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The Discover.Travel Group visits select

Partner Lodges in the Amazon

To guarantee the excellence of its Luxury Travel Packages, members of the Discover.Travel Group`s

team personally visit Jungle Lodges to select the best partners to offer to its clients

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,

June 1st 2009 --- The

Amazon is one of the most

exotic destinations in the

world, and one that of

many travelers dream of.

Together, the world's

largest rainforest and the

world's largest river form

a unique ecosystem with a

diversity of plants and

animals that no other

place in the world can

equal. In one hectare of

Amazon rainforest

scientists have identified

more species of trees than

in all of Europe. Numerous

species of animals can

only be found in here, and

several tribes of Indians

still live deep in this

endless forest and have

never been in touch with

white people. All of this

conjures images of adventure and mystery, which travelers who want to go beyond the typical tourist

destinations adore to explore.

The Amazon weather reflects the tropical climate, which makes it a year-round destination. Seasons

divide into the rainy season, which in the area around Manaus is during the first half of the year, and the

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dry season from July until December. Experienced guides partnering with the Discover.Travel Group say

that to really know the Amazon, you have to go at least twice: once in each season. In the dry season,

sandy beaches appear along the river and animals are easier to spot when they come to the open banks

for water. In the rainy season on the other hand, the landscape becomes even more intriguing when

part of the forest is flooded and allows unique activities like paddling in wooden canoes through the

tree-tops of the jungle-giants.

However, traveling in this remote destination requires special care to make it a safe and rewarding

experience. In the Amazon, where towns and settlements are very distant from each other,

transportation is rare and not on a regular basis, most of the local population does not speak English or

any language but Portuguese and reliable information is hard to obtain, travelers need a responsible

partner to recommend where to go, organize how to get there and book where to stay in advance and

guarantee a good and safe journey. The luxury online travel company Discover.Travel Group does this

for its clients in its tailor-made Amazon travel packages, created by Specialized Travel Consultants

individually for each traveler in order to ideally suit their wishes and provide for an unforgettable

experience: The holiday packages combine peace and relaxation with adventure, rustic outdoor

activities with charming and even luxurious accommodation, exciting encounters with wild animals like

caimans and snakes with serene sunrise contemplation on the river surrounded by a group of gray


Of the four million inhabitants of the Brazilian state Amazonas, three million live in Manaus. This makes

the city the entrance gate to the Amazon. Thanks to its wealth obtained in colonial times, Manaus

features cultural attractions like the Theater of the Amazon, which make it worth a visit in itself. Day

tours into the jungle, on the river and to natural beauties such as waterfalls or the famous meeting of

the waters, where the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimoes meet and form the beginning of the real Amazon

can be arranged by the Discover.Travel Group according to the traveler's individual preferences. The

travel company also offers several-day Amazon cruises on luxurious cruise ships or small and exclusive

yachts and boats.

The real adventure of the Amazon, however, is a stay right in the jungle in a lodge, where you can hike

through virgin rainforest during the day and listen to the jungle's sounds at night, which become louder

and more intense as soon as the sun sets and many animals awaken, avoiding the heat of the day in the

tropics. Lodges are often far away from cities or towns and during their stay there, travelers spend their

entire time in the lodge's area and on its activities. Therefore, even more than in other destinations,

they depend on their travel agent and the lodge to provide quality accommodation, meals, guides and

service. All the more important it is for the Discover.Travel Group to carefully select its partner lodges in

order to make sure that its clients find the excellence they expect. In order to personally experience the

quality and to hand-select the best lodges to recommend, a team from the Discover.Travel Group

traveled to the Amazon in April 2009 and visited a number of jungle-hotels.

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The Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge is a small and exclusive hotel situated in the heart of the Amazon

rainforest, Brazil. Resting in front of Anavilhanas, the world’s largest fresh water archipelago, one of the

few places where the pink dolphins can be seen, the Lodge is touched by the dark waters of the Rio

Negro and is surrounded by the sounds, smells and mysteries of the Amazon Jungle. Free of mosquitoes

and nested within a vast stretch of untouched rainforest, it allows its guests to experience the perfect

balance between Nature and comfort, adventure and peace. The Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge currently

accommodates a maximum of 35 guests at a time, which allows an atmosphere of familiarity and

exclusiveness, created by the excellent and sympathetic team.

The New York Times have called the Anavilhanas Lodge “perhaps the most elegant lodging in the

Amazon” (NY Times), and the Discover.Travel Group recommends this partner as the best place to

experience the Amazon jungle in great comfort.

In order to reach the Anavilhanas Lodge, however, travelers have to be prepared for a three hours

transfer from Manaus Airport. During this comfortable ride, the attentive observer gets a good

impression of the way of life the majority of the Amazon population lead. Alternatively, the

Discover.Travel Group can arrange for a transfer by hydroplane, which additionally to saving time allows

breathtaking aerial views of the more than 400 lush green islands of the Anavilhanas Archipelago.

However, to those who only have a short time available to experience the rainforest, the

Discover.Travel Group recommends the Amazon Eco Park. This elegant lodge is located only one hour

from Manaus by boat and car, depending on the season and level of water. Accommodating more than

120 guests and offering access by wheelchair, it maintains a familiar atmosphere by building small

groups of travelers accompanied by one guide each throughout the diverse program of activities. This

lodge brings an air of luxury into the jungle, while maintaining an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort

and being in complete harmony with the surrounding rainforest landscape.

The Discover.Travel Group's tailor-made Amazon Travel Packages to these Lodges, which can include

further activities, hotels and destinations, will provide the client with a unique travel experience and

allow the most demanding of travelers to indulge in the fascination of the Amazon.

For further information on travel destinations, services, hotels and contact with a specialized travel

consultant please visit the Discover.Travel Group’s websites www.Discover.Travel,, www.DiscoverSouthAmerica.Travel and www.DiscoverCentralAmerica.Travel.

Recent accomplishments by Intelligent Leisure Solutions and the Discover.Travel Group:

• 2008 Ulysses Award for Innovation in Tourism Enterprises from the UNWTO (United Nations World

Tourism Organization),

• World Travel Award 2008 for South America’s Leading Travel Management Company,

• World Travel Award 2008 for Central America’s Leading Travel Agency,

• Managing Partner Robert Phillips was elected ASTA Chapter President for Brazil.

• Selected by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism as an Affiliate Member of the United Nations World

Tourism Organization.

• Authenticated by the Tralliance Corporation and the .Travel Registry.

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