
    Couples planning to get married should contact the parish office at least one year in

    advance to be sure of adequate preparation for the Sacrament.�


    Parents need to participate in baptism instruction and schedule a baptism date �

    with the parish office.�


    By appointment or on Saturday afternoons, 4:00�4:30 PM.�


    Welcome! Please introduce yourselves and register in order to become a member �

    of this community of believers. We are happy to affirm and welcome your gifts and

    presence in our midst.�


    Become an official member of the Catholic Church.�

    Unbaptized adults who wish to become Catholics�

    Adults baptized in other faiths who wish to join the Catholic church�

    Baptized Catholics who have not yet received Eucharist and/or Confirmation �

    Interested? Call the parish office for more information.�


    Please call the parish office if you or a member of your family is hospitalized or �

    confined to home because of illness. A member of the parish staff or a Eucharistic �

    Minister will be happy to visit and bring Communion.�


    Remember that bulletin announcements must be received in writing no later than

    9:00 AM Monday two weeks prior to publication date.��



    Saturday 5:00 PM�

    Sunday 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM�


    8:30 AM & 7:00 PM�


    Monday 9:00 AM�

    Wednesday 8:30 AM�


    Saturday 4:00 PM � 4:30 PM or �

    by appointment�


    244 West Main Street, Box 685�

    Northborough, MA 01532�



    Fax: 508�393�4922�

    Email: [email protected]

    Office hours: Mon�Fri.�

    8:30 AM � 4:30 PM�

    Rev. James A. Houston, Pastor�

    Theresa Fugardi, Pastoral Associate�

    [email protected]

    Linda A. McGarvey�

    Administrative Assistant�

    [email protected]

    Stephen Lavoie�

    Director of Youth Ministry�

    [email protected]

    Richard R. Zinkus, Dir. of Music�

    [email protected]



    P.O. Box 387�

    Office Hours: 10:00 AM � 5:00 PM�


    Closed Fridays�

    Susan McGoldrick�

    Director Of Faith Formation�

    [email protected]


    Closed until further notice�



  • ll kj �

    Stewardship of Treasure�

    January 3, 2021�


    Due to early transmission of the bulletin, donations for �

    December 27th lwill appear in next weeks bulletin.�

    December 20th donations $7,267.08� � �

    The Magi brought the child Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense

    and myrrh. What gifts do I place before Jesus? My time? My

    talent? My treasure?�

    Unless otherwise specified, parish events and activities �

    are suspended until further notice. �

    Weekend Masses are being held on Saturday at 5:00 PM�

    (also live streaming on the St. Rose Facebook page:��

    Sunday at 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM�

    S�. R��� � L��, N��������, MA�

    If you scheduled a Mass Intention and the Mass was �

    cancelled due to Covid�19, please call the office at �

    508�393�2413 to reschedule.�

    Saturday January 2 Vigil The Epiphany of the Lord�

    5:00 PM� Paul Cappello (Amy and Bill Graham)�

    Sunday� January 3 The Epiphany of the Lord �

    8:00 AM Cary Thompson � 5th Anniversary (Family)�

    � �

    10:00 AM Peter DeMarco (Evelyn DeMarco)�

    � �

    Monday� January 4�

    9:00 AM Ralph Jackson � 2nd Anniversary (Wife Suzanne)�

    Wednesday January 6�

    8:30 AM Tim Scanlon (Pat and Bill Halter)�

    Saturday January 9 Vigil The Baptism of the Lord�

    5:00 PM� Millie Esper � 5th Anniversary (Collette Family)�

    Sunday� January 10 The Baptism of the Lord�

    8:00 AM Patrick Longo (Pat and Bill Halter)�

    � �

    10:00 AM Casali Family (Evelyn DeMarco)�

    � �

    Question of the Week�


    Question for Children: W hen have you been jealous because

    something good happened to another person instead of you?

    What is the problem with feeling that way?�

    Question for Adult: W hen have you been jealous or fearful

    of another person? When are such feelings harmful?�

    The obligation to attend Mass has been suspended until �

    February 21, 2021�

    If you are part of the vulnerable population, not feeling well or

    just don’t feel safe returning to Mass just yet, we encourage you

    to remain home and celebrate with us online. There are many

    ways you can celebrate the Mass with us each week:�

    Facebook: Saturday at 5:00 PM �

    Celebrate with us in real�time as we live�stream the Mass on our

    Saint Rose of Lima Facebook page:


    Saint Rose of Lima Website: Sunday at 10:00 AM��online�

    Our pre�recorded Mass remains available on�demand through out

    the week.�

    Northborough Cable: Tuesdays at 11:00 AM�

    Verizon � Channel 31 and Charter � Channel 191�

    National Collection for the �

    Catholic University of America�

    Second Collection January 2�3, 2021�

    The Catholic University of America is the national University

    of the Catholic Church in the United States, located in �

    Washington D.C. It engages its students to discover knowledge

    and truth through excellence in teaching and �

    research. With its 12 schools and 23 research centers, the �

    University provides an exceptional Catholic education to �

    almost 7,000 students annually. By way of its many programs,

    the University prepares students to respond to the many issues

    facing the Church and society today.�

    Please be generous. Thank you.�

    Baptism Preparation

    Attending a Baptismal Preparation class is required before �

    your child can be baptized. The next scheduled class will �

    be held on Wednesday, January 6 at 7:00 PM in the �

    Family Life Center. You need to attend only one class. �

    Expectant parents are encouraged to participate in the �

    program while awaiting the birth of their child. �

    Call the parish office to register �

    (508�393�2413). Classes are held every other month,�

    Charter for the Protection of Children and Young


    Our parish follows the guidelines of the national Charter for �

    the Protection of Children and Young People. If you or �

    someone you know has been sexually abused by a Church �

    employee or volunteer in the past, please contact, Victim �

    Services Coordinator for our diocese at 508�929�4363 (direct

    line and confidential voice mail). If you are concerned about a

    current case of abuse, please contact the local civil authorities



    R+,-.-/01 E30456-/7 O99-4+�

    P. O. Box 387 Northboro, MA 01532�

    Phone: 508�393�6444 Fax: 508�393�4922�

    Hours: 10 AM�5 PM Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.�

    Closed Fridays�

    T�� E������ � ��� L����

    New Year’s Prayer�

    God, thank you for a new year. May everyone in our�

    family be willing to begin anew with a clean slate.�

    We know that you are always ready to forgive us.�

    Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to forgive �

    one another.�

    As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest values �

    and our deepest desires.�

    Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing �

    what you want us to do. �

    Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and �

    the past, so that we might live in peace with you now, �

    one day at a time.�


    Prayer for Saint Rose�

    Lord, we are your people,�

    the community of St. Rose.�

    Grace us to heal those who are �

    wounded, �

    touch those who are in pain, �

    feed those who are hungry,�

    warm those who are cold.�

    Help us to know the Father’s love �

    � through You, Jesus, and through � �

    the Spirit. �

    Grace us to lift up that love and shower it on all who you

    send into our midst.�

    Help us to build love on justice and justice on love.�

    Grace us to believe mightily, to hope joyfully, �

    to love divinely.�

    Oh Lord, help us each day to love one another as You

    have loved us so as to become the family you long for us

    to be.�

    Year End Contributions�

    Anyone wishing to receive a statement of contributions, please

    contact the parish office at 508�393�2413 or email: �

    [email protected] to request one. They will be mailed

    out the week of January 20, 2020.�

    The Epiphany of the Lord �

    Today we celebrate the Epiphany, which means

    “manifestation” or “to shine forth”. The Gospel tells the

    story of the Magi (the wise men from the East) following a

    star to find the newborn King of the Jews. Without knowing

    where it would lead them, they set out on a journey to follow

    it. On this feast day we celebrate the way Jesus was first

    revealed to people beyond Israel. �

    Elementary Sessions�

    Week of January 3: Lesson 10�

    How are we strengthened for service to God and others?�

    Middle School Sessions �

    Sessions resume January 11


    and 12th �

    Module 5 � The Trinity�

    (via Zoom) 6:30 PM

    High School (9


    and 10


    Grade) Sessions�

    Next session: Sunday, January 10 �

    (via Zoom) 6:30 PM �

    Confirmation Class (11


    Grade) Sessions�

    Module 5 � Guides Along the Way � Due January 10�

    Celebrate the Epiphany by blessing your home. With your

    family, make a sign and write �

    20 + C + M + B + 21 and hang it on a door. The numbers

    stand for the new year, and the letters refer to the �

    Three Kings: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.�


    Lord Jesus, bless our home today. Thank you for the love you

    show us. Help us to love you and one another. As you showed

    your glory to Saints Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, may you

    be glorified in our home. Make our home a place of �

    happiness, love, understanding, acceptance and safety for all

    who enter. Hear our prayer and bless our home, through

    Christ our Lord. Amen �

  • January 3, 2021�

    Youth Group Meetings�

    The Middle School and High School Youth Group are �

    opportunities for pre�teens and teenagers of the parish to join �

    together in faith for various social, spiritual and service �

    programs. Anyone in grades 6�12 is encouraged to join us for

    Youth Group meetings and events.�

    Stephen Lavoie, Youth Minister�

    Don’t fall for the Gift Card Scam!�

    Sadly the holidays are an opportunity for scams. At least two �

    pastors have experienced a scam email claiming they needed �

    gift cards. This is a reminder that the parish would only use �

    normal and ordinary means to communicate any requests, �

    particularly involving donations. If an email request looks odd,

    hit DELETE!�

    Diocesan Basketball League Canceled…�

    Due to the ongoing pandemic, this year’s Diocesan Basketball

    League will be canceled. Information for 2022 season will be

    available at a future date..�

    Announcing our 2020 Scholarship Recipients…�

    St. Rose of Lima is pleased to announce that in early January we

    will be awarding our 2020 scholarship recipients. We will be�

    recognizing our recipients at Mass. Please watch for more �

    information regarding the date and time in the bulletin and on


    Thank you, Church Decorators!�

    The parish family of St. Rose of Lima is most grateful to all

    those who volunteered their time the afternoon of �

    December 20th to decorate our church for Christmas. �

    In a few hours, the cheerful crew transformed our worship

    space, creating a beautiful environment for all to enjoy. �

    We especially offer gratitude to Patricia Frietas for all her �

    efforts beautifying our church space throughout the year and �

    to Nick Cappello for putting together the outdoor crèche each

    year. Thank you all for your generous gifts of time and talent.

    Your efforts are greatly appreciated by our community.�

    St. Rose of Lima Church�

    My church is composed of people like me.�

    I help make it what it is.�

    It will be friendly, if I am.�

    Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.�

    It will do great work, if I work.�

    It will make generous gifts to many causes,�

    if I am a generous giver.�

    It will bring other people into its worship and�

    fellowship, if I invite and bring them.�

    It will be a church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith,

    and a church with a noble spirit, if I, who�

    make it what it is, am filled with these same things.�

    Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate �

    myself to the task of being all the things that I want �

    my church to be.�


    Prayer Shawl Ministry…..�

    The ladies of the Prayer Shawl Ministry have been faithfully

    knitting/crocheting in their homes, creating beautiful prayer

    shawls, during this time of isolation. Once again, I want to

    thank them for their generosity and spirit of love. �

    Right now, our cabinet is full of various colors and sizes of �

    prayer shawls that are ready to be given to anyone you believe

    would enjoy or benefit from receiving one.�

    So many people right now have Covid fatigue. If you know

    someone that might appreciate a “God,” hug during this time,

    please call the parish office (508�393�2413) or Lee Zawacki �

    (508�393�9253) and we will be happy to help you find just the

    shawl that may bring a smile to a worried face or fill someone

    with a feeling of hope during Advent.�

    Lee Zawacki, Chair, Prayer Shawl Ministry �

    Environmental Awareness�

    Have you heard of Greta Thurnberg? She is the Swedish teen

    who is taking the world by storm � an environmentally �

    friendly storm of course. She has been a leading voice for an

    international movement to fight climate change.�

    For all interested in her story, a premiere documentary �

    entitled, “ I am Greta,” is available on Hulu. For those �

    without access to Hulu, you can check out the BBC interview, “

    The Greta Thunberg Interview,” on YouTube at no cost. You

    can also pick up one of her books: “Greta Thunberg�

    ( I know this to be true) On Truth and Courage and Saving Our


    The Saint Rose Environmental Committee &�

    Social Concerns for Peace and Justice Ministry�

    � �

    � Flocknotes�

    Keep up to date with the latest �

    at St. Rose of Lima. �

    Join Flocknotes today!�

    Receive email notifications about important parish events via

    Flocknotes. Simply go to the home page of the parish website: and sign up by either clicking on the

    small blue sheep in the upper right menu bar or scroll down the

    welcome page to locate the Flocknote sign�up on the right side.�

    You can also join by texting 84576 and use the keyword: �


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