialism"and protesting on WallStreet holding posters of"Che" Guevara were akind of herald of the factthat communism hadgone into action.

Page 246: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

244 The Danger Of a Communist Kurdistan

Communism does not only prevail in the former communist coun-

tries. It is also a dominant regime in countries that possess Islamic

titles, and even those ones bearing the title of "Islamic Republic." When

we look at the conflicts that have arisen in some Middle Eastern and

North African countries under the name of the Arab Spring, this situa-

tion can be easily discerned.

As is known, in countries like Egypt, Syria, Libya, Palestine and

Iraq, the ideology of "Arab socialism" is very dominant. In these coun-

tries, the communist understanding brought by the Marxist mindset

has reigned for many years. The fact is, the communist mindset has

never lost its influence despite the fact that these countries have

remained in existence with different appearances and under different

names. States were administered behind the scenes in compliance with

such regimes.

These countries are the representatives of the communist bloc led

by Russia and China. In response to it, there exists the capitalist, liber-

al bloc led by America. For instance in Iran, one of the main represen-

tatives of the communist bloc, although there seems to be an Islamic

administration, a Marxist-communist mindset prevails beneath. As one

Many Muslım

Countrıes Are under

the Protectıon of

the Shanghaı Bloc

Page 247: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


would remember, the Iranian Islamic Republic came into being by a

revolution. This revolution was accomplished largely with the cooper-

ation of the Tudeh, the Communist Party of Iran. The purpose was to

create a communist understanding. It is also possible to understand

this from this act. "Revolution" is a communist concept and the word

"revolution" and Islam are incompatible concepts. Consequently, the

name of the Islamic Republic of Iran is indeed deceiving. The adminis-

tration in Iran is not really an Islamic one; it is essentially a communist

regime masking itself as a theocratic state.

Once the communist regime reigns, people's speaking about

Islam, their Islamic identities or its being referred to as an Islamic

Republic does not change anything for communists. They already

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Young commu-nists in Iranprotesting byshouting commu-nist slogans andholding postersmaking it clearthey do not wantan Islamic regimein Iran

Page 248: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

246 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Arab socialism was for many years experienced in an intenseform in countries such as Egypt, Syria, Libya and Palestine. Theevents known as the Arab Spring clearly show that the mass ofpeople were discontent with these socialist regimes and livedunhappy lives. The events in Arab countries are not sectarianconflicts, but a struggle by devout peoples against communism.

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247Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 250: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


implement the tenets of Darwinism, materialism and communist ide-

ologies in these countries without facing any problems. Consequently,

they proceed on their way.

The Shanghai Bloc, which is broadly representative of the com-

munist bloc, has embraced many countries in the Middle East. A

glance into the general policies of these countries is sufficient to grasp

this fact. For instance Iran, Syria, Egypt and other countries have

always been in general cooperation with the communist countries of

the world. Darwinism holds sway over their state administrations. In

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Although Iran callsitself The IslamicRepublic of Iran, itis in fact underMarxist rule. Thepictures show Iran-ian communist sym-pathizers marchingin London in MayDay parades.

Page 251: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


schools, Darwinism is imposed upon the pupils. People are raised in a

way to make them embrace the communist viewpoint. Rather than the

merciful, warm, peaceful and friendly style we can see in the Ottoman

times, which is compatible with the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah, a sort of

aggressive, merciless and loveless communist style prone to bloodshed

is prevalent. (The ones we have been criticizing here are those who

have adopted the bloody policy of communism as a way of life and see

no harm in spreading their ideologies. Our brothers, whose hearts are

full of the beauties brought by the morality of Islam, who are consci-

entious and thus have remained desperate due to the prevailing sys-

tem of persecution, are surely beyond this.)

For instance, the sole reason for the disorder that prevails current-

ly in Syria is the imposition of communism upon pure Muslims there.

Although inner conflicts have been continuously portrayed as conflicts

among some Islamic schools in some certain media outlets, what pre-

vails currently in Syria is essentially a struggle between communists

and Muslims. Since the time of Hafez al-Assad, Syria has been under

Marxist-Stalinist-communist rule. With this aspect, Syria is the one of

the leading representatives of Arab socialism.

As one will remember, during the administration of Hafez al-

Assad, which had been enjoying very warm relations with the former

Soviet Union, the advocacy of all views, other than the communist ide-

ology embraced by the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, was banned. All

Islamic movements were restricted, Islamic leaders were arrested and

martyred, and Muslims went through a time of great oppression, vio-

lence and torture. In 1982, Hafez al-Assad and his brother Rifat al-

Assad committed a horrific massacre in the city of Hama, martyring

some forty thousand Muslims. Today, with Syria led by Bashar al-

Assad, the son of Hafez al-Assad, the incessant massacres occurring on

a daily basis simply prove that the socialist-communist ideology

prevalent in the country has not changed one bit. (For further informa-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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250 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 253: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


tion, please refer to

The Ba'athist mindset of Hafez al-Assad is still going on in the

country. Currently, the Syrian administration is almost completely

under the control of Russia. Almost all the military and technical

experts in Syria are Russians. The Syrian youth and officers general-

ly receive their training in either Russia or China. They speak Russ-

ian and Chinese fluently. It is possible to see Syrians in every corner

of Russia, for this is a communist bloc and communist structure

which has been unceasingly existing for decades. The conflicts going

on in Syria today are the Muslim's struggle to remove this commu-

nist system. For the first time in its history, Syria is facing a resolute

and strong resistance against communism. Before the very eyes of

the world, they see no harm in massacring their own people, for they

no longer know what to do.

The dominance of the Shanghai Bloc is not solely limited to the

Middle East. The communist parties in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and

Algeria have, for instance, remained very strong. North European

countries are under the direct control of communist parties. The com-

munist administrations are already in power in the majority of

the South American countries. Since roughly the end of World

War Two, the administrations in countries such as China, Laos,

Cambodia and Vietnam have essentially never changed.

As all these suggest, the Shanghai Bloc, which is the major

representative of the communist ideology, holds control over a

very important part of the world.

All these facts must lead us to grasp the dimensions of the

threat very well. It is evident that apart from the short-term

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The Shanghai Bloc has brought many Arab countries under its control.Young Iraqi, Syrian and Egyptian communists holding communist postersand wearing "Che" Guevara berets are a clear sign of the effect of Darwinistcommunist ideologies in those countries.

Page 254: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


measures, essentially long-term measures must be taken against the

conflicts occurring in these Islamic countries which have assumed the

task of being the spokesmen for the Shanghai Bloc, against the tension

felt over a likely nuclear attack and the unrest among the peoples of

Iran and these Arab countries. The UN, NATO, The EU, America and

the European countries' embargoing the Syrian administration due to

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Young Lebanese showing their sup-port for communism with hammer andsickle symbols make it quite clearthey also support violence, terror andbloodshed. Indeed, communism's onlymethods are terror and violence. See-ing the domination of this idea in vari-ous Arab countries is important interms of realizing the global threat.

Page 255: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


the ongoing conflicts and Iran, in the case of any threat, would be, as a

first resort, dissuasive. But of course this is not a definite solution that

will eradicate the communist threat in those regions. The absolute

solution is the removal of the communist mindset and the perverted

materialist mindset, in other words, the underlying ideology. This

materialistic, Darwinist and communist ideology in the minds of the

people has been formed with great effort by decades of education and

highly sophisticated propaganda. Elimination of this ideology is

again possible only by education, a very serious intellectual cam-

paign and great effort. What has to be accomplished is to reveal the

invalidity of Darwinism, which is the basis of com-

munism, by means of scientific evidence and

prove that the fake truths brought by the

communist mindset are deprived of any sci-

entific basis. Once this superstitious creed is

eliminated from their minds, violence,

massacres, hatred, and conflicts will also

lose their ideological basis, the communist

bloc will fade into history, and people

will learn to experience love in their


Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The only solution to the Dar-winist, Marxist, communistthreat in the world is toengage in anti-Darwinist,anti-materialist scientificactivity. Neither military mea-sures, nor prohibitions orsanctions can eliminate com-munist ideology. Commu-nism can only be eliminatedby the elimination of the ideathat feeds it.

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254 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 257: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

255Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Those who think that they can halt terrorand communist savagery by sheddingblood, or feeble efforts at winning peopleover, or giving up land have always beendefeated because communism lives with itsideology. So long as its ideology survives,neither guns and bullets, nor calls on peo-ple to return home to their mothers nor con-demnation will do any good. In order toobtain results, communist ideas and ideolo-gy must be annihilated. The only thing to bedone to that end is to bring down Darwin-ism, the ideological foundation of commu-nism, in other words, to engage in anti-Dar-winist scientific activity.

Page 258: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The communist danger lying in wait across the world has also

been lying dormant in Turkey for many years. The talk of autonomy

being heard in the context of the Southeast has been spread by the pro-

paganda of the communists in question. What this propaganda means

is this: "We have now established the capitalist system that is the pre-

condition for communism. We have taken away people's moral and

religious values and put the world into a grave predicament through

the economic crisis. The time is now right for communism." The com-

munist terrorist organization, the PKK, has now decided that this is the

ideal time to take steps to establish an autonomous communist state, in

other words for Turkey to be turned communist. It has come out from

where it was lying in wait and has openly begun talking about its aim.

The only thing left is to put it into action.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan


Communısts ın Turkey

Are Secretly Pavıng

the Way for Communısm

Page 259: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Öcalan's message on the thirteenth anniversary of the foundation

of the PKK is highly significant:

"The best reply to those who say, 'Communism has collapsed' is

that we say, 'On the contrary, the PKK has brought about themost powerful, the most accurate and the greatest form ofcommunism'."

All the communists lying in wait are performing their tasks in

secret. Some former communist writers have gradually assumed posts

on the major newspapers and become highly respected. These former

communists never actually renounced communism at all. They merely

changed their spots until the time was right, making themselves unrec-

ognizable. This is a camouflage movement. By adopting the guise of a

different ideology they continued their struggle using covert methods.

For years, they kept their communist identities under wraps and man-

aged to occupy many important positions.

Such people underhandedly produce what they imagine to be

very cunning writings about the establishment of a separate state in

Southeast Turkey and make their voices heard in a number of ways.

These people, who are all in fact nothing more than PKK sympathizers,

are preparing the groundwork for the PKK to be able to take the region

over by spreading the terror organization's propaganda. They do not

express this openly or blatantly, and so they attract no attention to

themselves. But they set out ideas that effectively encourage the estab-

lishment of an autonomous state. These are, in any case, people who

are desperately keen for communism to rule the whole world. There-

fore, when these people speak along the lines of, "The only solution is

to give our Kurdish brothers in the Southeast a separate state" or call

for "A referendum on an autonomous state there," we must not ignore

the true and underlying objectives behind these statements.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 260: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

258 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 261: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The idea that the communists in question are trying to

spread in people's minds is this: "The struggle in Southeast

Turkey has produced no results. Let them set up a commu-

nist state there. Then we can relax, as well!" By saying these

things, they are spreading propaganda for a communist

state that will use Turkey as a springboard to the world.

They do not openly use communist slogans, but that is

nonetheless what they are spreading using underhanded

techniques of indoctrination.

Communism is an idea that can maintain power with

just 5% or 10% of the people. Therefore, just a little indoc-

trination and propaganda may be enough for communism

to spread in the region. It is not, therefore, essential for all

of a community to support the communist ideology. Once

the climate is right, when the conditions reach the point

they seek, then even a very small minority can bring about

communist rule. This is something explicitly stated by

Lenin, Stalin and Marx. When a communist minority wish-

es to establish control over a region, it will do everything by

way of the most flagrant terror, persecution and violence,

and will recognize no obstacles. It will not allow anyone to

speak out against communism. It will ban the expression of

anti-communist ideas and all kinds of democratic institu-

tions. Nobody will be allowed to vote at the ballot box in

free elections. The communist dictatorial regime will

impose a system based entirely on fear, intimidation and


Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The communist symbol in Taksim Square in Istanbul and theactions taken by MLKP (Marxist Leninist Communist Party)and its supporters are important in showing the extent ofcommunist propaganda in Turkey's largest city.

Page 262: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Everyone needs to know this: Giving communists even the small-

est patch of land in the Southeast will deprive the Turkish nation of

two very important values:

1. The honor, good name, good character and pride of the Turk-

ish nation

2. The independence and democratic structure of the Turkish


Giving up land to the PKK out of a desire to "live in peace" would

be the worst possible mistake conceivable. Giving up land to a com-

munist community would open the door to all the disasters described

in detail above. The very words of Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the

terrorist PKK separatist organization, would be confirmed, the most

powerful form of communism would settle in the country and Turkey

would be confronted by a terrible disaster, from top to bottom. Some

people, who hold the reins of the global deep state and who generally

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The Supporters of

Communısm Are

Plannıng to Inflıct a

Dısaster on Turkey and

the World

Page 263: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


hold communist views, will watch the tragedy that befalls Turkey with

great excitement, and the communist dictatorship will have taken the

first steps toward its ideal of a communist world state of which they

have been dreaming since the 1960s.



The Darwinist and materialist mindset, precautions against which

have still not been taken, WILL INFLICT AN UNIMAGINABLY TER-

RIBLE DISASTER on the country through its propaganda message of,

"Let us give up some land and be done with it." When the climate and

the conditions are right, it is an easy matter for communism to spread.

Constant calls to "give up land so we can be done with it" provide this

climate and these conditions for communists. Those who imagine that

problems can be resolved by giving up land are unaware of the terrible

destruction they will wreak. Those who think along the lines of, "If we

just give up some land, the problem of terror will disappear and we

will be able to relax and go back to the good old days of fun," may sud-

denly find themselves under a communist dictatorship they cannot flee

nor escape. That is, if they survive the countless acts of terror and other

attacks that take place first, of course.

First of all, the Turkish state, and its politicians, writers, intellec-

tuals and people must properly understand the kind of threat we are

facing. The threat is a communist hegemony that targets the entire


Second, the Turkish state, and its politicians, writers, intellectuals

and people must realize that the solution to this threat is not to criti-

cize and condemn, nor to call on terrorists to be people of good con-

science and return to the family hearth and home. For the communist

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 264: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


mindset, such criticisms and sentiments are a laughing matter.

Third, the Turkish state, and its politicians, writers, intellectuals

and people must understand that military measures are no solution at

all to the scourge of communism. It is impossible to wear down with

death a mind that regards martyring others, and even its own death, as

a distinct service to society. No matter how many PKK militants are

"neutralized" through military operations, replacements will always

appear because they are in the swamps of Darwinism, and that swamp

will continue to breed communist terrorists and militants. Therefore,

while those who say, "Let us give up some land and be done with it"

are busily seeking their own comfort, communist militants will be

mustering all their resources to brainwash young minds with Darwin-

ist nonsense.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Those who say, "Let usgive land to the PKK ter-ror organization and getrid of them," are trying toinflict a terrible disasteron Turkey. Those whosay "let us give up land"and who secretly supportcommunism and the ter-ror organization the PKKmust realize this: WEHAVE NOT AN INCH OFTHE MOTHERLAND WECAN GIVE AWAY.Instead, what needs tobe done is to dry theswamp up with anti-Dar-winist activity, in otherwords, to demolish com-munist ideology from theroots.

Page 265: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan









Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 266: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

The One and Only Solution to Communism:

Anti-Darwinist, Anti-Materialist


Page 267: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

Great efforts have been made in Turkey to free it from the

scourge of the separatist PKK terror organization:

� Countless troops have been sent to the Southeast of the coun-

try, and countless clashes have taken place there.

� Billions of dollars have been spent, and rockets, bombs, guns

and tanks have been purchased.

� Reconnaissance planes and Herons have been put into opera-


� Field studies have been conducted.

� Specially trained military units have been set up. New tactics

have been developed.

� Defensive techniques have been developed.

� Scenarios of an agreement with the leader of the sepa-

ratist terror organization, Öcalan, have been

proposed and attempts have been made to

involve intermediaries.

It Is Darwınısm That

Feeds Communısm, and

That Ideology

Must Fırst Be

Scıentıfıcally Elımınated

Page 268: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

266 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

� Political maneuvering has been attempted, and people have

thought that a solution can be reached through demagogic meth-

ods and the terror organization's leadership or terrorist militants

won over.

� Ceasefire agreements have been made.

� Attempts have been made to bring PKK terror organization mil-

itants down from the mountains by such feeble approaches as say-

ing, "Go home to your mothers and eat her soup."

� Laments have been sung at the funerals of martyrs, and these

have been carried in the newspapers and for hours on the televi-

sion in the belief that this will have a psychological impact on ter-


� Communist PKK militants have been called on to "...heed their

consciences and be compassionate and loving."

� Communist PKK terrorists, who utterly reject the concepts of

the state, religion and the family and who know no other path

than violence and terror, have been "condemned."

� Communist PKK militants have been called on to "...come down

from the mountains and live as brothers."

� People have imagined that if communist terrorists are invited to

"...return to their fathers' homes and eat their mothers' soups," if

they are married off and made promises about making homes for

themselves, then that will win them over.

� Finally, nonsense along the lines of "...let us give the terrorists

the Southeast so we can all relax," has begun being spouted.

While all this has been happening, clashes in Southeast Turkey

have been going on uninterruptedly. Turkish troops fighting to protect

the homeland and its citizens for God's approval have continued to be

Page 269: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

267Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

martyred. Neither sending reinforcements there, nor any of the artifi-

cial solutions listed above have done any good. And it is impossible for

them to do so, because either there has been a failure to properly grasp

the problem, or else proper understanding has been deliberately

obstructed. And given the failure to properly grasp the problem, it is

impossible to find a solution to it.

It is of course impossible for feeble, ineffectual and weak precau-

tions aimed at communist militants who act for entirely out of ideo-

logical concerns to produce any results. The fundamental solution is

overlooked; but people imagine the problems can be resolved by test-

ing new weapons, sending more troops to the region, training profes-

sional troops, engaging in psychological propaganda against commu-

nist militants, agreements and calls for peace and ceasefires. But the

fact is that;

� No communist ever attaches any importance to calls for him to

behave with good conscience. For him, the first road to achieving

his aims is violence, and no psychological ways of winning him

over ever work. A terrorist regards feelings of love, compassion

and sympathy as mere weakness and sickness, emotions to be

eliminated as a matter of urgency. And he will treat those who

approach him in such a way as laughingstocks.

� A communist will never find calls for him to "...return to the

parental home and eat his mother's soup" at all logical. Under his

own ideology, the family is in any case a concept needing to be

eliminated, and he is merely acting accordingly.

� The tears and lamentations of the mothers of martyrs always

delight a communist. They make him feel he is achieving his aims,

because what he does as a requirement of his ideology is reported

to the world in newspaper headlines and on the television. Those

who imagine that weeping mothers will elicit feelings of pity in

Page 270: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

268 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

communist militants are unaware of the scale of the disaster. The

more reports of martyrs that PKK militants hear, and the more

weeping mothers they see, the more their devotion to the organi-

zation grows and is strengthened.

� Condemnation along the lines of "How monstrous you are!"

always delights the communist. He imagines that by behaving in

a monstrous way, he is abiding by Lenin's legacy to him in the

most perfect way. The more frightfully he behaves, the better he is

implementing communist ideology. Feelings of pity for the enemy

are regarded as a betrayal of communist thinking.


Although the military measures we look at throughout

this book are indeed necessary and important to the national

fight against terror, they can never rep-

resent a definitive solution to the com-

munist terror in Southeast Turkey.

Page 271: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Even if separatist terrorist PKK militants were neutralized and

were convinced to come down from the mountains, even if the places

they live were identified and their traps all thwarted, that will never

prevent the emergence of new communists and new acts of terror, and

will never fully rid those territories of the threat of communism.

Why is this? Because;

The "IDEOLOGY" that feeds com-

munism is still alive. So long as the

swamp survives untouched it will

keep producing communist mili-

tants. The only way of drying the

swamp out is through a scientific

and intellectual campaign.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 272: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

270 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

A PKK terrorist undergoes Darwinist and materialist education

long before he undergoes weapons training. From a very early age, he

learns the basis of Darwinist and materialist thinking in the schools set

up by the separatist terror organizations and at its meetings. He is

taught to apply the requirements of Stalinist, Marxist and Leninist ide-

ology. Books, magazines and radio and television programs are inten-

sively used to that end. Physical instruction comes later. Mental and

ideological training has to be completed first. A perverse belief system

is thus established in their brains. In other words, a one-sided educa-

tion soon has a hypnotic effect. Since the young person in question

only experiences Darwinist and materialist education, and since he is

wide open to demagoguery, the Darwinist perspective quickly takes

root in his mind. He begins regarding life as a battlefield and human

beings as animals. He regards such lofty virtues as moral values, reli-

gious beliefs, love, compassion and altruism as, may God forbid, weak-

ness and sickness. According to this perverse belief, natural selection –

the idea of the strong eliminating the weak in order to survive – is a

perfectly ordinary matter. He begins becoming devoted to the false

A Perverse Intellectual

System Can Only Be

Kılled off by Ideas and


Page 273: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


ideological rules of Darwinism as a belief system. Once that infrastruc-

ture has been established, it is easy to put a gun in his hand and send

him off to fight. With this perverse belief installed in his mind, he will

do what Marxism requires. He will either kill or die. He has already

signed up to that idea ideologically. He regards it as simple, and acts

on it very easily.

The danger confronting us is not therefore guns, bullets and

weapons, but only an idea. It is not terror that is the danger in South-

east Turkey and the world; the danger is a materialist, Darwinist and

communist ideology. And this perverse ideology cannot be defeated

with guns, condemnation and feeble policies. IDEOLOGY CAN



If the world wishes to be free from the scourge of communist ter-

ror, then there needs to be a worldwide anti-communist and anti-mate-

rialist intellectual struggle. Those who regard such a struggle as inef-

fective and unnecessary, who regard Darwinism as a theory limited

strictly to natural events, are generally unaware of the danger they are

dealing with. The logic of the PKK terror organization is exactly the

same as that used by Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot as they carried out

the ideological requirements of Darwinism. Although these commu-

nist leaders had very few supporters to begin with, because of their

fanatical devotion to their perverse ideology, they were soon able to

inflict communist terror, savagery and oppression on large swathes of

territory. What made them undefeatable at the time was that they had

an ideology, albeit a perverse one, and that they believed in it total-

ly. The only reason why they could not be stopped in their own time,

and why the whole world sat back and watched the barbarity going on

in their countries, was that the other side had no ideology, and no ide-

ological response to give to that barbarity.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 274: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


No ideological response could be made because the whole world

was obliged to defend Darwinism, which represents the infrastructure

for communist savagery. Those who did fight against communism, ter-

ror and savagery basically had to defend the same ideology as the com-

munist terrorists themselves. That is the Darwinist dictatorship that

reigns across the world. That dictatorship is still around in an exceed-

ingly powerful form. So much so that, because of the pressure from

that dictatorship, academics who have exposed the invalidity of Dar-

winism have found it impossible to remain in their universities. The

theory of evolution is taught on a compulsory basis in educational

institutions just about everywhere in the world, while discussing the

fact of Creation is PROHIBITED. This applies in just about all countries

of the world, including Islamic countries such as Iran, Syria, Egypt and

Algeria and such a religiously-based

state as Israel. So long as Darwinism

persists, the threat of communist will

also persist. THE SOLE – SOLE –







The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 275: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Since the world has surrendered to the Darwinist dictatorship,

Darwinist education is imposed in universities, high schools, middle

schools, educational institutions of all kinds in other words, in just

about every country in the world. Official teaching of the fact of Cre-

ation and saying, "God exists" is banned in schools. All educational

institutions are obliged to teach a false religion that has adopted

chance as its supposed god. Those who work in educational institu-

tions are forced to say, "Evolution is a fact." Professors in all universi-

ties have to advocate and teach Darwinism. All the main press and

media outlets belong to Darwinists and represent a significant part of

Darwinist propaganda. Students cannot question Darwinism in

schools, and it is impossible for those who do so to move on through

their classes. A university professor who questions the truth of the the-

ory of evolution will definitely be removed from his post, and will be

blocked from moving on in his academic career. This is such a power-

ful dictatorship that churches in Europe have had to apologize to Dar-

win. The Pope, the very representative of Christianity, has had to hold

a conference defending the theory of evolution in his own home, the


Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

The Whole World Has

Surrendered to

the Darwınıst Dıctatorshıp

That Prepares the

Infrastructure for Terror

Page 276: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


That being the case, it is not surprising that communism continues

to pose a threat. Communism is constantly nourished by Darwinism.

Under these conditions, it is even more surprising that some people are

surprised by the existence of terror in the world. Darwinist ideology,

the infrastructure of terror, literally rules right across the world. It is

taught all the time. Just about everyone sets out in life with that knowl-

edge from a very early age. Therefore, by supporting Darwinism, peo-

ple are also acting as supporters of communism, whether they are

aware of it or not. If those who say, "I am opposed to terrorism" or "I

want world peace and well-being" also defend Darwinism, then they

are causing, albeit indirectly, the murder, death and fighting around

the world and supporting its intellectual foundation. Communist ter-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 277: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


ror is constantly fed by this cunning stratagem, and

its intellectual infrastructure is kept strong.

The ideological foundation that supports com-

munism, Darwinism in other words, is directly

supported by governments and official bodies,

making it very difficult to tell terrorists to aban-

don their weapons. Therefore, a wide-rang-

ing intellectual struggle against commu-

nism, an intellectual struggle involving all

the countries of the world, is a matter of

the greatest urgency.

The world has surren-dered to the Darwinistdictatorship. So it isnot surprising thatcommunism shouldstill be a threat. Even ifsome people areunaware of the fact,communist ideologyconstantly feeds offDarwinism.

Page 278: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Everyone Must Learn the Scientific

Evidence Revealing That Darwinism Is


Let us first of all remind ourselves that Darwinism, the

communists' intellectual foundation, the theory of evolu-

tion in other words, IS A FRAUD. The intellectual struggle

against communism must begin by describing the nonsensi-

cal nature of Darwinism, and scientific evidence must be

set out for that purpose. Essentially, what needs to be

explained and known in order to expose the invalidity of

this rotten theory are the following:

• It is impossible for even a single protein to come into

being by chance, and that the idea that life formed sponta-

neously is therefore fraudulent,

• It is impossible for life forms to turn into one anoth-

er through random mutations and chance events,

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The theory of evolution regards chance as its false god. However, theregularity, harmony and beauty in the world totally refute Darwinists'ideas of chance. Therefore, in order to do away with the lie of Darwinism,it is of great importance for people to be told of the complex features inliving things, and to show, with scientific evidence, that these things cannever form by chance. When this intellectual activity takes place, the intel-lectual foundation of communism will disappear and the bloody ideologi-es that produced mass killers will be consigned to the pages of history.

What Kınd of

Intellectual Actıvıty?

Page 279: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

277Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 280: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


All fossils on Earth show that livingthings have remained unchanged formillions of years. The 125-million-year-old Cretaceous period bush cricket inthe picture is one of the important pro-

ofs of this fact.

• Not a single transitional fossil exists to show that life forms turn

into one another,

• On the contrary, more than 350 million fossils document that life

forms never change, but remain exactly the same, over millions of years,

• Darwinists have perpetrated all kinds of hoaxes in order to

impose their theories, which are devoid of any scientific evidence, on

people for many years; they have published hoax fossils in scientific

journals and exhibited them in museums,

• They are still teaching fossils that have been exposed as hoaxes in

school text books,

• In contrast, fossils proving that living things are created have

been kept hidden away by Darwinists in museum store rooms, and

• Irreducibly complex structures in living things, such as the eye,

can never, ever come into being through the fictitious process of evolu-


(For greater detail on the subject, see Darwinism Refuted and Atlas of

Creation, bothN by Harun Yahya)

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 281: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

279Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Fraud, demagoguery and propaganda are Darwinists' funda-mental techniques. Since the theory of evolution is devoid ofany scientific evidence, it resorts to giving the impressionthat "evidence exists" in order to survive. That is why thehistory of the theory of evolution is full of hoax fossils thathave subsequently been removed from the literature andother untrue reports. Indeed, every fossil produced as evi-dence for evolution in recent years has been refuted, andevery lie about evolution that has been published has beenscientifically disproved.

Hoax Skullsand False Ape-Men

Page 282: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Works Need to be Done to Stop Darwinist


One of the first steps in the intellectual struggle against the sepa-

ratist terrorist organization the PKK must be to bring Darwinist pro-

paganda to a halt. The state must be prevented by law from providing

education on its own radio and television stations, under the influence

of the Darwinist dictatorship, that feeds the ideology of the PKK, that

is Darwinism, and from engaging in that same propaganda.

Therefore, the support that the state gives to Darwinist ideol-

ogy by its own hand must first be cut off.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 283: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The Constitution Must be Amended so That the

Scientific Facts of Creation Are Taught Alongside

Darwinism in the Curriculum

Due to the pressure from the Darwinist dictatorship that current-

ly controls the world, the states make it compulsory for Darwinism to

be taught in schools. This needs to be ended with an immediate

amendment to the Turkish Constitution. If Darwinist education cannot

be completely eliminated in schools, then the Constitution must be

amended in order to permit an education program in which the evi-

dence for Creation is set out alongside Darwinism. To put it another

way, Darwinism can still be taught as a theory if so desired, but the sci-

Page 284: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

282 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 285: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


entific response to this must also be set out in schools and universities.

For example, if the Darwinist claim that "Life began by chance

from muddy water" is to be included in school books, the scientific fact

that "Not one single protein can come into being by chance" also needs

to be set out. For instance, if the unscientific Darwinist claim that "All

species are descended from one another, and billions of transitional

species have existed at one time or another" is to appear in school

books, then the fact that "Not a single transitional fossil exists" also

needs to be set out. Students need to be told, in the face of this Dar-

winist claim, that there are more than 350 million perfect fossils show-

ing that living things have never evolved.

Under this modification to the curriculum, the evidence discov-

ered by science will be set out in the face of the claims of the theory of

evolution. We are not referring to Qur'anic or religious education here.

The setting out of the scientific facts is the form that education should

in any case take, and this essential adjustment needs to be made at once

through an amendment to the Constitution.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 286: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


The Scientific Invalidity of the Theory of Evolu-

tion Needs to be Described in the Visual and

Written Media, and in Books, Brochures and


We need to be able to reach every home, school and cof-

fee house, in Turkey in particular, through the televi-

It is exceedingly important tospread the fact that evolutionis nonsense using all kindsof publications and to makeeveryone aware of this.

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sion and radio, through books and brochures. It is very important for

people to be shown, by all possible means, that Darwinism is the worst

scientific fraud ever perpetrated. Various TV channels must be set

aside for that alone, and books with anti-Darwinist content must be

handed out, particularly in the Southeast. Information programs must

be prepared for children, and the true face of Darwinist nonsense must

be exposed through radio and television programs.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 288: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Civil Society Organizations Must Discuss

the Scientific Invalidity of Darwinism

If the state cannot halt Darwinist propaganda in its own institu-

tions because of the destructive and oppressive influence of the Dar-

winist dictatorship, then civil society organizations must become

involved. National and local private television stations must undertake

effective activities on the subject. Films and documentaries setting out

the invalidity of the theory of evolution must be shown on an almost

hourly basis, and wide-ranging scientific information on the subject

must be provided. Various associations must prepare informative

leaflets on the subject, and meetings must be held, especially in educa-

tional institutions, to inform the public against the danger of commu-

nism and the theory of evolution.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 289: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Fossil Exhibitions and Conferences

Must be Staged

One of the most effective ways of showing the invalidity of Dar-

winism is the arranging of fossil exhibitions. Free of charge fossil exhi-

bitions will both attract people's interest and also convince people who

see that fossilized life forms have remained unchanged for millions of

years that evolution never happened. In addition, small meetings or

conferences will also be very influential. Someone seeing the scientific

evidence of the invalidity of the theory of evolution at a conference will

never forget it throughout his life. And furthermore, he will tell what

he learns to everyone around him.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Fossil exhibitionsand conferences arevery important interms of showingpeople the factsabout evolutionbeing nonsense.Just one piece ofscientific evidenceproduced duringsuch activities willbe enough for themto realize that evolu-tion is nonsense,and the truth willspread ever wider.

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Individual Activities Must be


Individual activities are also exceedingly important in anti-Dar-

winist propaganda. Our people can buy as many books refuting Dar-

winism as they can and hand them out free of charge. They can prepare

little leaflets, containing brief details regarding the invalidity of Dar-

winism and hand them out in villages and townships. They can give

talks about the untruth of Darwinism where people generally meet

together, in cafes, coffee houses, restaurants, train stations and the like.

It is not essential for someone who wants to do these kinds of

things to possess vast amounts of knowledge. The theory of evolution

will collapse under the weight of just two points:

1) The fact that it is impossible for even a single protein to come

into being by chance,

2) The fact that although not one single transitional fossil exists,

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 291: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


there are more than 350 million fossils showing that life

forms remain the same, in other words, that they are cre-


It is enough to be informed on these two points

alone, and to spread that information, for Darwinism to

come tumbling down. The works of Harun Yahya are the

most effective sources that can be used in such activities.

All kinds of works can be downloaded free of

charge from the Harun Yahya web sites and free

books are handed out all over the country. Harun

Yahya documentaries can be broadcast freely on

TV stations of all kinds across the country. More-

over, since these works prove the scientific invalidity

of Darwinism in a wide-ranging and accessible way

they are highly valuable reference sources.

Even very brief activity based on these

works will be very effective.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Through personal activities, everyone can spreadthe fact that Darwinism is a deception to as manypeople as possible. Handing out little leaflets, tal-king in cafes and coffee houses and restaurants,writing articles on the Internet and making effecti-ve use of social networking sites are some of theways of doing this.

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290 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

The Harun Yahya web sites must be spread everywhere possiblein order to bring Darwinism down. These sites document thenonsense of evolution in great detail and provide flawless proofsof Creation. All these works contain highly significant informati-on and can be downloaded free of charge.

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291Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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It is Impossible for Someone Who Sees

the Invalidity of the Theory of Evolution to be

a Darwinist Again

This point needs to be emphasized: once someone has learned that

the theory of evolution is a fraud being propped up by demagoguery,

there is no way to ever get him to believe in evolution again. Some peo-

ple may sometimes appear to still be evolutionists even after seeing the

scientific proofs that evolution is a lie. They may even give the impres-

sion of strongly opposing the facts that disprove evolution. But that is

not actually true. Such a person will definitely have concluded that

evolution is nonsense. But concern for his career, an unwillingness to

lose his Darwinist friends or perhaps an inability to admit that a theo-

ry he espoused for many years is really nonsense may prevent him

from stating as much out loud. But he will definitely – DEFINITELY –

have come to such a conclusion privately.

It is easy to convince someone in a dark room that everything is

also dark on the outside. But once he has seen the Sun through a crack

in the window for just one second, it will be impossible to again con-

vince him that the outside is in darkness. It is the same with Darwinist

nonsense. It is enough for people to just once become aware of the sci-

entific evidence that refutes evolution. After that, no matter what Dar-

winists do, there is no way of convincing that person that evolution is

true. Therefore, no matter where anti-Darwinist activity takes place, or

how, or how many people it is aimed at, it will always, every single

time, produce results. The important thing is for everyone to be mobi-

lized to engage in this intellectual struggle in the most comprehensive

and effective way.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

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At the moment, there is no intellectual system opposed to that of

communism. The ideological infrastructure of communism is dissemi-

nated through intensive education, and the lack of any opposed intel-

lectual system is a major gap. The present scourges stem from that defi-


Anti-Darwinist and anti-materialist informational activity will

fill that gap, because activity on that front is what communists desire

and expect the least. This is what communists and all terrorists have

feared most, literally their worst nightmare, ever since the time of

Lenin. A communist is not afraid of going into a shoot-out, living in the

mountains, going hungry or killing. But the idea of the collapse of the

Darwinist and materialist ideology fills him with terror because the

collapse of the Darwinist and materialist ideology will eliminate every-

thing he believes in and trusts. In this way, the superstition in his brain

will vanish. And he will have no more strength to engage in training in

the mountains, nor carry a gun, nor die nor kill.

Anti-Darwinist and anti-materialist activity will strike at the heart

of the communist movement. Someone who until then has believed all

the indoctrination of the theory of evolution, that he and the universe

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

What Wıll Be

the Result of

Antı-Darwınıst and


Intellectual Actıvıty?

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294 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 297: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

295Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Anti-Darwinist activity is the form of opposi-tion that communists least wish and expectto encounter because they know that withthe collapse of Darwinism their bloody ideo-logies will disappear, that people will turn toGod and that the world will move in thedirection of a fine Islamic union.

Page 298: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


came into existence by chance, that no entity in the world has any pur-

pose and that all human beings are merely a species of animal will sud-

denly realize he was not created for no reason. He will lose the perverse

belief in his brain. Espousing communist ideology and killing or dying

for the sake of that ideology will suddenly become meaningless. There

will be no encouragement to kill and die. He will be terrified to realize

he has been working for an empty and foolish aim and that the promis-

es made by the Darwinist ideology are hollow. Terror, violence, attack-

ing people, corruption, treachery and oppressing others will vanish

from his mind in a moment, and he will no longer have the strength to

believe in communism.

It is enough for it to be proved to him just one time that Darwinism

is nonsense. No matter how much he denies it, or how much he tries to

remain loyal to his ideology, that strength will definitely disappear.

And as he loses his strength and determination, no cause will be left.

There will be no need to convince such a person not to kill, and to put

an end to terror and violence. That opinion will form naturally in his

brain as his ideology collapses. All the ideas he believed in and was

devoted to as a Darwinist will suddenly lose all their meaning.

Someone who realizes that Darwinism is nonsense will also realize

that he is not living for no reason, and will therefore ask, "What is the

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

What needs to be done toget-her with anti-Darwinist activityis for people to be told aboutthe signs leading to faith.Someone who sees the extra-ordinary abilities of thehoneybee, for example, cannever believe it came intobeing by chance.

Page 299: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


point of my existence in the world?" When he realizes there is a purpose

to his existence, he will surely grasp the absolute existence of God. He

will realize that God created other people, like him, as jewels of creation,

that he is a valuable servant, that he has a soul and is subject to destiny.

The only thing remaining to be done will be to make such a person

know God and show him His Might and Power. The most effective way

of doing that is by describing the signs leading to faith.

Signs leading to faith are works of art that draw people closer to

God. It is essential to closely examine what God creates and to see the

glorious detail in them in order to properly know and appreciate Him.

The extraordinary workings of the human body, the development of a

baby in the mother's womb and the miracle of birth, the immaculate

structure of the cell, the astonishing data capacity and the sheer artistry

of DNA, the flawless structure of the eye, the amazing details in insect

flight, the spider's ability to weave its web, the bee's construction of the

honeycomb, the photosynthetic system on Earth; in short, everything in

nature, are all signs leading to faith. Only when someone sees and inves-

tigates these proofs of perfect creation in nature and his own body can

he appreciate the Lord of these works of art. And this enables him to

grow in faith. Someone who passionately loves God by examining His

creations, who comprehends His might and power, will thenceforth do

everything for God, his beloved. For that reason, the second important

intellectual action after anti-Darwinist and anti-materialist activity is to

tell people of the signs leading to faith.

Anti-Darwinist Intellectual Activity Will Eliminate

the Threat of Communism, Not Just in Turkey,

But All over the World

Anti-Darwinist and anti-materialist activity must take place across

the world. The aim here is not simply for Turkey to be rid of the scourge

of terrorism and communism, but for the whole world to be freed from

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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298 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

As the result of anti-Darwinist acti-vity, the Darwinist, communist mind-set that makes people loveless andturns the world into a place of dark-ness will give way to a world full oflaughter, light, love, joy and peace.People will no longer be deceived,and they will realize that peace andsecurity are the way that life shouldbe lived.

Page 301: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


it. For that reason, anti-Darwinist and anti-materialist activity needs to

be spread across the world. When that happens, all countries living

under the threat of terror will be able to relax, countries that threaten one

another with war will quiet down, and Western countries now heading

toward the scourges of racism, prejudice and xenophobia will see the

truth. Arab countries, like all other countries, will escape the corruption

of Darwinism and, in short, all the strife going on in the world will come

to an end, and the world will become a safe place, one of peace and


Because North Korea is communist, it is currently car-

rying out nuclear tests before the eyes of the world.

Because China is Darwinist, it constantly eliminates its

own citizens. The reason why brother fights

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 302: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


against brother in Egypt, Libya and Syria is because of the dominion of

Darwinism. The savage tribal wars in African countries all appeared with

the deliberate spread to those countries of the false Darwinist logic of

superior races. The mindset that used the heads of people killed in Rwan-

da as footballs is the Darwinist mindset. The mindset that keeps the fin-

gers of the martyred in Afghanistan as grotesque souvenirs is the Dar-

winist mindset. Darwinism lies at the root of the racist savagery exhibit-

ed by fascist terror in European countries solely because people have a

different skin color or come from a different country. It is Darwinism that

turns people from such superior virtues as love, compassion and altru-

ism, that makes them soulless and intolerant, that leaves them vulnerable

to scourges, anger and hatred. Darwinism is therefore a major threat, not

just to Turkey, but to the entire world. It must absolutely be eliminated.

The only way to do that is the anti-Darwinist, anti-materialist intellectu-

al activity described in detail above.

It is astonishing how some people today still manage to resist this

solution that will produce a definitive solution. They fail to heed the

clearest and most certain solution to terrorism because they do not look

at matters honestly and rationally. The idea of the need for anti-Dar-

winist and anti-materialist activity is the most valuable and important

path to a solution put before them. Failing to use such a path to a solu-

tion, resisting such a powerful idea and then pretending to look for a

solution through weak and unsuccessful methods and political maneu-

vering is the height of intellectual dishonesty. There is no way of striv-

ing against terror apart from through an intellectual campaign. There

is a huge swamp of terrorism, and the sole way of draining that

swamp has been set out in great detail. But to resist that idea and still

fail to carry out the intellectual activities required means nothing

less than turning the world over to communist terror. Those who

refuse to see the only answer to the scourge of terror will have to bear

this great responsibility.

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 303: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


Our Kurdish brothers living in the southeast of Turkey are highly

devout, honest, virtuous and unselfish people. Communist terrorists

must be prevented from threatening our radiant people there without

delay. In order to protect those fine and immaculate moral values and

to ensure that they can live in peace and security, the Darwinist, mate-

rialist and communist mindset must be cleaned out of the region and

Turkish-Islamic Union established as a matter of urgency.

Turkish-Islamic Union is a union of love and the heart. Turkey

will assume the role of an older brother, a pioneer, a servant in that

union. That is why the union will be known as the Turkish-Islamic

Union. Since according to Islam, no race can be superior to any other,

there will be no conception of "racial superiority" in this union. All

"Turkish" citizens living in Turkey- Kurdish, Circassian, Zara, Laz,

Bosnian, Georgian, Arab, etc. – will be included in the union, as well as

all Muslim countries and societies in the world.

Being united will bestow a huge strength upon the Turkish-Islam-

ic world. It will be impossible, unless God so wishes, for this union

based on the soundest foundation in the world, love of God, to be

weakened or fall apart.

Turkish-Islamic Union will resolve all misunderstandings

between Muslim countries and bring peace to the Islamic world, while

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

After Antı-Darwınıst


"Turkısh-Islamıc Unıon"

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302 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Turkish-Islamic Union willembrace everyone, regard-less of religion, language,race, culture or nation.Nobody will be kept down, oroppressed, or poor or humi-liated. Brotherhood, peaceand security will settleacross the world with Tur-kish-Islamic Union.

Page 305: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


it will also be a preventive force that stands against every kind of

movement that incites war and conflict in the world as a whole. There-

fore, with the foundation of Turkish-Islamic Union America, Europe,

China, Russia, Israel, in short all the countries of the world, Muslim

or not, will live at ease and in peace. The problem of terror will come

to an end, access to subterranean resources and raw materials will be

guaranteed, the economic and social order will be protected and

cultural and social conflicts will be completely eliminated.

As the Master, Bediüzzaman, said, Turkish-Islamic

Union will come about with an alliance of Muslims, Chris-

tians and Jews. The stratagems of those who have to date

sought to spread strife among believers will be thwarted, and

believers across the world will join forces to create a union. Therefore,

for the first time in the history of the world, a giant force will appear in

opposition to all perverse communist and materialist systems. There-

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 306: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


fore, Turkish-Islamic Union will spell salvation, not just for Muslims,

but also for all Christians and Jews.

Nobody will suffer under Turkish-Islamic Union. Nobody will be

killed because of his faith, the color of his skin or his beliefs. None will

be persecuted, and none will be poor or oppressed. There will be no

fear, and no problems in the legal and justice system. There will be no

unsolved crimes. There will be no poverty and want. None will be con-

demned to hunger while others are very wealthy. There will be no

despair, and everyone will live in hope and joy and ease. Nobody will

be left ignorant and uninformed. Great importance will be attached to

education, and exceedingly cultured and well-educated societies will


Commerce will come to life under Turkish-Islamic Union, and the

economy will strengthen. The integral whole that develops among the

countries of the world in the economic, political and cultural arenas

will permit the less developed to make rapid advances and will allow

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 307: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


resources to be used in the most efficient manner. Economic growth

will increase investment in science and technology. With economic

growth will come a natural rise in education levels and society will

grow in many directions.

By means of the common market that will be set up, goods pro-

duced in one country will easily be able to be sold in another, without

becoming caught up in customs and quota problems. The commercial

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Turkish-Islamic Union will bring an economicwell-being unseen since the Age of Felicity.The whole world will grow rich, and commer-cial activity will increase enormously.

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306 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

sphere will expand, all countries' market shares will increase, exports

will grow and the industrialization process will accelerate as a result.

Regeneration in the economy will be reflected in advances in technol-


The economic crisis will disappear. This state of affairs will there-

fore spread across the world. The whole world will grow rich and

trade will grow apace.

A major responsibility falls to the Turkish nation in this context.

Turkey's duty is to lead the Turkish-Islamic world that will bring

peace, plenty and well-being to the entire world. Leadership of the

Turkish-Islamic world will be one of Turkey's greatest tasks ever.


ISH NATION. In other words, the duty of the Turkish nation is not

to save Turkey alone, but all countries of the world and to bring

about world peace and well-being.

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307Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

What Will Turkish-Islamic Union Bring to Our

Kurdish Brothers?

When Turkish-Islamic Union is brought up, some people ask the

rather ignorant question, "So won't the Kurds be allowed in this

union?" That question stems from their failure to understand the aim

and objectives of the union.

When Turkish-Islamic Union is established, our Kurdish broth-

ers will be one of the first groups to take their place in it.

Being both Turkish and Muslim, our Kurdish brothers will natu-

rally be a part of this community. The rumors in question are part of

the same sickly mindset that always tries to portray our Kurdish broth-

ers as somehow inherently separate from us. Such attitudes must

never be permitted, and all the endeavors of people with ulte-

rior motives who seek to spread strife between

Turks and Kurds must be brought to nothing.

Our Kurdish brothers will be thefirst to take their places in Tur-kish-Islamic Union. They will befreed from PKK pressure andthe label of second-class citi-zens imposed on them by thePKK for so many years, and willenjoy living as brothers, inpeace, plenty and well-being.

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308 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Turkish-Islamic Union is the only solution by which our

Kurdish brothers can also live at ease in peace and plenty, freed

from the oppression of the separatist PKK terror organization.

The current aim of the separatist terror organization, as we have

already discussed in detail, is to imprison our Kurdish brothers

inside a very small region by deceiving them with talk of estab-

lishing their own state, to use them in every way possible and to

inflict all kinds of troubles and difficulties on them. And the

communist mindset can never, and has never, brought with it

anything else but suffering and grief.

Turkish-Islamic Union will do away with this ugly ruse the

separatist terror organization wants to perpetrate on our Kur-

dish brothers. In particular, once Turkish-Islamic Union has

been set up, the PKK threat will become history. The PKK,

which currently regards itself as very strong under the effect of

the Darwinist dictatorship and the divisions between Muslims,

is terrified at the prospect of such a union. Once Turkish-Islam-

ic Union is established there will be no need for deterrent meth-

ods against the communist terror organization, efforts to win it

over or even armed struggle against it. The terror organization

will fade away from the region OF ITS OWN VOLITION

within a few hours of the establishment of Turkish-Islamic

Union. The threat from the communist, separatist terror orga-

nization will be consigned to the footnotes of history.

At present, the PKK wants to enclose our Kurdish brothers

inside a very small area of land. Turkish-Islamic Union will

thwart that scheme. Our Kurdish brothers will be freed from

being pressured into living in a very small territory and will be

opened up to the world. As one might expect, once Turkish-

Islamic Union is established, national borders will be pure-

ly symbolic. Travel between countries that are united

Page 311: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


With Turkish-IslamicUnion, borders will bepurely symbolic. Statesand political regimeswill remain as they are,but borders will begateways to love andfriendship.

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310 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

under the umbrella of Turkish-Islamic Union will take place

with identity cards alone, not passports and visas. States and

political structures will remain as they are, but the borders will be

opened up to love and friendship. The first steps toward this have

already been taken. Visa requirements between Turkey and many

other countries have been abolished. Passport requirements have

even begun being done away with. These things are harbingers of

excellent progress toward Turkish-Islamic Union.

Since the borders of the Turkish-Islamic Union will include

the whole world, our Kurdish brothers can continue to live in their

lands in the Southeast under the union if they so wish. Or if they

prefer, they can travel to other countries, without fear of threats or


In addition, our Kurdish brothers will be freed from the hor-

rible imputation that they are somehow second-class citizens, one

that the separatist PKK terror organization systematically seeks to

impose. Our Kurdish brothers are most valued people who pos-

sess the loftiest virtues and whose moral virtues are those of com-

pletely Islamic values. When Turkish-Islamic Union is established,

their rights will always be protected and they will never, ever be

victimized. Indeed, as they live in the climate of wealth, security

and well-being brought with it by Turkish-Islamic Union, they

will also enjoy the love and respect that comes from the beauties

bestowed by Islam. Never again in their lives will they be

oppressed and exposed to communist threats and pressure. Turk-

ish-Islamic Union will mean that our Kurdish brothers will enjoy

the lives they deserve, in the most perfect form, the climate in

which they can be happiest.

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311Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

That is our Almighty Lord's promise.

Insha'Allah, by coming together and living in

peace, all Muslims will have fulfilled their greatest

obligation to God. Our Lord says in one verse:

God loves those who fight in His Way in ranks

like well-built walls. (Surat as-Saff, 4)

Turkish-Islamic Unionwill foil the PKK's loath-some plans, and ourfine, worthy Kurdishbrothers will open up toeverywhere in the worldand live as they please.

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Page 315: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan

No other devilish philosophy has ever enveloped the world and

affected whole societies as much as the communist ideology. This is

such a dangerous philosophy that it has imprisoned the Muslim,

Christian and Judaic worlds, pagans, atheists, Buddhists and, simply

put, people from all beliefs and cultures and nations, and nobody has

been able to stand up to communist ideology and put an end to it.

Communist ideology has been in existence, uninterruptedly,

since the day it first appeared. Sometimes it has been much in evi-

dence and taken power, while at others it has withdrawn and contin-

ued its activities in secret. But it has never been possible to get rid of

it entirely. The 20th century, and the End Times, when the influence

of the antichrist has been seen by the whole world, have been the time

of this bloody and dangerous ideology and its worst savagery and

ruthlessness. Many countries of the world have more or less openly

surrendered to the communist ideology. Darwinism, which repre-

sents the infrastructure of communism, has become all countries' offi-

cial ideology. While many countries have strongly criticized commu-

nist dictators, they ironically teach the intellectual system that feeds

them, Darwinism and materialism, in their own schools to their

own children, as if it were a scientific fact. Children brought up

with a Darwinist basic education can easily pass on to a

communist mindset. Countries' governments there-

fore constantly produce new communist militants

with their own hands.

Page 316: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


That is why one of the greatest portents revealed by our Prophet

Muhammad (saas) is coming about in the century in which we are liv-

ing – the world is being dragged toward disasters in great disorder.

Rulers of countries command that their own peoples be slaughtered,

states threaten to use nuclear weapons every day, terrorist actions are

perpetrated one after the other and treacherous attacks, coming when

nobody knows, are terrifying people. The bodies of young soldiers,

mothers and children lie in the roads and streets of Muslim countries,

while the world makes do with watching events more or less passive-

ly from the sidelines and offering meaningless platitudes. The name of

the scourge that is inflicting this on the world is communism, and com-

munism is growing stronger all the time, progressing more with each

passing day toward world dominion.

Those who sit back and watch events, who ask, "Does communism

still exist in the world?" or "Do people still believe in Darwinism?,"

those who imprison themselves in their own tiny worlds and fail to see

the tragedy mankind is heading toward, are primarily responsible for

this climate of fear and terror. Those who refuse to go into action, when

the main cause of the terror and savagery are clear for all to see, and

what needs to be done to completely eliminate this huge threat has

been set out in full detail, those who act passively or knowingly sup-

port the Darwinist-communist system, have attracted to themselves

the curses of Turkish martyrs and of our brothers martyred in other

Islamic countries. Meekly surrendering to the atheist-communist sys-

tem that has brought the whole world under its influence, feebly

watching what is going on and accepting the dominion of this bloody

system is not something that any Muslim could ever do. These are the

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Page 317: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


actions of the weak and feeble, who have no belief, ideology and cause,

who have no aim or hope, and who merely wish to live and eat and


The communist system may be a powerful ideology across the

world; but it is a surprisingly simple matter to intellectually annihilate

this false and superstitious ideology through a powerful belief in the

Truth. Every intellectual system, ideology, philosophy and belief is

assuredly under the control of our Almighty Lord, and will collapse

and vanish when God so commands. However, Almighty God wishes

to use Muslims as instruments in the collapse of this communist ideol-

ogy that seeks to drown the world in blood. For that reason, Muslims


• Be bound to God with a deep faith,

• Bring about Islamic Unity and put an end to the division in the

Islamic world,

• Engage in scientific, anti-Darwinist activity that will eliminate

Darwinist-materialist ideology across the world,

• Unite against false ideologies,

• Bring about the system of love, peace, brotherhood and tran-

quility commanded in the Qur'an.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Page 318: The Danger of A Communist Kurdistan


It must not be forgotten that the main reason for the disorder,

strife and scourges in the world is that Muslims are not united. God

has revealed the division among Muslims as the cause of turmoil and

corruption as follows:

Those who are unbelievers are the friends and protectors of one

another. If you do not act in this way [help and befriend one anoth-

er], there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption. (Surat al-

Anfal, 73)

People who watch the television in their homes, unaware of the

oppression going on all over the world, who eat their dinners and seek

only money and comfort, and say that everyone must look out for him-

self, those Muslims who abandon the struggle against atheist-Darwin-

ist-communist ideologies at a time when these have smothered the

world, and who are hostile to other Muslims, must fear being the cause

of the turmoil and corruption mentioned in the verse. Almighty God

wants Muslims to be united. And He will make a Muslim union in

which everyone is closely bound to everyone else in love and brother-

hood, one that strives on God's path with all its might, a very power-

ful one. In another verse, our Lord says, "God loves those who fight in

His Way in ranks like well-built walls." (Surat as-Saff, 4). Such a

union will inevitably be victorious. Darwinist-communist ideology,

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which has so far gone unchallenged and has not been silenced by any

belief or ideology, will be crushed and disappear in the face of true

belief and faith for the first time in 5,000 years. For that purpose, it is

essential that Muslims have faith and courage and determination, that

they trust in God, that they be full of fervor and enthusiasm and that

they always act together. All might and power belong to God, and He

will install the Islamic moral values that will eliminate falsehood:

God has promised those of you who have faith and do right actions

that He will make them successors in the land as He made those

before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their

religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their

fear, security. "They worship Me, not associating anything with

Me." Any who are unbelievers after that, such people are deviators.

(Surat an-Nur, 55)

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The Deceptıon

of Evolutıon

Darwinism, in other words the theory of evolution, was

put forward with the aim of denying the fact of Creati-

on, but is in truth nothing but failed, unscientific non-

sense. This theory, which claims that life emerged by chance

from inanimate matter, was invalidated by the scientific evi-

dence of miraculous order in the universe and in living things,

as well as by the discovery of more than 300 million fossils

revealing that evolution never happened. In this way, science

confirmed the fact that God created the universe and the living

things in it. The propaganda carried out today in order to keep

the theory of evolution alive is based solely on the distortion of

the scientific facts, biased interpretation, and lies and falsehoods

disguised as science.

Yet this propaganda cannot conceal the truth. The fact that

the theory of evolution is the greatest deception in the history of

science has been expressed more and more in the scientific world

over the last 20-30 years. Research carried out after the 1980s in

particular has revealed that the claims of Darwinism are totally

unfounded, something that has been stated by a large

number of scientists. In the United States in particu-

lar, many scientists from such different fields as bio-

logy, biochemistry and paleontology recognize the

invalidity of Darwinism and employ the fact of

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320 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Creation to account for

the origin of life.

We have examined the

collapse of the theory

of evolution and the

proofs of Creation

in great scientific

detail in many of

our works, and are

still continuing to

do so. Given the

enormous importance

of this subject, it

will be of great

benefit to summa-

rize it here.

The Scientific Collapse of Darwinism

As a pagan doctrine going back as far as ancient Greece, the the-

ory of evolution was advanced extensively in the nineteenth century.

The most important development that made it the top topic of the

world of science was Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species, publis-

hed in 1859. In this book, he opposed, in his own eyes, the fact that God

created different living species on Earth separately, for he erroneously

claimed that all living beings had a common ancestor and had diversi-

fied over time through small changes. Darwin's theory was not based

on any concrete scientific finding; as he also accepted, it was just an

"assumption." Moreover, as Darwin confessed in the long chapter of

Charles Darwin

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321Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

his book titled "Difficulties on Theory," the theory failed in the face of

many critical questions.

Darwin invested all of his hopes in new scientific discoveries,

which he expected to solve these difficulties. However, contrary to his

expectations, scientific findings expanded the dimensions of these dif-

ficulties. The defeat of Darwinism in the face of science can be revie-

wed under three basic topics:

1) The theory cannot explain how life originated on Earth.

2) No scientific finding shows that the "evolutionary mechanisms"

proposed by the theory have any evolutionary power at all.

3) The fossil record proves the exact opposite of what the theory


In this section, we will examine these three basic points in general


The First Insurmountable Step: The Origin of Life

The theory of evolution posits that all living species evolved from

a single living cell that emerged on Earth 3.8 billion years ago, suppo-

sed to have happened as a result of coincidences. How a single cell

could generate millions of complex living species and, if such an evo-

lution really occurred, why traces of it cannot be observed in the fossil

record are some of the questions that the theory cannot answer. Howe-

ver, first and foremost, we need to ask: How did this "first cell" origi-


Since the theory of evolution ignorantly denies Creation, it

maintains that the "first cell" originated as a product of blind coinci-

dences within the laws of nature, without any plan or arrangement.

According to the theory, inanimate matter must have produced a

living cell as a result of coincidences. Such a claim, however, is incon-

sistent with the most unassailable rules of biology.

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"Life Comes From Life"

In his book, Darwin never referred to the origin of life. The primi-

tive understanding of science in his time rested on the assumption that

living beings had a very simple structure. Since medieval times, spon-

taneous generation, which asserts that non-living materials came toget-

her to form living organisms, had been widely accepted. It was com-

monly believed that insects came into being from food leftovers, and

mice from wheat. Interesting experiments were conducted to prove

this theory. Some wheat was placed on a dirty piece of cloth, and it was

believed that mice would originate from it after a while.

Similarly, maggots developing in rotting meat was assumed to be

evidence of spontaneous generation. However, it was later understo-

od that worms did not appear on meat spontaneously, but

were carried there by flies in the form of larvae,

invisible to the naked eye.

Even when Darwin wrote The Origin of

Species, the belief that bacteria could

come into existence from non-living

matter was widely accepted in the

world of science.

However, five years after the

publication of Darwin's book,

Louis Pasteur announced his

results after long studies and

experiments, that disproved

spontaneous generation, a cor-

nerstone of Darwin's theory. In his

triumphal lecture at the Sorbonne in

1864, Pasteur said: "Never will the

doctrine of spontaneous

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Louise Pasteur

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323Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

generation recover from the mortal

blow struck by this simple experi-


For a long time, advocates of the

theory of evolution resisted these

findings. However, as the develop-

ment of science unraveled the com-

plex structure of the cell of a living

being, the idea that life could come

into being coincidentally faced an

even greater impasse.

Inconclusive Efforts of

the Twentieth Century

The first evolutionist who took up

the subject of the origin of life in the

twentieth century was the renowned

Russian biologist Alexander Oparin. With various the-

ses he advanced in the 1930s, he tried to prove that

a living cell could originate by coincidence. These

studies, however, were doomed to failure, and

Oparin had to make the following confession:

Unfortunately, however, the problem of

the origin of the cell is perhaps the most

obscure point in the whole study of

the evolution of organisms.58

As accepted also by thelatest evolutionist theo-rists, the origin of life isstill a great stumblingblock for the theory ofevolution.

Alexander Oparin's attempts to offeran evolutionist explanation for the ori-gin of life ended in a great fiasco.

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Evolutionist followers of Oparin tried to carry out experiments to

solve this problem. The best known experiment was carried out by the

American chemist Stanley Miller in 1953. Combining the gases he alle-

ged to have existed in the primordial Earth's atmosphere in an experi-

ment set-up, and adding energy to the mixture, Miller synthesized

several organic molecules (amino acids) present in the structure of pro-


Barely a few years had passed before it was revealed that this

experiment, which was then presented as an important step in the

name of evolution, was invalid, for the atmosphere used in the expe-

riment was very different from the real Earth conditions.59

After a long silence, Miller confessed that the atmosphere medi-

um he used was unrealistic.60

All the evolutionists' efforts throughout the twentieth century to

explain the origin of life ended in failure. The geochemist Jeffrey

Bada, from the San Diego Scripps Institute accepts this fact in an artic-

le published in Earth magazine in 1998:

Today as we leave the twentieth century, we still face the big-

gest unsolved problem that we had when we entered the twen-

tieth century: How did life originate on Earth?61

The Complex Structure of Life

The primary reason why evolutionists ended up in such a great

impasse regarding the origin of life is that even those living organisms

Darwinists deemed to be the simplest have outstandingly complex fea-

tures. The cell of a living thing is more complex than all of our man-

made technological products. Today, even in the most developed

laboratories of the world, no single protein of the cell, let alone a

living cell itself, can be produced by bringing organic chemicals


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The conditions required for the formation of a cell

are too great in quantity to be explained away by coin-

cidences. However, there is no need to explain the situa-

tion with these details. Evolutionists are at a dead-end even

before reaching the stage of the cell. That is because the proba-

bility of just a single protein, an essential building block of the cell,

coming into being by chance is mathematically "0."

The main reason for this is the need for other proteins to be pre-

sent if one protein is to form, and this completely eradicates the pos-

sibility of chance formation. This fact by itself is sufficient to elimi-

nate the evolutionist claim of chance right from the outset. To sum-


Protein cannot be synthesized without enzymes, and enzymes

are all proteins.

Around 100 proteins need to be present in order for a single pro-

tein to be synthesized. There therefore need to be proteins for prote-

ins to exist.

DNA manufactures the protein-synthesizing enzymes. Protein

cannot be synthesized without DNA. DNA is therefore also needed

in order for proteins to form.

All the organelles in the cell have important tasks in protein

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

One of the facts nullifying the theory of evolution is theastonishingly complex structure of life. The DNA moleculelocated in the nucleus of cells of living beings is an exampleof this. The DNA is a sort of databank formed of the arran-gement of four different molecules in different sequences.This databank contains the codes of all the physical traits ofthat living being. When the human DNA is put into writing, itis calculated that this would result in an encyclopedia madeup of 900 volumes. Unquestionably, such extraordinaryinformation definitively refutes the concept of coincidence.

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synthesis. In other words, in order for proteins to form a perfect and

fully functioning cell needs to exist together with all its organelles.

The DNA molecule, which is located in the nucleus of a cell and

which stores genetic information, is a magnificent databank. If the

information coded in DNA were written down, it would make a giant

library consisting of an estimated 900 volumes of encyclopedias con-

sisting of 500 pages each.

A very interesting dilemma emerges at this point: DNA can repli-

cate itself only with the help of some specialized proteins (enzymes).

However, the synthesis of these enzymes can be realized only by the

information coded in DNA. As they both depend on each other, they

have to exist at the same time for replication. This brings the scenario

that life originated by itself to a deadlock. Prof. Leslie Orgel, an evolu-

tionist of repute from the University of San Diego, California, confes-

ses this fact in the September 1994 issue of the Scientific American maga-


It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids,

both of which are structurally complex, arose spontaneously

in the same place at the same time. Yet it also seems impossib-

le to have one without the other. And so, at first glance, one

might have to conclude that life could never, in fact, have ori-

ginated by chemical means.62

No doubt, if it is impossible for life to have originated spontaneo-

usly as a result of blind coincidences, then it has to be accepted that life

was created. This fact explicitly invalidates the theory of evolution,

whose main purpose is to deny Creation.

Imaginary Mechanism of Evolution

The second important point that negates Darwin's theory is that

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both concepts put forward by the theory as "evolutionary mechanisms"

were understood to have, in reality, no evolutionary power.

Darwin based his evolution allegation entirely on the mechanism

of "natural selection." The importance he placed on this mechanism

was evident in the name of his book: The Origin of Species, By Means

of Natural Selection…

Natural selection holds that those living things that are stronger

and more suited to the natural conditions of their habitats will survive

in the struggle for life. For example, in a deer herd under the threat of

attack by wild animals, those that can run faster will survive. Therefo-

re, the deer herd will be comprised of faster and stronger individuals.

However, unquestionably, this mechanism will not cause deer to evol-

ve and transform themselves into another living species, for instance,


Therefore, the mechanism of natural selection has no evolutio-

nary power. Darwin was also aware of this fact and had to state this

in his book The Origin of Species:

Natural selection can do nothing until favourable individual

differences or variations occur.63

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Lamarck's Impact

So, how could these "favorable variations" occur? Darwin tried to

answer this question from the standpoint of the primitive understan-

ding of science at that time. According to the French biologist Chevali-

er de Lamarck (1744-1829), who lived before Darwin, living creatures

passed on the traits they acquired during their lifetime to the next

generation. He asserted that these traits, which accumulated from one

generation to another, caused new species to be formed. For instance,

he claimed that giraffes evolved from antelopes; as they struggled to

eat the leaves of high trees, their necks were extended from generation

to generation.

Darwin also gave similar examples. In his book The Origin of Spe-

cies, for instance, he said that some bears going into water to find food

transformed themselves into whales over time.64

However, the laws of inheritance discovered by Gregor Mendel

(1822-84) and verified by the science of genetics, which flourished in

the twentieth century, utterly demolished the legend that acquired tra-

its were passed on to subsequent generations. Thus, natural selection

fell out of favor as an evolutionary mechanism.

Neo-Darwinism and Mutations

In order to find a solution, Darwinists advanced the "Modern

Synthetic Theory," or as it is more commonly known, Neo-Darwinism,

at the end of the 1930s. Neo-Darwinism added mutations, which are

distortions formed in the genes of living beings due to such external

factors as radiation or replication errors, as the "cause of favorable

variations" in addition to natural mutation.

Today, the model that Darwinists espouse, despite their own awa-

reness of its scientific invalidity, is neo-Darwinism. The theory mainta-

ins that millions of living beings formed as a result of a process whe-

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329Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

reby numerous complex organs of these organisms (e.g., ears, eyes,

lungs, and wings) underwent "mutations," that is, genetic disorders.

Yet, there is an outright scientific fact that totally undermines this the-

ory: Mutations do not cause living beings to develop; on the contrary,

they are always harmful.

The reason for this is very simple: DNA has a very complex struc-

ture, and random effects can only harm it. The American geneticist B.

G. Ranganathan explains this as follows:

First, genuine mutations are very rare in nature. Secondly, most

mutations are harmful since they are random, rather than

orderly changes in the structure of genes; any random change

in a highly ordered system will be for the worse, not for the bet-

ter. For example, if an earthquake were to shake a highly orde-

red structure such as a building, there would be a random

change in the framework of the building which, in all proba-

bility, would not be an improvement.65

Not surprisingly, no mutation example, which is useful, that is,

which is observed to develop the genetic code, has been observed so

far. All mutations have proved to be harmful. It was understood that




legSince the beginning of the twen-

tieth century, evolutionary bio-

logists have sought examples of

beneficial mutations by creating

mutant flies. But these efforts

have always resulted in sick and

deformed creatures. The picture

on the left shows the head of a

normal fruit fly, and the picture

on the right shows the head of a

fruit fly with legs coming out of

it, the result of mutation.

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mutation, which is presented as an "evolutionary mechanism," is actu-

ally a genetic occurrence that harms living things, and leaves them

disabled. (The most common effect of mutation on human beings is

cancer.) Of course, a destructive mechanism cannot be an "evolutio-

nary mechanism." Natural selection, on the other hand, "can do not-

hing by itself," as Darwin also accepted. This fact shows us that there

is no "evolutionary mechanism" in nature. Since no evolutionary mec-

hanism exists, no such imaginary process called "evolution" could have

taken place.

The Fossil Record: No Sign of Intermediate


The clearest evidence that the scenario suggested by the theory of

evolution did not take place is the fossil record.

According to the unscientific supposition of this theory, every

living species has sprung from a predecessor. A previously existing

species turned into something else over time and all species have come

into being in this way. In other words, this transformation proceeds

gradually over millions of years.

Had this been the case, numerous intermediary species should

have existed and lived within this long transformation period.

For instance, some half-fish/half-reptiles should have lived in the

past which had acquired some reptilian traits in addition to the fish

traits they already had. Or there should have existed some reptile-

birds, which acquired some bird traits in addition to the reptilian tra-

its they already had. Since these would be in a transitional phase, they

should be disabled, defective, crippled living beings. Evolutionists

refer to these imaginary creatures, which they believe to have lived in

the past, as "transitional forms."

If such animals ever really existed, there should be millions and

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even billions of them in number and variety. More importantly, the

remains of these strange creatures should be present in the fossil

record. In The Origin of Species, Darwin explained:

If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most

closely all of the species of the same group together must assuredly have

existed... Consequently, evidence of their former existence could be

found only amongst fossil remains.66

However, Darwin was well aware that no fossils of these inter-

mediate forms had yet been found. He regarded this as a major diffi-

culty for his theory. In one chapter of his book titled "Difficulties on

Theory," he wrote:

Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly

fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional

forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species

being, as we see them, well defined?… But, as by this theory innu-

merable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find

them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?…

Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of

such intermediate links? 67

Darwin's Hopes Shattered

However, although evolutionists have been making strenuous

efforts to find fossils since the middle of the nineteenth century all over

the world, no transitional forms have yet been uncovered. All of the

fossils, contrary to the evolutionists' expectations, show that life

appeared on Earth all of a sudden and fully-formed.

One famous British paleontologist, Derek V. Ager, admits this fact,

even though he is an evolutionist:

The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in deta-

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Fossils are proof that evolutionnever happened. As the fossilrecord shows, living thingscame into being in a singlemoment, with all the character-istics they possess and neveraltered in the least for so longas the species survived. Fishhave always existed as fish,insects as insects and rep-tiles as reptiles. There is noscientific validity to theclaim that species developgradually. Almighty Godcreated all living things.


A 54-to-37-million-year-oldfossil sunfish

A 295-million-year-old fossilsea urchin

Crane FlyPeriod: Cenozoic Era, Eocene epochAge: 48 to 37 million years old

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333Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

A 125-million-year-old fossilcicada

Birch LeafPeriod: EoceneAge: 50 million years old

StarfishPeriod: OrdovicianAge: 500 to 440 million years old

A 50-million-year-old fossilsequoia leaf

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il, whether at the level of orders or of species, we find – over

and over again – not gradual evolution, but the sudden explo-

sion of one group at the expense of another.68

This means that in the fossil record, all living species suddenly

emerge as fully formed, without any intermediate forms in between.

This is just the opposite of Darwin's assumptions. Also, this is very

strong evidence that all living things are created. The only explanati-

on of a living species emerging suddenly and complete in every detail

without any evolutionary ancestor is that it was created. This fact is

admitted also by the widely known evolutionist biologist Douglas


Creation and evolution, between them, exhaust the possible exp-

lanations for the origin of living things. Organisms either appeared on

the earth fully developed or they did not. If they did not, they must

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

There are no fossil remains that support the tale ofhuman evolution. On the contrary, the fossil recordshows that there is an insurmountable barrier betwe-en apes and men. In the face of this truth, evolutio-nists fixed their hopes on certain drawings andmodels. They randomly place masks on the fossilremains and fabricate imaginary half-ape, half-humanfaces.


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have developed from pre-existing species by some process of modifi-

cation. If they did appear in a fully developed state, they must indeed

have been created by some omnipotent intelligence.69

Fossils show that living beings emerged fully developed and in

a perfect state on the Earth. That means that "the origin of species,"

contrary to Darwin's supposition, is not evolution, but Creation.

The Tale of Human Evolution

The subject most often brought up by advocates of the theory of

evolution is the subject of the origin of man. The Darwinist claim holds

that man evolved from so-called ape-like creatures. During this alleged

evolutionary process, which is supposed to have started 4-5 million

years ago, some "transitional forms" between man and his imaginary

ancestors are supposed to have existed. According to this completely

imaginary scenario, four basic "categories" are listed:

1. Australopithecus

2. Homo habilis

3. Homo erectus

4. Homo sapiens

Evolutionists call man's so-called first ape-like ancestors Australo-

pithecus, which means "South African ape." These living beings are

actually nothing but an old ape species that has become extinct. Exten-

sive research done on various Australopithecus specimens by two

world famous anatomists from England and the USA, namely, Lord

Solly Zuckerman and Prof. Charles Oxnard, shows that these apes

belonged to an ordinary ape species that became extinct and bore no

resemblance to humans.70

Evolutionists classify the next stage of human evolution as

"homo," that is "man." According to their claim, the living beings in the

Homo series are more developed than Australopithecus. Evolutionists

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devise a fanciful evolution scheme by arranging different fossils of

these creatures in a particular order. This scheme is imaginary because

it has never been proved that there is an evolutionary relation betwe-

en these different classes. Ernst Mayr, one of the twentieth century's

most important evolutionists, contends in his book One Long Argu-

ment that "particularly historical [puzzles] such as the origin of life or

of Homo sapiens, are extremely difficult and may even resist a final,

satisfying explanation."71

By outlining the link chain as Australopithecus > Homo habilis >

Homo erectus > Homo sapiens, evolutionists imply that each of these spe-

cies is one another's ancestor. However, recent findings of paleoanth-

ropologists have revealed that Australopithecus, Homo habilis, and Homo

erectus lived at different parts of the world at the same time.72

Moreover, a certain segment of humans classified as Homo erectus

have lived up until very modern times. Homo sapiens neandarthalen-

sis and Homo sapiens sapiens (man) co-existed in the same region.73

This situation apparently indicates the invalidity of the claim that

they are ancestors of one another. The late Stephen Jay Gould explai-

ned this deadlock of the theory of evolution although he was himself

one of the leading advocates of evolution in the twentieth century:

What has become of our ladder if there are three coexisting

lineages of hominids (A. africanus, the robust australopitheci-

nes, and H. habilis), none clearly derived from another? Moreo-

ver, none of the three display any evolutionary trends during

their tenure on earth.74

Put briefly, the scenario of human evolution, which is "upheld"

with the help of various drawings of some "half ape, half human" crea-

tures appearing in the media and course books, that is, frankly, by

means of propaganda, is nothing but a tale with no scientific founda-


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Lord Solly Zuckerman, one of the most famous and respected sci-

entists in the U.K., who carried out research on this subject for years

and studied Australopithecus fossils for 15 years, finally concluded,

despite being an evolutionist himself, that there is, in fact, no such

family tree branching out from ape-like creatures to man.

Zuckerman also made an interesting "spectrum of science" ran-

ging from those he considered scientific to those he considered unsci-

entific. According to Zuckerman's spectrum, the most "scientific"—that

is, depending on concrete data—fields of science are chemistry and

physics. After them come the biological sciences and then the social sci-

ences. At the far end of the spectrum, which is the part considered to

be most "unscientific," are "extra-sensory perception"—concepts such

as telepathy and sixth sense—and finally "human evolution." Zucker-

man explains his reasoning:

We then move right off the register of objective truth into those

fields of presumed biological science, like extrasensory percep-

tion or the interpretation of man's fossil history, where to the

faithful [evolutionist] anything is possible – and where the

ardent believer [in evolution] is sometimes able to believe seve-

ral contradictory things at the same time.75

The tale of human evolution boils down to nothing but the preju-

diced interpretations of some fossils unearthed by certain people, who

blindly adhere to their theory.

Darwinian Formula!

Besides all the technical evidence we have dealt with so far, let us

now for once, examine what kind of a superstition the evolutionists

have with an example so simple as to be understood even by children:

The theory of evolution asserts that life is formed by chance.

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According to this irrational claim, lifeless and unconscious atoms came

together to form the cell and then they somehow formed other living

things, including man. Let us think about that. When we bring toget-

her the elements that are the building-blocks of life such as carbon,

phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, only a heap is formed. No mat-

ter what treatments it undergoes, this atomic heap cannot form even a

single living being. If you like, let us formulate an "experiment" on this

subject and let us examine on the behalf of evolutionists what they

really claim without pronouncing loudly under the name "Darwinian


Let evolutionists put plenty of materials present in the compositi-

on of living things such as phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, iron,

and magnesium into big barrels. Moreover, let them add in these bar-

rels any material that does not exist under normal conditions, but they

think as necessary. Let them add in this mixture as many amino acids

and as many proteins as they like. Let them expose these mixtures to as

much heat and moisture as they like. Let them stir these with whatever

technologically developed device they like. Let them put the foremost

scientists beside these barrels. Let these experts wait in turn beside

these barrels for billions, and even trillions of years. Let them be free to

use all kinds of conditions they believe to be necessary for a human's

formation. No matter what they do, they cannot produce from these

barrels a human, say a professor that examines his cell structure

under the electron microscope. They cannot produce giraffes, lions,

bees, canaries, horses, dolphins, roses, orchids, lilies, carnations, bana-

nas, oranges, apples, dates, tomatoes, melons, watermelons, figs, oli-

The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

Can life emerge if all the conditions stipulated by evolutionists are met? Of coursenot! In order to show why not, let us carry out the following experiment: Place all theenzymes, hormones and proteins—everything that evolutionists regard as essentialfor life to form—into a barrel such as that pictured on the right page. Then mix allthese substances, using all possible physical and chemical techniques. But whate-ver you do, no matter how long you wait, not a single living cell will emerge fromthat barrel.

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ves, grapes, peaches, peafowls, pheasants, multicoloured butterflies, or

millions of other living beings such as these. Indeed, they could not

obtain even a single cell of any one of them.

Briefly, unconscious atoms cannot form the cell by coming toget-

her. They cannot take a new decision and divide this cell into two, then

take other decisions and create the professors who first invent the

electron microscope and then examine their own cell structure under

that microscope. Matter is an unconscious, lifeless heap, and it comes

to life with God's superior creation.

The theory of evolution, which claims the opposite, is a total fal-

lacy completely contrary to reason. Thinking even a little bit on the cla-

ims of evolutionists discloses this reality, just as in the above example.

Technology in the Eye and the Ear

Another subject that remains unanswered by evolutionary theory

is the excellent quality of perception in the eye and the ear.

Before passing on to the subject of the eye, let us briefly answer the

question of how we see. Light rays coming from an object fall opposi-

tely on the eye's retina. Here, these light rays are transmitted into elect-

ric signals by cells and reach a tiny spot at the back of the brain, the

"center of vision." These electric signals are perceived in this center as

an image after a series of processes. With this technical background, let

us do some thinking.

The brain is insulated from light. That means that its inside is

completely dark, and that no light reaches the place where it is located.

Thus, the "center of vision" is never touched by light and may even be

the darkest place you have ever known. However, you observe a lumi-

nous, bright world in this pitch darkness.

The image formed in the eye is so sharp and distinct that even

the technology of the twentieth century has not been able to attain it.

For instance, look at the book you are reading, your hands with which

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you are holding it, and then lift your head and look around you. Have

you ever seen such a sharp and distinct image as this one at any other

place? Even the most developed television screen produced by the

greatest television producer in the world cannot provide such a sharp

image for you. This is a three-dimensional, colored, and extremely

sharp image. For more than 100 years, thousands of engineers have

been trying to achieve this sharpness. Factories, huge premises were

established, much research has been done, plans and designs have

been made for this purpose. Again, look at a TV screen and the book

you hold in your hands. You will see that there is a big difference in

sharpness and distinction. Moreover, the TV screen shows you a two-

dimensional image, whereas with your eyes, you watch a three-dimen-

sional perspective with depth.

For many years, tens of thousands of engineers have tried to make

a three-dimensional TV and achieve the vision quality of the eye. Yes,

they have made a three-dimensional television system, but it is not

possible to watch it without putting on special 3-D glasses; moreover,

it is only an artificial three-dimension. The background is more blur-

red, the foreground appears like a paper setting. Never has it been pos-

sible to produce a sharp and distinct vision like that of the eye. In both

the camera and the television, there is a loss of image quality.

Evolutionists claim that the mechanism producing this sharp and

distinct image has been formed by chance. Now, if somebody told you

that the television in your room was formed as a result of chance, that

all of its atoms just happened to come together and make up this devi-

ce that produces an image, what would you think? How can atoms do

what thousands of people cannot?

If a device producing a more primitive image than the eye could

not have been formed by chance, then it is very evident that the eye

and the image seen by the eye could not have been formed by chance.

The same situation applies to the ear. The outer ear picks up the avai-

lable sounds by the auricle and directs them to the middle ear, the

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middle ear transmits the sound vibrations by intensifying them, and

the inner ear sends these vibrations to the brain by translating them

into electric signals. Just as with the eye, the act of hearing finalizes in

the center of hearing in the brain.

The situation in the eye is also true for the ear. That is, the brain

is insulated from sound just as it is from light. It does not let any

sound in. Therefore, no matter how noisy is the outside, the inside of

the brain is completely silent. Nevertheless, the sharpest sounds are

perceived in the brain. In your completely silent brain, you listen to

symphonies, and hear all of the noises in a crowded place. However,

were the sound level in your brain measured by a precise device at that

moment, complete silence would be found to be prevailing there.

As is the case with imagery, decades of effort have been spent in

trying to generate and reproduce sound that is faithful to the original.

The results of these efforts are sound recorders, high-fidelity systems,

and systems for sensing sound. Despite all of this technology and the

thousands of engineers and experts who have been working on this

endeavor, no sound has yet been obtained that has the same sharpness

and clarity as the sound perceived by the ear. Think of the highest-qua-

lity hi-fi systems produced by the largest company in the music

industry. Even in these devices, when sound is recorded some of it is

lost; or when you turn on a hi-fi you always hear a hissing sound befo-

re the music starts. However, the sounds that are the products of the

human body's technology are extremely sharp and clear. A human ear

never perceives a sound accompanied by a hissing sound or with

atmospherics as does a hi-fi; rather, it perceives sound exactly as it is,

sharp and clear. This is the way it has been since the creation of man.

So far, no man-made visual or recording apparatus has been as

sensitive and successful in perceiving sensory data as are the eye and

the ear. However, as far as seeing and hearing are concerned, a far

greater truth lies beyond all this.

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To Whom Does the Consciousness that Sees

and Hears within the Brain Belong?

Who watches an alluring world in the brain, listens to symphoni-

es and the twittering of birds, and smells the rose?

The stimulations coming from a person's eyes, ears, and nose tra-

vel to the brain as electro-chemical nerve impulses. In biology, physio-

logy, and biochemistry books, you can find many details about how

this image forms in the brain. However, you will never come across the

most important fact: Who perceives these electro-chemical nerve

impulses as images, sounds, odors, and sensory events in the brain?

There is a consciousness in the brain that perceives all this without

feeling any need for an eye, an ear, and a nose. To whom does this

consciousness belong? Of course it does not belong to the nerves, the

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Signals from an object affect the brain byturning into electrical signals. When wesay we see something, we are actuallyexperiencing the effect of electrical sig-

nals in our brain. The brain is closedoff to light. The interior of the brain

is pitch black, and no light canenter where the brain is. The

area known as the visual cor-tex is pitch black, somewhe-

re that light can neverreach, darker perhaps

than anywhere youhave ever seen. But

you watch abrightly colored

world in thatpitch dark.

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fat layer, and neurons comprising the brain. This is why Darwinist-

materialists, who believe that everything is comprised of matter, can-

not answer these questions.

For this consciousness is the spirit created by God, which needs

neither the eye to watch the images nor the ear to hear the sounds.

Furthermore, it does not need the brain to think.

Everyone who reads this explicit and scientific fact should ponder

on Almighty God, and fear and seek refuge in Him, for He squeezes

the entire universe in a pitch-dark place of a few cubic centimeters in a

three-dimensional, colored, shadowy, and luminous form.

A Materialist Faith

The information we have presented so far shows us that the the-

ory of evolution is incompatible with scientific findings. The theory's

claim regarding the origin of life is inconsistent with science, the evo-

lutionary mechanisms it proposes have no evolutionary power, and

fossils demonstrate that the required intermediate forms have never

existed. So, it certainly follows that the theory of evolution should be

pushed aside as an unscientific idea. This is how many ideas, such as

the Earth-centered universe model, have been taken out of the agenda

of science throughout history.

However, the theory of evolution is kept on the agenda of science.

Some people even try to represent criticisms directed against it as an

"attack on science." Why?

The reason is that this theory is an indispensable dogmatic belief

for some circles. These circles are blindly devoted to materialist philo-

sophy and adopt Darwinism because it is the only materialist explana-

tion that can be put forward to explain the workings of nature.

Interestingly enough, they also confess this fact from time to time.

A well-known geneticist and an outspoken evolutionist, Richard C.

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Lewontin from Harvard University, confesses that he is "first and fore-

most a materialist and then a scientist":

It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow

compel us accept a material explanation of the phenomenal

world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori

adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investi-

gation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations,

no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to

the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, so we

cannot allow a Divine [intervention]...76

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

Compared to cameras and sound recording devices, the eye andear are much more complex, much more successful and pos-sess far superior features to these products of high technology.

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346 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

These are explicit statements that Darwinism is a dogma kept

alive just for the sake of adherence to materialism. This dogma main-

tains that there is no being save matter. Therefore, it argues that inani-

mate, unconscious matter brought life into being. It insists that millions

of different living species (e.g., birds, fish, giraffes, tigers, insects, trees,

flowers, whales, and human beings) originated as a result of the inte-

ractions between matter such as pouring rain, lightning flashes, and so

on, out of inanimate matter. This is a precept contrary both to reason

and science. Yet Darwinists continue to ignorantly defend it just so as

not to acknowledge, in their own eyes, the evident existence of God.

Anyone who does not look at the origin of living beings with a

materialist prejudice sees this evident truth: All living beings are

works of a Creator, Who is All-Powerful, All-Wise, and All-Knowing.

This Creator is God, Who created the whole universe from non-exis-

tence, in the most perfect form, and fashioned all living beings.

The Theory of Evolution: The Most Potent

Spell in the World

Anyone free of prejudice and the influence of any particular ideo-

logy, who uses only his or her reason and logic, will clearly understand

that belief in the theory of evolution, which brings to mind the supers-

titions of societies with no knowledge of science or civilization, is quite


As explained above, those who believe in the theory of evolution

think that a few atoms and molecules thrown into a huge vat could

produce thinking, reasoning professors and university students; such

scientists as Einstein and Galileo; such artists as Humphrey Bogart,

Frank Sinatra and Luciano Pavarotti; as well as antelopes, lemon trees,

and carnations. Moreover, as the scientists and professors who believe

in this nonsense are educated people, it is quite justifiable to speak of

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this theory as "the most potent spell in history." Never before has any

other belief or idea so taken away peoples' powers of reason, refused

to allow them to think intelligently and logically, and hidden the truth

from them as if they had been blindfolded. This is an even worse and

unbelievable blindness than the totem worship in some parts of Africa,

the people of Saba worshipping the Sun, the tribe of the Prophet Abra-

ham (as) worshipping idols they had made with their own hands, or

some among the people of the Prophet Moses (as) worshipping the

Golden Calf.

In fact, God has pointed to this lack of reason in the Qur'an. In

many verses, He reveals that some peoples' minds will be closed and

that they will be powerless to see the truth. Some of these verses are as


As for those who do not believe, it makes no difference to them

whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.

God has sealed up their hearts and hearing and over their eyes is a

blindfold. They will have a terrible punishment. (Surat al-Baqara,


… They have hearts with which they do not understand. They have

eyes with which they do not see. They have ears with which they do

not hear. Such people are like cattle. No, they are even further

astray! They are the unaware. (Surat al-A'raf, 179)

Even if We opened up to them a door into heaven, and they spent

the day ascending through it, they would only say: "Our eyesight is

befuddled! Or rather we have been put under a spell!" (Surat al-

Hijr, 14-15)

Words cannot express just how astonishing it is that this spell sho-

uld hold such a wide community in thrall, keep people from the truth,

and not be broken for 150 years. It is understandable that one or a few

people might believe in impossible scenarios and claims full of stupi-

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dity and illogicality. However, "magic" is the only possible explanation

for people from all over the world believing that unconscious and life-

less atoms suddenly decided to come together and form a universe that

functions with a flawless system of organization, discipline, reason,

and consciousness; a planet named Earth with all of its features so per-

fectly suited to life; and living things full of countless complex systems.

In fact, in the Qur'an God relates the incident of the Prophet Moses

(as) and Pharaoh to show that some people who support atheistic phi-

losophies actually influence others by magic. When Pharaoh was told

about the true religion, he told the Prophet Moses (as) to meet with his

own magicians. When the Prophet Moses (as) did so, he told them to

demonstrate their abilities first. The verses continue:

He said: "You throw." And when they threw, they cast a spell on the

people's eyes and caused them to feel great fear of them. They pro-

duced an extremely powerful magic. (Surat al-A'raf, 116)

As we have seen, Pharaoh's magicians were able to deceive ever-

yone, apart from the Prophet Moses (as) and those who believed in

him. However, his evidence broke the spell, or "swallowed up what

they had forged," as revealed in the verse:

We revealed to Moses: "Throw down your staff." And it immediate-

ly swallowed up what they had forged. So the Truth took place and

what they did was shown to be false. (Surat al-A'raf, 117-118)

As we can see, when people realized that a spell had been cast

upon them and that what they saw was just an illusion, Pharaoh's

magicians lost all credibility. In the present day too, unless those who,

under the influence of a similar spell, believe in these ridiculous claims

under their scientific disguise and spend their lives defending them,

abandon their superstitious beliefs, they also will be humiliated when

the full truth emerges and the spell is broken. In fact, world-renowned

British writer and philosopher Malcolm Muggeridge, who was an athe-

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ist defending evolution for some 60 years, but who subsequently reali-

zed the truth, reveals the position in which the theory of evolution

would find itself in the near future in these terms:

I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially

the extent to which it's been applied, will be one of the great

jokes in the history books in the future. Posterity will marvel

that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accep-

ted with the incredible credulity that it has.77

That future is not far off: On the contrary, people will soon see that

"chance" is not a deity, and will look back on the theory of evolution

as the worst deceit and the most terrible spell in the world. That spell

is already rapidly beginning to be lifted from the shoulders of people

all over the world. Many people who see its true face are wondering

with amazement how they could ever have been taken in by it.

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

In the same way that the beliefs of people who worshipped crocodiles now seem oddand unbelievable, so the beliefs of Darwinists are just as incredible. Darwinists regardchance and lifeless, unconscious atoms as a creative force, and are as devoted to thatbelief as if to a religion.

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350 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan

1. Kent Hovind, The False Religion of



2. K. Mehnert, Kampf um Mao's Erbe,

Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1977

3. Conway Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian

Biology and the Social Scene, Philadelphia;

4. The University of Pennsylvania Press,

1959, p.527

4. Marx and Engels, Letters, p. 426

5. Marxism in Our Time, by Leon

Trotsky, Coyoacan, D.F., Mexico., April 18,



6. Conway Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian

Biology, and the Social Scene (Philadelphia:

University of Pennsylvania Press, 1959),

pp. 85-87

7. Friedrich Engels, Utopian Socialism-

Scientific Socialism, Sol Press, 1990, p.85

8. Gertrude Himmelfarb. Darwin and the

Darwinian Revolution. Chatto & Windus,

London, 1959. p. 348

9. Hickman, R., Biocreation, Science

Press, Worthington, OH, pp. 51-52, 1983;

Jerry Bergman, "Darwinism and the Nazi

Race Holocaust", Creation Ex Nihilo Tech-

nical Journal 13 (2): 101-111, 1999

10. Orlando Figes, A People's Tragedy, A

History of the Russian Revolution, p. 734

11. Carl Cohen (ed). Communism, Fas-

cism and Democracy, Random House Pub-

lishing, New York, 1967, pp. 408-409.

12. Henry Morris, The Long War Against

God: The History and the Impact of the

Creation, Evolution, Conflict, 8th ed., Michi-

gan: Baker Book House, Mart 1996, p. 81

13. Pierre-Antoine Donnet, Tibet mort ou

vif, Paris, Gallimard, 1990, p. 126

14. Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth,

Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski,

Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, The

Black Book of Communism, Harvard Univer-

sity Press, 1999, pp. 470-471

15. Lenin, Collected Works, Progress

Publishers, 1972, Moscow, Vol. 9, pp. 420-


16. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 9, p. 346

17. Lenin: "Where to Begin", Collected

Works, Vol. 5, Moscow, 1961, p. 19

18. "Speech to the All-Russia Extraordi-

nary Commission Staff," Collected Works,

Vol. 28, pp. 169-170

19. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 35,

pp. 237-239


They said 'Glory be to You!

We have no knowledge except what

You have taught us.

You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.'

(Surat al-Baqara: 32)

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351Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

20. Lenin, Guerrilla Warfare, 30 Septem-

ber 1906, Proletari, No. 5

21. "Meeting of the Presidium of the Pet-

rograd Soviet With Delegates From the

Food Supply Organisations," Collected

Works, Vol. 26, p. 501

22. Lenin, The Proletarian Revolution

and the Renegade Krautsky; Selected

Works in 3 Vols, Moscow; 1964; Vol 3. p. 75

23. Vladimir I. Lenin, 30 September 1906,

Proletari, No. 5

24. J. V. Stalin, Works, Vol. 8, January-

November, 1926, "Concerning Questions of


25. Lenin, Two Tactics of Social-Democracy

in the Democratic Revolution

26. Mao Tse Tung, Red Book, Chapter 2:

Classes and the Class Struggle

27. Leon Trotsky, Terrorism and Com-

munism, Chapter 4: "Terrorism."

28. Leon Trotsky, Terrorism and Com-

munism, University of Michigan, 1963, p.


29. Joseph Stalin, Concerning Questions

of Leninism

30 Ibid.

31. Message to the Tricontinental,


32. History and Will: Philosophical Per-

spectives of Mao Tse-Tung's Thought,

Author: Frederic E. Wakeman, p. 66

33. Message to the Tricontinental,


34. Ibid.

35. Philip Short, Pol Pot: Anatomy of a

Nightmare, Henry Holt and Company,

LLC, 2005, New York, p. 307

36. V.I. Lenin, Collected Works, Progress

Publishers, 1965, Moscow, Vol. 10, pp. 83-



37. Letter to Maxim Gorky, written on

November 13 or 14, 1913; Lenin Collected

Works, Progress Publishers, [1976],

Moscow, Vol. 35, pp. 121-124;


38. Lenin, in a letter to Maxim Gorky in

January 1913. See: J. M. Bochenski, "Marx-

ism-Leninism and Religion," in B. R. Boci-

urkiw et al, eds., Religion and Atheism in

the USSR and Eastern Europe (London:

MacMillan, 1975), p. 11.

39. Lenin Collected Works, Progress Pub-

lishers, 1973, Moscow, Vol. 15, pp. 402-413;


40. V.I. Lenin, Collected Works, pp. 83-87;


41. Ibid.

42. Lenin Collected Works, Progress Pub-

lishers, 1973, Moscow, Vol. 15, pp. 402-413;


43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.





47. Karl Marx, A Contribution to the Cri-

tique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right;


48. Ibid.

49. Ibid.

50. The Last Days of the Third Reich

(1995) by Robin Cross, p. 21

51. Questions & Answers to American

Trade Unionists: Stalin's Interview With

the First American Trade Union Delegation

to Soviet Russia, Pravda September 15,



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352 The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan


52. Nikita Khrushchev, speech, Septem-

ber 22, 1955, quoted in Bales, Communism,

pp. 165–166; http://www.allaboutworld-




54. (






55. "Speech to the All-Russia Extraordi-

nary Commission Staff," Collected Works,

Vol. 28, pp. 169-170

56. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, One Step For-

ward, Two Steps Back, 1904

57. Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose, Molecular Evo-

lution and The Origin of Life, W. H. Freeman

and Company, San Francisco, 1972, p. 4.

58. Alexander I. Oparin, Origin of Life,

Dover Publications, New York, 1936, 1953

(reprint), p. 196.

59. "New Evidence on Evolution of Early

Atmosphere and Life," Bulletin of the Ameri-

can Meteorological Society, vol 63, November

1982, 1328-1330.

60. Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of

Life: Current Status of the Prebiotic Synthesis of

Small Molecules, 1986, p. 7.

61. Jeffrey Bada, Earth, February 1998, p.


62. Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on

Earth," Scientific American, vol. 271, October

1994, p. 78.

63. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species

by Means of Natural Selection, The Modern

Library, New York, p. 127.

64. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species:

A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard Uni-

versity Press, 1964, p. 184.

65. B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsyl-

vania: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1988, p. 7.

66. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species:

A Facsimile of the First Edition, p. 179.

67. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species,

p. 172.

68. Derek A. Ager, "The Nature of the Fos-

sil Record," Proceedings of the British Geologi-

cal Association, vol 87, 1976, p. 133.

69. Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial,

Pantheon Books, New York, 1983, p. 197.

70. Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory

Tower, Toplinger Publications, New York,

1970, 75-14; Charles E. Oxnard, "The Place of

Australopithecines in Human Evolution:

Grounds for Doubt", Nature, vol 258, 389.

71. "Could science be brought to an end

by scientists' belief that they have final ans-

wers or by society's reluctance to pay the

bills?" Scientific American, December 1992, p.


72. Alan Walker, Science, vol. 207, 7 March

1980, p. 1103; A. J. Kelso, Physical Antropo-

logy, 1st ed., J. B. Lipincott Co., New York,

1970, p. 221; M. D. Leakey, Olduvai Gorge,

vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, Cam-

bridge, 1971, p. 272.

73. Jeffrey Kluger, "Not So Extinct After

All: The Primitive Homo Erectus May Have

Survived Long Enough To Coexist With

Modern Humans," Time, 23 December 1996.

74 S. J. Gould, Natural History, vol. 85,

1976, p. 30.

75. Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory

Tower, p. 19.

76. Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-

Haunted World," The New York Review of

Books, January 9, 1997, p. 28.

77. Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of

Christendom, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,

1980, p. 43.