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  • 7/27/2019 The Divine Summit


    THEDivineSUMMIT:A Love Story

    Dr. Steven Panzer

  • 7/27/2019 The Divine Summit


    This book is dedicated with love and gratitude to my dear mother,Helen Panzer.

    I lost my mom at the tender age of ten, but I shall be forever grateful forthe brief time we spent together.

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    Book 1: Descent into Darkness

    Book 2: Transformation through Grace

    Book 3: A Sacred Path to God


    About the Author

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    I had a painful childhood. When I was 10 years old, my loving mother

    had the first of several debilitating strokes. My younger brother and I were

    severely traumatized when we came home from school and found my mom

    lying on the couch paralyzed. Both of us suffered from feelings of abandonment

    and unworthiness into adulthood.

    My beloved brother took his life at the age of 28, and my mother died a

    year later in 1979. Within a month I endured the heartache of a broken

    engagement and soon thereafter the loss of all of my income.

    Overcome with loneliness and hopelessness, I was struck with the stark

    reality that my efforts to heal and find love had failed.

    At the age of thirty-seven, I felt as if my entire world was a barren

    wasteland. I was convinced I could never be happy until I found my soul mate.

    Unfortunately, my ingrained fear of abandonment sabotaged every meaningful

    relationship I encountered.

    I was a broken man. I never could have anticipated how God was preparing

    me for the great blessing He was going to bestow on me.

    From the depths of my despair, I cried out to God to rescue me from my

    pain. Thankfully, the Lord answered my prayer. What I experienced in my

    moment of complete surrender and weakness transformed my life for eternity,

    healing me of my deepest sorrow and setting me on a sacred path to God. It was

    that life changing experience that I wanted to share with my spiritual brothers and

    sisters, and was my inspiration for writing this story.

    The Divine Summitis a suspenseful story of intrigue, intimate love and

    spiritual growtha celebration of the crowning glory of Almighty God. It is a tale

    of the miraculous power of Christs love to heal us of our deepest pain and fears,

    and reveals a profound intimacy between a man and a woman that can only be

    experienced through the grace of God.

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    Ultimately, The Divine Summitis a journey to become one with Christ in

    your heart and share Him with those you love.

    All who proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in

    them, and they live in God God is love, and all who live in lovelive in God, and God lives in them And as we live in God, ourlove grows more perfect.

    1 John 4:1517

    Dr. Steven Panzer, 2013

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    I wish to express deep appreciation to all those whose assistance wereindispensable in my efforts to craft this story. I am especially thankful to my wife

    Holly, who not only supported me in writing this project, but also lent her editing


    I am particularly beholden to Dennis Nehamen, an author and my lifelong

    friend, as well as my insightful literary editor Donna Mazzitelli. Both made

    substantial contributions to the development of the story and characters as well as

    the initial line editing. I also want to thank David, my editor with Westbow Press,who did the final line editing and polishing of the manuscript.

    During the spring of 1999, I had a three-hour private life changing

    meeting with Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Southern California.

    The purpose of my visit was to present the mission of my newly founded

    ministry The Community of Champions, an outreach to mentor Christian

    business owners in their growth as Christ-centered servant leaders. When

    Pastor Warren offered to be my spiritual mentor, I gratefully accepted. Under

    his guidance, over the next four months I was able to set a clear course to Christ.

    Additionally, I was inspired to break free of my own flesh limits and rely on the

    awesome power of Almighty God.

    Several pastors and writers have had a profound influence on my

    spiritual growth and the development of this story.

    Pastor Jack Hayford, the founder of the Church on the Way, whose

    treatise on progressive sanctification brought me closer to the Lord through all

    the my trials and tribulations.

    Pastor Bill Gillham, whose brilliant book, Lifetime Guarantee, provided me

    with a biblically based psychology of sanctification framework that enabled me

    to overcome the adversity in my life.

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    Pastor Charles Stanley, whose inspiring sermons and books, particularly

    The Blessings of Brokenness, gave me the insight and courage to endure the Dark

    Night experience and emerge as a new man in Christ.

    Brother Dana Nafziger, a true servant leader to the Lord and my close

    friend and client, who encouraged me to overcome my initial doubts in writing

    this story.

    Finally, I want to thank the Lord for his undying love and grace that has

    given me a new life of freedom. I pray that he will use my humble offering to

    inspire my readers to relentlessly seek Gods love and healing.

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    Book 1

    Descent into Darkness

    My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest His correction;

    For whom the Lord loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he


    Proverbs 3:1112

    And we know that all things work together for the good to those who loveGod, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    Romans 8:28

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    The sky was a sea of thick, black clouds shrouding the land in a deathlike

    shadow. It was growing darker by the minute, and every few seconds, lightning

    fluttered across the black backdrop, followed by the rumble of thunder. The wind

    had increased steadily since noon and now howled across the desert with such force

    that it whipped swirls of sand and dust high into the air. The landscape was

    desolate, a world of unending sand and rocksso dark and bleak that the spirit of it

    seemed to defy life.

    But there was life on the desert.

    A Jeep, its engine whining as it jounced and pitched over the rocky terrain,

    forged ahead, speeding into the Mojave. It passed columns of spine-covered cactus

    and other sprawling desert plants that grew low to the ground.

    Michael Salter clutched nervously at the steering wheel, his eyes straining to

    pick out the speck of a cabin that should appear at any moment. Trembling inside,

    his heart pounded incessantly. His instincts warned him that something was wrong,

    dreadfully wrong. Lord, please spare Brian, he cried inwardly.

    He had offered to take his brother into his home, but Brian had refused.

    Michael had never seen him in such desperate straits, so disoriented and lost. His

    brother needed help. Michael shook his head. He should have insisted that Brian

    come home with him.

    Brian, his younger brother, was all the family Michael had left. Their dad had

    been killed in an army helicopter accident while serving overseas, and their mom

    had died of a stroke five years later, leaving the two boys to an orphanage. Michael

    was only ten, and his brother was six. Being the oldest, Michael had always looked

    after Brian, taking care of him and protecting him like the father neither one of them

    ever really had.

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    Brian was a kind, sensitive soul who never developed the self-confidence to

    stand on his own two feet. Life was a never-ending struggle for him. Nothing

    seemed to go right. Everything seemed difficult and overwhelming, and last month,

    when he was fired from the only decent job hed ever held, something snapped

    inside him. Despite Michaels vehement protests, Brian fled into the desert, taking

    refuge in an abandoned miners cabin that hed discovered last year.

    Where is it? Michael agonized, still straining to pick out the cabin as he drove

    on through the sandstorm. It had been nearly a week since hed last brought food

    and provisions to him. And right before he left him, Michael caught something in

    Brians face, something strangesomething so faint that it had been barely

    noticeable to Michael. Yet Michael had felt it. He had sensed a look of resignation, a

    sense of futility in his brothers eyes. And it had scared him. Dear Lord, spare him.

    Dear Jesus, please let me take him home. Let him live. Jesus, please dont take him from me.

    Suddenly, Michael saw the cabin. He felt a tightening in his stomach.

    He pulled to a stop and turned off the engine. The wind was gusting and

    moaning, almost like a foreshadowing of Michaels worst fears.

    Then reality hit him. There was no smoke coming from the chimney. And the

    door was ajar, creaking in the wind. No! he screamed as he leaped from the Jeep

    and rushed to the door. Please, Lord

    He looked inside.

    Horror seized him, stopping his breath and paralyzing every muscle in his

    body. What he saw in that moment imprinted on his brain with such glaring clarity,

    with such detail, that he would never be able to forget it.

    And in that instant, he felt something within him break. Michaels secure

    worldthe reality it had taken thirty-two years to constructshattered instantly

    into oblivion. Nothing would ever be the same.

    Thunder cracked loudly overhead and the wind whipped rain against

    Michaels face, but he felt neither. Flies buzzed over the corpse, and the stench of

    death overwhelmed his senses. He stood paralyzed, staring down at his beloved

    brother, until finally he cried out, Brian! Brian!

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    Michael fell to his knees, crouched over his brother, and wept uncontrollably.

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    Suspended from the arched ceiling overhead, ornate chandeliers sparkled like

    jewels, and out across the ballroomadorning the tables of yellow linen, fine china,

    and crystalcandles glowed amidst bouquets of yellow orchids. The Crystal Room

    of the Beverly Hills Hotel was crowded, buzzing with the chatter and laughter of

    hundreds of people. From the orchestra came the soft murmuring of violins.

    Every corner of the great ballroom was overflowing with people. All of society

    was thereactors and actresses, wealthy businessmen, journalists, and politicians. It

    was the social event of the yearthe engagement reception of David Granik, one of

    the most influential tycoons in the cityand the elite of Los Angeles, attired in the

    flaunting costumes of the rich, were conspicuously on exhibit.

    Michael Salter stood alone at the entrance, looking out across the grand

    ballroom. He was focusing intently on the faces in the crowd, searching for someone.

    Other than the guest of honor, he didnt think hed know a single person in

    attendance. Yet his body trembled with anxious anticipation.All because of that dream,

    he thought.He couldnt shake his premonition that he was supposed to meet

    someone significant tonight. This is delusional. What am I doing here? I dont even belong

    with this crowd.He shook his head.

    For an instant, the strange faces, the fine black tuxedos, the elegant evening

    gowns, and the jewels and diamonds all blended into a dreamlike impression. But

    then the illusion dissolved and he was struck by the absurdity of it. People appeared

    to be babbling at each other, nodding their heads, and pretending to be listening

    while stealing glances at the illustrious personages all around them.

    Its all so contrived, he thought. Its not real. From where Michael had been,

    from the world in which he had lived for the past thirty days, this scene was simply

    mind-boggling. He had returned to Los Angeles that very night after a month of

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    backpacking in the High Sierras, where he had managed to survive in a remote

    region some eleven miles from the nearest road. The wilderness was so isolated that

    he had not spoken to another human being for one solid month. The last ten days

    had been particularly grueling, as he had run out of provisions and been forced to

    live off the trout he caught in the lakes.

    Like his brother had done two months earlier, it was in complete desperation

    that Michael had fled into the Sierras. He was beaten and disillusioned, a man who

    had lost all hope and faith. The mountains were a refuge, his only escape from a

    world that had scorned him, laughed at him, and cast him out as some kind of a


    The final and most painful rejection had come from his wife, who delivered a

    punch to his solar plexus as she turned on him. I wont have any more of this!

    Patricia shouted when she walked out. I wont be shamed! Can you imagine what

    people must be thinking?

    She packed her bags and moved to San Francisco to live with her parents.

    The strain of everything that was slipping away had been too much for him.

    Although completely shattered by his brothers death, something more, something

    even deeper, splintered and disintegrated when his wife left. Michael had become a

    fragmented shell of a man. Too beaten and crazed to function any longer in the

    civilized world, he escaped.

    Yet just three months ago, back before he had found his brothers body lying

    stiff and cold on the cabin floor, Dr. Michael Salter had appeared to be living a

    normal, respectable life. He was a devoted husband and a highly respected clinical

    psychology professor at UCLA. He had a lucrative psychotherapy practice in

    Westwood Village and owned a beautiful home in Benedict Canyon. On the surface,

    everything seemed just fine.

    But in reality, Michaels soul was dying. He was living a life that hed been

    programmed to live, with a demanding career that constantly kept him on the go.

    Driven by his intense desire to overcome the restraints of his impoverished

    childhood, Michael had been determined to be successful in his field. He realized

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    now that his obsessive work ethic had served to mask the pervasive sadness and

    loneliness within his marriage.

    It was clear now that finding his brothers corpse in the desert had been the

    first jolt and catalyst for the ultimate destruction of his well-fashioned life. Like an

    8.5 magnitude earthquake, it uprooted the very foundation of his existence. For the

    subsequent two months, powerful aftershocks had continued to demolish any

    remnants of his former life, until his entire world had been leveled to a barren


    The first three nights after finding his brothers corpse had been absolute

    torture. Waves of anxiety and grief tormented him endlessly, preventing him from

    sleeping. By the third day, his mind and body were exhausted and he had lost his

    mental capacity to reason or act rationally. Hour after hour, he vacillated between

    unbearable grief and intense anger. Like a man possessed, wherever he went, he

    ranted and raved, ripping into hypocrisy and deceitfulness wherever he saw it.

    Then, within just a few weeks, he was fired from the university, his colleagues

    turned on him, his friends deserted him, and his wife of seven years walked out on

    him, cutting off all communication with him.

    And saddest of all, he had become disillusioned with God. He felt betrayed

    by the Lord; Michael had lost all faith and trust in Him. The pain of his brothers

    death thrust him into an abyss from which there was no escape. Once again, like

    with his father and mother, God had abandoned him and left him in a state of utter

    despairhopeless, lonely, and defeated. How could he ever believe in a supposedly

    loving God that had allowed the destruction of his entire family? How could he

    once again have faith in a God who had been deaf to his prayers to protect his own

    child in his wifes womb, subsequently leading to her miscarriage?

    Once again, the Lord had kicked him in the gut. Michael was completely

    alone, abandoned by God, and ostracized by the people in his life.

    Tonight was Michaels initiation back into that other reality, the world of

    civilization. How strange, he thought. Of all places, to be here at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

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    Im becoming a regular in this scene. This was the third time hed attended an affair in the

    Crystal Room in the last two years.

    Loud laughter interrupted Michaels thoughts. He looked out over the

    ballroom at the hundreds of strange faces. He was still searching for someone, for a

    spark, a clue for why he was there. Tremors of nervous anticipation continued to

    wreak havoc with his stomach.

    Two nights earlier, while still in the Sierras, he had experienced a powerful

    dream in which hed received a premonition of this very ballroom.

    He had dreamed that he was on a great mountain in the Sierras and

    wandering aimlessly in the dead of night, under a black sky darkened by a sea of

    thick storm clouds. He was exhausted, his muscles aching with fatigue, his throat

    parched, and his heart crushed with hopeless despair. Completely spent, he fell to

    his knees and looked up. Suddenly, he became mesmerized by a brilliant golden

    light emanating from the summit. A surge of energy shot through his body,

    instantly revitalizing him. Knowing he had to reach the light, he rose to his feet and

    staggered up the mountain.

    As he reached the summit and looked toward the glow before him, Michael

    slumped to the ground. His eyes were dazzled by the glaring light. Unexpectedly,

    he found himself in the midst of a crowd of people in a great ballroom with a high

    ceiling and crystal chandeliers. He immediately recognized his surroundings. Off in

    the distance, his eyes transfixed on a man and woman approaching him, but he

    could not make out their faces. His despair vanished and was instantly replaced

    with an inner peace and joy, as well as a sense of freedom he had never before


    At that moment, a loud clap of thunder abruptly pulled him from his dream,

    destroying his tranquility. Hed been left hanging, not understanding the significance

    of the dream. At the very second when his despair had turned to joy, hed been

    rudely taken from the Crystal Room and left in a state of intense anxiety and


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    Tonight, however, Michael felt that something profound was about to unfold.

    He was struck by the startling reality that his dream had taken place on his last night

    in the wildernessand the night before Davids engagement reception. Michael had

    tentatively planned to attend without Patricia. He knew if he ever wanted his wife to

    return to him, he would win big points by attending Davids celebration. The dream

    solidified his decision to attend tonight.

    Michael shook his head and laughed. When they had received Davids

    invitation, Patricia had insisted that they attend, and he had reluctantly agreed. He

    shook his head again. His wife had left him soon after, and he hadnt seen or spoken

    to her since. The truth was that Michael couldnt really stand David. Hed always

    tolerated him for Patricias benefit. She and David had been close since college. So

    tonight, had it not been for his dream, this was really the last place he wanted to be.

    Yet here he was.

    He thought about Davidhis great wealth, his power. Patricia idolized him,

    but Michael had never felt comfortable in his presence. How badly he wanted to turn

    and run. But where? Where was he to go? There was no place to hide. To run now

    would be utter defeat. And if there was any glimmer of hope for his marriage, being

    here tonight might just be the olive branch he needed to show Patricia that he was


    His month-long pilgrimage in the Sierras had partially healed him; the intense

    anxiety and emotional attacks had dissipated. He felt stronger, determined to go

    back to Los Angeles and build a new life from the ruins hed left behind. He could

    not bear to go on living in isolation as a hermit in the wilds. He had to attempt to live

    in the civilized world againa world that he now felt estranged from.

    Michael took a deep breath. He adjusted his tie and sports coat and walked

    through the doorway into the ballroom. He had forgotten that this was a black-tie

    event, and he suddenly felt even more uneasy being the only man wearing a sports

    coat. In addition, his hair had grown out considerably over the past two months and

    he had not had time to get a haircut. People seemed to take notice, as many turned

    their heads to stare at him when he walked by. He was now in the midst of the

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    tumultpeople bumping against him, pushing him, and pressing in on him on all

    sides. He couldnt handle it. He needed a drink.

    Michael spotted the bar and began squeezing his way through the crowd. He

    had gone just a short ways when he bumped into a woman, nearly spilling her drink.

    Excuse me, he said. Im sorry.

    Such a lovely party, she said as she smiled, flashing her bloodshot eyes at

    him. Dont you just love it?

    He studied her intently. She was obviously high and her perfume was rancid.

    Lovely, he forced out. Just lovely.

    Do you know David or Laura? she followed.

    Laura?Right, right. Shes Davids fiance.He remembered seeing her name on

    the reception invitation.

    Well, is it David or Laura? she repeated, unashamedly looking him over.

    Michael was a handsome man with broad cheekbones and a sturdy jaw. He

    was a little over six feet tall and had a deeply tanned face. His brilliant blue eyes

    projected a passion and intensity that frequently made people uneasy. It was as if he

    could look right through you to your soul.

    Well? she insisted nervously.

    David, he said as he shrugged and turned away.

    She laughed and pursued. I find you attractive. You dont mind me saying

    that, do you? I mean, most men are intimidated by assertive women. Now, youre

    not one of those, are you?

    He pointed to his wedding band, smiled wryly, and walked away.

    Michael took a long, heavy breath. Welcome back to civilization, he thought,

    shaking his head. Youd better control yourself.

    He pushed onward through the throng and over to the bar. He ordered a glass

    of white wine, turned, and while sipping at his drink, he looked out across the

    ballroom. Where is David? Huh, I wonder what this Laura of his is like. I can imagine, if she

    fits into this scene. These people are so lost.Come on, he pleaded with himself,get with it.

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    You can play this game. He turned to the older man at his elbow. Great party. Dont

    you just love it? He smiled.

    The old man smiled back. Ach, what do you think? Do I look like a


    Michael laughed. So why are you here?

    I was invited. Im Lauras uncle. The man spoke with a German accent, but

    it was the light in his eyes that struck Michael.

    And you? Why are you here? the old man added.

    Out of obligation to my wife, he replied, laughing under his breath. I dont

    quite fit in with this crowd though.

    The old man laughed and broke into a broad smile. Neither do I.

    Michael could not help but laugh. The man had dark-silver hair and pale blue

    eyes that seemed to miss nothing. He stood a few inches shorter than Michael and

    was a robust man with a face burned brown by the sun and lined with character and

    an intensity of feeling. The face spoke of having lived and experienced a very full


    Youre the first person Ive been able to talk to, Michael said.

    I know what you mean. At least, we found each other. Hermann smiled.

    But come. The festivities are to begin. You will share a table with me, yah?

    Id like that.

    Good, the old man said, shaking his hand. Hermann Haller. You are?

    Michael Salter.

    You are a friend of Davids? Hermann asked.

    No, no. My wife is close to David. Theyre good friends. She couldnt make

    it tonight. Shes out of town.

    Hermann put his hand on Michaels shoulder and escorted him to the table.

    Michael was intrigued with this elderly gentleman, and once seated at the table, he

    began to inquire about his life.

    He learned that Hermann was Swiss, born in the village of Montagnola in the

    foothills overlooking Lake Lugano, during the summer of 1928. At the age of forty-

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    five, he had moved to the United States with his wife and five-year-old son and

    settled in Malibu. But he now lived alone on the beach; his son had been killed while

    serving in Desert Storm, and his wife had died of cancer a few years back. With the

    exception of Laura, all of his closest family members still lived in Switzerland.

    Hermann disclosed that he owned a sailboat and spent most of his time on

    the oceanfishing, sailing, meditating, praying, enjoying his intimate bond with the

    sea, his dear companion. He spoke with feeling and animation, and the more he

    shared, the more Michael was drawn to him. There was something unusual about

    this mana softness, yet a tremendous conviction in his voice, accompanied by a

    warm smile that conveyed an inner peace.

    I have been talking too much, Hermann said. And you? What about you?

    Michael shook his head and said in a low voice, Thats a long, crazy story.

    I see, Hermann said tenderly. You are married? Have children?

    Michael looked down at his silverware as he spoke. Married, no children. Well,

    I think Im still married. My wife left me. Shes been gone a little over a month.

    Hermann saw the hurt in Michaels face. I am sorry, Hermann said softly,

    pulling Michael from his brooding. She wants to divorce you?

    I dont know. I havent spoken to her since she left. I was going through a

    really bad time, and she wanted no part of it.

    Michael saw the compassion in Hermanns eyes, and needing so badly to talk

    to someone, he began to share what hed been through.

    Throughout his outpouring, Hermann just listened, openly and receptively.

    When Michael finished, Hermann remained silent for a moment.

    Ah, for such a young man, youve experienced a lot of pain and suffering,

    Hermann finally said. Are you a spiritual man? Do you believe in God?

    I did at one time, but not now. Not after what Ive been through. Michael

    shrugged his shoulders. Ive lost all faith in Him. Truth be told, Im angry with


    I am very sad to hear that, Hermann replied with great compassion in his

    voice. Ah, but I can appreciate your pain. You see, Ive also suffered great tragedy

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    in my life. I lost my dear brother at the age of forty-nine, then my son was killed in

    Iraq, and then a few years ago, my wife died of ovarian cancer. I was very angry with

    God and rejected Him. I was determined to make it on my own but failed

    miserably. He shook his head. It took many painful lessons. Ultimately, I reached a

    place of complete desperation and cried out to the Lord to save me.

    He broke into a compassionate smile. He healed my pain and brought me

    great peace. Perhaps one day, He may do the same for you, my friend.

    Michael was speechless. Even though Hermanns faith in God put Michael on

    edge, the mans wisdom and compassion washed away his anxiety and left him

    feeling a sense of connection that was inexplicable. God was the last topic he wanted

    to talk about, yet he felt drawn to Hermann, experiencing a warmth in his heart

    toward this man. For the first time since his brothers death, other than during his

    dream experience on the mountain, he felt a subtle peace and happiness within. His

    dream seemed to point to Hermann. Michael sensed a powerful connection with this

    stranger and felt thankful that he had been drawn here tonight to meet him.

    Suddenly, the lights of the Crystal Room dimmed and a hush came over the

    crowd. Michael felt the electricity in the air, the anticipation. The orchestra leader

    announced the entrance of David and Laura. The guests applauded politely and

    violins swelled with the theme from Dr. Zhivago.A spotlight flooded the great doors

    as they slowly opened.

    Like royalty, David and his beautiful fiance promenaded into the ballroom.

    Whispers and murmurs rose in waves from the throng as the couple strolled down

    the aisle, and when they reached the dance floor, David took Laura into his arms and

    they began to waltz.

    Michael glanced at David. His face was dark, frozenin an expression of

    arrogance, with piercing, dark eyes. He stood tall in his black tuxedo, his posture

    proud, sturdy, and erect. His physical presence demanded respect; he had broad

    shoulders and big hands with burly wrists. His movements conveyed a boldness

    exemplifying a supreme confidence that he could not fail.

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    Yet as striking as David was, he seemed subservient to the woman he held in

    his arms. Davids image, along with the lights, chandeliers, orchestra, and the dance

    floor, faded from Michaels awareness. All that remained was the radiant splendor

    of her.

    Michael lost his breath, stunned by Lauras presence.

    He was struck by her brilliant blue eyes and the expression on her faceher

    sensuous lips pressed firmly together, the high, rounded cheekbones, firm chin, and

    Grecian nose with nostrils slightly dilatedproud, as if she stood above it all. There

    was no doubt she was beautiful, but it was her eyes that were truly extraordinary.

    Her cool, poised demeanor was sharply contradicted by their radiance, teeming

    with life and passion.

    Michael began to breathe again. Warm blood rushed up from his heart and

    flushed his face. He watched Laura sweep over the dance floor, her movements

    strong and fluid, as graceful as a ballerinas. She was tall and slender; her body

    appeared firm and strong with a shapely figure. Her silken, light-brown hair flowed

    to her bare, tanned shoulders, which were accentuated by the pale-blue evening

    gown that draped her body. He was struck by the spirit in her expression; he could

    picture her riding a great stallion, domineering and proud as if she were

    accustomed to giving orders.

    She seems so distant and unreachable, he thought, but shes so spirited, so full of life.

    He shook his head. How absurd to be drawn to a woman who is engaged, especially the

    woman that David Granik is going to marry! Shes a wealthy socialite, and she fits perfectly

    into this scene. She lives in a different world. Whats wrong with you?

    When David and Laura finished their waltz, the orchestra quieted for an

    instant. Then the violins swelled once more and a great many couples joined them on

    the dance floor, obscuring Michaels view.

    Michael lifted his head and stared blankly up at the crystal chandeliers.

    Hermann was watching him. Its Laura, yah?

    Michael nodded, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. I dont know

    whats with me, he mumbled. Ive never felt anything like this.

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    Hmm,Hermann grunted. Youre attracted to my niece?

    Michael shook his head with a look of anguish. Im sorry. I know shes

    engaged. I dont know whats gotten into me.

    Hermann closed his eyes and remained silent for a moment before replying.

    So what do you think attracts you to her?

    Im not sure. I was mesmerized by her. He shook his head. I cant explain


    Hermann nodded.

    Michael turned his head toward the dance floor and caught another glimpse

    of Laura and David in conversation with a group of people. He took another breath,

    trying to quell his anxiety. What is it about this woman? This is craziness? Im enraptured

    with her. This is not like me! Hermann, Ive got to meet your niece.

    Go congratulate David. Im sure youll get the chance to meet Laura at the

    same time.

    Right, I do need to congratulate him, especially since my wife isnt here

    tonight. I want David to know I was here.

    Hermann gestured for Michael to proceed, adding a little wink.

    Michael rose. Well, here I go. I cant believe how hard my hearts pounding.

    Michael headed straight for the dance floor where a crowd surrounded the

    couple; they were all listening intently to Laura and then burst out laughing.

    David caught sight of Michael and came forward to greet him. Mike Salter!

    He was all smiles and hands, inflicting a few hard slaps on Michaels arm. How have

    you been?

    Ah, things couldnt be better. Congratulations.

    Thank you, Mike. Wheres Patti? I was looking forward to seeing her.

    Frisco, ah, visiting her parents. He knew he couldnt tell him the truth.

    Sorry she couldnt make it, David said. I wanted Laura to meet her. Well

    have the two of you over for dinner real soon. David glanced over at Laura. She was

    still surrounded by a mob. Hold on. Ill introduce you.

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    Michael watched David plow his way through her entourage; they were all

    animatedlaughing and gesturing. David put his arm on Lauras shoulder and she

    looked at him. As he spoke to her, she let out a little giggle and they then headed

    toward Michael.

    He watched them approach, conscious of only one.

    Babe, this is Pattis husband, Dr. Michael Salter.

    How nice to meet you, Laura said indifferently.

    Congratulations, Michael said as he smiled.

    Laura turned to David and nuzzled up to him. Thank you for rescuing me

    from that lot, she said.

    David laughed and looked away when someone called out his name.

    Entertain Mike for a moment. Ill be right back.

    Laura turned to Michael and stared directly into his eyes, studying him. You

    dont look like you belong here, she said with a playful smile. You look like you

    just came in from the wilderness.

    What gave it away?

    Well, I dont want to be impolite

    He laughed and his pulse quickened. You really did get that one right. Ive

    actually just returned from backpacking in the Sierras for the past thirty days.

    By yourself?

    Yes. I was eleven miles from the nearest road. I hadnt spoken with another

    human being for the past month and then I show up here tonight at the Crystal

    Room. Ive got to say this scene is kind of blowing my mind. He smiled.

    Laura laughed. I can only imagine what you must be experiencing. I guess

    its like youve just walked into a different reality.

    He was struck by her insight and the captivating light radiating from her

    eyes. She doesnt really belong here.I feel a little like Alice in Wonderland, like I just

    dropped down a rabbit hole. Woof. Instead, Im in Beverly Hills, he finally replied.

    She laughed. I guess its all in your outlook, isnt it? She smiled back at

    him. I must say you truly dont seem to fit into this scene.

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    Do you? he blurted out impulsively, without thinking.

    Laura grew silent, scrutinizing him closely. And then with a playful

    expression, she purred, You look flushed. Youd better get yourself a drink. Bye.

    She walked away, laughing under her breath.

    Michael just stood there for a moment, trying to make sense of what had just

    happened. He was still trembling when he headed back to Hermann.

    Well, how did it go? Hermann asked when he returned to their table.

    Michael shook his head. I think I might have offended her. He frowned,

    beating his fingers against the table. What is wrong with me? I feel like a


    Hmm? Hermann pondered, rubbing his head. It is understandable that

    you would be attracted to her, yah. Laura isa beautiful woman. Hermann looked

    at him with compassion. Many men in the past have found themselves attracted to


    Youre probably right, Michael replied with a heavy sigh. Wait a minute! He

    inhaled deeply as he recalled the events of two nights prior. The woman in my dream,

    in the light of the ballroom. Could it be Laura?

    A waiter served their salads, but Michael shoved his to the side. He couldnt

    possibly eat; his stomach was in knots. Hermann, you said earlier that Laura is

    your only family here in the States. How did the two of you end up here together?

    Thats a long story. I wont get into all the details. Hermann swallowed a

    mouthful of salad and continued. But my brother died soon after Lauras mother

    divorced him. Laura was seven years old. Shes my departed brothers only child. I

    was very close to her while she was growing up. Ive always adored her, and I

    wanted to provide a connection to her fathers side of the family.

    Could you tell me a little about her?

    Ive said too much already.

    Please, Im going crazy sitting here.

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    Hermann nodded and then wiped his mouth with his napkin. Laura worked

    as a fashion model to put herself through college. She graduated with honors from

    Berkeley, a double major in philosophy and psychology.

    Berkeley? Michael asked. Her? He shook his head in dismay.

    Philosophy and psychology?

    Hermann nodded. Shes very intelligent and has been blessed with an

    inquisitive mind. Even as a teenager, she sought inner peace and truth. She has a

    special zest for life and thoroughly enjoys the things of this world. She was an

    internationally renowned model before she took a break; she worked hard to rise to

    the top. Shes driven, I must admit, and can be very competitive. A high-achiever

    type personality.

    Hermann finished the last of his salad and pushed his plate to the side. Shes

    always busymillions of friends, tennis, dancing, traveling. Ach, and she is a

    talented artist. She paints, you know?

    Wow, Im really surprised. Shes done quite a lot for someone so young,

    Michael interjected.

    Yah, artistically, she seems to have more talent than even her father I think,

    and he was very good. Hermann paused. A look of sadness came over his face as

    he continued. Most worrisome to me though is that it appears she too has pulled

    away from God. I know she believes in Him. She received the Lord as a child and

    His Spirit lives in her. But it seems that shes lost interest in Him. He took a drink

    of water.

    It seems we have that in common. Michael spoke with a note of irony in his


    And men, they have always been after Laura for the wrong reasons. They

    dont appreciate her inner beauty, her great compassion, and her love for life. Oh,

    there I go again. Ive really gone on way too long.

    No, I really appreciate everything you shared. Your niece is truly a very

    beautiful woman, Michael added.

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    Ah, that she is.

    With that, the two men resumed eating, both returning to their individual


    Throughout dinner, Michael tried to put her out of his mind and not look at

    her, but his attempts were futile. He watched her talking to Davidhugging him,

    kissing him, and laughing.

    After dinner, David went off to socialize with some dignitaries while Laura

    took to the dance floor. Michael watched anxiously as she danced with five different

    men; he counted them. Laura was making a great time of it, laughing and smiling,

    her hips and shoulders twisting and undulating, her movements free and light.

    Michael could sit still no longer; he had to dance with her. His pulse

    quickened as he nudged his way through the crowd toward the dance floor,

    knowing shed be finished dancing in a few seconds. The music stopped and

    Michael moved toward her.

    Laura caught sight of him, studying him intently as he approached. Her lips

    were parted as she breathed through her mouth, and she appeared flushed from

    dancing. Then she smiled coyly. Well, are you going to ask me to dance or just

    stand there?

    Im thinking I might twirl you around a few times.

    What took you so long? she said playfully. I expected you to be first in


    Well, Im a little bashful, he said, his eyes locked on her face.

    I dont believe that.

    Ah, Im sorry about what happened between us.

    Laura met his gaze and smiled. No need to apologize. I enjoyed our little


    He nodded.

    The vibrant tones of violins filled the air. Michael broke into a radiant smile

    and extended his hand. Laura smiled back at him, and her eyes met his as he took

    her into his arms.

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    Michaels heart beat rapidly. His feet seemed to move effortlessly as he glided

    with Laura over the dance floor, never betraying how nervous he was. Michael held

    Laura firmly, the vigor of her body answering his movements, yielding to them,

    enticing them with feminine tenderness. How softly her face and hair brushed

    against his cheek, and the fragrance of her cologne, so delicate and enticing. The

    thrill of holding her so close was intoxicating.

    He caught her gazing at his face, and she looked away.

    As the music swelled, Michael felt a chill ripple through him. He felt the

    change in Laura too; she was with him. Oh, she was with him. He was sure of it. He

    sensed her vulnerability as her body embraced his in perfect surrender and harmony.

    The music stopped. Michael felt her tighten in his arms, but he held her close.

    He could not let go. Not yet. Their eyes embraced.

    Laura stood motionless, head up, eyes dilatedlike a frightened fawn

    surprised by an intruder. He held her captive for a brief moment longer before she

    freed herself of him, turned, and rushed off.

    Michael stood there dazed. Whats happening to me? he cried inwardly. I cant

    believe this! Who is this woman?

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