Page 1: The guttenburg design principle

The Guttenburg Design Principle

The Primary Optical Area

The Primary Optical Area

Weak Fallow Area

Strong Fallow Area

Axis of Orientation

The Terminal Area

Page 2: The guttenburg design principle

The Guttenburg Design Principle

The actors name is centred right at the very top followed with the name of the film with ‘tombstones’ larger than the rest and a tag line below, they have put the stars name right at the top so it’s the first thing you read along with a picture of him because he’s a popular actor and is in a lot of very famous films people will know what his performance was like in them and want to see what he’s like in this one if you a fan of his you would want to see the film, also the word ‘tombstones’ relates with what happens in the film also the tag line is interesting and you will want to find out what it means by that.

The Terminal AreaThis has the release date in bold red and a cross has been placed there so you know that this is related with death, it shows you that it’s in a graveyard and the pool of red is reflecting the graveyard like a reflection of a mirror it’s an image of a typical graveyard with the trees with no leaves and the foggy sky and the mist around the ground. The red of the pool stands out from the black and white everything else.

Strong Fallow AreaThe title crosses over to the strong fallow area also so it’s very similar to the primary optical area.

Weak Fallow AreaThis has the gun that Liam Neeson is holding which clearly doesn’t play a important part in the film along with the church but apart from that they haven’t put anything else in that section. Also tells you what type of genre it is.

Genres Code and ConventionThe genre is made clear by the gun he’s carrying and that he looks like he’s on the move with his bag it looks like he doesn’t stay in the same place for long. The graveyard gives you a clear sign that there will be death in the film or a story of loss. The red pool is the only colour along with the title everything else is black and white the red is another sign of ‘blood’ or ‘danger’. The foggy graveyard is the stereotypical horror scene in the graveyard with the fog just above the ground.

AnchorageThe fact that it has Liam Neeson who is a well-known actor and is in a lot of action movies and similar movies to the one advertised and he has a big fan following that people who have seen his recent movies will want to go see him in this movie to see if his performance

in this one will be as good as his previous ones.

Modes of AddressHe’s looking in the camera and looks as if he is walking towards the camera as in taking you along with him on his ‘journey/story’. He is addressing the person looking at the poster because of the direct eye contact with the camera. The people looking at the poster will want

Page 3: The guttenburg design principle

The Guttenburg Design Principle

to see this because it comes across as he’s personally addressing them.