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Penicuik PetanqueWe are pleased to announce that Midlothian Counci l have kindlyagreed to let us use the Jackson Street School site as a temporaryhome while we seek funding to build a new purpose built play area.Our social games recommence every Sunday from 24th June to end ofOctober at 1 pm weather permitting at Jackson St. Open to al l - noexperience required. If you need to borrow boules please let meknow in advance.

On Sunday August 1 9th we wil l host a Petanque Party on the al l -weather pitch at Beeslack High School .We wil l hold come and try sessions, fun side games, kids boules, prizes and you can also come and seeexperienced players from al l over Scotland compete in our annual Open Pairs Competition. Entry isfree (bring some smal l change for the side games). Arrive at any time between 2 and 4 pm. Come andtry petanque, bring the family and get a taste of this game which is simple to learn and a chal lenge tomaster!

Penicuik Petanque have joined the new Penicuik Sport Hub. The SportHub is a new initiative supported by Midlothian Counci l and SportScotland and aims to increase participation in sport in Penicuik. TheSport Hub is holding a Big Launch event in Penicuik Park on 2ndSeptember from midday. Entry is free and you wil l have theopportunity to try a range of sports from the participating clubs andlearn more about the Sport Hub and its aims.

Three petanque players from Penicuk have been competing in theScottish Petanque Associations international qual ifying series thisyear. After two rounds Bob Macdonald and JohnMcAl l ister (playing with Ei leen Moonie from Perth)are sitting in 1 2th position. Col in Stewart and histeam (Istvan Poka from Troon and Derek Adamfrom Edinburgh) are currently in first place withmaximum ranking points having won both roundsso far. With 2 rounds left both teams have anexcel lent chance of being selected for the 201 3Scotland squad.

If you would l ike to know more about Penicuik Petanque or the Penicuik Sport Hubplease contact: Colin Stewart - [email protected] | 0753571 601 0

Our Give-back 'o' meter is fi l l ing up nicely next month this wil l be ready for release.The detai ls wil l be posted on our website along with a form for applying.Please visit our website for ful l detai ls and loads of other services:

OurDeadline forournext Issue isMon'25th June 2012

TheMonthlyEditOffice - Room 1, CrystalBusinessCentreEastfieldIndEst, EH268HA01968671574 - [email protected]

Rememberto Recyclemeafteryou have enjoyedreadingme!

GGOOOODD NNEEWWSSWith more news in our other sections. . .

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We are a new Registered Tenants Organisation andwe would like to invite all Midlothian tenants to joinour group. The Tenants And Prospective TenantsAction Group is open to all Midlothian tenantsregardless of who your landlord is and we are keen tohave some new members. TAPTAG is also open topeople who don’t even have a tenancy yet; if you areon a waiting list, you can join TAPTAG!We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month, 6-8:30pm. Our venues vary as we like to visit differentparts of the county in order to encourage as manypeople as possible to come along to our meetings. Ifyou want TAPTAG to hold a meeting in your areaphone Lesley Connell on 01 31 271 361 1 . Similarly, ifyou have a housing issue you would like us to look at,phone the number above or come along to ameeting, you’ll be made very welcome. We may be anew group but we have already held meetings todiscuss antisocial behaviour, repairs and roads asmembers requested that we do so. We still need yourhelp to bring other issues to light; if you want toreport a problem or find out where our next meetingis phone 01 31 271 361 1 or [email protected].

PENICUIK AND DISTRICT NEIGHBOURHOODA comprehensive plan setting out the future ofPenicuik and District has been agreed by local peopleworking closely with local partner organisations.Copies of the plan are now available in Penicuik and

District, for example in Penicuik Town Hall,Community Learning Development at Penicuik HighSchool and Penicuik Library or to download from thecouncil website at: 1 000 people who live and work in Penicuikgave their thoughts on what they liked about thelocal area and what could be improved. Theseopinions have been used to form a local plan which isnow on display at Council link. The plan sets out 93actions which will be undertaken over the next fiveyears.Through the effort of local people, voluntaryorganisations and formal partners such as MidlothianCouncil, NHS Lothian and Lothian and Borders Police,some of these actions have already been successfullyachieved, including:* Cinema sessions for young people are running atPenicuik Town Hall in a partnership between PenicuikYouth Forum and Penicuik Community DevelopmentTrust.* Midlothian Council has secured funding to widenthe borrow a brolly scheme in Penicuik.* Two bus information carousels have beeninstalled in both health centres* The 47 Sunday Lothian Bus service has beenreinstated.The group is appealing for more enthusiastic localpeople to get involved and ensure the other actionsalso become a reality. The Penicuik and DistrictNeighbourhood Plan implementation group has sixvacancies to fill. The group will meet six times in201 2/201 3 to receive reports on progress, follow upon any actions which are not progressing and provideupdates on the successes which have been achieved.Locals are being encouraged to get involved andensure their community plan becomes a reality. Thepartners involved have also thanked all those whohave contributed to get the plan to this stage.Contact the Regeneration team at Midlothian Council01 31 271 31 99 for further information.

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PENICUIK CONSERVATIVES Committee members of the Branch and in particularour Chairman and local government candidate SandyForrest wish to express thanks to all who gavesupport on the 3rd of May.   Sandy would also like togive thanks to all members and supporters who gaveso much of their time to help with this campaign.   I t isvery much appreciated.     For those who are notinvolved there is a huge amount of time spentfighting an election and so much work and effort isgiven throughout the year to allow people to beinvolved in the democratic process. Our branch haveregular meetings along with fund raising/socialevents throughout the year and in particular we wishto give thanks to Sir Malcolm Rifkind for his ongoingtime and support.     We would be delighted to hear from anyone whowould like to join our winning team.    For furtherinformation contact Steven on 678532 or Muriel on67521 1 or visit     

PENICUIK FLOWER CLUB The Flower Club celebrated the National FlowerArrangers Day on 4 May with   displays in localbusinesses, and   the Penicuik Centre.   Thanks to thesebusinesses and   to Tesco for hosting a larger displayof arrangements  which were raffled.   The winners ofthe raffle were C O'Keefe, S Flett, Ms Moar, J Cooperand   L James. The next meeting of the Club will beon  Wednesday evening 1 3 June at 7.30 pm in theTown Hall when Peggy Reid will be the demonstratorwith her title being "In the Mood".   All are welcometo come along to enjoy this evening.   The nextmeeting of the Club thereafter will be on 1 2September.

PENTLANDS SWRIThis month we hosted our annual coffee evening andwere delighted to be joined by guests from some ofour neighbouring SWRIs. Entertainment came in theform of married duo Jane and Graeme Halliday, whoprovided us with a wonderful selection of songs

delivered with fantastic humour and fun. We enjoyeddelicious home baking and our raffle and gift stallwere, as always, very popular. In addition to all this,Eve Smith and Hazel Murray manned our plant stallproviding much-appreciated advice to the less green-fingered amongst us!   We’re hoping for a sunny day on 9th June 201 2, whenwe will be having a day out to Traquair Housefollowed by dinner at The Green Tree Hotel! This is amembers only event, and our last gathering beforebreaking for the Summer months. We re-convene on 5th September when we lookforward to welcoming Cathy Burns, a homeeconomist from Sainsbury’s Try Team, for a cookerydemonstration. Meetings are held in the Town Hall,Penicuik at 7pm. Visitors and new members are verywelcome.What are you planning for the Olympic Torch Relay?

COUNCILLOR MONTGOMERYThanked everyone who voted Labour at theMidlothian Council elections, and is proud to be re-elected to represent Penicuik.   He said:“It is an honour to represent Penicuik, and while I amlooking forward to continuing to help local people

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where I can there are major issues facing us in ourtown and difficult decisions will need to be madehere and across Midlothian. “Labour polled more votes in Midlothian than ouropponents and we have the same number ofcouncillors as the SNP. However the Nationalistshave formed a coalition with an ‘Independent’councillor and they have formed the administrationin Midlothian. “While the Green councillor has declined to enterinto the formal coalition it will be interesting to seehow  his position develops.   At   our first councilmeeting he supported the coalition in every voteexcept one, where he abstained. “At the meeting I congratulated Joe Wallace onbeing elected Provost and wished him all the best forhis term in office.”

HOWGATE VILLAGE HALL (HOWGATE CONNECT)Support, share, grow our village.

Email: [email protected] or call01 968 672277.

ALLOTMENT TO RENTWould you like a piece of the good life? Contact01 968 672277.

HOWGATE MARKETPlease note that there will be no market in June dueto the Queen’s Jubilee and Garden Scotland. Thenext market will be on Saturday 1 st September“Family Fun Day”. More details to follow.

VOLUNTEER EVENINGThank you to everyone who attended the HowgateVillage Hall Volunteer evening. With over 25 peoplein attendance a lovely time was had by all. Theattendees were made up of youths and adults.Thanks must go to the talented Elizabeth Mckeon forthe lovely entertainment, Bob Keith for taking thephotographs, Karen Downie from VolunteeringMidlothian and Annabel Oates in her last evening ascitizen of the year for presenting the certificates.

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Famous Authors

Last months solution.



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WANTED!Can you help? Rough grazing for 1 2 Exmoor ponieswith access to off road trek routes. We are a nonprofit making voluntary organisation that are used torenting a field. Please call 07792546064 if you wouldlike to discuss it further.

ART GROUPThe Howgate Art group meet every Wednesday 3.00– 5.00 pm and 7.00 – 9.00 pm. Please call Maureen on01 506 639770.

ART EXHIBITIONThe recent Art Exhibition at Howgate Village Hall wasa fantastic success. The exhibition was very busywith lots of enjoyment and laughter. It was nice tosee local residents and visitors from far and wide.

The raffle prize which was donated and painted bythe very gifted Maureen Monteith the tutor of theArt class was won by Anne Hunter. Thank you to allthe artists for their great effort.

BABIES AND BEYONDThe babies and beyond meet on a Friday morning in

the Howgate Village Hall from 1 0.30 – 1 2 noon. Lotsof toys, a chance to meet and make new friends. Afun time for ALL. Cost £1 .50 per family whichincludes children’s snacks and a cup of tea or coffeefor the parents. Call Karen on 01 968 679346 fordetails.

BRIDGE CLUBBridge Club meet on a Monday evening from 7.00 –1 0.00 pm and Wednesday mornings from 1 0.00 –1 2.00 noon. Opportunity to experience a morecompetitive form of bridge in a relaxed environment.If you are not a complete beginner, just turn up (withor without a partner) and we guarantee you a game!Please call 01 968 67031 9/6701 55 for moreinformation. HOWGATE COMMUNITY COUNCILHowgate Community Council next meeting isThursday 21 st June. Come along or contact Karen [email protected]

HOWGATE KIRKThe Howgate Kirk service starts is held every Sundayand starts at 9.30 am, Sunday club for children up to1 6 years is held in the hall during the service. Tea &coffee served in the hall after the service. Parkingavailable behind the Kirk. Please call Irene Hobbs.,Session Clerk for details on 01 721 724330.

YOUTH OF HOWGATEWould you be interested in joining a new youthgroup? Why not contact [email protected] to find outmore.


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Howgate Readers group meet on the last Monday ofthe month. Please contact Penicuik Library on 01 968664060 or Pat on 01 968 677509.

LEISURELY LUNCHESLeisurely lunches meet on the 1 st Wednesday of themonth. The next planned lunch is Wednesday the 6thJune at 1 2.30 pm. Homemade food, a chance tocatch up with friends, a treat for all. Call 01 968674229/01 968 672277 for more details. The nextlunch will not be until Wednesday 5th September201 2.

Scottish Women’s Rural Institute Howgate – Alwayspleased to welcome friends and visitors. The nextmeeting is Tuesday 1 1 th September @ 7.1 5 pm –Learn how to decorate Cupcakes. Please contactShona for details for further details on 01 31 4480774.

FACILITY FOR HIRE Workshops, Meetings, Parties!! ! !Hall, kitchen and smaller hall for hire. Do you have abirthday party coming up soon and would like tocelebrate but don’t want to have it in the house?Why not call for further information, come along &view our facility. Do you require a somewhere fortraining opportunities or to hold a meeting?Competitive rates. Call 01 968 672277 for moredetails.

RELEASE FROM PENICUIK AND DISTRICT SNPAt the Branch meeting held on 1 7th May theConvenor advised the members present that therecent Local Election was highly significant that itended 84 years of Labour control in Midlothian. Thethree candidates from the Branch, Joe Wallace,Andrew Coventry and Derek Rosie were all electedand will be part of an SNP administration.Joe is the new Provost, Derek, Depute Provost and

Andrew has taken on the Education portfolio.They will all give Penicuik a high profile on MidlothianCouncil and will work with businesses, local voluntaryorganisations and anyone else who wants to improvePenicuik and especially the Town Centre.The support and work of our new members and alsothe longstanding ones contributed immensely to oursuccessThe Branch recorded their thanks to Margaret Wilsonfor her hard work over her five years as a Councillor.She has agreed to take over the Secretary’s role fromAndrew and will be there to help and advise our newCouncillors.Joe and Derek will hold a surgery on Mondayevenings in the Town Hall from 6.00 to 7.00 and onthe last Saturday of the month with ChristineGrahame MSP in Tesco.

PENICUIK AND DISTRICT U3AOur May Open Meeting in the Town Hall turned outto be not as advertised as Dr Mhairi Coyle had to pullout. We were lucky enough to get Yla Steven, one ofthe top Scottish Fiddle players to come and give atalk and musical demonstration of the history of theScottish fiddle tradition. Yla has won several awards

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and our afternoon was enjoyable and informative .DrMhairi Coyle will now speak in October. In Juneinstead of an Open Meeting we are holding ourMidsummer Outing to New Lanark. This takes placeon June21 st and we are hoping for a sunny day. We thenclose until the Autumn, our first Open Meeting thenbeing on September 20th when Ruth Kirkpatrick, whois local to Penicuik but also works at The Netherbowwill give us a story and talk on”The Art of StoryTelling”.The U3A is a national organisation which draws onthe knowledge, experience and enthusiasm of itsmembers to offer the chance to learn new skills ortake up new leisure pursuits. Penicuik and DistrictU3A have a variety of interest groups and are alwaysopen to suggestions from members for ideas forfurther groups. Two new groups have just started up,a walking group,already active, and a second bookgroup which will commence in September withmembers sharing their favourite book.Visit our where youwill find further information on our activities or e-mail: [email protected]


The AGM of the Twinning Association was held in theTown Hall on Monday 21 st May. Retiring Chairman,Derek Rosie reported that this had been a busy yearthe highlight of which was the visit of our Frenchfriends who were hosted in August.Sheila Thacker who is standing down as secretary, aposition she has held for 5 years gave her report. Shesaid there had been a lot of events over the last yearapart from the hosted visit. At the end of April the

Maire of L’Isle Sur La Sorgue and his deputies visitedPenicuik and after a walk around the town theyattended a reception in the Navaar House Hotelwhere they met with the Chairman of PenicuikCommunity Council, Derek Cosens, Penicuik's Citizenof the Year, Annabel Oates and members of theTwinning Association.The final event which was on the day of the AGMwhen teachers and pupils from L’Isle met withcommittee members while having a picnic in thepark. The party were then taken to Penicuik HighSchool by Modern Language Head Teacher, GrantFraser where the teachers from L’Isle metHeadmaster Mark Eadie. The French youngsters metwith Penicuik High School pupils, who turned up on aPublic Holiday, for games of badminton and table


The election of office bearers then took place.Chairman, John McAllister, Vice Chair and MinuteSecretary, Evelyn Harkins, Secretary, Emma Pineau.The Treasurer will be elected at the next Committeemeeting. Publicity Officer, Elaine Rosie.The Association gave a vote of thanks to Sheila andDerek and also to Evelyn who had continued tohandle the Associations accounts along with herother duties.The meeting concluded with a talk by Adam fromPenicuik Wines on a selection of wines from theSouth of France. Sampling of the wines then tookplace along with a selection of French cheeses.

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SACRED HEART PRIMARY NURSERY CLASSWe are a small, friendly, non-denominational nurseryclass offering high-quality pre-school education forchildren aged 3-5 years. Our class is staffed by aPrimary/Nursery Teacher Mrs. Sue Stephen  and ChildCare Development Workers, Ms. Fiona Dougall andMrs. Tammy Anderson. There are  twenty   morningand twenty afternoon places. To visit our class or torequest an application form for a place, please phone01 31 -271 -4665. Parents/ Carers can add their child'sname to our waiting list from the age of two. Nurseryplaces are offered in the term after a child's thirdbirthday, depending on availability.

PENICUIK YMCA-YWCAPrimary One Intake in August – we will be welcomingnew primary one’s for the start of the new term andalready have children registered for the new intake.We can arrange a show round for parents andchildren in order that they can meet with our staffand see the club in action.So if after school care or breakfast club is what yourequire then just give us a call for more details, aregistration form and costs.Summer is here and our holiday programme will runfrom 2July through to the 21 August, with lots onoffer kids have to check it out. Activities include

baking, science, team races, combat challenge,bouncy castle, crazy art and a Fancy Dress Discobefore kids go back to school. Contact us forbookings and prices.Soft play is available to the public Monday to Fridaysso bring the kids along for some fun time, half hour£2.00 per child, 1 hour £3.00 per child.58 Queensway, Penicuik, EH26 OJJCall us on 01 968674851 for info on any of the above or [email protected] or [email protected]

MARCHBURN PLAYGROUP, PENICUIKSituated in the building to the side of Penicuik NorthKirk, John Street, we provide caring and imaginativeplay in a safe and stimulating environment forchildren between 27 months and 4 years.Our opening hours are:- Tuesday to Friday 9.20 am till1 1 .1 5amFor general enquiries or to join our waiting list pleasecall us on 07756 4601 34

BEESLACK COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOLCommunity Education DepartmentCommunity Education Programme Information

NEW from JUNE………

Booking essential.Book your space for FUN! FUN! FUN on Sunday 24thJune, come along and try our new fantastic classes.We will be offering the opportunity to take part inthe unique programme of FUN fitness activities for 3years + up to 1 02. Cost £3.75 per session. A discountwill be given if you book into a weekly class. Seebelow for the activities on offer:

INFLATABLE FITNESS 1 0.00 – 1 0.45 am with largebouncy castles, inflatable sports areas, a slide,penalty shootout, and bungee run, there are noexcuses for not breaking a sweat whilst having lots of

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SCOOTER FITNESS 1 1 .00 – 1 1 .45 am this experiencecombines friendly competitive games with racingaround on scooters. Fantastic for fitness, balanceand co-ordination

GLEE CLUB 1 2.00 – 1 2.45 pm Singing and dancing isnot only great fun but good for the body as well andnow it doesn’t just have to be watched on TV!

PARENT & CHILD SWIMMING OPPORTUNITY –Thiswill is held on Tuesday evenings from 6.00 – 6.45 pm.Classes are paid in advance. Come along and enjoysome fun time with your children. Please contact theCommunity Education Office for more information.Spaces are limited.

COOKING ON A BUDGET/COOKING FOR ONE –Thursday evenings from 6.30 – 8.30 pm. Due topopular demand basic healthy cooking meals for oneie cooking mince portioning into different types ofmeals. Chile, Spaghetti Bolognaise etc. Learn how tomake basic sauces that will help to improve the tasteof your dishes for fish, chicken, pasta etc. This class

will start on Thursday 31 May until Thursday 21 June.Cost for 5 weeks is £28.75. (Ingredients will beextra) Interested then please give us a call.

SUMMER ACTIVITIES – Monday 2nd July until Friday1 0th August a variety of different activities. Oursummer Buzz Club programme is now available andwill operate from Monday 9th July Friday 1 0thAugust. If you are interested in any of the activitiesplease give us a call. Breakfast Club, Buzz Club, andLunch Club Mix and match our activities Buzz Club inthe morning and select an activity for the afternoon.Swim School (pre-school plus) , Swimming for theterrified (9 – 1 3 years) , Cooking, Outdoor Arts andCrafts, Basketball and Swim, Tennis for Beginners,Cricket for Beginners, Flip N FUN, Junior Jog/Fun

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Athletics, Mini Water Polo, Team Gym, Cheerleading,Rookie lifesaving course, Sensory Fun, ScooterFitness, Micro Olympics, Survive and Save, Inflatablefitness, All stars Buzz Club, Craft Drama, TableTennis, Badminton, Golf, Cupcake Madness,Imaginary play. Something for everyone.

MEN’S SWIMMING – will be starting back up on aMonday evening from 9.00 – 9.45 pm. We would liketo restart this session on Monday 23 April if we getsufficient interest. Please give us a call to book yourspace.

HOLIDAYS ABROAD?A quick brush up of your Spanish or Italian for thesummer? We have beginner and Intermediate classesoperating from June. Classes will run from weekbeginning 4 June for 4 weeks. Cost £23.00.Interested please give us a call. Classes will onlyoperate if we have sufficient numbers.

BASKETBALL FOR CHILDREN P3 upwards SATURDAYMORNING 1 0.30 – 1 1 .30 am. Bring a friend, come andjoin in the fun. Learn new skills, brush up on the old,enjoy playing games and having fun, then this class is

for you. New members welcome. Next term starts inJune.

BEESLACK FAMILY DISABLED CLUB –This groupmeets on Sunday afternoons from 1 2.30 – 4.00 pm.This family oriented club offers a wide range ofactivities e.g. Computing, Arts & Crafts, Swimming,Woodwork, Music Therapy, Cookery, Pool and Caféand much more. For further details please contactClub President Mrs Betty Turner on 01 968 673243.New members welcome. Feel free to drop in for alook round. Remember your first visit is FREE.

BEESLACK YOUTH CAMERA CLUB (for 1 1 – 1 8 years)Monday evenings 7.00 pm.For All the Community, Parents welcome. Comealong and find out all about it. Interested in learningmore about your camera and how you can get thebest out of it? Find out about Photoshop basics,mounting photos, printer skills, competitions,outings and much more. Local volunteers will leadthe class. A fun new experience, learn new skills andenjoy the evening with your friends. Interested?Then give us a call 01 968 673893.

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OVER 55 CLUB’S – A few vacancies exist within ourover 55’s clubs. . Why not give us a call? We havethree clubs that meet two on Tuesday/Thursdaymornings 9.30 – 1 1 .30 am and one on the Thursdayafternoon 2.00 – 4.00 pm (Ladies only). These groupstake part in a wide range of activities e.g Bowling,Calligraphy, Art group, Card games, Pool, Swimming,Walking, Holiday’s, Craft table and general chit chat.If you would like more information or would like tocome along and pay a visit to the club please call01 968 673893 for more details.

PARENT & TODDLER GROUP – Meets at Beeslack onFriday mornings from 9.30 – 1 1 .30 am (please notethe change in time). New members welcome. Wehave a large selection of toys for the children and


here is plenty of time for parents to enjoy a chat. Forfurther information please contact club secretaryAshley Laird on 078259581 67.

BABY BUBBLES – Sunday morning 1 0.30 – 1 2.00noon. Baby Bubbles will be working in partnershipwith Beeslack Community High School to provideswimming lessons for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolchildren up to the age of 4 years 6 months old. Oncethe child has reached 4 years 6 months they will havethe opportunity to join the Beeslack DolphinsProgramme. Qualified Swimming Teachers andAwards Programmes in place. Call SwimWell: 07834486 1 08 or email: [email protected] for details of our Summer Swim School.

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SCHOOL OPENING TIMES - As a community schoolour Community Education Programme is on offerthroughout the calendar year. Please note we DONOT close during school holiday periods althoughopening hours may be altered.

For further information with regard to all aspects ofBeeslack Community High School, CommunityEducation Programme please contact… on 01 968673893 or Fax 01 968 678659.

Hi there, my name is Suzi Ross,I am a 22 year old fashiondesigner original ly fromPenicuik. I went to PenicuikHigh School , then went on tostudy Fashion Design at HeriotWatt University in Galashiels. Ihave just completed my honoursyear, which included designingand making my own fashion

col lection (range of six outfits, 1 2 garments intotal ), as wel l as doing a photoshoot andfashion fi lm to promote this col lection. Lastsummer I also did a summer internship atHouse of Hol land, where I got to work closelywith the head designer on their A/W 201 2col lection.

My passions include fashion(of course!), art and dancing.After I graduate in June, I amgoing on to begin a new jobwith the fashion companyJones & Jones at their designstudio in London. There, Iwil l be working as a part of asmal l team as a productionassistant, producinggorgeous cocktai l dresses!

Being an ambitious person,I aim to do wel l in my newjob, hopeful ly work my waythrough the career ladderand one day hopeful ly be ahead designer or comeback to Scotland and setup my own boutique.

I have had a great upbringing in the smal l townthat is Penicuik, and have not felt l ike it hasheld me back in any way. I wouldadvise youngpeople to beambitious, aimhigh and workhard for what theywant to achieve. Itwil l end up beingworthwhile in theend.

Suzi Rosssuzannah.g.ross@googlemail .com07747505350

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AArrttss && CCuullttuurree


Our Arts & Culture section has been sponsored byThe Studio Penicuik - 01968 768001

PENICUIK COMMUNITY ARTS ASSOCIATION4 West Street, Penicuik are holding a Fringe previewcomedy evening on 2nd June from 8pm. SirReginald Tweedy Duffer,Jellybeen Martinez, LanceD. Boyle and Greg Davysson will be held together bycompere Owen McGuire. Tickets are £3.00 andthere will be drinks and snacks available from adonation bar.   Tickets are limited to 50 so it wouldbe advisable to get them early from the PCAA orcontact Davy on 07896628288.


Plans are now afoot for this years arts festival, to beheld between Saturday 1 st September and theSunday 1 6th September - the theme is Penicuik'sIndustrial Heritage and History .See our website or the West

Street notice board for information and anannouncement of a Pre-Festival meeting towardsthe end of June. After the huge success of ourwindow and studio trails last year we are hoping torepeat this, as well as having a mix of crafts, music,dance, literary and other events. If you would like toget involved or can offer an event or venue pleasecome along or contact us at [email protected]’ll also be posting details of the Open ArtExhibition and Turner Prize competition, whereentries are invited from all levels of artist and in anymedia. This year we’re very excited to be introducinga new Photography Exhibition & Christie PrizeCompetition. Entries on the theme of the Pentlands,Penicuik & District will be invited and displayed in the

Gallery Cafe throughout September. Watch thisspace for more details!Our AGM is on Wednesday July 4th; 7:00 for 7:30 atthe West Street Art Centre.   There will berefreshments and music from guitarist, RichardCallaghan. Everyone is invited to come along   –whatever your taste, interest or ability might be inart, music, craft, photography. Come and suggestevents and activities for the coming year that YOUwould like to see happening.

We continue to open our doors every Sundayevening in the Town Hall at 7pm with home-baking & refreshments available. Tickets are£4 and films start at 7.30pm. Our next filmsare listed below:

1 7 June: ' Into the Wild ':   With his sturdy cast andconfident direction, Sean Penn has turned acomplex work of non-fiction l ike Into the Wildinto an accessible and poignant characterstudy.   The true story of the post-col legiate

wanderings of a young Virginia man, whodivorces himself from his friends, family, andpossessions in search of a greater spiritualknowledge and communion with nature in Alaska.

24 June: Leni Riefenstahl 's 'Olympia':   The 1 936Olympics produced a major work of art, LeniRiefenstahl ’s greatest movie, 'Olympia', releasedin 1 938 in 2 parts, “The Festival of Nations,” and“The Festival of Beauty.”  Riefenstahl used themost up-to-date feature fi lmmaking techniques

and technology. Creating a work that continues toinfluence the fi lming of sports to this day. Sheedited in sequences fi lmed from practice runswith athletes, usual ly from very unusual angles, inorder to cal l attention to the splendor of athletesin motion. (Tickets wil l be £8 for this fi lm)

FFoorr mmoorree ii nn ffoo pp ll eeaa ssee vvii ss ii tt oouu rr FFaacceebbooookk ppaaggee''PPeenn ii ccuu ii kk CCii nneemmaa '' ,, ggooooggll ee uu ss oorr eemmaa ii llcchhaann ttaa ll cchhaanncchhaann@@yyaahhoooo.. ccoo .. uukk


Page 18: The Monthly Edit - June Issue 29

AArrttss && CCuullttuurree


Our Arts & Culture section has been sponsored byThe Studio Penicuik - 01968 768001

Our summer Family Ceilidh kicks off at 7pm on  Saturday the 6th of July at the Craigiebield Hotelwith the Homecoming String It includes Sandyfrom the Penicuik Music School and you can have afling with a great mix of classic Scottish dances with adash of bluegrass etc. Not to be missed! Under 1 6sare free, members £5, non-members £7.

The committee is, as ever, busy applying for grants to

make some further improvements to our premises atWest Street. A project close to our hearts is toprovide a stair lift. It’s hard getting funds foranything these days, but we’re doing our best, andwe’re very glad to have Jo Buckley on our committee,who is experienced and pro-active with grantapplications. She just managed to secure a spot offunding for the Arts Festival, too. Other grantapplications are being made to refurbish the backwindows, to make repairs to guttering, and to

Page 19: The Monthly Edit - June Issue 29

AArrttss && CCuullttuurree


Our Arts & Culture section has been sponsored byThe Studio Penicuik - 01968 768001

replace the stair carpets. Let’s hope that at leastsome of these dreams are realised! The work we havealready achieved over the last few years has greatlyimproved our historic venue.In June, Christine Suter will show examples of herweaving in an exhibition entitled "Stripes andCheckers", and in July we look forward to hosting thework of students from Edinburgh College of Art.

And as always, please come and see us – come to anevent, join in with Making Space Penicuik freecrafting in the community sessions and pop into ourcosy Café to enjoy the home cooked refreshments!Now, in the summer you will find the Cafe gardenvery popular. Upstairs, browse the craft shop for thatspecial gift or unique card. We now display a range ofthe crafts for sale in the glass cabinet in the café.

Angel Card of the Month - Archangel Jeremiel

Life is full of lessons, some we will take on the chin,others will leave us on our knees but no matter whatthe lesson the reason for them is always the same...our growth. Archangel Jeremiel understands thatthere have been some hard lessons for us allrecently, some where we never thought we weregoing to get through but the time of those hardshipsis coming to an end. We are at the top of themountain now, it is time to take note as to what wehave achieved, where our hard struggles havebrought us to and to rejoice in that! ! There is asense of coming together, a community arisingwhere once was lost. Do not fear your neighbours,welcome them into your life, speak with them, sharetime with them, we are at our strongest when we are

strong with our community, whenwe come together as onevoice rather than many.

Take some time this monthto be part of yourcommunity, to be part of apowerful spiral of strength,nurturing and achievement! !

If you would like a fullpersonal Reading please


or on: 07969 848 810

Page 20: The Monthly Edit - June Issue 29

LLooccaall SSppoorrtt


For the full editorial go online to: to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.

PENICUIK ATHELETIC FCThe football season came to an end on 1 2th May witha must win away tie against fellow promotionchallengers, Broxburn Athletic, and the victor wouldgain promotion to the Super League. Prior to thisgame we lost away 1 -0 at Armadale, where wecreated enough chances to win two games, won ourlast two home games 2-1 against Arniston Rangersand Glenrothes and drew 1 -1 away against Broughty

Athletic. These results saw us sit proudly at the topof the league. However, both Sauchie and Broxburnhad games in hand and, when the crunch came andwe went to play Broxburn, Broxburn woncomfortably, consigning us to another season in thePremier League. A disappointing end to what hasbeen a difficult season in a very competitive leaguebut we'll be back wiser and stronger next season,ready for another battle. Finally, I would just like to

Page 21: The Monthly Edit - June Issue 29

LLooccaall SSppoorrtt


For the full editorial go online to: to quote The Monthly Edit when contacting our advertisers.

thank all our faithful fans, your support at Broxburnand all season long has been fantastic.AGMThe Penicuik Athletic AGM will be held in the TownHall on Wednesday 27th June 201 2 at 7.30pm – allwelcome. Anyone wishing to become a committeemember must apply in writing with a proposer andseconder and applications must be received by 6thJune 201 2.

ESKMILL FOOTBALL CLUBEskmill Football Club Under 1 2's - Eskmill Footballclub have been serving Penicuik for over 50 years. Weare currently looking for players to add to ourcurrent squad for the current season, next seasonand beyond.   If you were born in 2000, and enjoyfootball why not give it try?    We pride ourselves ingiving all our players an equal opportunity . Wecurrently train at Beeslack Community High Schoolon Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 and our gamesare on a Sunday morning.   I f you are interested injoining us or need further information please  contactJames Robertson   on 07588 238 833.

PENICUIK TENNIS CLUBWant to play tennis locally? Would you like to take uptennis, meet new people or improve your currentgame? Come and join us.We are a brand new club, annual membership is £1 5and annual family membership is  £30.   We are runningadult and   junior  beginner and improver lessons andan adult social session on  Sundays 1 5.00-1 6.30.  For info contact: Caroline on 07949 0941 64 [email protected]

Page 22: The Monthly Edit - June Issue 29

Local Travel & TaxisPenicuik Private Hire 01 968 679 600KPM Private Hire 01 31 440 0756Gohr Executive Travel 07860 421 038Educational Travel Scotland Ltd 01 968 674 677Home Improvement & Maintenance

Blackstone Masonry 01 968 679 853Blind Design 01 968 674 509BSS Group (Gas & Insulation) 01 968 674 600GL Tiling Services 01 968 675 1 74Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 957McC Building Services 01 968 671 576Plantsman (Gardening Services) 01 968 678 878Rpbbie Dick (Plumbing & Heating) 01 968 677 671SB Roofing Services 01 31 620 3831

Steven McInnes Joinery 07980 851 299Stress Free Flooring 01 968 675 1 21Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 678 974Health & WellbeingFigurehead Hairdressing 01 968 670 627Peachy Therapy Clinic 01 31 441 7737Starlight Scotland 07969 848 81 0Food Takeaway & DeliveryCorfu Kebabs 01 968 672 677Jade Palace 01 968 678 788Restaurants & HotelsCraigiebield House Hotel 01 968 672 557Entertainment & RecreationClassic Nights to Remember 07771 503 247Craftjenny's Ceramic Painting 07902 801 81 2Electrical Repair & RetailCarnethy Electrical 01 968 678 800Pets & GroomingThe Dog House 01 968 679 307Vehicle Care & MaintenanceK&B Motors 01 968 673 703Leadburn Garage 01 968 677 1 43Graphics & Print ServicesCity Litho Ltd 01 31 555 1 483Dalhousie Press 01 31 663 7035SignsRUs 01 968 671 572Photographic ServicesThe Studio 01 968 768 001Paul Krogh Photography 07802 349 946Handy HelplinesNHS 24 08454 242 424Childline 0800 1 1 1 1Citizens Advice 01 968 675 259Womans Aid 01 968 670 970Victim Support 01 31 660 3030Crimestoppers 0800 555 1 1 1RSPCA Cruelty line 0300 1 23 4999Emergency Only ServicesFire | Ambulance | Police | Coastguard 999Gas Emergency Service 0800 1 1 1 999Electrical Emergency 0845 272 2424Scottish Water Emergency 0845 600 8855Local Police StationsPenicuik 01 968 675 1 91Loanhead 01 31 440 0506Dalkieth (Headquarters) 01 31 663 2855Public Transport ServicesLothian Regional Transport 01 31 555 6363First Bus 0870 872 7271Travelline Scotland 0871 200 2233

LLooccaa ll TTrraavveell && TTaaxxii ssPenicuik Private Hire 01 968 679 600KPM Private Hire 01 31 440 0756Gohr Executive Travel 07860 421 038Educational Travel Scotland Ltd 01 968 674 677

HHoommee IImmpprroovveemmeenntt && MMaa ii nn tteennaanncceeBeatsons 01 968 670 061Blackstone Masonry 01 968 679 853Blind Design 01 968 674 509

BSS Group (Gas & Insulation) 01 968 674 600Chris & Ryan Joinery Services 07793 558 1 03Croft Garden Services 01 968 670 759DC Construction 01 968 768 286GL Tiling Services 01 968 675 1 74Halley Garden Services 01 968 672 782Hauswerk 0844 855 1 741Mark Carruthers Joinery 01 968 674 393Mark Ritchie Joinery 01 968 670 957

McC Building Services 01 968 671 576Robbie Dick (Plumbing & Heating) 01 968 677 671Stress Free Flooring 01 31 561 5700Stuart King Fireplaces 01 968 678 974

HHeeaa lltthh && WWeellllbbee ii nnggAR Therapy 07899 91 0 689Peachey Therapy Clinic 01 31 441 7737Starlight Scotland 07969 848 81 0

RReessttaauu rraannttss && HHootteellssCraigiebield House Hotel 01 968 672 557The Original Rosslyn Hotel 01 31 440 2384

EEnntteerrttaa ii nnmmeenntt && RReeccrreeaattii oonnClassic Nights to Remember 07771 503 247Craftjenny's Ceramic Painting 07902 801 81 2Shottstoun Miners Club 01 968 675 875

EElleeccttrrii ccaa ll RReeppaa ii rr && RReettaa ii llCarnethy Electrical 01 968 678 800Gargoyle Computer Consultancy 07853 324 01 8

PPeettss && GGrroooommiinnggThe Dog House 01 968 679 307

VVeehh ii ccllee CCaarree && MMaa ii nntteennaanncceeLeadburn Garage 01 968 677 1 43PME Motor Engineers 07796 943 977Precision Valeting Services 0751 6 203 358

GGrraapphh ii ccss && PPrrii nn tt SSeerrvvii cceessBlue Phoenix Design 07853 324 01 8City Litho Ltd 01 31 555 1 483SignsRUs 01 968 671 572

PPhhoottooggrraapphh ii cc SSeerrvvii cceessThe Studio 01 968 768 001Paul Krogh Photography 07802 349 946

OOtthheerr SSeerrvvii cceessExpress Ironing Services 01 968 672 278Ickle World Childcare 01 968 671 802

LLooccaa ll SShhooppppii nnggPenicuik Wines 01 968 676 551

HHaannddyy HHeellppllii nneessNHS 24 08454 242 424Childline 0800 1 1 1 1Citizens Advice 01 968 675 259Womans Aid 01 968 670 970Victim Support 01 31 660 3030Crimestoppers 0800 555 1 1 1RSPCA Cruelty line 0300 1 23 4999

EEmmeerrggeennccyy OOnn llyy SSeerrvvii cceessFire | Ambulance | Police | Coastguard 999Gas Emergency Service 0800 1 1 1 999Electrical Emergency 0845 272 2424Scottish Water Emergency 0845 600 8855

LLooccaa ll PPoollii ccee SSttaa ttii oonnssPenicuik 01 968 675 1 91Loanhead 01 31 440 0506Dalkieth (Headquarters) 01 31 663 2855

PPuubbllii cc TTrraannssppoorrtt SSeerrvvii cceessLothian Regional Transport 01 31 555 6363First Bus 0870 872 7271Travelline Scotland 0871 200 2233

FFoorr aallll yyoouurr llooccaall aaddvveerrttiissiinngg nneeeeddss ccoonnttaacctt uuss::

0011 996688 667711 557744 -- iinnffoo@@tthheemmoonntthhllyyeedd iitt..ccoo..uukk

BBuussiinneessss DDiirreeccttoorryy && UUsseeffuull NNuummbbeerrss

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