
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

The Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly2nd Grade ScienceDanielle Sterner

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EggAll butterflies start out as an egg. The eggs are very small. The mommy butterfly lays the eggs on a leaf so when the caterpillars hatch, they have plenty of food to eat.

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CaterpillarAfter the eggs hatch, they become caterpillars. The caterpillars eat and eat and eat so they can grow. The caterpillars sheds their skin several times while they are eating and growing.

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ChrysalisWhen the caterpillar is finished growing, it forms a chrysalis around its body. The caterpillar goes into hiding in its chrysalis. When the caterpillar is hiding in the chrysalis, it is turning into a butterfly.

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Adult EmergesAfter spending a while in the chrysalis, the adult butterfly emerges, or comes out, of the chrysalis. The butterfly cant fly quite yet cause its wings are very wet. It hangs onto the empty chrysalis for a few days while its wings dry so it can fly away!

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Adult ButterflyAfter the butterflys wings are dry, it can fly away and live its life. Eventually the mommy butterfly will lay more eggs so that more caterpillars can hatch and turn into butterflies. The monarch butterfly is very noticeable with its orange, black and white markings.

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Watch a caterpillar become a butterfly!

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Video By: Michele SternerClick on the black area to play the video!Where do the butterflies go in the winter?Butterflies cant fly in the cold weather so they fly south for the winter. Dont worry! When springtime comes and it gets warm again, the butterflies come back and stay for the spring and summer.

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