  • February 2016 | Sopanam

    Volume 5 ♦ Issue 11 5117 ♦ ÎÞ¸¢

    The Family E-Magazine from Seva Darshan Kuwait

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 2

    2016 February Volume 5 Issue 11

    Editorial Board

    Krishna Kumar Paliath

    Vibheesh Tikkodi

    Anandharaj Konni

    Reshmy Krishnakumar

    Data Management

    Ajaykumar Anjaneyam

    Rajarajan Ganesan

    Gopakumar. P

    Vijayaraghavan P.V.

    Adv.Vidhya Sumod

    Divya Satheesh Kumarakam

    Sheeja Anand

    Jithin Krishna

    Creative Design

    Sreenivasan C.P. Vinaya Babu. C.K. For more information contact: Seva Darshan, Kuwait INDEMB/KWT/ASSN/150 [email protected] Sopanam E-Magazine (For members circulation only) Our Website:

    For Comments, Submissions & Subscriptions please write to

    email : [email protected]





  • February 2016 | Sopanam 3

    2016 February Volume 5 Issue 11

    'എന്റെ അഭ ിപ്രായത്തില് അഭ ഒന്താംസ്ഥതനാം അഭ ന്ര്പ്്വാം അഭ ിര്ഹ്ക്കുന്ന്്ദ അഭ വിക്ുണ്്ങളുടെന്റ അഭ

    യട്ട്ു്് അഭ ഒന്താം അഭ സ്ഥതനാം അഭ ന്ര്പ്്വതില്നതന്റ്ന്ന് അഭ പണക്ണത് അഭ യയ്്ന്് അഭ എന്റതെനന്ത അഭ മറ്റെ അഭ

    എല്ലത അഭണ്്ങളുടെന്റ ്്ാം അഭകടര്ചക്കുനന് അഭി് അഭി്തതെനതന്റയി്്മത '



    "സഹസത അഭക്ിധത് അഭന അഭ

    രാു്്തമക്വകുഃ അഭയരമതയിതാം അഭയിാം

    കൃ്്വ് അഭഹ് അഭക്മൃശ്തുതര്്ാം അഭ

    ണ്്ല്്ബ്തഃ അഭസവ്വമക അഭസമ്പിഃ'


    ആവല്തച്ക്കുനതന്റ് അഭന്റയന്റട്ടന്ന് അഭഒര് അഭുതരതക്ാം അഭന്റചയ്യര്്ദ അഭ

    ിക്വകുാം അഭിവങളു്റ്റന്റതില അഭആയതില്ന് അഭുതര്മത ദ അഭ

    ആവല്തച്ചെമതരാ്ാം അഭരായകര്തില്ക്കുന്ന്കന്റന അഭണ്്ാം അഭവ് ്ന് അഭ

    സമ്പതില്ുള് അഭസവ്ാം അഭന്റചന്ന് അഭകര്ക്കുന്ന്്ദ


  • February 2016 | Sopanam 4

    Seva Darshan family salutes the soldiers who braved all challenges to

    guard our frontiers and made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty


    2016 February Volume 5 Issue 11,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNH8dvMQ

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 5

    ÎÜÏÞ{Jßæa ØVPÇÈÈÞÏ µÕßAá ¦ÆøÞ¾í¼ÜßµZ

    ജ്ഞതനയതഠ അഭ യ്രസ്ുതര അഭ വേ്തക്ാം അഭ രായശ്സ്് അഭുക്്്മത് അഭ ഒഎന്ക് അഭ ു്യ്പ് ന് അഭ റഒറ്റലാകതക്കുന അഭ നതല്ു ഠന് അഭവകല്് അഭു്യ്പ് ന് ) അഭിതെനര്ചെദ അഭ1982 അഭമ്് അഭ1987 അഭകന്റര അഭവുരാര അഭസതഹ്്ത അഭിക്കുനതിമ് അഭിാംണമത്്ര്ന്്ദ അഭവുരട അഭുല്തമണ്ഡല്തില്ന്ന്റയ അഭ ന്റച്ര്മതന് അഭ സ്ഥതനക്ാം അഭ കഹ്ച്ട്ടെണ്ടന് ദ അഭ സതഹ്്ത അഭ രാംണന്റതില അഭ സാംപതകനുള് അഭയര്ണ്്ചന് അഭ അഭ 2007-ന്റല് അഭ ജ്ഞതനയതഠ അഭ യ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭ ഇവേഹതില്ന് അഭ ല്പ്ച്ര്ന്്ദ അഭ യത്മരാശ്ത അഭ റ1998), അഭയത്മക്പൂഷണ് അഭ റ2011) അഭ ബഹ്മ്്ുടൊം അഭ ഒഎന്ക്ന്റ് അഭ വ് ്ന്റ്തില ദ് അഭ ന്രകധ് അഭ സ്ന്മുള്ക്കുന്ാം അഭനത ുങളുള്ക്കുന്ാം അഭ ന്റ ല്്ക്ഷന് അഭ സതര്്ല്്ുള്ക്കുന്ാം അഭ ിവേഹാം അഭ ണതനങളുള് അഭ രച്ച്ട്ടെണ്ടന് ദ അഭ 1949- അഭയ്യതില്യങളു്് അഭ ന്റയതര്്്ന് അഭ സൗരരതാം അഭ ആ അഭ ആിതന്റതില അഭ ുക്്ത അഭ സമതഹതരാംദ അഭ ആയ്യ്്റ്റതണ്ട് അഭവിര്്തമ് സാ അഭ സതഹ്്തേതക്്തില് അഭ ന്രകധ് അഭ യ്രസ്ുതരങളുള് അഭ ഇവേഹന്റതില അഭ വ് ് അഭ എതില്്്ട്ടെണ്ടന് ദ അഭന്റുതല്ലാം അഭ േ്ല്ല്്ന്റല് അഭ ചകയ്് അഭ ഒറ്റലാകതക്കുന അഭ ു് ്ാംബതില് അഭ ഒദ അഭ എന്ദ അഭ ുൃഷ്്ു്യ്പ് ്ന്ന്റയ്്ാം അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭന്റുദ അഭ ല്ിന് മ്ക്കുന്ട്ട് അഭ ിമ്മ്്വ ്്ാം അഭ മുനത്്1931 അഭ വമയ് അഭ 27 അഭ നത അഭ ഒഎന്ക് അഭ േന്ച്ദ അഭ ്്ര്കനതെനയ്രാം അഭ്ൂ്്വകഴ്സ്റ്റ് അഭ വുതവടേ് അഭ ന്ന്്ാം അഭ 1948- അഭ ഇെര്മതഡിയ്്റ്റന് അഭ യതസായത് അഭ ഒഎന്ക് അഭ ന്റുതല്ലാം അഭഎസ്ദഎന്ദവുതവടേ് അഭബ്ര്ിയഠനാം അഭയൂര്തില്്തക്കുന്ദ അഭ19 2- അഭസതമ്പതില്ു അഭശ്തസ്രാ്തില് അഭബ്ര്ിന്റമ ്തില്ദ അഭ്്ര്കനതെനയ്രാം അഭ്ൂ്്വകഴ്സ്റ്റ് അഭ വുതവടേ് അഭന്ന്്ാം അഭ 19 - അഭമല്്തടതില് അഭബ്ര്ിതനതെനര അഭബ്ര്ിക്ാം അഭവന ്ദ അഭ 19 7 അഭ മ്് അഭ എയ്തു്ടാം അഭ മഹതരതേതസ് അഭ വുതവടേ് അഭിധതതയുനത്്ദ അഭ 19 8 അഭ മ്് അഭ 2 അഭ കര്ഷാം അഭ ്്ര്കനതെനയ്രാം അഭ്ൂ്്വകഴ്സ്റ്റ് അഭവുതവടേ്ല്്ാം അഭവുതഴ്വക്കുനതട് അഭആര്ട്സ് അഭആന് അഭസ്ന്സ് അഭവുതവടേ്ല്്ാം അഭ ്ല്വേര് അഭ ണക: അഭ രാബണ്ണന് അഭ വുതവടേ്ല്്ാം അഭ ്്ര്കനതെനയ്രാം അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭ അഭണക: അഭ ക്മന്സ് അഭ വുതവടേ്ല്്ാം അഭ മല്്ത അഭടക്പതണാം അഭ ്ല്കനത്് അഭ വസകനാം അഭിന്ഷ്ഠ്ചെദ അഭ 1986 അഭ വമയ് അഭ 31-ന് അഭ ഔവിതതണ്ു അഭ േതക്്തില് അഭ ന്ന്്ാം അഭക്രമ്ന്റചങ്ക്ല്്ാം അഭ യ്ന്തട് അഭ ഒര് അഭ കര്ഷക്കുനതല്ാം അഭ വുതഴ്വക്കുനതട് അഭസര്വുല്തശ്തല്്് അഭക്സ്റ്റ്ങ് അഭന്റരായതഫസര് അഭആ്്ര്ന്്ദ അഭ

    Tribute 2016 February Volume 5 Issue 11

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 6


    Tribute 2016 February Volume 5 Issue 11

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 7

    F ebruary is that month of the year when the winter gradually slows down and we are ready to welcome

    spring. In Kuwait, the upcoming holidays add a desirable flavor to the expatriate Indians too. The Indian

    community’s commitment to the solidarity of the Kuwait and its people is beautifully shown in the movie Airlift

    that was unfortunately banned in Kuwait. Though the director has failed on many counts to record facts properly,

    the movie has brought out the memories of one of the biggest tragedies in the history of Kuwait and how some

    Indian’s shouldered the responsibility of talking the community to safety.

    Some people outshine others in our society by the commitment they volunteer to show our society, where

    they may need a course correction. Their actions inspire others to do more and build bondage in the society. The

    collector of Kozhikode district of Kerala, Shri. Prasanth Nair IAS is one such person. His initiative to use the social

    media to gather local people to do seva is commendable and has taken the society by storm. Sopanam is thankful

    for the time he spend in opening up his mind with us. People like Late Lance Naik Hanumanthappa show us what

    courage and bravery is about. They brave the extreme temperatures and dangers of the borders for us. Our salute

    to his courage.

    You can also make that difference in our nation. Instead of waiting for the change to happen, be the change

    you wish to see. Even small volunteer actions can make a difference amongst the people who live around you. Live

    an example and you can see the changes that it makes.

    The media is a powerful tool. You can run it to put across your ideas if it means you go against the general

    sentiment of the nation. This leads to confusion and often creates a negative attitude in the minds of the people.

    While the nation read of the brave soldiers who lost their lives in the avalanche in Siachen, students at a prominent

    college were shouting anti – India slogans and promising to break our Nation. When our soldiers brave the harsh

    climate and search for their lost brothers in -25 degree climate, we sit in comfortable studios and arms chairs at

    home debating the errors that happen in terrorist operation that spontaneously happen in our country. We blame

    the political establishments and the foot soldier for all the ills brought upon us by separatists and terrorists.

    Occasional bouts of chest thumping when a soldier dies for a few minutes at the time of the event is all we care to

    spend for the people who give their lives for our safety.

    Attitudes must change in our nation. Only then will productive and ground making efforts to develop our

    nation will succeed.

    Wish you all a happy reading.

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 8

    ससं्कृतम ्कथा संस्कृतभारती कुवैत ्

    प्रार्थना – भोजनात ्पूर्थम ् - Prayer before food. ब्रह्मापथणं ब्रह्म हवर्ब्रथह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम ्। ब्रह्मैर् तने गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकमथसमाधिना ।।

    Brahmaarpanam brahma havir brahmaagnau brahmanaa hutam । Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarmasamaadhinaa ।।

    Words related to households in Sanskrit.

    ववचित्रममदं जगत ्

    एतत ् जगत ् वर्धित्रमेर् अस्तत | वर्वर्िााः जनााः , वर्वर्िााः भाषााः, वर्वर्िााः वर्श्र्ासााः, वर्वर्िााः र्णाथाः, वर्वर्िााः अभभरुियाः, वर्भभन्नााः भार्ााः ि सस्न्त| परन्तु एतेषां वर्वर्ितानां मध्ये अवप एकतयााः समानतायााः भार्ाः अस्तत यत ्सर्ेषाम ्उदे्दश्यं ननत्य सुखप्रास््ताः एर् | यत्र कुत्रावप सर्थदा सुख ंप्रा्तुम ्इच्छस्न्त| ककन्त ुसर्े न जानस्न्त सुख ंभौनतकपदारे्षु न लभ्यते इनत |

    ॥ संस्कृतम ् वद आधनुिको भव ॥

    House = गहृम ् Door = द्र्ारम ्Window = गर्ाक्षाः Floor = तर्ला Room= प्रकोष्ठाः Wall = भभस्त्ताः Steps= सोपानम ् Prayer Room= पूजागहृम ्Kitchen= पाकशाला Bath Room = तनानागारम ्

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 9

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    ഇക് ്ന്റതില അഭ ി്്രായധതനമത് അഭ ഉത്സകമത അഭ ന്റയതങ്കതല് അഭ മവഹതത്സകാംദ അഭ ുതര്തില്ു അഭ നതട് അഭ ആരാംപ്ചന് അഭ അഭ യതില് അഭി്കസങളുട്ല്ത്് അഭ ന തില്ന് അഭ ച ങളു്ുട് അഭ രായധതനാം അഭ ു്ാംപമതസതില്ന്റല് അഭ യൂരാം അഭ നതടൊം അഭ യൗര്്മ്്്ാം അഭ ഒതില്വചര്ന് അഭി്കസാം അഭ ന ക്കുന്ന് അഭ ന്റയതങ്കതല്്ത ദ അഭ ച്ല് അഭ സ്രാ്തുള് അഭ ന്റയതങ്കതല്രാക്ാം അഭ ഉത്സകാം അഭ ന്റുത ്ആരാംപ്ക്കുന്ന്വ്തന്റ അഭആചര്ക്കുന്ന്്ദന്റയതങ്കതല്്് ്ന് അഭപക്തര് അഭു്യഞ്് അഭമൂന്ന് അഭ അഭി്കസാം അഭ രാക്ാം അഭഎങ്ക്ല്്ാം അഭഎ ്തില്ര്ക്കുന്ാംദ അഭന്റയതങ്കതല്യ്ക്കുനന് അഭ അഭഉയവ്തണ്ക്കുന്ന് അഭമണ്യതരാ്ാം, അഭ്ക, അഭയതരാ്ങളുള് അഭഎന്്ക അഭുഴ്്്ന്്്ാം അഭയ്്്്് അഭഉയവ്തണ്ക്കുന്ന്് അഭനന്ത്്ര്ക്കുന്ാംദ അഭി്്വയതല് അഭധര്ക്കുന്ന് അഭകസ്രാ്ക്ാം അഭവുത ്്ത്്ര്ക്കുന്ാംദ അഭവിക് അഭസ്മര്വ്തന്റ അഭരാക്തചര്ാം അഭന തില്ാംദ അഭ

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 12

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  • February 2016 | Sopanam 13


    S cience has always tried explaining how the universe came into being through various theories, especially the “Big bang theory”, “Pulsating theory” and “Steady state theory”. If one examines closely, the starting point of all of them is a ‘possibility’. The “Big bang theory”, for example, explains that the universe began as

    very hot, small, and dense, with no stars, atoms, form, or structure (called a "singularity"). Then about

    14 billion years ago, space expanded very quickly (thus the name "Big Bang"), resulting in the formation of atoms,

    which eventually led to the creation of stars and galaxies. But how it happened, we don’t know. According to the

    “Pulsating theory”, the universe is supposed to be expanding and contracting alternately i.e. pulsating. At present,

    the universe is expanding. It is possible that at a certain time, the

    expansion of the universe may be stopped by the gravitational pull

    and it may contract again. After it has been contracted to a certain

    size, explosion again occurs and the universe will start expanding.

    The alternate expansion and contraction of the universe gives rise

    to a pulsating universe. The “Steady state theory”, on the other

    hand, is a now-obsolete theory and therefore, does not have to be

    detailed here. Basically, to sum it all up, all Scientific theories that

    ‘explain’ how the universe came into being are based on

    ‘hypotheses’ and could not be explained without them as a starting

    point. Having said this, I personally feel “Atheists” have failed

    explaining this using Science.

    Part of the reason why I believe atheists have their belief is the inherent notion that ‘God’ is an entity that

    is present to fulfil every wish of man the moment he wishes for them. But in reality, we see that this entity does

    not work that way! So a group of the population chooses to dismiss this idea as ‘irrational’, ‘ridiculous’ or


    “Religion” is another term that is relevant in this context. The world has seen crimes take place in the

    Middle East and other Asian countries in the name of ‘Religion’. Islam is the world’s fastest growing

    religion. The people who cause religious wars and crises in the Middle east are religious fanatics who

    misunderstand/misuse their holy books by ‘reading between the lines’ in order to allow themselves the

    ‘permission’ to fulfill their individual interests. And guess who finally takes the blame for such actions of man;

    poor ‘God’! Well, by just the indifferent ‘atheists’. The communal riots that took place in Gujarat, India in the

    1900s and then in 2002 is also another example of the tensions ensuing among people of different religions and

    fights to gain control over landmarks to establish their own religion as ‘supreme’ over the other. Hinduism, one of

    the most ancient religions of the world, is in fact considered to be a ‘way of life’ and not a ‘religion’ in the first

    place! So is Islam. If we chose to look at these two ‘religions’ as ‘ways of life’ instead, a lot of misunderstandings/

    misconceptions will already be cleared for good. Revered books of either religions like the “Bhagavad Gita”,

    “Mahabharata” or the “Holy Quran” all teach the same things. They explain how an individual can live an ‘ideal’

    life by fulfilling his responsibilities in the different roles he plays as a member of his family, society and country.

    Nandhini Narendran

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 14

    Theism, Atheism & Why I May Be Agnostic

    A “theist” is a person who believes in ‘God’ as the creator and ruler of the universe. Every ‘theist’ follows

    a certain ‘religion’. What is a ‘religion’? A dictionary defines it as “the belief in and reverence of supernatural

    power/powers, regarded as creating and governing the universe and a particular variety of such belief, esp. when

    organized into a system of doctrine and practice.” Where there is a group of people who must be brought under

    one roof, it will have a set of rules that everyone who is part of the group is expected to follow. Thus, in simple

    words, we can say that a religion is a ‘following’ of ‘theists’.

    “Theism”, however is not to be confused with “Superstition” which is an irrational belief that has ‘God’ to

    do absolutely nothing with it. If ‘atheism’ is the result of rational thinking of man, ‘superstition’ is the result of his

    irrational thinking. ‘Atheism’ is based on fearlessness because if you are affiliated to no beliefs, you are also free

    from the consequences of those beliefs and that is supposedly, a mark of ‘maturity’ or ‘intelligence’.

    ‘Superstition’, in my opinion, is the exact opposite of ‘atheism’. It is nothing but extreme fear, sometimes more on

    a psychological level that deludes one into thinking ‘if you don’t do a certain thing, you will be punished by God.

    If you don’t give Him the respect He deserves, He will cause your death, misery or deterioration of health.’

    God is seen as someone that is out to get you, when in fact, this is not what ‘God’ denotes. This faulted

    thinking is because of the notion that ‘God’ is a supreme power, the strongest of all in the universe that plays man

    like a puppet in one sense. “Religion” and “Theism” is certainly to blame for this representation of Him. There-

    fore, I am not a complete ‘theist’. I do believe in the existence of ‘God’, but not in the conventional representation.

    So the other part of me supports “Agnosticism” which says that the truth validity of certain beliefs such as whether

    or not there is a ‘God’ cannot be explained or known.

    If the theist argument that ‘God’ is a supernatural being who created the universe and all living and non-

    living beings is true, then He has, by all means, the right and ability to destroy everything in the blink of an eye

    because that is what ‘supernatural beings’ do! If that were the case, the world would already have ended millions

    of years ago. And if ‘God’ knew every one of His creations were not going to obey Him, He may not even have

    caused the ‘Big bang’ or any similar event that caused the existence of the universe as we know it. Why, only to

    destroy it later? Or atleast, there would not have been a single ‘atheist’ living today! So we end up with the only

    rational point that ‘God’ is not a ‘superhuman being’ and as far as the creation of the universe is concerned, how it

    all started cannot be known.

    Every living creature is actually part of a cycle of births and rebirths. The activities one does in a particular

    lifetime can cause ‘good vibes’ or ‘bad vibes’. Thus, the individual influences the future of that individual. Good

    intent and good deed contributes to good ‘karma’ and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute

    to bad ‘karma’ and future suffering. ‘Karma’ in the present affects one's future in the current life, as well as the

    nature and quality of future lives. So expect good only if you do good.

    A few verses from the ‘Mahabharata’ explain this clearly; “Happiness comes due to good actions, suffering

    results from evil actions, by actions, all things are obtained, by inaction, nothing whatsoever is enjoyed. If one's

    action bore no fruit, then everything would be of no avail, if the world worked from fate alone, it would be

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 15

    Theism, Atheism & Why I May Be Agnostic

    neutralized.” Our ‘fates’ are to blame for all the miseries we face in our lives because of karmic deeds in past

    lives. “Atheists” don’t believe in this either as they are people with no beliefs except that there isn’t any belief!

    Now finally, the big question is “how do I define ‘God’?” It is a ‘consciousness’ that is within every indi-

    vidual and the power of the word “I am” as explained in the Hindu Vedic texts. In fact, the ‘Vedas’ themselves are

    considered to be apauruṣeya, which means "not of a man, superhuman" and "impersonal, authorless". Man could

    do wonders with his mind if he tapped into the potential of what is inside him. There is infinite power within us

    that can be awakened by reaching closer to ‘God’. ‘God’ is also ‘love’ because most of us experience immense joy

    when we help the homeless, the sick or the dying.

    Deep in our hearts, we all know it to be true because no one is born an ‘atheist’. And everyone’s an ‘atheist’ till

    the airplane starts falling!

    ഒ.എന്.വിയ റെ ത്രക്ഷേയങ്ങളായ ചില ചലച്ചിത്രഗാനങ്ങള്

    ആന്റര്്ാം അഭപതക അഭണത്ുനതക്കുന്ാംദദദ

    ആത്മതക് അഭമ്ട്ട്ക്ട്ച്്വയതന്റല്ദദദ

    ഒര് അഭില്ാം അഭമതരാ്ാം അഭക് ര്ന്റന്തര്ദദദ


    നതരത ്കതന് അഭന്ട്്ദദദ

    മഞ്ള് അഭരായസതിക്ാം അഭന്റനറ്റ്്്ല് അഭചതര്തില്ദദദ

    ഓര്മുവട അഭവുകട അഭചതര്തില്ദദദ

    ിര്ു് അഭനത്്ണ്ടത്്ര്ന്റന്ങ്ക്ദദദദ

    കത്്ല്യഴ്്്ല്ൂന്റ ന് അഭമ്ന്്ദദദ

    ആി്്്ഷസന്ധ്തയൂതില്്ക്ന്റ ദദദ

    കവിരാ സമാഹാരങ്ങള്:

    ന്റയതര്്്ന് അഭ സൗരരതാം, അഭ സമരതില്ന്ന്റയ അഭ സതെന്്ുള്, അഭ ഞതന് അഭ ന്ന്റന് അഭ സ്വനഹ്ക്കുന്ന്്, അഭ മതറ്റെക്ന് അഭ ചട്ടങളുന്റട, അഭ ിതഹ്ക്കുന്ന് അഭയതനയതരാ്ാം, അഭ ഒര് അഭ വിക്്്ാം അഭ രണ്ടന് അഭ ചരാുകര്തില്മതര്ാം അഭ, അഭ ണതനമതല് അഭ, അഭ നതല്ക്കുനണ്ണെുള്, അഭ മ്്പ് തല്്, അഭ ിിരാം, അഭ ഒര് അഭ ്് സാ് അഭന്റകട്ചാം, അഭ ുയ്തില അഭ യി്്്ന്റ അഭ യതട്ടന് , അഭ ുതയമതര്്സ്ന്ന്റയ അഭ ുക്്ുള്, അഭ ഞതന് അഭ ിഗ്ന്, അഭ ിര്കതടൊം അഭ രതക്കുന്്്ല്്ാം അഭ, അഭിഗ്ന്ശ്ല്പങളുള്, അഭപൂമ്ക്കുനന് അഭഒര് അഭചരമണത്ാം, അഭമൃണ്, അഭന്റകയ്ന്റ്

    സാഹിരയക്ഷമഖലയിറല രസ്കാരങ്ങള്:

    വുരട അഭസതഹ്്ത അഭിക്കുനതിമ് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭ1971 അഭറിഗ്ന്ശ്ല്പങളുള്), അഭവുരാര അഭസതഹ്്ത അഭിക്കുനതിമ് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭറ197 അഭിിരാം), അഭഎഴ്തിലച്ഛന് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭറ2007), അഭചങളുമ്ബ്ഴ അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം, അഭവസതക്്റ്റന് ല്തന് അഭന്റനറുയ് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭറ1981 അഭഉപ് ന് ), അഭക്ല്തര് അഭരതമകര്മ അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭറ1982 അഭഉപ് ന് ), അഭമഹതുക് അഭഉ സാൂര് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം, അഭആശ്തന് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം, അഭഓ ക്കുന്ഴ അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാംദ

    ചലച്ചിത്രക്ഷമഖലയിറല രസ്കാരങ്ങള്:

    മ്ുച അഭണതനരച്്്തക്ന് സാ അഭവിശ്ത് അഭചല്ച്രാ്യ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭറ1989 അഭവകശ്തല്്), അഭമ്ുച അഭണതനരച്്്തക്ന് സാ അഭവുരടസാംസ്ഥതന അഭചല്ച്രാ് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരങളുള്2008 അഭ റണ്വമതഹര്), അഭ 1990 അഭ റരതധതമതധകാം), അഭ 1989 അഭ റഒര് അഭസത്തഹ്നതില്ന്ന്റയ അഭസവപ്നതില്, അഭയ്യപ് തട്), അഭ1988 അഭറവകശ്തല്്), അഭ1987 അഭറമ്്കതിലൂര്ന്റല് അഭആ്്രാം അഭശ്്കരതരാ്്ുള്), അഭ1986 അഭറനഖ്ി്ങളുള്), അഭ1984 അഭറിിരങളുള്, അഭഇതില്ര്പ് ൂവക അഭച്കന്യൂവക), അഭ1983 അഭറആിതമ്ന്ന്റയ അഭകതര്ന്റ്ല്ലന് ), അഭ1980 അഭറ്തണാം, അഭിമ്മ്്ാം അഭമുടൊം), അഭ1979 അഭറഉള്ക്കുന ), അഭ1977 അഭറമിവനതത്സകാം), അഭ1976 അഭറആല്്ാംണനാം), അഭ1973 അഭറസവപ്നത നാം) അഭമ്ുച അഭണതനരച്്്തക്ന് സാ അഭഫ്ല്്ാംന്റഫ്ര് അഭയ്രസ്ുതരാം അഭ2009 അഭറയഴേ്രതേ)ദ

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 16

    Breaking My Nation

    W e are living in an age of technology where our daily life is being in a away moulded by information technology. Information is flowing into our life in a way never seen before. Social media and Television debates seem to change the way we think and even communicate.

    Television debates and press conferences are becoming stage shows for various actors to score brownie

    points. When individuals and the Government try to use the same communication methods to get across a message

    of unity and development, many others seem to be using it to weaken our Nation. We proudly claim that years of

    attacks have not brought down our nation. But at the same time we never faced a psychological war like the one

    we are seeing today. Once it was quoted, the War of the 21st century would be fought in the minds of the people

    and not on the war-front, and this is becoming a reality today. India is today facing an idea being propagated in the

    studios on our National television channels that seems to be working on an agenda to divide and break our nation.

    We must, at the same time admit, that lot of awareness has been raised by the

    active work of the press and its televised version. People now have a firsthand

    experience of what actually is happening on ground. But how this relayed is what

    actually makes the difference. In the case of a government that has come to

    power with a massive mandate after many years, we are seeing a coordinated

    attack from day one by the media. The people voraciously attacking the elected

    Prime Minister are not the masses but from a few intellectual educated people in

    our society who stick to the television studios to comfortably drive the nation into

    confusion and chaos. The media editors and reporters seem to have some fixed agendas and general misconcep-

    tions, which they relay every day in their reporting and debates. When new ideas and programmes are being

    implemented that can strengthen the unity of the nation, there seems to be a threatened force talking and shouting

    against this in their glass houses.

    When some people shun public functions that question the sensibility of the Nation or their common sense,

    some people take to public drama to prove their narrow agendas. These are picked up and debated across TV

    channels for days thus ensuring debates and information of real value are lost in the melee. The public dramas

    enacted are so flawed that often the delay in their enactment is connected with the arrival of the TV channel crew.

    The debates and programmes are often controlled and scripted by individuals, brokers and corporate houses that

    feel threatened by this new wave of politics that seem to have an agenda of progress and national spirit in

    everything they do. We cannot generalize the thought process of the national media. But intellectuals and

    journalist who question the agenda of these paid media is often targeted as right wingers. While they debate about

    social dis-harmony in their studios on one hand, they cajole and highlight caste based political leaders on the other

    hand. While they ferociously attack religious leaders based on utterings of some unknown local community

    leaders, they conveniently forget others who make much more dangerous anti-national comments. When they

    question the customs and rituals of a community in the name of progressiveness and equality, they ignore the

    practices of other communities thus ensuring their biased agenda is emphasized. These so called intellectuals pick

    and choose their views and twist facts to undermine the elected governments. Their danger is that they cover

    themselves in the veil of a modern, liberal, secular and socialist crusaders. As long as their agenda is secure and

    Krishnakumar Paliath

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 17

    Breaking My Nation

    they have free hand of indulging the masses, they will not rebel against their masters who they help run the

    establishments. Once they lose power, they cry foul and bring our all the tricks that modern day fascist indulge in.

    Fascism emerges from the educated class of people, never from the masses. Their selective silence against the

    atrocities that happen across the country is very evident. Their refusal to accept the truth when their lies are

    exposed is a baring fact. What happened to the news of the so called church attacks in Delhi? When the truth was

    finally brought out, they successfully covered it up. When Dadri was brought up before the Bihar election, they

    went all out to show an intolerant India and when proved that it was a community quarrel, Dadri is no more a

    debate. They know whom they need to put up in front of the camera when a burning issue has India all up in arms.

    It is not the smart speaker or orator, but the hot head who would vent his anger in front of a camera. They would

    very seldom go to the lower strata of the society to get opinions of the important issues as they know they would

    get the raw reaction of the masses who really matter. They are more disciplined in spinning stories that confuse the

    mindset of the people. They whip up passions ensuring public reaction runs against public interest.

    The opposition in India today are a defeated lot and they know their numbers and influence on ground is deeply

    affected. They have ensured that their spin doctors are rightly placed where in matters, the bureaucracy and the

    media. These people pass their judgments even before investigations and the courts give their verdict. They ensure

    that the events that are needed to change the mindset of the people are invented, kept alive and killed when

    needed. They remain silent when people are killed for their political or ideological beliefs. They remain silent

    when people are attacked and their hand chopped off for the difference in their views. They prefer anarchists and

    hail them as the future of India in contrast to elected leaders who have genuine interest in the future of the Nation.

    They fear the Vote. They rebel when their chosen leaders don’t come to power.

    Their only way to win is to divide India. They prefer to attack the military accusing it of high handedness in very

    effort they make to counter terrorism. They protest the hanging of convicted mass murderers. They prefer to

    generalize some communities when it comes to terrorism and for other terrorism has no religion. Global jihadi ter-

    rorism has gained space in India because of these so called crusaders who have wiped up passions so effectively

    that many youth are being drawn into this worldwide war effort. Terroris attacks are being telecast on TV again

    and again bringing a sense of heroism in these characters while they blame the military for all kinds of failures.

    During the Pathankot attack we saw debates talking of the army failure, the government failure. When these were

    proved wrong and further action prevailed in many admissions by the enemy who have so far never admitted

    involvement, these channels has lost interest.

    We wanted a change and we got it. The changes have started showing. This has struck fear in the hearts of many.

    The coming days are going to be thriller for the media who are going to come out in full steam. We must chose to

    ignore them. At the same time we must remain vigilant and thwart every attempt. The PM Modi and his team has

    shown us that original ideas are still accepted by the Indian masses and in the end they will remain victorious

    always. We as a society will evolve, the attempts of these fake intellectuals will be put to test and they fill prove a


    Inspired by many works presented on various blogs and by my twitter friends

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 18


  • February 2016 | Sopanam 19

    Stay Healthy With Dates

    Dates can provide lot of health benefits. Dates are high in iron content and fluorine. Dates are rich source of

    vitamins and minerals. Consuming dates regularly can help to lower cholesterol and keep many health disorders

    away. Read on to know more about the top 10 benefits of consuming

    dates. The health benefits of dates are innumerable. It is, in fact, a dry

    fruit that is sweet in taste and is rich in minerals and vitamins. The

    cultivation of dates can be traced back many years in history. Have a

    quick look at top 10 health benefits of dates.

    Health Benefits of Consuming Dates

    Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. Dates are

    rich in vitamins and minerals.

    They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber and rich in vitamin

    B1, B2, B3 and B5 along with vitamin A1 and C.

    It helps improve the digestive system as it contains soluble and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino


    Dates are great energy boosters as they contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get more

    advantage add dates to milk and make it a very nutritious snack. Dates are very low in calories and are

    extremely suitable for health conscious people.

    Dates are rich in potassium and reduced in sodium. This helps regulate a healthy nervous system. Researches

    have revealed the fact that potassium intake up to a certain extent can reduce risk of stroke. Dates also help in

    lowering of the LDL cholesterol.

    Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anemia. The patients can eat many dates for better

    advantages. Dates also have fluorine that slows down the process of tooth decay.

    It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and take it along with water to have added


    It helps increase one’s sexual stamina. Soak one handful of dates in goat’s milk overnight. In the morning

    grind the dates in the milk and add honey and cardamom powder and drink it.

    Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who suffer from over slimming problem. Dates are

    excellent for alcoholic intoxication.

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 20


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    യാത്ര ഹര്ിതസ് അഭ ല്ിതാം അഭ ഇല്ലതന്റ് അഭ ന ക്കുന്ു്ത ദ അഭ വ്തട്ന്റല് അഭ ുതഷത് അഭസഞ്ച്്്വല് അഭ ികസതന അഭ നത്്്്ട്ടെുടെന്റ ്്ാം അഭ ശ്ബ്ാം അഭ ി്തന്റട അഭകല്ലതന്റ് അഭ വകിന്പ് ്ക്കുന്ന് അഭ വയതന്റല്ദ അഭ ഉചന്റക്്ല്് അഭ ുതഠ്നതാം അഭി്തടെന്റ അഭ കരണ്ട്്ങളു്് അഭ ുതയതലങളുന്റട അഭ ു്തില് അഭവനതക്ചെന്റുതണ്ട്ര്ന്്ദ അഭ ഒര് അഭ യവി അഭ ആ അഭ ചൂട് അഭ മ് അഭ യണ്ട്ാം അഭി്തള് അഭ ു്യചെ അഭ ുണ്ട്ര്ന്്ത അഭ ി്ബത്്ന്റല് അഭ മര്പൂമ്്്ദ അഭയ്്കത്് അഭ ുത്തയ് സാ അഭ ച്ല് അഭ ആടെുടെന്റ അഭ കതര്യുതതില്ന്ന്റ യ് അഭരായ്തി അഭ നടദാന്റയട്ട അഭ മ്ഖ്ങളുട്വല്ക്കുനന് അഭ ഒര് അഭ ന്റചയ്് അഭ ച്ര് അഭ മതരാ്വമ അഭഹര്ിതസ്ന് അഭ ബതക്കുന് അഭ ഉണ്ടത്്ര്ന്് സാൂദ അഭ ന്റുത ്ക്കുനതന് അഭ ി്തടെന്റ അഭമരക്ച അഭ മനസായ്ന്് അഭ ന്യാം അഭ മങളു്് അഭ ച്ല് അഭ ഓര്മ്മുടൊം, അഭ ച്ല് അഭിസ്ഖ്ങളുടൊം അഭമതരാ്വമ അഭബതക്കുന് അഭമ്ചാം അഭഉണ്ടത്്ര്ന്റന്ത സാൂദ അഭ യ്്കത്്്് സാ അഭ ില്ച്ല്്ുള്ക്കുനന് അഭ ഒ ്ക് അഭ എതില്വചര്ന് അഭ ിതേത അഭപത്്്്ന്റ അഭ ു ്്ന്റല് അഭ രാിക്ച അഭ ബഞ്ച്വല്ക്കുന് അഭ മ്ഷ്ഞ്് അഭ നതയ്് അഭസഞ്ച് അഭ ്തവഴ അഭ ന്റകചന് അഭ ഇര്ന്്ദ അഭ ഉ്ങളു്് അഭ ന്റയതട്ട് അഭ യതരാ്തില്വല്ക്കുനന് അഭ ിതേത അഭ പത്് അഭ ഇട്ടതവപ് തള് അഭ ഓര്മ്മകന്് അഭആിതമത്് അഭ ണള്ഫ് അഭ വയത്വപ് തള് അഭ ുഴ്ച അഭ ു്പ് ൂസായത്്ര്ന്്ദ അഭ ഉ്ങളു്് അഭ ന്റയതട്ട് അഭ നയച അഭക്യ്ന്റനക്കുനള് അഭ മനസായന് അഭന്യച്് അഭആ അഭബാംണതട്്്ന്റ അഭസ്വനഹമത്്ര്ന്്ദ അഭു്യചെ അഭമതസന്റതില അഭയര്ച്വമ അഭഉ സാെ അഭഎങ്ക്ല്്ാം അഭ്ല്ചതയ്ക്കുനതന് അഭഒര് ാം അഭ ്ന് അഭ ആ അഭ മനസായന് ദ അഭ മ്ഷ്ഞ്് അഭ നതയ്് അഭ ്്്്ന്റുട്ടെ അഭ ്ല്്്്്തക്കുന് അഭ ി്തള് അഭ യ്്വ് അഭ മ്ക്കുനതില്വല്ക്കുന് അഭകത്്ദ അഭയ്്വ് അഭവയതന്റല് അഭമനസായ് അഭകരതയ് സാ അഭഓര്മ്മുള്ദ അഭ ി്ബത്്ന്റല് അഭ വയര്വുട്ട അഭഒര് അഭുമ്പന്്്ന്റ അഭഓഫതസര്ദ അഭവണതയതല്ുൃഷ്്ന് അഭ എന് അഭ ുൃഷ്പ് ്്ുതരനന്റ യ് അഭ സവപ്നങളുള്ക്കുന് അഭ ന്യാം അഭ യുരതന് അഭ മുന് അഭ ു്ട്ട്് അഭ ആ അഭ വേതല്് അഭഒര്ക്കുനല്്ാം അഭ ുഴ്്തന്റ് അഭ കന്്ദ അഭ വഹതസ്യ്റ്റ അഭ ുണ്ട അഭ യര്ച്ാം അഭ സ്ന്ധ്്ക്ന്റന അഭ ഹര്ിതസന്ന്റ അഭ പതരത്്ാം അഭസ്യതര്ഥന്ന്റ അഭിമ്മ്്മതക്കുന്ദ അഭ ഒഴ്ക്ു്ട്ട്്ത അഭ വയതല്്ാം അഭ ഹര്ിതസ് അഭ നതട്ട്വല്് അഭ വയതുതയ്ല്ലത്്ര്ന്്ദ അഭ നതട്ട്ന്റല് അഭ വകര്ുള് അഭ ഹര്ിതസ് അഭയ്്ന്റ് അഭമയന്് അഭ്് ങളു്ദ അഭസവതെനുതര്ന്റ അഭമര്കതര്തില അഭവയതല്്ാം അഭി്തടെന്റ അഭുത്്ുന്റട അഭന്ര്േതകമതക്കുന്്്ര്ന്്ദ അഭഒ ്ക് അഭ ിച്ഛന്ന്റ അഭ മര് അഭ കതര്തിലക്കുനന് അഭ വയതല്്ാം അഭ മുന്ന്റ അഭ കരക്നത്് അഭ ുതതില്ര്ന് അഭ ബന്ധ്്ക്കുനള്ക്കുന് അഭന്രതശ്രതവുണ്ട് അഭ കന്്ദ അഭ ഓഫതസ് അഭ ്്രക്കുനത അഭ എന് അഭ മയ്യ ്്ത അഭ ി്തള് അഭ േമതതെനരങളുടെന്റ അഭ വകര്ുള് അഭവയതല്്ാം അഭ ി ര്തില്മതറ്റ്ദ അഭ ഒ ്ക് അഭ പതരത്്ന്റ അഭ മര്വശ്ിാം അഭ മുന്ന്റ യ് അഭ യ്്്് അഭ കതട്ട്ന്റല് അഭ ്്രക്കുന്ല്്ാം, അഭമര്മുടെന്റ അഭനതരസതില്ല്്ാം അഭഹര്ിതസ്ന് അഭച്മ അഭവയതല്്ാം അഭആ അഭകതട്ട് അഭിധ്ുയറ്റത്വയതന്റല് അഭവ്തന്്ദ അഭ മുന്റനഴ്്് അഭ ന്റുത ്തില അഭ മ്ഴകന് അഭ സവതില്ുടെന്റ ്്ാം അഭ യുരമത്് അഭ ിച്ഛന് അഭ വകണ്ട് അഭ ികന് അഭകൃയസിനതില്ന്ന്റ അഭ വമ അഭ ക്ല്തസാം അഭ ്്രക്കുന്ന്് അഭ എന്യ്ഞ്വപ് തള് അഭ ുയ്യ് അഭ ുര്്്് അഭ ്്്് അഭ സഞ്ച്്്മത്് അഭ്് ങളു്് അഭ്തരാ് അഭഒ ്ക് അഭുതശ്്്് അഭഎതില്ചെ അഭ ദയ്്ക്ല്്ാം അഭഹര്ിതസ് അഭിന്ന് അഭുൂ ്് അഭഉയങളു് അഭആ അഭഉയക്കുനാം അഭ്തരാ്്്ന്റ അഭ ികസതനാം അഭ വ് ്്ത്്ര്ന്് അഭ ദിതേത അഭ പത്്്്ന്റ അഭ യതരാ്തില്ന്റല് അഭ േല് അഭ ്് സാ്ുള്ക്കുനന് അഭ ഹര്ിതസ്ന്ന്റ അഭുണ്ണെുന്റട അഭഉ്ര്തിലതന് അഭുഴ്ഞ്്ല്ലദദദ ി്തള് അഭിവപ് തള് അഭ്തരാ്്്ല്ത്്ര്ന്് അഭദദദ

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 21

    The Cobra and the Crows

    There was a big banyan tree, where two crows - husband

    and wife, had prepared a nice nest and made it their home.

    In the hollow of the same tree, lived a black cobra. The

    crows had a problem because the black cobra would climb

    up the tree and eat the newborns, whenever the female

    crow hatched her eggs. They could do nothing to save


    The crows went to a jackal, who lived in a nearby banyan tree, to seek his advice.

    They narrated everything to him and requested his advice for them to get rid of their

    problem. They said, "O Friend, It has become dangerous to live here. Please tell us how we

    can protect our children from being eaten up by the wicked black cobra."

    The jackal replied, "Please don't give up. Even powerful enemies can be overcome

    with the use of wit." On hearing this, the crows requested, "O Friend, please tell us how

    we can overcome and destroy this wicked cobra."

    The jackal told them a plan, "Fly into the capital of the kingdom, not far from here.

    Visit the house of someone who is wealthy and careless at the same time. Notice if some-

    thing of value is lying around. If you find so, pick it up when the servants are watching


    He continued, "You will need to fly slowly so that

    the servants can follow you. Return back to your tree

    and drop it in the hollow of the tree where the cobra

    lives. When the servants reach, they will kill the cobra

    when they see it."

    Tales of Panchathanthra

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 22

    The crows decided to follow the jackal's advice and flew

    off immediately according to his plan.

    As they flew above the capital, the female crow no-

    ticed wealthy women swimming in a lake. They had left

    gold and pearl necklaces on the banks of the lake, which

    were guarded by royal servants.

    At once the female crow swooped down, and picked

    up a big necklace in her beak, and started flying slowly. When the royal servants noticed

    her, they picked up sticks and stones, and started throwing at her, and ran to chase her.

    As planned, she dropped the necklace in front of the hollow of the tree, where the black

    cobra was asleep. She sat on one of the branches for

    the royal servants to notice. When the royal servants

    arrived, the black cobra came out of the hollow of the

    tree to see what all the noise was about. The black co-

    bra confronted the king's servants with swelling hood,

    but the servants attacked the cobra with sticks and

    s t o n e s t o r e c o v e r t h e n e c k l a c e .

    They killed the wicked cobra, and returned with the necklace. And the crows, having got-

    ten rid of the cobra, lived happily.

    The wise indeed say: Even a very powerful enemy can be destroyed through deceit.

    Tales of Panchathanthra

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 23

    Seva Darshan Family

    Seva Darshan Representatives visit to Varyam Adivasi Colony

    Upcoming Vishu Seva Dinam contributions will be utilized to build a community center here.

  • February 2016 | Sopanam 24

    Volume 5 Issue 11

    "You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no

    other teacher but your own soul. We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you

    think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far."

    Swami Vivekananda


    ng Even


    SIF – Kuwait

    Annual science gala