
The Industrial Revolution

What was the Industrial Revolution?

• “Increased output of machine-made goods that began in England during the 18th century.”

(p.253 MWH)

Phases of the Industrial Revolution• Agricultural Revolution

• Cottage Industry

• Factories and Industrial Development with women and children working

• New structure of society and calls for reform

• Philosophers wrestle with the new societal structures

Impacts of Industrialization

• Widened the gap between industrialized and non-industrialized countries (rich and poor)

• Imperialism and the exploitation of colonies for raw materials

• Europe gained in economic power, while Asia slowed down

• Liberals and conservatives agree to compromise

Impacts of Industrialization

• Change in family structure

• Change in hygiene and sanitation

• Rise of corporations

• Feminist Movement

• Mass leisure culture emerged

Scientific Advancements

• Charles Darwin and Darwinism= “survival of the fittest”

• Darwinism further weakened the church teachings

Capitalism and Laissez-faire Policy• Key Question: What should the role of the

government be in industrialization?

• Laissez-faire – “economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without interference” (p. 267)

• Adam Smith- Wealth of Nations in 1776 argued for laissez-faire approach

Rise of Socialism

• Socialism - “factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all…. The government should actively plan the economy.” (ibid)

• Marxism – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - The Communist Manifesto – war between the rich and poor classes

• Communism –pure socialism begun by a worker revolution and where all factors of production would be owned by the people and shared equally

Capitalism vs. Marxism

• Progress results when individuals follow their own self-interest

• Businesses compete for consumer’s money

• Producers try to create goods that are better and less expensive than competitors

• Market economy aims to produce the best products and the lowest prices

• Government should not interfere with the economy

• All great movements in history are the result of an economic class struggle

• The “haves” take advantage of the “have-nots”

• Workers are exploited by employers

• The labor of workers creates profit for employers

• The capitalist system will eventually destroy itself. The state will wither away as a classless society develops

Unionization and Legislative Reform • Unions- voluntary worker organizations

• Collective bargaining- negotiations between employers and workers

• After 1825 Britain forced to accept unions

• 1866 U.S. – creation of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), which tries to get higher pay and less hours for its workers

• New laws to protect women and children

Abolition of Slavery

• William Wilberforce – British MP who led the fight for abolition

• 1807 British passed law to end slave trade in the West Indies

• 1833 abolition of slavery in British empire

• U.S. – 1865 following Union victory in the Civil War
