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The Fifth Age ProgramLeveraging Coworking to Increase Innovation in your Company

The Fifth Age Program is the official consulting program for the book, The Fifth Age of Work.

Conjunctured Consulting Group

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What is innovation? “People creating value through the implementation of new ideas.” Tom Kelley, General Manager, IDEO.

“An established company which, in an age demanding innovation, is not able to innovate, is

doomed to decline and extinction.” Peter F. Drucker

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Corporate coworking is the application of the principles of the global coworking movement in corporate environments. In building communities grounded in trust, openness, autonomy, and creativity, coworking spaces have become some of the most innovative work environments in the world!

Through our proprietary program, Conjunctured delivers the coworking experience to companies seeking to ‘open up their cultural operating system’ to become more creative and innovative.


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Conjunctured is one of the most established coworking spaces in the world. Based in Austin, Texas, we grew out of the epicenter of the innovation economy. Our corporate coworking program is our way of bringing the Austin innovation culture to firms in the US and throughout the world. We are on a mission to make work more human-centered, innovative, and sustainable.

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New products, services, apps, business models and companies are born regularly in coworking spaces around the world. How is this possible?

Coworking eliminates barriers, needless rules, and unnecessary hierarchies and empowers people to work according to their own rhythms, in spaces that bring out the best in them and their teams. Ample studies show that choice and autonomy drive engagement, energy, high performance, and productivity.

Coworking and Innovation

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Coworking and Large Companies

Many US companies have received the memo. Companies such as Zappos, AT&T, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, and Coca Cola have all built coworking spaces to try and spark greater collaboration, creativity, and innovation inside their firms.

What is your firm doing to catch the wave?

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QUICK FACTSUSA - the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 40% of the US workforce will be freelancers by 2020

In Europe, from 2004 to 2013, the number of freelancers has grown from 6.2 million to 9 million, a 45% increase

Netherlands - 93% growth in the number of freelancers

Spain - 51% growth in the number of freelancers

UK - 63% growth in the number of freelancers

France - 85% growth in the number of freelancers

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The coworking industry has grown by 142% year over year for the past seven years. There are 4,000 coworking spaces in the world today.

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1Traditional CoworkingFreelancers and telecommuters working together in a shared space

2Private CoworkingWhen a company creates a coworking environment for its own employees

3Private-to-Public CoworkingWhen a company invites outsiders (i.e. non-employees/freelancers) into their company workspace in a mash-up environment

The Models of Coworking

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The coworking infrastructure breathes new life into an old model by allowing static corporate offices to evolve into true hubs of dynamic, collaborative innovation.

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We know that disruptive innovation occurs at the level of customer experience. Apple, Amazon, GE, 3M, P&G, WL Gore, and Google are consistently at the top of lists of the most innovative companies in the world. But how do they do it?

What kinds of structures, processes, capabilities, policies, and patterns of human interaction are at work to make them successful innovators?

Each of these companies has developed the capacity to innovate by mastering the Three Building Blocks of Innovation.

Our Framework

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TalentIn order for a diversity of ideas and outputs to flourish, there needs to be a sufficient variety of talent (left-brain and right brain) that can bring fresh perspective and skills to the table.

SpaceWhile there will always be a need for private, individual work and workspaces, innovation is driven by group work and is grounded in collaboration. Rather than being the exception, group work needs to become the rule.

LicenseTalented knowledge workers want choice- where they work, when they work, how they work, and what they are working on. Giving them this flexibility and autonomy drives their energy, engagement, and productivity.

Three Building Blocks and the Capacity to Innovate

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SHIFT  is  a  consultancy  that  helps  companies  align  organiza�onal  design  with  innova�on strategy.     Our advisory  services  create  inspiring workspaces and  cultures where world‐class talent thrives.  We conduct research and develop programs around leadership, innova�on, and engagement.  SHIFT has published two books and numerous ar�cles. 

The  SHIFT  index  determines  an  organiza�on’s  capacity  to  innovate  by  assessing  the exibility and balance found in the three founda�ons of innova�on. 

the SHIFT index™ 

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2010 SHIFT Workspace 


Does the company effec�vely accommodate individual and group work? Are employees free to work in different areas of the office as needed? 


Does the company develop and recruit analy�cal and crea�ve staff? Does the company u�lize just‐in‐�me talent for managing projects? 


Does leadership encourage the free ow of informa�on throughout the company? Are employees encouraged to create new forms of value for the company? 


Fifth Age Companies already ‘get it.’ They employ an open-source operating system, allowing knowledge workers to provide their best energy to their firm. How close to the Fifth Age is your company?

the future of wo


is already here.

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1. Full-Time/Freelancer Composition

2. Talent Differentiation3. Modes of Work4. Mobility5. Leadership Support6. Experimentation


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1Workshop: How coworking can transform your company.

2Assess the current situation (Using the Fifth Age Index). Establish a baseline of KPI’s.

3Create a Pop-Up Coworking environment, or a Nomatik Hotspot, as an experiment.

4Measure: Re-administer the Index survey, conduct qualitative interviews with participants, and measure employee energy and engagement.

5Implement company-wide initiative or abandon the project.

Our Methodology

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Update the Source Code of Your Corporation


This is our culture score instrument that assesses how far along towards the Fifth Age of Work a company is. We use it as a benchmark to measure the transformation process.


In partnership with Seats2Meet, we enable a corporate coworking space with a social mesh/community management software that enables participants to richly share insights and collaborate on projects in the space.


This is a full day workshop that introduces organizations to the data and trends that are driving the transformation of workplaces around the world.

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Andrew Jones, Ph.DHead of Consulting

Andrew Jones, Ph.D is an organi-zational consultant, educator, and writer. He is a Lecturer of Man-agement, Organizational Behavior, and Corporate Social Respon-sibility in the McCoy College of Business Administration at Texas State University, in San Marcos, TX. He has consulted with firms in the software, food and beverage, construction, advertising, sports management, coworking, and for-profit education industries. He has published three books- The Innovation Acid Test: Growth Through Design and Dif-ferentiation, Triarchy Press 2008, I’m Outta Here: How coworking is making the office obsolete, with Todd Sundsted and Tony Baci-galupo, NotanMBA Press 2009, and The Fifth Age of Work: How Companies can Re-design Work to be More Innovative in a Cloud Economy, Night Owls Press, No-vember 2013. He is co-owner and partner at Conjunctured Cowork-ing, in Austin, Texas.

David H WalkerHead of Operations

David Walker creates environ-ments that allow people to open and shine. Davis is a serial creator and entrepreneur. In 2007, he directly experienced the dou-ble-edged sword of solo entrepre-neuriship, finding himself socially isolated and resorting to working from three coffee shops a day in order to meet his needs for inspi-ration and human connection. In 2008, having recognized the growing common need for stim-ulating, community-driven work environments, David launched Austin’s first coworking space, Conjunctured, which went on to be a cultural and market leader in a city of innovation.

David speaks regularly at confer-ences and community events on the subject of coworking and offers his expertise through consulting with a passion for authentic ex-pression, personal empowerment, and societal progress.

Tony BacigalupoHead of Community

Tony Bacigalupo has been an active part of the coworking movement since 2007. He is cofounder and Mayor of New Work City, a coworking space in lower Manhattan, and has advised and worked with countless other communities in New York and around the world, most notably Tony Hsieh’s Downtown Project and the Hive at 55. He’s the orga-nizer of NYC’s largest coworking Meetup, Coworking Community NYC, with over 1,800 members. He has also organized or co-or-ganized a number of events and educational programs, including BarCampNYC and TEDxNWC. He also co-authored a “I’m Outta Here: How coworking is making the office obsolete” in 2009. He’s spoken at several conferences including SXSW, Maker Faire, and the Global Coworking Unconfer-ence Conference, the Coworking Europe Conference, and the Co-working Australia Conference.

He’s currently focused on docu-menting and pursuing the devel-opment of interdependent work models.

Maite Moreno BoschEuropean Partner, Spain

Psychologist specialist in Or-ganizations, Master in Human Resources Management by EADA and trainings at the best business school of Barcelona - IESE and ESADE, in matters of human resources development, health and safety, labor laws and social security. 20 years experience in HR management in medium and mul-tinational companies of building, industry, health and ICT areas. Speaking three foreign languages: English, French and Italian. Con-sidered high potential by Pirelli for three years, awarded as the best responsible for HR development by MC Associates and for an out-standing job in GTECH

David Vilella BallesterEuropean Partner, Spain

I currently help run Neàpolis, a living lab public agency based in Vilanova i la Geltrú, close to Barcelona focused on providing a real-life test and experimentation environment where users and producers co-create innovations in a trusted open ecosystem that enables business and societal innovations.

I love: building strong connec-tions, creating things, problem solving, team building, company culture, making people laugh, and lots of other things!

Especialidades:Business Develop-ment, Strategy, Problem Solving, Time Management, Marketing, Gamification, Scrum Product Owner, Multimedia


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Thank you!

get in touch with us: [email protected]

Also, learn about our award-winning initiative, Nomatik

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