Page 1: The Internet Initiative - Internet Based Learning

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Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

Internet Based Learning (IBL)

“Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we

know where we can find information upon it.” ~ Samuel Johnson

~ Innovation And Invention ~ Just as the intellectual and technological developments of today are fundamentally

sourced by the great thinkers of the past, so too are the advances of tomorrow driven by the

minds of today. These leaders are not an elite class of philosophers but a community of

innovators and inventors who continue to meet a vast vista of societal challenges. Driven

people, just like me and you who are out to change the world!

~ A New Era ~ How then, do innovation and invention arise and by what means can we contrive

solutions with timely excellence? Notably, experience and education provide a powerful

foundation for applying excellence in real word. From the Grecian intellectual epoch to the

Renascence and the Age of Enlightenment; through the Industrial and Technological

Revolutions; stemming from the Age of Information a new era has arisen - the era of Data

Page 2: The Internet Initiative - Internet Based Learning

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Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

Organization and Accessibility. Through the profound realization of structural and

communications technologies, the Organization and Accessibility of information embodied in

Internet Based Learning (IBL), is becoming an indispensable tool for the instruction of a

curious and driven populous.

As a freshman in high school, I saw education as the rouge memorization of factual

knowledge; and when considering the quantity of information which has been amassed over the

past few centuries, I felt quite overwhelmed. It was not until the middle of my sophomore year

in high school that the true accelerant of our society’s innovations and inventions dawned upon

me; the internet (“cloud”) has already provided a structure leading to the organization and

consequent availability of this intellectual capital. At the realization that I could learn whatever I

chose to pursue, I became enthralled with learning! Through the encouragement of one of my

professors, I devoutly explored the use of IBL in a vista of subjects, ranging from Computer

Science to Quantum Mechanics. Through online lectures pertaining to Electromagnetic Field

Theory and textual theses on Leadership and Entrepreneurial studies; my horizons have been

continually expanding.

~ Educational Developments And Resources ~ This new era has introduced a hosts of novel static and dynamic educational resources,

through text, video and interactive IBL mediums. From personal experience, textual learning

takes two primary forms online. First, textual resolutions to specific questions allow students to

easily tap the advice of experts across the globe.

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Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

Figure 1: Yahoo Answers

Figure 2: Research Gate Q&A

The second form of textual learning comes from intentional excursions into entire fields

of study, this can be done by utilizing sub-structures of textual content, which encompass and

dynamically link a plethora subjects with a steadily increasing depth of user generated content.

Figure 3: Wikipedia - The Stark Effect

Figure 4: Hyperphysics - General Relativity

By far the most beneficial textual improvement in the past decade, allowing students to

easily comprehend macro-topics, is the search-ability of information. Since its foundation in

1998, Google [i] has quickly advanced to the forefront of global communications technology

with the intention to “organize the seemingly infinite amount of information on the web”.

Although Google has branched into a vista of new markets its success is attributable to the

“PageRank Algorithm” [ii]; a sorting method which makes the Google Internet Search Engine

(ISE) so effective and so renowned [iii]. Macroscopically, this algorithm has set the standard for

post-search-analysis simultaneously providing a means to organize and more importantly, to

Page 4: The Internet Initiative - Internet Based Learning

Scholarship Names:



Response Initiated:






Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

access data at the “touch of a button”. On the microscopic level, “PageRank” also provides an

immense search advantage within documentation. Larry Page and Sergey Brin realized that

archaic Pre-Indexing methods could be avoided by analyzing the statistical relevance of a

website to a search query secondarily based upon the fidelity of that website [IBID]. Through

these developments, Google has succeeded in linking information of the past with the queries of

the present [iv].

Figure 5: Google - Internet Search Engine

Aside from conventional textual venues, technology has also afforded the abetment of

novel, IBL multimedia venues. Notably the aural and visual aspects of IBL have taken leaps and

bounds in the 21st century. Aurally, free audiobooks have begun to pervade across the globe,

while open communities such as LibriVox (2005)[v] are continuing to place more public domain

books into the ears of the general public.

Page 5: The Internet Initiative - Internet Based Learning

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Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

Figure 6; LibriVox - Free Audio Books

Visually the establishment of Massive Open Online Courseware (MOOC), has

revolutionized the role the internet plays in education. With unlimited class sizes and online

discussion forums guided by web-lectures, MOOCs have quickly become a viable venue for

study. MOOCs are derived from open source tutorial and lecture repositories such as Kahn-

Academy, and have advanced so far as to be introduced into prestigious university systems such

as MIT. For me personally MOOCs have been an invaluable supplement to the classes I take at

South Dakota State University, the different viewpoints offered on the same content works

wonders for comprehension.

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Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

Figure 7: Kahn Academy - Laplace Transformation

Figure 8: MIT Open Courseware - Electromagnetic Field Theory

Interactivity is also playing an important role, creating active learning environments.

Active learning consists of “quizzes” and learning exercises, as well as, live chat rooms and

discussion forums which are strategically placed so that they are easily accessible when viewing

the content under study. Active learning gives students the ability to evaluate their

comprehension, through several different mediums, and guides their focus; thus stimulating


Figure 9: MinuteLabs - Interactive Online Physics Simulations

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Response Initiated:






Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

~ Actualization ~ The freedoms, which the internet constitutes, provide an enormous potential; a potential

for the more widespread comprehension of what we do know about our universe, as well as an

atmosphere to discover that which we do not know. Admittedly, the internet can readily become

a tool of distraction, and the abundance of options may induce a lack of commitment. Thus, the

actualization of this potential is the responsibility of all. A responsibility of action, in the

utilization of these phenomenal IBL venues to learn as much as we can, so that we may live

more productive lives and benefit society as a whole.

As an active student, I have found and utilized many of these; interactive online lecture

archives, elaborative textual repositories, and other useful internet tools (See Actualized

Intellectual Capital). Each of these internet resources has provided me with unique prospective,

and collectively these resources have been a most powerful medium for learning .

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and learn something new! Discover something

exciting! Become who you were created to be!


Deo ac Veritati,

Por Dios y la Verdad,

For God and Truth,


Jordan D. Ulmer

For more information about who I am and what I stand for please visit my Online Résumé:




Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 14

Do everything in love.”

~ 1 Corinthians16:13-14 (NIV) ~

Page 8: The Internet Initiative - Internet Based Learning

Scholarship Names:



Response Initiated:






Jordan Daniel Ulmer

Time of print: 8:57 PM 8/9/2014

Source Blog Post: The Internet Initiative

Citations: Annotation The first image presented is original; all other images are hyper-liked to their source.

i "Our History in Depth - Google." Google. May 2014. <>. ii Sobek, Markus. "Google PageRank - Algorithm." 2003. May 2014. <

algorithm.shtml>. iii "Google." Merriam-Webster. May 2014. <>.

iv Google Books. Web. 17 May 2014. <>.

v "About." LibriVox. N.p., 2005. Web. 13 July 2014.<>.
