Page 1: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

The Epic Quest

We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as its true today. Be excellent to each other. And PARTY ON, DUDES! - Abraham Lincoln

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© 2014 Kevin Castle

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Page 2: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

The Beginning

It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it’s not for the timid.” - Q

Every hero has a quest. Whether they need to defeat Bowser and save the princess, stop Sigma from destroying the world, or cast the One Ring into the fires of Mt. Doom, the world usually hangs in the balance and the quest pushes the hero to either triumph or failure. They go through challenges, avoid pitfalls, and deal with everything from self-doubt to fear of success, and in the end, if they succeed, the world goes back to normality- at least until the world needs saving again.

You may not have such an epic quest that the world be endangered, but your own little world may be. Your quest may involve getting in shape, starting a business, or spending more time with your family. Or you could be searching for the ultimate treasure like a trip around the world, climbing Mt. Everest, or finding the Isla De Muerta. For some of you, just getting out of bed and enjoying your morning may be hard enough, and that’s ok.

Every goal you have that makes either your life or someone else’s life better is worthwhile, no matter how big or small it is. Of course, this guide focuses on quests of Epic Proportions, so you may have to downscale what I put here and make it fit your goals. Just know that the lessons contained within can be applied to all situations.

Page 3: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

The Levels

I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel. - Buddy the Elf

Any videogame player will tell you that there are levels in all games. This helps separate the play experience into groupings and makes it easier for players to feel accomplished in their achievements. This can be done by ending stages, or changes of environment, or even something as dramatic as an evil psychopath crashing a floating continent into the world and destroying most of the planet. Even if you’re playing a sandbox game like Grand Theft Auto where the world is open and free to explore, some missions and side quests and even whole areas can’t be unlocked until you have completed previous missions.

Our quests are no different. You may have no idea what level you’re on, or maybe you’ve gone through these levels before and are now stuck on a different quest, but rest assured that you are somewhere on the hero’s journey. And while your quest may not be as epic as destroying the Death Star, it’s guaranteed that you’ll go through most, if not all, of these levels.

Page 4: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Where are you?

Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see. -Bridge keeper

As you read through the levels, it’s best if you can figure out where you are. Like having a magical compass that points to the thing you want most, use this guide as a way for pointing you in the direction you want to go.

But first, what is your quest or goal? Have you written it down and put it somewhere obvious so that it haunts you like a Boo? Have you told everyone about it, or do you have some kind of accountability system in place?

What works for you will be different, but here’s what I’ve done. When I wanted to lose weight, I threw out all the bad food I had and refused to go to the grocery store hungry, that way if I ever wanted crappy food there wasn’t any. I put my goals on Facebook in a note, and I make sure to constantly revisit my progress on it, whether anyone was commenting about it or not. If you go this route, try and include people in your goals. For example, one of my goals was to go on vacation (I hadn’t gone on vacation in years), so I started messaging my friends on Facebook seeing if I could visit them all the while referencing back to my note.

If you want to be successful in your quest, you’ll need to make it inconvenient and painful to ignore whatever it is you need to do. Put your scale in front of the refrigerator, put the products you want to sell in every room, unplug your TV and put it in the closet, or download an internet blocker and block yourself from the internet. The variety is endless, but the obvious step is to surround yourself constantly with your quest otherwise you’ll never start. Once it becomes a habit, you’ll less likely need to do something as drastic, but always be aware that the things that kept you from starting your quest could creep back, so be prepared for war at all times.

Page 5: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Stage 1 -The Departure

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. - Morpheus

Page 6: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 1 - The Call to


I'm going on an adventure. - Bilbo Baggins More than likely, most of you are at this step in your journey and you have good company. Some of you may be farther along, and that’s awesome! We’ll catch up to you soon. And if you’ve happened to stumble upon this and don’t have a quest, don’t fret. There’s no rush, so don’t feel like you’re missing something if you’re coasting along and enjoying life. But keep this around just in case a wizard puts an unusual mark on your door. I guarantee that they will.

The beginning is always the most exciting time. You see the future of what you want, and it seems like it’s within your grasp. Be wary traveler, it’s a long road ahead full of pitfalls, traps, failure and success, not to mention battling some legendary badass and having to fight the greatest enemy ever- yourself.

There’re probably a billion reasons why you would begin an epic quest. In order to keep yourself inspired, write it down and look at it daily. You’ll need it for the road ahead.

You’ve seen your possible future, and now we’re going to go after it like a seeker in Quidditch. Don’t doubt yourself because you’re the hero of your story. No one else is going to come along and plop everything you want in your lap, you have to take it by force. It’s not time to be Dave the Barbarian; it’s time to be Trogdor.

This level is cakewalk, but don’t rest yet. A hard battle is ahead and it’s time to suit up! Did you write down your goal yet, did you put it everywhere? If not, what are you waiting for! Otherwise this next level will crush you.

How you beat this level

Page 7: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 2 - Refusal of the


I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that. - Hal

Like it or not, change is difficult. Surprisingly, life-altering, crazy, dramatic, over-the-top change is easier than small change. It’s actually easier to change your entire diet than it is to change your brand of breakfast cereal in the morning.

Unfortunately, a lot of you will get to this point in your quest and quit. You’ll refuse to go farther and you’ll rationalize it as the safe choice. Just know that your quest will haunt you for the rest of your life like a beating heart under the floorboards of your house. The woulda-shoulda-couldas will kick in, and until you say “Never More” to your excuses, you’ll never be complete. I don’t care what your excuses are; someone has had it worse than you and accomplished what you want to do already. And just so you know, everything else you do will pale in comparison because you have glimpsed the other side, and it’s as awesome as the land of Ooo.

Ask yourself what’s the worst that could happen and how you can come back from that? And then ask yourself what’s the best thing that could happen? Rate both on a scale from 1-10. More than likely, the best thing will far outweigh the worst thing.

Or do something drastic- bet money to your friends that you’ll accomplish your goal or pay them. This works especially well if you don’t have it. Loss aversion is one of the most powerful motivators known to mankind.

The next level is easy, but it’s definitely the most important to do right. I hope to find many of you there.

How you beat this level

Page 8: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 3 - Supernatural Aid

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? - Yoda

This level of your quest will set you up to win. This is where Link gets his sword and shield from his uncle, or Luke learns to use the force from Yoda. Finding the right mentor for you quest will provide similar results. Unfortunately for most of us, our mentors are not built into the story of our lives so you’re going to have to go find them. There’s two ways you can do this:

1. Find someone, in person, who has done what you want to do and then befriend them, work for them for free if you must, and then ask them to be your mentor. Be upfront, let them know you want to learn how they did whatever it is you want to do, and most people will be honored to teach you. If not, then they suck, so go find someone else. Make sure that this is give and take, but first you must give before you can take.

2. If you can’t find someone in person, you can use a role model. For example, say you want to start a successful YouTube gaming channel. Find five or so channels you like and study them. Take copious notes and dissect everything. What are they doing and how are they doing it? Then I would look up tutorials on how to build channels, what equipment I would need, etc.

Let other people’s wisdom permeate your own. The more you can glean from them, the better off you’ll be and the easier your quest will become. And if you feel like you’re stealing, you are. All the great creative minds have done it. But don’t just steal, add value and remix whatever you’re stealing to be your own.

Take your time; there’s no magic flute that allows you to skip this level. Choosing the right people to follow is paramount to your success. Otherwise, they might lead you into Shelob’s lair, and no one wants to be spider food. The other possibility is that they eventually smother you, and you’ll need to make a daring escape. If you do, check out level 13, and then come back to this stage.

How you beat this level

Page 9: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 4 - The Crossing of

the First Threshold

Remember what Bilbo used to say: "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” - Frodo Baggins

You’ve made it to unexplored territory. Congratulations! Where most have quit with cowardice, you have prevailed with courage. It takes guts and commitment to reach this level, so give yourself a high five or I’ll give you one right now. Bro fist!

You’ve done all the studying, and now you’re ready to kick your challenges in the teeth. But I have bad news for you; it’s going to get hard. All manner of monsters and bosses will rear their ugly heads, and you must be ready to take them all on.

It’s party time, excellent! If you’ve gotten this far, you’ve done more than most so celebrate. Be proud of yourself, and enjoy your time but do not waver from your mission. This level only lasts for a short while.

How you beat this level

Page 10: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 5 - Belly of the Whale

With great power comes great responsibility. - Ben Parker

At this point in the game, your friends and family will begin to wonder where you are all the time. You’re not with them at the midnight release, or you’ve skipped RPG night yet again. You told them you’re working on your epic quest, but they didn’t really get it.

Just remember to stay the course. This is the final level between your current world and the world you want. New habits will begin forming and old parts of you will die off. A new you will emerge on the other side, full of awesomeness and self-improvement. But first there’s the second chapter in your quest, and a whole slew of challenging and difficult levels to beat.

Steel yourself- it’s about to get as ugly as a Marlboro casting bad breath on an unsuspecting party. But remember, if this was easy then everyone would do it. So get ready to bring all you’ve got. It’s time to go Super Saiyan.

How you beat this level

Page 11: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Stage 2 – Initiation

And here we go. - The Joker

Page 12: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 6 - The Road of Trials

This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West! - Aragorn

Welcome to the grind. Any RPG player will tell you that this level is monotonous, boring, and terrible. It’s full of trials, loss, and pain, but it’s also filled with victory, accomplishment, and momentary glimpses of your future.

You’ll have to fully let go of things in this level. Sometimes, even good meaning people will try to hold you back, and you’ll have to say goodbye for now, or at least limit the time you spend around them.

Boss and minion battles are numerous. Leveling up i.e. gaining new skills, mastering old ones, and working hard consistently every day are going to be your bread and butter, day in and day out activities. Obviously, your skills at whatever you’re trying to do will suck in the beginning but you must overcome your own inadequacies and press on.

Failure sucks, and you’ll fail a lot. If you took level 3 seriously, your mentor will serve you well here helping you gain experience long before your battles. And if you get knocked out, they will even throw you a Phoenix Down, giving you more than enough hit points to get to the next level. If you didn’t take level 3 seriously, I would go revisit it again.

Don’t be afraid of taking a momentary rest at a pokecenter, or grab a tent and sleep. Breaks and rest periods are essential to not burning out and giving up. Don’t be afraid of looking to external sources for motivation either. Go ahead and watch Gladiator, Rocky, or whatever else gets your body pumping with tiger’s blood.

How you beat this level

Page 13: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 7 - The Meeting with

the Goddess

When I'm around you, I kind of feel like I'm on drugs. Not that I do drugs. Unless you do drugs, in which case I do them all the time. - Scott Pilgrim

Let’s face it, we’re human and desire companionship. This is why Mario saves Princess Toadstool, why Arwen gives away her immortality to Aragorn, and why Wall-E braves certain destruction for E.V.E.

For some, you have already beaten this level long before you began your epic quest, and hopefully your spouse is ever faithful and supportive of your journey. But for others, we have yet to find our companion. Eventually, we’ll come across like-minded people who share our quest, our passions, or they just really want to see you kick ass!

Don’t let opportunity pass you by. Yes, you are busy, and yes, you are on an epic quest, but don’t let that stop you. Lay out some ground rules, times you’re available, how often you’ll chat, etc. We all need a damsel or prince to rescue, a dashing knight or fair lady to woo. We’re hard-wired for companionship, so go forth and win their hearts!

Love is complicated, so you’re on your own here. This level is more like Harvest Moon: you continue to play it forever, because it’s awesome and it takes a long time. There is no end, only continuance.

A word of caution- While this level may be awesome it can also serve as a distraction and take your time and attention away from accomplishing your quest. So tread lightly, and make sure that they understand your quest comes first.

How you beat this level

Page 14: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 8 - Woman as Temptress

You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny. - Darth Vader

Note: Anything can be a temptation. But since women are common in myth as temptresses, it’s what I’ve gone with here.

This level is not necessarily a level you get to, though it may be. It’s more like a universal level spread out over all other levels. We’ve seen them as consistent mini-games or side-quests throughout the gaming world, whether it’s earning money via Police and Fire Truck missions in Grand Theft Auto or plant gathering in The Elder Scrolls games.

But unlike a game, these serve as distractions for our quest instead of adding to it. The more time you spend away from your quest, obviously the less time you have to work on it. In fact, some of these distractions may bring about the exact opposite of the quest you are trying to achieve! It may be travel or opportunity, a new job, or even a powerful ring that lets you become invisible!

Revisit your goals, talk to your mentor, and just make sure you do everything you can to keep your momentum going. At this point, you already know what you need to do, so just do it. Remember what I said about loss aversion; create high stakes for you to play against. There’s plenty of websites that are already set up to help you do just that.

If you catch yourself getting distracted, it may be wise to pull out all the stops and force yourself to focus on your goal. Put that scale in front of the fridge or put pictures of your dream vacation all over your house. Be warned that if you get distracted for too long, you’ll just sink back into normality again and have to start your quest all over. And that would suck.

How you beat this level

Page 15: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 9 - Atonement with the


So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and trumpets sound? - Captain Hector Barbossa

This level would be where you throw the Ring into Mt. Doom or confront Darth Vader. This is the final confrontation, the last big push before you finally accomplish your goal. You’ve worked so hard to get where you need to be, to do the things you need to do. I can feel your pain and exhaustion, because I’ve been there. But the journey isn’t over yet.

You’ll need to humble yourself and push through in order to get past this level. The struggle is almost over, but you still need to take those final steps. Don’t compromise for second best; you’ve earned your chance to be first. You’ve gained enough courage and experience to know that you deserve the best so go get it. Take this level by storm!

You already know what to do by this point. All I can do is cheer you on and promise the end is soon. I have an Epic High Five waiting for you when you cross the finish line.

How you beat this level

Page 16: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 10 - Apotheosis

We have failed to uphold Brannigan's Law. However I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars? - Zap Brannigan

You Did IT! Epic High Five! You saved the princess and crushed the evil Koopa!

This level is synonymous with the next and we are rewarded with an awesome ending and credits. Pat yourself on the back, and reward yourself.

[Que Cutscene]

Page 17: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 11 - The Ultimate Boon

I'm a winner! - Vanellope von Schweetz

This is the part where you enjoy the fruits of your labor. You’ve quit your job to work from home, you show off your body at the beach, or you take that vacation you’ve been saving for.

Only the proven can be rewarded these awesome things, and you’ve done it. All the previous levels prepared you for this, and you have been purified by the process. Enjoy it, and take rest, you deserve it.

But take heed; soon you’ll have to return to the normal world. The journey isn’t over; you still have to go back to The Shire.

Page 18: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Stage 3 - Return

E.T. home phone. - E.T.

Page 19: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 12 - Refusal of the


The job's done and the bitch is dead. - James Bond

I’d be lying if I said this level is easy. Sometimes you’ll get your ultimate achievement and you won’t want to share it. Your old life was OK, or worse, and you don’t want to go back or open up even if it’s painful.

But return you must. It’s time to pay it forward. Call up those old friends and return to those old places, because now it’s time you share your achievement with the world. Remember the things you had to limit, or give up completely? Ask yourself is this thing counteractive to maintaining your achievement. If it is, obviously you let it go for a reason, and it should remain so. But if not, consider allowing it back into your life, slowly.

When it comes time to talk about your quest, because it will come up, you won’t even consider being haughty and puffed up. Your quest has humbled you. There’s no need to brag- bards the world over will sing songs of your quest, storytellers have already begun making whispers, and the universe has taken notice.

Remembering that your life is an example for others to live by is a good start. You may think that you’re not worthy of such attention, but if you’ve reached this level, you’ve done more than most will ever do. And sure, you may think, “Well, I only lost some weight,” or “I only started a business,” but what you’ve really done is set a course and stuck through it. You’ve changed your inner self so that your outer self can shine. My friends, you’ve become the hero of your story.

How you beat this level

Page 20: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 13 - The Magic Flight

Screw you guys, I’m going home. - Eric Cartman

Some of you won’t need to beat this level, but for others, this is where you exit stage left. In your journey, you may have come across or been a part of something that is in direct confrontation with your goal. For example, if your quest was to work from home, still going to work at your office five days a week may not be your cup of tea.

This level is the final letting go of those things. It’s ok, you’ve conquered so much to get here, and you do deserve your reward. Maybe you can’t yet at this moment, I understand, but as soon as you are able begin taking steps towards that exit. It’s just as dangerous to remain connected to the problem now as it was at the beginning of your quest. Besides, the achievement of your quest can also lead to other avenues that you wouldn’t have thought of in the first place, and it may lead you to another epic quest!

Unfortunately, some of those great mentors you picked up on level 3 may see that they are losing you, and they will begin to sabotage your efforts if they haven’t already. At this point, it’s better to branch out on your own. It may set you back a little bit, but it’s much better than being squashed.

Run. Pretend zombie clowns are chasing you. Or fly on a magic carpet, or hop on a gold chocobo; just make sure you get as far away from whatever it is so that you don’t have to be a part of it any more. Once you’re done running, shake it off and continue on.

How you beat this level

Page 21: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 14 - Rescue from


Let me tell you what I believe. I believe that Morpheus means more to me than he does to you. I believe if you are really serious about rescuing him, you are going to need my help. And since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don't like it... I believe you can go to hell. - Trinity

Remember the part where I told you to find a good mentor? Yeah, you’ll need one here too, so if you had to ditch your mentor last level, I recommend finding a new one. Sometimes heroes need rescuing and sometimes they need protection. The crushing bleakness of normalcy is everywhere, and as you venture back to those who need you most, you must take care to not let it get ahold of you again.

Let the advice of your mentor guide you to safety. Hopefully, what they’re doing for you is what you’ll eventually do for others. The student becomes the master, who gains more students that become masters, and so on. Watch how your mentor interacts with the world around them, and how they seek to influence it rather than be affected by it, and then follow suit.

Stay cautious and go slow. Take little steps forward as this level can be just as damaging as running headfirst into a challenge without preparations.

If you’re currently becoming a mentor to someone else, you may get over-excited and try to do everything for them. That never works; it’s the pain and failure that forms character and humility, perseverance and resolve. Without those, any person attempting an epic quest will wither and die off. So let them fail, just as your mentor hopefully did for you.

How you beat this level

Page 22: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 15 - The Crossing of

the Return Threshold

It’s a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You’ll realize what’s changed is you. - Benjamin Button

Welcome back to reality. You’ve made it, the hard work is over and the end is near. These next few levels are like the last few miles of a marathon. Just keep putting one foot in front of another, and as long as you keep your eye on the prize and don’t do anything stupid, you’ll reach the finish line in no time.

In order to survive the impact of the world around you, you must retain the wisdom you gained while on your quest. Remember how far you’ve come and how hard it was to get here, and let it continue to humble and shape you.

Just remember that whatever you did will likely be talked about, both positively and negatively, so be ready to share. Don’t worry about the haters, and ignore them if at all possible. No one can argue with results, and if people want to know how you did it then tell them. Or if they want to tell you how awesome you are, let them and be grateful. You’ll know what to say and how to act by this point, so don’t fret.

How you beat this level

Page 23: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 16 - Master of Two


I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. - William Ernest Henley

Comfortable is the word that comes to mind here. You are now living in the achievement of your quest, but it’s not something you need to adhere to religiously. For example, if you are eating healthy, one meal of pizza is not going to send you overboard, and you know you can go right back to eating healthy again.

At this level, you see the finish line, but you know you don’t have to hurry. Your routines are set, your habits are well established, and all you have to do is ride the wave till the end.

Take some time, maybe ten minutes or more if you’d like, for daily and/or weekly reflection. Are you still moving forward, or have you started to run in place? If you’ve gotten off track, then don’t fret, just correct your course and keep at it. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. The end is just around the corner.

How you beat this level

Page 24: The Epic Quest · 2014. 4. 1. · The Epic Quest We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill and Ted. These two great

Level 17 - Freedom to Live

This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace. - Aragorn

This is it, the greatest level one can get to. You no longer fear failure and you know that you can do anything you put your mind to. The list of things you’ve always wanted to do now seem inevitably accomplished and you’ve already begun making preparations to start again. But this time, it’s like a new game plus- you get to start with experience and foresight.

You no longer have regrets and the past and future don’t bother you. You have become the champion of things becoming, the master of mastery, for if you can finish one epic quest you can finish them all.
