
The Kings Messenger Christ the King Lutheran Church

Church Office Hours:


8:00am to 4:00pm

Friday—8:00am to



By Appointment

May , 2016

Vo lume , I s s ue

Inside This Issue:

Missio Dei

Faith in Motion

Budget Forum

Undie Sunday

Softball Schedule

Campus Cupboard

T-shirt Sale

Sr. High


Letters from Isaac

Patterson and Stacy


Holy Week Pictures


Registration is now open for VBS and Wacky-doodle. Register online at and check out the CLEM Kids page of this newsletter for more information!

Register for Wacky-doodle and VBS!

A new Wednesday Night Worship service for the summer will begin May 11. Bring

your lawn chairs and join in our outdoor worship service at 6:00pm every

Wednesday this summer at the Sculpture Plaza outside the McConnell Street

carport. This new service will have a similar format as our current Wednesday

service, but moved outside to enjoy the beautiful Minnesota weather (or inside if

the weather doesn’t cooperate). PLEASE NOTE: Community suppers will not be

held prior to summer worship. The last community supper of the year will be held

on May 4 and will resume in the fall.

Summer Wednesday Night Worship

T h e K i n g ’ s M e s s e n g e r

P a g e 2

Missio Dei by Pastor Trish

Endings and Beginnings

I’ve always thought of May as a unique month, mostly because of all the endings and beginnings that

seem to happen… finals, graduations, recitals and banquets. There are marriages, moves, new jobs and

summer jobs, too. We will finish an educational year, open up the cabin, till a new garden, prepare the

dock for the boat, welcome home the college student, plan the vacation and start the weekend sports

tournaments. In church we will be marking the end of the Easter season, celebrating Pentecost and then

beginning “Ordinary Time” which will carry us through our summer and fall months up to Advent.

While we often think of May activities as “endings” or “accomplishments,” we don’t want to forget

the new “beginnings” that occur with each ending. Graduation can often mean a move or a new job, the

end of tuition payments might mean a new boat, the end of a difficult winter brings a decision to move to

senior living. In church, we often think of Easter as a culmination of Jesus’ work and promise. While the

crucifixion brings an end to the incarnation, God’s work after the resurrection continues. Its continuation

includes the promise of the Spirit and the assurance of God’s presence and abundance. As we live into

the new life that is ours as a result of the resurrection, we are called, as well to be a part of God’s work.

Over the last few weeks in worship we have been hearing passages from the Gospel of John and

Jesus’ “Farewell Discourse.” One of the things Jesus reminded his disciples of during their last evening

together was that they, too, would continue to do the works that He had done, “And in fact will do

greater works than these.” This message was for his disciples and for all who believe, including you and

me. God relies on us, needs us, and depends on us to carry out God’s work in the world. And now is as

good a time as any to consider what it is that God might be asking! So, during this month of transitions,

what kinds of transitions might be happening in your life, and how does your faith help you live into or

manage these times of change? And as life changes, or even as you live a time of stability, what kinds of

things might God be needing you to do? Are there people who need to hear a word of grace or receive an

act of love? Are there organizations or groups that need you, need your faith and service? What new

beginning will be a part of your life?

Faith in Motion

Our next Faith in Motion worship services are scheduled for May 4 and 8 with the theme “Easter Believers.” We

wrap up a year in which JAM and Kid’s KLUB youth have learned about different kinds of believers. Come and

join us on Wednesday evening or on Sunday at 9:30am to hear about Doubting Believing Thomas and the Great

Commission. There will be a special offering, but this time, no extra preparation will be needed.

Because this worship service was a new adventure over the past year, we will be doing some evaluation as we plan

for next year. We welcome input from you as part of that evaluation, so please feel free to let one of the pastors

know what this particular worship experience has been like for you.

V o l u m e 5 2 I s s u e 5 P a g e 3


Bright green CTK t-shirts are available in the church office in a variety of sizes for a cost of $7.00. The

Faithful People Commission invite you to purchase a shirt to wear to let others know about your

community of faith!

T-Shirts for Sale!

Undie Sunday

The Circle of Hope will again be observing Mother’s Day with an Undie Sunday! The Reach is in need of

assorted sizes of new boxers, briefs, bras, panties, diapers, wipes, and socks. Please drop off donations at

the Circle of Hope display on Wednesday, May 4 or during the weekend of Mother's Day, May 7-8. The staff

at The Reach has expressed such appreciation for all that we do at CTK and we are once again calling on

you to support this important ministry.

Thank You from Campus Cupboard

Campus Cupboard has been a ministry of Crossroads, our ELCA’s campus ministry at Minnesota State,

Mankato. Earlier this year, a box was placed in the area outside the church offices to help support this food

program and has since been filled several times! Crossroads members have expressed appreciation for the

generosity of CTK members, and at the same time, want you to know that the need continues throughout

the summer months. The box will remain in place and your continued donations will be welcomed.

View the calendar online! Visit to view

the most up-to-date calendar. Click on events for more details.

Our Annual Budget Forum will be held on Sunday, May 1 at 9:30am in the Savior Cinema. A vote will be

held to approve the proposed budget for the 2016 fiscal year. The annual meeting of the congregation will

be held Sunday, May 22 at 10:30am in the Community room. Breakfast will be served. A quorum of 100

voting members, or 10% of the voting members is constitutionally required to conduct business at the

meeting. We hope to see you there!

Annual Budget Forum & Annual Meeting

Come cheer on Christ the King men’s league softball team! They play Monday evenings...please note

their schedules below. See you in the stands!

CTK Softball Schedule

5/2—Caswell Park #4 at 7:15pm | 5/9—Caswell Park #4 at 7:15pm

5/16—Caswell Park #5 at 8:15pm | 5/23—Caswell Park #6 at 8:15pm

T h e K i n g ’ s M e s s e n g e r P a g e 4


A Message from Isaac Patterson

I am Isaac Patterson and I will be starting as the Senior High Youth Director this month. I am thrilled for

the opportunity and can't wait to start working with the amazing youth in our congregation. During the

school year, I attend Gustavus Adolphus college in St. Peter where I am majoring in Communication Stud-

ies. During the summer, I live at YMCA Camp Du Nord working as a camp counselor. This summer, I will

also be working as a staff member of their Leadership Development Program. We will take 16 youth to

camp for two weeks and teach them essential life and outdoor skills, while showing them what it's like to be

a counselor. I hope to incorporate many of these leadership skills into our program ministries once I return.

In my spare time I love to stay active, either by playing golf, going on a run or spending time outdoors. I am

thankful to the congregation for this opportunity and would love to speak with as many of you as possible.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at church with any questions or possible ideas for

better ways to get the youth active in our community.

We welcome all 2016 high school graduates and families to attend the senior recognition dinner on

Wednesday, May 4 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in the Community Room. Graduating seniors will be

recognized at the 6:00pm worship service that evening. Register online at

Graduating Senior Recognition Dinner

A Letter from Stacy I wanted to take a moment to not say “goodbye” but “see you soon” and THANK YOU. This wonderful

congregation, youth and staff welcomed me with open arms almost two years ago and the time has gone too

quickly. I hope everyone, across the generations, continues to support the senior high students in their

continued faith journey, as we know it does not end with confirmation. I was engaged with and have learned

so much from our youth, pastors, staff and this congregation.

Ministry is ever changing and ever growing, which Christ the King has experienced much of in the last

couple of years. 2 Corinthians 3:18 And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a

mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.

When we put God first in our lives he will transform us, just as those in the Bible were; Saul (Paul), The Tax

Collector and Moses. I have been changed by this community, in and outside our walls, and I hope I have

given as much in return.

My next step in my faith journey is an internship/vicar with Trinity Lutheran in Sleep Eye for a year

beginning in late August. After internship, I will continue with one final semester of classes and plan to

graduate in December 2017. I will forever hold the Christ the King community in my prayers and give

thanks to God for my time here. I pray that God continues to bless all ministries of this faith community

with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

—Stacy Pethke, CTK Children, Youth and Family Intern

T h e K i n g ’ s M e s s e n g e r

Holy Week 2016

We held some great services during Holy Week this year featuring some incredible music performances and

powerful worship. Thanks to all who participated in creating an amazing experience for all in attendance.

Below are some of the pictures, taken by Angie Kopp, from Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. You can

view more photos from these services and other CTK events on our Facebook page or our website at You could also visit our YouTube channel to view Holy Week services

or any other past services.

Pictured below: Music performed by the CTK Worship Band and Worship Choir featuring special horns

accompaniment, flowers on the altar during Easter services, and the chalices made by youth who received

First Communion during Maundy Thursday Worship.

P a g e 5

P a g e 6

Baptized Recently:

Henry James Bresser, son of Kevin and Heather, was baptized on April 10.

Addison Alan Schwaegerl, daughter of Jon and Megan, was baptized on April 16.

Sympathy to:

Betty Thompson, whose sister-in-law, Elaine, passed away on March 14.

The family of Jim Borseth, whose mother, Marcie, passed away on March 25.

Tammy Fienen, whose grandfather, Don Lewer, passed away on March 26.

The family of Dorothy Bjerke, who passed away on April 9.

The family of Chelsey Janzen, whose grandfather, Ervin Fast, passed away on April 20.

Parish News

Mar-16 Month Actual Month Budget Difference YTD Actual YTD Budget Difference

Income $73,560 $79,120 $(5,560) $676,719 $680,068 $(3,349)

Expenses $70,269 $71,360 $1,091 $671,644 $672,958 $(1,314)

Net Income $3,291 $7,760 $(4,469) $5,075 $7,110 $(2,035)

Looking Ahead at the Lessons… (listed 1st lesson/2nd lesson/Gospel)

May 1—Easter 6—Pastor Trish

Acts 16:9-15 / Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5 / John 14:23-29

May 8—Easter 7—Pastor Patrick

Acts 16:16-34 / Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21 /

John 17:20-26

May 15—Day of Pentecost—Pastor Trish

Genesis 11:1-9 / Acts 2:1-21 / John 14:8-17

May 22—Holy Trinity—Pastor Patrick

Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 / Romans 5:1-5 / John 16:12-15 May 29—Pentecost 2—Pastor Trish

I Kings 8:22-23, 41-43 / Galatians 1:1-12 / Luke 7:1-10

With Jesus in the Prayer Gym Jesus taught us to pray: And lead us not into temptation (older version) – or – Save us from the time of trial.

(newer version). What does this mean? God tempts no one to sin, but we ask in this prayer that God would watch over

us and keep us so that the devil, the world, and our sinful self may not deceive us and draw us into false belief, despair and other

great and shameful sins. And we pray that even though we are so tempted we may still win the final victory. (Martin Luther –

Small Catechism, Sixth Petition)

Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer in response to the apostles’ request to teach them how to pray. So what do we

learn about prayer from this petition? Modern day Christians sometimes have questions about the wording of

both the older and the newer versions of this petition. The older version seems to imply that God could lead

us into temptation. The newer version seems to imply God will insulate us from any temptation. Martin

Luther was absolutely correct when he wrote, “God tempts no one.” And even though it is not in the

Catechism, Luther is also correct when he compared temptations to the birds, “You can’t keep the birds from

flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair.” The devil, the world and

our own sinful self will surely cause temptations to come into our lives. It is in those times that the wording

of the newer version begins to make sense … with a slight modification. We can pray: Save us IN the time of

trial. We can be assured that God will be with us every step of the way and when those times of temptation

bombard us, our Loving Lord who himself experienced the devil’s attacks, will give us the strength we need

for whatever trial we are facing. (Pastor Donohue Sarff)

Pray for: … a keen sense of God’s presence in the time of temptation, a willingness to accept God’s help to

resist temptation, a personal life style that doesn’t inflict temptations on other people around us, a loving

attitude toward others who are facing temptations and sometimes yield to them, a clear sense of our Savior’s

forgiveness for sinners, other concerns important to you.

From the Desk of Opportunity Coordinator Justine Carlson [email protected] / 345-5056 ext. 38

Serving Christ’s Church in May

OPEN = if you are available to fill this contact Justine


1 Ron & Elaine Marzinske 8 Roy & Carol Schultz 15 Sharon Hanson 22 Toby & Barb Hanson 29 Wayne & Elaine Pestka

Lectors: Listed as 5:30; 8:15/9:30

30/1 OPEN; Todd Lundquist/Emma Norland 7/8 Jeri Retzlaff; Bev Lee/NONE NEEDED 14/15 Sue Moore; Dorothy Viker/Jody Rittmiller 21/22 Dick Bautch; Brad Walker/Mandy Rubink 28/29 Jennifer Olseth; Donohue Sarff/Karen Mesrobian

Communion Servers: 1st/3rd/5th Weekends

Justice & Peace Commission

Prayer Chapel: 8:15/9:30

1 Phyllis & Paul Olson/Marilyn Sarff 8 Bev Lee/Sandy Smith 15 Marilyn Bigbee/Chuck Dahline 22 Jodie Wallschlaeger/Dianne Wagner 29 Margo Brudwick/Shirley James

Sunday Ushers:

8:15 Mickey Moe/Matt Norland/Ken Wagner 9:30 Jamie Skogen/Wally Peterson/Byron Tungsvik/ Jerry Bodelson

Wednesday Ushers: CLUB Group

4 Alex Carmen, Benjamin Snaza, Carter Huls, Fletcher Javens (Shelly)

Supper Servers: Commission; CLUB Group

4 Faithful People; Brendan Steffensmeier, Daniel Hewitt, Layten Liffrig, Wyant Fowlds (Chad)


Wendy: 345-5056, ext 20, 382-2125, [email protected] and Justine: 420-4393, [email protected]

The final Faith in Motion worship for the program year will be on May 4th and May 8th. Join us as we wrap up the year of Believers at this worship service geared for kids and families. A special surprise children’s offering...come and find out!

Parent/Family meetings for all families in Rainbow Room, JAM and Kids Klub, and CLUB 6789 will be held on Sunday, May 1st at 10:15am (in the Chapel) and Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30pm (in the Worship Center). Please put this on your calendar and plan to attend this important informational meeting for all CTK families involved in education ministries.

It’s almost Wacky-doodle time!!! Coming this summer, four fun and exciting adventures as we come together to Play and Pray. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 ~ Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ. Come and join us!

8:30am-4:00pm ~ Grades 1-6

Tuesday, June 7: MN Science Museum

Tuesday, June 21: Big Stone Sculpture Mini Golf

Tuesday, August 2: Old Log Theatre—The Jungle Book

Tuesday, August 16: R iver Springs Water Park, Owatonna

Registration is going on NOW! You can register on the CTK website: Register for one, two or all four Wacky-doodles, but you must register for all choices by May 17th! Contact Wendy with any questions—see contact info below.

Vacation Bible School

July 25-29

Pre-K: 9am-11:30 / Grades 1-6: 9am-2pm / Friday, July 29: 9am-12 Noon

This summer we are Kickin’ It Old School, as we travel through the Bible to learn several attributes of God, and that God’s holiness has never


Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 Registration is now online at the CTK website.

Visit us online!




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Contact the Staff Christ the King’s Phone Number: 507-345-5056

Pastor Patrick Patterson: ext. 23 / [email protected]

Pastor Trish Reedstrom: ext. 26 / [email protected]

Pastor John Petersen: ext. 24 / [email protected]

Al Lee, Director of Worship Technology: ext. 36 / [email protected]

Amy Olsen, Administrative Assistant: ext. 21 / [email protected]

Chris Thompson, Financial Administrator: ext. 22 / [email protected]

Chuck Hoogland, Organist: ext. 25 / [email protected]

Devin Rubink, Communications Specialist, ext. 18 / [email protected]

Garrett Steinberg, Director of Creative Arts: ext. 37 [email protected]

Justine Carlson, Opportunity Coordinator: ext. 38 / [email protected]

Mandy Rubink, Jr. High Youth Director: ext. 19 / [email protected]

Rick Weber, Property Manager: [email protected]

Robin Hughes, Choir Director: [email protected]

Wendy Paulson, Education Director: ext. 20 / [email protected]

222 Pfau Street

Mankato, MN 56001

Deadline for Newsletter Articles Next Month: Friday, May 20.

Worship services are

broadcast on

Charter channel 181




channel 7

Sundays at 3:00pm

and Tuesdays at


Phone: 507-345-5056

Fax: 507-345-6115

Address Service Requested

CTK Lutheran Church is a caring community

committed to empower all people to know Christ and

to make Christ known.

Weekly Worship


Wednesdays 6:00pm

Saturdays 5:30pm

Sundays 8:15am & 9:30am

*Communion on 1st,

3rd and 5th weekend



