Page 1: The Hope pioneer (Hope, N.D.). 1920-05-06 [p ]. · The only sure way to test roofing is on the roof. That is where Certain-teed Roofing has been tested by time—tested for wear-tested


The Sure Way to Test Roofing is on the Roof Some men think that they can tell good roofing by smelling it. Figure it out yourself. ̂ How is any man's nose going to tell him how long roofing will last and how much protection from storms, snows and rains it will give.

And protection and lasting qualities are what you pay money for.

, • /

The only sure way to test roofing is on the roof.

That is where Certain-teed Roofing has been tested by time—tested for wear-tested for shelter—all over the world. Certain-teed Roofing has never been known to wear out on the roof. It is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, ac­cording to weight.


Private Brands and Big Profits

Some dealers will try to sell you private brands of roofing, not because they are as good or better than Certain-teed, but because there is more dealer profit in them. Those profits come out of you. Dealers make a fair profit on Certain-teed, but they are limited to a fair profit because so many dealers handle it and

; everybody knows the price. Don't take a gambler's chance on an unknown brand. Buy for known value

. at a price which is fair to everyone. Any reliable dealer can get Certain-teed for you quickly from a nearby Certain-teed warehouse or jobber. He gets it when he wants it and he gets what he wants. He can afford to sell you at a fair price.

Certain-teed Products Corporation General Offices, St. Louis

OffioH and Warehouses In Principal CitlM

Certain-teed tggj RlS

Beware of the dealer who tells you he has Certain-teed, but tries to sell you a private brand. He probably wants a bigger profit.


Greenlaw and Son Slain Near Mexico City-Punishment of

Outlaws Demanded.

MEX TROOPS IN VICINITY State Department Requests Additional

Warship Protection at Points

on the East Cost of Mexico.

Washington.—The murder of two more Americans in Mexico, reported Monday to the state department, ac­centuated the concern with which offi­cials here are watching developments beyond the border. There was noth­ing, however, to indicate to what ex­tent the attitude of the Washington government toward the Sonora revo­lutionary movement might l)d affected by the fact that the Incidents occurred in Carranza-controlled territory.

Requests Warship Protection. Requests for additional warship pro­

tection at points on the east coast of Mexico already had been forwarded to the navy by the state department. While this had no reliftjon to the lat­est murders, it. was said to indicate the view of officials "as to the unset­tled conditions prevailing in that re­gion, nominally, at least, still held by Carranza forces.

The murder of Eben Francis Oreen law and his young son by Mexicans near El Oro, only 125 miles from Mex­ico City, brought from the American embassy in Mexico City an emphatic demand that the Mexican government arrest and punish the murderers. The American government contends that the Carranza authorities were respon­sible for the protection of the Green-laws because of the presence of Mexi­can troops in the vicinity.

Destroyers will be stationed at Tam-pico, Tnxpan, Vera Cm/, and Fron-teras, ready to take off Americans who may be in danger. The state de­partment specifically stated lhat these vessels were not to take any part in the struggle between factions in Mex­ico, but were asked for solely to pro­vide a haven in case of need.


Spohn's Distemper Compound to break ft up and (ret them back in condition. Twenty-aix years' use has made *'Spohn'8,t%indi8penaable in treating Coughs and Colds, Influenza and Distemper, with their resulting compli­cations, and all diseases of the throat, nose and lungs. Acts marvelously as a preventive, nets equally well as a cure. •• cents and $1.16 per bottle at drug store*. SPOHN MEDICAL* COMPANY. Goshen, Ind*

Don't Let Catarrh Drag You into Consumption

Avoid Its Dangerous Stage. There is a more serious stage of

Catarrh than the annoyance caused ^ by the stopped-up air passages, " and the hawking and spitting and

other distasteful features. The real danger comes from the

tendency of the disease to continue its course downward until the lungs become affected, and tfren dreaded consumption is on your path. Your own experience has taught you that the disease cannot

be cured by sprays, inhalers, jellies and other local applications.

S. S. S. has proven a most satis­factory remedy for Catarrh be­cause it goes direct to its source, and tendB to remove the germs of the disease from the blood. Get a bottle from your druggist today, and begin the only logical treat­ment that gives real results. For free medical advice write to Medi­cal Director, 104 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.

A Jawbreaker. "What dreadful name are you apply­

ing to that man?" "Merely his own," responded the

Russian courteously.

Consistent. "He is a most consistent critic." "So I judge by his running com­

ments on fugitive poetry."

Naturally. "The hygienic experts set their faces

against kissing." "Who doesn>'t?"

The best part of a bargain is the gain.

Artless women are seldom heart­less.

'Stock Kaftiiu) WESTERN CANADA

la as profitable as grain crowing. Successes as wonderful a* those from growing wheat, oats, barley, and flax have been made in raising Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Bright, sunny climate, nutnt-ious grasses, good water, enormous fodder crops—these spell success to t>» farmer and stock raiser. And remember, you can buy on «asy terms

'Farm Land at *15 to *30 An Acre —land equal to that which through many years has yielded from SO to 4B bushels of whaat to tha sera—gracing land convenient to good grain farms at proportionately low prices. These lands have <

every rural convenience; good schools, churches, roada, tele- , phones, etc., close to live towns and good markets. , If you want to get back to the farm, or to farm on a larger scale than is possible under your present conditions, InvastU, gat* what Western Canada has to offer you. | Wnr iUnatrsUd literature with maps and particular* regarding redoeed rmihre/ rata*, location of Ucd, etc.. apply to Dapaitasat of InunigT*-tSoSf Ottiwi) rtintfl*. or • 1. I. BLACK. Clifford Black. Great Fotfca, R, Dafelj I, HADDELAND. Dnaa Black, Graat Falls. Hast*

Canadian Government Agents.


Small Town in Oklahoma Demolished by Storm.

Muskogee, Okla.—Thirty-seven bod­ies have been recovered by rescuers from wrecked houses in the storm de­molished town of I'eggs, according t<J a telephone report from Tahlequah. This information was brought from I'eggs by the tirst man to arrive here from that town Monday.

Twenty of these bodies are reported to have been taken from one building alone.

Fifty persons are reported killed and more than l.'rff injured in a storm that is said to have wiped the little town of I'eggs. Okla., Cherokee coun­ty, off the map Sunday night.

Reports to the Muskogee Times-Democrat: from Locust <Jrove and Tahlequah, where dead and injured from I'eggs are being taken, said that, not a house was left in I'eggs.

A special train carrying doctors and nurses and equipment left Muskogee for I'eggs Monday. All doctors and nurses in Tahlequah also have gone. Practically every store in Tah­lequah, which is the county sejit of Cherokee county, has closed and sev­eral hundred people have gone to Peggs to do rescue work.


McLean County Raising $10,000 for Capture of Wolff Murderers.

Bismarck, X. D.—Citizens of Under­wood have taken the lead in the rais­ing of a $10:000 fund ,to be paid to the person or persons who capture the murderer or murderers of Jacob Wolff, his wife and tive little daugh­ters, and the chore boy, Jake Hofer. on the Wolff farm near Turtle Lake, April 22.

It is planned to raise tlie amount designated in all of the cities and towns of McLean county and Under­wood citizens, who are responsible for the move, subscribed over $500 toward the fund in a few hours. The-matter is to be taken up by the leading citi­zens in other towns in McLean county and the entire amount is expected to be raised before the end of this week.

It is believed that with such a large reward, whicli with the $1,000 offered last week by Attorney fleneral Lan-ger. States Attorney Williams and Sheriff StelTrud and the $1,000 reward offered by (Tie state through Governor Frazier. makes a total reward of $12,000, that the murderer, or mur­derers. should be captured very shortly.

Store Cuts Prices.

One of New York's largest department, stores advertised In Monday's newspapers that it would attempt "to break the backbone of high prices" by offering its entire $20.-000.000 stock at a reduction of 20 per cent. The only motive in making this general reduction, said the advertise­ment, is "a conscientious sense of duty" made necessary by the reports of government investigators that ••rices are still on the upward turn.

Baby Specialists. fHAr there are Physicians who specialize on Infant ailments yon know. All

Physicians understand Infant troubles: all Physicians treat them. It is his profession, his duty, to know human ills from the Stork to the Great Beyond.

But in serious cases he calls in the Specialist. Why? He knows as every Mother knows, or ought to know, that Baby is just a baby, needing special treat­ment, special remedies.

Can a Mother be less thoughtful ? Can a Mother try to relieve Baby with a remedy that she would use for herself? Ask yourself; and answer honestly!

Always remember that Baby is just a baby. And remembering this you will remember that Fletcher's Castoria is made especially for Infants and Children.

Children Cry For Set Contents ISTluid PiMhn


>tCOHOt-3 PBR OBNt- 1 , AVfe^ctablcftepaiatfaiMfMi I similatin^tteFood by ItlniithcStcinadisandBcw'eUaj The False and the True.

I Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness and RestCoM®

Advertising by the use of large space, the expenditure of huge sums of money have placed on the market, have put in your home, perhaps,

_ many articles that today have been discarded, as you will readily admit. I netuierOolttm, Morphine not! Do you recall anything that has more modes.tly appealed to the Mlneral NoTNAHCOTIC public than has Fletcher's Castoria: modest in all its claims, pleading

at all times—and truthfully—for our babies ? The big splurg, the misleading claims may win for a time, but

the honest truth-telling advertiser is like the old story of the tortoise that beat the hare.

Mothers everywhere, and their daughters, now mothers, speak frankly, glowingly, enthusiastically in praise of Fletcher's Castoria. Speak of It lovingly as a friend that has brought comfort, cheer and smiles to their little-one.

There are substitutes and imitations as there are for the diamond, for anything of value. One might almost say that that which is not copied has no value. So you have had the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher and a copy of the genuine wrapper kept constantly before you that you may guard against the false and the untrue. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA


focSiraile Sijnrttt^0*


Bears the Signature of

Exact Copy of Wrapper*

Sounded Like It. A schoolteacher relates the follow­

ing dialogue wlilcfi took place during a recent examination:

Teacher—Johnny, spell and define bewitching.

Johnny—Be-witeh-ing, fascinating. Teacher—Correct. Now, what does

facinating mean? Who can tell? Silence for the space of half a min­

ute, then up comes a hand, shaking with impatience to give the desired Information.

Teacher—Well, Michael, tell UJ what your Idea of fascinating is.

Michael (drawling, but shouting with the utmost assurance)—It's phwat yer put in yer arm ter keep off small­pox.

Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freazona

costs only a few cents.

With your fingers! Tou can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be­tween the toes, and the hard skin cal­luses from bottom of feet.

A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callous. In­stantly It stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or cal­lous right off, root and all, without one'bit of pain or soreness Truly t No humbug!—Adv.

Golden Opportunity. Judge—Haven't 1 seen the defend­

ant some place before? Lawyer—Yes, your honor; he taught

your wife how to sing like a grand op­era star.

A Lady of Distinction. Is recognized by the delicate fascinat­ing Influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cutlcura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the porea, followed by a dusting with Cutlcura Talcum Powder usually means a clear, stoeet, healthy skin.—Adv.

Every man who has the courage of lils convictions has to have a lot of it

His Advantage. Sunday School Teacher—The man

with live talents Increased them to ten, but the man with one hid his. That was wrong, wasn't it?

Willie Willis—Huh! Think of the laugh he had on the other guy when the income tax man came around and took away 05 per cent of,the ten tal­ents.—Judge.


Bayer Company, who introduced Aspi­rin in 1900, give proper


The Bayer Company, who Intro­duced Aspirin, tell in their careful di­rections in each package of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" that to get best results one or two glasses of wa­ter should be drank after taking tab­lets.

"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross," Then you are getting the genuine, world-famous As­pirin, prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years.

Each unbroken "Bayer" package contains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu­ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri­tis, and Pain generally.

Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac­ture of Monoaceticacldester of Sallcy-licacid.—Adv.

Concluding the Ceremony. The Justice of tho Peace—I)o you

take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?

The Bridegroom—I do. The Justice—Then I pronounce you

man and wile. And remember you asked me to do this. Don't ever blame me.

The Kind. "These automobile thieves who are

so hold certainly have nerve." "Yes; motor nerve."

Sure Relief U2 IHDIMSTKM;

6 BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief




Life is a burden when the body ia racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take


l*BVJ-THTI Tha national remedy of Holland for ovar 200 years; it ia an enemy of all pains ra-" suiting from kidney, liver and uric add troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Ml far IKI nam* Gold Medal oil avary BAA

aad accept DO imitation

Let Cuticura Be Your Beauty Doctor

Soap 25c, Ointment 25 ud 50c, Talcaai 25c.

liver and Bowels Right—Always

Feel fine There's one right way to speedily tone up the liver and keep the bowels regular. Carter's Little fTADTITD'i LiverPillsnever I wMR ICK <_ fail. Millions JWITTJJE will testify that there ia nothing so food for bil­iousness, indigestion, headache or sal­low, pimply skin. Purely vegetable. Small Pill—Small Dose—Snail Price


DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.

Stsslaa sail tear ilnalurt

WO O L Seaion ia on—Ship as your

WOOL-PELTS—HIDES We pny hljjhoft prices. Writ*

fur circular, sacks, rope. MCMILLAN FUR & WOOL CO.


HIGHEST MARKKT PKICEH PAID foi Poultrv, Horn* Cow Hid™. Wool, McKay rrwloce <o.. St. Paul, Minnemita,

LOOK—Oreat opportunity for you either M manufacturer or n»)i-cmun. Attractive prop* oaltloa. Luter 11 Uarber, TlmbervUI* Va
