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The Floodhe Flood ~circa 20 April 2490 BC ~circa 20 April 2490 BC ―― ~circa 23 April 2489 BC ~circa 23 April 2489 BC  

Genesis Chapter 6 ―Genesis Chapter 9 : 1Genesis Chapter 6 ―Genesis Chapter 9 : 1- - 17 17  

By Jonas Mannaseh Simin 

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[ Genesis Chapter 6 to Genesis Chapter 9: 1-17  ] 

The prologue of Deluge

The ancient spiritual calendar of the theocratic nation of Israel was brought forth into

existence right from the „ Lord’s Pass Over ‟ which was the vintage „key‟ of the chosen

race‟s deliverance from the prophesied 400 years of slavery in Egypt. Later in the Promised

Land, the observations of the ordained festivals were, indeed, birthed out from the Lord‟s

Pass Over whose origin was the ancient rite of burnt offering passed down by Noah. In fact,

the „rite of expiation‟ which ran through the whole Old Testament religious observation not

only became the climax event in the  Lord’s Pass Over in Egypt but also pinpointed to the

origin of Christian doctrine of righteousness. It presaged to what Jesus, the Son of the Most

High, had truly said in Luke 24: 44.

Therefore, men without atonement are unworthy to be accepted and loved by God. In

Christian doctrine of righteousness, any effort to be a good person is futile since the impure

seed already in the adversarial relationship with the Most Holy God except it is born again.

The „cut off’ descendants of Adam would only hope for the divine „Way’ through atonementotherwise the effort would only manifest the limitations of our flesh. Job reasoned out that

no pure from the impure ( Job 14: 4) and he was, indeed, correct for how could a „cut off’ 

seed be able to commune with the Most Holy God unless the prophetic Abraham‟s typology

„The Lord will Provide‟ Genesis 22: 14 be revealed unto us.

The atonement served to be the prerequisite for the „elects‟ in receiving God‟s favor.

So, the divine idea of „expiation‟ is the „Way’  of calling back his fallen children into His

family. This earth is meant to be created for His righteous ones and He never intended to

create this earth to be the abode of evil men. King David in revering Yahweh proclaimedthat this earth and everything in its belonged to God ( Psalms 24:1). Yahweh had even ad-

mitted by His own words spoken unto Prophet Jeremiah that „ He fixed the Laws of Heaven

and earth’ ( Jeremiah 33: 25).

The reason of deluge in Noah‟s time was, of course, not because He wanted to show

off His ultimate sovereignty. In the case of divine Judgment upon Sodom, God had plainly

explained the reason for the destruction which was due to the great outcry and the grievous-

ness of their sin (verse 20). His answer for Abraham‟s pleads was that for the sake of ten,

YHVH would not destroy Sodom (Genesis 18: 32).

"Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the proph-

ets and the Psalms"...Jesus  [Luke 24: 44] 

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Abraham interceded for the sake of righteous people in Sodom. God stopped at the

number 10 as His minimum requirement of Sodom‟s righteous inhabitants if he ever wanted

to cancel out His Judgment. Sodom failed the requirement after God Himself had thor-

oughly survey the severity of the outcries against Sodom (Genesis 18: 20).

The deluge had been prophesied hundreds of years before by Prophet Enoch and then

confirmed as unto Noah 120 years prior to the Great Flood. Since God is not going to do

anything (concerning men on earth) without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets

( Amos 3: 7 ) so the destruction of Sodom was even foretold unto Abraham, for God intended

not to hide what He was about to do…(Genesis 18: 17 ). Before the deluge as narrated in

Genesis 6 , God said that they were deviation of man‟s pedigree (verse 4) through the co-

habitation with „ Nephilim’ which suggested the main cause of the uncontrollable increase of 

man‟s wickedness. In the conquest of Canaan, in Number 13: 33, the intimidated and de-

moralized 12 spies reported that they saw giants „ Nephilim’ . And Yahweh said it was the

„ripe’ time to punish Canaanites. It is inferable then that such hybrid „offspring‟ had differ-

ent „hearts‟.

Their hearts seemed not the same with the ordinary fallen human beings. God saw the

condition of men during „ Nephilim’s’ era as “every inclination of the thoughts of his heart 

was evil all the time”. The Lord was somehow had weighed out the entire populace‟s condi-

tion of their hearts as „one‟ entity since in verse 5 He saw Homo sapiens as „one‟ (man) and

their overall hearts as if as one single „his’ heart. It means that though it is understood that

God looks on each of our heart (1Samuel 16: 6-7 ), he would weigh out the entire hearts as

one when comes to the „Judgment of all‟ on earth. This „one‟ phenomenon echoed the fact

of our origin was from Adam. And thus, the redemption must also comes from the „One‟

whose true pedigree was of human i.e. Jesus. The „wipe out’  judgment by Deluge suggested

the irreparable or unredeemable condition of men. The existences of those forbidden off-

spring, the „ Nephilim’ , might be the tip of an iceberg suggesting the „ripeness‟ of evil deeds

of men which had crossed over the unredeemable pedigree of man.

The Exodus and its rough dating

According to Simin in Simplified Chronologies in The Old Testament  [1] , the Lord‟s

Pass Over in Egypt took place ± 1488 years and 89 days before the birth of Christ. Those89 extra days, in fact, meant that the time had entered right into 1489 BC . The rough ex-

trapolation of the date of the Lord’s Pass Over in Egypt suggests that the Paschal took place

during full moon in the month of Aviv (March/April) and it was to be on circa ± 30 March

1489 BC . That date would be the 14th day of Aviv in the year of Exodus as recorded in

Exodus 12. And the 1st day of the first month of Aviv could be derived by subtracting 30

March 1489 BC with 14 days backward which would give us the new moon day on Circa

±16 March 1489 BC. We purposely discard other possible dates of the  Lord’s Pass Over 

 based on the „Lunation‟ in the year of Exodus (See page no. 10). Besides, the ‘full moon’ on

30 March would presage closer proximity with  Jesus’ Pass Over  on 3 April. The „lapse‟

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would be only ± 4 days.

30th March would be approximately to be the 14 th day of Aviv in that year of Exo-

dus provided that the „new moon’ cycle was correct in that month (See ‘lunation’ in 1489

 BC on page 10). We do not have the precise biblical Chronology which extends into the

year of Exodus in circa 1489 BC, therefore it would be more appropriate to say that the 1st

day of „ Exodus’ or „ Pass Over ‟ took place somewhere in the month of  Aviv (March/April)

circa 1489 BC. Fancy that! the year of the Deluge is known to us, then it would be, at least,

aiding our mind to be „berthed‟ at a particular point of known year. By adding up all the

years of the patriarchs right from Exodus to Noah based on the information and the geneal-

ogy from the book of Exodus and Genesis, then the birth of Noah was roughly between 16 

 March — 22 April 3084 BC . This date was gauged right from circa 1489 BC as benchmark 

 year i.e. the 1st day and 1st month of Aviv of Exodus on circa 16 March 1489 BC . Genesis

6:7 tells us that Noah was 600 years old when “all the springs of the great deeps burst forth

and the floodgates of heavens were opened”. 

It is written in Genesis 7: 11 – 12 that “11 in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in

the Second month (Ziv) ,‖ and‖ on‖ the‖ seventeenth‖ day‖ (17‖ days‖ after‖ ‘new‖ moon’)‖ of‖ the‖

month….‖That means Noah‟s birthday anniversary ought to be before the date 20 April

2490 BC because Genesis 7: 11 says that Noah already in his 600th year of life when the

flood came. Therefore, it is inferable that Noah 600th anniversary birthday should be

roughly between circa 03 March 3084 BC to 19 April 3084 BC . As to equip the extrapola-tion of dates in the year of the Flood 2490 BC, we erect simple lunation which approxi-

mately indicates the equivalent modern calendar dates on the days of „new moons’ (See the

next page on page 5 & also on page 9 ) in that year. Thus, the 17th day of the month of Ziv

would be probably on ≈ circa 20 April 2490 BC. The rough calculation derived from the

rough moon phases in 3084 BC as to agree with the written words which say “11 in the six

hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month , and on the seventeenth day of the

month...Genesis 7: 11-12. All springs of great deep burst through, and the floodgates of 

heaven opened on the 17th

day of Ziv and that was on the 20th

April 2490 BC.

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[The above monthly lunar calendar is erected according to the rough table of ‘New Moons’ 

in circa 2490 BC  — -See on page No.9 ] 

11 in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month , and on the seventeenth day

of the month, that very day all the springs of the great deep burst through, and the sluices

of  heaven opened.12

And heavy rain fell on earth for forty days and forty nights (NJB)Genesis 7: 11-12. 

Thus, the 1st day of first month (Aviv) would be probably on circa 03 March 2490

BC. The day “all springs of great deep burst through, and the floodgates of heaven opened ”

was on the 17th day of the second month (Ziv) i.e. 20 April 2490 BC. The second month of 

Genesis 7: 11  began on 03 April. The 40 days and 40 nights began on 20 April 2490 BC

and lasted till circa 30 May 2490 BC which was three days to the completion of the month

of Sivan (Genesis 7:12). The flood waters receded when God began to send „wind’ on earth

right on the 47


day of Noah inside the ark (Genesis 8:1), however the earth remainedflooded for 150 days. Noah‟s ark rested on the Mountains of Ararat on 17th day of the sev-

enth month circa 16 September 2490 BC (Genesis 8:4). The tops of the mountains became

visible on the first day of tenth month circa 27 November 2490 BC (Genesis 8: 5).

The 10th month began on 27 November 2490 BC to 27 December 2490 BC. On the

first day of the first month of Noah 601st years or circa between > 16 March 2489 BC and <

22 April 2489 BC (See the above rough lunation) , the earth was dried up but not yet com-

 pletely dried. The earth was only completely dried on 27 th day of the Second month 

(Genesis 8:14) of the following year (~circa 2489 BC) or on circa 23rd April, 2489 BC.

01st Month  Abib 03‖March―03‖April‖ 

02nd Month Ziv 03‖April‖―02‖May- (20 April was the 17th day of 2nd month)

03rd Month Sivan 02‖May―02‖June 

04th Month Tammuz 02‖June―01‖July 

05th Month Ab 01‖July―31‖July 

06th Month Elul 31‖July‖―30‖August 

07th Month Ethanim 30‖August―28‖September 

08th Month Bul 28‖September―28‖October 

09th Month Kislev 28‖October―27‖November 

10th Month Thebet 27‖November―27‖December 

11th Month Shebat 27‖December―26‖January‖ 

12th Month Adar 26‖January‖―25‖February‖ 

1st month Aviv/Abib 25 February—27 March 2489 BC

2nd Month Ziv 27 March —27 April 2489 BC ( 23 April  – completely dried)

3rd Month Sivan 27 April —26 May 2489 BC

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13 It was in the six hundred and first year of Noah's life, in the first month and on

the first of the month , that the waters began drying out on earth. Noah lifted

back the hatch of the ark and looked out. The surface of the ground was dry! 14 In the

second month , on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry. 

15 Then God said to Noah, 16 'Come out of the ark, you, your wife, your sons, and

 your sons' wives with you. 17 Bring out all the animals with you, all living things,

the birds, the cattle and all the creeping things that creep along the ground, for them

to swarm on earth, for them to breed and multiply on earth.' 18 So Noah came out

with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives. 19 And all the wild animals, all the cat

-tle, all the birds and all the creeping things that creep along the ground, came out of 

the ark, one species after another. 

20 Then Noah built an altar to Yahweh and, choosing from all the clean animals and

all the clean birds he presented burnt offerings  on the altar. 21 Yahweh smelt the

 pleasing smell and said to himself, 'Never again will I curse the earth because of hu

man beings, because their heart contrives evil from their infancy. Never again will I 

strike down every living thing as I have done. 

22  As long as earth endures: seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and win

ter, day and night will never cease' (Genesis 8: 13-22 NJB). 

Considering that the Feast of Harvest as stipulated by the Laws in ancient theocratic

Israel had long been observed even in Noah‟s agrarian time then we could assume that

Prophet Noah observed the ancient „Way‟ to be reconciled with YHVH through „burnt of-

 ferings’ (Genesis 8: 20 -22) during the harvest season (harvest of wheat ) on the fifth day of 

the month of Sivan on circa 30 April 2489 BC. That was calculated 50 days from the 14th 

day of the 1st month of the year 2489 BC or from circa 11 March 2489 BC. Supposed that

 Noah was observing Yahweh‟s Laws during his era as if like in the Mosaic era then the 14th 

day or 11 March 2489 BC was then supposed to be the observation of the „rite of expiation’ 

which was equivalent to the 14th day of  Lord’s Pass Over in Egypt  but Noah was unable to

observe it since the earth had not completely dried (Genesis 8: 13-14).

And on the 50th day from the 14th day of the first month, Noah presented the burnt

offerings recorded in Genesis 8: 20 -22. It was probably that Noah commemorated the 50th 

day of the Harvest Season by presenting the „burnt offerings’ since He was, indeed, the fa-

ther of ‘burnt offerings’ after the deluge and, of course, it was Noah who passed down the

ancient divine instructions of the „rite of expiation’ unto his descendants which was eventu-

ally forgotten by Jacob‟s household, the reckoned lineage, after the prolonged 400 years of 

slavery in Egypt. Prophet Moses, the father of the Laws, had been chosen to be the „key‟

figure in bringing back the forgotten legacy of burnt offerings which was taught by Prophet

 Noah unto his descendants. This derived proposition had been considered to be in consis-tency with God‟s „way‟ in bringing back his lost children through the „rite of expiation’ oth-

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erwise the Lord’s Pass Over in Egypt would lose its „linking element’ of the ritual observa-

tions with the rest of the God‟s people during the pre deluge eras. This „linking essence’ 

says that the Divine „way‟ to be reconciled with the Most Holy God is through atonement .

Thus, the written event in Genesis 8: 20 -22 would have taken place on circa 30

April 2489 BC. According to the precept of spiritual walk of faith, every communion must

 be preceded by God‟s acceptance of one‟s observation of the „rite of expiation’ . As in the

case of Noah, we read the account that God was so pleased in smelling the burnt offerings

which was, of course, representing Noah with his household‟s atonement and also as his acts

of worship through the rite. In other words, Noah was accepted by Yahweh to enter into the

 phase of communion. Noah communed with Yahweh after his burnt offerings or sacrifices

accepted by Yahweh. Noah was reconciled through the ancient divine foreshadowing ‘way’ 

of expiation and thus Noah heard Yahweh‟s whispering heart:-

21  ‚Never again will I curse the ground because

of man, even though every inclination of his

heart is evil from childhood. And never again

will I destroy all living creatures, as I have


22   As long as the earth endures, 

seedtime and harvest, 

cold and heat, 

summer and winter, 

day and night will never cease ‛ 

Genesis 8: 21―22 NIV  

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In every communion, it would be understood that the priest and prophet like Noah,

would receive divine blessings which later applied in the Church‟s eras by the Catholic or-

dained priest as Benediction. Though benediction is rather the presaging Aaronic priest-hood in Old Testament perfected in the Church and yet the origin of the rites of expiation

was as old as Adam because in Genesis 4: 1-5 it was recorded that Abel was observing

„sacrifices‟ according to Divine instructions.. Noah‟s priesthood was rather by virtue of the

ancient priesthood order which was customarily passed down unto the „head‟ of the chosen

household as responsible for the „invocatory office’ of the ancient rites. God blessed Noah

and his sons and said to them, 'Breed, multiply and fill the earth ( Genesis 9: 1 ).


[1] Simin, Joannes. The Simplified Chronologies in the Old Testament . 2013.


The traditional date circa 3 April 33 AD according to astronomer  Bradley E. Schaefer who ar-rived at the date, Friday, April 3, AD 33 for the Crucifixion of Jesus.

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