

The Glenville Mercury . GLENVILLESTATECOL~EGE · · i Publishetl Weekl11

GlenviDe, West Virginia, Tuesday, 9, 1948


aces As Election Is Reported

CIIIB Is 36.4 Per Cent ..Qorreet; Foreeuters' Predidloaa Fall Apart

IIJ'I'a111 Bo-

- recldened IU'OUDd THE UIIIRCtiRY oUlce laat week wlwl pe-eloctltm chok:eo by atatt m<m­llon were made II:Down and wmo

Classes WID Not M~t Armistlee Day, Nov. ll

Cl.asles will DOt be In JessiOD Tbonclay, Nov. 11, Armbtlce day, a recent aDDouncement trou1 PreL Harry B. Heflin ltatod. Friday, No.-. U. bowner, wiD be a day of reruJar classes.


4-H Leaders Will Tour Chleago Nov. 28-Dee. 4

OOID)IUed wltb Ule actual outeom< IIJ' l aaloof Chapmaa or U1e paidentlal race. Two Qlenvllle State colege

:bl teepiJIIr wltb a national trend dents, Velma Canon •a, Baldwin; or ..;.t error In PN- and Edall Bran '52, G lenville, act­• 0 p11np by nat1onally mown 1ve 4-B members have been awarded poUoten, 'l'BE MlliWURY atatt • trip to Cblcago extending ·!rom .,- 3U per cent c:orrec:t In Ita Nov. '¥1 to Dec. 4 wltb all ezpm~~ea oelec:UoD of national and otate can- paid. dldlaleo. U1a1 Caroon wu oelec:ted on \be

'l1lla fllure Is only pvt.1a11y In- bull of U1e clUb ctrls ~rd and

- aa not one ltudent In tbe ~~ ~.!': =~=

=-==~ ~~~ ~ ~t~~ = .. &In:: 1~d:: :bl -... Ule .. - • .tate #

-· and ..-.u•e trom 'lbe dep&rtment of op1cQJture 11 tbll -t, &be jourDa1Jim ltu- flnaDciDir J:d.sll Bnllr'• lrlp after deDia wee toUDCI to be IDOI'e ac- be won aecond place 1n the state ...... te. sheeP-Sheartns -- at l,lacb m't •-Ia 1htle - 11111 laat Aupot. Be will enter the

Two weeb befcn lbe nat ional lbeep-oheartns cont!!S< tblo -. or lbe .- were faiL ollp or - aad - told Laat year Kennetb Brat~ll. brotber

Pioneer Co-Captains Sing Swan Song

_. ~ fer lbe of l!1dal1 Brasil. won Ule ltate shee1>· - ,_ ~ lllearlns contelt beld at Jacbon'• .,..,.,_ apiDat lbe ....,.adlnc - In lbe - or all 11111. He participated In the · Oap- - an tile ·- lla-- - -.oar (~ • .._ I) llleep-llhaarlnr conteet In dalwut ~ of lbe 1H1 left to rtrbt: JtlllllleUl Jt- Weo-

Commerclal oo._nlea ... -., o-..m. · - ........ ton; ~~· ""- Alllnlra; and

merc.ut'\) muainqs .,. _ ._._.

terta1n Ule groupo; t.be7 will ...., .._ lbelr - _, Eareao Leo, Oak BID. ro on lll(rbt-aeelnll toun and will tend ooncerta. A - will plalmed, BOT aa yet It Ia Incom­plete.

8IDee Nov. '¥1 to Dec. 4 Ia Nation­al t-H club week, lbe sroup wW ba•e a cbance to meet Other mem· ben from dUferent .ectJona of

~. ~ .... -------- ---'1 t1llltod Btateo.

SCHOOLS ADOPT Abners Flee FREE~OM T~EME FromHawkins'

Amenean Educataon Week Now - ~ llld mid...,- ~---- Seheduled from Nov. 7-13 Marrym· ' Sam •Ties Knot ---..-.tblnp- E G _,. .._ to Dllnllal and eollep iahth rade Por Ita 19411 t;1eme, Amerlclln Edu- At Hop to Clima'l Events

::.,:-..:.!:...s~ := :· :: ~ :O~d ~ld~·J:."ngt~~b~! B1 Dan Benren ChrUtmu holiii&JI, aDd DO mare v· c II Foundations of OUr Freedom, .. dur- Betty Fttzwater and "Hong Kong" blab (or low) prlcea and ltalie'l ISI.tS 0 ege lilg tbe 28tb observance or tbls an- L\d<ens, two p- out of AI Capp, rtab&a 'tO Jt51 To .., that ue.rl,J' nual event wbtcb 1& acbftduled from won the turnip eiLtin' contest Frl-eftl)' poD IIDde:rtaUmated the power Nov. 7-13. day afternoon before several bun-

~~~ 11 • P"'M UD- Thunder and Lightning d~te~e'fo ~:r~r.88~e:rn;~bJ~ dl'ed onlookers who attended second

Olnclal retuma lndlcMe \bat I Explained to Students schoola, has been broadened to In- :uf.u~t:~~:o=~ day at Glen-

~~=~~ Training school eighth grade ~~~:d~ ad,!~~~.~o~~esen!:f ~~ Erma Lee _Ball, with a reserve or If he WOl auume dice , before 8deace cl..aal, taught by Euqne wu- verslttes Dogpatch streng't.h, stepPed in'to II!I'1DI. l&"l 1ooc1 to kDcnr that at llama and accompanied by student Spo~red by the National Edu-1 the blg circle of contestants, a.s well least one member oS t.b.e c1ul of . te&cbers Rymer Garrett and Jim cation association' Amer :ccn Legion, as into the Umellght, when she '40 baa a Job in the o1l'lD& • Pultlneer rece.nUy spent a per100 t:. S. Office of Education, and tne hand.lly captured first prize ln the

Pootbel1 this yt&r ~ UIU1Ded llnapecttni and experimenting ln l'te.tlonal COngress of Par~k: and greasy contest by pouncing upon a poatUon of top importaoce .. , the chem1!try laboratory or the sci- TE'achers, American Education week the animal and stayed firm. , usual, but hal received 4egracl1nc enoe buUd.1nc. 1.5 dedJcat.ect... to the pre.n:vatton of Eugene Lee and Mary Ba.awell pubUclty to a greater extent thaD The class which 11 now stujying human freedom through progress In !eatW'ed throughout the daY as of­ner lbr:fore. Wlaconatn's student I weather U:d weather condlti.Jns human relations. flsbul IJ1 A•bner and Daisy Mae body and alumni are demanding under "Mr.· Garrett and Mr. Fu!- Locally ArmJsttce day observance for the Dogpatch characters who the hide of their losing coach, Harry tlneer, waa principally concerned will prevent an American Education strolled tCI th eir schoolln' with Stuhldreher. M1xed with thae wtth the questions of why thE'Te is week chapel !rom being held but in- skonk holler garb lncludin' Ma:m. trenda and Bamblinl racket&' lightning and thunder. dlvtdual Instructors wW conduct my Yokum .. Hairless J oe, .Lonesum DOW prevalent in both b1gh acbool Sparks from a Teala coil were ex· lectures and dlscusaton 1n keeping Polecat, Available Jones, and :>ther and college circles, tb1.s seuon plaiDed to the students ln connec· wtth the aplrtt of the naUonal cele- nobWty. prom.laa to bold more convenation Uon with the cause of lightnln~. Watton. •Marryin' Sam sounded muz-for SUnday IILOJ'D1Dc't:Jacka Ualng a model home ,effect ot Robert 7 . Kidd library 1a m.a.k1ng zleloader and all the males sta.Tted

CCODtlnued OD Pace 2) lightning on buildings was demon· an etrort to present to the student fiyin' 'to save thelr ti:mocenee but

Waint Witneued First Atom Bomb Qlast at Bikini

ltrated by using Ughtnlng ToW; rm body a number at books especially as they raced across the campus the model, observing the reacttlm, ·recommended for Education week., some-- were captured, clubbed and &nd. repeating the act with lightning Posters e.nd. pamphlets are on dis- hog-tied. rods removed. play in the library. t Climaxing the day's aetlvlt!es th:lt

Pollowlng these experiments, the Throughout the week sucn dally night 1n the colle'le gymn c Hollis ctu.s Ln.spected the college .!hem- topics aa: LEARNING TO LIVE I Wallis and his ii.omblo.;erS gave 1Jtry e.xhlbtt and supply rooma. TOOF:l'HER, IMPROVING THE I 'the Bogpatchers favorable music

Davis-Elkins Gridders Are Last GSC Foe

Aerial Defense Stnaell By Ratliff; Senaton An Deep in Speedy MaterW

veC..:7~ = "Red .. Brown and b1a power pa.oked, aerial minded squad of Davla-EIIdna -truaterl will belp tbo ba~ .... edition of GlonvWe State __. sing their awan sana to· a c!lUitrOW aeaaon tb1s saturday afternoon when they race onto the oftrocldaD surface of RAJbrbougb atadllml · to do battle wltb Ule Glenville ~ men In \be Wave's final bome pld encounter, at 2 p. m.

Bate Reel Brown will briDe Into Glenville one of Ule boavlest srtd· jron machlnoo that tbo pul-­protesoo of CCach carlnl Ra~ bave faced all -n and one of UMt moot feared eloYena In tbe -team oollep circuit. SeDaton BDD From T

Benaton operate from a ~ T formation wltb • - or. mptlff­l'llg mjU]j!UV.,....._forwMd Jaterala, fate bandolro, lrlple menu, .... l.ayed spinners and they have cme of lbe molt blcb!Y touted, T --· ~ quanerbacts In \be confen<YA In one Jlabe DeRoy.

LeRcJy, who baa bit \be b­all over Ule ate wltb bla -~ wrttlna <Witb tbe Inflated -tube, Ia JINIODtl;y leadlnc tbo oon­fmonce In yarda gained on -and Ia Ule adroit engineer that baa sparked \be beefy · Benaton In -t&bl1ah1ng an lmpreulve aeaaoo. Ie­cord.-

Tbll withy armod, llabtniJIIr-fiD­gered aeTlal artllt doea all U>e twn bandliDir fin Ule senators' balrlviDir T, Olp.s \be aerial and Ia Red Brown's field general . ID.vad.en Ba~e Bqe Lllle

Mentor Brown alao baa a be-he­moth forward wall which ll.aa been the factor 1n allovllng the mercury shod Senator backs t.o run unchecked all season. Th~ line 1a anchored by two towa lng tackles, both weighing well over 200 pounds. Zarar W~bl 145 PoDilds

Frank Zagar~ who mak:eJ th·~­lbanbS groan at 245 poundS, occuptea one tackle whlle Lou DiGiovanni, a 220 po\Uld Brookzyn boy, mans other tackle termi.nal aud mans it well. The snappezback •slot is held by

a for?;~n~~~te!n ::::et t.>Elkln:l,

Un,ion Center Sells Gow·mand Specialty

Sandwiches wUl 1be on sale by ne'xt week at Student union according to 'the mana.ger, Mrs. Kay Dlshauzi.

Last week a refrigerator was pur­chased to be used tor the storage of sandwich meats.

Because of inadequate storage space heretofore Student union haa not been able to supply sandwtcbee recently. AcquJsliion of the n­frlgator wW solve this problem.

I Man of My DreaTrUJ, SayLes Femmes (J( Doug Carpenter

IIJ'I- Welola WWiam WIAnt 'H, BurnnlJJe, a

n&V)' YOieriiD wbo - I'UWd flnt - wu at BIJI:IDI for \be atom bomb - pen J nly 2,

A fUm on weather conditions to J:dUCATION·AL PROGRAM, SE- 11n.clud1n' the star vocal chord, wu~ lllaw the claos Is being planned by CURING QUALIFIED TEACHERS, I (CCntlnued on Page 2) By Pa111 •Roberts the teachers sometime t.h1a sem!!tel'. PROVIDnfO ADEQUATE PI- One of the 1best qualified pro-

~CA~~:~~ Glenville State ! s ~~~v~. ~~~~:no:~~~= Wlanl wu 11 mila !rom tbe ex­

·Pioelon. .U flnt only a amall wlllte

Kneisel Quartet Is Featured In Chapel

cloud waa 110011. Then It tqt llfOW- J'I!O'formlni oompoliJtlona by q lariJer. Dvorak, Debuaoy, Tllcbalkowsty

,OUt ol Ole '12 llhlpa UIOd foe tbo. Bhootakovlch and tbe American oxperlmont, o111y fiYO -• IUIIk. composer Obarleo T. Orll"es, \be ~ that went down won a Jap- Martafule Kllelael Blrlnll quartet

~two deltroyers, and I w;t!:•=1:ac~~'!iu:~~~·ed •Mol& of the rate and .bat. used · two allegros, an ''Ez]n'eutve }{;:,ve­

In tbla ezporimenl wore ~ and · mont" by Del> and a Polka oomo tbat lived won bJei!dlnll In- from "The Golden Ap.' temalJT, " . ( __ . _ Me-• or the New York ascre-

A few bour1 after tba Uploolon ll&tlon Include: llarlanru! Knelael, = ~ .::.~.-:= iw::!~ =.,;vt~o:..,~~Ja~.: around for quite a dlataDce. lfo Bebe Baroer, cello. - could be foaD4 wllbln &.radlul Tbo quartet, wblob 1a one of \be ttl ·12 11111111. repiOCOIIIOIIto for lbe LJcoum pro-w~ ap, "I - \ \bat ......,. for - year, returne4 for =:r. ... IDo ._.,.. to ::.:r:..=.. POI'fannllll tbe

~~~Y 0~~ Reported in TIMES ;;;erotr,:o~an~~itco~~~=~~ been adopted. Glenville State received recog:n1- Carpenter, who washes the toot-

H l R ll C · t tlon recently (OCt. 10) In tbe New !':~·~o;.:,::; ::~:aaln :C,":: 0 y 0 er OUr ' Yorll: Times' wee!<q column, "Edu- stant use alao by doing 60 palro or

Proppses Week Team ~:~ 0~~~-=·~d~~~~n 1~r ~: .~~lj.~i socks and 100 towels a week. ot agriculture to the 'U"esent cur- When asked his oplnion of the

Holy Roller cowt proposes the or- , rlculum. · .. new machine he replied, "It 1s one

~an:~.~~~e:!e~,.w::d:~ ~~mr.~:;l Following 1s the account 1n ita en- ~~v~~~n~~ ~·~ =c:~: campus "who w1U v1att IJUITOunding tlrety: cally sound. · htgh schools thll 1emeater, Judge "A course ln agriculture tor rural "I have bad better Jobs, tt he con-WWiam L- otateo. teachers wW be olrored tb1s fall by tlnued, ''but I believe I am \be

Ulld~~~~~~ ~eS::~~~::r:rr:: =~~~w~wthe ~~~tl~~~ ;a~: r:: ~J~~t~:b:~ n;~y ~d tb~ wm not begin untU early second ln basic agriculture to the state's peast of my "WOn1ea. ~emeater when complete det.aJla 'WID p_ublic~school cur.riculum.. Olen- ''The only thing I lack 1s being ba•e been formalaMd,. vWe's teachers' coune w1ll fUrn1sh able to lron tbem after they are

Tbll program baa - fonnulat-1a practical lmowled&'e of farm prol>- wa&bed. I can gtve Ule women JIO

od lbn>urb 080'1 dollre to enbaDco 1 lema and Ia not Intended to be liole- blnto on baw to wuh clotbeo aa = .::f: .::_u- wltb blllb 1 ::.::.~ In "b?"' to toacb" asrt- ::,.. ~:."are gained only



Football's Proper Size . ~"Colds .4re Most F're(Juent Illness," Saus Every once in a while it . seems desirable tc point out, ON th,. "I .mus College Nurse, Deplorilfll LtMs of Time

at least for the record, that football is only a game. That it U tJRI'Ir ia an excitingly good game we are prepared to admit. We still I "CotC:':.r!au::" m~~uont w- ta1n pllll which cling to the old-fashioned view that how you play it ia more 87 Jo ADD For...... ness," state. Dorotha Cooper, R. ouch--i,mportant tban whether you win or lose. We have a B1l8picion N., "and also they ore the mn... ------

that, in spite of the great clamor against overemphasis on M~ the prolonpd ., .. ._ end. ~~~:,.~.~t~ ~~ ~~ ~a:-'m:'u':.. An football, winning teams, mammoth stadiums and profes- 1 tiDd lhat a (0011, Juicy monel Miss Cooper 11 co-worlter with

sionalism that is heerd from time to time and was loudest, :'1e~ .. ':., C.::'::e::O~ ~ u ~0 V:n.T~~in~e perhaps in tbe t,92ds and 1930s some colleges and ,univer- Polllteril credit tbelr mloeal- health or all students and pula forth sities have still not been able to put football into. the proper colatlons on the outcome or tbe every etrort to bave u an etrectlve

Till fcllnllla mwlcal - baYo...., added to a Uon lilt aceordlntr to Prof, Orendorlf: a nute, a freaeh-. baolooll, &Dollie, 111101 a·~-perspective. reeent presldoatlal raoe to tbe health probram u poulllle under

W · d d f h h · h · h fact that the llll"ftJ' waa made be· I the present eondtttona. · Vtola waa ordered last year for orchestra. e are remm e o t is •by w at 1~ appenmg on t e tore tboy reoet .. d tbelr oep7 or "Olenvtlle eollege bas much to

University of Wisconsin campus. An Associated Press dis- THE MBIWURY ill wblob Boo- look torwvd to," .. ,. M1u Cooper, patch tells how a new wave of stuM,pt feeling is beginning ::;_=.,_-ill b11 bal tor ;!~~=-=:.::sp~·~ . lblleJ'It Flee against the football coach, Harry 'Stu)lldreher. ;rbe team Among the more pronounced

1 whlj:h .Mil 'i:imodenllJ oqlllpped 'Continued !nv.n P ap II

day another loss wu chalked up, with Yale winning 17 to 7. were squirrel hunting and reatlng, liW - - &114 _,..... overJbJed. had won two games and lost one, prior to last Saturday. That actlv1t1es or the past week end~- a i:Ml ,.._ eapliojtd. llam Luador. All lbe - were

The students were prepared, as they saw the way the game with the baullng or voters and tiona are hanclled by lbe college Ll~ ~ ~ ..... -:..,.~ was going. They unrolled a .banner in the stands which read: ~~.:~~liD oplrlts tyiDB · lor third n~ or.~ 11 11 Pftlllhl!ltlc ln'o Bam.Jl'ex Gailler wu a10D ..,... "Goodbye Harry." , Bernard Poole spent moot at h1l Miss Obopor did Ullt a,, 11ut she fled orr lo...,. female by the aame1

time squirrel hunting In the vic· did recall t.llat In comparillc !acult! at MademoUelle CUrry· It happens that this week's Saturday Eveniiig Post con- .tnlty or Camden-on-Gauley, but members alit! sfudenta Wbo sub- ,

tains an article By Coach Stllhldreher's wife, in which she ~so:': :~os~~!:":~~t or ~':'.,tc~ !r~= an~: We Ban G. B.lllxen _. tens vividly about some of the cruelty (in past seasons) that Now lhat. Johlley Ramano bas shown 1>1 tbe studmta. -pe !.hey : G. E. Chela


is visited on a coach and his entire family when the team is begun abavtng bll 1eg.s he hopea are all veterans. , losing. Teleplione calls plague I his home, asking "Why don't GSC lublons wiD soon illclude ·As to cureo lor colda, ohe could :

yau quit?" In flaming red letters on a Quonset' hut on the 1<11-i'timor bas 11 tbat "The Merry ::!.~ C:. ~~t b'"': :0 ; campus is painted "Yale or Harry." Guests at parties come Go Round Broke Down" 11 enloy- did mutter oomethiDB about cer- •••••••••••••••••--•••••"·1

· up to the coach's wife and ask: "Don't you think they ought 4ng another rtse to popularity and - ·-----------------------­to hire a younker man to coach?" Sometimes the social ~~ ~:~~~;,h~"';:'!!~t ~"; ostracism of a coach's family becomes so bitter that his chi!- l!liht 1n th Pille Ear dren refuse to go to school and submit to the taunts of their ev'1 .. i> 70Dr eJ.! on a .... 'slack playmates. In' the case of the Stuhldreher children, school- ~:o,u.::: !,.~ They - a

· mates would sing a refrain "Good-b;ve Harry," and offered to Y~t 11 aotb Eleanor WbHe. buy a one-way ticket to send the father out of town. Sbe, like tbe little mMOn, ate

The Stuhldreher family have ·become pretty well tough- ::,';'"illb=-&Dd ber ba1r -

ened to all this. Be has been eoaching for twenty-three Speakillr of morons, we at...,. Y-ears, including a dozen years at Wisconsin. We submit, how- bave ......,_ JleDrJ and llearJ i_ver, that there is somethjng wrong on our college campuses · ~!~111 ·Meadows, tbe blond when a winning team makes 110 mueh difference that stu- bomb shell from Normantown, aaya dents, alumni and towlifolk lose all sense of proportion. The Hank Megna ranks A-1 on her 1111 un)cind treatment accorded to one coach and his family is no~. msenatlons on a certalD only a symbc-1 of something muph more serious. If education niP,t 1n the n-m holds true. Bob is supposed to teach a sense of fitness in the larger scheme "Stovepipe" Hardman hopes to of values in life, it still has a job to do on football. play ·buketball Jor the Logan In-

-Thirst for Refreslunent Relishes lce-Colll .Coke

-The New York Times de~~n~:;' ,;r~:m=~C:.h':~o ------- have not p&td thel'r def>OOI ~:I

Armistice Day Arrives Minus Treaty =:~l.~o=.,:-;.:· listed on As Armistice day 1948 drawe 1\.ear the world is filled the 'bulletin boatd. Your MpoJit

with uncertainty, two of the world's leading political and :::L::"Ide~het!J!r~t we •• military powers are engaged in a stru~~tle for power and yet ...:"t: ~ ...., ltllnr I there iS nO reaJ peace, nor iS there mUCh hope for peael!. OD lbe c&IDJIU SO well lbb J<&r.

It has been three years since World Wsr II ended when 1re wotdd lllaeb rolilrer eommute these nations agreed upon a cessation of combat with the de- ~~~bb~ .J:... ""='ret a11 her feated powers, suspended operations by mutual agreement rroo<!rleo ebeap at tbe A&P. and sef out to bring a·boQt a world with no future wars. Tci An7ooe illteresled In baJiaa date we stand at low tide for a written treaty. a .UrbiiJ wom and oseol, column

With tempers of nations flaring as in the Berlin crisis, see yoDI'S truly. ' the East versus West problem and many other leaks in the U. N. roof, we wonder if a treaty will be realized before an­other major war capitalizes from blyndering foreign policies.

The United States, with a surprising national election which puts a Democratic majority in the House and Senate along with its Democr\ tic president. stands to improve and strengthen our foreign policy toward a lasting peace, now that the dpel of conflicting parties is over.

' Armistice day will be remembered by all peoples, but surely there can be no real ,l!ecurity in the minds of those peoples when a true peace is just a vision, not a fact.

As we observe this Armistice day, let us recall the bloodshed and grief that unsound treaties have caused throughout the history of the world. If eventually we stumble upon a treaty, let us make it worthwhile with a pact that will stick. ·

' Armistice day should be ·a day of celebrated unity. Is it!

Campus Calendar for Week Wednesday, Nov. 10 - - ---- - - W_A. A. in~ 6:30p.m.

National Education Week Observed Here

The week Nov. 7, 1s being observed by the library ~ NaVonal Educa­tion week. several Charts, and Leaflets wlll ·be posted.

Outstanding bqc?ks in the library dealing with National Education week are: Butler, I!MPROVEMENT OF ~OHING, IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS; Barr and Burton, SUP­FR.VISION: J ersel, CHDD PHY ­CROLOGY; N. S . E . National So­ciety for the Study of .J:dUC'\tion>. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDlJCA­TION; N. S. E., SCI'ENCE EDU­CAJI'IONIIN ~AN .SCHOOLS.


Thllftlday, Nov. 11 ----- - -------- ------ - ----- Holiday director or tbe Department or Saturday, Nov. 13 - ------- Dam-Elkins Game, 2:00p.m. Public Asllslance 1n the Kanawba,

Sunday, Nov. 14 - - -- -- - --- --- - ---- VeSpel'B 6:15 p. m. ~~un=~:; :.;~~';: :'~.!:; Monday, Nov. 15 - - - - - - ---- W. A. A. in gym 6:30p.m. 1o tbe Daniel Boone botello Chor-

~----------------------------------------------~•l!~~·~~~~~r~e~~o~~ Mercury Musings I ~~~ ~ ::':'" :.rso:':et al.:ci explaining where D. P . A. money Is

fCont.lnued rrom Pap 1) thick of speech. Get grandmother 5~ a::t ~~a~ =.P:::!:n-than merely the good and bad plays I out at the bakery, qUick. she's ent 1n th1a field, wtll apeak, follow-Of yesterday's game. down there a•Wna a bun on. ed by a period when anyone may Artbor GodlreJ Crltle- Film II laad.. Inquire concem.ln&' the subject o!

·va~o~h~o~~ re:: ~~:~ d~ w:'~ntt H:~J~ew~~ s:~!~:.u~~ alli~~!:s ':a~itua ftrst attempt

=re~~o=:-=~-.~~ I ~a~ ~o=· ·~s::e~~ ~~{ J!=: ~~~:W~;r~~i'ft!u~~ou~~ sors are on a waiting Ust for him to ton , Louis Armstrong, and Charlie state. The governor and governor­·mentlon the name oft.he product to Barnett, four smaller musical ag- elect are among prominent state t.b.e tUDe of several tb.ous&nd. dol- J!:tegattons are featured. Danny omclals expeetec:t to attend. lara a week-and. for what?? Hls Kaye and Vlrgtnia Mayo furnish the An ttem which should 111t tbe studio audtence WW J.a:Ugb at any- plot--as it ts. ego of every &~dent on the campus tbing (they must give prtzea) but With the alumni· Mr. and Mrs. ts that- poll coriducted. bY a Univer­ln ceneral the show, ts slow and dts- "Lardy •• Mendenhall, he of the slty of Georgia profe&SOr dealing m.tereatlng~xcept to the several class of '39, announce the birth of with maps who found that 55 ~r millions who swear by him. Mus- !\. son Oct. 20 1n a Wheeling h05pl- cent of his students could not locate inp rating: explottatton of the tal. ThlB f irst child has been named. I Berlin on the 11Jl:&P1 46 t per cent public:. Charles Samuel and welgbed In at co ullin 't rtn4 · Siberia and o1x per

At a recent American Medic&l 4 pounds, 7 ounces. cent didn't know where to look for UIOCtatlon meeting, one doctor Wolle Bowls ID Cbarlelton Georrta. Anybody need a. young, voiced the lbeorylhatcerlalo rooda Earl Wolfe '38, AdmiDistratlve promlllng pnlus??

Ask for it either ..,_,. ••• bolll trtuie--111111h """" 1M ,.,. IMIJt.

IIOIIIID- AUIIIOIII\' 00 N ~-If The Spencer Coea-Cola Bo«JJag Co.

l '


student Weekly Ne..., of Glen~e State <'AIIlep Glenville, West Virglida

Entered as Second Class matter November 23, 1929, at the Post Office at Glenville, W. VL, UDCier the A'ct of Jlanla 3, 1879. Publiahed each Tuesilay dllring the academic ~ ex,cept on holidays by the classes in journalism at Glenville State college.

Member of West Virginia Inter..:ollegiate Preas ..... . . Auoc:iale<i ColeE!iale Preis •

Sablltrfptillll, Per Year, $1 All communications should be addressed to The Edlton,

The Glenville Mercury; Glenville, W. Ve. Editor - --- ----- - - - - - - ------·-------- - William L_..

==gM~-======================-Dan C.--= Sports --- - - ---------- --- - - - --· ----------Cfrclllation Manager -- ------------r--~).--:~:::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::: Collilliid8t --------- ------------ ------- Jo .lila ,_~ ... L Ad'ftaer ----------------------L------- BllpJ- W.




-E Filibuster VB tbdRW~MntT IS POJIPOitED

Activities In Gymnasium Delay Playing For Week

Me n•s volleyball tournament scheduled to open No'(. 4 hu been postponed untO a later date, pro­bably this week, announces Coac;h Carlos Ratliff.

M wa.s reported 1n THE MER­CURY last week, teams led by M'or­rcne, Kesling. Herman, Hall and prot.:ably others were to :qeglll plaJ­offs, but decorations tor Sadie Haw­ dance hindered athletic events b1 the gym.

Folloyting preV'lous procedures. each team wU1 have to be defeated twice In order to be ellminated trom tournament play.

Players partlclpatlng In the lour· nament are chosen from members of the student body by deal.gnated team captains.

-----Faces Redden

(COntinued h1>m Page U were openeQ lilBt Wednesc1a,y, tJie day following the elect/On.

el!t~!: ~~~~~~e~cl:nJ:; DeWO¥, ~ ~ 11!ere opene~. Not one bad aelected Mr. 'l"nlmaD.

President Truman's vtctozy came

favorite~ reaowul1y to wallop Rat-,tes the invadlns senato~y start- somethllia like .a basketball score, :: ~Jrr:l~~J:.t"~O:. ~:;!~ lUI's J'OIIC)l1es. The D&B aggrep· lng Ilia flllabuster first, the banged· 79·13. ~ ; 1._11 . , • WbUe•at UJb wrltiD& no olficlal Uon trampled under the same Sbe- up Pioneers have an outside chance. Health supplanted former record statement has been made bJ. etther pherd Rams, :1'1·6, that pulverized Hea!lh is Beall7 lleallh7! l!'olders O'Brien or TCU anct Sch· or tlie fiwo major nationally renown the Pioneers' 15--0. thus glvln£ the Health Must really be healtllyl- werilt or Washington as be boosted pollsters, the Joumallsm c1aas pass-crpy Senators a 36 point edp Stan Bealth. University ot Nevada's his total yardage gained on passes generally agrees upon the following on paper. I'l:n glad I'm a track 8lUL arm of tbe air lana. establlahed a this season at 1,587. reasons for the greatest pollt1cal

The Pioneers' only hope far tA*- new nattonal collegiate passing re- The Pioneers should be fresheJ upaet 1n 30 years: tng a wrench lnto the senaton cord lDt week as be apuked the than a rurtatlous ~d ·after a Class Gives AnalJids geared-up attack lies lD the _,.. Neftda Wolfpack to a lop-sided, week's vacation from the everyday 1. President Truman's determina-= :a~:.o: ~;=r cana:=i ~-.:"c~ =:tho~ ~~~nl::tn~ ~~:f~~ ur.;;. =-~ w: ~f.':"g the issues cUr· the drop on bts co~nal cron· flcureo on the acordx>ard rac!IDI (Contlnued on Pale 4) 2. The fear created In the mln<is ,... ................................................ , ;•••••• .................................... , , ................................................ , of JDa11Y that t.h.e RepubUC&n party

llNAftl UNION 1111

Buy boruh and

1 : .SMALL APPLIANCES i J A Frien'illy Store tn a C : :::a=.:~~ b1~tf.""f'~ ' ELECTRIC 1 S Friendly ToWD : 3. Labor was presumably convtnc-: ' 1 , ed that the Bepubllcans mtsht tend I I R d' : 1 • • toward a conservative pcllCJ as ' rons a lOS, : Repair SePVlce For Your

1, reprd wages and hours.

: ' ' PARKER. p d Penclls '- Preslllent Truman's attaclts I Toasters Heaters : , en an upon the "Do nothln, Eightieth • • • 'I Oongresa ., were s'(CCessful tn : G "}} : : WE CATER TO COLLEGJi!: ' away support trom the , ri S 1 , TRADE I Republicans. : J : : 1 5. Labor {!I'OSWDably oppooed tho 1 Calhoun , • Ti Tr 1 th LOWEST ' ITatt-Bartler law wblch 1s &llliOClat· ' S S • ' ' s ue • e • ed wlth the 8oth Congress

keep them : Uper ervree : : PRICES in Town Are : e. Present high prtces nay have 1 , I 'I beeQ associated with Congress as ................................. ~ ................................................ : F'nund Here : a r esult of campaign charges.

For Good Barber Serviee f ............................................ : : : po~;u~e ~~!tt~g~~~~ ~id::; VISIT Member • Appetizing, ' : ·WHITING'S :


but one wbtch the class reels as of ' : , 1 major importance, the people sup-

C C Rhoades : ' Federal Deposit lllslll'Uite: : So They Say! ' ' : ported President Truman as the • Barbe. Sh , : ce I , : ~ Rexall Store • underdog In the election. It .. ty·

r op : 1 apuy : : 1 1 1 I plcally American to lend moral and

•·····~·-··-······---------.t ', .....•••.............. .:1• Cream Horns • •---------------·-----·--' practical support to the underdog. ,........................................................................................................ : : ; ............................................ ~ ~ ............................................. j : : : Cream Puffs : :Clothes are too Expensive:: For : ' S U R P l U S : : . . : ' to be Careless with. Have : : : : : :, Cakes, Cookres : : , Them Expertly Cleaned : • QUALITY , .- - ' ' ' ' · ' : MEN'S WEAR : : 1 : : : 1. The Know How : , ' : {>ortable Microscopes : 1 Try 'em and See , : 2. Good Equipment , : : : : : : : Insures a gooo Cleaning Job : : H U B : : We- a lmlted -'H7 of .,rp~w portable -- for : : , : •, WE HAVE BOTH :1: : I - ..,_ .,. aD - . ID orlciDal - IUid are olre...,.l -.t a ' ' 'B BAKERY ' I 'I' h ' , ,._ •f oofciDal-. : : )'" : , THOMPSON : • Clot ing Co. I :· dt1E!OJIHII ..... bt • lnebfa. Ulrret wtt.h tlu'ee dlt- , • , : • : : : ....,. aoudllaiT eyo·piooe far blrhlr powen : : Buck's Better Breacl : : DRY CLEANERS : : MAX NACHMAN .!1: SON: : JIOIIIbed ~~lie da Wtback bale. Optical .,atem: ptteb- : : ................................................ J ~ ........................................ J ~ ............................................ .,..,t. ~ -.._..........,~an ofllled ....,_. te prior .&e oD : , ................................................... ..., , ................................................. ; ; .................................................. ~

: lloe ~-~ ''-''· - .. IIIQplq aDd pacldDr : ' : DINE :: Friends Do You Have Yoat: ' £r"".=-., ~ -...::.:"~":~~-.. 0~~:'"=.: ::Put War Bonds on l: and :: Thanksgiving :

l ......-.. ~-. -lfty - oold-wm be returnoc~ l l your shopping list l l DANCE l i TURKEY i : : : : : : : I :

' G'b P C 1 1 ' • • ' at the '' ' : l son age o. nc. : : and remember that when , : : : and aD the Nick Naeb tb&t :

:, l : Y01l need a s!llall eash loan : : l E 0 N : : go with It - If Nat : Doaloft ID Wu sup~ooa :you can depend upon thfa • : :1: Phone 2621 :

l Box llSO, Rochlllter. 2, N. Y. l1 bank for Personal consld- l : h : : R B STORE (A : ' ' : eration. All are'treated : : nestaurant :1: • • U. :. (. .......................................... ----------------.:.---------·--J ,' , 'I' , ----------------------------- with confidence } .................................................... .................................................. . ; ....................................................... ~ .......................................... , : ' ~------------------------------------------------~ i LADIES :: l i See Oar Nationally Ad~rtlled Line' of Four l 1 l Glenville Banking l I ' Gore,, c , Stbltrht c.t, TaUONII lllld Fancy : : & Trust o. : ' ' : SLIPS : : Friendly, efficient aentce . ,.. '. : o .. uJUfillment Crepe - Priced at $2.98 - $3.98 : 1: , • AIUI Oar Beat-Form & JubUee Bruat- • : MEMBER FEDERAL DB- ,

STRADER'S Glenville, GrantsvtDe, Harrisville


: : : POSIT INSURANCB : : McCullougiUJ Department Store :I: COMPANY : Peter's City <1ub Shoes, Admn Hats, Lather J..,_

~--· .. ··-·····~·--·············-····-··· .................... Jt~ ........................................... JI~------------------------------------------------~

Select Your Clothing and Get Fitted • Properly- Attention Students



8 Wed I Jamea L . Jarvis, Glenville; Don- der 18, and a copy of the veteran's tbo\llh I don't want to be one way, tbla llllturday Dflbt. t:biiJ

eavner s ~ ~u:t."~;...=~~~~.:~~; b~e~~~·a claim number I ~pe ..!"..:" =-..=:~ for ~ "/:. ':::.:~ac.E = Stewart, Orton; Leon Stump, Orma; abould be written on all papers to cn>'-<ancllntl plpl<tn porformen 111f a pair or -pod ~I

01 Gh k · Homer G. WUmuth, ' Orma; Troy Insure poAitlve and readY ldentW- tluo seaaon, a ICI'Ibe eou1d hardly

:::::n· Locr.:~~,, Harry E. w~~~:':Sm'::y v~":tl~~.r~ ~=~ :~o""!:' taorpt~·~ a?c'!;lnuod ~'!! .._ t> ess er e lc., Lockney; Hale B. cation. call bl.l illt completa nn1eu II D . Elf'

Mr"':;;n:~.~~.:: .. lie~.g ::::,.:;: : VETE,RANS MUST :!:,~.,:~~~· ~n=l.:n;,ta.:. ~=. ~:"' ~- Harvey M~to ~" will be IIDdenlop Burnavllle, o1 the marrtqe of their


cording to the number and relation- 8coo1ar Bcragg, ' a Utile 117 pound :;'; ::n~ a:::;. ~": daughter, Laura Marian Heavne:- ship of the dependent.a.. . I:=: ~~=eron~ ~="= wateblng the same fro:D Rde·

'48,to0lessyberke'4B, Stumptown. FILE RECORDS Bioloii'Y Department Addll I !Ia one or the moat publlcbed, blgh: U... Tbe rite was performed In the I .._._.,..._ ly- beraldecl b&cb 1n the confer- Coach RaWlf baa beO'l oxport-Stumptown church Aug. 21, With 1 New E ectrlc •· • .,.._..., encc. Whitey, a breakaway back menttng all week with Jefenl --the Rev. V. 0 . VanHorn, offtclating Veterana who have received bene- Second refriierator wu added 10 With aoentwatln BPeed. a ropler-llke blDatloDI .In 1111 etl'or& to come up at the double-ring ceremony, fits from veterans AdmlnlstraT.ion the blolo de artment laat week stttr arm, and awtv~ blpl should wtth a atartmc eleven tbat pub

The bride wore a white street and have been assigned "C"• !clatms) Each ea?'a ne! refrigerator will be come 1n for considerable ·consider-- more o1fenslve J)1UlCb bat tbe picture llen,fb dress wltll matclllng accea- numbers should plaoe certain publlc purch!'.ell from tbe Prlgldalre gen- , tlon wben the mytblc&l all-state loob dark what With half a1 Ule so es and a corsage of pink and records 1n their case folders ~f t.hey al to d1 lsi Dayto • Obi


eleven 1e named. Ploneer bac:t1lt1d babbiiDa aiiDat white rosebuds. M1as Jewel Cain I th1nk thetr beneflciar1es might be r ~0 ra. vti on, n, o, WDdcate: I'IR OD Jtll&aeM With lDjurtea. and John White of Normantown ent1Ued to compensation and pen- or Th~ C:r:~~:-r:;,e used to Several top drawer co~ WaYe 'llcldeDa Del-. atended the ceremony. aton be~enta after mey die. store and presel'i'Ve biologic ,pecl- last week ended 1D wild. rock em, Keeper ot the PSaDeen. oa.cb

Mrs. Oherke 1S a teacher 1D Brax- To estabUsh claims for payments. I mena and cultures. soctu ... ~u:eam,w~-~put onbr&thwll!e. · Xenmll·- Ratlttr has .treeeed IJUI dete:Die ton county· veterans' widows, ctllldren and de- \;A." uw . .-a.. e{r aU week 1D an e11at1: to re.d:J tile

, pendent parents must submit publlc . l , Ch f tens to scbange Ploneen to ...-t the ftDDied Eleven Candidates documents to VA .. proof of de- ·- ha k T,~ne a .ter with their C01I.IInl aerial ...,.. - Ule Senators

P pendency, age and relatlonlhlp. (COntinued from Pap 3) or Cincinnati Bearcato _. and - fnoqneatl7. assln GED Tests i' rr necessary recorda were fUed In the Saturday nlgbt tangle with the KnoxvUle poll<e department . Hard J1IIIJIIng Herb--

the veteran's clalml folder, his de- Tigers. • hold the III1'Bpd Tennouee foot- fancy stopper Cllf J1cCnQ' are .,.. Fourteen candidates took OED pendents would be spared the de- •Altboua'h llte&dy -'ormers ball fans at bay to keep them from peeled to boar U1e bnmt or the

testa recently. Out or the 14 candi- lays Involved In obtaining them Adamo, Hol!teln, Cook and PaynF ~a 'ft ~ ~ t.o::l!: Pioneer ~t In the W&Ye ""'*• ~~~· U~d.':w"=: administered by\ fr~~~ t!o:c;~ In the roo- ~~:~~~If~ ~: :!~~ ~!•: down trot. ~:!!.. ":.., ': COIIIInl -

Tbe 14 candidates taking the 1 only If the rue already baa been revamp bl.l Uneup and the wave Several other oportlng {?) events Andy Smith will be tbe chid al-toat wore: Mable V. IleA, Glenville; · establlabed-ohould InclUde a certl- abould glvethe Tf8era quito a work- were marred by op~ players fOIIIIve throat In tbe - line Bessie Jane Shock, Palls Mllls; I fled copy or the publlc record or out In saturday night's aetto under trying to II1&Dieure their &dvllary's while •BGb K&J, ..._ Lie aDd Pearl Botto, Orantovllle; Byjvla c. marriage; coplea or cOurt recorda or the lglbts at W&lhlngton-Irvlng molars. My pltby comment. rm Kar1yn Sn7da will be the del­Hammer, Preed; Prances M. James, divorce and annulment, coplea of field In Clar-...r. Tb!s t.ouup glad I'm • pinball playing atblete. linemen ccnmled - to ball all <Normantown. I blrtb certlflcateo of all chlldren un- tussle could go either way and al- If the Pioneer~ tame the TIPrs Senator ofteDihe for&JI,

~············-~---······~ ·······················~ -···---~~-·············· ;····-·-·-------------J)I~····~:····:··~~~~~·~~~~··~.~""' i . GLENVILLE iii Students Make the J Jfllt-a' ,A og i We ~~eln~ llepUr i , Auto Craft ,1: LOG CABIN : ~~~ : : : General auto repaJrtQ : :: RESTAURANT : c!..'u. ... ,,., •... :...:..;,. .. 906

: CONRAD'S WATCII : : WheeUiaJaDCIDI' : 1: YourBeadqaarten : couoT>T ... T .... L••••LL£. w.••· : REPAIR SERYJCB : : •.••.• ~!~~~~!~~~~~ ..•.... ~jl t .................................................. .!..! ..... , .......................................... ,• ................................................ ,, ................................................ .

I ~-·•••••••••·••••••·••·••••••·••~ ~~-~~~'!·· ·~


building -'er big, 11w factory for us smokers who like the MILDER cig.-ette ••• · ·

It's MY dgarene."/




III wish I coukl take you in my Navion p'tane over the big, new facto111 Chesterfield iB building at Durham, N.C. It's a honey. It will help supply the ever-im:reasing demand for the ~ILDER ~igarette."



Phone 3731 GlenviDe, W. VL


