
The missing piece of the puzzle

Autism is… •  Avoidable •  Treatable •  Curable

The Autism Spectrum Disorders (A.S.D.)

Ü 1 in 5 ADD\ADHD

Ü 1 in 11 Allergies

Ü 1 in 16 Asthma

Ü 1 in 58 boys Autism

Ü 1 in 91 children with Autism (including girls)

kills all pathogens

Ü  Autism is caused by pathogens. What all people with autism share is that they all have:

Ü  Virus

Ü  Bacteria

Ü  Candida

Ü  Heavy metals

Ü  Inflammation

Ü  Food allergies


Ü  The  most powerful killer of  pathogens  known  to man.  It has been  used  in  stock   yards  to  kill pathogens  on  meat,  and on  slaughtered chickens;  it  has  been  used   to sterilize hospital   floors  and benches,  and to  kill pathogens  in water  works  without  killing friendly   bacteria  for  over  70 years. Now  this  same  formula  is  used   in the body, and  the  same situation  results.  No damage is done to the body, but the pathogens are destroyed. In its powerful form MMS is chlorine dioxide that reverts back to harmless chloride and neutralized oxygen. It leaves nothing behind to build up.

DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!)

Dr. Bernard Rimland

Began DAN! In 1995, it

Cures Autism 40%

of the time. It is diet,

Supplements, ABA therapy, chelation and hyperbarics(HBOT)


Vaccines Toxins




Biofilm In the gut of people with an ASD there is a biofilm made

up of virus, bacteria, candida and heavy metals. Dr. Anju Usman has recovered many children based on destroying the pathogens in the biofilm.

Virus Candida

Heavy Metals Bacteria

Biofilm Protocol Ü  For CANDIDA they use:

Ü Nystatin, Fluconazol, Ketoconazol,Garlic, Olive leaf extract, and other herbs

Ü  For BACTERIA they use:

Ü  Antibiotics like Azithromycin (etc) or antibiotic herbs like: grapefruit seed extract, sage, berbarine, ashwagandha, bay leaf and other herbs.


Biofilm Protocol continued VIRUS

The only real thing that is used to kill virus is Valtrex. It is a herpes drug. People with ASD have many more viruses than just herpes.

HEAVY METALS Ü  “chelation“ is the removal of

heavy metals from the body. They are synthetic amino acids used intravenously, orally; in pills or drops, as clay baths and there are suppositories. Either way, we are missing the mark due to the fact that we don’t get it all, all of the time. This is why we have not been 100% successful with autism recovery. Often we see ASD as a lack of supplements or excess of heavy metals. But, it is really an excess of pathogens in the body

We can do tests to look for virus, bacteria, candida, and heavy metals. There is a way to prove that Autism and ASD’s are biological disorders and not psychological disorders. You won’t find “autism” on an EEG. Nor will a psychiatrist be able to fix it, much less a neurologist.

Supplements LDN, glutathione, MB12, Magnesium, Zinc, B6, folinic acid, piracetam, vitamin K etc…

Are the people on the spectrum truly nutrient deficient, or are their bodies under such attack by pathogens that it is not able to take advantage of nutrients?


Are the pathogens utilizing the supplements that we give children on the spectrum to stay alive/thrive in our children's bodies?

and I feel that it is a “YES“. So, when it comes to supplements, less is more!

Kerri’s protocol DIET




Supplements in Kerri's protocol


Ü  Enzimas


Ü  Gaba


Ü  Probioticos

Ü  Acetyl-L-carntine

Ü  Omegas

Ü  calcium

Ü  Pycnogenol

Ü  Multivitamin/mineral

Ü  Methylcobalamin

Ü  Kid’s Chelat

Ü  Clay bath


Ü  B complex

Ü  L-theanine


Ü  Krill oil

Ü  Vitamin D

Ü  Taurine

Ü  Carnosine


Ü  P5P

Seizures What causes seizures? Most doctors have no clue and some say it’s virus in the brain or heavy metals or inflammation in the brain or pathogens in the brain. Dr. Goldberg in Los Angeles California is curing about 25% of the children with autism that he treats and not by stuffing them full of supplements. He takes SPECT scans and shows that these kids have virus in the brain in addition to the gut. He uses high doses of an antiviral, Valtrex and high doses of Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory. There is a belief that if you kill pathogens in the brain that the seizures cease.

My journey through With the idea of virus in the brain, I visited Google University in July 2010 after a friend began doing Goldberg’s protocol with no improvement. But, I really think that he is on to something. Goldberg and Usman for me are the 2 people curing autism for obvious reasons, and they are both thinking pathogens first.

kills virus, bacteria, candida, neutralizes metals and passes through the Blood Brain Barrier. What more do we need?

It will cure the biofilm and the virus in the brain. We have a how do we use it?

Patrick gets started with August 17, 2010, a

couple of days after his father begins taking it. Since I didn’t have a protocol as to how to use specifically with kids... we had a lot of vomiting and diarrhea.

Patrick begins to improve in the first 10 days of using

I blog and parents are dying to get started on But, I need protocols to be able to help others. I feel ill prepared to lead others without support. I start emailing Mark Grenon to get his attention with regards to how to use with other families. He answers my desperate emails and puts me in touch with

Hi there! Okay, all is going well. But the autism recovery has not

happened yet J. We are in day 17 with 3 drops every hour for 8-10 hours. My son is 10 and weighs 100 pounds. So...a small adult. He is doing great. We are going after: Bacteria, Candida, Virus (stealth virus in the brain) I believe that we have the candida and bacteria in check. But the virus in the brain...I don't think we are there yet. I have MMS1 and MMS2. Should I raise the dosage of MMS1 from 3 drops to how many? Should I fold in MMS2 every other hour 4 times a day? I have parents reading my blog and buying MMS1. I need some direction. Little kids I think a drop every hour might be fine or more? We are totally on the right track. I just need a bit more guidance. Clara seems to think that the MMS2 will cause stomach discomfort. I think I need to raisethe bar in order to cure the big issue...stealth virus in the brain. What do you recommend? Thanks for your guidance.

Kerri, P.S. I could call you if you think it would be easier to brainstorm

this one.

Kerri, You are doing good. Keep it up. Don't go over 3 drops for the

time being. Start on MMS 2, but keep the amount low like 1/4 capsule or even less if it causes stomach problems. However, the stomach problems are usually caused by not drinking enough water with the MMS2 capsule. One glass of water should be enough, but right with the capsule. Use 1/4 capsule by opening it up and dumping out ¾.Yes, do the capsule every other hour, which is 4 times a day. After you are sure he is taking the 1/4 capsule OK goto 1/2 capsule. Do not do more than 1/2 capsule for a while. Remember at least 3/4 glass of water with each capsule. But, don't over do the dosages including don't over do the water. EASY DOES IT. I believe the MMS2 will do the job. I've seen MMS1 and MMS2 work many times with brain. Remember be careful not to get juice

with ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Don't use orange juice, or thick juices like nectar. Just the real juices like apple juice and grape juice and others but no thick juices, which really are not juices. Let me know how things go. It could be a wonderful world As always with love

Jim Humble

For every 1 drop of you give 5 drops of citric activator. After you place 1 drop of and 5 drops of citric acid activator you wait three minutes until it activates and then you fill the tequila shot glass with water and then you drink it. *NOTE: it’s important to point out that cannot be mixed with vitamin C, orange juice, beverages fortified with vitamin C nor ascorbic acid within an hour. Example; if you give your child at 8:00am you can give him breakfast with his multivitamin with vitamin C at 9:00am and again at 10:00am. With one hour of separation either way from C we are good.

If your child weighs:

Ü   25 lbs (11 kgs) 1 drop x 5 drops of citric acid 8 times a day

Ü  50 lbs (22 kgs) 2 drops x 10 drops of citric acid 8 times a day

Ü  100 lbs (45 kgs) 3 drops x 5 drops of citric acid 8 times a day


DAY 1- 1- drop 1 time 2- 1 drop 2 times 3- 1 drop 3 times 4- 1 drop 4 times 5- 1 drop 5 times 6- 1 drop 6 times 7- 1 drop 7 times

day 8- 1 drop 8 times a day DAY 9- 2- drops 1 time – 1 drop 7 times 10- 2 drops 2 times - 1 drop 6 times 11- 2 drops 3 times - 1 drop 5 times 12- 2 drops 4 times - 1 drop 4 times 13- 2 drops 5 times - 1 drop 3 times 14- 2 drops 6 times - 1 drop 2 times 15- 2 drops 7 times - 1 drop 1 time   day 16- 2 drops 8 times a day DAY 17- 3 drops 1 time – 7 times 2 drops 18- 3 drops 2 times – 6 times 2 drops 19- 3 drops 3 times – 5 times 2 drops 20- 3 drops 4 times – 4 times 2 drops 21- 3 drops 5 times – 3 times 2 drops 22- 3 drops 6 times – 2 times 2 drops 23- 3 drops 7 times – 1 times 2 drops

day 24- 3 drops 8 times a day

25 lbs --------------------------------

Day #1 1 Day #2 1 1 Day #3 1 1 1 Day #4 1 1 1 1 Day #5 1 1 1 1 1 Day #6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Day #7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Day #8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


50 lbs. -------------------------------- day #9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 day #10 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 day #11 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 day #12 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 day #12 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 day #13 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 day #14 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 day #15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

100 lbs --------------------------------- day #16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 day #17 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 day #18 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 day #19 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 day #20 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 day #21 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 day #22 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 day #23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 day #24 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Ü  day 24

Ü  3 drops times a day.

Ü If the yeast flairs up (laughing or crying for no reason, unable to sleep)

if you are at 1 drop 8 times a day

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 go to 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 go to 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 go to 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4

During the first three weeks Patrick begins requesting and stops tantrums.

Other kids stop tantrums plus added thousands of words .

Every week more kids on

Aug, 17 2010 (1 drop 2 x day) first drops ever 8/18/10 (2 drops am 2 drops pm) blood on wipie 8/19/10 (2 drops am 2 drops pm) no blood, nicely formed stools 8/20/10 (1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ) perfect stools, no blood, weird behavior. 8/21/10 email from Mark “3 drops an hour for 8 hours for 3 weeks“ 8/22/10 (3 drops 8 x empty stomach) gassy, spacy, good temper, frequent evacuations with oily film and pieces of food.

8/23/10 woke up happy and more connected saying “I want cookie monster”- nice and connected significantly less tantrums. 8/24/10 Day 3 of 3 drops 8 times a day, good spirits 8/25/10 Day 4 awoke happy and requesting, perfect eye contact. Day 6: no bed wetting, vomited and blood in wipie Day 7: vomited Day 8: OCD/Virus /vomit dropped back. Day 9: loss of appetite, vomit. Day 10: HBOT (1 drop 8 times) Day 11: therapist “best day ever!” (2 drops 10 times) Day 12: “I want bed“ “I want brush teeth” “I want take bath” “I want blanket” at 10 pm, therapist really happy with progress. Mother is ecstatic.

Day 13: back to 3 drops 8 times

Day 17: added MMS 2

Day 20: vomit (day 9 HBOT)

Day 22: MMS & MMS 2 (1/2 cap every 2 hours) eating

very little, undigested food, diarrhea, not happy.

Day 25: lots of diarrhea, red circles in eyes.

Day 27: Very OCD yet interested in people, pulling people to

be with him.

Day 30: “gorgeous stool“ formed and solid!

Day 31: blood on wipie, no OCD, no tantrums, happy

Day 34: pulled me to be with him, red circles, very OCD

Day 47: Didn’t eat all day, earache, 3 drops 3 times.

Day 48: 3 drops, 3 times, vomited, removed MMS 2

Day 49: cold, vomiting, diarrhea

Day 50: Vomited.

Day 51: Vomited and squirted in pants, lots of sleeping.

Day 57: Vomited mucus from a cold

Day 58: Vomited at 4 drops

Day 59: 4 drops 7 times then vomited but happy.

Day 61: “ best day of his life.“ say therapist of 6 years,

4 drops 7 times then vomited

Day 62: 4 drops 8x´s

Day 63: best day ever (new)

Day 64: yeast, cracking up at bed time. Here is the beginning of the 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 protocol for yeast flair ups began

Day 66: 4 drops 7 times then vomited

Day 69: 3 drops 8 times

Day 71: “I want bed“ WOW! 3 drops 8 times a day

Day 130-142: 2 drops 10 times a day...just to try it. Not better. Tooth absess problem flaired up at this time.

Day 161: Patrick continues to progress and retain in therapy. His soul is back in his eyes and is showing signs of recovery which has his loved ones full of hope and joy.

Length of use for I believe that we will be using for months and years and not days and weeks, in order to cure Autism and the other spectrum disorders.

I had 3 children recover (lose the diagnosis of autism) in November 2010 after only 3 months of using as a part of my protocol.

Some kids will recover quickly and some kids will take longer due to the length of time that they have been chronically ill.


Apply the drops instead of o ra l l y , do i t rec ta l l y combined with a ½ liter of water.

DMSO Ü  The best vehicle for MMS. And the extra benefits for autism is;

Ü  Restarts the mitocondria

Ü  Takes the antiviral to the cell

Ü  Helps remove aluminum

Ü  Crosses the Blood Brain Barrier

Ü  Decreases intercranial pressure

Ü  Free radical scavenger

Ü  Anti inflammatory

Ü  Non toxic

Ü  Makes cancer cells switch back to normal ones/starves tumors

Ü  Prevents and treats peptic ulcers

Ü  Stops growth of fungi and bacteria

Get the facts! Read the books!

Do the research!

Educate yourself and make your own decision! It could be the

best thing you ever do for yourself and your loved ones!

For … All of my love, respect, thanks and gratitude to you. You have swam upstream for so long. I am so fortunate that you waited for me to find you. I shall continue to help to recover these generations of children that are victims of a senseless epidemic. As you did, I shall do. We can not change the past, but the future is ours. You shed light where there was none.

Thank you,

