Page 1: THE DIAGNOSIS OF GASTRIC CANCERa patient with gastro-intestinal symptoms or anaemia. Tests ofGastric Secretion The association between gastric cancer and gastric juice devoid of acid



Senior Lecturer, University Department of Surgery, Western Infirmary, Glasgow

Cancer of the stomach is now one of the com-monest forms of malignant disease and accountsfor approximately 15,ooo deaths annually inEngland and Wales. Present-day methods ofdiagnosis and treatment do little to alter thenatural history of the condition, and in mostreported series, less than 5% of patients can hopeto survive for five years. In a recent survey of2,941 cases referred to hospital for treatment inBirmingham, the five-year survival rate was only2.7%066 The critical statement has been made byLivingston and Pack34 that 'if every patient withgastric carcinoma entered the best surgical clinicin the world, 95% would still remain uncured andapproximately 90% would be dead of their diseasewithin I8 months '-figures depressingly close tothose for untreated cases.45

Cancer of the stomach can be cured by surgeryonly if it is confined to the gastric wall and Shahonet al.61 from Minneapolis have reported a five-yearsurvival rate of 57.1% in patients without lym-phatic spread at the time of operation. Unfor-tunately, such favourable cases are rare and lessthan a third of all patients with gastric cancerreferred to hospital can be treated with any hopeof cure, a hope which in all but a few is withoutreward.

Delay in treatment does not account for theselamentable statistics-nor does the age of thepatient or the site of the growth apparentlyinfluence the prognosis. As in many other formsof malignancy, the prognosis is best in thosepatients in whom the time between the firstsymptom and treatment is longest (Tables I and 2),an apparent paradox explained by the relationshipof the survival of treated cases to the histologicalgrade and thus inherent malignancy of the tumour(Table 3).The conclusions are inescapable that, by the

time most patients first experience symptoms, thegrowth is already incurable and that during theearly stages of the development of a gastric cancerits host is entirely unaware of its presence. It isclearly the duty of every medical practitioner toensure that this already grave situation is not made



Duration of No. ofSymptoms Patients % Resected

<I year 3,114 39.9>I year 3,128 48.9


Duration of. No of % Alive atSymptoms Patients 3 Years

<6 months 26 7-76 months-2 years 22 36.4

>2 years 24 54.2


MALIGNANCY (Broders5)Patients Surviving % Alive at

Grade Operation 5 Years

I 29 86II 190 59

III 316 30IV 270 23

entirely irremediable by unnecessary delay inmaking a definite diagnosis.Clinical FeaturesEarly Symptoms

Keeping these considerations in mind it isclearly of importance to appreciate the type ofsymptoms initially experienced by the patient withgastric cancer, and these have been defined inseveral reports.20, 32, 61, 66, 75 At this stage of thedisease there are no clear-cut symptoms or clinicalsigns and their insidious onset can be temporarilyoverlooked. According to Tanner,67 cancer of thestomach gives rise to symptoms only when itobstructs the peristaltic wave or causes bleeding.

In 80 to go0% of patients, the first symptom isreferable to the gastro-intestinal tract and this

Page 2: THE DIAGNOSIS OF GASTRIC CANCERa patient with gastro-intestinal symptoms or anaemia. Tests ofGastric Secretion The association between gastric cancer and gastric juice devoid of acid


usually takes the form of post-cibal pain or vagueindigestion with fullness amounting to little morethan a consciousness of the stomach. Mildconstipation frequently occurs at this time. It isin a middle-aged patient who looks perfectly well,is well-nourished and complains only of a littleepigastric discomfort, belching and newly observedconstipation that cancer of the stomach must besuspected.2 Most patients have no history ofprevious gastric discomfort although 20% havea history of recurrent dyspepsia'0 probably due toprogressive atrophy of the gastric mucosa. Suchpatients usually notice a change in the nature oftheir dyspepsia which leads them to seek furthermedical advice.These symptoms will be relieved by alkaline

powders in 81% of cases75C giving both the patientand his doctor the false assurance thay they aredue to a benign and unimportant gastric upset.The second most frequent cause of symptoms is

bleeding from the tumour. Frank haemorrhagefrom a gastric cancer is rare, but a continuous slowooze from its surface results in the anaemia whichis the mode of the onset of the disease in 8 to 22%of patients. Under these circumstances debility,breathlessness and lassitude are usually the firstevidence of malignancy, symptoms apparentlysatisfactorily explained by the demonstration ofanaemia which may be improved by taking iron.

It cannot be stressed too strongly that anaemiaof this type in the middle-aged demands a thoroughinvestigation of the gastro-intestinal tract.

In the remaining 5 to Io°1 of patients the initialsymptoms are those of acute pyloric stenosis,perforation or severe bleeding, or arise from thepresence of metastatic deposits.Late SymptomsBy the time the patient comes to hospital his

symptoms are those regarded as classical of gastriccancer, and about half the patients have pain orstenosis.66 Continuous epigastric and back pain,foul eructations, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue,ill-health and loss of weight are common com-plaints and leave little doubt as to the type andorigin of the lesion.

Age, Sex and Site of TumourAlthough gastric cancer is commonest in males

and in the middle-aged (average age of MayoClinic series of IO,89o patients-56.3 years) no ageis exempt and 7% of the patients seen at the MayoClinic were under 40 years of age.75d

It is generally believed that the type of symptomdepends primarily on the site of the growth, thosenear the cardia and pylorus causing obstructionand those in the body and fundus (the silent areaof the stomach) giving rise to vague dyspepsia and

anaemia. It is of interest that Swynnerton andTruelove66 found that the site of the growth hadlittle influence on the first symptom and thatinitially any type of dyspepsia can occur with anysite of tumour. Even in growths of the pylorusthe initial symptom was stenosis in only io%of patients.

Clinical SignsIn a patient with early symptoms clinical signs

are usually absent. By the time the patient comesto hospital loss of weight is almost invariable, andHarnett20 found that only 3.8% of 1,405 patientswith cancer of the stomach, admitted to hospitalsin the administrative county of London, werenot under their normal weight.The next most common sign in hospital patients

is a palpable epigastric mass, and this was noted inhalf of the patients studied by Harnett20 and bySwynnerton and Truelove.66 In others, signs ofpyloric stenosis with a large dilated stomach andcharacteristically vigorous peristalsis39 may bepresent. In more advanced cases varying degreesof cachexia, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies andhypoproteinaemia are found.

In all patients a careful search must be made forthe presence of metastases, which in Harnett'sseries were discovered in 32.5% of patients. Ofthese the liver is the commonest site, but the supra-clavicular nodes and the pelvic floor should alsobe examined. A chest radiograph may show dis-crete nodules or miliary spread of metastaticgastric cancer.77

InvestigationBlood FindingsAnaemia is a common accompaniment of

cancer of the stomach, irrespective of its site,43and was present in 45.1% of the 1,152 patientsreported by Shahon and his co-workers.61 It isgenerally considered to be normocytic although ina careful study of 78 patients with anaemia asso-ciated with gastric cancer, Oppenheim et al.43found that in 25 cases it was of macrocytic normo-chromic or hypochromic type. The presence ofnormal maturation of red cells in the marrow, theabsence of a reticulocyte response following treat-ment with liver and normal levels of faecalurobilinogen differentiated it from perniciousanaemia. The presence of anaemia is not relatedto the degree of hypochlorhydria43 and is probablyaccounted for by bleeding from the tumour.Thrombocytopenia is a rare complication of gastriccancer.37 In gastric cancer as in other malignantconditions the erythrocyte sedimentation rate iscommonly increased.

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FORREST: The Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer

Faecal Occult BloodOvert bleeding from a gastric cancer is unusual

but the presence of occult blood in the faeces is acommon finding and, in most reported series ofcases, occurs in about 80% of patients.There is no reason to expect that all tumours of

the stomach should bleed, and a negative faecaloccult blood test does not necessarily eliminate thepossibility that a cancer of the gastro-intestinaltract is present. This is particularly true in theearly case.At the same time the presence of occult blood in

the faeces is an indication for further investigationand this simple test should be regarded as anessential part of the clinical examination ofa patient with gastro-intestinal symptoms oranaemia.

Tests of Gastric SecretionThe association between gastric cancer and

gastric juice devoid of acid (as recognized byTopfer's reagent) has been recognized since 1842,when Golding Bird4 described a patient with apresumed gastric cancer in whom the vomitusbecame less acid as the disease progressed. In1879 Van den Velden74 first intubated a patientwith this disease and confirmed the absence ofacid in the aspirated gastric juice.Numerous reports have since shown that from

50 to 75% of patients with gastric cancer haveachlorhydria as tested by Topfer's reagent follow-ing stimulation of gastric secretion by a test mealor subcutaneous histamine. Current studies in theUniversity of Minnesota indicate that, following atriple-histamine test in which three doses of0.5 mg. histamine acid phosphate are given, 73%of patients with cancer of the stomach secrete noacid to Topfer's indicator compared with 36% ofpatients with non-neoplastic conditions.23The degree of anaemia, loss of weight and site of

growth do not appear to influence the ability ofthe stomach to secrete acid,20 but several reportssuggest that the more advanced the lesion thehigher the incidence of achlorhydria.14 39, 48 Thisrelationship would explain the Mayo Clinic find-ings that the resectability rate of the tumour andthe survival figures are better in those patientswho secrete acid than in those with achlorhy-dric juice.75e 75!

Achlorhydria, as detected by Topfer's indicator,can be defined only as a pH change between3 and 4, and it was shown by Polland and Bloom-field44 that, in patients with such apparent achlor-hydria, the administration of histamine mightcause a fall in the pH of the gastric juice, indicat-ing that acid was being secreted. The definitionof achlorhydria suggested by Card and Sircus,8i.e., the failure to secrete a gastric juice of pH 6 or

less following the giving of a maximal stimulus bythe augmented histamine test of Kay,26 is clearlythe only logical one.The usual tests of gastric secretion are only

qualitative but the augmented histamine testallows a quantitative estimation of the output ofacid from the stomach. Using this test, Card andSircus8 found that the average acid output ofpatients with gastric cancer was 7.2 mEq. hourcompared to 15 to 20 mEq. in normal controls.According to Card,7 patients with gastric cancerhave a low acid output almost without exception,although complete absence of acid as measuredby pH is rare. It is of interest that in his recentsurvey of 500 normal subjects tested by the aug-mented histamine tests, all had acid in theirgastric juice, a finding which draws attention tothe inadequacies of previous methods of gastricanalysis. (Compare with 36% of' achlorhydrics'in 906 normals reported by Niazi et al.42)From the clinical point of view it is clearly of the

utmost importance to realize that the presence ofacid in the gastric juice is not incompatible withthe presence of a gastric tumour, a fact first pointedout by Mieke38 but since frequently ignored.According to Taylor68 two-thirds of patients withearly cancer have acid in their stomach and normalmucosal appearances on gastroscopy. The use ofgastric analysis to confirm or refute a radiologicalsuspicion of gastric cancer is thus entirely withoutfoundation.The presence of sarcinae, Candida albicans,

Giardia lamblia and the Boas-Oppler bacillus arecommon to other achlorhydric states, while starchgrains and undigested meat indicate stenosis.56

RadiologyThere is little doubt that, at the present time, a

barium meal examination is the backbone of thediagnosis of gastric cancer, and most workers re-port an accuracy of 70 to 90% at the first examina-tion.70 This can be increased further by repeatingthe examination in doubtful cases.The radiological diagnosis of an established

tumour offers little difficulty to a competentradiologist and the typical appearances of thethree common types of lesions have been welldescribed :30, 60, 71

I. Infiltration of a scirrhous carcinoma resultingin disturbance of the mucosal pattern, rigidity ofthe stomach wall and disordered motility withabsent peristalsis (Fig. i). If limited in extent, itis seen as a straight aperistaltic plaque whichpushes the barium back towards the lumen of thestomach. In the most advanced cases (leather-bottle stomach) the stomach may be contracted toa narrow rigid tube along which barium passes intothe duodenum in a steady stream. If confined to

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FIG. i.-Barium meal X-ray of infiltrating carcinomaof the stomach.

the pyloric region the appearances may be those ofan organic pyloric stenosis and at the cardia theshape of the fundal gas bubble and the course ofbarium entering the stomach may be altered.

2. Filling defect of an encephaloid carcinoma(Fig. 2). The polypoid lesion forms a constantdefect which has a finger-print pattern and issituated in a stomach wall showing signs ofinfiltration.

3. Ulceration. It is often a matter of consider-able difficulty to differentiate between benign andmalignant ulcers on radiological grounds alone.In its classical form the malignant ulcer sits on aplateau of cancerous tissue so that its crater appearswithin the confines of the gastric wall unlike theniche of a simple one which projects beyond it(Fig. 3). The irregularity of its floor, its insensi-tivity to palpation and the rigidity of the surround-ing stomach wall may point to its true naturewhile its heaped-up edge may give rise to themeniscus sign of Carman9 in which the barium-filled crater, seen in profile, forms a distinctcrescentic shadow or if seen on the posterior wallis surrounded by a translucent halo. Many radio-logists now consider these signs misleading andbelieve that the most reliable differential radio-


FIG. 2.-Barium meal X-ray of encephaloid carcinomaof the stomach.

logical sign is the form of the surroundingmucosal folds, which in a simple lesion convergetowards the ulcer and in malignancy are sharplyinterrupted or distorted at its margins.

In the early stages of the disease the radiologicalsigns are less prominent and a small area of dis-ordered mucosal pattern may be the only sign ofthe malignant process.46 For its detection, mu-cosal relief films are essential.

GastroscopyIn approximately 2% of patients with gastric

cancer, lesions missed on radiological examinationmay be discovered gastroscopically20, 57 but it is inthe interpretation of doubtful radiological findingsthat this method of examination is of greatestvalue. Unlike the radiologist, who sees but ashadow of the lesion, the gastroscopist can view itin its natural state, an opportunity even denied thepathologist who examines the excised specimen.Most gastroscopists in this country prefer theflexible gastroscope designed by Hermon Taylor69which has a low incidence of failed examinations.The suspicion of malignancy may be brought to

the notice of the gastroscopist at the earliest stageof the examination when obstruction to the passageof the instrument by a rubbery resistance whichcannot be overcome by steady gentle pressure may

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FIG. 3a.-Barium meal X-ray of simple ulcer.

indicate the presence of a tumour at the cardiacorifice. Difficulty in inflating the stomach is highlysuggestive of an infiltrating lesion and the affectedarea has a characteristic board-like appearancewith a pale, unhealthy mucosa which may containmultiple small superficial ulcers. An infiltratinglesion in the pyloric antrum is invariably accom-panied by a complete lack of normal antral peri-stalsis. Differentiation between benign and malig-nant ulcers is frequently possible by gastroscopyfor there is usually little difficulty in recognizingthe typical simple peptic ulcer. Punched out andwith clean-cut edges, it has a shiny, greyish-whiteslough in its base and lies in mucous membrane,which, although frequently oedematous andinflamed, is of normal colour. These typicalappearances may be obscured by inflammation.Typically the malignant ulcer has a dirty brownfloor and a beaded nodular edge which blends withthe rigid pale and infiltrated surrounding mucosa,often studded with small superficial satelliteulcers. If the appearances are in doubt the two-view test of Taylor68 should be carried out and arepeat gastroscopy performed after three weeks'intensive medical treatment, when the subsidence






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FIG. 3b.-Barium meal X-ray of malignant ulcer of thestomach.

of inflammatory reaction around a simple ulcermay allow its innocence to be clearly defined.

Gastric BiopsyThe development of a satisfactory biopsy instru-

ment for gastric lesions by attaching a flexiblebiopsy forceps of standard type to a gastroscope isunder study.3, 27, 28 A new form of biopsy instru-ment has also been constructed in which the cuttinghead guillotines a small cone of mucosa drawn intoit by suction.l3, 5,?, 78 The advantage of thisinstrument is that it obtains a sample of uniformthickness, but, as it is used blind, it is of value onlyfor investigating the generalized gastric lesion. Itsattachment to a gastroscope has been recentlyunder trial.63

Gastric CytologyIt has long been recognized that the gastric

juice of patients with cancer of the stomach mayoccasionally contain clumps of cancer cells.55 Itis now known that the tendency of cancer cells toexfoliate is due to their lack of adhesiveness andPapanicolaou and his colleagues at Cornell havetaken advantage of this property to develop tech-niques for their detection in body secretions.

Exfoliated gastric malignant cells can be differen-tiated from normal surface epithelial and other

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contaminating cells by their irregular shape andsize, large nucleus and increased basophilia. Theirloss of cytoplasmic boundaries leads to clumpingand mitotic figures may be present. Schade,56who has recently reviewed his large experiencewith this method of investigation in Newcastleupon Tyne, believes that the most characteristicproperty of a gastric malignant cell is the alteredsize relationship between nucleus and nucleolus.

Various methods have been developed to im-prove the yield of cells from the neoplastic lesionin the stomach. Many of these use some form ofabrasive device, i.e. a foam-rubber sponge,21 aballoon covered with knotted silk"' 5,59 and aretractable brush of boar's bristle.' It wouldappear that equally satisfactory results can beobtained by the use of simple lavage methods withsaline or Ringer's solution,l8, 47, 56 and Zamchecket al.78 conclude that cells collected in this wayhave a more normal appearance. The addition ofmucolytic agents such as papain49 and o-chymo-trypsin51, 52 to the lavage fluid are considered bysome to be of advantage.There is not the slightest doubt that in expert

hands gastric cytology gives a high incidence ofaccurate diagnosis and Schade reports that by thelavage technique he was able to diagnose correctly252 of 282 patients with gastric carcinoma and 251of 276 patients with benign conditions, resultsbetter than those reported with the use of morecomplex methods.59 Most workers agree that theexamination is of greatest value in the early caseand it is well recognized that a large ulceratingtumour may fail to exfoliate cells on account of thebarrier formed by its hard necrotic base.

It is of great significance that in 29 of Schade'spatients with positive cells (19 of whom werepicked up on a gastritis survey) a small surfacecarcinoma had not been detected by other methodsof examination (radiology and gastroscopy-Schade55,56), and similar cases have also beenreported by others.6' 17, 31 It may be that thismethod of investigation will have most applicationin the detection of preclinical lesions.

Evaluation. In Professor Illingworth's unit inGlasgow an attempt has been made to evaluategastric cytology by a blind trial in which allpatients reporting with suspicious symptoms wereinvestigated in succession by radiology, gastro-scopy and lavage cytology.6 In each instance theoperator conducted his investigation blindly andwas not informed of the findings of the othermethods of investigation. The results reported byBurnett et al. (Table 4) clearly show that radiologywas found to be the most accurate method ofinvestigation. The incidence of correct diagnosisby cytology is in keeping with the results of otherworkers and it is only fair to point out that in this


CANCER (Burnett et al.6)Cancer Stomach- 'Controls'-

Method 24 Patients 44 Patientsof

Exami- No. Correct No. Correctnation Examined Diagnosis Examined Diagnosis

X-ray .. 24 23 44 44Gastro-

scopy 22 17 42 35Cytology 24 13 44 40

trial the cytologist was less experienced than hisradiological and gastroscopic colleagues. It isnoteworthy that in one patient the cytologist cor-rectly detected a small malignant lesion notvisualized by either of the other methods ofinvestigation.Other Methods of Investigation

Electrogastrograph. By placing an indwellingelectrode into the stomach, potential differencesbetween it and a reference electrode which repre-sent secretory muscular and nervous activity canbe measured.5, 1624, 40, 54 Electrogastrography hasbeen shown to correctly diagnose 76% of patientswith cancer of the stomach (92 of I21 cases re-ported by Sawyer et al.54; Morton40; and Good-man et al.16) by the irregularity and low potentialof the tracing. A false diagnosis of cancer wasmade in 24 of 153 patients with benign conditionsby Sawyer et al.54 and Goodman et al.16

Autoradiography. On account of their highcontent of DNA and RNA the cells of gastriccancer take up radioactive phosphorus (32p) ingreater amounts than do normal tissues and,following its injection, malignant gastric tissuehas been shown to have a specific activity 2.8times that of a normal mucous membrane.41 Theinsertion of a small beta particle counter to estimatespecific activity is under trial.By placing a balloon containing a photographic

film into the stomach following the injection ofthis isotope it is possible to record the presence ofa tumour by autoradiography. Using this methodof investigation, Nagayama arrived at a correctdiagnosis in 96% of 78 malignant lesions and 98%of 50 benign lesions of the stomach.

Uropepsin Estimations. The estimation of uro-pepsin as an index of gastric secretion of pepsinhas been studied in various conditions and Grayet al.'9 report that in 60 patients with gastric cancerthe 24-hour output of uropepsin was low (mean1,815 ± 291 units compared with 3,670 + 159units in 265 normal patients). Sixty-five of 70patients with pernicious anaemia had zero values,

Page 7: THE DIAGNOSIS OF GASTRIC CANCERa patient with gastro-intestinal symptoms or anaemia. Tests ofGastric Secretion The association between gastric cancer and gastric juice devoid of acid

FORREST: The Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer


OF GASTRIC CANCER (Walters et al.15g)No. %

X-ray Assessment Resected Resected

Operable-2,753 patients 1,323 48Operability doubtful-

837 patients.... .. 95 23Inoperable-488 patients 70 14

the mean for the group being 17 + 8 units. Thescatter between patients in each group makes thisestimation unreliable as a screening or diagnostictest.

Peritoneoscopy. This method of investigationis used rarely in this country and its only value inthe management of patients with gastric carcinomais to detect the presence of liver metastases.

Assessment of OperabilityThe only valid criteria of operability of a gastric

neoplasm are to be found at laparotomy. Attemptsto determine the operability of growths by radio-logy are misleading (Table 5) and a decision torefuse surgical exploration cannot be made onsuch grounds.Detection of Small LesionsAt operation it may be difficult to detect a small

malignant lesion of the stomach, particularly whenthe diagnosis has been made on cytologicalgrounds. Examination of the gastric mucosathrough a gastrotomy incision can be aided byusing a small sigmoidoscope and a suspicious areacan be biopsied and immediately examined his-tologically by the frozen-section technique. Analternative method is to mop the suspected spotwith a swab of absorbent gelatine and make animmediate smear which can be stained andexamined within a few minutes.8, 78

Differential DiagnosisThe differentiation of carcinoma of the stomach

from other infiltrating lesions (other tumours,Hodgkin's disease, syphilis, tuberculosis) is usuallyonly of academic importance, and it is now con-sidered that gastric symptoms arising in a syphiliticpatient are most commonly due to ordinarylesions of the stomach.

Giant hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa maygive rise to a clinical picture similar to that ofcancer and the radiological appearances may beconfused with those of an encephaloid cancer.The doubt can usually be resolved by gastroscopy(for recent review see Kennedy et al.29).

Finally, the differentiation between simple andmalignant gastric ulcers may cause difficulty. Inaddition to the radiological and gastroscopic

appearances detailed above, the site of the ulcerand its size may assist the diagnosis. In general,ulcers in the pyloric antrum and on the greatercurvature of the stomach are more liable to bemalignant while ulcers on the lesser curvatureabove the angulus are almost always simple. Thelarger an ulcer the more likely is it to be malignantalthough there is now ample evidence that evengiant ulcers are frequently simple.25 46 The safetyof modern anaesthesia and surgery is such thatthe resection of a doubtful lesion can be performedwithout hesitation.

ConclusionsIt is quite clear that the results of treatment of

cancer of the stomach can be improved only bymaking the diagnosis at an earlier .stage of thedisease before the patient has any symptoms.

Radiology is still the most applicable and reliablemethod of detecting an early lesion of the stomachand according to Kirklin30 all lesions large enoughto be seen macroscopically can be diagnosed onthe screen and film. Mass radiological surveys ofnormal individuals produce too low a yield oftumours to be economical (five of 8,009 patientsover 40 years of age reported by St. John et al.,6Dailey and Miller,l2 and Wigh and Swenson76).In a recent survey of normal individuals involving5,020 fluoroscopic and 26,875 photofluorographicexaminations Sherman and Snyder62 discoveredgastric malignancy in'seven cases. They state thatif five normal individuals over the age of 55 yearsare examined each day one cancer of the stomachand several adenomatous polyps will be revealedin the course of one year. Selected mass surveysof the type carried out at Minneapolis23 are lesscostly, although for each patient diagnosedapproximately 3,000 dollars are expended.22There is now undisputed evidence that patients

with achlorhydria from atrophic gastritis andpernicious anaemia have a higher incidence ofgastric cancer than the general population (seeLennox33), and the Minneapolis figures indicatethat this is approximately five times. In theirspecial survey of 3,5i6 achlorhydric patients overa 9k-year period, these workers discovered cancerof the stomach in 38 patients and gastric polyps ina further 3%. In the same period none of theirnormochlorhydric patients under survey developeda gastric lesion.

Also surveyed in the Minneapolis scheme werepatients who had a family history of cancer(known to increase the incidence6), a positivefaecal occult blood test and a haemoglobin of lessthan i I g.%. In these additional groups no casesof gastric cancer have so far come to light.

It may be that the initial detection of achlor-hydria can be made more easily by the technique

December I960 78I

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of tubeless gastric analysis, which has recentlybeen simplified to a rapid bed-side test,58 andthat a method of survey based on gastric exfoliativecytology would pick up positive cases at an earlierstage of development than is possible by radiology.At the present time it is clear that in all hospitalsand clinics particular attention should be paid tothe follow-up of patients with atrophic gastritis andpernicious anaemia in whom barium mealexaminations should be performed at least oncea year.

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