Page 1: The Library Network Newsletter February 22, 2016 - 02... · o TLN has made the decision to host the SAM server an d Envisionware AAM Module (but TLN can only host for shared system

The Library Network Newsletter

February 22, 2016

Page 2 - Technology Committee Meeting Minutes 1/19/2016

Page 5 - TLN Board Meeting Minutes 1/21/2016

Page 8 - Job - Support Services Clerk - Novi Public Library

Page 9 - Bits and Pieces - February 2016

Page 10 - Job - Public Library Associate - Ann Arbor District Library

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Page 2: The Library Network Newsletter February 22, 2016 - 02... · o TLN has made the decision to host the SAM server an d Envisionware AAM Module (but TLN can only host for shared system

TLN Technology Committee Meeting Minutes

APPROVED Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Farmington Community Library

1. Usual Business

1.1 Order and Approvals

● Meeting called to order at 9:36 am

● Agenda for January 19, 2016 – Approved

● Minutes from November 19, 2015 - Approved

1.2 TLN Update ● Telecommunications:

o AT&T is still removing the opt-e-man switches. Progress has been reported this month and we are reminded to let Angie know when this has been done at your location. ATT’s stated goal is to complete this project by the end of January.

● Angie sent an e-mail about upgrading circuits to increase bandwidth. They are beginning the process now so that they can complete it in time to take full advantage of e-rate. The due date to let her know if your library wants to upgrade your bandwidth is February 15th, 2016 and you can contact TLN to make this request by submitting a help desk ticket.

● PC Time and Print Management Update:

o An e-mail has been sent to the SAM libraries about upgrading to version 10.

o Romulus is the DEMO library for the new SAM. There will be a demonstration there and SAM libraries have been notified. Angie will invite a few of the TLN libraries who host SAM individually and not through the shared system, in case they have any interest in seeing version 10 before upgrading on their own.

o TLN has made the decision to host the SAM server and Envisionware AAM Module (but TLN can only host for shared system libraries that opt in because it integrates with the shared ILS).

o Libraries will be making a decision in June to make a 3 year commitment with SAM or EnvisionWare.

1.3 Announcements & Upcoming Events (Library News) ● Staffing changes at many libraries discussed.

● Merit Conference is May 11 and 12, 2016

● Computers in Libraries- Michael Shereda (FARM) is attending ● Public Library Association Conference- Sarah Neidert (BRIT) is attending ● Tech Forum planning is underway, the committee is meeting today

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2. Discussion Topics

● 2.1 Merit Media Cloud update.

o Northville has been testing. The OCR is not that great. The main issue is a limit of 7500 documents among all the libraries, one library alone could upload that many docs.

● 2.2 Mobile Hotspot update

o Dearborn Heights is going live in February.

o T-Mobile is now an option also

▪ Angie wants to know if TLN should pursue consortia discounts with all four vendors?

o TLN is investigating “gigabit libraries” with Merit. ● 2.3 VOIP Update

o Chelsea is getting a quote from a company called Nextiva, they are cloud based.

o AT&T Ring Central office at Hand is cloud based. TLN and Ferndale have it and are live now.

● 2.4 RFID Update o TLN will be re-visiting RFID this year to re-evaluate the discount.

2.4 Discussion Topics

● Future meetings:

o March: Bibliotheca/3M will present. Dustin Lamm is our account rep.

3. Sharing Resources

3.1 Security Issues/Tech Tips/Web Sites Worth a Look

● Wordpress libraries: there is a plugin called “wordfence” that you should use. Block all attempts to log in as “admin” Michael McEvoy will email instructions.

● Dan and Dana from Allen Park at a Library Marketing and Communications Conference in Dallas in early November. It was helpful for a marketing perspective. One thing Dan mentioned was a company named Orange Box provides a datamining services called “Savannah” that might be good for libraries with branches for tracking usage.

● Melanie (CHEL) shared that there is a new offering for Microsoft Office 365 for public/staff use. They may present at an upcoming meeting.

● Questions about Windows 10

o Chelsea will go live for staff in March.

● Makerspaces:

o Wixom has a mobile makerspace

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o Perhaps a mobile makerspace is something TLN could investigate, similar to the laptop lab with checkout?

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am. Michael Shereda provided a tour of the library after the conclusion of the meeting.

Next meeting: February 16, 2016 at 9:30 am Location: Livonia Civic Center Library


Melanie Bell (CHEL) Andrea Dickson (WIXM) Frank Ferguson (PMTH)

Tyson Mock (SLYN) Michael McEvoy (NORT) Angie Michelini (TLN) Andrew Mutch (WATE) Sarah Neidert (BRIT)

Michael Shereda (FARM)

Mary Carleton (FARM) Martin Smith (REDF) Todd Von Schulze (BLOO)

Dan Blakney (ALPK) Alyssa Beesley (CANT)

Suzy Kinnen (HWPL) Jim Perry (YPSI)

Virtual Attendees

Ben Sebrowski

Donna Winters

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January 21, 2016

The regular meeting of The Library Network (TLN) Board was held on Thursday, January 21, at the Library Network office in Novi. Board Members present: Mark Wollenweber, Chair; Lois VanStipdonk, Vice- Chair; Stephen Harper, Treasurer; Reginald Williams, Secretary; Annette Haley, Kim Potter, and Rita VanBrandeghen. A quorum. Board Members Absent & Excused: Victor Cardenas. Additional attendees: Jim Pletz, TLN Director; Celia Morse, SASUG Representative; Rick Rosekrans, and Judith Kozakowski, TLN. The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. 1. Call to audience

Introduction of Guests – None Public Comment – None

2. The Agenda. Motion by Potter, supported by VanBrandeghen, to approve the Agenda as

presented. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approval of the Minutes. Motion by VanStipdonk, supported by Haley, to approve the minutes

of the November 19, 2015 meeting of the Board as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Communications & Announcements – None

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Proceedings January 21, 2016 Page 2 5. New Business – Motion by Haley, supported by VanStipdonk to change the Board meeting start time to

10:30 a.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Williams, supported by Potter, to approve the 2016 TLN Board meeting calendar. Motion carried unanimously. The Board discussed possible candidates for the At-Large seat currently vacant on the Board. Further discussion to resume at next month’s meeting.

6. Reports Shared Automation System Users’ Group – Morse reported that the Hartland/Cromaine migration to the TLN Shared System has gone

well. Morse reported that she will be attending Sirsi’s Annual Conference in June. Finance/Real Estate Committee –Harper reported that the Finance Committee will meet

February 8 to review the 2014/15 Financial Audit. Human Resources Committee – Wollenweber reported that there is a HR Committee

meeting following this Board meeting. Director’s Report –Pletz reported that he attended the 2016 Midwinter meeting of the

American Library Association held in Boston January 8 – 10. While in attendance he met with Integrated Library System (ILS) vendors. Plans are being made to further discuss TLN’s ILS needs with these vendors.

7. Financial Reports – Motion by VanStipdonk, supported by Williams, to receive and file the

following reports. Motion carried unanimously. - Executive Summary - Aged Payables Open Items as of 12/31/15 - Check Register Detail from 11/01/15 – 11/30/15 - Check Register Detail from 12/01/15 – 12/31/15 - - Aged Receivables Detail as of 12/31/15 - Summary of Revenue & Expenditures Compared to Budget: October 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 - October 2015 – December 2015– Income Statement - Unaudited Balance Sheet as of 12/31/15

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Proceedings of January 21, 2016 Page 3 8. Old Business – None 9. Board Member Comments – Haley reported that the Trenton Veteran’s Memorial Library will be joining Zinio (digital


10. There being no further business to consider, without objection, the Chair adjourned the meeting

at 11:33 a.m.

11. The next meeting of the Board will be held on:

Thursday, February 18, 2016 – 10:30 am at The Library Network Office, Novi Respectfully submitted, Mark Wollenweber Reginald Williams CHAIR SECRETARY

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Page 9: The Library Network Newsletter February 22, 2016 - 02... · o TLN has made the decision to host the SAM server an d Envisionware AAM Module (but TLN can only host for shared system

Bits and Pieces

Vol. 7 Number 2 February 2016

Join your fellow directors, friends and colleagues as we celebrate a year to enrich, refresh

and challenge the status quo of public library service. This year we will focus our meeting

and continuing education development with topics ranging from the dramatic decline of

librarians in our schools, to a future that builds upon the public library as a civic space, to

rewarding ourselves with a realistic approach to personal retirement investment. For many

of you, attending one of the following events will be an inaugural experience. We hope

you will find value in your attendance and return for more.

March 15 – Plymouth District Library

10:00 AM Steering Committee

11:00 AM Membership Meeting

11:30 AM Program – All Rise for SchoolRise

Enlightened Teaching for the 21st Century

Kate Weber – Vice President of Development

Solutions – Seven Steps – Community Engagement – Evaluation

April 13 – Novi Public Library – 10:00 AM to Noon

Michael P. Tyler Lecture with Steven Bell

“Think like Ford” is the challenging title for the inaugural Michael P. Tyler Lecture

featuring Library Journal contributing editor Steven Bell. Learn the compelling rationale

behind the culture shift at Ford when the future is one where automobile manufacturing

takes a secondary position to the affirmation that Ford will transform into a mega

transportation sector model where cars are subservient to more efficient models of multi-

purpose “rides” for people, freight and driverless vehicles. Are we flexible enough, as

libraries, to anticipate the wave of change and move ahead of that change or will we be

overcome by traditionalism and watch on the sideline as change sweeps by? Bell will

address the issues and thinking required to harness and utilize emerging trends to our

advantage. Here is your opportunity to confront a real change visionary.

May 17 – Salem-South Lyon District Library

10:00 AM Steering Committee

11:00 AM Membership Meeting

11:30 AM Program – Are You Gambling With Your Future

Simple Strategies to Build a Retirement Fund on a Limited Income

Mark J. Woolhiser – President and CEO MBC Investment Consulting

Page 10: The Library Network Newsletter February 22, 2016 - 02... · o TLN has made the decision to host the SAM server an d Envisionware AAM Module (but TLN can only host for shared system

Ann Arbor District Library Employment Opportunity

PLA Job Desc 2016-2.doc - 1 - rev 01/2016

Job No. 16-023 Casual Staff Position

Job Title: Public Library Associate

Department: Youth & Adult: Services & Collections (YASC)

Supervisor: Manager of YASC

Hiring Range: Beginning of Masters Program $12.77 per hour ¼ completion of Program $13.21 per hour ½ completion of Program $13.65 per hour ¾ completion of Program $14.07 per hour

Union Position: No

Benefits: No Opening: February 15, 2016

Hours: Part-Time, 16 to 19 hours per week, including some evening and weekend hours

Closing: February 29, 2016

General Information The Ann Arbor District Library’s Public Library Associate program offers paid, practical library experience for students currently enrolled in a School of Information/Library Science Master’s program. Students may hold these positions for up to two years while completing their degrees, including semester breaks and intervals between semesters. The positions end at graduation or at the end of two years, whichever occurs first. Students are responsible for providing evidence of enrollment and satisfactory progress toward completion of their degrees for initial placement. Public Library Associate positions may also qualify for Directed Field Experience credit, with specifics to be arranged between the student and his/her AADL supervisor and the manager of the Practical Engagement Program (PEP) or equivalent.

Position Summary

This job posting is for two positions. Available specialties include Archives, IT, Content Production, Secret Lab, and Youth Services. The Public Library Associate provides information, reference and readers’ advisory services at the public service desks as a part of a departmental team. In addition, the Public Library Associate is expected to develop and/or assist with library programs and/or product development. Staff in this position will work at public service desks throughout the AADL system, including evenings and weekends.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following; other duties as assigned:

Provides information, reference service and readers’ advisory service to AADL and Washtenaw Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled patrons of all ages in person, over the phone and via email and social media networks.

Assists patrons in using computer hardware and a variety of software products.

Contributes to digitization efforts and other IT & Productions-based projects.

Creates content for, a staff wiki and/or the Intranet relevant to departmental subjects.

Page 11: The Library Network Newsletter February 22, 2016 - 02... · o TLN has made the decision to host the SAM server an d Envisionware AAM Module (but TLN can only host for shared system

Ann Arbor District Library Employment Opportunity

PLA Job Desc 2016-2.doc - 2 - rev 01/2016

Essential Duties and Responsibilities (continued):

Develops, plans, implements, or assists with library programs for all ages.

Serves on system-wide work groups and attends meetings.

Minimum Qualifications include:

Current enrollment in a School of Information/Library Science Master’s program.

Successful and relevant work experience in a public service setting.

Ability to work successfully with diverse patrons of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

Positive attitude and approach to problem solving, customer service and public service.

Ability to apply and use current and new technologies to expand and enhance customer service.

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Strong organization and planning skills.

Preferred Qualifications include:

Experience working in a public library.

Experience or classwork in reference or research services.

Experience contributing content into a Content Management System.

Ability to work successfully within a complex organizational structure.

This is a non-union, at-will position.

To apply, please submit a completed employment application form with optional cover letter and resume to:

The Ann Arbor District Library is an EEO Employer.

The Ann Arbor District Library reserves the right to change, amend, add, delete and otherwise assign any and all duties, responsibilities, and position titles as it deems necessary to meet the needs of its business.
