
“e-Patient Dave” deBronkartTwitter:[email protected]

The Imperative to Anchor Care in Patient Needs & Perspectives

Flexner, the father of medical education, called patients

“clinical material” – so: J

Flexner, the father of medical education, called patients

“clinical material” – so: J

How I came to be here• High tech marketing• Data geek; tech trends; automation• 2007: Cancer discovery & recovery

• 2008: E-Patient blogger

• 2009: ParticipatoryMedicine, Public Speaker

• 2010: full time

• 2011: international

“I want to note especially the importance of the resource

that is most often under-utilized in our information

systems – our patients”

Charles Safran MD, Beth Israel Deaconess quoting his colleague, Warner Slack MDTestimony to the House Ways & Means subcommittee on health, 2004

Institute of Medicine – Sept 2012Major New Report: “Best Care at Lower Cost”

Yes, the IOM itselfsays e-patients are an

essential part of tomorrow’s healthcare.

Patient-Clinician PartnershipsEngaged, empowered patients—A learning health care system is anchored on patient needs and perspectives and promotes the inclusion of patients, families, and other caregivers as vital members of the continuously learning care team.

Who gets to saywhat feels like


Who,when all is said and done,

is the ultimatestakeholder?

What’s up(seriously)

with medicine generallynot being interested

in hearing their thoughs?

My thanks• Harlan Lampert:


• Karen Peterson: age regression,EMDR

• Lucy Jo Palladino:The Edison Trait, Attention Snatchers

The semicolon tattoo

The semicolon tattoo

And three ADD author/expertsNed Hallowell

John Ratey


What were the patients’ perspectives on the ADD Forum?? Look:

Patient-Clinician PartnershipsEngaged, empowered patients—A learning health care system is anchored on patient needs and perspectives and promotes the inclusion of patients, families, and other caregivers as vital members of the continuously learning care team.

The Forum t-shirt we had printed – front:

The Forum t-shirt we had printed – back:

The book we had printed of our best classic threads:

(Still available on Amazon)

Whole Earth Catalog “Millennium Edition”1994

“Health Online”– in 1996! founderTom Ferguson MD1944-2006


Doc Tom said,“e-Patients are

Pt of future

Me? An indicator of the future??

• Who’s getting online:– 1989: Me (CompuServe sysop)– 2009: 83% of US adults (Pew)

• Who’s romancing online:– 1999: I met my wife (

– 2009: One in eight weddingsin the U.S. met online

– 2011: One in five couplesmet online

The Engaged e-Patient12 items in my pre-appointment “agenda” email

Another excerpt from that email (first public showing)

The Incidental FindingRoutine shoulder x-ray, Jan. 2, 2007

“Your  shoulderwill  be  fine  …but  there’s  something  in  your  lung”

Primary Tumor: Kidney

E-Patient Activity 1:Researching my condition

Classic Stage IV, Grade 4

Renal Cell Carcinoma

Illustration on the drug company’s

web site

Median Survival:24 weeks

After the shockyou’re left with the question:

What are my options?What can I do?

Get engaged.

Get it in gear.Do everything you can.

E-Patient Activity 2:“My doctor prescribed ACOR”

(Community of my patient peers)

ACOR members told me:• This is an uncommon disease –

get to a hospital that does a lot of cases

• There’s no cure, but HDIL-2 sometimes works.– When it does, about half the time it’s permanent– The side effects are severe.

• Don’t let them give you anything else first

• Here are four doctors in your area who do it– And one of them was at my hospital

Surgery & Interleukin worked.Target Lesion 1 – Left Upper Lobe

Baseline: 39x43 mm 50 weeks: 20x12 mm

How can it be

that the most usefuland relevant and

up-to-the-minute information

can exist outside of traditional channels?

Because of the Web, Patients Can Connect to Information and Each Other (and other Providers)

“The emerging world of the e-patient cannot be fully

understood and appreciated in the context of

pre-internet medical constructs.”



Stages a scientific field goes through• Normal science• Puzzle solving• Paradigm• Anomaly• Crisis• Revolution

The state of patient engagement today:

A puzzle with no agreed paradigm.

Many frameworks

Many conceptions of patients’ nature

• Compliant?

• Autonomous?

• Collaborative?

Result:• Inconsistent standards of practice

unwarranted by any evidenceregarding appropriate patient actions

• Lack of policy supportfor patient and family engagement

Empowerment“Increasing the capacity of individuals or groups

to make choices [about what they want]

and to transform those choices into desired actions & outcomes”

World Bank, 2002

• “In my opinion, doctors talk about best medical practices and outcomes based on their experiences and education. The power of patients is that they find ways to integrate that advice/knowledge into REAL LIFE.

“What’s the difference between your view

and medicine’s?”

• “Telling a patient that an insulin pump might be a useful diabetes manage-ment tool is one thing, but explaining how to deal with the emotional response to a physical symptom, the societal perception, influence on relationships, etc. is a whole different “prescription”

“What’s the difference between your view

and medicine’s?”

• “As a diabetes patient, I view healthcare as something that should be an investment in my current and future health. Proactive care. KEEP ME ALIVE AND HEALTHY.

“What’s the difference between your view

and medicine’s?”

• “The system” seems to be more reactive and wants to amputate my leg instead of investing in me, and in research and treatments, to keep that leg on.”

“What’s the difference between your view

and medicine’s?”

THIS is “patient perspectives”:

The patient’s way of viewing the issues.Patient-Clinician Partnerships

Engaged, empowered patients—A learning health care system is anchored on patient needs and perspectives and promotes the inclusion of patients, families, and other caregivers as vital members of the continuously learning care team.

Paul Grundy MD, head of worldwide healthcare for IBM (as an employer)


“e-Patient” is introduced –this week – at the first Health 2.0 Asia, in Japan

Paternalistic caring

“No, honey –you don’t know what you need.”

“I’ll take care of you.”

Sensible – up to a point

“I’ll decide for you.”

When does autonomy become appropriate?

Empowerment“Increasing the capacity of individuals or groups

to make choices [about what they want]

and to transform those choices into desired actions & outcomes”

World Bank, 2002

“e-Patient Dave” deBronkartTwitter:[email protected]

It’s Imperative that weAnchor Care in Patient Needs & Perspectives