
Because of loss of records, it can be best estimated that the Black Plague is responsible for the deaths of 1/3 to 2/3 of the European population

between 1347-1351.

This was roughly _____ - _____ total deaths.

25 - 50 million

Although there was never an official truce, the outcome of the

Hundred Years War was a ___________ victory.

French victory

___________ was a ruler from Normandy, France. He invaded England in 1066 and became the king of England. This is known

as the Norman Conquest.

William the Conqueror aka William of Normandy

Due to his hatred for the English and motivated by revenge,

____________led the Scottish in a revolution for independence

from the English.

William Wallace

The Crusades were a series of expeditions to take back the

“Holy Land” of Palestine and the city of ____________ from the



___________ architecture is one of the greatest artistic triumphs of

the Middle Ages, especially in churches and cathedrals.


The Battle of Crecy during the Hundred Years War was

important because it saw the first use of ______________ on the

European battlefield.


Organizations of people in the same occupation such as cloth

makers, bakers, or glass makers were known as ______.


Joan of Arc led the French army at the Siege of __________. This

marked a turning point in the Hundred Years War and inspired

the French to victory.


The Hundred Years War was started and fought primarily over ________.


The controversy over succession

- English claims to the French throne or


During the late Middle Ages, there was a renewed interest in

education. In fact, the first ______________ appeared in Bologna,

Italy around 1100 and still operates today.


The 3rd Crusade is significant because; even though the

Crusaders lost, _____________negotiated with

Muslim leader Saladin to allow Christian pilgrims access to


King Richard the


Wager 0-10 points

Explain in detail, exactly the steps in which William Wallace was


There should be roughly 4 steps.

- Drug through the streets naked

- Hung, but let go whilst still alive

- Emasculated and Eviscerated

- Beheaded and Quartered
