  • 8/13/2019 The History as It is Known to the Common Man Revised


    The Fall

    Long ago, before the oldest memories, there was a great kingdom. This kingdom stretched the

    length of the great continent, and it was ruled not through magic, but with alchemy. Great Robots

    did the work of man and the land prospered. However, through the advancement of their alchemy

    and technology the people had forgotten the gods. True, people still prayed and still went throughthe motions of being devoted but none TRULY believed any longer. Man ruled the land. Their

    machines and robots could take them through the air. Then, finally, came the day they looked

    towards the last great mystery of their world, the vast and expansive oceans.

    For many years before this humanity navigated across the sea, and even started to create

    machines that could take them underwater. With all of their advances, the deepest reaches of the

    worlds oceans were still out of reach for them. Finally, the goal was achieved through their robots.

    Once there, at the deepest point of the deepest crag, they discovered a large metal disc. The gods

    sent messengers to them, warning them of the dangers, but none listened. However, humans did

    not heed these warnings; they had no knowledge that their actions would unleash the titans ontothe world. They tried to recover and close the lid, but two titans escaped before the lid was sealed,

    unleashing two devastating forces upon the world at the same time.

    Even though in the eyes of the gods the humans had forsaken them, they still came like the

    loving and dutiful parents they are to defend their defiant children. With the parents came the ever

    watchful and loyal older children. The elves marched out of the great northern forest, and the

    dwarves from under their great mountain home. The last time this battle had been waged before, it

    was waged in the realm of the gods themselves, but now, it waged on the mortal plane, and the

    damage was more than anyone could have expected.

    The first to come ashore was Gaurak, the titan of Gluttony. As he rose out of the water he was

    met by Gorum, god of strength. Those that fought with Gorum and brought their weapons to face

    the might of Gaurak were the dwarves, mighty mountain hunters and warriors. Gaurak, afraid of

    what he saw turned his eyes to the lights of a great city and turned every creature there to orcs and

    goblins, creatures that would embody his hunger and rage. As the dwarves fought off the orcs and

    goblins, Gaurak tried to flee from the onslaught of Gorum. The Feet of the great titan covers

    hundreds of miles at a stride, but Gorum would not allow him to escape. Finally, as a last act of

    defiance by the glutton, he flung himself on the ancient home of the dwarves, hoping that as he

    crushed the warriorsfamilies it would crush their resolve. Instead of breaking the mighty dwarves,

    they flew into a rage and flung themselves against the onslaught of the orcs and goblins. Terror ran

    through the monsters ranks as wave upon wave of enraged dwarves broke upon them. The

    monsters fled into a deep canyon and hid as the dwarves set camp at the entrance to it.

    Shortly after Gaurak came Chern, the Titan of Plague. Chern did not worry as much as Gaurak

    did. He did not believe that he needed the element of surprise due to his particular gifts. Chern was

    the embodiment of disease. If any were to touch him, be them mortal or god, they would feel the

    effects as his rot and disease infested their bodies almost immediately. However, the Gods

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    remembered this from their last battle with the mighty titan and instead of gods or armies to break

    waiting for him, there stood a golem. This golem was as tall and as powerful as Chern himself.

    Emblazoned upon his mythral chest was the symbol of Iomedae, goddess of valor, ruler ship, justice

    and honor. The battle waged across the landscape, and wherever the blood of Chern landed the

    ground grew poisoned and creatures crawled out that were beyond twisted. Finally, the Mythral

    Golem destroyed Chern and the mutilated body of the Titan fell into a gulf surrounded by marsh

    lands. As the waves created by the titanslanded, mixed with its blood and washed into the marsh,

    the entire land changed. Even the trees became hostile and sentient. None know now what this land

    was once called before the titan war; it is simply known now as the Blood Bayou and the Blood Sea.

    When the titans were defeated and the gods had made sure that the threat of further escapes

    was contained, they turned their attention to the unruly children that had caused the problem to

    begin with. As punishment, they stripped the world of technology, and they leveled the great cities,

    scourging any proof they could find of the time of decadence. A race of people with buildings made

    of metal and glass that could touch the sky, watched their world crumble around them. The race of

    man would dwindle in the coming years, forced to continue in a world without knowledge of thethings that had given them comfort. The elves and dwarves helped but only as much as the gods

    would allow. This was the time the humans faced their time of punishment.

    Before the gods left, after wiping any evidence of the decadence of humanity from the world

    they transformed the land around the blood bayou, giving only one way in or out of that infected

    land, past the mythral golem.

    The Time of Punishment

    For the next 400 years, man strived to do nothing more than survive. Scavenging what they

    could. Many died from disease and cold, heat, and/or famine. Many others died from those things

    of nightmares that crawled out of the Bayou, and the twisted forest that had grown around it, up to

    the edge of the bluff, and a great many more died at the hands of each other. Many humans did not

    name these hard times, they were merely interested in survival, but the other races that watched on

    with their gates barred, called it the time of punishment.

    Finally, things seemed to balance themselves out, humans created small isolated communities.

    Two brothers though, did not see this as enough. They set forth to create and protect. The first

    brother made his way to the coast, and on the site of one of the great cities started attracting

    people there, to build, farm and soon the sprawling city of Vald was born.

    The second brother traveled to the Golem. It is said he communed at the feet of the Golem for 7days and 7 night, when he was done he started to lay the brick work of a wall around the bluff.

    When asked why he would simply say For I am the order of the shield, and that is what I am sworn

    to do. Many people passed and most laughed at the crazed man, but some stayed, some helped,

    and soon another city was founded, the city of Mythral.

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    shift. It was to this underworld that the refuges moved, and it was here that they stayed, building

    shanty homes. Soon man of the thieves in the city realized the benefits of a place that was always

    cloaked in shadow, disappearing into the throng of poor faces. The thieves guilds and black markets

    soon moved there as well, over the course of 50 years, Under City was born.

    As Under City was begging to grow, the king still did his weekly outings soon though every timehe went to ascend the bridge back to his home, there were the poor and forgotten begging for aid, it

    was on one of these many outings that the king met, according to most historians the most beautiful

    woman in Vald, Alexandria. She had come to the foot of the bridge for help when he saw her, he

    saw through the dirt and the rags to see the beauty underneath. That night he had his guards find

    her and bring her o the castle, where he gave her the choice of becoming his bride. The marriage

    happened in record time, and the festival lasted for two weeks. During the course of their ten year

    marriage the queen bore four girls for the king, but no boys. It did not take long for the Queen to

    realize how truly mad the king was, nor how to manipulate that insanity for not only the betterment

    of the kingdom, but for her own safety as well as the safety of her children. That safety all came

    crashing down 15 years into their marriage, she was in her prime while he was old and close todeath. He reacted badly to food that he had eaten and accused her of trying to poison him.

    When he attacked her she defended herself as best she could and her salvation came in the

    form of a heart attack, the kings body could not take the strain any longer and gave out. As he lay

    dying in bed the queen refused to let the advisors that had help manipulate the king further into

    madness near him, claiming betterment of his health. She herself used their own tactics against

    them and whispered in the kings ear of betrayal and espionage. With her advice the only to hear,

    his dying act was to change the law and give her full power over the country as queen of Vald, and

    to order the deaths of the corrupt advisers and nobles that had been manipulating him for all those

    years. Dignitaries from every land came to the funeral of the once great king, including the son hehad so long ago chased away. A king now of his own making he had no wish to see harm come to his

    step mother and left his most trusted advisors and some say assassins with her to help make the

    transition of power more seamless.

    From that day while no law states it, none but a Queen has sat on the throne of Vald. While

    Under City still exists in the space below the bridge it is now more of a boom town in its structure

    and there are programs that aid those most in need.


    From the moment that the brother placed the first stone of the drop of the bluff, Mythral has

    been a city of faith. Many who came to help him build the wall and the city later said they did this

    work because the gods called to them. Now the city stretches out vast amongst the great wall of the

    Blood Bayou. The center of the city rest the great mythral golem, surrounded on his hill by temples

    to ever god of good and neutrality in the realm. The wall and city are protected by all types of

    groups within the city guard, but the main portion of their forces and called the Cavilers of the

    Order; their order determines where they are stationed.
