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  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    Devil& THE



  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess


    The Devil &

    The Goddess

    Tat which an age eels to be evil is

    usually an untimely ater-echo o that

    which was ormerly elt to be goodtheatavism o an older ideal.

    F Nz

    meditations on blood,serpents & androgyny

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess


    Copyright 2006 by Gyrus

    This PDF may be reely printed and distributed, as long as it remains intact and no charges are involved. I you

    wish to print copies to sell, please get in touch and well be happy to provide you with an A5 booklet ormat PDF

    and discuss terms.

    Published by Dreamesh

    BM 2374

    London, WC1N 3XX


    [email protected]

    First published as a booklet under the name Samuel Lawson, The Unlimited Dream Company, Leeds, 1997

    Second edition (revised) published by The Unlimited Dream Company, Leeds, 1998

    Third edition published by Norlonto, London, 2000

    Thanks or inspiration and help: Chris Knight, Michael Dames, Phil Hine, Zwee, Julian, John Eden, the Neolithic

    residents o the Marlborough Downs & Rombalds Moor

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess




    he ollowing writings I S ( Esoterra z). I

    -j D, . M x , S j . N, ( habits) q I D S, . T - , . T / , - - x.

    W I S, ,

    - . I j, I , , I I Nz , I . S j D - x, . I x , xz , I , , x I - . I xz I .

    M . D, , x, , - I , , , , z , ... . A, I , I .L . E , I I j z ... .

    T , q , , I , , -- . A , I .I , q, , x, . I , - . I ; I x . I . A,

    . A , , . Ex ,

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    . I, .

    M I . I I . A A W , I . I , . T I z . Y, , I here , x . I .

    T , . I - , . P

    I ; . A I , , , j x I . A I , , , , , . E , , - .

    F, S . T , -, , -

    . T, q C , D .

    the devIl & the tao

    As ar as S ,

    F Nz. W () S, q S , I S Nz.

    I Nz , . H , , , . T ( !) GNz . T , I . I Nz -

    . H experimentalist, . I I Nz; I -

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    - -S. N I , I j .

    D . I ( Nz) , ! W socialD , .

    D , . I . T I A KJanus: A Summing Up. H q C.H. W, -D:

    Survival does not, o course, mean the bodily endurance o a single individual, outliving

    Methuselah. It implies, in its present-day interpretation [1957], perpetuation as a source

    or uture generations. Tat individual survives best which leaves most ospring. Again, to

    speak o an animal as ttest does not necessarily imply that it is strongest or most healthyor would win a beauty competition. Essentially it denotes nothing more than leaving most

    ospring. Te general principle o natural selection, in act, merely amounts to the statement

    that the individuals which leave most ospring are those which leave most ospring. It is a


    F, L B I , , .

    T - DS , , , Y, and...? I . J B -j D q , ; j q. A, x D . S D ? T , ,

    D. I , - C? I S, , ,I I . O , I - , . T . B . E x - .

    Nz D, x. F , .I , - . Nz (W -, .) . T

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    . T , , .A ... Z q x : A :B, , I which must overcome itsel again and again... T S x (.. D). I state o being, - -, Nz S G x, x, . , , x. Not to wishto see too soon. A x, x . F x: q . (Te Wanderer andHis Shadow)

    C . W

    , Nz , - . Nz , . (wilight o the Idols) B I j q. I S. W j ; , , , . (Te Wanderer and His Shadow)

    B , I Nz .I Nz ( ) . H

    G , ( ). H E , -, x . A Nz. A Nz , z, z .I -. I j , - , q . I I j I . Nz . T ,

    . H , , . PF . T - Nz ! H , , .

    ... T , , -, , . A, , j . . A . A , , , - . I Nz

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    , I S .

    S , , ? I Nz , which must overcome itsel again and again. Nz , , -, . R , . B - -,Nz . H . Nz . H - , q . I M , N S ... (W B,Milton)

    I ,

    -, q . I , , , C S. H Te ree oLies:

    Te concept o surrender has become so distorted that many believe that surrendering is

    in opposition to power, sex and sel mastery. Tis is one o the greatest lies. . . . sel mastery

    is not possible without surrender. Tis issue cannot be overemphasized. Magic and Mysti-

    cismTe Will o Sel Mastery and Te Will o Surrenderare two sides o the same

    coin. . . . when power or love are taken to their extreme they become one.

    T -again and again. B A W , x . I , , , . P , x- .

    S /,/ . S z , z . I . q

    , . H S, , q , . T . T , .

    I was made with a heart o stone / o be broken with one hard blow / I ve seen the ocean

    break on the shore / Come together with no harm done

    P F, Oz

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    SatanS anceStry

    Tose who point the nger at Satan, reveal Satan. Tose who ght Satan, give him power.

    Tose who blame Satan, give him inuence. Tose who talk much o Satan, create him.

    But those who worship Satan, tame Satan. Tose who passively resist him, earn his

    respect. Tose who accept him, diminish his inuence.

    And those who analyse him, learn his wisdom.

    L B. S, T S G

    he Christian devil, S, . W , - x, , . E ,

    , x . O x , q . T, x ( ?),S , . C , x, & , - ; x , .

    In this speculative S , , , . S , S ?

    M C S, , (.. S , , - ). T C D S A M. S A,

    W S, D L. M, , -- , . C . B S, , . S C - q, - ( R q, C ...). T S . W

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    D j j - ?

    O S - C C S, A Sz LV. H - . H - C C S. A S :D . D - .( T E S R E)

    B S C D . LV S , . T z LV S H . S

    . T status quo, C .S -C: x, , , ( ) , -. M S , S . J Nz -- , j - , S x C .I . T , Mx. M Mx

    , x. I W , I Mx , j . S S Mx, C , , .

    T C M . T C M Nz , -

    , .

    o return to S, , D - C . H . T D, . R x , x, x. T S L , , z D, , x .

    P- S, x P D DO

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    S F D, . T C C S. T . M, , z C , S -C . B , . F S - .

    M S q , S , C . I q -, ( ) S -. B .

    F , C S x

    . T C , x Christianitys . W Cz C S A , . A x Mx teonancatl, . T S q J, , M, E-M . I C E x ,

    . B . S - H G G, , . T , , z .

    T C S x G D. H : , ( - A , P, S); -- , ;

    , P, -. I S, C , -. I x, , , C x , . T , - D , .

    N . D J, D, ? B - ; ; ; , J M. A Te Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, S . T D J

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    S.I . C

    -- ( ) J. T E, x , , S. I , - . W ; , , . NO. B [ J/S ] , . L, x-, (H) E , - . W - ---, - . N . (J


    In Satanism, Satan , , , & x . T z , . T , . I . J S, . S ? C ,

    E, . A S, , , D , . A, - -x , Nz - .

    O . I D, -

    & . C - . W C , -. F C R E A, C, Ax, R . (AW,Nature, Man & Woman) I q z x, , . W B S M, C. P ; S - . A C ; J

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  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    S, C x . T , x, q N G. T , z , G . A . H, x ( ), x z C, .

    I Blood Relations, C K Homo sapiens z . T , , x x ( x ) .

    T x. I -z , z-

    , - z . I A A R S, , , , - ( ) power. K x, x- ( S z ). A , shamanism and magic, K - A , . T

    , , - z , .

    S , - , . K ( A A ), x x , - . O A, - , C.H.

    B D ; J [.. S]. I ; ; . T - S , - , S . P S ;K z z , S. M z S , -, . M J , L G.

    K R S A S

    The link o blood and magick

    can also be ound in the German

    word or sorceror, which is

    zauberer. The word goes back

    to OHGZaubar, MD Tover, OE

    Tefor. . . All three words mean

    red colour, red ochre, to colour

    in red! (Jan Fries, Helrunar)

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    A, , , , . T , S . T , , S, . K (.. -) - , -. M - ( H ), S . O , , rescue maidens ,destroy , power. G K , q : - .

    N, H B. R 12:And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the

    moon under her eet, and upon her head a crown o twelve stars:

    And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

    And there appeared another great wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon,

    having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the

    third part o the stars o heaven: and the dragon stood beore the woman which was ready

    to be delivered, or to devour her child as soon as it was born. . . . [She gives birth to a sort

    o second Christ, and ees into the wilderness. Michael casts the dragon out o heaven. Te

    dragon persecutes the woman, who is given eagle wings to escape.]

    And the serpent cast out o his mouth water as a ood ater the woman, that he

    might cause her to be carried away by the ood. [Aboriginal Rainbow Snake myths are

    connected with great oods in Australias past.]

    V thebeginning( ) the end. T q - -: / ; -

    z L (12:11). T L C, C (, J , , ). I, N A R - - , [] z, . (F. A B,Meditations on the Apocalypse) T K R S , .

    A -, -, - ? S J D , D, S.... A R S-D-S , I Te Wise Wound P S P R. T J

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    . A, , . S & R x , x . T - , J . , : I , , , z . Y C D , C Sz .

    I want to G/S-

    /D ( I ):A W, - -x N .

    M D A , z, & ,

    . T . T - G G, G: M, M & C. (B , q G- . I S .)

    T A , . D . T B , , . I ,, B O E . D , K .

    M W K , S ( W H). C N S ( M) -

    stone circle

    stone avenue



    long barrow

    bank & ditch

    ancient pathway









    Waden Hill

    Silbury Hill




    West Kennetlong barrow







    Avebury henge and surrounding monuments

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  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    . A D Ax ( R K) , - .

    O , - A ( !), S C . T D M (j

    A) , . T M ; D , S H .

    T , - S, W K . I - j S S. T

    G : C, -- D G ( ) . T E N G . Y , j - .

    D L JC

    , & , C . M , . H,L , , x , L . (N O. B, Lie Against Death) A C , & . z , j . T A , - , ; .

    Christianity, especially in rural areas with a

    deep pagan tradition, can never entirely purge

    itsel o the past. In the parish church o Ilkley,

    West Yorkshire, there is a stone carving which

    is usually identied as the Romano-British

    goddess Verbeia (below). In her hands she

    holds two writhing snakes, resembling theamous Minoan snake goddess statuette ound

    in Knossos, Crete. Verbeia is said to be goddess

    o the River Whare, which ows through Ilkley,

    orming the amiliar goddess-serpent-water

    associations. However, one historian o Ilkley

    believes the goddess is only supercially

    associated with the river itsel, and was once

    associated with the brooks owing down

    rom springs on the amous neighbouring

    moorlands. On these moors are numerous

    prehistoric rock carvings, stone circles, and

    traces o human settlement dating back to7000 BCE; Verbeia is probably a survival o

    more ancient myths in the area. The historian

    notes the double snake symbols connection

    with healing (look at the British Medical

    Associations symbol), and the long-standing

    reputation o the moors waters or healing

    properties, which survived into Victorian times,

    when a renowned healing spa was set up near

    the edge o the moor.

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    T 3250 BCE, 2600 BCE, , , , ( , S, ).D , .D , .

    Te loving Goddess o Creation has another ace. As she brings man into time and his

    world, she also removes him rom it. So she is his destroyer as well. No-one can be a success-

    ul antrika unless he has aced up to this reality, and assimilated it into his image o the

    nature o the Goddess. Tere are many rituals, some o them sexual, carried out among the

    corpses in real (or symbolic) cremation-grounds, which bring this necessity orcibly home to

    the practising antrika. Tere, in the red light o uneral pyres, as jackals and crows scatter

    and crunch the bones, he conronts the dissolution o all he holds dear in lie.P R, antra: Te Indian Cult o Ecstasy

    W x W K , . T x N , W H, , .D , x,

    , -. I - (.. ) . I NG- -A .

    the Snake GoddeSS

    A ew years , I , I , I z . I I . T , I , . I

    q D. I - , I . D

    Although there is very little inormation concerning

    the megalithic monuments o the West, Hindu texts

    contain the entire ritual or setting them up, and

    or the orientation o sanctuaries, etc. All studies on

    European prehistoric religions should thus be based

    on the Indian documents available. (Alain Danilou,

    Gods of Love and Ecstasy)

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    S. I , q .

    E , I - . T - interior processes , -- - . G , j j,I x , D .

    I , - (- ) E G

    . S , I .I , I . I G , I ( !). I , . I . M loud, I . I ,

    I . I , I j . A I . T . T I I -. I , . I , , G.

    S, , . T Ielt ...

    , G. A , I . I , , . P q - I . T , , .

    I I , j . I z I j x z K .

    In The Wise Wound, Shuttle & Redgrove

    investigate the possibility that menstrual

    cycles have the potential to be aected

    by lunar cycles in that the pineal gland,

    which may also aect sexual development,

    can sense subliminal changes in light.

    Noting its traditional association with the

    third eye o inner visions, they speculate

    that Just as our visible eyes obtain visual

    inormation rom the outer world, so does

    our invisible third eye, the pineal, convertinto visual images experiences rom within

    the body. This argument is supported by

    painstaking evidence.

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    he Kundalini serpent - () , Muladhara, . T - , j . K . K S S .T G , S . T ( ) j , , , .

    M ( --) K .

    F, S ( ) G. M K , C , . I , x in-duced , K I . A , -

    I G , I - K. T K x. I I , z K . I-, C J ( S) . J M 7:10 x C z.

    K G K ( K R I-

    N Y) UFO x, . T I x ( ) UFO -, - . A K , - -?

    M : all the most resonant and meaningul mythswill reect some aspect o biology and evolution. A S R Te Wise Wound, , . O , - -;

    Tantrism holds that the

    deities presiding over the

    base chakra are Brahman

    and Dakiniwho is

    the red, menstruating


    The !Kung, a southern Arican

    tribe, describe their entry into

    trance (which they call !kia) in a

    way that strongly reects Kundalini

    experiences. They believe that a

    primal supernatural potency, n/um,

    resides in the pit o the stomach

    or the base o the spine. Frenetic

    dancing causes the n/um to boil, and

    it ascends the body until it peaks in

    or near the skullinducing ull !kia,

    and initiating shamanic soul-ight.

    It is interesting that the social and

    ritual lie o the !Kung has retained

    one o the most vivid emphaseson menstrual puberty rites known.

    Also, they believe that the power o

    n/um is most efciently transerred

    via the sense o smell. In Tantra, the

    Muladhara chakra is associated with

    this sense.

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    , x , . T K , , , . O , , , , , . W j . H , , , , ,z , .

    O . O E . A . M A, -q . T ,

    , ( ).I q I z

    , , , , .

    Any orm o x. P H R x S , M L - Turmerlebnis (x

    ), P . T L W . T H S . (L) I P Lie Against Death,N B D L , (F x, ) D. H L D , , - D , . T , , S ,

    .M , A

    A C , z , x ( ). T , q x. O, , J-C- . P ( ) , , x. S , ,

    In the human body,

    the strait gate leading

    to the earth-centre, or

    snake goddess, is the

    anus. (Alain Danilou,

    Gods of Love and


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    , q ( , C M S) . T , , . O , . F , S C - - . E, , x . T - .

    S, , x , . R , P H , , : I - , , ,

    & . A K- , K , . M , , . T , , , . ( ) H K x x down . T x R . W R ( , , , , .)

    . B , R .

    S, x . A , . T , F , z x , . T , , F

    . I , -z x x .

    I Loves Body, N B , , . T . T , . B... T C, , ; cresco, , creo, . [R] O, , , , , : , ,

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    , .A . I, .

    F, K, B : T q, = . D ; ( ). T ; z z . T , , ... T z x, x , F R , . N , x , . E

    , z , x . B x q :

    Erect is the shape o the genitally organized body; the body crucied, the body dead or asleep;

    the sti. Te shape o the body awake, the shape o the resurrected body, is not vertical but

    perverse and polymorphous; not a straight line but a circle; in which the Sanctuary is in the

    Circumerence, and every Minute Particular is Holy...

    the androGyne

    Most striking, perhaps, x . S , - j - . T I B, I x . H I W

    K . O , , O ! I K I , . I M E. (I K E I x Dz . A, , K , .) O j, I I . H q x x ( ) A . H x ,

    jxx.T G .

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    In Neolithic thought, maleness was an aspect o the universal being, or vessel, which was

    regarded as emale. How could it be otherwise, i she truly encompassed everything? An

    architectural expression o this view is oten ound in Indian temples, where the overall

    orm displays the eminine creative shape, based on the womb cell which contains theLingam or male element.

    M D, Te Avebury Cycle

    O W H A, 32 3700 BCE. D , q z .T , - , , ,

    S. H, q , . A , W H , j , , - . H , D N S BzA D.

    T K B, E L - - , ( ). B- C S. T D , K P IV F 54 , . S - . P H R D, - High Spirits, S

    . A D Witchcrat(), C F M, .

    D, J/S E, , j , x A -. A D , Gods o Love and Ecstasy, D q I S

    S, , S. O S Ardhanarshvara, . T P C

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    , , x -.

    I S , - , x , . D E . Kucumatz, Q I, , . J G -

    , A K, ( G 1:27S G , G ; .). S/H A E .

    A - -- -- -

    x . T , , - , , . T -, coincidentia oppositorum, , . R ,M .. . .

    S ? A , - , ( C J. C Men, Women & Chainsaws), . W- x , x (z ) x. E ( ) x extremities x , . A CH , x . O - , x , opposites become each other.

    Kucumatz is equivalent to the Mayan resurrection god

    Kuculcan and the Aztec culture-hero, moon-god and

    creator o humanity, Queztalcoatl (both these names

    mean eathered serpent). Hunbatz Men, a modern

    Mayan daykeeper and ceremonial leader, has attempted

    to reconstruct the initiatory sciences o the ancient

    Maya in his bookSecrets of Mayan Science/Religion. Inanalysing etymology and surviving Mayan temples,

    he concludes that the Mayan religion was based

    around a system o seven energy centres, very similar

    to the Hindu chakras. In both systems, the realization

    o a divine serpent-power is the goal. In Tantra, it is

    Kundalini. In Mayan tradition, the serpent is Kuculcan,

    but there is also the Mayan word kultanlilni built

    up rom ku (sacred), kul(coccyx, the base o the

    spine), tan (place), lil(vibration), and ni(nose). This

    amalgamated word embodies the Mayan equivalent o

    a yogic tradition. Men also

    discusses a seven-headedserpent orm carved on

    a monolith in Aparicio,

    Veracruz, Mexico (right), and

    notes that the Buddha was

    bitten by a seven-headed

    serpent while in the river

    o initiation. This serpent

    is called chapat in India.

    Curiously, the people o

    the Yucatan, Mexico have

    the same word and it, too,

    reers to the seven-headed

    serpent, just as in India.

    I no attempt is made

    to induce the orgasm

    by bodily motion, the

    interpenetration o the

    sexual centres becomes a

    channel o the most vividpsychic interchange. While

    neither partner is working

    to make anything happen,

    both surrender themselves

    completely to whatever

    the process itsel may eel

    like doing. The sense o

    identity with the other

    becomes peculiarly intense,

    though it is rather as i a

    new identity were ormed

    between them with a lie

    o its own. (Alan Watts,

    Nature, Man & Woman)

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    I - ( A M), q F -, - . L x x-, x x - .N, I F was wrong, j -. T , - , - - x . H! L . M x. A , . B F x.B j -

    . C - - , , . S- . S , q x. A , , , x x .

    FleShIt is evident that certain rites and practices o ancient Shivaism or Dionysism, such as

    human sacrices, could not be contemplated nowadays. Perhaps I should have avoided

    mentioning them, as they could easily be used as a pretext or rejecting the whole o Shivaite

    concepts, but, in my opinion, it was necessary to do so because they reect tendencies o

    the human being and aspects o the nature o the world, which it would be imprudent to

    ignore. Tey orm part o our collective unconscious and risk being maniested in perverse

    ways i we are araid to ace up to them.

    A D, Te Gods o Love and Ecstasy

    Going right back , C D S D L. M myth; , I , j S ( ALV 10 S R: D - .).A , , . TM K z, C, .

    S S, A C , S. T U.S. ( x

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    x) . T - C , .

    H .I NG - G . J C - G N

    ; A x. D - N- A: ; , , S; W K . O - j jx/ A , . D : F , G

    S [ W K ] , . T , , , - E-M.

    T , , . I , . A D z

    , , . T . (Brihat Aranyaka Upanishad) T ; ; . (N O. B, Loves Body) I , -. I . M , intensiy . V , . A ( - , q ), .

    This myth is cleverly played upon in the early

    seventies horror lm The Wicker Man, which on the

    surace seems to be a standard cash-in on these

    lingering suspicions about paganism. However, the

    way the Christian copper (who is eventually burnt) is

    lured into the trap is revealing. Its only because hes

    so repressed and suspicious o pagans that he alls orthe bait. He comes to the island and is convinced that

    a missing girl is going to be sacriced what else

    would these phallus-worshipping heathens who cavort

    naked around bonres be up to? All the evidence

    turns out to be careully contrived to play upon his

    rampant Christian suspicions: the girl is part o the

    plot, he is trapped by his own projected ears, and

    sacriced in a ritual or crop success. I this was real lie,

    o course, all the islanders should be up on conspiracy

    to murder. As the piece o art that it is, the story works

    perectly as a delicious example o poetic justice.

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    W ? T . A W (sacer-acere), , , , . (Nature, Man& Woman) T x G , , , .

    T , , S (S-) . O , .., , . (D) I -

    , , . I S, , . A D , , . Y . T C . E . Ex S , , . (B)

    T S, ,

    -. C K - : C , - . O , , . T , , x . R ; , , . T ; z ; , . K


    - , x, . W K z- . , , , x. B - ( ), . I , , , ( ). K x- ( , x )

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    . T x , .I K , , , . T , . S - - . x, U Az . T , . T U ka, z. C I ,pixwaq, .

    K - directly . A S D , ,

    . (D) I , counter-cultural. T z, - . S D z, .

    H A . S - x x ; /, /, / . B / , E, M E A , . E

    , , . T D , . H . W D , D, N, . (D)

    he menstrual blood : , -

    . T , - .

    It is possible that shamanistic practises o possession by articulate and helpul spirits origi-

    nally came rom the upsurge o energies at the period. Tere are indications that these spirits

    were sometimes seen not only as animals, but as the spirits o unborn children. Tat is, the

    blood o the period would come instead o the pregnancy, and the blood spoke with the spirit

    o the unconceived child. A distressing development o this would be in the rumoured cults

    where children were aborted or magical purposes: there would be no need or this

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    in a menstrual cult where the natural energies were listened to by women aware o their


    P S & P R, Te Wise Wound

    T , -

    : D , , C, J Nz G, S (-S ) W. T x j .

    T A A, R S , . T S . P - - . larv, , E L, F , larv , [

    , ] .I , P, x j . (N P , x- .)B - , , , . S .

    C H J B, Pacts with the Devil, .

    Recently, on a national new broadcast, there was a segment taped in New York. Te video

    showed ranks o cages containing sheep and chickens, with NYPD ofcers standing with

    military solemnity in ront o them. Te police, the commentator inormed us, had just

    rescued these animals. Not rom torture or some other orm o lingering abuse, but rom

    a place where a major Santeria estival was about to be celebrated. What was to be the ate

    o these livestock animals? Tey would be killed expertly and quickly by a Santero, the blood

    given to the Orishas as a git, and most likely (depending on the ritual) the animals would

    be cooked and eaten that same evening by the men women and children at the celebration.

    T ( , ), x , S, . W ? H &B , , ; . N, I ( -). W , I

    . I . L, . O

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    , .W H & B . I

    C - C - . G , I S , .


    When I irst - - x x seen their ood alive I . N slightest . B - ( x C- ).F -, , , , .

    A x - - , . S - - . E . F ,

    . N, - . E hunting and killing , other. T - - x.S x . S - - ; x. T - ( identiy) /x . T, A P

    N G q . W , A , N, . W .

    N - x - -, ( ). B - , q : they are ones own blood. , , , . (K) ,

    , . M, , , j,

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    . L, x B A . W , x Wingong(), umung(). W , B , .

    In act, the evidence suggests a cross-cultural pattern in which totemic ood avoidances [and

    incest taboos] are in some sense avoidances o the sel. I ones taboo or totem is not ones

    meat or blood or esh in the most literal sense, it is at least ones spirit, substance or

    essence. And the crucial point is that the sel , however conceived, is not to be appropriated

    by the sel. It is or others to enjoy.

    C K, Blood Relations


    , . I isolated ego. T - -- x x unity . T ( ) . I spills over, - .

    L S ,

    - -, . H, S , , . A I , S- counter-cultural. M ,


    I - - , . B . S, , . O ( -) . I , .

    F , ?

    Union and unication is o bodies,

    not souls. The erotic sense o reality

    unmasks the soul, the personality,

    the ego; because soul, personality

    and ego are what distinguish

    and separate us; they make us

    individuals, arrived at by dividing

    till you can divide no moreatoms.

    But psychic individuals, separate,

    unssionable on the inside,

    impenetrable on the outside, are,

    like physical atoms, an illusion; in

    the twentieth century, in this age o

    ssion, we can split the individual

    even as we can split the atom. Souls,personalities, and egos are masks,

    spectres, concealing our unity as

    body. For it as one biological species

    that mankind is one the species

    essence that Karl Marx looked or;

    so that to become conscious o

    ourselves as body is to become

    conscious o mankind as one.

    (Norman O. Brown, Loves Body)

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    And as Deities demand sacrice, one o men, another o cattle, a third o doves, let these

    sacrices be replaced by the true sacrices in thine own heart. Yet i thou must symbolize

    them outwardly or the hardness o thine heart, let thine own blood and no others, be spilt

    beore that altar.

    A C, Liber Astarte vel Berylli

    C x ( , D W T W); - . I x . C K - , - - , . W z -

    . I .W, I x. I q

    -.G P-O, q x -

    , , . I , , . ( Re/Search: Modern Primi-tives) O, q , ,

    . B :overcoming subject/object dualism. A W , ,

    It seems that the aboriginal populations who travelled across the Bering

    Straits rom Siberia those who were to become the native peoples o

    the Americas developed the sacrice o ritual blood-letting urther. In

    his essay, A Fashion or Ecstasy: Ancient Maya Body Modications, Wes

    Christensen details Mayan practices o tattooing, piercing, and bloodsel-sacrice. As well as men mutilating their genitals, the piercing o the

    tongue was common, in men and in women. As Christensen says, The

    psychological equation o the penis and the tongue needs little reiteration.

    His view is that the practice o pulling spiny cords through holes in the

    tongue may have been important or emale Mayan ritualists: I the

    wounding o the Male expresses the desire to own the magically ertile

    menstrual ow by mimicking it, the symbol seems less important than its

    unction o linking the opposing orces o mother/ather, sky/earth in one

    ritual practitioner. This way o looking at the rite is less male dominated, as

    well, as it allows or the pervasive inuence o women in the ritual lie o

    shamanistic village lie. The tongue sacrice, then, is the woman sorcerors

    rite a rite in which she symbolically imitates the male to achieve the same


  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    . I ( j) , (-I, j) . T skin - . M . H, W , . M , , - , . W x , x x . O , . O -, x . T - x x x . (F, Civilizationand its Discontents)

    A . T, . S -. F , ,

    . S , , x. I --, .

    F, z . Sz q , - . B - x ( , ), - - z . T z

    Staring open-eyed at the blazing sun, the blinding rays burning deep into your skull, lling it with unbearable

    brightness... Blowing on an eagle-bone whistle clenched between your teeth until its shrill sound becomes the only

    sound in the world... Dancing, dancing, dancing rom morning to night without ood or water until you are close to

    dropping in a dead aint... Pulling, pulling away at a rawhide thong which is astened to a skewer embedded deeply in

    your esh, until your skin stretches and rips apart as you nally break ree with blood streaming down your chest... This

    is what some o us must endure in the sun dance.

    Many people do not understand why we do this. They call the sun dance barbarous, savage, a bloody superstition.

    The way I look at it our body is the only thing which truly belongs to us. What we Indians give o our esh, our bodies,

    we are giving o the only thing which is ours alone... It is only our own esh which is a real sacricea real giving o

    ourselves. How can we give anything less?

    Some white men shudder when I tell them these things. Yet the idea o enduring pain so that others may live

    should not strike you as strange. Do you not in your churches pray to one who is pierced, nailed to a cross or the sake

    o his people? No Indian ever called a white man uncivilized or his belies and orbade him to worship as he pleased.

    The dierence between the white man and us is this: You believe in the redeeming powers o suering, i this suering

    was done by somebody else, ar away, two thousand years ago. We believe that it is up to every one o us to help eachother, even through the pain o our bodies. Pain to us is not abstract, but very real. We do not lay this burden onto our

    god, nor do we want to miss being ace to ace with the spirit power. It is when we are asting on the hilltop, or tearing

    our esh at the sun dance, that we experience the sudden insight, come closest to the mind o the Great Spirit. Insight

    does not come cheaply, and we want no angel or saint to gain it or us and give it to us secondhand. (John (Fire) Lame

    Deer, Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions)

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    ( ), , . M , . E- x j . Sz , , / .

    It is not schizophrenia but normality that is split-minded; in schizophrenia the alse

    boundaries are disintegrating. . . . Schizophrenics are suering rom the truth. . . . Schizo-

    phrenic thought is adualistic; lack o ego-boundaries makes it impossible to set limits to the

    process o identication with the environment. Te schizophrenic world is one o mystical

    participation; an indescribable extension o inner sense; uncanny eelings o reerence;

    occult psychosomatic inuences and powers; currents o electricity, or sexual attractionac-tion at a distance. . . .

    Dionysus, the mad god, breaks down the boundaries; releases the prisoners; abolishes

    repression; and abolishes the principium individuationis, substituting or it the unity o

    man and the unity o man with nature. In this age o schizophrenia, with the atom, the

    individual sel, the boundaries disintegrating, there is, or those who would save our souls,

    the ego-psychologists, the Problem o Identity. But the breakdown is to be made into a

    breakthrough; as Conrad said, in the destructive element immerse. Te soul that we can call

    our own is not a real one. Te solution to the problem o identity is, get lost. Or, as it says

    in the New estament: He that ndeth his own psyche shall lose it, and he that loseth his

    psyche or my sake shall nd it.

    N O. B, Loves Body

    the dIvIne Body

    he Goddess, like , , . A -- , , , I . O personications ( ) personality.S , x- , x, ; j x , ,

    . M C I G , . I

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    G . I, , , - .

    Much as my , x- , , - . T , x . E , , . F x , . I , , I

    j . N, I , -, x .

    O x x . O x . W , , , x , . B ; . (B) T

    E-M ; , x x x , G (B); , L mater, .

    x -, S S. T , S , S . T V maya, . T M (,

    B ), - . W S T D (L) G - . S-S , S , . I q, .

    W , , E. T , inside E. A, , E , . T, , ,

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    , .

    T M , E, M, . I , . M , . M E. I - x . I - , , x :

    Te young man is put into a hole and rebornthis time under the auspices o his male

    mothers. Male mothers; or vaginal athers: when the initiating elders tell the boys we two

    are riends, they show them their subincised penis, articial vagina, or penis womb. Teathers are telling the sons, leave your mother and love us, because we, too, have a vagina.

    Dionysus, the god o eternal youth, o initiation, and o secret societies was twice-born:

    Zeus destroyed his earthly mother by re, and caught the baby in his thigh, saying: Come

    enter this my male womb.

    N O. B, Loves Body

    x, , . T C F

    . T , , . F , z , x. O , q - x- , F I , . (C,T B L)

    S -

    , . T , , .T , , , , - . T j ( ) , x, . T , the unction o sacred sites cannot be understood without anunderstanding o (which must include an experience that approaches) the mind-set o the people who built

    them. T j,

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    .I LSD x -

    , L q G E F E, LSD -. V E , :

    In the way o experience there is dominant, throughout, a kaleidoscopic interrelated world.

    Feeling and perception are hardly separated in the world o visions; space and time are just

    oating environmental qualities . . . Tus the border between I and not-I is only at the

    border o ones own and actually experienced, perceptible world.

    I , - , , x : I x. T -

    , - . T , x C K Blood Relations:

    In this scheme o things [that o Australian Aborigines], human and natural cycles o

    renewal are mutually supportive and sustainable through the same rites. Te skies and the

    landscape are elt to beat to human rhythms. Everything natural, in other words, is con-

    ceptualised in human terms, just as everything human is thought to be governed by natural


    . . . Tere seems no reason to discount the Aborigines own belie that in their rituals

    they were drawing upon natural rhythms and harmonising with them to the advantage

    o their relationship with the world around them. It was not that man was dominating

    nature; but neither was it that human society stood helpless in the ace o natures powers.

    Rather, human society was exible enough and sensitive enough to attune itsel nely to the

    rhythms o surrounding lie, avoiding helplessness by replicating internally natures own

    dance. Nature was thereby humanized, while humanity yielded to this nature. I the hills

    elt like womens breasts, i rocks elt like testicles, i the sunlight seemed like sexual re and

    the rains elt like menstrual oods, then this was not mere projection o a belie system onto

    the external world. Tis was how things eltbecause given synchrony and thereore ashared lie-pulse, this was at a deep level how they were.

    N, x actual- . F , , , x , q , x , , NA , - . N, x, , - . A , - . I - , - x . S, - x ,

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    x , , . W , o , . (H B)

    M G, , z , x, , -- x I . E K , G , . T H x , - - was G-. I ,

    P H K & . T , . I x : ; x , -.

    A / . I -

    j , ? A j ( , , ), ?I somewhere . O, x S ( x ). A A W, . I (pro) (anum). I , - . B ,

    , x .(Nature, Man & Woman)

    J , / -. B , x, , x .E , W / x . T , ( ), x , . A , j . A- , , I , .

    Mariners sailing close to the shoreso Tuscany heard a voice cry out rom

    the hills, the trees and the sky: The

    Great God Pan is dead! Pan, god o

    panic. The sudden awareness that

    everything is alive and signicant. The

    date was December 25, 1 AD. . . . The

    nal apocalypse is when every man

    sees what he sees, eels what he eels,

    hears what he hears... The creatures

    o all your dreams and nightmares

    are right here, right now, solid as they

    ever were or ever will be... (William S.

    Burroughs, Apocalypse)

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    I , x, , x W . O f , -- , aord . F - (.. ) -, x , , . F - , , j . A , - , . G , E . W , , j . I , . T , , , , , , .

    T , , - , . E , , j .

    I , . E . T , x . F , ,

    outside this world, - , E, survival . W , I . I f , -- x , .

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



    BookS uSed/Sampled

    Tus Spoke Zarathustra F NzTe Gay Science F Nz

    Ecce Homo F NzNietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist W KJanus: A Summing Up A KWilliam Blake: Selected Poems P.H. BTe ree o Lies C S. HPacts with the Devil S. J B & C S. H**Te Devils Notebook A Sz LVTe Secret Lie o a Satanist B BTe NOX Anthology: Dark Doctrines S S*

    owards 2012 part II: Psychedelica GLie Against Death N O. B*Loves Body N O. B**Nature, Man & Woman A W*Te Goddesses and Gods o Old Europe Mj G*Te Avebury Cycle M D**Blood Relations: Menstruation and the Origins o Culture C K**Te White Goddess R Gantra: Te Indian Cult o Ecstasy P R*Te antric Way Aj Mj & M K*Kundalini, Evolution & Enlightenment J WMagick A CTe Book o the Law A CRe/Search: Modern Primitives V. V & A. J**Te Holy Bible C CMeditations on the Apocalypse F. A BTe Supernatural C WTe Wise Wound: Menstruation & Everywoman P S & P R**Men, Women & Chainsaws C. J. CLame Deer: Seeker o Visions J (F) L D R EYoga: Immortality and Freedom M Gods o Love and Ecstasy: Te raditions o Shiva and Dionysus A D*Dictionary o Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons M LSecrets o Mayan Science/Religion Hz MTe History o Magic E LTe Psychedelic Reader L, R Mz G M. WDead City Radio W S. B ( )

    .A.Z. H B ( CD)

    * **

  • 8/14/2019 The Devil and the Goddess



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