Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1858-11-06 [p ]. · 1812. lived at Natchez, In the Mississippi Ter-ritory. aV It appears, that in summer of 1614, Thomas L. Servoss, in the


Memphis akd Tkkiwei Railboaj. Tbtotal receipt cf rhts road for the mouth of Oc-

tober, were .22.848 42.

boMMtS Coubt Tbe is

worthy fritiB'iati, bat be waBbadiy pitronlredye :.' y. having only four eases before' him.

fyAtteatton ia called to the advertisementof Itr. lo. 3t. Bcbrb. who offers valuableDlir:'tioD for tale in Coahoaa eturti, Mit--

trp'- - .Cbiminal Cocbt At Kita Court, yeater

rise Skaa i :r in the Frencfc Lou " case, badm ' j j - -

nnt r.crr.ed rvn 9 Vffrtipl t lb. tilTe Of 80


niTen Mai or Kcen farted for

Naaliville laat ertuiug, and to-d- a Alderma

Stbket enters up.m hia iutira at Mayor pro

Urn or the city of Memphis.

1 h akki Our unUriig frieud Bobbex, of

Adauit & Co. 'a Espree., la i tie again under

ii.iim. t vewterdav. for eastern paaeraj alao

w. r:,a i.fc rH. C. Shclts, clerk cf the AY--


A Mean Thiif- - A sneaking fellow named

HiBsr Dcitei was. yesterday, arrested for

snatch:: g two dollars oul of tbe hand of a lit

th .nrl., d orb tar of Mrs. Coffet, of DcSoto

He will be examined to-d-ay on th


Jackioh' Boit Tbe marble but: of Geo

Jackson, by FaAtCE, will arrire in thia clt

ia about fifteen dare, toon after which it will

be p ced ic Court Square, according to thererujiaairn cranted by Council. It ia '.be oaly

marble boat of tbe great General in existenceand hat been purchased br a number of set.

tlrmr. in this city, who munificently devote i

to the public.

Matbjcidal John GaxEK, although ycuigin years, ia a eorfi-roe- d thief, and has severstime bean arrested for stealing. He return,bom- - a week ago frosa a three mouths' res:

dence in the pee.iteotiary, and ao little mora

advantage had he derived from the remedy the

laws provide for tbe correctioa of rice, that in

a dispute with his mother, ysateriiay, the young

bend drew hie knife upon her. He was ar

rested.ijrWDAT School I ue members of thst ex

celleet society, the Young Men . Misaionar)Association, have determined to open a Suode)

flrhasl at 0 o'clock mornirx, at tbeionctiOL e! Elliott and South streets. As there

is no church imtne utely ia this neighborhoodthe selection cf the location is a good one, and

we hope the reaidenta of the neighborhood wilwith theee gentlemen in their Chris

tian labors. Tbe aesoriation ia In connection

with tbe Second Presbyterian Church.

DrraaTras or the Wagon Road Exfecitiok. We lean: from the Fort Smith Ttaw

tLat the expedition fur opi..rg a wagon roadfrom Fort Smith to Caluornu, u;.ex the superi . re of Lieut. Beale, left cltj 01

the 27. h u!t. Tbe company, when togeiber, in

clu ir,g the mid-da- y escort, amount to aboui o u. ;.. a Tain of So wagons accompanyingth- m. tiie escort coisiated of United statestroops.

Role. kb Anew and superior composi torrocfi-- g Is done by the Teuoeseee " rg Cccpany." who late their tfBce at

157 Main street, ard where this valuableis exhibited. A roof of this new pre--- 1

on is not only wa'er-pro- .. but f,

and csr. le applied over old shingles, withouttaking them iff It is rapidly applied, and a

leaking roof can be aia tight in a few

hoars, or a new roof put on in a very aborttiT.e. Ail who desire a laa.n.r and every way

substantial roof are urercd to call and exam-

ine it.

Abrestld Simm Ns,wbo stole three balesof cotton and sold them to Mr. Bacoh, wasbrought to the city yesterday, from Mtssissippi, an! ecmpelled to disgorge bis HI gottenmoney and to pay all expenses, amounting, we

Lear, 'o four hnncred dollars The aherifT of

Yailobusha county had tbe man in custody.After the " arrat-geme- " had been made, tbsthief w is allowed to go free, by which jasticewas deprived of doitg a moat meritorious seeding him to the penitentiary- - We learnthat the men never got into the custody of our

police, who e an unsuccessful attempt toUk; k

Thief PcaTKAira. S.auon House keeperCofiland !,-- cts soon to have an elegant pie-tu- ie

gallery to exhibit tc hia visitors. In ac-

cordance asms a resolution of Council, every

thief wLa comes into the hands of the police,Ld whom thiy think it necessary to "spot,"ifl bale hie portrait dsguerreotyped and bung

CoFELAAD'e gallery, where all the watch-

men can rnke themselves acquainted with tbefeatir s of men over whom tbey have to exer-su- al

$rciillanct. Ho .eat people haveto pay for f&ir portraits ; tLievea' likenessessre tsken for no thine thia is a new kind of' .tea beadism."

A Mldley Gloomy weather still preralla.borne of the Aldermen, st tbe last Council ia

ireeting, declared that the improvements going att :he u; ptr landing were valueless When

is the new market house, near the Charlestondtj o', to be commerced? We want a publicclock ta Memphis The new engine house attbe corner of Adttat and Second atreets la a

-- T j( Ci'.j Mirths! is waging anI war oo nuisances look out. Cannot

the street lamp at the nor' bweat corner of Main

&id Monroe t'reett be fixed and lighted; it it ian . . . '.V hit? cars nightl now an.d

rte atson, aa the Irlahman observed, the moon

a'.waya does keep sway on dark nights, when'

she it roost wanted. It is feared thst hoopswill bbsBJ go one of fashion because there it no

j"! ar u,on them. We have beard noth-


of the water-work- s project tince Council

appointed a committee to report upon it. Tbecity has lately been 'dittretsir.gly moral," sod tothe "locals'' are growing desperate.

fii of agUmpjjts.

River fteweTbe iirrr yesterday tote with considerable

rssadity and there it a prospect cf excellentnavigation at an early day. Tbs landing waa

1 'y 'Ai b loading cotton.The elegant and popular eteambost J. H

D.ckey, Cop.. Dan. Able, la receiving atthe lancing for St. Lout and will leave thiaevening at tbe regular hour, six o'clock. TheDickey it a large and commodiooa boat, ele-

gantly f umtah'd an! wanting in no convenience.

Her Captain ia one of tbe most popular men

that sscomfort


Tbe comfortable passenger atssmar Lang-le- y,

ia Napoleon packet leaving atthree o'clcck. She ia ccmmsndd by the pop.ular Capt. Mason, with 6am Woods in tt.e of-

fice. She carries the mailt, aad la thereforeinvariably punctual.

Tbe L'Jty H ilcombe, a very superior boat,tt at our landing and will leave for New Or-

leans at o'clock thlt Tbe New

Orleant Utile aaye of ber :

fleeter d superb new passenger steamerLuc H he msde ber aprrearance at oor

r 'ay. very maeh Improved In heri i ce. since abe left the T dcaburg trade,Ira abe been running during tits sum-rte- d

for herself an enviable repoa-- rspeed, snd good Tbe

mbe if joat out of flock, waetw she batne a thorough overhauling, and It now

ln tplendld order, ai d a better piece worknever left auy sWp-yar- Tbs Lucy Holcoen be

it commtnelet br W Batsman, bey owwer,aaait'td in be efflr. by W. twason, a gentle- -

mtiily awl iwpilot house of steamer St.

took fire at St. Louia on Monday and hacfberwheel buined. Tbe et earner Golden Age hadlost botb cbimnets lu a storm at Fart Adamton Thursday night. A Cairo letter gays :

A w recking boat was alongaids H. DNwr. mS when the Hiawatha passed ber.Two cf damage ! flnur have aryived herefrom tbe wre. in charge Evansnlls onder --

writers1 Le St. Louis J2cpw6'iess, ef November 4,

reportsrivr here Is swelling, but so

rapidly yeeterday aa n Monday sad Tuesday.It rose abo'it tor, inches is tas tiveoty-foa- r

botirs ending st dark on last ever ing.ine upper rivers are all reported rising by

the arrivals ; :h( re Is four feat sa theLower rtap ds in tbe Upper Miasissippi. TbeMissouri river Is rietrtg. j

The Utile Rock Outfits, of October 20th 'aaya i

Tbs river, wbtch to Thursday evening badriaen aooot fifteen inctaea, rose nine inches onThureday nirbt, and, at writing (Fridaynoon.) is s'lil rising. It stay, therefore, berow set at there are from three tothree and a half feet water in tbe channelaad there ie a protpect for st least aoaae morewater. We hope that the season ofrsvigation may open.

Adi IU

if you wish a perfect IHteneee call attbe Gallery, No. SAL Main street, wheretbey are and finished In the most artisticmanner, At a little cost sad war-ant- ed never totwos.

Taatioata Cacaoated wtU as Battist, OrtoaaaAt an anyournea' aseetlng of tbe New York

teal Society latalv, a paper waa rru,uimuch interest, riving a minute account in re-

lation to an w hich has ar. imporunt bear-ing In success of our army at New Orleans,onder General Jackson.

Tbe omission of this fart if the history ofthe British invssion, made It necessary, in tbsopinion of Uie suthor of tbe paper, after aotonga lapoe of lime, to give a detailed atate-men- t,

which, and bis remarka to fllostrsts tbetruth of bis declaration, with an account ofthe attack mads by tbs enemy 00 our r.ea, andtbetr final defeat, give importance to tbe sub-

ject, which cannot fail to interest tbe public.A gentleman now sera ncea in lire wuo, ror

the last thirty years been a resident ofrl v bad botb before and after tbe war of1812. lived at Natchez, In the Mississippi Ter-

ritory. aV

It appears, that in summer of 1614,Thomas L. Servoss, in the com-mercial world of those and after days, had oc-

casion to visit New York 00 business. Hsperformed long journey, all the waylane!. When be reached New York, the cl.l-ren- s

wrrs busily engaged in making prspara- -

tions So meet the enemy's expected attack. Aabort time elapsed, when it waa ascertained'bat New and not Now York, waa certainly tbs placs intended to be invaded.

Mr. Servoss wss to daily correspondencewith tbe Bos. Or. Latimor. tbs dstagats fromMississippi, thsa at Washington, wbo gavshim reliable information as to 'eetioation

the British fleet. Whereupon, Mr. Servossimmediately New York, returned bv

the wsy of Pittsburgh wbre be found twokeel boats laden with muskets, destined for tbedefense of the country below. Iney were tostart In company the next day. He pasa-ag- e

In tbe one commanded by an inexperienced,but well diapoaed young man.

Anxioua and determined to hasten on withall possible speed to bis family, being in pos- -

seelon of news of the greatest importance, dir.Servoee. wbo was acquainted with river navigation, prevailed on tbe Captarn to depart thatevening, and then used every exertion ia bispower sn1 by personal, eonstsnt efforts suc-ceeded in placing in advance of theI ennee troops, on trie Mtsetssippi riverwbirb fortunate circumstance eaabled General

wbo commanded then, to arm everyrear, and to them on the way, before theirarrival at New Orleans; while tbe otber boat,commanded hy sn old, experienced boatman, didnot reach New Orleana in time, nor until tbe6 al battle was over, and then waa broughtdown in charge of the expresa which GeneralJackson snt in pursuit ; and wbeo found, four

miles sbove, the Captain was put into await a strict examination into tbeof hia aurpriaing delay. This delay and

disappointment cauaed the greatest dis-tress at New Orleans, as tbs Kentucky troops,under G'nrral Adair, wbo arr red on tbe 4'.Qof January, were thereby deprived of their expected means of defense Had tbey beenarmed, as tbe Tennessee troops were, not aman ef the enemy could have escaped, and thevirtorv would have been more wouderf ul

than it was.Itie Te. nessee troops arrival on 21st

December, two daa bfi re the iovaaion, wbeoGen. Carroll reported himself ready for dotyat headquarters.

I :.e news of bis near approach La.t. a weekbefore, gives life find eoi idenes, at once re-

moved tbe despondency thst pervaded all ranks,especislly when it was announced that asates w ith guns bad been overtaken by bim.

History gives a true account of tbe sBorts oftbe Tennessee militia, and of ber effective service, In the brilliant achievements of our army,on the day of the memorable January battle.

nitbout the muskets, which tbey obtainedon their way down the Mississippi river, theenemy could not have been defeated, or NewOrleans saved from capture.

ice extraordinary character of Gn Jackson sod bis patriotic exertions sre vividly por- -

rayec ; and Bar. Servoss, being on the ground,g vea alao a glowing picture of importantsvents wbirb transpired there.

tiei... Eaton, tbe historian, emnhat cally ex- -

preaaed bis belief, in several parts of bia "L fsof Jackson," that, had tbe Tenaeseee troopsnot overtaken tbe boat with muskets, the vic-tory could not have been woo bnt on tbe contrary, that New Orleans would bavs fallen intotbe hands of the British.

After a priod of more than forty-thre- e

ears, tbe true knowledge of tbe cirrums'.&r.ceswhich led to the advance of the boat withmuaketa, and so essentially contributed to ther'orn us victory of the 8th of January, itbrought to light, and will add to tbt interest oftbe whole sffiir st New Orleana.

If the stat-me- nt which Servoee has fur- -isbed tbe Historical Society bs true and ws

not doubt it tbe providential events whichhe relates, and hia agency and services to the

untry in this highly important matter, leaveon the mind the imprest' on that he waa trulyinstrumental in preventing what would havecertainly happened without them s dtfratMr. Servoss reached new O. ieans on the 10 L

December, which was several days before tbe ainvasion, and a week prior to tbe arrival of tbe

rasessee troops, and was himself eneaFe indefense, where he received, injuries to bis

health, which yet remain, and will continuehim during life If be waa in anyway

strumen'sl. by bis eff.-rt- in saving our greatlu'.bern city an event so impor ant in its

consequences to the nation it is not too Isteeven at thia diatant time, to aunplv the emie- -

aion ia our history.


f Genuins double - glaas Ambrotypes, acolored and In cases, complete, warranted du-

rable, the best of at Tyler ai.H, for 75 ceo.t, opposite Odd Fellowe'


Advert iMaarataop"" Tyler A Co, Artists, opposite Odd

Fellowe' Hall, finest Gallery in the State, large, aad sixteen yeart experience.


tT Keep it before the people, that thebest place to obtain Likenesses it at Tyler A


Co. 'a Galler), opposite Odd Fellows' Hall.

(AdrerUaeajeot.ty Star Gallery, No. 282, Main otreet, B

taking tbe rake In picture line ; there iagreat rush picturea on patent leather.

adroTtiirwaotPbemium Pictcbes great question

now is, where tbe best pictures are made.Tbomat at DeShong't warrant! 20 per cent, bat-

ter pieturei than can be procured within fivehundred milea of Memphis, or no pay required.Prices no more than elsewhere. Please calland tee " what yon shall see." "Pictaresaa

pact met.", AavertisraarBt.

rCarTeGtllery, No. 90 Front Row, la allright on tbe beat and cheapest gooee question.

(y Refer to Speed, Donatio tk Stbabgi'sbaton.

CoTJirrxtTxiT Rcnamaw PcrrWATra We B

beg leave to call tbe attention of our readerstbe sdvertisement of Cdolfro Wolfe, in


JT Country merchants, planters and citi-xe-

ia generel, wishing to purchase fiat,made ftthionable clothing at low prices, forrash, will do well to vatit the bouss of R. B.

De Babe, 187 Main street, under the Wor-sha- m

Hose- - Hs bas a apleatHd ttock at both

wholesale and retail. oct23-l-


BoiBHAva't HoLLABD BrTTEsa N. M. Poiic-dexte- b,

at Union odtee, September 10th, ISM,saya: "Sme weeka since, being seriootly af-

fected with pain and aneaainess at the stom-

ach, loss of appetite, and at t strong ymp

toms of dyspepsia, I waa Induced to try yourHou-ab- BiTTEaa, and I feel it but sn act


incalculable benefit, having freed tbe atomachfrom all sense of depression, and removed everysymptom of dyspepsia. I would also remark,that two other members of my family, wbowere afflicted in s similar manner with myaelf,were entirely relieved by ute of a ainglabottle each."

ST AK GALLERY,Km. 33 BMtt stele mt Hal d-a- t.,

Taree Door, North of Clark: Mot bit Block.andrrtlgneg weald reapectfaUy Moils tbtTHB aad vultsss at Mempeta, te ea I at the Star

ftoliery an i examine the atar-- latest Imnrovomer tt iathis faattaallag Art. Chief amenxat thm ketsg tbe

CHROMOTYPE,t mod a- - operandi ot which la only known to hlmaelt,st which praoewtt the aawtpleaatag 'Bet.

I'hotograaha. Amibyoty pes,sad Mi tho varwaa itr tea ef MOTCBSI taten in themoat .nrntinc manner,

acts daviy F W. TA88 ALIAS.

OAYCTtTiD GALLERY,Opposite Speed, Doooho a. Strange'a.

fOCMMBOt LI I BMI1BIBI taxes with the ve y lateatI j imprmtmoata. and beaatifatly aoHtad at prloeo from

alto. Osil aoa examine aacclaaaata.iv FBr; OS


No. 219 main t.,OFFOfJTTB


Fall ana Winter:FANCY AND 8IAPLE

DRY GOODS.CtOmeTIKO ef every description of gooda to be

DT Oooda hoere which tteyoff r for Oath or on Time, le pnac oat netoasere aa tewas that oaa ha had In hit ptaee Oar arrangemea'a areaaeh. wtth a n aatert pe'tner re the city of Wow Tort,aa to wb" as ta bo kept isatilsBltj .evy!ed with thenewest atyles sow ot the very Merest prxceo, al orr a ostare heogtrt eoic'iiiaive'y for Oar aaotto enlet ea'eotrS BBaJ proflte Jltt.' A rT;KFT h. BQ

ae, Wo Ttt Mora a) rest.

Hides Wanted.WILL pay oaafc fee Brwd r tat, Drmdaaaua, HreoaI sa.tod and Orm, HUES ana FtXTBrBB of all kinds.

F I.Iatprs-sawt- r Na'n and Mot or atreeta

Just Rtceived,raAasU T. aUrrlaoi.'a Ba ra FWar.JJ pan k-- sas W. B and k D Ol

bag. w B-- Bnt'ersee aaabo--t etisa hia o d Boarb a aT, trhlaky.

Also, Beta Ckfhjo. Tea, Tobaonc Cltara,Ororge- - ! mo- -. a V Saroloe. he . he , far a by

1 W rttstBBfl yo.MFnalloe

runs the Miss'teirpl river, and one of the justice to tbe article, well ss for the good of

moat attentive to tbe safety and of bis tboae wbo may be affected with like dsrange-patser- g-

t We commsad the Dickey to up i ment of the ttomtrb, ttate, that the nee of

river r.velers. one single bottle of this medicine proved of


four ewenlng.



rmfort living.awl



Trie the Nicholas


lo'sk, of


The still not










bas thia





left and



this boat





















Catest Httos by ffUgrapbTO atwcuTED raiw F systMPltra.

Yellow sevrKaw flaxEABe, tuvwnbrt. OotaTrUr from

vetlow Itvw, IS

TelegraphicSaw OaiJtAXI Kuveulrr t

laj. t.aSS bel.s tbs market baa 4 cused MS i

stinsrttKweefteeestsel.s. sveeipta

but weak st.OSt kales. Bxaorta lor the wsak CT.aas

aahw titsl is? sat bates. K cMsta sSesd of last year

Ml arm balee. a- s( ell aeolhsiB ports afeed et

laMfwar, asMSt. sams la Slew Ortesas til Its ,

usiae 141 t 0 laat year. Molaaers ta. Oota ?-

r? - -J- .K. of Iba weak S.SM bags i alack a twaos bat. etetort lte.tCO ksss. Saieoall

It M . Prnctita oa ot too U Uveepjel t a tit , ta aTavtS

16 141 xeaaot" oa La4oa SU

nay Toas. SJavemerr Cotleaseaaea a nearwaeat awawi lasy

tno Wane SI I'tfl 40 Oo-- b arm Usees 00SS4JS4C Soaar baojsnt ; tk4)7K for Cabs taaarssw T4JVW for rvrto sjej. atotssses, 4S4) 4 tor orloans. Ti ISe.

Ciscissati X.tmiT I. VlaSS asm or Ivo and

prlceo sa assess'. Bad wneai sot cpi os. waitCo a tsa ; aaa SSe. Wkisky dan fjRgi Bote tSTi Lard tM4lSe. Socoo SboaVaert




Sewing Machine,With all taMUtt lnprxTetMDU raa tva tbt4 t Uw tx- -

Wxty-Flv- c DollarsAT NO. 19! MAIN 8TREET.

price of SUfae'i nsnderd atcblraahai alnTHE radacad S ntei' SeiI Siacklnsj. It Uveakaowi, thuotb SBBSatt U sSSBB bavo aloors

in f ihat out o;1)"t mocam of limitedaaaoaa eaa sow precara a saoe, lallabM (araotid ma- -

saSBB.awaSBk . at. amrars Co . bavtot esmpivKd ;salr

new factory, the larrert m at perfectta h w Tin are oowa'lewlib

tb-- lr laapievs sdUUaa te oarry eat th'lr oaDtawplatedof pneee.

BWIW OBM. Proprletir,Mass KSBaWra srsown, Araat.


Dairy Farming:soaipataise

TH s Breeaa, Baaeasss saw Maeat'sasBt la Health andof Dalrv aad other ataok i the selecloa o

hlltcb Coaa. with a rati oiplacetlon of Oaeaot.'oBaalbod ;

THE CULT!" RE OF FORAGE PLANTS,aad the ProeacUan of

ILK, irtT'k AND CHIBSliBcDbolTins tbo moat re rut latproTr-m-Dt- ', aad adoptedto FarsatBg In the rs.tad 8 ateo and Brlttah Provtnoea.

With a Treatise vpea the

AUtr HDaSAJIOkT Of HOLLABP;To ahleh la added,

Horsfall's System of Dsiry Msnagament.BT CBlRLSS L FLIHT.


For die byaS CL.BAVBS. S TADBW.

Received This Day,.teamer Fbtladvlp' la Poor Handiea hags lrtakPRB J no o FLalCBVOT.

at Bo II Front Bow.

Hallei. Dat in At Co.' Pianos.PIANOS 'not roreiTrd from tbo rolebratedSIVBBAL of Bj Saabs Hon ot Darts at Co. Bos-

ton These Pit Boo have tho Improved Iron Proaacoaepen.l n Bridge and Fr-ac- Action For tontb

tone and dorablllty, they are not . For earvary bow br (ci) Mcsimtay a co.



IT aviso seaaSxaaaB a farm ta Arkaanaa river11 aottoaa, a&4 brlra doalroaa tooaaifrale ttu n' tula Foil I new oSer sty ptaaeatSoaoawtoiBiDt

480 acrid, ea watch I saw rookie, oa tbo P.. tonroad 1' edinf fraa Bolij Sprlaga to Halena. Ark., aadton tn leo root af tbo bjloowalppl aad Taaooawr Baitroadana three miles front OoMwotar D pot, which lo thlrtrmlloo from Memphis Tbo ba tbst StS ocraac.oared oa H, aaarlr BOO of whotb are freak, all as a tootstate of control loe. aad aa Sue a farm aa asy la tail

or (.eltheorheod Taieeably good dwel.lnaw. SooJaesTocsbtBa. a t od gts and aU!I and other

toad etstera bo ding 411 bbit. of water, aad ihrsa arfocrtoedepvtass.

Th-- ooctrty in the ao'tbborboad la ao good aa any laBoris Mbaaloaappl Obareheo a d Sobaolo la tbene abborbaod. 11 la ae p oaoanl and deslrsMr a place aasay ho this coostry, a oa h- - alihr at any In BorU Via

atspt Tbs tract one d ba dtvtoat as sa ba make twoerttltnanta ea tt If Beooooary.

Ao I son tamtBBJ the moaeylo moh a parmept on myArkanao ; orct a , 1 will take fjiooo ca.h fo' the wt,otract. Bio and mlU aaatatea, St I wt'l take BSOOO In thrraoaaal loalalaaoala It la foobrapoot pioea in thloaan-try- .

As lando ef ro better eaahtr ts the mtghtorhoodarabrM st 'row l t atSperscre.bat I am deter .ninodu sen. sawtaeraf ire off r t- - ear ladaoemiata ta p raaas

to locate la Mortb lo rail aal oxam-In- o

far tboat point bo'orr perahaalat elaowkari. I olas tract of St aoveo oa Ihoaama road, tra Bailee as it

f thia, for aale at $ Spar o r . talarahty w.U improved.Tbe whole, If sot prevtoaity sold, I will aeJ u tho blaboat bidder, oa aooommodatlas toraao. at aocuea. aaMOXOAT, the 14 bear of next Borrmb--r. oa Ira oreoa-lo- aa

Alao mr farming otesailt, Cora. Food-- r, Hoaoe-hoida-

Eilcbrn and a pol thai af mr stock.Alao ax abarea ef BSSeeeh ha tbe Btaotoorppt saw

Boll-o- Fat fBithev part calara oddreaa theaabecrther al B'.m Orovo. tttta.

rndl-v- k S H. BTTBFOBB

Two Hours to Memphis.rptR aarhrrahraod are deatroaa taooll tpwarSi

.X or ew acres or ear ion lane lo he saamiraat ooro--T ogTtpfoeeoesty. two aBeaaotthMown repcV on rho Mempbt' and onto Bal'road

oln lot the Undo ef Oei. Oee T. Tartar, B B BoniFr-vlli-

Bag aoa ; let acres cleared, the moot o'whkr is freoh. harlot sera rioarsd sloe lgso the

level, rkh sad we 1 unbared. The tmprorrm-a- u a

tonslat or an -- xoe t ern Fraa.e D aillnt wit 1 flea room,boilt a are I' St, s large fresae Carriage Boase, gead

egro Oabtno. with brtok chlaaaa ia, sat all other aecee-aa-- y

oat Boaooo, ta good repair A large Pooch andApple Crrcbsrd of chotc. fralt ; s Well of exorlloat wa-ter ; aa exc ileal ronca for etock. afford ag ploaty af wa-ter all the year rsaad Faraaas withtaw te parcbaaeaaeh a place wnstd do well te lo k at ihte tin Mt 'eTrauaed to aal. Par teraia sad for the radd reoa the asdei ttgnod al Sha-o- a Foot Otlra. Tiptoeoaaaty Tesn. AXV w. BBAD8HAW.

8. J. Sol. BBAJMBAW.V B trdaatrrd, tbe avk ef Hoes, Cat te. Ore

Fodder, he .ami hs sold with tbs abree place I wino- c "O S acres of goad land Th aulas aorta ofMrmphi adjolntca the laada of B Branch, A. B. Tarterend F. Taylor, of tan st acraa are la cwiuvstlen ead avery heed g ef ramaiaahlr eaed water witkta ttrarda of the dwMug. For farther portlcalora. odoroo,

8. 1. BB ADAH AW. Agent,saTT.wtfO Sharon F. O T'pVa Oa . Toan To

Hieam Mills and TOO AcrtrS

LAND FOR SALE.WS win oetl oa aonoaaaaadattag estate, oar

apWadtd Sataaa Mil!, (both Saw and S'lat )

together art h 700 ocrea of well tlmhered handsaw a hasaaa salauase to aoe timber for tea years

ttl aams M athaa sal a.::, k ms ms BB1 tract aite-ate- d

la McMalry aweary, aa the M rent-hi- and rbarleotonBall road and oa Tnerombla'e fork of Hatahlo BtverThe tract cantatas SS acres ef chattel bawd with seed

mfertal r, erort thins in r- - ey.lrat Matamora tr Moscow,ALBXABTJBm It RICH.


Tunica Lands for 8s le.rTtBB anderalgn-- d cnVra for .ale, L itA Land altoated on White Oik Barot. a

fjnr mlleaa-- a kalt from AaaUn. It it a .on ef Lead, ooverad almoat entirety wllk a

hoarv growth of tho 'art- - bine cane, and la far abort t heblthra: ovaig-- within tho memory ef the oldest cltl-t--

ooqnalnted nlth that part ef tho Mlaalaalppl a.

Th-- rr t taro rabmt on tbe tract a few acraaOared, and nearly too bandred acres srateneo!. moot of C.

old deeding. Termt, $18 per asm una third cash, S.and the balance la two equal loelalmente the one ara-ble in one, aad the other la two years, aaeh to draw

at tlx per aeat If net east ea ee bets a tho flatdar af Jaoaary It WBI not ha sold at the ahuvs priseJo't- - Dooley wbn lleea near tbe ptaee. or Win J. fared,who It authorised to sett the Lend, win show It to anyone deposed to porsaaee. and give the Mao ,

eetl-ws- m THOMAS B WOtinwABA.

Arksnus (Attoi Lii4b.aehswlhsff oBara set soba I tSO acres sfTHB Lead, anthta to ml o. af theriver, and ISO mlioa above Kanoieoa. A'

psrtaas of thl. land waa entered la ISM, aad ta B

Oor. aawt a w , all at It !.: Da redalated by levees sawbam.

To any eaa waatlnt a howea ead is the riches', portion or tho ootien-groai- try, thlt 1 t moat deatrahlo tract fronting nearly eaa m'le en Srver Likea Amf, daar body of arour) arlth a choice Oypreta

Brake eoav.nleat for holloing perpaces, six hand eds Pwdoaod LoLd, ssvarsl Ob) Baraa ar ladlan 8

Tdlasaa. wtth aa groorth on them hat .one. Tbo pnt-- rha r ouM moko a rood crap tho Srst year.I orlll aril tbl. tract af land at a great bart!a, far

eaeb, balasee one and two yeart' credit, ar Iwilt exehange for noarroes I ales have several othertracts of land that wlah ta sell

Thomaa H. Alton, Efq cf Menrpbra, haa a plat of tbl"land, and will cbeerlarty give any Information to theseapp ytnt la person

Oaeasisn cationa addreaard to me WfBJ t promptlyd to. A "dr-- et BDWABD 0 MOBTOH .

si Bl ill a 1 III air Cremmln.. Arkaoeoa enantv Ark.

JB. J. WILLIAMS.Blacksssilhaif,, WffOB Flaw F t try

the corner of Shelby and Tret rant s rests, awATSoaih Maatpht- - te--p. ea hand Bt rCarta. Praia, Phew a. Wbee bar rat ox , hw SS. am

d oe to order ard of eo d material, warAil ordeta from the osntrr tiled st tbort notice.

Alao repair. eertnea and pot. sp aaw mill, st any(lace In the country. Any reference ileen that ttev borawatretL Baraa Smith, acreator to Capon a Smith ttMania o atirot. Again. aentt

PlacUUea fr Sale or Rtit.IITB all! aril or rant 40 acraa of land too ,yy riea-o- a, gjod awe: ins. orcnara ae asaea t

milea from aeniaaia, aa ureet, ntars ;

P.g-- Boat sad Flank Bood App y tosoamsufl w ruuNia,

St Madlaon ttreet.





nagging, Hope and Twine,PLANTATION SUPPLIES, &C.





COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Office nn Stairs So. 9 Moshj Av

Hunfe nuilding.M e lu p h t a , TtnilV tVASalM oSxtr oar siutsu ts al aatert

SwaSBBBBms maawaaaaa ate the saleef c tuxammjmsaad prodoce a thaa aaarkat or fbrahka

saaxyflao ferntah. d at wanal ta ear cwticawcraat the lowestA c aaoo m aa 0- - BBBMSI cr.;

OaiE'tu it a --oa froairlctlj obeyad.

i- M. FATB1CK a no.

Commercial HotelMemphis', Tenn.

HAP 'u day bach by the rmdenlgned, mrtraotaae of gnssfi.

TTuBB a Ft

Sloitrtarj anir financialBTBICRIS PA tl.y PTSL OFFtCB

lirraniT Jfevemtsr s, 188.VieOauiH-r- na the rVaavsa Moroerber t

The woIoobm dunce la tbo wa'har no mine i"mffiTnon loaAc r t o.aeroaUaa fa all dre'ee. Ii modr

'rjbod fM rb"fo). aj"ro eMn oo lh beamentarn boa follon o.1-rtl- j low ti boalob tbo fore- - tlsbtoat wo oho I aw hove a raoh of pjpOlotioa, ana sw

wops to eMBo evorr tooaser, rollroo soth'e oenvevoeeo w II b loodod ajwn l b poooe

Boaiaeaa saaerallv ta (mbles ap Bvorrit now t ociIto Tb Srv condo boid sro- -ooey. oXHhf artwo tie , tp-- ir to bo ojolto tlvalT, aadIf Hm oi--a o Sow 4I apMi MV ihoy will b pretty aeu'rd wltblo tbon-v- t foftalrht.

Tbe htoooy irtrtot l aaav naatlolado baclete seieprara of tbo tftsjctn'y of makles tavaimrati,sad n u ilk ir that Shetr sisaw'tBsa ea thw saoro atcjattnae for seato tlao ia eeeae. A good Seal f h:rtpaper u don oat af Soar' al beak rates oat aeose lo oeeaof noilo taken batow. Th aaioaat enWlne. both isBan and oatoMo. lo saaol Prlow tows paaar can newba aoa ed at S0a Thero bj oamodtaartlall lo a-- WoBtort-o- . and emott trsnsoctlnna see aol'y mod- - at " '

Iroprfrao Wr bovo -- oaolaa of aolo ta raaort lowsr.The Bxrhaaso wket Is abost lh in, Sirlln

I'ThSllOtH BUI of leSaWJ ororto l07S'f. Feaaoa,'t'HtWrW. Slxlv dao hula oa Bow Totk ranco Iron

' Vt4 ei. jr mi. bat it U dHBcalt lo oll ar-- r .

A rnnSfao of A 1 Booloa brorrM IK SUht, 14)' X

Pre dlae.snt Back shacks, hi X.Tho Ch'oaan Prm of Teaeday, eaof ra ea haasa st I

per erst peesalaw. with SB octlro aiarSat.Tho cmetoaali (7o-e- fe opeaki of oa

for BBaaa, , f hoarb f b - mpnlr wo oBdn t and f dta dbeoeBted at IBS)It p owtt. per amTB Baal-ev- e

ewc ana waa SssBBI st Cbe bos'ualnt of Iho woeft

and rates area Thia II was woatd eonllxaehat a abort i me Tbe G'sefre rU It le d thai

aapply la a- - Bka kol 4MB, trtoon o- - lbtrtT4aetowd lb d mond Tbe lorr oo 'or to reeoroe

oar Ircal '.rd, eootraieo vorv Itfbt. eiefwraMvrlT. aadbero It i prnbob'tlty of one mittltl f

loot ilxty dova to cooae Bew Orleao" o- -t tw eereBBS fl'oi ot r seeaBWaB bBTlBS ard la peai-- m

tas tni ore not plontrthaa oereeeeore B- -

'Irod Tkor lo vorr lllt'O neora'o srfos forward loat-- now aap-- r o- -d saol noma ore oatsbl otter at rotorolltln tbe rant- - -- f oootoltooi


ititotioh.QoU aad Silver sWf tIt Stmlwrl.

Bask ot ..par Bonk of Oem 1 dieR o thorn tul... .. par Bkof tboUnloa t4WBlvar Bonk .. par Bocko Bank 1 altSank ef WoatTorn .. par arahante' Bk t di.rmoa Baatk .. par rTradera' Bank t diBank of Teas .... .. par Bk ChattaaooaaPlaatrro' B'k .. par Back. XDoxvuiaOom BaakBk of Aiaertoa ... Baak of atlddte ToaaaaseaK'tbB Bk Trnn... ...I dlaBank of Farts .... .1 dla City Baak Bsahvino...! 6vBk of KooxTttta.. ..I dU'raaonrtafo d B'kn .... tdlrBkoi Bmp Statt. so n:

Soctb Oerolhve... IK ShiXaBinrkvBaBkt l a iftwronorbcrv Saafe. fondle stale St of lad i a iitbolb-Tlt- le Bosk.... IS do atate Bk of Oblo.l H to t 41,

Daadrldsr Book 10 dto loalelaaaBeaha It duOooo Bank IS eka Iltlnoir ard vrianoDoln 4 dirBank of Maohrltla.... 4 ahf Alabama Bank. tdliBank of Taaowett St aha BT. Carol taoB'kr.. IteSdliBank of Olalrho nue... 4S das Fanaora' B C ..SO duBank of Tree toe.... snajs wetehlia Bank Mlar. SS dlr

Oltbjeae' Baak M awBk of Fulton. Sa f die'

aTsrl aaf i issaf Mstn.,. K dtalC k dla.. hdn a a w.. dhtlBaltn b

Sew Orleans. U prom Aaaertoaa OeM .Leejavt'le.... MdatSnvar

Handsome Suburban PropertyFor Sale.

r T AVISO disnootd of the Babarban Lata, ttXT from Sqaaro t hove ssethav OOBBBB LOTwen improved, last two aad a half ml loo from that beaa-ttfa- l

.pot. on tbe bodr eldoof tbe new fltot- - Ltne lalwh ab for plctnrrd beauty, po'lehed co(htb ood oattrodeabtrd U ibe rery beal and front or a d olra- -

b country roaloeoca. Onto a in can bo bod Ir.

thia peanorty If the ha i a atrttch It audo In toad timeImprovementa good Pooeaaten can bo had la o work'tamo aasw B. Myatl

Mare Stolen.

abottea Addr W SAtRS,."P- - W. or Ta lay, Mu

To Qamo Hunters & Poultry Dealers

WILL b raid I ho htabwt market price for BBABWILD TI7BKBT3, DCCCS. ar' PBt.

RIB FOWLS, if heoaght dip ct to tho 0ATO8O HurraMark l nan, and cercbaato wbo have Foaliry. Sf ea aa'Batter. oanslgBod to tb.m by their Booster eaatoaaortwtP and a ready mart-- by apnirlae at l he Oayaaa

ocSS-la- r D OOCKBELU Froptlo'er.


PAMPBLBfS con taming (teatlmonula or tho blgheatbe forwarded te say thst may wlah

.bem.Osaea eared near Bj mphlaMrs. Hit, cancer ef yeora' otanfiBt.Mrs. Cbrlatlana Moore, as year?' rtordlrg.Bov. Fvtor Catp, D , IB 'Wm Pete, It " aa

Bmjamta Wattlnt, IS "8 Tii for bit pamphlet ACdreat, c,

JAB A C LOFTON. M nRanuvliie T

Blank Checks, Notes, Ac.WATSON tt BBABD

HAVB a rati oaaartmenf of alank Checta, Motet sndof Bxrkiago. tit M- a- ' OCM-t-

Rope : Ronereoalredat Mo. ot Front lo., snd offered forJC.-- low, a senerml aoeertxtent of dtSereat o'sed

Bops. ( cS OBAJ. McLBAM.

aOC.C.l HO I V.CSEKERAL i On Tllsvjo



M an u facta red Tobacct. Leaf To-bacco, and Cisjars,

Oarner of Main and Cclj. atrsats.MEMPHIS, TENN aa they da, eiolaslvsly oa CooomkKi a, theyte eepeiy th. trade at as low taiea aa the

tome grades of Tobeceo aan be bought in soy aaarket.anSI


COTTON aiw Ft toga that will save the labor ofA o band at every Cotton am to wbkcb t may orthat dl.aenaltig arlth foodlag by hand, (a very

injnrioue prartloo as the cteso attsaassat,) le certainly aeeolrabte bjerl. Baaltli which, the Feeder will remove

large pnrttoa ef the deal, dirt, ball., etc, from tbecotton, before It aoter , the Ota, thsa tmpreetng tbeqae'lty and " aample " sf the cotton that will be an-

other Importast point T claim that myEclipse ( ottou 4. in Feeder

aril! aocompllrb the above roaslta I have Lett era Patentfor it, boarlnt date October It. 1887 4)

I am willing to pat ap one of them ta a neighborhood,thai p antera auy a e far tbesaaaivaa whether It wtubene 111 thorn at not.

One of '.hem ta now on exhlb lon st ths Lard O.I, Bospand Candle Factory at I. P. Preacott h Oo , Mrmphti(in front of Commrrcti Bote!,) where any one can oca Itpat In operettoa. Floater, vleiung M -- mphla are earneatly ragaasted to eali aa ahoer directed aad lnvratlt"lUmerlte Far farther partw mart atmram Iheaa ee


Report of tbe Agricultural oiuntittee.krarsil Sa'nrday. October It. ltSS

Col Jons Pope, rrea B A. a :Toar Oomm tt-- appointed te - and ropart

apes "Freaeott'a Bell, e notion Hn Feeder," beg leaveler-pn- rt TBol IDey tare examined Iba '

exhibit pi.. Towr Cooamtltea are aware,, that there la a great nead for a c

thtt It will greatly facilitate tbe proceea of preparingoar staple for market ; tad are do snhrilt.tlaaly recom-mend " Freaoatt't Bclipoe Ott-- a eta FaaSar " te theoon i Moral Ion of oar ptsnt'.nf ocmnnnlty.


M MCCOLLPM. ConaMttseeegr N P. BOND. R

8. F. ALFORD,a TTriBNBT AT LAW, Napaleoa. Arkaaeee

. with promptaeas and Btallty, to allaslod v bla car, lo tbla and "'f-e-- fT eamatkm, la

the aspaitsi Osarta al Rock, aad la BaUvss oaaa-ty. M.aawibjit.

He re ereto Meeera. Lawton hLarxre t. fI B 8 Bew-are, Canton, Mt.alt.1ppl ; teen Patrick.. Henry, Madl-w- o

coonty, Mlsalealpwl : N a. Daniel Mayes, Messrs.h Rocks fero't- - R From It Oo , Jackson. Ml.a.;

W. W Oowaa.BM , I'l-r- t Os van h Cbapin Tickets' g. Mlaa ; H n. S. 8. Terger, Jndge of the Third

Dietrtct ef Mlaalaalppl : Sea A. B Bradford, Bolivar Co., Mloa ; Mca.ra. I rl'chard o. Flower, Messrs 8.

RB. S Rkeks a C )., New orleana -t ; BenPoole, B M. Avery, Ba.; Memphis, Tees.

WKf. T. JON Era,ATTORN BT and at Law, Brown arllle

Couaty. Ark. Wll! prac'.ioe in tho countiesPralrte, Arkanaaa, Moose , Bt. Prancia, Jtcknca, White,tic. Prompt attenttor given to the collection of anclatmo tntrastod to ham are.

airtkl to h. MeweB, Msmpbls, Tenn ;

Wbltelsa h Nixon, B oarnrrllle. Tenn ; B J Read, Eeo.AUoraey. 00 ; W 8 a B. D Tamer. Ati.neya, Seai- -

cy, Ark ; Datryn-pl- e a Oatewood. Attorneya, ree Arc,Ark ; Ba- - C Brnnasab. Attorney. Selena, Ark ; Maa.

C. Totten. Browuvtik, Ark.; and merchants sener- -

allr of Sraarasvttle faurl7-wl- y


000 Acres of Land for Sale.ths PIRST DAT OP DRCBMBB 1 NEXT, and daysOMfoTowtag. al the late reeaoebco of Moers Co'l Bt,

we wm tl to the blbeat MJder, therl owtnt 11

detorlbad land", lying tn Tippah and Font tec lonntleo.TIPPAH COCNTT

.Sec fion Town Mono.I. t, t, Raai

24. $, S,U, t "it, a, t,

ay Be, $. KH $. 8,88. S. 8,

B. 8. 8., A .

BJ t, 8. "rroroo cocntt

18. T, 8, -r 18. , $,

, S. "t. T. $, "

IB, T, 8.11, 1. a,

r t,b t, b, "tS, 7, S.

r BJ. T,Ba, . $,8, 7, , -8, 7, S,AT, 8,

14, T, a, "

Soot beaa s. eerierNorth half

ubw-t- t qaartertacr't aoalbwatl o,rwool nan ncnaweaAUalNorth half afNorth half efNorthwrat qaarter

West halt ofBest half and s w orBast bal: ana g ar a.'Nor h half s s BJBtsfhi tslgrBeat halfBast halfSooth "aat eyNortneeat of

amBhSsalNotboaat quart- - r20 arr.-- c w ag

Sooth east qrNortbasst qr

The above described lsnda. belorutti to tbe estate ofMeaea Catltaa, deceaaed, ia divided Into two fsrsas. aaelying two ml eeteaUweat si Msw Albany, la Pontotoccoonty containing 8 18 arrra with ep n land a m tentfar iwewty handa U caltleate. The other lies tars ralatrorthwrtt af New Albany, le Tippah ooanty, Mltalaalp-p- t.

coetatnlsg3.KX acraa. with open laad atttBctent torelxt cr eoeeatyhand. Bald lande are la s high Hateof es'tivstlon. snd win be a rid In qaantltlsa to stttPBttbaaers ss there to same ef tt ant connect ed te shefsrms.

Alao, at lha tame tints snd vises, are wl l sen 48 b'adof Form Mute, aoe, tlo k Borata ard CatLo two Jew-net-

and two ttvo Jacks one of which is thaSnetinKorth Mmalastppt A large qnsnllty of Po'k snd B'ockHogt. Corn aad Peddrr, and a neat many athrr articles,too led toes te eat. aae, a .

A'ao. a Trrnntke aerare Big Cratk, tor the term otabout twenty milks. Ths terms ef as anith-ta- vo

yeart trmeoa xba lsade, aad t bo year on ell e'her prop-erty. Note eat approved eeen-tt- will be rornlred afpaiaBBi us. Any pert ,n wiring ttpw chase toe laadacsn ms there br calling oa the uaaTatgned. who wl l

bow aad have tbe power to ell artvetelp.B. W COLLINS,I R-- coixis,

aefrta-wt- d Bxrcotora r Mo. aa Cwliaa, Dec d

Talotble A ktasas River BttttiPLANTATION FOB SALE. .

1090 Aerss I 500 Cleared 300 DeadenedSitu trap 00 witt sets Be. on, r gnasa

right mil. s 'rem the near, allabove ueii ay. vha to aa astr.bto as sayPlace tn te Slate org raat he excelled m pro- -doarf eottaa ana co-- n say a bale or Iacre, and $0 or TS barb-- It af com.

Improvemeste tew sad tab.tan rial la tke wsy cfDwetllrg.Bte Home, Cabins, Stablee, Cnbe. Re.

If dealrab'e. 1 will ten the ere af earn, tenia too beg aand lee seat r cat 're. uoaaw ama esamree s BatSScan he had that to aot met with o'tea m a luetlma.

Refer to 0 M reekle- - MaaanhiaJOHN M J0NRS. Jr ,

UPeat Ottos, Jefkrato Carmray, ArVsaeei


CorroB t tlwwy aad rawewhat opprebaael'elet Hag p leaded the aaarket yesterday, and baron were

aaxio a U sarare a dsdlas, la which they parti "try sac.card-- oattaa ta esera walaaces being aoM st sa eighthdown Oar Stares be'ow, however, itm tnat.'n ae

ISSf tsvs were arm, as fafiewo : 8 bales atMM. Bat lew, hat et II, BSS st IIU.TSSatllM.iaistlist, IMetllM. amd abakro, faery, i at 13 and t at Iteasts Tho preeamng prise u mU UK, I bo aaaoaa t told

at thsa rats Betai very naarir oaa half af the whaleamount dtepo ad of Ttt hafcw aeTttsg st 11 It sad S0 atall tho other prieea teswther. SaB bears hveeght prhms

be'ow 11 h, and StJ bales above a. A private d

waa rooelved from Bew Ortoaaa. which " M

at II h maikt deeltnltf email aaSso." ItraUy Uonghl that there was sssss Imscearacy la the dlpatch.starter.... 7 BIMl Mtmnrag. I0MBSI

S I r.ood Mlseitng.. II 4Vt,ord oete.rr...S A t a I ddlttf Pair.. .11 M n H

Low Middling.. IOU910M Fair... iiyifBUNTh' Brauf yesterday ttak ea' for Mow Orleans ml

bales of cot tea The Uturfrr had Its bales Itr at.Lonts.

The OMo Ballroad, on tho tt aad 4th. brsssbt ths fol- -

loaing amonat of cotloa : Frtm Baewusvine, Sit hales ;

et, Mso n. IBS ; esllewey, II; Wythe, ;

ahothy. 8; rataa, IS.Tbe Nrw Orleana Ficayaar. et November 1, fart : Th"

market haa wors a heavy appearance y. bea earnssyera came reward and team aooet THB Salaa. priori

Ketng Irreealar and ratb'r more ta rarer of boyera,tb nth wllkoet any farther marked

Tbe same paper of the tt, reporta : The demand haaheea modersto to day, wtth sales of BBSBJ BBSt hale aon kave oootlBoed In far..r ot bayera, and are see

.3 tt 7H I Mladlla. ,u it mil M

ok tv I floe MUdllng. II Mattlsal Ordinary. . lOHaBll I Middling Fair. .

LowMlddlIng....llMAlIl I FairTho stock aa hand wat tlf ttt

MKMPHIS PRICK Ct kkkTBAMfea....tadxa beestng.eaaamia.; Eon tacky Band

Loom, 'tdlfac; Itntncky Power Loom 1S1TcSLAftiee Saaall basaa, SSSt at Largs boase,

t eomae ta a gross.

OorrBE....Ble, UMlth; Java, tts. a s.OBACBEvaa.... Water, St I Batter, 4 ae; Seda, $8 ft

ox, tagar, St ; Soda, SB SS haa.OEMEWT Loatevllle Hydrsnl c. ft SS1 SB, aad

Newark. a Ttgpl 08.OaJaaajs...Jaar,aoh. .

OoBDABB.. ..BTaBtlla, Sit M i Dot ton, ttepBtoaata.Fits.. ..Mackerel, halt bhls. Ms. I SS to; bbla. Ma.

$17 8S; hsts No. t Bit ; half bole No. fa 80

FLora....8aperflno, (f 004St 'St Oity Bxtra. St 78

4)7 tS i Bl. 1. ol" Bxtra. BT 78at ; kaoxrl It, pSSSM 78.

atasa....fPor box sf port.) Preach wTsssw, Salo,it it- so; ihi; si wciti Pittshargh, Sale, i

2 Tt; lex it, t ttasta tar,

owroWTjra....kontncky Bias, as hag i

Blalnf , $4 784)8 tt.IBOB Tenoes too, (Onmbrriand bar) ths. hi

fsmnsjlm It fPittabcrgh tar) I att he ; Outtaga, (hollow war Ute,

Leathkb.... Sales st tehelesale for Skirting, t0- -

eso.;Banseoa,t7Stlo ; Oak Seat, Mo l,38tlc ; Hem-

lock Sele,'.aaac.; ft. Bridle Leather, 184)40tasaa; Upper Leather, (tt to ttt a doaen.

Liar. Ohio river $1 1098.1 tS) Alton snd Bt.Bt oe,

Ltecoaa OK Bon rboa Whisky, tl 88 tattoo t

Old Bye. B14)Bii Old Reserve, 88; Iraiution,htc.; Irish, fa ; Osmtaea Recused Whisky, tt to 14c;Dexter'e, BSi-- ; Peach Brandy. $1 74)$; Apple

ready, 1 TtJ.Lead... .Bar, tttk. m hLckseb-- . ..Fjpiar, !i80: Oyproot, $18; yellow

Fine, rough, $18 ; Pine Flooring, $88; Clear WhiteFine. $80; 1st Oimiait Ptae, $at ; had do, $S8.

MoLAaaaa....OM. 88fste: half beta., gygatciNew. nc; haif bblt. 404)41.

MrCewa's Iaoa Tie... .sac ft a.Naval Stobis... .Spirits Tnrp-ntla- 414) 46c ; Tar

$$ SS$)$4 80, small aid largt bblt: Rot In ; OaknmNuTt....Fveana, 18c $1 B; Almeads, Baft Sheila, tot)

Itc , HardSbeUa, llaa)18a.Nails. $4 38 94 et a keg.OIL Unseed, 8Sc8)$l,lt; Lard Oil 8tid)88, Castor

$i ta.raovitiosf. . ..Bacon, Clear Bides. SKthShl Bib

Sadaa, BSetW ; 77 . Lard, ta bole. I8h0I8e; tags, tl Mdlllt. Moaa Pork, nominal.

PAFEB-- . .. Wrapping, 80c.4)$l a ream.Bsim WillBore. .. .Head epna, 8Mt8c; Machma, 7 $8 lac.ScoAB....Oontlderable ahlpaaeata. Tt e new crop aa.

corns fcrarsrd dsrlof the pest week which has canoedmora lour a' ta the market Sales sre, however, eon.teed to small lota. We quota Choice thdth: Prime,h&t, aid Strictly Pair, 8kj4Sa. "I turn, Bl iBMBil

Salt... .in lata, Ceerta, $1 10)$1 18, Ftna $1 40

$1 4V 4 tall. $ I 40)$ 80 lor Coarse, and $1 7a)$l 88for Sxiea tall In lota fraw laatlng are a betag saadeat $1 for Oerss, sat $1 te far Fine.

SOAr....Sar,Shashc a hSwot... .Drop, $ 08; Bock, $8 t04t art at hag.Spices.... Pepper 14c.; Clnnaaaaa. 404)48; Cloves,KBat; Singer, $; Spans, st s.Steel. ...Sprint, todlta. a h; Oermaa, Itt- -

trgiub BllaUr, 18c; American BUater, 10c., Oast 38c.

oeeds ...Clover, 84)810; BlasSraaa, $8084)118;imotby, $4 tO$8; B"rd.xraaa. $M81 88 i Mcskeet.88 S4) St I Orebard, $1 784)$)

"HISSLE1....$1 80$4.Ttn....Flateat-x- . ., $18 88; X $14 Bhash etcTea Imperial, 78,$)$$; 9iB iiSli, d$e4)l ;

rooms Byasa, 7$c.$1 60; Rack, tec MTobacco... .Mteooarl Erntnctry aad Taaamaai loej

W a h ; Ttrgtnls. xOcdMl '

TwiBE....17a)l8c. M .

TiBEoaB....Pnro Whlto Wine, 78s a gallea ; ForeApple, $l$a bbi ; Chemical. $4


...r-e-., $ 104 1 00 B barrelBAtoe....Rlb Rtdee SatJS, Clear Bteeo ShdlSc;

tuejyc; Coanty Rama, II thtt he; Cao-1-

tJe)l4c V B.8rTTEa....Casntry Extra JSc a a; Ceaatry Pair,

It 430c; kx'ra Weatern Reserve, JBc

aEASis....Kavy White, $1 16 per baabeH.

Baaa . . . .TtJEOe per cwt tn ireaxamj

Cattle. ...On foot 45 c. natt.Cabbaob....$I0 00$I8 8S ft handred0OBS....I1 Bach., 884)8'.Cbeeie tetl c. J) B.

Dun KEei....$J 7)l 00 tsad

Dai id Fbcit Appa, $100$)$! t Prechaapee-- d $1004)$! (0; naeeaed. $J tS$J IJ

.Me-eev- at p r pair t Beg too. 40Oc perpa'teee....':ol doson.

PLOra....In aockt, Sopernao, $2 t04)$ (0 ; Co antry Bxtra Pam ly, $J t0$J 80; In tbla . $7 tsShy 80.

Fr iTsiai Oooee, e8B24Jc. a R.

Torse Geese. . ..48 te 88c. each.

hike... ..Flint. ltnt)14c; flre--n, ec per R ; DrySa ted. 114)11 He ; Oreen Belted, aft.Jar... is demard; Retail. $!:$)$ per tea.

Ho.wisv $t 08t)$j to at hmthel.

Lac Cownlry Loo! Me. I, lomilc parRilskegs.isatas.

MEAL Oottntrr, 7 4)78: in demand

MSTTOB....Oa fact, Mo. 1 $1 8 S$J 00 per bead.OHIO'S ... 784)80 Vbnrhel; Sottt. $1 OORbotbrlOATS....f7Sc par boohol-- In daanand.Peas.. .Table, $t 00f)$I 88 m ksshll.raAsere 70c $1 per baehel.FOTATOks Sweet. 48 asoe t sthet ; titoh, North- -

'srn, $lt)l lOperboaielF0BK....On foot, Sttt aje per B I Mesa, $18 8tJS)18 80

kbl , whaiosaie.Ryg Ne tsaitndTallow 6c per pgaal.TTraarsa matt:, per bnabel.I mm Old, 1, ladrraaad.w HBAT....SeUina at TO as tSs. per botbo,.

WOOL.... Washed. T8e; Cawsthsd, fit ho.OAjfE....TeahKm, 8c fl SI Bear, 10 Site; Dscks,Mallard " $1 at R doaaa j "Teal," $ SS S eaana

aqalrrrto. $1 tt do. ; Far rldgre, $1 88 de I Tatkeyi75 4)$l 88.

abive ran are the wRillsssbl price 1 ofa. and aad arehsalshlsartieles; when the sale 1, by ro-

ta I, additional prices wlU be reqalrrd; If Inferior, seeepet taa. sta djeaowat mset hemwle la ell ta.taaoet

CLARK J. MORTOj,c o.n.n i ss iOm


FORWARDING HBIi'HART,Ho. 9. Locust street, Bt, Louis.

MISSION 4 satW.ted. snd partlcalar attonUooCos to the ailing or o dry .. Refers, by isrmlatlon.UMaaars ROalbrealh. FarrlBgton R HowrtJ.Samrrio. Ml cMetl R Oo, M. J Hleka, BBS., Pra l entBank of Mexsphla, Meisphle, aad to aaerehaava frner-all- y

of Bt l cla. erl7-S-

A M PI-K- PI A 0 FORTE.a gsElNKBT R I.O hare Ina. recelred one sf tbelVX matniScent Pisao F rtea iver ea in theaoaihera conntry. It Is trom ths manafactcry efMeet IS. Wm Xnsbe R So. Baltimore. For rtrhhoaaand istsms of tone It lannot he eqss'led Oall aad are

at tJ Mall strsst, st MsatlNNBT R CO $.om

For Rent.A .FIRST-CLA- Snslnest Booas, ellglblv located apn. Main ttreet. and asltea lor tone Grocery aalCommlaaloB or Dry Ooodt Boale For terms, he.aaaf. at IB8 Main street eptl-t- f

Wanted.rrf BCSHBL DRIBS PBAOfBS. far which theI U U blgheat market prtoe will ba paid, by

S.J. MURPflT,reTJ-l- m Ma at

A Card to Ladies.a gR8 ANN IB T. HAMBARSKOLD begs to Inform31 thslsdxeoof Memphis t at aha will give lsalrse-tien- s

In the folmwhJS Faarf Worka, via : Silk and Cot-io- e

Bmbroldrrtes, Crotchet and Ceitted Work, WorstedBmoroldery, Wooated Rslsed JFork. JFooated ladlanWork and Tapestry, Wax Flowers and Prolt RoetnPrnlt, Grecian and Oriental Painting, Hair Work ef s:t

Mrs M. will alao execnte to order, drawings for SlitBrabrotderleo, end an ktacs sf Hslr Jswetry, with aest-ne-

and dispatch.Mra. M. eaa be ronnd st aoy time si her rssteenee,

north end of Promenade tlree tf

OLtU DOMllilON.The Old Dominion toffee Pot







For Mia, wwsteeele and recall, at

Ingrauam Av Lees'HOI SE f VRX18HIaG DEPOT.

Ho. 8 Monroe streetocai

Jjirdiasft;.B. 8. PHNH has lakes tbs Howe esjetwraos

MBS. trot door rat af the Mew Theatre, aad 81- -- d it ap anew, la sow pi ipsii m aatawia etiAmo- -JRSbyibeday, weeaoreawata. marl da will be twa-B-

pU"d witt the beet the market aShvas eeattts stra-- e pno.iv

ilftO Keward.T AKAWaTimsr shoot the ltR of 'OATIB,aaIV a alsvs SSSd OS yeare, as ears www cator,Vwill wwisb near It. peandi ; shoe t 8 feet 10 locb'lLbtab; acme ef hat Itenl teeth oat. 1 wUlI gtve ihaeJiR.shove rswsrd bt Bppr'hsaded oat of this State, ar fatif taken la the State. HBM tpiaaterti by trale.

tSBB-B- St. H. BiJePwTjr.

Notice to S1ht Owner.FLA M EBBS aad olhoro owning large n ami era of nrsroaaaa'sbt ttva bandrodt of dot'a-- s anneal y by be aae i

Bavaea'a AacTie Lisixext. laatoad of apftrtae topb eictaa every tim. aae ef these had sa attack sf rhew- -saimsa,aelsstaasas. or rtoMeod a bra too.

Wo osd. Tbutl'lmrnl la of a onder nil eta acv la all archessaa, beoidre being an fafalttbla remwey for palayrelate, earache toehlabl, ost seres, ehappacblbrstas, hi too aad sttwts ef laoaota, pataoa frvieea, eerateaas fr m warklag aaaaag came, bk. Notsabtr ahoajd ha wltheal It.

ikmeat ts ear sale evDrngsl t throntbaat tbe oottntry

It IBTH4T we notiaa any thing la the medical llaa, aovwoatdwe sow, aetata we ooald bo emmaoad thst we ere Batdoing ear daty as s IsirSaltst, la recaasmomdlng le thepnblic Dr J HoaTtTTEB'a Celesbatio limufar the care of that moat terr bit and fatal . f all d

eslSever aad Agar Prom oar (ww exor tone wtththia valaabie ap eta;, we can eafety ray, that ferdlaaaea at tho shova astare. It steads art tho st s rlvsl. It ! try ssata'aaeattaa aavod many a fellow bel-- g from spressttsrs grsva. Tarry la r wa bea- - -- f tt rrnqo-rlo- g

the worst eases st Fever aad Al aa Te thees who srsla the Iseet asflctad with any at tho aseaplaiats arl-l-

from sn Irregularity of tbe disaative orgaaa. naiblngoaa ho more bee eg aal then theee bitters We cheer.felly recrmtner.1 it to tho thowsa-- d. la tbla Stale whoare anflbttrg the aaeet lstaaaa pain, ss a orr lata easefar their Lis Try the n and bo conr need of their manyexcellent gaalttwe

Per aale by Brcsglats, and dealers geajersnyart sea.

Prof. DetSrath'a Electric Oil.TBB NBWFBACTIOB BlectrK car--a Fala La too premonitor of death; relieve tbo pain and yen check thedl tests

Prof. ImSrath's Bleetrtc Oil li tbe m arvol ef thia agfor the faltewtag (set svsrytklag) :

Oaras Rheamatlem often In a day.Oaraa Neara'sta, Toothache, two mlaatee.Oeass Cramp la Stomach, tree mlaatee.Cares Borne, Wo aad. Bra aoa saw to three daysOarea Headache, a 'teen mlaatee.Caret Baraene, B'lTNocv, Agao. owe

Oarea puao. Bwsrtad (5 an fa ten dietCarat Frloaia. Broken Breaata, Salt R --aw. twa ts sta

d.ytOeree RersMirrage Scrofala, Ahaesaa, as bs tew days.Carat Preeted Feet, OnLbialns, oa lo three days.Ceres Agao sad Fever, eas te twa days, sat all ar re-

cti aad aarefaloei tfrertloaaCarae Twafnaea la oaa to foer daps .

Osras all palax la the Beet, Breaot. ae., ta two aayaDBAPBTBBB CCBBD

Bew Haveb. May 18, 1 SetFief. BoOralb : My brother has htea deaf Urea years

After trying many thtagt, he aee year Oil s few timet,ana It eared htm satire; y.

CLIFORD B. 8 RANTONAak Mr. Beraata. who afterward a boagbt $88 worth

to sail.Aak Mr. Wllktaa ef Lynehharg, If Charles DsOrsth'i

Rleetne Oil did not care tlm of rhenma'tem sad stratareoetvad from a fall

Ask Ber Mr. Caldwell, If it dpi am) relieve him of aswore cough and pels In tbe by set in eas sight.

Aa Mr. Welch, of Boeheam, If it did not core htm otswelled gignds ta the throat la arteea mmstae when thedoctor ssld ho wan d die to s short time.

kak Mrs. ArtyVt If II did not care her of hrsdaoti InSfteea minnt t.

Aek Mrs. Btackterl cf I ynetbart, if did not care herot heideche la arteea m inn tea

Tito eU it mild, plesaact and barmloaa, lit prop re, --

Has srs art for good, chutren thonjd hsvs It siren tothem when teething and for cr. op. Beware ef base tm- -lasiers proretting to make Blectrlc Oil. They knowBBSBBBJ tf lit manaractara, their oa'y aim batas te $wmoney Look oat Beware. The omly smtahae la mad,at the old eetahllahmeat It 8oatk Btghth street. Fh0voeipku; net removed ss edvertlsed by a kaea ocaaapName on the wrapper and blown tn ba tetOe.

FROF C. DcGRATHBam inventor ead aaaker la the weald.

Thht 8real Remedy can be had of the igasl hareROO. Price, tt cents. 8S osnta and SIvia

RetnoraJ.J. B CHADS ICE tak.a tela oppot taatty lo tender hisscknowledtments to hit msny f iend, and cnataeaera forthe llbonl patrenage they birr ex ten led to him alaotlie a joora la Meeaphw, sad trail, blmssM sf tieatioe to inform t bem and the public ha; be haahtolaaoranoa Offlca to the room forme-i- y occupied by theSontbe-- Baak. am the wsat aide of Mala eueet, senmttares too h ef Madlaon wh' re hs wis bo happy Is afftrdtbem any fan 11 y In la ttae for ths protection af tbetrproperty. He BJM88J himself 1 al the ceaapeaiea

(with an aggregate cash capital ef aver THREEABP A HALF MILLION J OF DOLLARS ) are second tonone in the Union In the eeeartty they after, end thsfeime-- t wtth which tbey settle ead theprmspfness withwbleh tbey pay tbrtr It la with plraeare tlaatherefer a lo the f llowtng tltl of tho (onpaniea hs has thehonor to ropreaootAotaa iBtaraaes Otmpany cash capital. $1 00" 80S1Rom In cranes Company, M T. " eJaj'ojOnariorn virs Inssrsoce O.mpsnr,Ftmotx CeetpanyCharter Oak Fire R Marts Ins Ca ' 880 JBWCharter Oak Life lotarsnrs Os ' 450 OO"Enickerbockrr Life laaaranoe Oo

PoUctsa leaned In the ab.r- - Oampisiea oa ee liberalterms as say t sqnai

",-"- t B. CHADWICI Ag at.

Burnett's Cocoaine.COMFOCBDof Ooeee-M- at OH, etc.. for draaatao the

Metr. For eJScaey and agreeablrn'tt, it la wtthoat srival.

H pr eve-e- rr (at Hair from foiling off.U ftomotu iff WUy od tigorotu is not fTtsty or sticjey.11 Uooto mo diiogrtoabU odor.It toftrnt Ikt Hair wkt hard mod dry.It tootktt tkt irritated tcolp rkin.It offordt Ikt richest remoi$ longttt in efftct.It cotUfifln ant, for m kt If pint oottU.

Burnett's ( ocoaine.A alagle apptlcatioa renders lee Msir (00 matter hew

t and dry I soft snd 1 lossy for s vsral oys. It Iseaaaaaaaal by all wee have aaed it to be Ikt seat aaaet aftmeaaetf Heir iVaasaay ia (Ae world Freparrd byJ03BFH BCRNBTT R CO Raatea.

Cf" Per as a by 8 Mimrntu R Co.,. sadbiibMj. o,--


DTSPEPS1A AXD FITSDr. O. Phelps Brown,TMR great carer ef COMOCMPTIOM, wa, for srrarslpaarese badly ajtlcled by Dyeprpata, that for a part efthe time be wu coaloed to bu bod Btntmtmlheared by e preecrlpUea fsrstaaod by a yoang clairroy-aatglr- l.

Thlt peeecrlptlon, gtvea hy a m-- ra ehtid, "while a state of traace has cared everytody wbo hastskwa U, aaver having railed once It la equally aa seretn aaeet et flU ss of Dyapepiu. The Ingredients maybe found In any Drag Store. I will aewd this vslnahwpreemption 10 any parse, on reertpt af one t tamp topay postage. ACdiass,

DB. O PHBLPB BROWN,o vi wraad at.. Jersey Cite M r


E. F. eOODE m. IO..(sacceeaort to Thrall R Oe.)


LIGHTNING RODSA vary say ti lor srtids, with


Paetamce Buck, or addr easB. T. eJOODBROO.,

T MsathJJJhwa

All TmtMeB7M0 srs aaictod wlh any chronic dlessea contldsndInearshls, will receive a Letter firing lafermatloswhich win tnrnre a apeedy and permanent cars by nillag their names saw aae .tamo (to n rawew--. . ,.Dr B. B FOOTS, the celebrated Chronic Physlstsa. snd


Ot Medlesi Ssrs'ogs Sprlnga,Mew Tork seplg-daws-

Edmondson A Armstrong,Wholesale snd Retail Dealers la

HIDES, OIL jIND LEATHER,mo. 7 main strbbt,

Opposite Court Square Sign of theOoldoa Stirrup.KBBP constantly sn kaad a foil assortment of srUcies tntheir line, consisting ta pert of Preach ead AmericanCalf Bklns. Hemlock snd Bobs LeatherSklrUnga. Harneea, Bridle, Wax aad Kip Caper LeathersBhamxasi sad Patent Leather or all kinds. Pad. Hot,Oaamole, Deer, Lacing sad Tipping Sains Alao, s falaaamJaaaat of Peddlers', BhioanilweTool,, Rc. Saddlery Hardware aad Haof every variety to which wathe aahmMaa af iiwseas baying m oar ltne.testa iltwswly

paddles, Harness. Bridles, Ave,WH erenow Jast reastvhag s fresh and wan a el a lit

ttesk of tooda la this ikse, each aoSajJDLBR, SRIDLB8




All ef which we will oeB at the very lowest market rates.BBMOMD80M R AaMBTROMtJ,

He. ttsaaSa-dtwiw- BUrs ef the

Bands! Bands! Bands!hand a rail 1

GIN AND MILL BANDS,ef all ernes, from two te tlx teen laches la width, and aawe srs tho Agents of ths manaf setarers, can sail themea low ae they can be found m the aaarkat, aad gwarawtethem te beef the best qoailty made.


wly 8hSB at thw GUI is tttrraB.

Hides! Hides! Hides!JPM sre pfBuaiod at any time to pay ths HIGHEST


Sktpnxeale solicited, te which wa premise oar proms"sad apodal at tea teen.


dtwawl, sun of tbe Goiara SttrrarB


CAPITAL, : : : : .150,000All Paid In.

RISKS taken ea Dwel lagt and ether heaeee seeds m

stare aeaintl Loss or Damage by Fire. re,


Ta and from an Fort. Also.


Against daassaaa ef the RiverinRHCTOBa

Jaa. M. Mm, Alex Anderson, Jaw. Tama,Jamma Oocrey, Thaampaew Anderaaa, M. Gai Swear,G. M. Fogg, W J Eakln. Henre Bt..od

JJaa. E a. M. 8 Aiaaway.JOS AMU, Preeiee- -rt

A. imn, Secretary.

i. 9. LOsTeTRALB, Ageat,sspl-l- y Me. $, Jsewrson Itrest, Memnenw, Teas .



IaOMBBH YAITD.Doors, sash, st.iirps mintlbs. MOFLniNft".aad BTINDOW PS AM WW ,nd raSINSS


laTJSftBWJXtktsea. weghtt ar dressed.

win andttuthalr lateveslUatvwasaaall.MOORS BALBTBAD Ol OA .

Iy Soooot treat, sowth of Dahta.

LUMBER LUMBER'rWeeaeived, I 800 aa-- ad Fr- - Oak ag Fats A

of Saaaowed LaWrIsxt rT;,' "S5 104 - E5omogTtbsT''"-''-'t. red, -r-aockki the trotsc Jm.. "J,;?"ror ca.h at . eivc .

1 ' Ba.tam and araabi-oa- ,.r

To the Cltlxens of LootalanaFlorida,Alabama,SflasiBBippfArfcmmsas m



a1 i aa

c of XS 7 ) o


iI 1 Si uI ats ha

sa a 25 St

t'Al'TION TO THE Pl yeera experimeat in toe msnsfseters of

Ota, I feetsaateir ts awd, tn the year ISeS. la mahhagactare by whrch tt wss deprived

lta eertd aad haflammatery preperttea. aad - -

oorf-ctl- y pareMy maaaractoey Is at Schetdem, Holland

aral mootha rrflecUaa what title to gtvs It, IIt to ass A mar Kan public onder the title or ' WOLFE'S8CHR1DAM A BO RATIO SCMAPP3 f,.,- - .,tho eaaaeof the puca m Honand where the Ota la man- -

Aromatic," Jertvet itt name from tbe ItalianJnslper berry with which II la aerated, ami the asm,

mmmrns ' la to- - trlicmtn Ir cr- -wMrct scbeidsm Aromatic drink. Ms mill bad mySchnapps been la radacad to the Americas pabllc, aad

tb ao - M as ao ma Hswor- . ,new ro-- Beaton srd PbBadalptu ttartsd in pnrstltwl h their atlaed snd polsnacej stsaT. aader vartews

la seawrmnsstaaese asp aae--lectly lmiuted, with on'y the eddlttoa of a rew let tar a,staaahdatsebmcslseoldaBcsofthslaw. and so eare- -faily prepared, ss te impose ea osrsleas parchtsers Ianderstand a large quantity has beaa purchased by thsmerchaatt of N.w Orleana. on a aoaat of the ctwmamseaef IbeatsJ Two Dollars per doe a for tbo Qiarta, andOee DjUsr sad tea cents s dJoswa for the Pinto, being teawholesale price In New Tork I: it Aasrrl.can taeaead --Ilk the Oil ef Jrmlper. aad rsdnc- -ta thirty per aeat. belcwprcf. A aaerchant wha nartict.patea ucarectly in the freed, by selling ta.tide. Is ss much sa grander aa the principalx mm um mm

. .vwa weary rerpecueie el'taan who vataee Ibe h subauo, u ai-- ne use,, will Sid tas la fer--reuog eat, and rip it lag the ssaearmwalee. march tat who.foe the oak- - or a few osata. wilt pat la eopardy the Uveaor aae romannlty in which hs Uses. Sachbt aajjed te the pillory ef pab Ic necratlo.

I dolpho Wolfe,Bete Ishpseter, Hoe. IS, 88 aad SS Rasver sire, t

.. ; - Mew Tork.... , J,.W ' t' ma in New Orleans arU i

Si'H.VAPPSB. J Habt R Co., Wbolesa'e Oreasts.Baton R Hi sniBtia.Goonaica a os..4 D GBltrp R Co.,W L lull R OO ,B Bloc. R t'o..Jo me T Moose R Co ,Jo- - H R J N. Mabbi.Biscoe a Srantt.Pali. Itar A Co ,F W K0E It, Wtaes, ReBrrvsELL R B.trirrr Commkuwa MerrhaaU.Jow Wblut a Co , JPawleaele Drnggiata.O O WoOBSfAX.ttttseioK a Babbes, Grocers.G TBEtrSEB. Grocertet. WLaoo R Ltaasra.Geo. w. Witte R Co . 8aj mttABSTEX.IlI R CO., Wlaas and Llqaars.Borates a 8PEBCEB.W. L Lasicb a Oo , New Orleana.W. A. TlO LETTS a Co ,


Notice of lts,imiou.THB heretofore rxi.llng betwee

'"'Sail amtar tbe at. e of TITCS a CO.. laJay diasaiTed by limitation P. TTTCS


Mooara F TITOS and R. A. MOON will oaatlaao theCOTTON FACTORAGE AND GOMVraainar .nanMRSS onder tbe ttyla of TTTCS R CO.: and I wooldaayeamw u)nuiircj Bh i is the nlssntBS ar my friends

a- - Ltepnt.ic iJyl-8- R T. FAxoBBBBBt.

r' --- A. MOOS.

TITUS & CO.,Cotton Factors,

a pro


Opposite CoramercisI Hotel, Jefferson Street,MBMPHIS, TRMHBSSBB

OPFBR their seretea. to their frwmda aad natnxea tarthe snsalsg hnstaet. ressoa. soon ths same terms sadprinciples aa heretofore observed. Barring KaA m... x,

beet branch, at reasenahte rates. Orders for Ptente- -Wmt with aaav aat b ami imaBml ,,,

istsreat of oar frlresa All OOTT )N ram Ustd to asby Railroad, River or otherwise, lasnred aaleta lnatrnc- -tedlo the contrary. Oar P. TiToa hsrtng Trusts...

neeetknas la New OrV-a- entirely, wmhis entire time and aseaas u the liter-irt- l

eoi of M Jrm. tax

Tw Miles Lot asd oi? fwU.wr wwaw aoaeaw sxwxs Baa a aorral.... a w, BLLB Sinai I rk. . ..irrsrtdea wilt Ike hmsr " I " Th- - blsck lams

taa round OB OSe fo; efoot. 1 miles from Mem pew. oa the

na-e- .a p anaroa--on tbo Pd laataat, a BAY Mr LB was ukoa ap st thoace oth-- r. eacaped and U newpaste, loo CsU at tn Prcot Rawoctl-- B. D. HABBRS.

Fall and Winter GoodsAT THE

Emporium of FashionMAIM 8TBEF.T 'X99



Ulch CMiOds of all klndt..Dress Go ida.

52f-- ! TrtT--i. stJ Caebm-r- e Robae. fu.iiPjaldi, and Black SUka for Dreat-- a, Frenchx.S-'I-

fn" tZLZa4- - rt"d' wBE

Cloaks and hawls.The largest a ock of Trie.I aad Olotk c.caka to the city

snterb lot of Chenesl, Orlenlsl, Shawit aadBBBBBRM Serfs.

Telrer and Straw Bonne-to-.

The moat exten.lee tuerk of Pa- - . Bseta era xhlbttt S - . . iR (

sll of onr own ImpotlslloB iTear

Cap and Head Dresses.The largest assortment I. town.

Dress Trimmint .Of sll kdnaxe, tbe larswot slack le the ettv.

Millinary tsaode.Rlhboot, Plowora. Feathers, Rnshrs, Rc., Its. Willsell cheap to the trede.

Lace Goods and Eaabroideriaa.Talenaencea, Glmpare. BrniteK, Point Leee aad F lotA pacca Lacea, Lace, and Mattln Satta. Otl ara SisrvssChlldrena Robae. Rc . Ac .. , "

MourninK Goods,' tn ht hia I sst nmis si ma ill i n - ttTel ret ssd Cloth ror Cloak t

Ihanl every thing that ia perlaln'ne to ladw w.-d- .robe, can bo roond at tbla Botporlnm ar t for"en co be bad in ,. dty r,eaae cat, an"SSyonraetreo. It ts ao troan. f. r a. u show onr Oooda

Oar DRES. MAEIbC DEPARTMENT a. lb-- larEeetla the city, and Ladles csn depwsd on hs. ing their workexes m Bar matt improved ttyle

ST1LLMAN R CO..Oats dtwawlr S Bam atraet. MawsahtaW1LXJA9t e. WlLilAXCa .EOB.rt WEST.Ute ef MocphB, Thnr, Uta or HoPy Sprinca. Mia,

WILLIAMS et ral laai aa. fllectiBw ie,tl,

HELENA, ARK.TIT ILL gtve prompt attention to the 1st meal af oaa-T- T

rettdant and other owners ot lands ta Arkansas- " " -

Hon of lands sold for taxao; local ion of warrent, aadscrip ; the edfsetmeal af tttiea end ibe...-i-- ..i of leads.

Specie; alien Uoct Urea also to Ua cwllwrUoa of


No. 313 Main Street,TTATB lam niMitd of AO- -AA eOCNT, SB CORD MBMORANDCM BOOKS,Ooontirit- - and FenW1" W'

NOTICE.IM seosrdeacs wtth as Ordinance cf the City, no tic m

hereby iiv n, that ttt grade ef Caa-e- y ttreet beebeen Ixed, scd s pro tat of setJ street d posited lo thsMayer- - OSIre, ohewini tb. amonat of cef.lBf and g nd to perfect the trad, thereof. All psvaeasintereored In th. proaerty on esM ttreet are netiSed tn

m- - forward and examine the profile, and to r resent anybjsetlona tbey may have 'a the grade, withla thirty

days, to the Board of A'dermen.peti-l- J. B. MtrMFHBBTS, City Bnglneer

I. o B.i..nt.v,3Pox-tHem- vl i

T-- TTL I be enaad a' bit tttatlo In CLtBC'S RABBLETV BLOC A, afWr tbe week tn November.llrlera Ra., can be left with Prof Bemnigtcnocrjo-dl-

I laseea Oil.

1500 GALLCNBWs-r- .tad pare, now iawa aw saws saw by

WARD R JOMHB.CBS Mara atraet.

Pare Walt I ti $$ saaw Hailf. ZIm.A FtTLL tnpofr or the sett A sat i teas and

ri ror iste b WABDrt tw JrP8 Msta street

Taral oan! faralskes!1 f RBIS. aad hail Mis firalatrt Tami ah;lUl " " Cesrh body

2 BTRMt Dataai Tataaahia trying Japani Black Japan (taphaitcm) Tamjk;I " FWtoblaf Tarnl.'8 " Elect 1 attbor Tn smk

Jaaaiawal tail ead tea aee hy WARD h JOMHB,nS Sw Mala atraet

20 .AJaM.l 00.


VREPAkKU by DR. SANDFORDi wtspoaoe-- E B t I r ft I V fraaa BeBmaal

r.rM l" Fxtralleo aad Uvar teiaiaa. nowthe seSeh that ee. .. . r.ttbnawa. It 1, , ad aatv a raarsii la, bat a Ute,"tr loeyoct lta muiSSS SBStter tbrafaaaaMuiite. . and bawatota carry oe that alter, ikat

iy, with mt say or

.. P."u7 aaasae tbeayatewi af.beawa waa. ItSao Smite eahtlty." " amtamht a ap wit a aaaeaal rsp--

LrvM is ssasaf the -- iryiim i.m. , is.

"r","',,'e. topeadeai on th'ibfo71. SV'PSe" aerforw of ltaat I, .f i... .w. ,

NJq.eii.i'V' ""Tt- -l" '.mwiii"" For the jdlaaaaos ot that organ.

tmeee it aia atuay. iuJT. JLT.r""irr.v. , . . . ,' - - --- i'. owac-ji-r- tao &inrr.Ufe,

Tt. paaay.ihat 'hit i ' ms .dy Is st Issi fand a.eraooF.wa4sdwlthUv-'E- a Court aibt m aa

"5' aae. hew bet y s Sim, aad

TJ oaaahaaws reaaove aft. .tue,.!.. . t

teat 'wan. rrrairTiwe'" rwr

.iiunaiiriitajin tew and wb at i a

taiisoSAToa4 of the Uvxajaas mm after astlng tt .tematwat to

and preveat TTtn 1 frees

Jfora r s t I rtag pr. rectaOnly one daee teams

xantiyandcaroa CosttvexraiA " b-- l" --wad will car. By

- ,tore Sirs, arul slwsys r--

Oaw hattla taha. far ta- - - - - - reamee of the dtaeaae --.nwMmmOBty oo. daw. B iTklTtag V??lu LIC

RACclreo een'rcer--lT

? ot-'-1 'aken forSCjAowDitg, reaaovea all. . rraaa taw .at- -was awaa uam a the appetlt-.dd1i- lttl

OwoSwao eften repeatricon--- C . a r, . .. - - .aietoaauiBdtBa ssmplatnU yield t.-- T moot ta the Sr.i a

One or two doaaa ceres- -1 attesta caaead by Vntxja

remade ia the world, aa lt.Dbopst, bp

pew.wjllee ear Fives asd a.ce Csiufir t i

u rEv.usrs It operataa wtth cev- -'ainty mmm theaaauils are wattes te bast ley ta lta woaat--


wietnaAToa. Ar i wallow botw to.ethxbTHE LIVER IVt 1GUR4TORa a --drnttac medlaal siscovvry. aad la lai y workingLwawawea wa ar-- u BOlwtve. rt carat eo If by magicereanth.arw:daaagiriB, baavtt. and ssldmm mcrtbaa'T?"1' " "'eed t any kind of LaVEB

.lalev from tb. worst Jaandlca or DyafanoalTt a mmZaeeHeedeche, all sf which srs th. rsasltof s Piseasee


And retailed by alt d Jt?t 1 isMraibi. by s Siv.triiin. .,,tna-te- a- ,le JOHN"ON R LOW.


"a J ..a:- ..



aa m ,.- - ataBwamSBBwaama bbM mam . amm tSTOMACH OR LITER,

4JCOH ss Indtraatlon. Addlty of tb. mmeanh. Ooilckyv ait'" bh rmrwAwoBWasB, I.40BBJ OT J pDaT. $ iBr

fJoatlewaaaa. B ind and Bleadlae Ftlaa la wB BBWWB haematic asd Nearaigtc I ITttlltiii, tt haa Balamsmws prevsa highly hsmeschta. aaa awabtad core

BhM Mas SW y mm ad5 oelenutc princlpiea arter the aaanaer af the ralehraled

ewaasr. Bawrhave. Bmsaat ef iu gi at toelot the tai aalan BlUt. tea watleatacttoalnte

or oar fatherland scattered hero and thee, ewer theor tela mistily c entry. si with great I sr.oastimisg them I now otter to be ,

r. miy maliifsl sssdlilasl virtoIt is serucalarly in I I talk tnti wRsea

esaeeaeaaaaamay have bees : Knarred bv the ajettnaeaaess af srdsnt aplrttt. or other fo --en, f... ta-

it and lta am shmwateto the oeat af life, thrilling snd gslckaalag every nerve,rawawg ap the drawptng tplrtt, and, a taet, Wfaimg aawbaalta and vigor m the ay turn.

NoTlcg Whoever experts ts Sad this s bevrrsge wll:bs dlaappatated; bet to the sack, weak aad lew spirited,R arm prove a svatsfal araaaafjc eardtal. peaaaased of

remedial prepwrtsm.

CAUTIOBI.The treat poaela-rt- y ef this txMkrhtral Aroma oaa

many unitatlons, which the pabllc aboard seardagamet perchastBg. Be not prr.nadad to bur eavtblngaise oatlt yoa have glye. Bcwrb.r.'t Ho 'and 81 tiert afair trial One bottle witt coannca ye. hew isfrolte --

tspertor It to te all tteae taaltaticna.aySntd at $1 par bottle, ar ttt bolties for $t, hy ra.


BEXJAvflX PAGE. JR., At O.aAjrrrpACTTr aire.

Pharrnaceutists and Chemista,PlTTSarRSR PA.

S MANSPIBLS R OO , AgaaU for Mempbia SUCa'ao by H F. PARMSWORTB. WARD R JO MRS andJOHNSON R LONG, sad Drnatul. trawl ally.






APOTHECARIES.Na. 398 Xaia tre t.

itAVToTxrATfoiEilwa, Te

II.l VE REHOfDFrom their Old Stand. Mo. 7 Front Row te that Beaatl-f-al

larts Pies Story Bold ng,

No. 298 Main Street,south or rfoPt-Roe-





QUININE 1000 ouocet, pure.

LARD OIL extra fiae 10 barrele

FISH OIL ptire 10 barrels- -

lieTANNERy OIL any quantity desired on

band. of

LINSEED OIL pure 5 caaka.

MACHINERY OIL fiae and cheap.

ROSIN OIL 50 barrels.

FRENCH ZINC in oil 10,000 lbs. very low

SNOW WHITE ZINC 10,000 lbs. warran'ed.

WHITE LEAD PURE id any quantity.

SPTS. TURPENTINE 00 bblt. just received.

ROSIN common and white 25 barrels.

IBawl aace R A large aesaitmiat la a tors saddeny erriviBi

THM RRTAIL DR f O BCSIWCat willsar eemeetar sttaajtls. st ear New Stand,


Promptly sad Careratly Coo piaelta,

DeSBA.'S" A. JXTX3 NIGHTBy thees whs can bs relied oa ae qaaliflad.

H. F. EARN WORTH At CO.ocd-t'- .I

For Sale.AT ALTABU rssldence sa Jaffrraoa atraet fag sale

For term, apply toaeio-t- f R r Tvr.;jrAa

In Chancery at HeaaphisQTATB OF TBNNBSBBM Al Baiea herd ia thsOIerk's

Chswrerr stdo. of theeery C- art of tbe City of Octob lam mmSeery. w Winrbrxarr, ss guardian of H'len M

Chaster, OompUU APt.

Joha Ovrrto., Winch.. Ur, Taloeia P. wisteawexr BwSllMn Tiapp aad othera. D feadant.It appeartxtt from aaBdant Sled in tat- - caste, that the

mwBwamwao. amm w . r., rterra A

asd wife. Hardy, Crtlda Smith, Nasaliwtloes. Jaajeo W oee J , Hsry B " ore. b

nwvera.Hnn d rearew J. Bred!ove Rw etui, sad w ro sees. w. Rill a Amanda Slmreoa.Laasnlaa J Wluh-ate- Benry mood and wtfa La or.

- ww. maa eoau w Oh OT pre 'Ba.-r-sa-

of the State eg Ttaw let a i II l. orderwj that is mat tatsr atmiiras t hevesa hates, ar with- -ra ise .ret tarwa awaa at the next term of .aidOeWrt. t h. wW.1 IhS fc.l lb Mowdsy in N- .emler next

nsssri am am at samai t.' Dinar ms asms wsi aw lassa Sw mmgaseed ss is thaaa. aadtat par aearwax as porta aad that a oopy of thia ordermpaaatlewedawoea weak far tern BBtuaaree uta m tea

JOHN C LAPrtBR,Oert aad Master.

HA1LUW. StHAB, SCILD. 'Easts. Fa a ai aoTOBR Ttsova. Sfibrllaes ear Cm Ulaaat. acl

staST OHr tseaiwaes Cmiisy has iimstia.wsTHB aaisaR BsAMtast. mmm ttreat, deer


mamldrest a' earner will leaTBIJ the abeee aarl let wedut- - haanvss For freight or po.. aaea applyhoard, cr to

1. i. RtWLIN'tS stentnt Jt Mo. 88 Main trwt.

w--r New O--te

Leavaa WJD.BSDiT. Mea Sw I. at 8 P W.V S. Ma.l Use INGi 'Mi B Fab aw Mas

ar. or th-- ab--ee eo n ta--WILL: landlsg.. Pelor pae are. ipp , .1 rear! a' fJ. J tiwi maa. Ann' '

it Id tit Ma.natraat.

Par Hew Oili ee. .Lear Mo'smler IT, s a pH W BILL Tares H "at L' w.erarIDIS fira .tram-- - win leave la ata'l Mmrnmaw1

ror t ao. -- . r beeettor to t. 1. Aaji.:,0p AssetMo lit Main strert

F r w-- w Orfanafwavwa StTCRD.ty, after ameel of tb. eyre,

rwrr nouomi larret. e..terigo-ir.-r. lor the aa ee . d allvv tntermedlole p..rt. For ht or

iaeaaga. apply on b, or toDrVAL At.CEn R CO

aa-- ti Asai.e - t- .- Rtrer

re.-- y PRIDaT si 8 nerb-e- h r. njrriMBT igarwET--r

Ld aarta For rr iSStok pa '.asrra'iP y ca toard or le

WARMoTAn a rtt itor Br TAI. ALubo R CO. Agrata.

raiWblte and Little Bed RiTers.the op lard VI of i sm-- r

R E T U H N .i R J0NR

r a Per rwuht r paeaage, apply a'oerd o- - to

T H. Wltt.IiMS R CO , As at.nJ-e- M. S Boward' R



RILRT, Ma.'er,AS b ea placed 'r I.H trade or d Wl "will- -

and will ere Hrmpbta ee r 7CSDAy.n.! 8t L ata ee-r-r ATt;RL AT rren

at 1 .,Ual.a an S Tper-- rt rely on ta Prek-- t

'rg-it- woeaiy rlya She hat sp erdrd ercommi da-ta., pa., panaseasi . a- - ft w I taalnats ueaereal hB'lv tit frewb- - ;a-e- apply an beard, ar BTTAL- - "LOSO a CO., Agents

Olc Liae far apa!rrt, trkaaoas aidWkite Bitt '.

C. MsMABMTjF, r.ptain; A. 3 POLOTR, CJarkTJatt-- d fate. M I earre- -

KATRFRtagg. tbe m.ctrar- - , i. the arileve Mewpbia at AT aa

TBrBSDAr. at a

".T.TSreeth'tleVeta tiMcMannn. w s BwRSs n

bia fi1a sy n Ft 1sM or i

o'. wa board, or to b as p-- . mrtt een a lg O k ro

lingular Slt llS r tt i rand Xevr Or- -leans fat kt.

HB stesme- - R W. !) MS ,T b- -r trips11 at ,f Oct. fer en ' .a'ly throczboat - .rr ans trd b i

Tawre-ta- at 8 cio k 'rs sbfvia nrrt.

Par I peer Hrd R y r fr. aa tee Orl---

of - L- Boaaoa Be. l.tONE fhronab itoa of BRAI. 8 and t.

Baft direct eee-- y , , ...throaah Centgo ror Sa.e t l aadrdeta to percbaee lee, Rc.. uted.


St. Louia, Mecipkis & VicksburgBltlTll 8T1TE! 14L

PACKET LINEMaktag Cloae Cornectirn at


traaacr Pbllatfelpbla,J M. MARSHAL, Msst"w Lesvrs or MCNOtl

site Jt.Rtaaasktr Ja. H Lueas,

M. M. STLTHB, Maate- - Leavea every IBPSBUAt,at t p .

Steaaarr John H. Tlckey,AML. ASLR. Matter Leaves every SATTRCAT


Steaaaer ixmittl Bonne.A. S. MAMOfJCM. Matter leavea every TtTFtDAT.

et 4 p. a.ateanatr Williatn Garvin.

MARSH MILLER, Matter Leayoa SAttTSDtTel 4 P. at.

Orawectlsg aiao st Qalnea' LaBdtag with M. Bora Cbldeeter. Reeslrte R f o 'a dai y liae of Mr hora. postcoatbl ' ftriei, Wa,h:l;l n H BtoJ Spi na. Al-rl-

at T.ct.bnrs Sender at 8 A mx

For lbmreb ThahvlB. Bartl a a.n,a ...v ..the above Boat a apply oa roar. I or t

"te at. wil: JAMS R ro Arecta.wi-a-- " N , IB, war: U.I

Schedule or FarI e wempaua taJ. - Bot Btri, , ta riCamden IS OSProm Ttcaabnrg to ereabrrgt a. eye

il. ; r: . TI SBIS 88

For Tbrrwh n .,ejerka of lusaera Dsstrl BoC-n- cl WULam Cat I to

TBOS. H WILLIAMS R CO Aarsfho S M ward's Raw Mtm-- , bi- -

RIESIDR R f t) ,Prrpreti.r. of tbo atvve aiae Ll,-- e

Th. Ftana Bead m Haife' 1 ti i"an act owe the Mil -atea'pnl Sot fowl fa tn seed order wpe--tr

Cnitett States Mail Strauttr W.H. Lanajley.

i J. WORM AN', Matter , SAM WO-P- . irtlOhNaCTS resnlarla. at Nap-lse-

"lta wniu an.1 Artsors, rtvrr M.iUS Leavea Mtmpbls rrrv TBSw.

tay axo taatortay Ptr tere eaawreceive tOrottsh tlcbeta to ary retytt gs gf t or Arxsa.ess river The wsota eg all dwtoa battaaea wits taapacket will be promptly attradad to.

Ttie Lsctjey con nr. at Mrmpbia witt te L ot vt::.aad Bt. Lnate parBeta

JNO H. RtBR8. Atest.aaweSRI SSFywtBow

OLtt Bsw9wwmmamsMms BOOkSAT

Cleaves & Vadea'0.TUB L1PR Os LORRRB-- J PB MBD1CI ; 8-- Wm.


THB WOSKS OP DRTDEN; BwW Srat CwRseSsS. Mattraledwlth Motra. Btatortcal rntical 1 .

ead a Lire of the Aether, by Waiter S-'

18 vats , Raa copy, mil tree calf, 88 o. Lc i' BlacooamareJ f mmmmm mbb Immeaae wph hia

died thesrerwt of ths 1 Iral tllllsi af ahtsltnil narts aradwaias rkh 'See's by w r.a

ugbeoi sad awxet hsaty part, of let guar b r me ne-ttle at hie tench Hi- - t. d. at too m the .aae - tnrtrwh'l. rav he - .1, ..... ,Ion which ths IblMwmx g ae.t,.a rate-a- i. J oa a. an reahastod at Ike aa aa. time ihe last a, eg gahtsseas, freedom, vjitet. f .nor and ca enre a o

aa waa. pt thej s. iha $i i oaa, l of ihaes .hi as a. tutde.icaaled aa the crt'tcai pceta " - XdraearpA Rewtew.NStsrHR'S LECTrBRBONTBB NlJTORr . K ItilMB.

from the Rartyoet Ttwee t m. Pail ef the W sv-r-

Ratptre, edited Sy Dr. Leoahard ; aocsod edh.

Sve. cloth. Leaden.HBIBrBB'S LETTf

from tk. Barlleat Bkby octavttM. campNail'-as- Rgyptl-B- '.Ibagia eaa ; trass aDr. Mirsca Nl brt - r- -Additk sa ead Correct rant, 8

MHIBtJHR'S LBCTTJRBS ONpar and gt (iHtrnrBritalB tbi

fr.m the n-- mtr

S.-- m ti w erreciloi-- from ma aaraMS. Nobra teal.


CAL DIC'IONtR So , calf, 4S,f$. eoa- -tatno over to souThis hao been meal BRai and oowpt ed by

able aad eg ertaocrd ery '.partar-Tl- f of PA.oirapty. aad la ot. i y a deflci C;- :n nr

rat are whteh h.s c tb' onplsiroB of" wbhrb mm paeef forte teara ta"oecomr near y od.o.e'e. Tfcia w rt. from 'he xrwty asd f xtmeler --ansa f tlo cocuate, r. o.fknowledge, ass aw si ibvH oaRe aowtltaw ta v

asd prtvate 'ibrare. both aa a boo of rereren aad arrper oryef n and aaostsBfDt tor all

rradero.THCRLOB-- COLLBCTION f 'F S tT 'A R .

talotnt As be a tie Mesa.ri.ia o; B.s'sb Aff Ira, feesIBM 'O the Rreter-tic- cf Rtt Cisr e- - n , !'h iUfa, hy Ttewas Birrh 7 .ots folio Loedca, ITIt

For tale bytry3a.Btw Cleawes A. Tad en



Laws et Jamaica rrota ISSI Ic 17.7, lact a!e--iSeporto of Caeeo Arxned aad Detenu toed la tbe Ocarta

ifC 'mmoa F ees and Bxchroaer Cbaatber, hy Hesrylackttuae, .' voir,Fwtey'. Reports Sipraoss fVsrt rented Seatre, IS volsjPater's Osodenscd Beroits Snpreme C crta raited

otatss, t volalCorny, sn Cos tracts, 1388;Llvlngstoa's Criminal Cede;

Wheatoo's Seiwyn, 8 vo'.:Msrehead't Practice;Dasmt New Tork Report., t vestiBdaa'a Ohaoo-r- Reporta, S vol.. la 1;SueBcer's Fqaitable Juris ictka ot the Cart s

Ohaaaaty. 8 vou.Star kla a. aundr.otd edit Ion. 8 rot';ae.fcVs readme a la Olvtl jetiantiaatssmb Vte-- st Sepw.0,. Can Tallc S'ataa. f

ia p w . iimt-

aai l Law of TebWr aad Creditor;HoiC'mb'i Merrbaal.' Book of ttefeteArchlbotd's Ctvtl Ptadlrjg;Arcblbokfa Laadlord ssd Tenant;Adamt oa B eetmecxlHawk n't Pleas ot the Crown, S vols.R". atoo of Swllt's Blgeat ot tho Lswa ot (

mery'i Comraentary ao tbe Law of Ballsut. aaaaid

story's awamtamlmyj oa Rj.lfy P, 88 edit lea icaitty oj Bins ; pvitisa eera- -

,M F - lt. try OI.B ' TRS R TABBH.

$150 Reward.WILL give l e aoowr iwwmru to anyI win apprebeo i. taftei-e- In , ias that I can t" tbem. thro. M'gr--

i.if - co n. Tw..or tn.m etBawliimt-- - '.y ,ict tie r

eotof te.. s ate. .Behalf; If t . in the Stat., oa .tbsre far Hraer mt rhira. ' oi .be tw., that left g.--

mewatl ADAM abewt 8 ' e 8 IS Shis hayb Mxbt s aa.d a tear eo ar.4

at ea a- -. fy . mt awat aaawat OB ts.i aof ago. The ashar oaw ta ewxaad prsd ia .awrt fretbtgb, biatt, wotgba aboel MB pawaefo. ard ta SBoat. or ago I beflewe fhrr w. f 1 ind ar

to Ot to erree8S.r.Tbe one who lenntre- - s... - .1 rWARI.".

very Week, abost S8 yet, I eja. ,d t rt 8 tacbeabarb, heavy t al't sad .are waa t. has ta'tsr s downlook whs. '. kea tt, levettbetra. erry ahis.d mlemart SAMrBL I n BAL,

oeoe.'faw Near iftcoa. Farrfte roesty

Wanted.rIMBDIATwLT.aoalrwaiiCoea.Waeheeead Treaar,


to Paj . J. a. SaAV R Ojb,