Page 1: The Hoosiers CD Pack Analysis

The Hoosiers CD Pack Analysis

Page 2: The Hoosiers CD Pack Analysis

The cover of the Hoosiers single has a mid shot of the band with the lead singer being the closest. The lead singer is looking at the camera to create a sense of relation to the viewer.

His facial expression is quite calm and his body language is quite relaxed which gives the viewer a sense of calm.

All the colours in the cover are quite bland which means that none of the band members stand out especially.

The funky lettering give a suggestion of light popular music opposed to some sort of hardcore genre.

The colours on the back of this album also quite bland which allows the white writing to come through.

Page 3: The Hoosiers CD Pack Analysis

Overall I feel that the band has intentionally made their CD pack quite simple and bland to help show the type of music that they are trying to sell.

The music is quite poppy and mainstream so in order to sell to that kind of innocent market the marketing has to be relatively innocent just like this CD pack is.
