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The Horse Thieves

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The Horse Thieves

The Horse Thieves

By Mujib Abdur Rahman

March 2013 | Jamad Al-Awwal 1434ah

In memory of my late father who once owned a horse

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The Horse Thieves

All rights reserved ©2013. Please do not print or photocopy without the permission of the author. To put this story on other sites is strictly forbidden.

1. Horse thieves

Hasan and his brother Husain were riding their horses on Sunrise Meadows. Their mother Mrs. Anisa is the owner of the Sunrise Stables and gives horse riding lessons to children.“I think Thunder hurt himself” said Hasan looking down at his horse’s foot“Better take him home” said Husain. The two brothers went back to the farmhouse.“Mum, when are Daddy and Uncle Ahmad coming back?” asked Hasan as he came closer to the farmhouse. Their dad Mr. Malik went to the town. Mr. Malik drove there with his truck and took his brother in-law Ahmad with him. Mrs. Anisa was cleaning the kitchen window which overlooked Sunrise Meadows.“InshaAllah they should be back before Asar Salah” replied Mummy looking at her watch “Why honey?”“I think Thunder has something stuck on his foot” said Hasan looking concerned. Thunder was Hasan’s horse which he had since it was a pony. It was a beautiful black horse which looked like velvet.

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The Horse Thieves

“Ahmad can have a look tonight” assured Mummy “Just take Thunder back to the stable and let him rest”.“I might as well bring in Storm” said Husain talking about his horse “Thunder and Storm are brothers, so they don’t like being separated”.“Yes” agreed Hasan “And we are brothers too!” he exclaimed hugging Husain. They were both twins and grew up on the farm. Occasionally they would go to the city to meet family and friends.From the distance a truck could be heard coming down the lane.“That’s dad, his back!” exclaimed Husain looking surprised as the truck came down the hill.“But they are too early” said Hasan “It’s only two o’clock and Asar isn’t until 6”.The truck drew up at the front of the house. Hasan and Husain ran to greet their father and uncle.“Abul Hasan you are back early” called Mummy coming out from the house. “I’m afraid we had to” Mr. Malik said looking worried. “We were warned by the police that there are horse thieves around. We had to keep an eye on our horses”. Hasan and Husain froze.

2. Lunch

“They might take our horses” cried Husain looking horrified. Mr. Malik put his arms around his son.“Husain don’t worry” he said “Our horses are trained well; they won’t go to a stranger”. Just then the telephone rang. Mummy ran back to the house and answered it. “Yes sure Mrs. Smith” said Mummy talking to somebody on the phone “The children would love the weekend here”. With that she put the phone down. By now everybody were in the big living room.

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The Horse Thieves

“Mrs. Smith from Olivewood School just rang” announced Mummy looking excited “She said they want four of their students to spend time here with the horses, its part of a project they are doing at school”. Everyone was happy with the news. It was often that children from schools came and trained on the horses. Other than Thunder and Storm, the farm had four other horses, Trotter, Admiral, Mountain and Misty. Admiral once belonged to an army general who gave it to Mr. Malik as a present. “Boys you’re going to have to help me prepare the stables” said Mummy“Of course mum” said Hasan and Husain excitedly. They both loved helping their mother with the stables and help train children on the horses.“Mum, can George come to help as well?” asked Hasan “He really loves being around the horses”. George went to the same school as Hasan and Husain. He was a close friend who was also born on a farm. Stewart’s Farm was only a quarter of a mile down Reindeer Hill and the boys often went to play there with George who looked after chickens and ducks.“Very well” replied Mummy “George can come”. “Shall I lay the table out for lunch?” asked Uncle Ahmad “That’s kind of you” said Mummy with a smile. She had cooked a delicious lamb casserole with mash potatoes.“Tuck in everyone” said Daddy “Don’t forget to say Bismillah”. Daddy would often remind everyone to say Bismillah before they began an action. Just then one of the horses neighed.“Oh I almost forgot about the horse thieves” said Husain dropping his spoon.“Don’t worry” assured Daddy picking up the spoon “Let’s finish our lunch and then we’ll go and see to the horses”.

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The Horse Thieves

“Oh and Ahmad, Thunder needs his legs looked at” Mummy remembered “Hasan said there’s something stuck on it”“I was going to mention it” said Hasan “But I left Thunder asleep so I didn’t want him disturbed”“I’ll have a look inshaAllah” said Uncle Ahmad “Masha’Allah this Lamb Casserole is delicious”.

3. The Stables

Hasan peeked into the first stable stall. Thunder was asleep. He moved a little when Hasan walked in. But Hasan patted him immediately. Husain went to check the other horses. Alhamdulillah they were all there!The stable was quite big with seven stable stall. All but one contained a horse. “Now to have a look at Thunder’s legs” said Uncle Ahmad coming in. Uncle Ahmad was a Vet and many of the local farmers got their animals to him to have a look at.“Thunder has a thorn stuck to his leg, Hasan” announced Uncle Ahmad “You shouldn’t take him deep into the woods”“I didn’t realise” said Hasan looking upset“Not to worry” comforted Uncle Ahmad “I’ll mend it for him inshaAllah. You go and get the stables ready for the weekend. You might not have time as you have school for the next few days”.

Mummy was also down at the stables. She was stacking new hay for the horses.

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The Horse Thieves

“You boys might need to sleep in the empty stable stall” said Mummy “There might not be enough space at the farmhouse with four other children coming”“Oh yeah!” exclaimed Hasan and Husain “We love sleeping in the stables. I suppose George would need to join us if he is staying over”“Well you’ll have to make sure you take your blankets with you” said Mummy “Last time I told you to, you left it in the kitchen. And I’m sure George would love to stay over”“We’ll remember to take them this time mum, InshaAllah” said Husain “Although it’s so comfortable and warm with the straws that I don’t think we need any blankets”“Just take them in case you feel cold” said Mummy “I remember sleeping in those stables when I was a little girl. My Dad would always make me take a blanket”. The hay was stacked along the wall beautifully.Hasan went to arrange the saddles and horseshoes. They were left untidy the other day. He organised everything in order, hanging the saddles and putting horse shoes beneath each of them.

4. Visitors

On Friday night the children from Olivewood School had arrived. Mrs. Anisa had laid out a delicious welcoming meal for the four children. There was meat lasagne, prawn noodles and a great big homemade cheese pizza. There was also a jug of fresh pomegranate juice and a large bowl of pineapple and cream. “Thank you Mrs. Anisa I love pizza” said a young American boy named Ricky. The other children were Sarah, Stuart and Liliana. “Tomorrow we wake up bright and early to take the horses out” announced Mummy “My boys will be helping you out inshaAllah”.

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The Horse Thieves

The children looked at Hasan and Husain. They were shy at first but once they got to know the boys, they got along well.

After supper had finished the children went for a little walk with Uncle Ahmad and the boys. They didn’t go too far as it was a very dark night. “Look is that a fox?” asked Liliana pointing to a stray fox which jumped over the fence.“Yes” replied Uncle Ahmad “They usually come out at night in search of food”. The moon was shining brightly in the sky. There wasn’t any light around Sunrise Village, but the moon made it very bright indeed. “It’s just like a street lamp” said Stuart gazing up“You should come down to the farm often” said Uncle Ahmad “I love taking walks with my nephews”“Why is this place called Sunrise Village?” asked Liliana“Well my grandfather who built this farm was sitting outside the house one day thinking of what to call the village. Just then the sun was rising and that’s where he got the name from”.“Right, bed time” said Mrs. Anisa as the children came into the farmhouse “Boys upstairs on the right and girls downstairs on the left”. The children went to their bed rooms. Each of the room had a lovely fire place, beams on the ceiling and a breathtaking view of Sunrise Meadows. Husain and Hasan on the other hand went to find their father and uncle getting ready for Salatul Esha. There wasn’t a mosque nearby so they had to pray in the old barn. Some of the local residents would often join them. Tonight Mr. Yusuf from Garden Cottage came along with the postman Jamil as well as the milkman David, who recently became a Muslim.

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The Horse Thieves

Mr. Malik, who was a hafiz of the Qur’an, led the Salah. He had a beautiful melodious voice. Earlier that day George had called to say he wasn’t going to be able to come down to the farm as he had to go to the market with his Father.“It’s alright” said Husain on the phone “You can try next time. Bye George” and with that he put the phone down.

After Salah, Hasan and Husain went to the stables. They could hear some of the horses neighing in the other stable stalls. Hasan went to check the horses. He was afraid the horse thieves would come and steal the horses. But thankfully they were all there. Hasan went to Thunder and saw to his wound. Uncle Ahmad had bandaged it well which made Thunder comfortable.

“Husain did you remember to read the dua for sleeping?” asked Hasan coming to find Husain in his straw bed.“I already read it” replied Husain sleepily “I wonder if the horses read it as well”. Hasan giggled at the joke. The stars in the sky shined brightly as Sunrise Farm fell into silence.

5. Horse riding

In the morning, all the horses, apart from Thunder, were assembled outside the stables for the children. Thunder was looked after by Harry the Gardener, who lived close by.After a really nice breakfast of porridge, honey and toast, the children made their way to the stables. Hasan and Husain helped the children wear their gears ready for riding. Mr. Malik had already told them why each of the gear was important for riding. He showed them how to put it on.

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The Horse Thieves

Stuart’s riding hat was too big for him so Mummy had to find a smaller one. She ended up borrowing one from Mrs. Woodhouse from the opposite farm.“There this should fit you” she said handing the hat to Stuart“Thank you Mrs. Anisa” said Stuart, a skinny little boy “Its blue, my favourite colour”.The children marvelled at the horses. Some of them have never been so close to one before.Mrs. Anisa told the children that it was important to mount a horse on its left side and not to walk behind it, as this could scare the horse. “Now hold the reins of the horse one by one” said Mrs. Anisa leading Liliana to Misty “I’ll hold onto the horses head whilst you get on”. Mrs. Anisa went through some instructions of how to mount a horse. Very soon all the children were up on a horse with somebody with them holding onto their horse. After going through instructions of reining, the group were ready to ride their horses.Mrs. Anisa led the group down Sunset Meadows, through a pathway deep into the field. She was riding Storm.“Oh I never thought I’ll enjoy horse riding” yelled Ricky “This is awesome”. They met PC Rupert the village policeman.“Morning” he called out “Having a nice time?”“Yes officer” replied Mr. Malik “We have children from Olivewood this weekend”. PC Rupert went up to Mr. Malik.“Watch out for horse thieves” he said quietly “Farmer Green from the next village had his one stolen early this morning. We are looking for the culprits, don’t worry”. Hasan had overhead the conversation and was very worried. “Don’t worry Hasan” said Husain “The police are on the lookout for the thieves, it should be fine”.

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The Horse Thieves

The children had a magnificent time. They rode past a beautiful stream which had delicious fresh water.“Are you having fun children?” Mrs. Anisa called out“Yes Mrs. Anisa” replied the children. They rode alongside the Sunset Forest, seeing the beautiful trees and small animals. It was now time to head back to the stables as lunch time was approaching.Hasan and Husain led the horses to the stable stalls.“Come on” said Hasan “Let’s help mum in the kitchen”.

6. A shock

After lunch the children went to their bedrooms for a nap. It was usual for everyone at Sunrise Farms to sleep after the Dhuhr Salah as was a practice of Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu Alayhi wassalam. Ricky got up from bed. He was looking for his watch but couldn’t find it. It was a watch given to him by his grandfather. ‘Where could it be?’ he asked himself. Ricky looked out of the window and thought it might have fallen in the stable. He got up and went out of his room. Just then Husain, who was about to go to the stables to sleep saw Ricky. “Hey Ricky what’s up?” he asked. Ricky explained to him about his watch. “Come on, let’s go and check out the stables” suggested Husain. Hasan was in the kitchen doing his homework and saw the boys going out.“Don’t disturb the horses” Hasan called out. Outside the sun was shining brightly high up in the cloudless sky. As the boys went towards the stables they heard a sound coming from inside. Husain held Ricky. He took his index finger up to his lips. Voices came from the stable, as the boys quietly crouched near the

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stable doors, looking through a hole. There two men were walking up and down the stables talking to each other. It wasn’t Mr. Malik or Uncle Ahmad!“Harry will get the van” said the first voice“Where is he John?” asked the other voice panicking. “Stop gettin’ worried Rich, he’ll be here” said John. At that moment a van drew up on the main road. Husain pulled Ricky behind a bush.“Horse thieves” he whispered to Ricky. Ricky looked scared“Shall we get your dad?” he asked. “Not yet” replied Husain “It’ll scare these men away”. A third man joined the two men in the stables. “Well, well, a whole stock of money” he said marvelling at the horses. He wore a black suit with a black cowboy hat “The farm folks will be sleeping at the moment, let’s get on with this”“When are gonna get the cash Harry?” asked Rich“What cash? It’s all mine” replied Harry immediately startling the horses.“You promised a percentage” growled John coming up to Harry“Well, you won’t get any” growled Harry “Now get these horses out of here”. But the two men didn’t move.“Not without cash Harry” said John “How much are we getting? We helped you take thirteen horses so far”“Be quiet and do as you are told” shouted Harry looking annoyed. Suddenly Rich punched Harry, which made him fall on the floor.“Nobody shouts at my nephew” cried Rich. Harry got up and pushed Rich to the floor. The two men began fighting as John joined in.Outside the stable the two boys were sitting very still watching everything that was happening. Ricky suddenly saw his watch, which was lying on a pile of straw.“Hey my watch!” he exclaimed. But that was a mistake. The men stopped.

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7. Captured!

“Who’s there?” yelled Harry. As the three men came out of the stables Husain and Ricky made a dash for the farmhouse. “Come on it’s our chance to get dad” said Husain pulling Ricky as the men started chasing them.“They’re gonna call the cops” whimpered Rich as he began to chase the boys.“Grab a horse you idiot” screamed Harry as he clutched hold of Misty “We need to get out of here”. The horses struggled with the men. Meanwhile, at the farmhouse Husain ran to call his dad. “Dad, dad, horse thieves are here” he called out. Mr. Malik ran downstairs and outside in the courtyard.“Hey leave those horses alone” he growled out. Uncle Ahmad had joined Mr. Malik, as Harry and his men were pulling Thunder and Storm. In the mean time Mrs. Anisa had called the police and all the children were awake.“Alright drama!” cheered Stuart as he joined Liliana and Sarah watching the action from the kitchen window. Uncle Ahmad had pinned down Rich on the floor whilst Mr. Malik held onto Harry. John wanted to escape from the farm but tripped over a hose pipe, falling face first on horse manure!“That is horrible” said Liliana looking disgusted“Thanks to me for leaving the hose there” said Stuart looking pleased. The police had arrived and immediately arrested the men. Husain and Hasan, a little shaken by the incident, helped to take the horses back into the stables.“We’ve been looking for these three for a while now” announced the police inspector

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“We could have got away” interrupted Harry “If it wasn’t because of these meddling kids”“They done Sunrise Town a favour” said the police inspector patting Husain and Ricky “Thirteen horses were stolen in the last two days, they’ll be returned to their owners very soon”.

“Well” sighed Mrs. Anisa holding onto her hips “Thank Allah the horse thieves were caught”“This is awesome” whooped Ricky “A real life drama”“I wish it didn’t end!” exclaimed Stuart punching the air in excitement“I did” said Sarah gratefully“Let’s have ice cold cola and sandwiches” announced Mrs. Anisa “And then we’ll go for a ride over Sunrise Meadows!”“Alright” yelled Ricky

As the horse thieves were taken by the police, everyone at Sunrise Farm was enjoying their snack.

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