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THE NON-COURSES REPORT 2007 The TaxPayers’ Alliance has compiled Britain’s first ever list of university “non-courses” – university degrees that lend the respectability of scholarly qualifications to non-academic subjects – and calculated their annual cost to students and taxpayers. The huge expansion in student numbers in recent years, encouraged by the Government’s 50 per cent higher education target, has resulted in a proliferation of different degree courses on offer. Unfortunately, a number of these new courses are of dubious academic merit, offering training better learned on-the-job. In the worst cases, they offer neither intellectual stimulation nor any improvement in employment prospects. The cost of these “non-courses” falls on two groups: students, who are diverted from useful training and work experience by the lure of a degree; and taxpayers, who still pay for most of the cost of educating every student, despite university tuition fees. The key findings of this report are: � “Non-courses” are costing taxpayers over £40 million a year. � If the £40 million cost of “non-courses” was spent on other undergraduates, it could cut their fees by £104, or pay for a pint of beer a week for each student.

� There are 401 “non-courses” across Britain in the 2007-08 academic year.

� 89 different institutions offer one or more “non-courses”. � The institution with the greatest number of “non-courses” on offer is the

University of Derby, which offers 41 “non-courses”. � In our judgement, top of the list for “non-courses” is “Outdoor

Adventure with Philosophy” at Marjon College in Plymouth.

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Comment from the TaxPayers' Alliance Peter Cuthbertson, author of the report, said:

“Political priorities have led to a never ending drive to increase the number of students in university. As a result, there has been a massive expansion of ‘non-courses’ of little or no academic merit. The Government has failed in its pledge to abolish ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees. If ‘non-courses’ were abolished, all the other students could save over £100 on their tuition fees or buy an extra pint of beer a week.”

Corin Taylor, Research Director at the TaxPayers' Alliance, said:

“’Non-courses’ are university degrees that lend the respectability of scholarly qualifications to non-academic subjects. They offer training better learned on-the-job and in the worst cases do not even provide intellectual stimulation or any improvement in employment prospects.”

Further Details The Appendix to this research note contains further details of the “non-courses”. Three tables detail: � The top 25 “non-courses” together with details of each one. � The full list of institutions, and the number of “non-courses” per institution. � The full list of “non-courses”.

The “Non-Courses” In January 2003, the then Higher Education Minister Margaret Hodge acknowledged the problem of dubious university degrees and promised that what she dubbed “Mickey Mouse courses” would vanish once the government’s proposed reforms were passed.1 The reforms went ahead, but more than four years later, the TaxPayers’ Alliance has found that many still exist. Of some things it is best said that you know it when you see it. For most people, a “non-course” – a university degree that lends the respectability of scholarly qualifications to a non-academic subject – is one of those things.

1 “‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees to vanish”, Liz Lightfoot, The Daily Telegraph, 14 January 2003, at

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� On its web site, Marjon College in Plymouth describes its three year BA (Hons) degree in “Outdoor Adventure with Philosophy” with these words:

“Challenge & Risk are fundamental elements that provide us with Adventure. These challenges can be physical, emotional or intellectual (heart and hand and head). The power of the outdoors is that the adventure is holistic and greater than the sum of the parts. The aim of the programme is to develop in students a broad based knowledge and critical understanding of outdoor adventure. We aim to encourage an enthusiasm for outdoor learning. We aim to send people out who have knowledge, skills and ability to enter the industry if they chose to, people who will have developed a mix of technical skills, interpersonal skills and academic knowledge to underpin their work. These skills will be gained through an experiential learning approach to education, this includes; personal practical performance, fieldwork and placement opportunities. We hope to challenge, enthuse and motivate our students to want to explore more……about themselves, about others, about learning through a framework of outdoor adventure.”

“… This year concentrates on outdoor adventure processes at a personal level. Outdoor adventure is examined through its underpinning philosophy, historical antecedents, significant influences, environmental and sustainable aspects and current trends. You will also evaluate its role in personal and social development. Major students will also gain practical skills in land and water-based sports.”

“… Modules include elements such as journeys, environmental management, creative outdoor study and spirituality.” 2

2 ‘BA(Hons) Outdoor Adventure’, Web site of Marjon - The College of St. Mark and St. John, at

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� The University of Glamorgan also offers a BSc (Hons) to those who wish to study “Science: Fiction and Culture”:

“Science fiction revolutionised the 20th century as the genre that dealt with scientific and technological progress and their relation to human society and ambition. It influenced our visions, dreams and deeds in all areas of science, society and culture and few areas of academic study are able to boast the broadness of education that a study of science and SF allows… On this unique degree, you will gain an understanding of the nature and evolution of science, and its social, political and cultural context, through the study of complementary strands of science, science fiction and culture.”3

� The Welsh College of Horticulture offers anyone with four Cs at GCSE level the chance to study “Equestrian Psychology”. Upon completion of this foundation course, students can “top up to a BSc (Hons)”:

“The programme investigates the unique partnership between horse and rider during husbandry, training and competition. It aims to develop an understanding of equine behaviour, rider psychology and their interdependence and it highlights the importance of equine welfare.” 4

3 ‘BSc[Hons] Science: Fiction and Culture’, Web site of The University of Glamorgan, at 4 ‘Equine: Foundation Degree in Equestrian Psychology’, Web site of The Welsh College of Horticulture, at

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The “non-courses” cited above are joined by 398 others on offer for study in the 2007-08 academic year, making a mockery of Margaret Hodge’s pledge. The table below shows the top five “non-courses”. Table 1: The top five “non-courses” Course title Institution Example Modules/Course Content

Outdoor Adventure

with Philosophy

Marjon - The College

of St Mark & St John

Journeys; Environmental management, Creative

outdoor study; Spirituality

Science: Fiction

and Culture

University of


“On this unique degree, you will gain an

understanding of the nature and evolution of science,

and its social, political and cultural context, through the study of complementary strands of science,

science fiction and culture.”



Welsh College of


Sports Psychology, Equine Behaviour, Equine

Performance Development, Research Skills, Work Based Learning

Fashion Buying The Manchester Metropolitan


Fashion buying; Marketing management; Fashion theory; Computer-aided design; Data management

systems; Business management

Golf Management UHI Millennium


“The course provides a high-quality qualification with

a comprehensive understanding of the modern golf industry. Regular field trips to courses such as St

Andrews and Carnoustie are a feature of the course.”

The Effect on Universities Professor Alan Smithers, Head of Employment and Education Research at Liverpool University, describes the underlying justification for “non-courses” as “the idea that you can take anything and develop comparable types of mental skills to those you develop when studying traditional bodies of knowledge”.5 By offering “non-courses” and blurring the distinction between learning that demands serious scholarship and that which requires none, universities put at risk academic credibility. One example of these dangers lies in the number of university degrees now available in medicines which no scientific testing has shown to be effective. David Colquhoun, Professor of Pharmacology at University College London, has strongly attacked universities for offering bachelor of science degrees in Homeopathy. Professor Colquhoun wrote in the prestigious journal Nature that “awarding BSc degrees in subjects that are not science at all, but are positive antiscience” was “plain dishonest”.6 By definition, an ‘alternative’ therapy is a medicine that cannot demonstrate its effectiveness when tested scientifically –

5 ‘A BA in Beckham? It’s valid says professor’, The Daily Telegraph, 27 July 2003, at 6 ‘Faith based degree ‘damages science’’, Mark Henderson, The Times, 22 March 2007 at

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‘alternative’ medicines that scientific experiments show to be effective become simple, unprefixed ‘medicine’.7 Colquhoun argues that if this test is not required for science degrees then “[t]hey might as well offer degrees in astrology”.8 Nonetheless, 60 different degree courses are now offered in such courses as Acupuncture, Complementary Therapies, Aromatherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Exam questions include: “Psorinum and Sulphur are Psoric remedies. Discuss the ways in which the symptoms of these remedies reflect their miasmatic nature.”9

The Effect on Students The proliferation of “non-courses” means that increasing numbers of A-level students are committing themselves at the age of 17 to spending thousands of pounds and three years of their life studying a subject that may raise their expectations of employment while leaving them no more employable than when they started. “Non-courses” are often attacked as a way for students to watch television for years at taxpayers’ expense, but the students themselves may come to pay a heavy price, graduating with a five-figure sum of debt to pay back and a degree no employer values. The average student now graduates with over £13,000 of debt.10 Professor Smithers explains how “non-courses” undermine opportunity: "I come from a poor, working class background and I was privileged to be able to take the subject of my choice to its limits at university. If, as a first-generation student, I had been tempted by the publicity on to some sexy-sounding but vacuous course, I would have been cheated."11

The dropout rate at universities reflects the extent to which students come to recognise that continuing to study “non-courses” is a poor use of their time:

� In July 2007, the National Audit Office pointed to a 20 per cent dropout rate at British universities: one student in five starting a full-time course in September will fail to complete their studies.12

7 Diamond, John (2001), Snake Oil and Other Preoccupations, Vintage, New York; Preface by Richard Dawkins, available online at 8 ‘Universities ‘cash in by running soft courses’’, Graeme Paton, The Daily Telegraph, 27 July 2007, p.14 9 ‘Alternative medicine degrees ‘anti-scientific’’, Roger Highfield, The Daily Telegraph, 22 March 2007, at 10 Table 3, The Class of 2006, a lifebelt for the IPOD generation, Reform, September 2006,%20Reform,%202006.pdf 11 ‘A BA in Beckham? It’s valid says professor’, The Daily Telegraph, 27 July 2003, at 12 ‘20% of new students dropping out, says report’, Anthea Lipsett, The Guardian, 26 July 2007, at,,2134548,00.html

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� Fourteen institutions have been named and shamed by the Higher Education Funding Council for dropout rates above 25 per cent. Revealing, all are former polytechnics that offer high numbers of “non-courses”: - Anglia - Central Lancashire - East London - Glasgow Caledonian - Glamorgan - Greenwich - Huddersfield - London Guildhall - Luton - North London - Paisley - South Bank - Sunderland - Thames Valley13

� Six more former polytechnics were also identified for their high dropout rates, including: - Abertay Dundee - Liverpool John Moores - Staffordshire - Teesside - Westminster - Wolverhampton14 This hints at where so many of the problems arise: school leavers ill-suited to university are being lured into study at the new universities and are finding the work too challenging, or an unproductive use of their time. The cost to the taxpayer of this dropout rate alone has been estimated at £300 million each year in subsidised loans and tuition fees.15

The Government’s 50 per cent target Government targets to ensure 50 per cent of school leavers go on to university appear to be exacerbating the problems of “non-courses”. One of Britain’s most distinguished academics makes this link explicitly. Michael Beloff, the former President of Trinity College, Oxford, describes the 50 per cent target as “arbitrary” and warns of the “danger of dumbed-down degrees coinciding with a graduate glut”. The result would be “a scary vision of students from ‘bog-standard

13 ‘One in four university students ‘drops out’’, The Daily Telegraph, 18 December 2002, at 14 Ibid 15 Ibid

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comprehensives’ proceeding to take ‘Mickey Mouse degrees’”.16 Employers’ bodies such as the Institute of Directors have also dismissed as “ludicrous” claims that more graduates will solve business’s problems of skill shortages. The shortages are in skilled craftspeople, not in BAs.17 Despite its professed efforts to end what it calls ‘Mickey Mouse degrees’, the Government is demanding universities increase admissions dramatically. Central government therefore shares responsibility for the proliferation of “non-courses”, and their cost to taxpayers.

The Cost to Taxpayers The Department for Education and Skills’ most recent figure for public funding of the average full-time student is £5,790 a year.18 According to data supplied to the TaxPayers' Alliance by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, in the academic year ending in 2007, 2,539 students were accepted onto the 401 “non-courses” we have identified.19 Accounting for the fact that most courses are three years (see Methodology), this means the direct cost of these 401 “non-courses” to taxpayers is more than forty million pounds per year:

£40,427,227.50 Spent on other students, this £40 million would: � knock £104 off tuition fees20, equivalent to a pint of beer a week for each student; or

� cover three quarters of the costs (outside London) of books and

equipment for each student.21 Instead, as the numbers of students and “non-courses” increase, millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money is funding hundreds of “non-courses”. Taxpayers and students deserve better value for money.

16 ‘Oxford could go private in 15 years, says head of Trinity College’, Lucy Ward, The Guardian, 6 October 2004, at,3604,1320446,00.html 17 ‘Labour’s university education target ludicrous, say employers’, Liz Lightfoot, The Daily Telegraph, 21 July 2002, at 18 ‘DfES public funding per HE student, chart c. Real terms public funding per full-time equivalent (FTE) Higher

Education student, England, 2001-02 to 2005-06’, at 19 Data supplied to the TaxPayers' Alliance by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, available from

the TaxPayers' Alliance on request 20 Based on a total number of accepted applicants on UCAS courses of 390,890: ‘UCAS Data’, Summary

Statistics, Web site of the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, at 21 ‘What does it cost to be a student in 2005/2006’, Web Site of the National Union of Students, at

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Methodology The work of identifying the number of “non-courses” and their cost began with looking thoroughly at lists of every course offered in Britain through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service and checking details of their modules and content on individual university web sites. In determining what courses qualify, we asked the following questions in all cases: � Does the course require scholarship in areas that could reasonably be defined as academic?

� If the course imparts practical skills only, is there a good reason it should be learned in an academic environment, rather than on the job or as part of genuine vocational training?

These requirements were applied stringently, so as to avoid casting the net too wide. Agricultural qualifications and degrees as esoteric as Caribbean Studies all failed to meet our definition of “non-courses”. Having identified 401 “non-courses” on offer at 89 institutions for the 2007-08 academic year, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) supplied us with a figure of 2,539 students accepted on these courses in the preceding academic year,22 which we multiplied by the Department for Education and Skills’ most recent figure for average spending per full time higher education student (£5,790).23 As most, but not all, of the courses are three years, we multiplied this figure by 2.75 to reach an annual total, which exceeds £40 million. UCAS also publishes figures for the number of students accepted onto all courses. In the 2006-07 academic year, 390,890 students were accepted.24 To obtain the £104 cost of “non-courses” per student studying courses other than “non-courses”, we simply divided the £40 million cost of “non-courses” with the number of students not studying “non-courses” (390,890 – 2,539).

For any enquiries, please contact:

Corin Taylor

Research Director, the TaxPayers' Alliance [email protected] 07866 141 110

22 UCAS, op. cit. 23 DfES, op. cit. 24 UCAS website, NB, the same website

page also states: “The numbers of accepted applicants are close, but not necessarily identical, to the numbers who actually enrol.”

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Table A1: The top 25 “non-courses”

Course Title Institution Example Modules/Course Content

Activity & Play Leadership Swansea Institute of Higher Education Sports Coaching and Fitness; Play Leadership; Sports and Outdoor Leadership

Advanced Practices in Beauty Therapy Bradford College "The programme develops specialist skills and leads to recognition by the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists and the

International Federation of Reflexologists."

Adventure Recreation University of Bedfordshire Adventure in Action; The Sporting Mind; Socio-cultural Analysis of Sport

and Adventure Recreation; Expeditioning Studies; Critical Sociological Perspectives of Sport

Adventure Travel University of Central Lancashire “Your course of study includes tourism operations and management plus outdoor leadership and expedition planning. You will have plenty of

opportunities to experience a variety of outdoor pursuits and will be encouraged to achieve additional outdoor activity qualifications.”

Aromatherapy and Therapeutic Bodywork

University of Greenwich Basic Skills for Complementary Therapy Practitioners; Managing the Therapeutic Relationship; Clinical Massage; Science and Art of

Aromatherapy; Neurobiology and Genetics; Pathophysiology

Baking Technology Management London South Bank University The Technology and Design of Flour Confectionery; Advanced Bread

Technology; Advanced Patisserie, Flour Confectionery and Chocolate Technology; Advanced Design and Technology of Sugarcraft; Bakery

Design, Plant Layout and Flow Processes

Beauty Therapy UHI Millennium Institute “This course will give you all the skills you need to join the growing UK

beauty industry as a qualified beauty therapist.”

Commercial Floral Design Myerscough College Floral Art; Floristry Enterprise; Personal Planning and Career

Development; Current Issues in Floral Art and Design; Dissertation

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Course Title Institution Example Modules/Course Content

Cricket Coaching East Lancashire Institute of Higher Education

“The course will develop knowledge of the coaching process and will provide skills and abilities, both in practical coaching modules and

through relevant work experience during the two-year programme of study. The application of fitness testing and training principles will be an

essential part of providing students with the confidence and expertise to be able to work with different groups of varying ages and motivations.”

Culinary Arts and Adventure Tourism University of Derby “We offer regular guest demonstrations and table service training, wine courses, and a look at the anthropology of food. As well as practical

training you’ll study aspects of world cuisine, the history of food and the

diversity of culinary arts.”

Equestrian Psychology Welsh College of Horticulture Sports Psychology, Equine Behaviour, Equine Performance Development, Research Skills, Work Based Learning

Fashion Buying The Manchester Metropolitan University Fashion buying; Marketing management; Fashion theory; Computer-aided design; Data management systems; Business management

Floristry Design Bishop Burton College Advanced Innovative Floristry Design; Contextual Studies; Innovative Plant Design; Personal Effectiveness and IT; Visual Studies

Food and Drink Management Askham Bryan College “This vocational qualification will equip you with both the technical knowledge and workplace skills needed for a managerial career in the

food industry.”

Golf Management UHI Millennium Institute “The course provides a high-quality qualification with a comprehensive

understanding of the modern golf industry. Regular field trips to courses such as St Andrews and Carnoustie are a feature of the course.”

Lifestyle Management Leeds Metropolitan University “Corporate clients and busy professionals who have little time to deal with personal organisation or tasks, are increasingly turning to lifestyle

managers to co-ordinate their life outside work. They look to these managers to provide a wide range of services such as organising events

and parties, arranging property relocation, co-ordinating travel and

holiday plans and providing concierge services. This course has been designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to fulfil these roles.”

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Course Title Institution Example Modules/Course Content

Martial Arts and Adventure Tourism University of Derby “The martial arts industry is a dynamic section of the sports and recreational industry with participation at the same level as rugby.

There’s a growing need for people with recognised national governing body qualifications and we’ll give you an understanding of the nature and

background of martial arts, which will nurture your skills. You’ll be introduced to concepts which are then explored and analysed and gain

key transferable abilities, ideal for a range of roles.”

Modelmaking University College for the Creative Arts “Your main studies will be enhanced with design, culture and theory

units with digital model making a key element at all stages of the course.

You will learn 2D digital drawing and image skills, which will lead to 3D digital models and animation. You will discover how traditional

techniques interact with digital technology and the importance of new methods of manufacture using computer data.”

Outdoor Adventure with Philosophy Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

Journeys; Environmental management, Creative outdoor study; Spirituality

Professional Practice – Hairdressing and Media

Blackpool and The Fylde College “Modular based, the programme leads to one of four distinct qualifications that will allow students to become professional practitioners

in any of the following areas: Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy, Complementary Therapy, Sports and Rehabilitation Therapy.”

“Throughout this programme you must demonstrate the ability to research and synthesize, conceptualise and analyse independently. You

will have the chance therefore to examine, reflect and critically evaluate

the various philosophies and concepts involved in your specialist area.”

Science: Fiction and Culture University of Glamorgan “Science fiction revolutionised the 20th century as the genre that dealt

with scientific and technological progress and their relation to human society and ambition. It influenced our visions, dreams and deeds in all

areas of science, society and culture and few areas of academic study are able to boast the broadness of education that a study of science and

SF allows… On this unique degree, you will gain an understanding of the nature and evolution of science, and its social, political and cultural

context, through the study of complementary strands of science, science

fiction and culture.”

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Course Title Institution Example Modules/Course Content

Specialist Make-up Design University of Bedfordshire Styling for the camera; Wig dressing and making; Cultural meanings of make-up; Business skills; Fashion show and research project

Stop-motion Animation and Puppet-


Staffordshire University “The course aims to develop you as a creative Stop Motion Animator or

Rigging Artist. This animation route offers the opportunity for you to

specialize in modelling, animation and composite based applications in the creation of stop motion character film-making.”

Visitor Attractions Blackpool and The Fylde College Visitor Attractions and the Tourism Environment; The Visitor Attractions Product; Visitor Attractions Resource Planning; Managing Visitor

Attractions: Current Issues; Gaming and Visitor Entertainments; Dark Tourism and Visitor Attractions

Watersports and Adventure Activities Management

Swansea Institute of Higher Education Coaching Adventure Activities; Sport in Society; Outdoor Activity Management; Use of Outdoor Resources

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Table A2: The full list of 89 institutions offering “non-courses”

Institution No. of "non-courses"

1 University of Derby 41

2 Writtle College 17

3 Marjon – The College of St. Mark and St. John 15

4 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies 14

5 University of Gloucestershire 14

6 Warwickshire College 14

7 University of Central Lancashire 12

8 University of Greenwich 11

9 Manchester Metropolitan University 10

10 University of the West of England, Bristol 10

11 University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone, Rochester


12 Bishop Burton College 8

13 UHI Millennium Institute 8

14 Harper Adams University College 7

15 Myerscough College 7

16 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff 7

17 University of Westminster 7

18 Bradford College 6

19 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College 6

20 University of Bedfordshire 6

21 University of Winchester 6

22 University of Wolverhampton 6

23 Askham Bryan College 5

24 Middlesex University 5

25 University of East London 5

26 University of Glamorgan 5

27 University of Salford 5

28 University of the Arts, London 5

29 Blackpool and The Fylde College 4

30 London South Bank University 4

31 New College, Nottingham 4

32 Newcastle College 4

33 Nottingham Trent University 4

34 Royal Agricultural College 4

35 University of Brighton 4

36 University of Lincoln 4

37 University of Wales, Aberystwyth 4

38 East Lancashire Institute of Higher Education 3

39 Guildford College of Further and Higher Education 3

40 Leeds Metropolitan University 3

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Institution No. of "non-courses"

41 Napier University 3

42 Oxford Brookes University 3

43 Pembrokeshire College 3

44 Scottish Agricultural College 3

45 Southampton Solent University 3

46 Staffordshire University 3

47 Thames Valley University 3

48 Truro College 3

49 University of Plymouth 3

50 University of Worcestor 3

51 Anglia Ruskin University 2

52 Bournemouth University 2

53 College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise 2

54 Cornwall College 2

55 Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education 2

56 Liverpool John Moores University 2

57 Northumberland College 2

58 Sheffield Hallam University 2

59 Sparsholt College, Hampshire 2

60 St Martin’s College, Lancaster 2

61 Swansea Institute of Higher Education 2

62 University Campus Suffolk 2

63 University of Chichester 2

64 University of Hertfordshire 2

65 University of Wales, Bangor 2

66 University of Wales, Newport 2

67 Chichester College 1

68 City of Bristol College 1

69 College of West Anglia 1

70 Craven College 1

71 De Montfort University 1

72 Duchy College 1

73 Edge Hill University 1

74 Leicester College 1

75 Manchester College of Arts and Technology 1


77 New College, Durham 1

78 North East Wales Institute of Higher Education 1

79 Oxford & Cherwell Valley College 1

80 Riverside College Halton 1

81 St Helens College 1

82 Stratford Upon Avon College 1

83 Swansea College 1

84 Tyne Metropolitan College 1

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Institution No. of "non-courses"

85 University of Bolton 1

86 University of East Anglia 1

87 University of Northampton 1

88 University of Sunderland 1

89 Welsh College of Horticulture 1

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Table A3: The full list of 401 “non-courses”

Course Title Course



1 3D Design Craft 007E Warwickshire College

2 3D Design: Contemporary

Jewellery & Fashion Accessories

E790 Staffordshire University

3 Activity & Play Leadership 009X Swansea Institute of Higher Education

4 Acupuncture B343 University of East London

5 Acupuncture B343 University of Lincoln

6 Acupuncture (Extended) B347 University of East London

7 Acupuncture in Practice (top-


B343 The University of Salford

8 Advanced Practices in Beauty


B340 Bradford College

9 Adventure Activities Management

N290 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

10 Adventure and Media NP83 University of Central Lancashire

11 Adventure Education X390 University of Chichester

12 Adventure Education X900 University of Chichester

13 Adventure Leisure Management and Human Res Mgt

NNF6 University of Gloucestershire

14 Adventure Leisure Mgmt and Sport & Exercise Sci

CNQ2 University of Gloucestershire

15 Adventure Leisure Mgt and Events Management

NN2V University of Gloucestershire

16 Adventure Leisure Mgt and Hospitality Management

N295 University of Gloucestershire

17 Adventure Leisure Mgt and

Information Technology

NG2N University of Gloucestershire

18 Adventure Leisure Mgt and Int

Hospitality Mgt

N297 University of Gloucestershire

19 Adventure Leisure Mgt and

Intntl Tourism Mgt

NNV2 University of Gloucestershire

20 Adventure Leisure Mgt and

Leisure & Sport Mgt

NC95 University of Gloucestershire

21 Adventure Leisure Mgt and

Sports Development

NC26 University of Gloucestershire

22 Adventure Leisure Mgt and

Sports Development

NCX6 University of Gloucestershire

23 Adventure Leisure Mgt and

Sports Education

NX21 University of Gloucestershire

24 Adventure Leisure Mgt and

Sports Education

NX99 University of Gloucestershire

25 Adventure Leisure Mgt and Sports Tourism Mgt

NNFV University of Gloucestershire

26 Adventure Leisure Mgt and Tourism Management

NNVG University of Gloucestershire

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Course Title Course code


27 Adventure Recreation N891 Harper Adams University College

28 Adventure Recreation C611 University of Bedfordshire

29 Adventure Recreation Management

N222 St Martin's College, Lancaster

30 Adventure Recreation Management

NN28 The University of Bolton

31 Adventure Sport Management CNP2 Sheffield Hallam University

32 Adventure Tourism N890 Bradford College

33 Adventure Tourism N890 University of Worcester

34 Adventure Tourism N890 Writtle College

35 Adventure Tourism N891 Writtle College

36 Adventure Tourism (Top Up) N892 Writtle College

37 Adventure Tourism and Business Operations Mgt

NN81 University of Derby

38 Adventure Tourism and Film & Television Studies

NP83 University of Derby

39 Adventure Tourism and

Outdoor Pursuits

008N Scottish Agricultural College

40 Adventure Tourism and

Outdoor Pursuits

108N Scottish Agricultural College

41 Adventure Tourism and

Outdoor Pursuits

N800 Scottish Agricultural College

42 Adventure Tourism


N225 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies

43 Adventure Tourism


N890 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies

44 Adventure Travel N891 University of Central Lancashire

45 Agri-Food Marketing with

Business Studies

1N4D Harper Adams University College

46 App Sp Science & Coaching

with Outdoor Adventure

C6XH Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

47 Applied Social Care: Health in Community Settings

L590 University of Derby

48 Aromatherapy and Therapeutic Bodywork

B390 University of Greenwich

49 Baking Technology Management

D634 London South Bank University

50 Beauty and Spa Services B390 Oxford & Cherwell Valley College

51 Beauty and Spa Services B390 University of Derby

52 Beauty Management N291 Guildford College of Further and Higher Education

53 Beauty Therapy B390 Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education

54 Beauty Therapy 013B Leicester College

55 Beauty Therapy 013B UHI Millennium Institute

56 Beauty Therapy W900 University of Bedfordshire

57 Beauty Therapy 113B UHI Millennium Institute

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


58 Beauty Therapy and Health Studies

B900 University of the Arts London

59 Beauty Therapy and Spa Management

23NB University of Glamorgan

60 Beauty Therapy Management BN32 Newcastle College

61 Beauty Therapy Management (Top-up)

B391 Bradford College

62 Beauty Therapy Operations B390 Bradford College

63 Beauty Therapy Sciences 093B Chichester College

64 Beauty Therapy Sciences 093B NESCOT

65 Beauty Therapy Sciences 093B Bradford College

66 Business Ops Mgt and Physical Activity & Health

NCFP University of Derby

67 Care, Community & Citizenship L590 University of Central Lancashire

68 Care, Community & Citizenship LLH5 University of Central Lancashire

69 Citizenship L390 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

70 Citizenship Studies L301 London South Bank University

71 Citizenship Studies and Social


LLH4 London South Bank University

72 Combined Subject Programme

(Accelerated) - (Adventure


Y000 University of Derby

73 Combined Subject Programme, Buxton - (Adventure Tourism)

Y004 University of Derby

74 Combined Subject Programme, Buxton - (Physical Activity &


Y004 University of Derby

75 Commercial Floral Design WD24 Myerscough College

76 Commercial Floral Design (Top


DW4F Myerscough College

77 Community Based Exercise and

Physical Activity

C606 Newcastle College

78 Community Health and

Community Social Care

BL95 University of Wales, Newport

79 Community Practice with

Outdoor Adventure

L5XH Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

80 Comp Approaches to Hlth-

Aromath'py & Reflexology

B390 Thames Valley University

81 Complementary Approaches to Health

B300 Stratford upon Avon College

82 Complementary Body Therapies B300 Truro College

83 Complementary Health Studies B301 University of Plymouth

84 Complementary Health Therapies

B300 Bristol, City of Bristol College

85 Complementary Health Therapies

B301 Cornwall College

86 Complementary Healthcare B340 University of Brighton

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


87 Complementary Medicine B300 East Lancashire Institute of Higher Education at Blackburn College

88 Complementary Medicine B300 University of Central Lancashire

89 Complementary Medicine (Aromatherapy)

B344 Anglia Ruskin University

90 Complementary Medicine (Refloxology)

B346 Anglia Ruskin University

91 Complementary Medicine and Health Sciences

B342 University of Salford

92 Complementary Medicine


B343 North East Wales Institute of Higher Education

93 Complementary Therapies 003B East Lancashire Institute of Higher Education at

Blackburn College

94 Complementary Therapies B300 Edge Hill University

95 Complementary Therapies B300 Leeds Metropolitan University

96 Complementary Therapies B300 New College Durham

97 Complementary Therapies B390 Newcastle College

98 Complementary Therapies B300 Pembrokeshire College

99 Complementary Therapies B300 Swansea College

100 Complementary Therapies B300 Tyne Metropolitan College

101 Complementary Therapies 003B UHI Millennium Institute

102 Complementary Therapies 103B UHI Millennium Institute

103 Complementary Therapies B300 University of Derby

104 Complementary Therapies 39BB University of Glamorgan

105 Complementary Therapies B300 University of Greenwich

106 Complementary Therapies B302 University of Greenwich

107 Complementary Therapies B300 University of Wolverhampton

108 Complementary Therapies (3


B390 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

109 Complementary Therapies


B344 Napier University, Edinburgh

110 Complementary Therapies


B344 University of Greenwich

111 Complementary Therapies


B346 Napier University, Edinburgh

112 Complementary Therapies

(Stress Management)

B301 University of Greenwich

113 Complementary Therapy B390 Riverside College Halton

114 Complementary Therapy B390 St Helens College

115 Complementary Therapy B300 University of Bedfordshire

116 Complementary Therapy in Practice (top-up)

B390 University of Salford

117 Counselling and Complementary Medicine

LB53 University of Salford

118 Countryside Management and Adventure Tourism

DN48 University of Derby

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


119 Cricket Coaching CX6C East Lancashire Institute of Higher Education at Blackburn College

120 Cricket Coaching XC16 Newcastle College

121 Culinary Arts and Adventure Tourism

DN6V University of Derby

122 Culinary Arts Management N227 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies (college accredited by Univ of


123 Culinary Arts Management N228 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies (college accredited by Univ of Birmingham)

124 Design and Applied Arts (Fashion Accessories)

EW2R University of Wolverhampton

125 Design for Fashion Accessories E233 University of Wolverhampton

126 Education Studies and Sport & Physical Activity

XB39 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

127 English and Adventure Tourism QN38 University of Derby

128 Equestrian Psychology C891 Welsh College of Horticulture

129 Equine and Human Sports


CD64 University of Wolverhampton

130 Equine Behaviour and Training D426 Duchy College

131 Equine Breeding and Stud


D426 Writtle College

132 Equine Breeding and Stud


DN4F Writtle College

133 Equine Breeding and Stud

Management (Top-up)

DNKG Writtle College

134 Equine Business Management DN42 Bishop Burton College

135 Equine Business Management D422 University of the West of England, Bristol

136 Equine Business Management DN42 University of the West of England, Bristol

137 Equine Business Management DN31 Warwickshire College

138 Equine Business Management N290 Warwickshire College

139 Equine Business Mgt

(Horseracing Industry)

D427 Warwickshire College

140 Equine Business Mgt

(Horseracing Industry)

N1D4 Warwickshire College

141 Equine Dental Science D220 University of the West of England, Bristol

142 Equine Industry Management


D422 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

143 Equine Leisure Management DN42 Myerscough College

144 Equine Management D422 Askham Bryan College

145 Equine Management D425 Askham Bryan College

146 Equine Management D322 College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise

147 Equine Management D422 College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise

148 Equine Management 224D Craven College

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


149 Equine Management 224D Guildford College of Further and Higher Education

150 Equine Management 422D Northumberland College

151 Equine Management D426 University of East Anglia

152 Equine Management D422 University of Greenwich

153 Equine Management NDF4 University of Greenwich

154 Equine Management D428 University of the West of England, Bristol

155 Equine Management D422 University of Wolverhampton

156 Equine Management (Business) D490 Royal Agricultural College

157 Equine Management (Equitation)

D426 Askham Bryan College

158 Equine Management (including Year 0)

D428 Askham Bryan College

159 Equine Management (Science) D491 Royal Agricultural College

160 Equine Management (Top-up) D4N2 Guildford College of Further and Higher Education

161 Equine Management Business

and Equitation

ND24 Bishop Burton College

162 Equine Performance D427 University of the West of England, Bristol

163 Equine Science D428 Bishop Burton College

164 Equine Science D422 Myerscough College

165 Equine Science D322 Oxford Brookes University

166 Equine Science D426 University of Greenwich

167 Equine Science D320 University of Lincoln

168 Equine Science D334 University of the West of England, Bristol

169 Equine Science D426 University of the West of England, Bristol

170 Equine Science D323 Warwickshire College, Royal Leamington Spa,

Rugby and Moreton Morrell

171 Equine Science D422 Warwickshire College, Royal Leamington Spa,

Rugby and Moreton Morrell

172 Equine Science D322 Writtle College

173 Equine Science D428 Writtle College

174 Equine Science (Top-up) D427 Writtle College

175 Equine Science and

Management (Physiology)

DDH4 Myerscough College

176 Equine Science and

Management (Top-up)

DDJ4 Myerscough College

177 Equine Science and Mgt

(Behaviour and Welfare)

DD34 Myerscough College

178 Equine Science and

Thoroughbred Management

D422 Oxford Brookes University

179 Equine Science and Welfare 34DD College of West Anglia

180 Equine Science & Management D426 Oxford Brookes University

181 Equine Sports and Management D422 Bournemouth University

182 Equine Sports Performance 224D Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

183 Equine Sports Performance DC46 University of Brighton

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


184 Equine Sports Performance (Top-up)

D423 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

185 Equine Sports Science DC36 Nottingham Trent University

186 Equine Sports Science CD63 University of Lincoln

187 Equine Sports Science DC46 University of the West of England, Bristol

188 Equine Sports Science DCK6 University of the West of England, Bristol

189 Equine Sports Science (Equestrian Psychology)

D422 Nottingham Trent University

190 Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

D490 Bishop Burton College

191 Equine Studies 224D Harper Adams University College

192 Equine Studies DN3F Harper Adams University College

193 Equine Studies D322 Sparsholt College Hampshire

194 Equine Studies D422 Sparsholt College Hampshire

195 Equine Studies 224D UHI Millennium Institute

196 Equine Studies 624D UHI Millennium Institute

197 Equine Studies D422 University Campus Suffolk

198 Equine Studies 224D University of Glamorgan

199 Equine Studies D422 University of Plymouth

200 Equine Studies 423D University of Wales, Aberystwyth

201 Equine Studies D324 University of Wales, Aberystwyth

202 Equine Studies 423D University of Wales, Bangor

203 Equine Studies D322 Warwickshire College

204 Equine Studies D426 Warwickshire College

205 Equine Studies D334 Writtle College

206 Equine Studies D429 Writtle College

207 Equine Studies (Top-up) D422 Royal Agricultural College

208 Equine Studies (Top-up) D422 Writtle College

209 Equine Studies (Top-Up) (1 year)

D325 University of Wales, Aberystwyth

210 Equine Studies and Business


D323 Writtle College

211 Equine Studies and Business


DN4G Writtle College

212 Equine Studies and Business

Management (Top-up)

DNLF Writtle College

213 Equine Studies with


D4N2 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

214 Equine Training and


D427 University of Lincoln

215 Ethics & Spirituality and Social

Care Studies

VL65 University of Winchester

216 Ethics & Spirituality and Social

Care Studies

VL6M University of Winchester

217 Events & Attractions Management

N821 University of Greenwich

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


218 Fashion (Footwear and Accessories)

E232 University of Northampton

219 Fashion Buying N590 The Manchester Metropolitan University

220 Fashion Buying WN25 The Manchester Metropolitan University

221 Fashion Buying (Foundation) N591 The Manchester Metropolitan University

222 Fashion Buying and Merchandising

WN9M University of the Arts London

223 Fashion Design E232 Bradford College

224 Fashion Design Technology: Accessories

E2JK University of the Arts London

225 Fashion Fabrics and Accessories EW2R De Montfort University

226 Fashion Future: Forecasting, Analysis & Innov

E294 University of East London

227 Fashion Journalism EP25 University College for the Creative Arts at

Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone,


228 Fashion Journalism WP25 University College for the Creative Arts at

Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone, Rochester

229 Fashion Mgt


WN22 University of the Arts London

230 Fashion, Jewellery and


EW2R Middlesex University

231 Film & Cinema Technologies

and Social Care St

WL65 University of Winchester

232 Film & Cinema Technologies

and Social Care St

WL6N University of Winchester

233 Film & Television Studies W620 University of Wales, Aberystwyth

234 Film & TV Studies and Physical

Activity & Health

PC3Q University of Derby

235 Film and Television Fiction EW68 University of Hertfordshire

236 Film Studies and Social Care


LP53 University of Winchester

237 Film Studies and Social Care


LPM3 University of Winchester

238 Fire Safety H860 University of Central Lancashire

239 Fire Safety (Year 3 entry) H861 University of Central Lancashire

240 Floristry Design W290 Bishop Burton College

241 Floristry Design WD24 Bishop Burton College

242 Food and Citizenship Studies DL63 London South Bank University

243 Food and Consumer Management

DN69 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies

244 Food and Consumer Studies D640 Harper Adams University College

245 Food and Drink Management D601 Askham Bryan College

246 Food Industry with Management

2N6D Harper Adams University College

247 Food Management 2N6D Manchester Metropolitan University

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


248 Food Management D6N2 Manchester Metropolitan University

249 Food Marketing 56ND Manchester Metropolitan University

250 Food Marketing DN65 Manchester Metropolitan University

251 Food Safety and Quality Management

DN62 University of Worcester

252 Geography with Outdoor Adventure

F8X3 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

253 Golf Management 092N UHI Millennium Institute

254 Golf Management 192N UHI Millennium Institute

255 Hairdressing and Salon Management

N290 Truro College

256 Health & Beauty Therapies B390 University of Hertfordshire

257 Health & Physical Activity B900 Manchester College of Arts and Technology

258 Health Exercise and Physical Activity

CB69 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

259 Health Sciences for

Complementary Medicine

B990 University of Central Lancashire

260 Health Sciences for

Complementary Therapies

B391 University of Greenwich

261 Health Sciences:

Complementary Therapies

B255 University of Westminster

262 Health Sciences: Herbal Med w

Found (4 yrs)

B340 University of Westminster

263 Health Sciences: Herbal


B342 University of Westminster

264 Health Sciences: Homeopathy B252 University of Westminster

265 Health Sciences: Homeopathy

with Fdn (4 yrs)

B390 University of Westminster

266 Healthcare Science B900 University of East London

267 Herbal Medicine B347 Middlesex University

268 Herbal Medicine B342 Napier University, Edinburgh

269 Herbal Medicine B342 University of Central Lancashire

270 Horticulture D400 Nottingham Trent University

271 Horticulture (Arboriculture) D500 Warwickshire College

272 Hospital and Health Care BL75 Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher


273 Hospitality and Adventure Tourism

NNW2 University of Derby

274 Hospitality and Food Management

DN62 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies

275 Hospitality and Food Management

DN6F Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies

276 Hospitality and Physical Activity & Health

NCV6 University of Derby

277 Hospitality Business Management

022N Sheffield Hallam University

278 Hospitality Management 032N New College Nottingham

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


279 Hospitality Management 722N Thames Valley University

280 Hospitality Management (Adventure Activities)

N291 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

281 Hospitality Management (HND top-up)

N220 Middlesex University

282 Hospitality Management (top-up)

N225 Middlesex University

283 Hospitality Management/Int Hospitality Mgt

N220 University of Central Lancashire

284 Hotel & Catering Management N221 Cornwall College

285 International Equine and

Agricultural Management

DN42 Royal Agricultural College

286 International Food Innovation D690 Leeds Metropolitan University

287 International Hospitality


222N Manchester Metropolitan University

288 International Hospitality


N225 New College Nottingham

289 Leisure Management 222N Northumberland College

290 Leisure Management

(Adventure Activities)

N228 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

291 Leisure Management

(Adventure Activities)

N228 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

292 Leisure Management (Outdoor


N261A The Manchester Metropolitan University

293 Leisure Management (Outdoor

Activities) top-up

N225 The Manchester Metropolitan University

294 Lifestyle Management N294 Leeds Metropolitan University

295 Management in Equine Leisure - Top-up

N294 University of Central Lancashire

296 Management in Hospitality (Top-up)

N226 University of Central Lancashire

297 Management with Outdoor Adventure

N2X3 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

298 Martial Arts and Adventure Tourism

CN6W University of Derby

299 Martial Arts and Physical Activity & Health

C610 University of Derby

300 Modelmaking E2W7 University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone,


301 Oriental Medicine


B343 University of Brighton

302 Outdoor Activities 222N University of Wales, Newport

303 Outdoor Activities and

Environmental Management

ND84 Harper Adams University College

304 Outdoor Activities Management N295 University of Derby

305 Outdoor Activities Management N291 Writtle College

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


306 Outdoor Adventure Leadership and Management

XN92 University of Worcester

307 Outdoor Adventure Management

N292 Bournemouth University

308 Outdoor Adventure Management

N285 Southampton Solent University

309 Outdoor Adventure Management (with foundation)

N220 Southampton Solent University

310 Outdoor Adventure with App Sp

Science & Coaching

N8C6 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

311 Outdoor Adventure with

Community Practice

N8LM Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

312 Outdoor Adventure with

Education Studies

N8XH Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

313 Outdoor Adventure with


N8LR Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

314 Outdoor Adventure with Leisure

& Recreation

X3NF Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

315 Outdoor Adventure with


N8N9 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

316 Outdoor Adventure with


N8V5 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

317 Outdoor Adventure with Sports Development

X3N2 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

318 Outdoor Adventurous Activities N891 University of Brighton

319 Outdoor and Adventure Education

X390 University of Sunderland

320 Outdoor Education X303 Truro College

321 Outdoor Education with Adventure Tourism

X3N8 Liverpool John Moores University

322 Outdoor Learning and the Science of Adventure

XC99 University of Glamorgan

323 Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Tourism

NN2W University of Derby

324 Outdoor Recreation and Phys Activity & Health

NCVP University of Derby

325 Outdoors Activities


N230 University of Derby

326 Philosophy with Outdoor


V5N8 Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

327 Phys Activity & Health and

Sport and Exer Ther

C690 University of Derby

328 Physical Activity & Health C606 St Martin's College, Lancaster

329 Physical Activity & Health and

Adventure Tourism

CNQW University of Derby

330 Physical Activity & Health and

Creative Writing

CWP8 University of Derby

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


331 Physical Activity & Health and Events Management

NCWP University of Derby

332 Physical Activity & Health and Spa Management

NCWQ University of Derby

333 Physical Activity & Health and Sports Psych

CC86 University of Derby

334 Physical Activity and Health BL95 Thames Valley University

335 Physical Activity and Health CB69 University of East London

336 Physical Activity and Health Development

B900 University of Derby

337 Physical Activity Management N222 University of the West of England, Bristol

338 Physical Activity, Exercise and


C601 Liverpool John Moores University

339 Physical Activity, Exercise and


CB69 University of Wolverhampton

340 Primary Care Assistant


B790 University of Greenwich

341 Product Des & Dev'ment-

Fashion Ind: Accessories

E245 University of the Arts London

342 Professional Floristry DW47 Writtle College

343 Professional Practice - Beauty


B393 Blackpool and The Fylde

344 Professional Practice -

Complementary Therapy

B392 Blackpool and The Fylde College

345 Professional Practice -

Hairdressing and Media

B391 Blackpool and The Fylde College

346 Psychology and Adventure Tourism

CNV8 University of Derby

347 Psychology and Physical Activity & Health

CC8P University of Derby

348 Public Relations and Adventure Tourism

PN2V University of Derby

349 Public Relations and Physical Activity & Health

PC26 University of Derby

350 Public Services Management and Adventure Tourism

LN48 University of Derby

351 Public Services Mgt and Phys Activity & Health

PC16 University of Derby

352 Retail and Food Management DN65 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies

353 Retail and Food Management DNP2 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies

354 Salon Management (Beauty


093B Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies

355 Salon Management

(Complementary Therapy)

003B Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies

356 Salon Management


193B Birmingham College of Food, Tourism &

Creative Studies

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


357 Science: Fiction and Culture F0Q2 University of Glamorgan

358 Silversmithing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery

E721 University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone,


359 Silversmithing, Goldsmithing

and Jewellery

W721 University College for the Creative Arts at

Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone, Rochester

360 Spa & Therapy Management BN32 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

361 Spa Management with Hospitality

N291 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies

362 Spa Management with Hospitality

N294 Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies

363 Specialist Make-up Design W901 University of Bedfordshire

364 Sport & Exercise Therapies and Adventure Tourism

CN69 University of Derby

365 Sport Adventure Management (top-up)

N890 Bishop Burton College

366 Sport and Adventure


CN62 Bishop Burton College

367 Sport and Adventure Tourism N896 University of Derby

368 Sport and Physical Education C601 University of Bedfordshire

369 Sport Science (Adventure


C600 Pembrokeshire College

370 Sport, Health and Physical


C608 University of Plymouth

371 Sports Development and

Adventure Tourism

CNP9 University of Derby

372 Sports Development with

Outdoor Adventure

N2XH Marjon - The College of St Mark & St John

373 Sports Horse Management &


D323 Nottingham Trent University

374 Sports Science 006C University of Bedfordshire

375 Sports Science (Equine and


DC36 Warwickshire College

376 Sports Science (Equine and Human)

DC4P Warwickshire College

377 Sports Science (Equitation Coaching)

DC46 Warwickshire College

378 Sports Science (Equitation Coaching)

DX41 Warwickshire College

379 Sports Science (Outdoor Activities)

26NC Pembrokeshire College

380 Sports Science (Outdoor Activities)

C602 University of Wales, Bangor

381 Stop-motion Animation and Puppet-Making

EW67 Staffordshire University

382 Stop-motion Animation and


WW67 Staffordshire University

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA �

0845 330 9554 (office hours) � 07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Course Title Course code


383 Supporting Health and Social Care Services

BL95 University Campus Suffolk

384 Theatre Studies and Adventure Tourism

WN48 University of Derby

385 Theatre Studies and Physical Activity & Health

WC46 University of Derby

386 Three Dimensional Design (Metalwork & Jewellery)

E720 University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone,


387 Three Dimensional Design

(Metalwork & Jewellery)

W720 University College for the Creative Arts at

Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone, Rochester

388 Three Dimensional Design, Ceramics, Glass, Metals

E274 University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone,


389 Three Dimensional Design,

Ceramics, Glass, Metals

W274 University College for the Creative Arts at

Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone, Rochester

390 Tourism Management (Adventure Activities)

N890 University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

391 Tourism Management

(Adventure Tourism)

N890 New College Nottingham

392 Tourism Management (Visitor


D448 New College Nottingham

393 Tourism Management with

Outdoor Adventure

N8X9 Southampton Solent University

394 Trad. Chinese Med:

Acupuncture with Fdn (4yrs)

B341 University of Westminster

395 Traditional Chinese Medicine BT31 Middlesex University

396 Traditional Chinese Medicine


B975 University of Salford

397 Traditional Chinese Medicine:


B256 University of Westminster

398 Travel & Tourism and

Adventure Tourism

N891 University of Derby

399 Travel & Tourism and Physical

Activity & Health

NB89 University of Derby

400 Visitor Attractions NN82 Blackpool and The Fylde College

401 Watersports and Adventure Activities Management

532N Swansea Institute of Higher Education
