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- It is you I expected, forever. I like your way of speaking, I like

you look at work ... Oh, and this gesture, when you push your hair on your


His fingers gently brushed the cheek of the young woman.

- The expressiveness of your face fascinates me, the liveliness of your mind

delights me;

I could have you up all my life ... but it's tonight that I met you.

The sweetness of these words of love touched Molly's heart. Looking up at him,

she was trying to read beyond the smile. She was dying to surrender: love that

He promised her missing for so long! But this promise awakened in her a

panic: he needed evidence.

- I want those magical moments never cease, Molly. Yet you ...

does not seem to believe in my sincerity.

A huge weight was crushing the heart of the young woman; She would have

loved to throw in

his arms!

- It was a wonderful evening ..., she whispered hoarsely.

- Others will follow, my love. We will meet soon in Sydney.

Again, his lips captured his own, and his tender care that kiss

Farewell most upset that would have made a passionate embrace. With infinite

gentleness, he stroked her cheek one last time.

- Sweet dreams, he whispered, slowly retreating to the door, as if he

could not bear the idea of parting with it.

Her big brown eyes staring intently, soaking his image ... Then he

suddenly spun on his heels and disappeared.

A agony, Molly rushed to the door; look, she followed the tall figure

moved away, and almost screaming:

- Do not Go! Come back! You are the one I expected.

But maybe was it just a dream, a beautiful mirage that would disappear, the

leaving dispossessed once again. Then she was silent. Jeremy turned down the

corridor, definitely out of reach.

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Molly leaned heavily against the door of his door, dealing with stupid: to

twenty-six, she was too mature for the first thrill of desire to hide behind a

timid virgin! For three years, three long years, she had not experienced the

slightest attraction to a man. And tonight she really wanted to do it that Jeremy

love. What had she won repel? Just a queasy feeling empty and

frustration as his whole body ached. But it had also preserved his pride; his

Age did not matter: it would never tolerate that we make of it one night lover. I

Do Not,

Molly Fitzgerald was not the plaything of men. Jeremy loved? He comes to find

her, and

proves that she really mattered. He had been deceived once, it was enough.

She gritted her teeth at the memory of Philip. She had given herself to him with


abandon, confident - O innocent! - That their love transcended all other ...


was already married. His attachment to his wife, his children, occupied a whole

part of his life

he had carefully hidden Molly; until she had broached the subject "marriage


Love in Paris. A dream. Brutally trampled. Love in the surfing paradise ...


dream, surely worthy of a TV spot: "On the Gold Coast of Queensland, come live

best vacation of your life. " She had to wait until the last night of his stay to

meet the man who, perhaps, would give reason for this assertion. Only time

would tell him

that he was the man she wanted.

With a long sigh, half sad, half hope, she closed the door, entered the room

bathroom and stood in front of the mirror to remove. "The expression on your


Jeremy had said. Expressive, really? She smiled, this bright smile that

transformed his


She liked him, despite a mouth she considered too big, too ... sensual. But

its very straight nose gave character to his face; about his eyes, gorgeous, almost


sometimes they surprised by their depth. Yet it was her hair that she preferred:

thick, alive, she fell into a heavy red gold cascading over her shoulders. Every

head movement, she seemed thrilled as endowed with life.

No, Molly was not to be pitied nature had treated well.

Finally lying, the young woman felt more at peace with itself. She slept a

peaceful sleep and awoke the next day without a shadow of regret. If Jeremy had


laughed at her, they would meet again. The night opened the doors to a wonderful



Full of enthusiasm and hope, she began to pack her bags. Throughout

flight to Sydney, she dreamed of a future paradise with Jeremy Lambert ...


airport brutally brought back to reality. Having recovered his luggage, she headed

taxi from the queue.

End of holiday. Tomorrow, or maybe tonight, she would resume her work.

How Beth was she out without his valuable associated?

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As the car was entering the city, the young woman thought the success of their

joint venture.

It was she who had the idea of "home restaurant". She worked as a Chef

Patterson in the restaurant when one day, Brendan, Beth's husband disappeared.


leaving behind a mountain of debt ... and a distraught woman who fell into the

blackest depression. Unable to provide only their business afloat, Beth closed

shop. The time when all was well, some customers often commanded dishes

bring to their receptions. And always the same: very elaborate preparations that

asked for knowledge and a high-level snap. Molly had learned

business in Paris ... along the painful lessons taught by Philippe

Bourrienne. Beth, meanwhile, was called "a thin blue ribbon." Both

talented, both vaccinated against love and male gender, they worked

their time and energy to work hard. Hence their unquestionable success. They

cooked the most delicious meals, and even offered to serve in the rules of art.

Their advertising? The mere word-of-mouth. And they were not idle. Beth

persisted in

overload their appointment book, despite a large sector which provided them

comfortable income. Admittedly, money obsessed, from the sordid betrayal of her


: Win, save, never lose an opportunity to have more, were his main


Perhaps also a kind of purpose in life became empty. For the first time in two

years, Molly had granted a fortnight's holiday; and thanks to significant benefits,


had led to the hiring of a third stove, Gina Tomassetti.

The taxi dropped the young woman in front of the house they rented in Artarmon.


searched her bag looking for his keys when the door burst open.

- No! You tan? exclaimed Beth as a welcome. I could have sworn that

redheads caught only sunburn!

- You see ... With a lot of patience and a few liters of solar oil, you do it!

- Good holidays? Continued his companion in the discharging his suitcase.

Molly followed her into the hallway.

- Oh yes! How the business is doing?

- Very strong. Complete schedule for the three weeks.

- It's about time I get home! And Gina?

- She is doing well and loves her job. His Italian recipes are unanimous

among our clients.

In his room, Molly opened her luggage while observing Beth corner of the eye.


thinness was becoming thin; on his gaunt face, fine wrinkles that marked

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the corner of his lips seyaient evil at its twenty-nine. And her hair did not help:


severe bun that held her long brown hair lacked femininity, softness.

- You should take a vacation, Beth; you look bad.

- Tell me rather yours: I will rest by proxy, she replied by

dropping on the bed

- Well ... I daydreamed in the sun, I walked, I read a few books, bought

irresistible dresses, very bad meal, of course, and ...

- And?

- ... And last night, I met a very handsome man.

- A man!

- Do not open those eyes! This is a fairly common species, you know!

Beth frowned.

- But they never interested you!

- Lack of time, that's all.

She softened before the painful expression of her friend.

- They are not all like Brendan, Beth. And I'll end up marrying well when

I have met good. Jeremy could be the one.

Immediately, his partner jumped up and began to pace the room by

wringing her hands, visibly upset.

- What will become of me if you go away? What will become of me?

- Stop, Beth! Molly suddenly ordered.

The woman turned around and gave him a lost look.

- Stop typing your head against the walls that do not exist! Frankly, Beth, you

should change the air: you seem on track to a nervous breakdown. Come on,


you, she added, soothing. We have a long way to go, Jeremy and me, before

to be sure of anything.

She smiled.

- You really think I can leave you like that, overnight? And

even ... The case is solid, you Gina ...

- Yes, I know, sighed her friend by passing a trembling finger over his eyes

tired. You're right, as always.

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She came back on the bed and in a tone falsely casual, asked:

- So what Jeremy? Who is it?

- Jeremy Lambert; a representative, who was attending a conference in the hotel

where I was.

- He lives in Sydney?

- No, Brisbane. But he treats an important case here in a few weeks.

We must meet again.

- Um ... were you, I'm wary: a representative ...

Beth poor! The betrayal of Brendan had seared. No man

find favor in his eyes now.

That evening, Molly was treated to one last night off ... she took gratefully. And

what happiness when Jeremy telephoned!

- Where are you? if she cried, ecstatic.

- Too far, my love, too far! I miss you terribly, I have not stopped

thinking of you.

- Oh, Jeremy! she whispered. And I thought last night was a dream!

- And I had no idea that the separation would be so cruel! I arranged

to stay a week in Sydney, Molly; from Thursday fourteen. You will be free?

His voice was soft, vibrant with love!

- I'll manage, Jeremy!

- I have everything: we have a picnic on the port, have dinner in the largest

restaurants, will dance until dawn ... I want be it as a honeymoon; a

sort of repetition.

He burst of happy laughter.

- I love you so much, Molly! From the second I saw you! Oh, you

love my life!

- Jeremy! You make me turn my head!

- Because I want to take you in my arms and give you really dizzy,

my sweetheart! My God! The days are going to be excruciatingly long.

- For me too, she sighed.

- You may not know the effect that causes me the sound of your voice. I

could stay all night to listen. But it frustrates me so much to have it! I am

ill. I do not recall, dear, I have to feel too bad so far. The fourteen, I will

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will shake in my arms. The fourteen, my love, do not forget!

- Do not worry, Jeremy, thank you for calling!

- Good night, sweet Molly!

- Good night, she repeated in a whisper.

Floating on a cloud, it was long to evoke in his mind the image of Jeremy

his carefree smile, irresistible, his brown eyes bright cheerful ... A great man,

wildly attractive, with whom she only felt. The fourteen ... In ten days! If it

handled all receptions by then, and looked at the races living Jeremy

it could devote most of his time. Beth and Gina surely would

nothing wrong with that organization.

And then, for a week ... Consulting the appointment book, Molly noticed

a grand dinner was to be served on Sunday evening. Somewhat irritated, she went

to see Beth:

her friend pushed too far the love of gain!

- Hey, Beth, we agreed not to work on Sundays!

- Relax, Molly Fitzgerald! This is for you, the fan dance, I did a sprained


- What is the relationship with the dance?

- Look at the name of the customer! Anita Daniels, it will tell you anything?

- The dancer?

- Itself. She plays the lead role in The Lyre Bird, we give the theater

this season. She promised me two free tickets if we loaded about his evening.

- Two free tickets! Molly exclaimed incredulously. Oh, Beth! You're an angel.


amazing businesswoman.

- I'll give you that. And admire my dedication: me dance, that my beard.

- I admire, Beth. I admire so much.

Molly was very impressed by his meeting with Anita Daniels. But when the

dancer gave him tickets to the premiere of L'Oiseau Lyre, the evening of fourteen,

she had

barely contain his joy. Provided that Jeremy is also passionate about ballet that!

Thursday awaited finally arrived. Since its revival, Molly was floating on a sea of

happiness; a perfect day promised, under a cloudless sky. In the middle of the


however, she began to worry Jérémy tarried; and if he had forgotten? When,

four hours the phone rang, she rushed to meet the heart


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- Hello? she said in a strained voice.

- Molly? It's me, I'm here at last! The time to change, take a taxi, and I

am with you.

- Oh, Jeremy! What a joy to hear from you! Where are you?

- At my hotel, in the center. Be ready, I'll pick you ... say a

half an hour.

- Jeremy ... I do not mind if we have dinner with me? Everything is ready, and I

have two

entries for a dance show, to twenty hours.

- From dance?

The heart of the young woman sank.

- This ... this is a very famous Production: L'Oiseau Lyre, Robert Heïpman. I am

sure you will like it.

He was silent ... Then in a hurried voice, he said:

- Excuse me, darling! Simply I had a business meeting tonight. I try

contact the person I had to see, and I remember you; okay?

- Yes; yes of course. I'm sorry, Jeremy, I had not imagined ...

- Hey, Molly! he interrupted gently. It does not matter! The only thing that

matters is that we're together, right? See you in a bit.

For twenty long minutes, the young woman stood near the phone on

coals, trying not to give in to disappointment. But after all, to hell with the ballet!

Jeremy was there, what more? Finally, the phone rang.

- All right, Molly, we go to the theater.

- Wonderful! But I hope this does not interfere too much your time?

- For you, my dear, I would face all the time against the world. But I you

warning: I have no evening dress!

His dark gray suit suited her as well as the best clothes. What charm

devastating! And when he took her in his arms, Molly knew she had not dreamed

the last

night vacation: she found the same magnetic attraction, her heart beat with

even wild impatience ... and everything seemed fine.

Jeremy had brought a bottle of champagne to accompany their dinner

reunion. But neither one nor the other really took pleasure in the meal, yet

delicious: the

champagne already sparkled in their veins, and the only food they wanted was

the love they read in the eyes of the other. Each touch, each caress, each

kiss made them hungrier still.

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When it was time to go to the theater, Molly laughed almost to attend or not

the representation.

Yet, when they were installed in the beautiful room, the lights went out and

Jérémy grabbed his hand a possessive gesture, she said she felt there as

delight of his life. But hardly the curtain was lifted he plunged it into action,


The first table was a large dark forest, where a group of

boys and girls settled for a picnic. The atmosphere, warm and good

child at first, quickly became tense; soon, the situation completely escaped the

Control participants gradually taken by drunkenness, the men lost all control

for themselves while women, despite a slight fear amused themselves provoke

them. There

choreography so powerfully evoked the chain of violence that led to rape

one of which everyone in the room in horror held her breath until the final table of

the act:

heroin, bruised his flesh as her soul was abandoned to despair.

The solo dance that followed resulted untold emotions: shame, distress, loneliness

bottomless fear ... well, the emergence of the Lyre Bird and amazement as he

deploying the wonderful wheel of its tail. The bird would dance, mesmerizing,

immensely seductive ... and the primeval forest awoke, closing on the girl,

inviting them to submit and to blend into it.

The heroine, her own world was hurt and rejected, could not resist

power of this call. The last scene was poignant: the girl lying on the scene in

her white dress, like a sacrificial offering made to fate. The Lyre Bird knelt

beside her, his panache deployed quivering of triumph and ecstasy. And while he

inclined to take her in his arms, wonderful feathers were closing in on their two

silhouettes like to subtract the world.

- My God! Jeremy blew when the curtain fell.

Emotion gripped so hard Molly she could utter a sound. Moreover, the impact

this scene was such that there was a time before the applause

erupt, frantic. They asked reminder on recall.

- You have loved? Molly asked when the lights were turned back on.

- Aimé is a feeble word. It was ... amazing; and very erotic.

Molly smiled; the desire was running in his veins, and when locked eyes of

Jeremy, she knew that this night, it does not slip away.

The first part of the show was completed; the room slowly emptied. Jérémy

led his companion at the bar, in a corner of the hall, and went to order two

cocktails. Molly

waited, located near a large window overlooking the harbor, letting his gaze


the colorful crowd. First of evenings always drained the most exclusive audience

of Sydney,

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and some women were truly extraordinary outfits. With its crepe dress

white, very elegant but certainly classic, the young woman felt a little dull.

Suddenly, his eyes met other eyes. Cold. Hostile. Dismissive. The look was

so sharp, so venomous, she had recoiled. Then his pride got the better: that

he believed, that one, to afford the toiser well? Or who he was? There

confused it with another? She had never met this man before, she was

sure: she would not forget. It was impressive both for its imposing stature by

its port haughty head, suggesting both authority and arrogance. A few gray hairs


his temples, one could see that he had over thirty. On his face, no gentleness of

sharp features, hard, thick black eyebrows, a jaw that seemed carved in granite.

A shudder ran through the young woman there was something cruel in this man.

She shot him a glare; he turned away. He was with a group of

people extremely well dressed. Hey there ... one of the women attending a dinner

served by Molly, a month earlier. Had she recognized and designated to man?

Maybe ...

but this does not justify such animosity!

Jeremy returned with two glasses of champagne, and discarding the incident from

his mind,

she smiled. He was handsome, and gaiety on her face! A huge wave of joy

washed over her: she was in love! She took the cup he handed him, and they

clinked glasses:

- To us, beautiful Molly!

- To us, she repeated softly.

- I do not expect to find you here, Jeremy! Voice, sharp as a blade,

made them both jump. The man looked at Molly so hard just now stood

before them. Jeremy seemed stunned.

- Richard! ... I thought you were having dinner with friends!

- Indeed. But I was not supposed to detail you all my evening! Besides ... you

would not be here if I did, is not it?

Tight lips, icy gray eyes ... But who was this man? Was it the customer

canceled by Jeremy? Obviously, its intrusion bothered him as much as herself.

The expression guilty of his face, redness, clearly showed his trouble.

- Well, Jeremy, present me your ... companion, continued the stranger ironically.

- Richard ... It's not what you think.

- Really? Then presents!

- Miss Fitzgerald. Richard Pembroke, he said flatly, without daring to face the


Molly interrogator.

- Delighted, Miss Fitzgerald. I am the brother of Jeremy; he is married to my


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Dana. By the way, how does it go?

- Very good.

- And the children? Steven? Tracy?

- As well.

- Perfect, perfect. Well, I hope you enjoy the second part of

show. Meeting you was ... a revelation, Miss Fitzgerald. What a shame that


no longer considered a crime, and punished as such, do not you think? My

sense of justice is deeply shocked. I would have been delighted to introduce


as a witness. Goodbye, Miss Fitzgerald, Jeremy ...

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In the heart of Molly was the desert a frozen desert that offered no promise

of life; ever again. His soul was facing the bitter reality piteously, like a bird

hits the bars of its cage. She was locked in an endless circle, where everything


trivial, desperately empty. Only; broken.

Jeremy spoke to her, but she did not understand his words. The shock had been

too violent.

And how could he achieve it? He no longer belonged to her world; He was the


another. Lying and disillusionment again.

She turned away. His gaze wandered over the crowd, lost ... and then fell to the

judge who had

to condemn.

Surrounded by his friends wealthy, he smiled, serene. A terrible rage seized


A wild rage, uncontrollable. That man there, had ranked among the adulteresses,

had accused of a crime of which she was the first victim. He looked at her with


while she was innocent. Completely innocent.

Two men already made fun of her, had promised him their love by

knowing they would give him only half, that was enough. She was not a bear

third, that not even know, allows himself to treat it so high.

Driven by the urge to take revenge, she walked right over him.

- Mr. Pembroke ...

He turned a block, eyebrows raised. Surprise flashed in his gray eyes,

but Molly did not give him time to open his mouth.

- I will not ask you to apologize. Coming from a man whose sense of justice

is so tainted with conceit, they would not have great value. And since you draw so

hasty conclusions, that you find so attractive to judge your neighbor with a phone

look, you do not easily recognize your faults, is not it? In any case, if you

hold both your sister, I suggest you to weld an alliance with his left ring

husband, or mark it in some way, so that we know that it is him.

She stopped to catch her breath. A dead silence fell on the hall; we

formed a circle around them ... she did not care. She saw one face: that of Richard

Pembroke; its air filled him with amazement satisfaction wild. She lifted her

chin, and

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proudly continued:

- The next time you ask yourself judge, Mr. Pembroke the Almighty

Powerful, try looking at the facts more insight, and not blame only

knowingly. I fear you have played too fast rectifiers

wrong ... at the risk of making a fool.

She had touched: his jaw was clenched, his hardened expression. She avenged

his honor, and could go.

- I hope you enjoy the second part of the show. As for me, you

spoiled my pleasure. I sincerely hope never to see you, sir Pembroke you

that our meeting was a joy would be the grossest lies.

At a sign from disdainful head, she turned away. She did not have to fight their

way through the crowd of people parted themselves.

She made out when a hand firmly grabbed her elbow and forced him to


- What possessed you to do such a scene? Jeremy whispered, outraged.

Without thinking, simply obeying the rage still burning in it, Molly launched

her hand at random ... and reached Jérémy in the face, with the dry sound of a

detonation. He

stepped back, stunned, hand on the cheek.

- You do not touch me! And do not you dare recross my way! She hissed,

completely indifferent to all who listened.

Then, with the dignity of a queen, she continued on her way; alone, followed by


looks. Behind her conversations resumed in a stunned commotion.

She returned to her car as a PLC and went home in a daze; by

pure instinct.

Once in her room, she took off her pretty dress, put on a nightgown and lay

on his bed with the same indifference. Eyes wide open in the dark, she remained


still as death. "I do not care. I do not care. All this does not

importance, "she repeated dutifully. But her pain and humiliation

refused to shut up altogether. Tears began to roll down her cheeks into a stream


despite her efforts, she could not stop. Insidiously, the "I do not care" became

soon "Why me? ". What had she done to deserve such suffering? She never

had deliberately offended anyone. Until tonight tonight she had really

want to hurt Richard Pembroke; did not he looking for? As for Jeremy, her


Treason was worth this public slap, right? How could he promise her so much


tighten so hard in his arms while he was married with two children? Why this

frightful scenario happened again he, and he spoiled his dreams for the second


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Was she going all his life fall in love with married men? Beth was right without

doubt no man deserves the confidence of a woman. Even the marriage oath

guarantee anything.

Molly, she wanted a man who would love as no other woman, never,

count in his eyes. A man able to engage fully and forever, A

man as demanding as herself.

This man was there, and would be still free when she meet? Her tears

redoubled. Face buried in the pillow, the woman sobbed herself to sleep


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So it was gray this morning! Richard Pembroke eye crossed the memory

the spirit of Molly. She drove him, annoyed: the story of the past.

She felt devastated. But he had to get out, run the markets ... The action helped


overcome his depression and, on his return, she could face Beth and Gina with



- So, this ballet? Inquired his partner by helping store purchases.

- And Jeremy? Gina added, burning curiosity. Molly continued to place


tray in the refrigerator without looking up:

- The show was wonderful ... but the evening was a disaster. More from Jeremy:

it is


She sat quietly and looked at his two companions.

- We can take our usual working: I do not need anything

free time.

- Married! exclaimed Gina, scandalized. Oh, the ...

- Gina, calmly interrupted Beth, I do not think Molly is eager

to dwell.

Then, with compassion that only experience a similar pain can give,

she murmured:

- It will, Molly?

The young woman nodded with a faint smile.

- Let us draw a line. At work.

Fortunately, the occupations were not lacking ... It was during this dark

Molly period understood the importance of work for Beth: it was a pillar of

support, a purpose in life, a reason to live when life itself refused you

its joys.

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A few days after your memorable night at the opera, Molly Beth greeted returning

market with a broad smile:

- We have a new client: Ms. Roysten. It commands us to dinner

ten with the service. The house is located in Saint-Yves; you want to study in the


When asked to serve the meal, they had to know the configuration of

places, the facilities offered by local and, during an interview with the hostess, set


menu and a variety of practical detail. Usually Molly liked this aspect of their


evolving world where most of their customers fascinated her, and she loved

glimpse of the rich

their homes.

But that day, she did not feel in the mood to face the unknown:

- I prefer you to go this time. What has she given as a reference, this Mrs.

Roysten? she added habit.

Every new customer should be sponsored by a former; Beth and Molly were not


no risks.

- No problem, said his partner, casting a glance at his notebook. Mrs

Fotherby vouches; you know, it is at home that we have served this great dinner,


before you go on vacation.

Fotherby ... Yes, Molly remembered perfectly. She remembered very well also

woman standing near Richard Pembroke, Opera She attended the reception Ms.

Fotherby, Molly would have sworn. She frowned.

- It will not, Molly?

The young woman almost say, "Cancel all, I refuse to serve in these people," but

she changed her mind. Would have had to tell Beth the scandal she had done in the

lobby of the theater,

and she felt in no desire. In addition, their new client was not

necessarily the same person.

- All right, she replied in a convincing tone. When is this dinner?

- Saturday in eight.

Molly did not mind as free as she wanted to show good ...

Throughout the week that followed, the thought of Mrs. Roysten often came to

trouble. What

unfortunate coincidence, if this woman had attended dim! Eclat unforgettable for


witnesses, it was feared.

Arrived on Saturday. As usual, the two women prepared the most

meals at home. Then they loaded the van with all their equipment and at five

accurate, passed their black robes.

Beth insisted that this color is that of their uniform. It consisted

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a slightly blousant bodice collar and a right knee skirt.

Keeping simple, discreet but elegant. If it does not befitted very well to Beth, she

accentuated the thinness and pallor, she showed off the smooth silhouette Molly;

in contrast to the black, his hair seemed more flamboyant yet. But neither

one was paying attention to her appearance. Their only concern is a presentation


- What does it look like this Ms. Roysten? Molly inquired casually with

feigned while Beth put the vehicle on the road.

- Oh, a true woman of the world. At least if gives Does the air. Mannered and very


a slight superiority complex.

- Yes, but physically? Insisted the young woman, who longed to know.

- A big blonde, thin enough. It appears thirties, but could be more. These

Women have the means to preserve their youth. Well, she told me about you.

Molly froze.

- Of me?

- Yes, "the redhead." She remembered thee in the evening of Fotherby.

And the Opera? Molly's heart sank: Beth description was fine with the

tall blonde seen alongside Richard Pembroke.

- What did she want?

- Just know if you'd be with me. Heaving a sigh of resignation, the young

woman became convinced she was not going to die of shame.

Besides, she would spend most of the evening in the kitchen. It was in this state

of mind it came to the home of Roysten. An imposing white stone building,

surrounded by a beautiful park whose maintenance alone, would cost a fortune.

Beth gara

the van facing the service entrance, and they unloaded their equipment without


needed to announce their arrival.

Molly Beth explained to the demands of their client as to the details of the service,

the order in which it would use the various piles of plates prepared for them,

when the hostess came. With a gracious smile, she wished them the

Welcome ... and Molly finally buried all hope: it was indeed the young

wife of the Opera. Moreover, the glow that lit up in his eyes showed that she had


Molly recognized. But so what, after all? She was thinking what she wanted


- Hello, ma'am, 'said Beth of its most distinguished voices. Thank you for thinking

of everything

I asked, she added, with a gesture toward the work plans specifically

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arranged for them. I'm sure the evening will be very successful.

- Oh, me too, Mrs. Patterson. Unforgettable, she cooed, turning to


- This is my associate, Molly Fitzgerald.

- Molly! It's outdated! But charming, very charming, she continued with

a condescending smile. Well I am happy to see you here. What a pleasure to give

night without a care! I do not mind if I call you Molly and ... Beth is

this? It would be easier.

- As you wish, madam, 'said Beth, who hated this kind of familiarity.

- Pitch Perfect. Do you have everything you need?

- Yes, everything is planned, ma'am. We know our business, explained Beth with a

big smile to hide his growing aggressiveness.

- In this case I leave you. Petit fours at eight in the lounge. Molly is you

who serve us. You have impressed my husband at the dinner at Madame ...


Hesitation, though small, was for Molly obvious allusion to his burst of

Opera. She stiffened.

- He always liked redheads, continued their client with a resigned pout. And your

hair tint ... so special!

She smiled, as if to erase any criticism of printing.

- I hope you do not mind to be admired?

- I'm not here for that, Molly replied in a tone which betrayed irony. But if you

wish, I will serve petit fours at eight.

- Thank you. You should know, sometimes give in to the whims of men, is not it?


it before leaving the kitchen.

The twinkle who had crossed blue eyes porcelain Ms. Roysten while

she uttered the last tirade had not escaped Molly. A terrible thought

came to him and if the dinner brought together the same group of people at the

opera? And if Richard

Pembroke was among them? Oh no! It would be too Machiavellian of their own,

Not too much .... It was just a little joke between Mrs. Roysten and her husband.

Shabby distractions! The woman clenched his fists, and imposed calm.

- I think we have not stolen our money tonight murmured thoughtfully Beth.

- You can tell! This woman to me like a bitch!

Page 21

But what to do? Their work gave them no other law vis-à-vis their customers,

than to be silent. ... And it was a pity, thought Molly preparing the plateau

appetizers in an artistic arrangement of colorful toast and biscuits. Beth during

that time, finished the soup with oysters, his specialty. They heard the bell of the

door sounded several times, then grow the sound of conversation and laughter.

- Eight hours! Beth suddenly announced. Your turn, Molly. And try to hold your



- I promise you nothing! she answered out of the kitchen, heavy plate before


An elegant arch marked the entrance of the show. Mechanically, she paused

to count the guests and whether it had no lack. She did not finish its computation:

Richard Pembroke stood at the other end of the room.

His heart stopped beating; she froze. A few seconds passed before the

human gaze comes to rest on her motionless silhouette. A sudden rigidity of its

expression, she realized that for him too, the meeting was completely unexpected.

Is the

was trapped! In the play, we exchanged small smiles of complicity by observing

two antagonists; conversations had ceased, leaving a dead silence. Thus,

they expected a scene! Monsters! Well, Molly would not give them that pleasure.

Plated quiet smile on her lips, she came in, determined to do its job

as if nothing had happened. With a huge effort of will, she managed to present

graciously her tray Mrs Roysten and those around him. Then she went to

next group with the same apparent calm. The presence of Richard Pembroke

alongside a

man as tall as he does not bring his features any distortion.

- Thank you, Molly. I'm Ted Roysten, said the stranger with a bland smile. I am

nice to see you here tonight.

Silent, Molly looked him straight in the eyes, with the kind which seemed to him

best suited to the situation.

- I kept a lasting memory of the dinner served in Fotherby, he continued,

selecting a second toast with deliberate slowness.

Molly gave her his best smile:

- Thank you sir. Now, if I may, I'll serve your guests.

- Miss Fitzgerald ...

It took all his strength Molly to keep his cool heard this voice-

there: his whole being had retracted ... but it was with an expression of calm

innocence that it

met the gray eyes, sharp, who had toisée few weeks earlier.

- ... You have no desire to know me, that I see.

Page 22

- I do not know, sir, 'said Molly. Except as a guest at this

evening, she added softly. I hope you will enjoy your time.

Before he could react, she would offer her tray to another group. Finally, it

retreated to the kitchen. She pulled the door closed suddenly trembling.

- What's happening? Beth inquired, frowning.

You're white as a sheet!

- I hate this woman, I hate that man, and I wonder how I'll

to continue the service,

She took a deep breath, and stepped into the room.

- But I will not let them think they have won, she added, straightening


- They are so terrible that? Wondered her friend.

- Oh my!

- I'll replace, if you want. I have more than you usually difficult customers.

Molly shook her head. No! Pride, it does not show them her discomfort, she

Richard would not avoid Pembroke. Maybe she manage to distort their game to


their vile little pleasure. With a little finesse, it could turn the tables and lead the

dance ...

- I took their measure now; they do not scare me. And I hope to add

my two cents in their charming evening.

- Molly, watch out! Beth warned her, always concerned when it came to their


- Do not worry, my dear! I'll be all charm, all velvet! she promised him

unchecking the most perfidious smiles.

Page 23

Page 24


Installed around the huge mahogany table, the guests drank their first glass

white wine while waiting for the soup. The young woman came in with the soup,

followed by Beth who

brought avocado topping, cream and chives. When her friend reread the

leaving alone in the lion's den, Molly was a moment of panic. Since its appearance,

eyes followed his every movement. The conversation was reduced to a

whisper, which made it even more vulnerable, and she found it very hard to master

trembling of her hands as she put the plates in front of each person. Petite

lucky in his misfortune, we were very wide around the large table, which allowed


used without acrobatics.

The worst was when she stopped beside Richard Pembroke. Clenched jaw,

horribly tense, she leaned over to present his plate ... and almost let go

when she heard the man whisper in his ear, so low that no one else could


- You must forgive me.

Molly nearly reply back sharply this lout in his place ... but she changed her mind:


looking for any incident, everyone looked at her. More firmly into the tray,

she went round the table.

The hostess served, she was heading towards her husband, when it launched its



- She's hot, Richard, right?

The woman stiffened the double meaning, offensive, vulgar, there was no doubt.

Besides the mocking expression of M. Roysten and significant return of his gaze


Molly and Richard prohibited any uncertainty.

She turned red as a beet and threw Richard Pembroke a glance


"If he makes the slightest smile, one, or any doubtful point, I said

send my tray in the face. »

Page 25

But the figure in question remained impenetrable. The man looked at his steaming


- Simple hypothesis, Ted. And assumptions often prove false.

- Glad to hear you say! Giggled the host. Coming from you, a lawyer, who are

past master in the art of construct assumptions, the remark has some flavor!

The discomfort of his guest gave him obvious pleasure; hostility Molly changed

direction. Stopping to Ted Roysten, she handed him the last dish.

- Attention sir, it is very hot. I would be really sorry you

are burning, she said in her sweetest voice.

Before leaving the room, an ingenuous smile, she was just in time

to intercept the admiring gaze Richard Pembroke asked her, resolutely ignoring the

giggles of assistance, she closed the door very quietly.

But she was boiling with rage. While helping to bake Beth pheasants, she imagined

Roysten the couple and Richard Pembroke skewered on a huge grill, turning

slowly over a roaring fire.

No, correction: the lawyer had no responsibility in the cruel game tonight. And he

apologized. Of course, whispered three words were not enough to erase his


dismissive of the other day; even if indirectly, he recognized he was wrong in his


So it was a lawyer ... She smiled ironic that profession became her

wonder. It very well could see the pointing of a finger avenging a poor trembling


in his stall. But really, apologized for earlier embarrassed her: she could not

hate him as fiercely at the beginning. She even felt a kind of sympathy

her. He was in very difficult position, there, in the midst of wolves! She cut off

in the kitchen, felt quite safe.

When it came time to rid the service first, Molly mentally blinda

to ward off the inevitable attack: the Roysten would not abandon their prey and

distraction for a lost battle. We had to bite the bullet.

- What a delight! Mrs. Roysten cooed while as soon as possible, the young

Woman robbed the soup plates. Richard, you would not like a redhead serve you

such entry every night?

"Beautiful redhead!" They had really decided to put it out of her!

- Let me stop you right away! Molly interjected with a beautiful smile hypocrite.


soup is a specialty of my partner; I am unable to make it.

Quite happy to have nailed billed this bitch without any shine and without it

can reproach him for his words, she continued her work. All eyes turned to

it ... To them, as she bent now to Richard Pembroke resume

Page 26


- These are not my friends.

Again, the imperceptible murmur ... She hesitated a tenth of a second, then

pulled together and finished his service as if nothing had happened before making

a dignified exit.

No friends! Those words haunted her mind as she watched cooking

soles. Beside her, Beth finished the Hollandaise sauce. Applied to their respective


they kept a concentrated silence. No friends! What does that mean? That

did not belong to their group, he does not like them? So why was he

among them? Why he disowned before her? What mattered if Molly Fitzgerald put


in one basket these monsters? The opinion she had of him she had? She him

had given this opinion, some time earlier in a hall and opera ... without mincing


But now only had he not see this judgment? He asked for forgiveness, Pets

his mistake. Maybe it was not so horrible, really. Surprise the husband of his sister

in the arm

another was not pleasant, she had to admit. This does not excuse the insolence

his attitude, but we could understand; the circumstances ... and he asked


She sighed deeply and began to carefully lay the fillets of sole on

plates. Beth, her, sauce nappait before sprinkle with parsley. Then ready for

enter the arena, shiny look and pointed chin, protecting its board as

a shield, Molly threw open the door.

- Oh, I was divine air! exclaimed Ted Roysten, jovial, seeing her coming. Also

delicious probably the young person serving us, is not it, Richard?

- I have to contradict you, Ted, replied the latter of his voice asked. The dish is

certainly delectable ... but this young woman is unique.

Molly could not help to lift this to a talker and was skeptical ...

surprised to read in her eyes frank admiration. Blushing, she slipped away to take

cooking the second shelf. This man troubled the more. First an apology,

Then compliments! Was it well to sabotage the game of his guests? Surely.

When she approached him for the third time, she wondered what new

aside he reserved it. Unwittingly, she tilted a little head toward hers while

placing the plate in front of him

- We have trapped us, he whispered.

- Richard! Called Mrs. Roysten.

Molly started.

- You know, Molly beside you, I swear to you before seen together

Page 27

before tonight.

The noose is closing in on them ... The young woman trembled. Richard


always calm, smiling at his hostess:

- You are mistaken, Amanda: I never had the pleasure of the company of Miss

Fitzgerald, and I regret it.

- Pleasure? Ted exclaimed, laughing Roysten handsomely. Oh no, that you can


Fortunately for her, Molly had finished his service. Without departing from its

apparent serenity, she returned to take refuge in the kitchen.

Trapped! True, he had stuck it; through his work. But Richard

Pembroke, how could he accept a dinner with these people, if they were not

friends? And

why he stood there to bear their harassment? He defended himself well, he had to

admit, and

his attitude definitely spoiled the detestable pleasure of its guests. Pride! But yes, it


this! This man does not shrink the adversary; no more than herself.

They would stand up to the end. She definitely had a different look when she

returned rid of.

- A remarkable entrance, commented Amanda Roysten.

- A finesse! Said one of the guests.

- I've never tasted anything better! Said another.

- Do you want us to take our revenge? Whispered in his ear Richard

Pembroke, probably less discreetly that the first three times.

- What are you saying, Richard? Immediately inquired Ted Roysten.

- I congratulated Miss Fitzgerald: this dish would have delighted the most

discerning palates.

- Aha! This is a confession! You see, Molly, I made the following wager with dear


by dialing a single phone number, I could give him the best meal of his life.

You will be obliged to capitulate, man!

- Me, capitulate? I sometimes concedes, Ted, but I never capitulated.

- Another man subtlety of law! retorted the host of a higher tone.

- A little subtlety has never harmed anyone, my dear Ted, instead replied ...

lawyer with significant pout.

Poor Ted Roysten had alienated a formidable opponent, who had indeed

intends to turn the tables! Molly almost jubilant, coming out of the dining room.

And while she was still working in the kitchen, put the plates to heat and

Page 28

rectified the seasoning of the sauce with brandy, for pheasants, the suggestion of


companion in misfortune shimmered in his mind: revenge! What a pleasure! But

how? Was there a plan? It was necessary in any case she assures him of its

agreement. Already she was burning

curiosity and impatience; she even wanted to speed things up! With a sigh

resigned, she came out of the oven and pheasants started to drizzle with sauce;

Beth ended

the assortment of vegetables. This time, they all effectuèrent service for more

convenience. Was it the presence of Beth, or wine had loosened the tongues?

Still, that Roysten paid no attention to Molly. The conversation

continued, general and noisy. The young woman stood there the perfect

opportunity to slip a few

Richard Pembroke words:

- For the other hand, it's okay, she blew in his ear.

The very slight smile she read his lips showed that he had heard him ... and his

the answer fully met.

While the guests were attacking the main course, the two women were able to

relax a little, cooking: they largely remained the time to prepare dessert.

Over a cup of instant coffee, they authorized him a few minutes


- Have you noticed? You have an admirer Molly, said Beth turning his spoon in

his cup.

- Well good! And that?

- Oh, the only one who really class among all these people. It is installed at the end


Mr. Roysten side. He did not leave you eyes, just now ... You please him, believe


my long experience!

Molly frowned. Richard Pembroke ... How could a man be seduced

by one who had lashed in public? They were trapped tonight, that's all.

However, when she returned to the dining room, she gave him any attention


When she changed her plate, he turned his head on his side ... and she stepped back

strongly: his lips had touched her hair; but she heard her clearly


- I need your cooperation.

Cooperate with him? And why not? Molly did not have time to interview more

before: she passed Ted Roysten when he, seizing his hand, stopped; the game


- Ah, Molly! Come here a minute, I need a witness; after all, you have

interest in this story.

Page 29

- In that case, I may be biased, and bad witness, she replied, very dry.

- Listen to her! Giggled the householder. I have the impression that side

argument, it can stand up to you, Richard!

- I'd be very flattered that you consider me as an equal, answered quietly

the lawyer.

Still no trace of hypocrisy in the beautiful gray eyes ... His statement cheered up


young woman.

- What generosity in your words tonight! Ted commented. Let us continue on

Momentum: is this the best dinner of your life or not?

It read impatience on every face. Everyone expected a scene at last

bursts, which Molly would go back defeated, humiliated ... Richard Pembroke

contented himself with a chuckle


- Really, Ted, you're a master in the art embarrass people; you think,

asking my judgment to Miss Fitzgerald, you make me lie? Unnecessary: it

food is delicious. I have possibly known equal; best, ever.

- No review?

Obviously, his response was disappointing playmaker: had he not chosen to Molly

allow counsel to ridicule in front of everyone? He had won his bet, but

failed in his shabby forecasts ... and only beginning to understand.

- How to criticize perfection?

Feeling increasingly rewarded, Molly smiled at Richard ... who smiled back.

Suddenly she found really beautiful.

- Hmph ... Ted grumbled. I never imagined that you would admit so easily


- The value of things are so rare that it would be poor on my part not to

salute when I meet them, said Richard, suave.

Around him, one nodded loudly: nobody wanted to be accused of mediocrity.

Molly was finally released and a light heart, she returned to the kitchen, really,

what Mr. Pembroke

had class.

Beth had just finished decorating the cheese plate with vine leaves and

small clusters of reason. She handed it to her friend.

- Careful, it's heavy. So you go in you?

- Better and better, do not worry! replied the young woman with a smile


Page 30

Although Richard has found revenge, she would play the game on the line. It

put his tray in front of Ms. Roysten that, as agreed, was to circulate itself

around the table. Once again, we took her hand:

Amanda looked at her provocatively.

- You must be delighted that Richard has lost his bet: some consider him

a judge Almighty ... of gastronomy.

In this echo of his words, Molly felt falter; but she managed to keep her

composure and smiled, distant.

- Did you expect that it compliments you? The hostess insisted, impatient.

- Madam, we strive to always serve the best dishes answered

Molly proudly. I learned my craft in Paris and ...

- Paris? Really? I remember to have seen a dance performance. Giselle is

it Ted?

- Yes, Giselle. For my part, I preferred L'Oiseau Lyre; not you, Molly?

- I have not seen Giselle replied it a voice asked, withdrawing her hand

the influence of Amanda Roysten. Now if you do not mind, I return to the kitchen I

am responsible for preparing the dessert; and this is my culinary services you

have appealed to me, is not it? she added in a tone more biting.

She refrained from violently slamming your door behind her. While peeling pears,


thinking with increasing joy to their vengeance. "Their" ... what an irony! Richard


her partner? Before tonight, she would have rejected this possibility with contempt.

But against

the Roysten, he knew defend with all the value, all the honesty of a knight.

She took out the fruits of the pan where they had cooked. Beth covered the puree

strawberry, added the bright green kiwi slices, while Molly asked on each plate

homemade ice balls. All offered a contrast very appetizing colors.

Around the table, flattering comments rang out as soon as she entered; but she

remained on the defensive.

Since the evening at the Opera was raised, the final assault could no longer delay;

it was their penultimate chance confused: his next appearance, it would serve the

coffee, to then disappear forever.

- Trust me! Whispered Richard Pembroke while she was serving.

- Okay, she whispered.

The side of Ted and Amanda Roysten, nothing came. Molly retired with the


sure they kept the apotheosis of their game to the end. Provided Richard reaches

defuse bombs! Or better, they burst into their hands!

Page 31

As expected, Roysten led their guests to the lounge where the young woman was

serve coffee. She ended the presentation of biscuits on a silver platter when Ted

Roysten burst into the kitchen, a jovial smile:

- Ah, ladies, what a meal! What service! Exclaimed he out of his pocket a

wad of cash.

Beth, immediately stepped forward.

- Nice to see you happy holidays ... and you particularly, if I believe your

generosity. Thank you, sir Roysten.

He laughed:

- Well, I won a small bet, and I must say that you have been very ...


- Very, yes, Molly commented in a honeyed voice.

Beth gave him a stern look.

- We count on you to serve coffee, Molly, he continued.

- Oh yes, sir, you can count on me, 'she said with a radiant smile

which left all aback.

He stared at her, frowned, then finding his insurance:

- Pitch Perfect. Again thank you for this outstanding performance; my wife is


glad that evening.

- Molly, you're exaggerating! Beth soon as he stormed out.

- As expensive we have paid for it, it was blood money, Beth. And I warn you: we


remettrons never set foot in that house, nor go not serve anyone

recommended by these monsters.

She placed the steaming coffee on the large chainring and headed for the door.

- Last note ... I form a vow that Ted and his beloved Amanda scalding

with coffee. Open me.

His heart beat heavily in her chest as she entered the living room.

The crafty air hostess only accentuated his discomfort; hopeful it

sought his counsel look. An elbow resting on the mantel, a glass

rum in hand, he seemed very relaxed. He nodded in his direction ... if

discreetly she wondered if she had not dreamed. Everyone was watching, while

she placed the tray on the table, next to the hostess.

Every nerve in his body was tense break.

Page 32

- Thank you my dear. Say, before you leave us, we would like to clarify

little story ...

Blue eyes shone with excitement, impatience at the idea of killing as


- As a guest, Amanda, I claim the right to be the first to clarify the

situation interrupted Richard Pembroke with gentle authority.

Ted Roysten laughed

- But with the greatest pleasure, my dear! Too happy to give you

the opportunity!

The lawyer raised a sardonic eyebrow, then put Molly on a warm look.

- First of all. Miss Fitzgerald, I congratulate you for this excellent meals; I

would like also to express my admiration for the grace with which you have


in circumstances than any other woman would have found intolerable. I am

sincerely sorry that my presence here was a perfect opportunity for such a


The assurance of his speech, the power of her voice, had petrified assistance; in

total silence, he continued:

- When a few weeks ago, I allowed myself to approach you at the opera, I confess

have demonstrated an appalling lack of tact and manners. My host, my hostess,

some of the people here, saw your response. A response that I

deserved a hundred times ... but they did not seem to notice, he added, browsing a

icy gaze embarrassed her audience. You see, being caught on one point that I

pricked defending gave me a good lesson in humility. I now look upon two

Once before judging too hastily. You have been able to touch my pride an accuracy

perfect; a woman of honor could not do less ... This little party, he went after

a heartfelt pause that increased discomfort, was undoubtedly organized with back-

little thought ... charitable. I want to say that Miss Fitzgerald has no reason to feel

embarrassed by the reaction she had on me: I understand not only

perfectly, but I give it absolutely right. For my part, I have not to be

confused memory of the episode: I have long since overcome (a fear of ridicule I.

am just sorry I violated a reputation that has proven over

suspicion. For me it is a great relief to be able to publicly demand

Miss Fitzgerald forgiveness for the harm I have caused.

He suddenly raised his voice, and the incisive tone, condemnatory, including

Molly kept a souvenir

if bitter, concludes:

- However, I am terribly ashamed for having accepted the hospitality of people

take pleasure in humiliating others and which feed upon the misfortune of others. I

had proof

tonight that the wickedness and human stupidity had no bounds ... Now that I have

Page 33

significantly eased my conscience, I'll take my leave of you all wishing well

honestly never meet you.

Of the nine faces, the smiles had long since vanished. You could see the

upset, all these people, deeply upset that they had inflicted such a lesson.

Richard Pembroke, superbly ignoring their despicable herd, approached Molly

and took her hand. His eyes resting on her, expressed great sweetness:

- If we meet again one day in more pleasant circumstances of course,

I hope you do me the honor of recognizing me, Miss Fitzgerald.

- Do not worry: I will recognize the gentleman that you were tonight, Mr.


- Me redeem your eyes meant a lot to me. I would like to be managed. Are-

now free to leave the house? He asked, clearly worried about the

leave her behind.

- Yes, I have finished my ... performance. Thank you for your concern: it touches

me more than

I do not know.

He smiles.

- I wish you a good night.

She smiled with spontaneity and sincerity that most eloquent

any speech.

- Good evening, Mr. Pembroke.

Independently of each other, they turned heel: it toward the front door; it to the

kitchen. They left behind them, with intense satisfaction, nine people frozen in

shame and silence. Once again, the honor was avenged.

Page 34

Page 35


- A letter for you.

Beth laid the envelope on the table where Molly was cutting meat for stew of

sheep she was preparing.

-Tiens, Not mom writing, wondered the young woman.

The letters from his mother were in fact most of his mail; every week,

Mrs. Fitzgerald sent her daughter humorous letters, true chronicles

life in Taree, small town where she was born, got married, had lost her husband

and had ...

to die herself. Three or four times a year, she was visiting Molly, and took

advantage of

Travel to perform endless shopping sprees. But she bore evil agitation

of the city; despite her sadness to live away from her daughter, she always leaving



Connor's brother, Molly, meanwhile lived in Canada. He regularly wrote to his

mother, who passed on the news, and maintained a correspondence with his sister

episodic. But it was not either of his writing.

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, the woman put her large

knife and wiped his hands; the unsealed envelope, she pulled out a sheet that

... unfolded cardboard, genre theater ticket, fell to the ground. Increasingly

intrigued, she

picked up.

Indeed, it was an entry for a show: a ballet Anna Karenina,

based on the novel by Tolstoy, which was given four days later. Who gave him

such a

gift? She quickly scanned the message that accompanied it:

"Dear Miss Fitzgerald,

As a woman of honor, you will agree that a gentleman does not mind at rest

if he has debts to pay. You make me happy by accepting that place ballet

since, through my fault, you could not take full advantage of your last show.

Considérez- it as just compensation, nothing more. Sincerely, Richard

Pembroke. »

Molly laughed: this man did not give in half measures! When he

something in the head ...

Page 36

- What he's so funny? Beth inquired, consumed with curiosity,

Molly handed him the letter. Beth knew the whole story, now: a little worried

by the attitude of his partner when serving coffee in Roysten she had

concealed the entrance to the living room, ready to intervene and calm the passions

if necessary. Having

therefore attended the tirade of Richard .. and of course there have not understood

anything, she begged Molly

to explain everything to him.

Strangely, the young woman had had no pain at the mention of

Jeremy, nor that of his scandal at the Opera: it was as if the approval of Richard

Pembroke and support miraculously healed those wounds.

The few lines of the lawyer is not amused Beth at all:

- Attention, she warned, frowning man chasing something! We

gives nothing for nothing.

- Oh, Beth! What does he seek? Molly laughed.

- You may. He likes you, I know. And remember his fine speech: he wants you

seduce. I am wary of these so-called gentlemen who donned them the slightest


knight armor.

- My God! Molly sighed. Listen up! Always seek evil! You're wrong

completely, I assure you.

- A ticket to the opera, it's not anything!

- It is not much for a lawyer. And then, as he says himself, he me

was good!

- Ah, men! Concludes Beth grumbles. You can not trust them.

- Disagree: I was right to trust me this one, in Roysten; you saw the lesson

he gave them? Anyway, I will attend the ballet, we have nothing that night.

Again bent over her stew, the young woman was thinking of Beth suspicion.

Richard Pembroke, attracted to her? What a joke! It simply admired this side


honor "that twice she had shown him.

"Woman of honor" ... As this expression he liked! "Man of honor" ...

Was not exactly the kind of man she wanted to meet?

A man who would not betray her the respect and would like forever ... She

interrupted the course of his visionary thoughts, and began peeling vegetables:


dreams of eternal love based on the wind. She had no time to lose

sterile fantasies.

Page 37

We did not play Anna Karenina at the opera, but at the Regent Theatre. Molly was


advance and, while riding level after level parking ramp, she was won by

discouragement: no place for. Finally, at the end of the last stage, she managed to

parking a little Datsun. She rushed to the elevators and beat nervously foot

while with desperate slowness, she won the ground floor.

Then she ran again, cursing the purposes heels of her sandals. The lights

went out and the orchestra attacked the prologue when guided her in her place. She

collapsed it,

exhausted, with a sigh of relief she had missed nothing.

- Glad you could make it.

The quiet voice beside her, startled.

- You! If she exclaimed, overwhelmed with surprise.

In the darkness, gray eyes sparkled with mirth. Richard Pembroke smiling.

- Happy as you have recognized me.

- But ... What are you doing here? She stammered.

- I love dancing; as far as possible, I attend all shows.

Perhaps my presence you she ails? he asked, suddenly worried.

How to argue anything, because it was through him that she was there?

But above all, she had wanted to object something?

- I promise not to snack on chips or popcorn during the show,

said he, solemn.

She almost laughed.

- In this case, I see no objection to your company.

- Thank you.

The curtain rose at this time. The woman turned to the stage. After

Within minutes, she realized she paid no attention to what it

place, and his heart was not beating as usual. "Emotion", she said,

forcing his eyes to follow the dancers, and his thoughts do not stop on its neighbor.

Unfortunately, the first part of the show had a very choreography

avant-garde, though remarkably interpreted failed to take

Molly's accession; the absence of the upset scenario. Also his mind he continued



Beth would it have been right? Richard Pembroke intéressait- it to her? Why else

would he arranged this meeting? Really, it intrigued him. But the real problem was

what she did not know at all how to behave in case he would show him his

Page 38


She wanted Richard Pembroke take a place in his life? This

the issue tortured throughout the show; it there was still no answer when the

curtain fell. The lights came on ...

Intermission. Indecisive and troubled, Molly remained motionless, ignoring


Man, too still, which was near her.

- You accept to drink champagne with me? I believe you

in such a duty, he said at last.

He spoke in a soft voice, deep and enjoyable. Molly blushed to the roots of

Hair: the memory of toast, she bore her seducer when Richard had

interrupted was still alive. She vaguely remembered having filled his cup again

Full in the hand of Jeremy before docking the man who dared to judge. Very


she remained silent, eyes downcast, delete a nervous finger an imaginary fold on


midnight blue silk dress. Finally, a renewed pride allowed him to face his eyes:

- Mr. Pembroke, thank you for inviting me to this show; i have

appreciated the kindness of your gesture. I love dancing, I came. But I

really did not expect to find you here. I do not know why you chose to sit

beside me ... You could rent any other site.

He smiled, young woman posing on more and more confused a warm look.

- I preferred ... hoping ... taste the pleasure of your company.

Her heart: and it was true, she did not leave him indifferent. And now that the

ball was in his camp, he had to make a decision.

- Are you married, Mr. Pembroke? she asked abruptly.

- No, I'm not married, he replied gravely, where we guessed as much

compassion or understanding.

Despite its growing disorder, Molly continued obstinately:

- Do you maintain any relationship with a woman who would find shocking

see us together?

He looked in the eye with the most total franchise.

- I did not give anyone the right to claim me as his property, I saw

the relationship with anyone you mention. And who would argue otherwise would


roundly put in his place.

He smiles.

- I do not mince words when necessary.

Page 39

She laughed, remembering with admiration of his intervention in Roysten.

- I grant you, Mr. Pembroke. I doubt that we can fight this


- Oh, I believe you, you would be a dangerous rival.

- Hopefully we will not have the opportunity to play this game, Mr. Pembroke.

I accept your invitation, a sign of peace ... and to finish a good time with your '

liabilities ".

He rose. Molly had forgotten how its size and stature were impressive.

Captivated, she let drive at the bar. She watched him, fascinated, as he

headed to the counter to order champagne. Automatically, we departed

to give way; It was served in a snap. Such an aura of authority emanated from

that everything obeyed him before he even opens his mouth. Looking at it

objectively, it

was not really good, but he had an indefinable presence attracted attention

like a magnet. A man of great class; an infinitely attractive man; a

man to be printed indelibly in the memory of those who crossed his

road. Not like Philip, whose features were already dimmed in his memory. Not

as Jeremy, whose easy charm and carefree lightness represented the main

attractions ... Compared to his brother, he singularly lacking in substance and

personality when she thought about it. What a silly having fallen into his net! As


Philippe ...

- Why the painful expression?

There was a sort of uneasiness in the beautiful gray eyes, and Molly felt happy

that such a man and cares about her. He looked so solid, so able to solve any


- Oh, I thought about my life, she said in a voice a little sad. This is not the wisdom


characterizes it, I must admit.

He handed her a cup and drank with her.

- So, a new beginning!

She smiled:

- Is it possible?

- I like to think. And I would like you and me, we live in the evening

sense. What do you think?

Molly's heart began to beat faster. She took a sip of champagne to

in countenance and save time. So it was really attracted to her! And yes,

she wanted it unto thee.

Page 40

- The idea appeals to me, she finally managed to articulate.

In the smile that man then addressed him, no trace of triumph, not the

any sign of unhealthy jubilation: his eyes shone with a pure pleasure, simple.

- Molly, it's your first name?

- No, my name is Melissa. But I was always called Molly.

- Can I do that?

- Of course.

- I'd be happy if you called me Richard.

- Heard ..., Richard.

While raising his glass to toast a silent, she looked pensive face and

smiling. His intuition whispering that this man could creep into his soul, while

know it, with an intensity that no one had approached. The thought

such power made him shudder: she feared so no longer belong to lose

this identity she tried to impose against all odds! She finished her cup of

champagne, while the bell rang recovery of the show.

Molly found her seat with gratitude. It felt really upset. It was more

still happy when the lights went out: in the dark, she would finally be able to

recover. In any case, there was no question of building novels about the kindness

of Richard;

This was both foolish and premature. The passage from hostility to something else


simply asked adjust its behavior.

The show began. The beautiful costumes of the dancers finally hold his

Attention: shimmering colors, rich fabrics, beauty of form ...

Enchanting. And soon, Molly thought only of the plot: the seductive

Count Vronsky continued his attentions Anna, the beautiful wife of a respectable


Very quickly, thanks to a poignant choreography, she identified heroin and lived

with her

the intensity of emotions: the initial acceptance compliments becoming fascination


passionate love, the terrible struggle in the heart of Anna ... The need to feel close

to her lover

her inevitably conflict with her love to her son, with loyalty

due to her husband. Then came the time for Anna's fateful choice: give up

everything to live

his passion.

A passion condemned by his own sense of honor provided by the company

Rigid she flouted the law. Soon, under the double constraint pressures

emotional and social great passion was deteriorating. Heavy heart pity, Molly lived

Anna every facet of his despair, while qu'agonisait where jealousy and love

possessiveness mingled with bitterness to make it more destructive.

Anna reduced to a total dependence on Count Vronsky by a world that

Page 41

would accept him, but rejected it, was sinking day by day in an endless misery. It

had sacrificed everything for illicit love, and condemned for it.

The train, the first time, allowed Anna to find her lover, and had

symbolized the wanderings of his emotions, would also be responsible for the


He appeared on the scene, huge, dark, sinister.

The sadness of the last dance Anna brought tears in Molly's eyes.

Tears began to stream down her cheeks while qu'impitoyables insensitive wheels


Train continued their race, indifferent to the fragile spark of humanity that, grind;

their importance as a soul has yielded to despair?

The curtain fell. In the room enthusiastic, applause broke out. Then

light returned. Molly impossible to dry her tears ... Around her, people rose,

regained the output; she was quite unable to move. She first had to find a

semblance of composure. Above her handkerchief, she cast a glance at Richard

sorry that

calmly waited beside her.

- You must find me stupid.

-not At all. I am happy to have met a woman endowed with as many

sensitivity and compassion. Take your time, Molly, we're in no hurry.

- You ... You do not have to stay with me,

-J'en Feel like it.

- I do not want you to be embarrassed.

- It would take me a lot more than that, Molly.

She turned to him a faint smile:

- It's ... it's just ... this story touched me closely. It should not have the

seduce. She has suffered so much!

- He really wanted her.

- But first he had to think about the consequences! Selfishness killed Anna!

- Perhaps the-i wanted! So strong that he preferred not to think in the present.

She shook her head:

- He knew ... He knew.

- It also, Molly.

She took a deep breath and wiped her last tears.

- You're right. But it is because of him that she is dead.

Page 42

- You, you would have turned away, he said the calm tone in which it is stated


- Yes. In my view, it is essential to respect the marriage oath; especially when it

There has children. I must seem very old game, but ...

- No, I totally agree with you. If you feel unable to hold a

promise, we should have the courage and honnêteté.de not do it. Promises not

outfits, it's still very painful. I speak knowingly: I see

constantly consequences, in my profession.

- That's right ... I forgot that you were a lawyer. And yet, your job please


He smiles.

- Fortunately! Yes, I love what I do. There is always a challenge.

- And win?

- Anyway, that is my goal. Ready?

She would have liked to stay seated for hours here chatting with Richard. But the

bottom of the

deserted room, a group of ushers looked at them wrong. With a sigh, Molly took

the arm

offered him his companion.

They left in silence.

- You're driving? Richard asked.

- Yes. I parked in the car park opposite. Thank you for ... for your kindness,

whispered t-

she, shy, looking down to avoid his gaze.

It is not needed to know how much she wanted to stay with him.

- Are you really have to leave? I wish to invite you to dinner.

The heart of the young woman jumped.

- I would like that a lot.

So that this man had a beautiful smile!

- Chinese cuisine, it say?

- Yes why not?

She laughed completely what she would find on his plate. The tornado

emotions which she barely emerged had not really opened up the appetite, but as

it would allow him to enjoy a little more of his company ...

- I feel very rash ... Offer a stove in your class to share my

meals, whatever! But I trust in Lee Kwong Wu: it will serve us what he has

Page 43

best. Take your car: mine is already there! It was very close by.

- Let's go.

Molly felt suddenly overflowing joy. The night was just beginning. "A

new beginning "... That's what she was like to live in contact with this man.

As if the past no longer mattered. She looked up at him, a little taken aback: all

going so fast!

Earlier, Richard was his enemy, and ... Well no, not his enemy he had

judged harshly because he believed that the same values. Now she could see

In him the man of honor, who, with great distinction, had been able to recognize

his wrongs ... A true man of honor.

Page 44


A force to be rotated to its daily markets, Molly knew the neighborhood

Chinese as his pocket. Day already, the place was nothing attractive. At night, the


red and gold lighting vaguely false pagodas gave the dark streets tinsel

in bad taste. She would never ventured alone in one of those restaurants. But

one where Richard took her offered a nice contrast to its neighbors.

Hardly had they pushed the door she thought enter a Far East of the tale,

delightfully decorated with refined lamps, delicate figurines, plush furnishings. A

thick wool carpet muffled the sound of footsteps, wonderful screens inlaid with

mother of pearl

protecting the privacy of carved black wood tables. And everywhere, floral


showed a remarkable technique and taste.

An Asian indeterminate age, dressed with great elegance, met them:

- Mr Pembroke! What a joy that you come with your charming companion

honor my home!

- Glad to see you, Lee.

The man, apparently the angels could not stop to greet them.

- I give you my best table. The chef is at your service, of course, and I

will personally make sure you do not miss anything. If you'll follow me ...

- Thank you, Richard murmured as he led them to a corner table.

- Ah, Mr. Pembroke, I never will pay my debt to you! My

house is yours. You'll see, I go to prepare a dinner in my way. But first, a

some wine?

- Certainly.

He snapped his fingers for a server, installed a screen of exquisite finesse

around their table, and when the boy returned with a bottle, fills glasses

scrupulously following the required ceremonial.

- There. Cheers. Now, I leave you to watch the preparation of your


Page 45

Molly looked up at Richard quizzically: how to deal with this in large

lords intrigued.

- Do you come here often?

- No; not enough taste of Lee. I successfully defended in a bad

murder story.

- Of Murder! Molly exclaimed, horrified.

He shrugged.

- Oh, it was not really a murder. Lee believes he owes me freedom ...

For me, it would not even have been charged.

Molly frowned

- But he killed someone?

- Yes. And composure. At the time, a gang of mobsters raged in Chinatown. They

had killed a woman with a knife. When they came to "visit" the restaurant

Lee, one of them threatened his wife. Lee shot him.

- So it was in self-defense!

- Technically, no, Lee was not directly threatened. He was afraid for his

woman ... and we understand! The man must protect his family in case of danger,


That's what I told the jury.

-that's All? Molly was surprised with a wry smile.

- I put the tone and emotion needed, I grant you. If it can not

defend his family without ending up in prison, where are we going?

- How would you have reacted in place of Lee? asked the young woman to test

the depth of his convictions.

- Exactly in the same manner. I think that I would protect my family

until the end; even in death, replied firmly.

Molly knew he was not kidding. Beside him, a woman really would know the


- Why are not you married? She asked out of the blue.

Then, ashamed of her indiscretion, she continued:

- I mean ... at your age, most people have already started a family and you ... you

are not without charm!

He laughed.

Page 46

- At my age! Do you take me for an old man, Molly? With my thirty-six years,

I think still have time on my hands!

- It's not what I meant, she whispered, and you know it perfectly.

But you have not answered my question.

Hear his answer suddenly seemed paramount.

- I have nothing against marriage, if you ask me. I envy even

happy couples. Alas ... It is not easy to find a soul mate. I'm engaged, there has

many years. This might have market if I had made an effort ... But I was young


very imbued with myself and my partner refused to fit the mold that I wanted

it incorporates.

Then I lost it.

- What did you expect from it?

- Too much. She was a lawyer, too, and we were looking at both of us "

do "a name. Every time she gave more importance to his work to me, I

got angry ... Until the day she replied that I behaved in the same way that,

and I often prefer him my files. It was perfectly true. I objected to him that,

because I would be the head of household, in charge of the food, my work was

more important than his.

"Well, if that's really what you think, let us separate right away, she replied.

I will not marry a dirty male chauvinist. "My pride and cemented his break ... We

do we ever reviewed.

He sighed. We read in his eyes hard-won wisdom.

- The years have shown me that pride is a very cold fellow traveler. I have

not intend to spoil him back my life ...

- This woman, you still love him? she asked softly.

The question seemed to surprise him.

- No. I even believe that at the time I confused love with something else. It

... represented a challenge: beautiful, brilliant ... and centered on itself as I was on

me! I wanted to own it, that's all. I am happy not to have married her.

She smiled, satisfied.

- Well I too am glad that you did not marry her! Men

only one species are endangered ... and there are too many who are unaware of


deliberately status when it suits them!

Richard's face darkened, and Molly immediately regretted her words, she had


family ties that bound him to Jeremy Lambert! The memory of the betrayal of his


brother could do that toil Molly, meanwhile, remembered this episode with unease:


Page 47

lamentable mistake, if she had yielded to her seducer! She knew now that it was


felt for him any love. He had attracted, seduced, made vulnerable ... nothing more.

She had no idea that it offered a face sorry.

- I'm sorry. I am sincerely sorry that I hurt you Jeremy at this point.

I would like to wring his neck.

Surprised by his vehemence, she looked up his anger, compassion, he reserved the

for her, not for her sister! Strange ... She frowned:

- For me, it is for your sister I'm sorry. I hope she will not know anything.

- Dana will not know anything if Jeremy has two sub intelligence.

Then, chasing the gloom with an ironic smile, he continued:

- Not very smart of me to have chosen Anna Karenina as a spectacle! I will

better next time.

She smiled; deep inside, she rejoiced that he is already planning a

Next time.

- I am very happy to have attended. It was great.

- You know the story?

- Not at all. And you?

- I read the book. Very slave, in form as well as in the intensity of emotions.

- I know a single Russian novel War and Peace.

- I hope this is a good omen for us! The side of "peace", of course.

She raised her glass in a mock toast.

- The consistency of your efforts to make this possible seems quite


- The game was worth it, right?

Lee appeared at that moment, surrounded by an army of servers. One after the

other, six

dishes came top with the white cloth, followed by various gravy boats and

condiments. Lee himself

put before them plates of the finest porcelain, and triumphantly exhibited two

beautiful engraved silver forks.

- You see, I remembered: no chopsticks!

Richard laughed:

- You are a perfect host, Lee. Thank you very much.

Page 48

He looked a few seconds the overloaded table:

- All this seems delicious, but it will not take offense if we do

not finish all: it's a banquet, not a meal for two!

- As you wish! Taste of each dish, eat your fill ... and above all,

treat yourself!

Smiling, he slipped on a last bow, leaving his honored guests, but

also a little embarrassed by such generosity.

- I hope you have a good appetite, Molly!

- I was going to ask you the same thing!

- At least we must try everything ... Help yourself!

Molly took a spoonful of each dish; his companion did the same. They sighed,

discouraged by the remaining quantities, fell a helpless look, then, determined,

attacked their plates.

- Mmm! A delight, this crab! commented the young woman. I will have to resume!

- I recommend the chicken with lemongrass adds Richard.

Every bite was a pure delight. Honour all dishes, each

delicately spiced and incomparable flavor, did not ask them any problems; when


were so full, they pushed their plates with the double satisfaction of

divinely dinner and have a pleasure to Lee.

The latter made clear the table and served them tea in the finest cups

Molly had ever seen, a porcelain so thin you could see almost through.

Tea, meanwhile, although a strange taste for a layman palace, proved to be very


During the meal, Richard had pressed Molly's questions about her profession and

undertaking of which he explained the operation in detail.

- You seem to be an excellent business woman! he concludes admiringly, while

they were sipping a second cup of tea, along with some pastries.

Oh, do not pay me all the qualities of the earth! Okay, the idea comes from me,

but thanks to Beth that it works so well. For me it is just a job

as another.

- You do not see a vocation?

- My God, no! I hope life brings me a better fate than to cook for

the other the rest of my days!

Page 49

A satisfied smile appeared on the lips of his companion.

- I thought for you, work came first.

- Oh, what an idea! And why not?

- You have ... twenty-six years. From what I know of your life, I feel that

you spent all your energy to your career.

Because I had nothing else to do, she replied simply .t.

He looked up at her a puzzled look questioningly.

- Molly, you're a young beautiful woman. You must attract men

hundreds. Why did you choose any?

She blushed.

- I never had a choice, Richard. Probably because I do not attract men

it would ...

- And when you were younger? asked, softly.

She sighed ... then, without shame or false modesty, she told him her past. Why?

She did not even asked the question, his warm smile, reassuring him there

prompted all


- I met a man during my stay in Paris. You could say that I had ...

an affair with him. I did not see it that way. I thought ... I thought he

marry me. But he was already married and had not said anything to me. As soon as

I found out, and despite

all the love I bore him, I ended our relationship.

She gave him a wan smile:

- I was very naive at the time. I still am, by the way: I trust the people

and I believe all they tell me.

- But it is possible, sometimes he whispered.

- Maybe ... I have not yet had the evidence. Anyway, back home,

I refused to invest too much in another being; for fear of suffering. And I got

locked in

my little life a little dull, working hard, thinking as possible. Soon after, Brendan,


Beth's husband, left, leaving the restaurant ... and his wife. I stayed with her

to support it. I could not betray her, too. This idea of home restoration, I

got it to rebuild, knock him out of work. Not so much for my security

personal. It took us all the time. After two years, I felt I had

pause, if I did not want to leave my youth and health. I offered myself

two weeks of vacation; that's when I met Jeremy. You know how and

... why our story ended. There you go.

Page 50

The long silence that followed oppressed the young woman. Richard wore the

same mask

hard and dark at the beginning of the meal, when she spoke Jérémy the first time.

The bitterness washed over: to trust like a child to be in just one day

flattering, she spoiled her chances to really please the lawyer.

Yet ... It was what it was, and remorse are changed anything. If Richard

did not like what she showed him her, too bad! To hell!

- There's nothing like a fresh start, is not it? she remarked sarcastically.

- With a lot of will, it overcomes all the difficult situations of life,

Molly. You do not have any luck; a sad irony of life, pure hearts are

often the most abused. With no malice in them, they do not know the

recognize in others and are vulnerable victims.

- In any case, I have no intention of being trapped a third time! she declared,

giving him a meaningful look of defiance.

- I do not ask you to take my word ... but I'm not a

Hunter, Molly.

After a few moments of silence, he continued:

- You told me-that you were not working on Sundays. Are you willing to spend

coming with me?

Despite the bitterness of his speech, a few minutes earlier, she wanted to give him


trust him. Besides, he already had: everything in this gray eyes, direct, urged her to


- Okay, she replied without hesitation.

A big smile lit up the face of Richard. He seemed much younger, while


- Which program you try? Escaping the city? A walk in the

mountains, perhaps?

- Good idea! she replied, forcing quiet to hide his enthusiasm.

"Do not get excited! Advised him an inner voice. Will not risk another

disappointment. »

- Nine o'clock this for you?

- Well, yes.

- Pitch Perfect. No need to waste time.

His remark tarnish the pleasure of Molly. Waste time? Time for what? What had

it behind the head? It was not because she had to confide in her that she was going

to throw

Page 51

in bed, all the same!

- Tell me ... What a pleasure a lawyer he is dating a stove? interrogea-

she in a tone almost accusingly.

He laughed.

- First of all, for you, I do not underestimate a chef, Molly. And you

are probably better in your game than me in mine. Then your

profession has nothing to do with the pleasure I feel in your company. I like talking

to you,

feel close to me, that's all. ... I find you very endearing. Please, forget that I am

lawyer and do not see in me ...

- ... The fine gentleman? She finished with an amused smile.

- Why not? he replied, laughing.

It was then that Lee chose to return.

- I see you are not bored! Can I offer you a nightcap? Another cup

of tea?

- No thank you, Lee. It's time we leave. We spent an evening

wonderful. Miss Fitzgerald, a blue ribbon, has particularly enjoyed the meal.

- Yes, it was really delicious.

Lee could not contain himself for joy. He accompanied them to the door with

strength and bows

of friendship, begging Richard to come more often.

Once outside, the lawyer took possession of Molly's arms, with an authority that

suffered no dispute; Moreover, the young woman did not feel the desire to

challenge anything.

- So what effect does it make, to be considered as the good God? she asked,


- This is embarrassing.

She laughed, looking up at him, not realizing she leaned her head

on his shoulder. He looked at her, and the heat of his gaze suddenly turned into

something more intense. No! Yelled a voice in it. Not that, not so fast! She turned

strongly head. The pace of their march had not even slowed down, and Richard


forward as if that moment of temptation had not existed. But the young woman,

she was


They stopped in front of the small Datsun Molly, who opened the door. There was


only car in the parking lot: parked in the background .... a luxurious Porsche.

- What is yours? She asked.

Page 52

- Mmm. An extravagant toy. You have to have fun with oneself, when one person



- I probably acted like you, if I had the means, she says with a

look at his modest vehicle.

She held out her hand.

- Richard, thank you.

Strong fingers imprisoned his. The lawyer, a brief moment, his face peered

very gently.

But Molly had raised his guard, and we could read in his eyes a courtesy

remote. She had been too afraid.

- A Sunday Molly. Sleep well.

- Good night, Richard, she responded by moving the steering wheel.

She went home very slowly. She felt ... weird. Why instinctively Had

She denied any possibility of Richard kiss? She had given to many

men kiss without consequences ... even at the first meeting! And men

attracted him far less than this. He must have thought she rejected him, so

she felt only one desire: to know the ... by heart

Here was the problem. By heart. Intimately. In her innocence, she had

easily seduced by Philip, and her need for love could well have the lead

in the bed of Jeremy. Now she had matured; she would not end up in one of

By Richard simple desire; not before, behind, she really means love.

Kiss ... A step on the way to sensuality, nothing more. But she knew that for

Richard Pembroke, this path would not take long to go. Already tonight, he had

taken the

operations management with ease and decided everything. He had to admit

to be honest it was bent gracefully to his will.

But a man who, at one glance, one word could upset her as he

had represented a real danger. She had to be wary. First, know him better, to be


It was too early now.

A small giggle escaped her. That she had gone to the ballet free spirit,

no other thought than the pleasure of attending a good show! And now on the way

return, she was absorbed by the entire image of a man! A man who could be

the most important of his life. With a bit of luck.

Page 53

Page 54


The roses arrived the next day in the early evening. The girl who delivered the


Molly with ill-concealed curiosity; it was like she was biting her lip to keep


- We were ordered them this morning, she explained by asking the big box

the entrance, but we never keep in stock this species, which is quite rare. We have


forced to look at the producer ... hence the delay. I hope it did not cause

no damage ...

- Not at all. Thank you.

On the face of the flower girl, smile finally prevailed.

- I would be, I would forgive him! she said before descending the steps of


Molly closed the door and threw the package a little bewildered glance; he had


Richard, she did not attend any other man than him. But what the girl was she



- Who was that? Beth asked, the kitchen background.

- The florist.

While reaching his girlfriend, Molly took off the lid and gently pushed aside the


silk. Some roses were still closed, delicate yellow buttons hemmed purple but

other bloomed in all their glory their yellow heart surrounded by petals


Gave off a delicious scent.

- Do you know how they are called, Beth? she asked, pulling a closet of the vase.

- Peace. This is at least their common names.

Molly laughed she now understood the remark of the flower girl! Without

doubt she had imagined a terrible fight, and Richard saw a poor despairing lover,

trying to regain its beautiful ... So he had probably acted as mere whim

Thinking back to his commentary on War and Peace?

Page 55

- You can laugh, Molly Fitzgerald! Beth interjected with a look that spoke

volumes. If you

ask me, this man is developing a strategy of seduction unstoppable.

And it does not waste a minute, beware! Molly could not stop, somewhere,

to approve Beth opinion ... but this gift too delighted.

The roses were beautiful, and the gesture reassured about the feelings of Richard:

he held

really it.

It was only once completely empty box she found the envelope

accompanied him.

- Oh! A love letter! Gina went into raptures.

- Love, and then what? Molly retorted.

But she unsealed the envelope with delicious anticipation.

"I do not know why, I have a feeling that you do not make me completely

confidence. You are wrong. Thank you again for last night. I expect to see you

again. See you on Sunday.

Richard "

- That's what, that little smile? Beth inquired mockingly.

- Oh, nothing. It just reminds me of our appointment on Sunday.

- Ugh! He especially expects you to do her own coin!

- Do not think Molly, Gina intervened. This man of the heart, I feel it.

Molly hoped that Gina was right. But Beth's words had touched a point

sensitive in her; despite the joyful beating of her heart, she was not able to drive

them out of

his mind.

On Sunday morning, she found herself in the throes of indecision: what to wear?


feminine vanity prompted him to choose a nice skirt ... but it was his practical


was the top: it was always cooler in the mountains, and they began to climb

rocks, it would look smart in high heels! So she put on his least threadbare jeans

and a

pretty blue and green silk shirt. Light makeup and careful brushing the

reconciled with his image. She liked as well. Sporty and attractive. And Richard,


he, like clothes every day? He lost the distinction that gave him his

street clothes?

When, at nine o'clock, she opened the door she stopped to wonder: it was

just wonderful. The beige shirt and tight jeans revealed a body of manhood

that well-cut suits tended to neutralize. The face, she had first found

cruel and cold and full of personality, was surprisingly appealing. And the smile

that he

addressed was enough head spin.

Page 56

- Beautiful day! he hurled by way of greeting.

- Very, yes. I am ready, 'said the young woman, who certainly was well

too sensitive to physical charm men.

Once again, she swore she would not fall in this Richard Pembroke

easy trap.

- I like punctuality.

- It's just good manners.

What would he have thought if he had known that, in the meantime, she counted

the minutes?

- So, I like good manners.

He took her hand with great natural, and the heart of Molly was until the car

prey to a painful internal struggle. Holding hands, big deal! It was a simple

friendly gesture.

Yes ... But that firm contact affected his whole body, and she did not want that. It

refused, with every fiber, to be involved in a physical relationship. What a relief,

when Richard opened the door for her, and that she was finally able to let go of his

hand! She dropped

in the luxurious cream leather seat, and leaned against the window, as if to protect.

With his human approach that knows where it is going and who used to lead his

boat alone,

the lawyer passed the driver's side.

Well, for once, he does not decide everything; it was Molly who require round

would take their relationship. He said he enjoyed his company, he liked to talk

with her? Pitch Perfect! Conversations, she would give him as long as he wants;

but all that

concerned the expected direction: she wanted to be sure he did not want his body.

As he slid behind the wheel. Molly faced his gray eyes with

caution. Richard's smile vanished, giving way to an ironic grimace:

- You, you do not trust me! We try our luck, or you prefer

cancel the walk?

Molly blushed.

- Why do you say that? she protested with feigned casual tone.

He reached out to her, as if to caress his cheeks burning, but it slipped away,

shocked he shows so familiar. The man's movement turned into a wave of


- Is it because I am the brother of Jeremy?

She blushed even deeper.

- I wish we were not talking about it, she said dryly.

Page 57

Then the glossy look of defiance, she added:

- And you want to give up?

- Oh no! I think of you since we first met ... one way or

other. I'd hate to see you go now, 'he replied with a sweetness that disarmed


- I'm sorry, she murmured, embarrassed. I did not intend to be so aggressive.

I waited with great anticipation to see you today. And thank you for ...

roses. They were not necessary, but thank you.

He smiles.

- I felt better after you have sent! I felt like you

call ... but I find this so impersonal machine! For all admit, this is the

first time I also feel unsure of myself with a woman.

- You? Not sure about you?

- Oh, that's understandable after the way you have given me in my place!

He made a face and put the engine running. Noise both deaf and powerful ... The

car darted with the flexibility of a feline.

- You may not know, Molly! Every morning, I watched myself in the mirror,

watching for any sign of complacency in my expression, the smallest traces

complacency on my face ... to fight without mercy.

- And you think I'm going to believe you?

- You can not imagine the ascendancy you have taken on me!

- I still do not believe a word.

- Oh, you're really cruel! Look, to prove how much I took to heart

Your humbling, I take you to see the work of my very humble ancestor.

-What Work?

- An assembly of stones. The first road to the interior. My

Rear-back--great-grandfather was involved in its construction, motivated

throughout the

path a few lashes.

- It was a convict?

- Yes, poor fellow. They lived in atrocious conditions, these men! If the

Pembroke blood flowing today as silk, it trickled under the blows in 1814! And

do you know how my grandfather has come here?

- He had stolen a piece of bread?

Page 58

Richard shook his head.

- No, not even. It was a prayer book.

- A prayer book? Molly repeated, taken aback.

- It makes you wonder, does not it? Mind you, if it was the Bible, he could swear



- How many years will it take?

- "Condemned to be transported in the penal colony of New South Wales

South, and performing seven years of hard labor there, "Richard recited with mock


- Oh, I beat you! You, the English, you're doing well compared to us,

Irish! The Fitzgerald them were sentenced to life imprisonment, without even past

trial. We piled them in a vessel and presto! Shipped!

- Hum! Looks like there is also the convict in your family tree!

- And not just anything! she retorted proudly. No small fry, the thief

lace! We were inveterate rebels. My ancestors burned the Dublin Castle and,

not content with having revolted in Ireland continued to the Government of

New South Wales. One of them was even hanged.

- I'm starting to understand where your fiery side!

Molly laughed. Richard gave him a satisfied look, warm.

- Tell again, he invited.

- That's the paternal branch. For my mother, we go back to a certain Mary

O'Connor, transported in 1808. The story goes that the complainant had some


testify against her because she bit him on the wrist, lacerated his face, tore his shirt


he put a black eye.

- My God! Lovely child! And Wherein were accused?

- To have burned the house of the owner.

Richard burst into a loud laugh.

- It was a vengeance, Molly explained. The reason for the quarrel was lost over

generations, but it certainly was not wrong.

- If you say so ...

Then, the evil eye, in a miserable Irish accent, he added:

- What a beautiful pedigree you have there, Miss Fitzgerald!

- I am very proud, she replied in the same way.

Page 59

Increasingly laughing, they continued in that tone all along the route. Between

jokes, Richard managed to get Molly detailed history of his family.

At one point, he stopped the car on the side of the road, they went down to

observe its stone foundations, raised by convicts many years before. Molly

Richard nodded enthusiastically when offered to win Hartley, on the other side of


Mount Victoria.

Hartley ... A historic village, where the pioneers rested before or after

crossing the mountains.

In his old court, built entirely of stone, it was renewing a well time

over. Everything had been left as it is; posters describing escaped convicts hung

even the walls. Molly sat on the dock while Richard took the place of


Then began a mock trial in which the lawyer deployed humorous treasures

imagination. The young woman laughed as she had never laughed. Another tourist,


in the room and staring at them with a frightened air, ended their game.

Gays like two schoolboys, they returned to the car, and turned back to

to stop at the Hydro Majestic Hotel, near Katoomba, tourism hotspot fashionable in

beginning of the century. The massive set remained impressive, he was perched on

the edge of a

cliff, overlooking the valleys and peaks of the Blue Mountains. They lunched in

antiquated splendor of the dining room and, as a digestive, made a walk in

the shady alleys of wisteria.

Without any apprehension, Molly took the arm of Richard: was it not in the tone

the decor? In addition, after a heavy meal and well watered, she felt a little


The humor, fantasy Richard had very pleasantly surprised. Really, it

loved his company; they filled out the more than she had dreamed.

They stopped under an arch to admire the blue undulation that extended to


- The poor settlers were desperate to find a way through the maze!

she whispered.

- With the promise of Governor Macquarie to find after a land of a thousand

acres, I doubt they ever despair!

She stared at him curiously;

- How is it that you know so well Australia's history?

- It is fully linked to that of our laws. And you?

- My father taught history; evening readings mainly concerned

Page 60

convicts and settlers!

- That does not give you nightmares? No, do not tell me ... You and your

brother, you were small bloodthirsty monsters who adore all these horrors.

Molly smiled.

- Exactly. It was much better than Snow White or Cinderella, do not you think

? Our favorite game was "the redcoats against the convicts."

- Small rebel!

The Richard gaze slid over her mouth ... Molly's heart stopped beating. He went

embrace it, and everything would change. It would not be too gay, too carefree, so

free. There

tension, emotional ravages come sweep; she did not feel ready to face

it. Not yet.

She loved what they were living together! Under the effect of a panic, she

turned his head and saw a bench.

- Oh, let's sit down here! She chirped away from him as fast as possible.

In his mind, it was chaos. Why then was silent? Oh, she knew

he was not fooled: all in his attitude as he joined her, showed her reluctance.

She reacted like an idiot. The least we would have been to evade the problem with

tact and elegance ... instead she rejected him, awkward as a teenager.

Richard sat next to her without saying anything. Painful thoughts agitated mind

the young woman ... The silence soon became unbearable.

- The view is great from here, right? She smirked a little high-pitched voice,

immediately made him want to slap him.

- That's right, Richard replied curtly.

"My God, I blew it! I pushed him away like a muzzle while ... What to do, what

ie to fix this? "She asked, desperate.

- Molly ... I fly tonight to Melbourne ...

So that was the end of relationships that promised so much. It would have been

enough of a kiss, a

round little kiss ...

- I take care of a case that could last three or four weeks, continued


She had to pretend to be interested, try to find a bit of everything from magic


- A murder case? She asked risking a shy glance.

Page 61

- No, this is one of those inquiries, which rarely lead. I

representing a client whose name was involved in a bad corruption. It will

surely also he comes himself clear his name. If possible.

- He is innocent?

- Innocent ... There are degrees of innocence. He does not deserve jail.

He slowly looked up at her and looked her in the face.

- Molly, I really enjoyed this day with you. ... I hope you do too.

- It was wonderful, Richard, hastened she meet, hoping against all

hope that they would meet again anyway.

- It looks like you again next Sunday, if I return to Melbourne

on purpose?

A huge relief invades the young woman. He always wanted her; his

silly attitude had not wrinkled. So it was that he was not seeking just the adventure

physics. She turned to him and finally daring to look him in the eye, gave her his


nice smile.

- Obviously, Richard.

- And on Sunday? And the one after that? he continued with a smile more


- You will lose a lot of time back and forth, Molly objected.

But deep down, she exulted early joy.

- Each journey takes only two hours; and then it gives me a purpose in the

week. What will we do next time? A river cruise Hawkes Bury?

- Great idea! You have a boat?

- No, but I will praise one.

- You'll ruin you!

- What does it matter? It's really the least of my worries! So for the course

boat ride.

- I'll bring lunch: I would like to help ...

- Bargain! And I believe that I won.

They smiled, as enchanted as the other of their projects.

The prospect of Sunday ahead lit all the following hours: this post

afternoon spent together was the beginning of a long series of reunion, and even


Page 62

Richard saw her home, Molly felt filled, serene. His contentment was

really full when, at the door, he dropped his hand and made no attempt to kiss her.


his eyes enough.

- Could we left early next Sunday? he asked.

- At what time?

- Eight hours?

- I'll be ready. Thank you for this wonderful day, Richard.

- Soon, Molly, he said softly.

He left on a last smile, the memory warmed her heart all week.

Their day on the river Hawkes Bury was as successful as the first one: full of


exciting discussions and complicity: They launched the lines and took a basket full


bream ... Molly triumphed: she had the biggest catch. Richard, he mocked

the incredible beginners luck ... But he seemed happy to see so gay.

Molly never had behaved as naturally to a man. She

was even more attractive in shorts and T-shirt. His gaze lingered sometimes, in

spite of

her on his powerful muscles, the width of his shoulders, and she wondered what

we felt in the arms of this man. The thought also managed to


Richard did not squeezed against him. He kept his distance and when he touched

her, it was

sensual without intention. Not that he does not éprouvât desire for it, on the


Molly could see it mastered and held the reins to his impulses with a determination


But she preferred to ignore; it could well push the physical element which,

inevitably the force to make a decision for which it did not feel ready. There

how their relationship evolved the fully satisfied, until now.

On the third Sunday, Richard took her lunch at the Inn of Berowra Waters. This

restaurant was considered one of the best in Australia. It was in a context very

picturesque, protected by a bay that could be reached only by boat. Food

was indeed remarkable ... and the company of Richard the only thing that Molly



It was she who insisted to prepare a picnic at their fourth exit.

Richard led her into a large park, near a river, where they could relax while

Looking evolve skiers behind powerful outboards.

It was a very sweet day, they had all the time in front of them. As Richard

looked tired, the woman told him to lie down on the blanket for a nap!

- I have so little time for you! he objected.

Page 63

I do not want to lose him!

- Richard, please! I feel responsible for your fatigue. It is for me

performing these grueling journeys. When does your trial?

- In the course of the week. Why do you feel guilty? I act as

I feel like it, right?

He was lying, but was leaning on one elbow, back slightly. His question

Molly had plunged in trouble, and she was trying to answer him when a light


on his arm your shivered. She turned to Richard her eyes worried. He removed his


- Is it too early, Molly? asked, softly.

She knew of course what he meant ... For its part, the attraction that it felt

for him and tried to choke for weeks refused to be bullied any longer.

- Richard, it's not that ...

She hesitated, immensely vulnerable now they approached the subject. Nicely,

he pulled her against him.

- Come here, near me. I will not eat you! I just want you

cease to avoid me.

Despite his trouble, Molly obeyed.

- I do not avoided you, she whispered, eyes closed to better conceal the

confusion of his feelings.

- Molly ...

The rustle of her fingers on her cheek forced her to meet his gaze. In it, doubt

and fear mitigated desire.

- I want to touch you, kiss you, hug you against me. You've got it

guessed; Yet at the slightest suggestion of intimacy ... you are no longer there. Be

frank with me, Molly: there he has a chance for you to experience the same things


- I'm sorry, she mumbled, confused; I admit to not being up to par.

- Molly, I expected nothing from you. But I do not want our

relationship remains platonic. I need to know if we're going somewhere, every


- If ... if you want.

He chuckled.

- Do you, like, Molly? That is the problem.

Page 64

- Yes, she whispered.

She hoped with all his strength he harbored the same ideal of stability, sharing

and fidelity herself. Because it was no longer illusions: it was indeed


Before she could even think of protesting, he forced her to lie down next to him


laid his lips on hers; lips of a demonic smooth, wildly persuasive ...

The desire to give prevailed. All impulses that the young woman since refrénait

days patiently scaffolded broke the dikes, and she returned his kiss with Richard

fervor that left him stunned. She felt her brief hesitation ... then the constraints he


also imposed vanished, and he took her in his arms. Impatient, mingled with his


his hair as he then covered her body; against her breasts, heart beat Richard

with a deaf violence. Ignoring his weight on her, ignoring those who could see


ignoring everything except the desire crept into it and demanded to be appeased,

Molly hugged more

strong again.

Suddenly, he was alienated from her:

- Molly ... Is it for me? For me? he asked incredulously.

She opened her eyes that reflected neither guilt nor lie, but only

the intensity of her feelings. That meant his question? Why this expression

concerned, this look full of doubt? She did not understand. He had to be further

evidence that

the spontaneity of abandonment?

He sighed ... and his eyes flashed suddenly a crazy tenderness.

- Why did I wait so long? he whispered, gently pushing the

red hair playing on his time.

He was going to kiss her again ... This time, she was afraid:

- Richard ...

- Mmmm?

- I ... I do not want an adventure with you.

He frowned:

- What do you mean, Molly? I do not understand.

She dipped her head in her hands. Because really had back injuries

big day ...

- Two men were supposedly loved me, Richard. Both, I gave all

confidence I could muster. In fact, neither one nor the other really loved me. They


well what could happen to me, to me; As they reached their goal, the rest

not count. I know you want me, and I ... I love you very much. I love your

Page 65

company. That's why I did not encourage you beyond friendship: I did

not to stop. But if you want a simple adventure, stop everything, right away.

Before I am still more deeply attached. I'm just asking

to be honest with me.

He rolled onto his back, separating from her so abruptly that the heart of Molly

sank. He

crossed his hands behind his head and puckered eyelids, stared at the river.

The young woman could not stand his silence any longer; she sat down, turning her


- I warned you, the first night she said in a small voice miserable.

- Finally, Molly, it's mutual desire! There is no question of taking ... but

give and to receive.

That answer that? She simply refused to be physically involved in a

Adventure feelings of emptiness. And no matter how he would defend his case: it

would remain

adamant on this point.

- I wish you, he said abruptly. I believed, before the heat of your reaction,

while ago, you wanted me too. I can not stifle the momentum that pushes me to

you; I can not snap your fingers and make it disappear. I'm able to

control, of course, but I do not see why I épuiserais this year, though this attraction

is mutual! I do not ask you to throw me into the nearest bed, Molly,

I do not ask you to become my mistress; but just to answer me honestly,

so I finally know where we stand. Until just now, I thought I had

not to you any charm, he added a little bitter.

- I'm sorry, Richard. My attitude was not really reflected. I do not

stand being hustled, that's all.

- That I can understand. But what do you expect from me now? I you

proposes marriage if I want to see you?

Presented well, his views seemed absurd, Molly knew. But she knew

so that the power of this man put her in a state of extreme vulnerability; it

was so afraid that hurts again!

On the other hand, if she was taking no chances, his future with Richard was

reduced to

nothingness. Despair, tears filled her eyes as she decided to take the party.

- No, she finally said she wanted a voice strong, to hide his distress. No I do not

you are not asking me to propose marriage.

A long silence ... Then a hand was laid on his shoulder, firmly clenched, stroked.

Molly shivered; its ultimate reticence disappeared: whatever happens, she too


of that presence.

Page 66

- Molly, it does mention anything to me at your back; as beautiful as it is.

She pressed her palms against her eyelids to chase her tears and crept near

him. He reached out and lifted her chin authoritarian finger.

- Look at me. I know you were bruised ... I do not have the power to go

back and erase those bad experiences; nor to advance the time to read the future

and tell you what future fate holds us, we reserve one. For many, this

up to you. You have to give me your trust. Without it, we will get nowhere. He


intensely, an almost pleadingly.

- Do you want that we go next Sunday at home?

Home. In his room? In his bed? Molly dismissed that thought as quickly as it

had come. She did not doubt for a moment the franchise Richard; why

she get suspicious of him? His request seemed reasonable.

- Heard.

Richard's hand went up to her face, stroked her cheek when she stopped. This


of great tenderness upset Molly; heavy heart, she waited ... The hand went away.

- That's good. Now we see a little clearer.

He did not want to kiss mine again. He spoke at length of her home

he lived in Woolhara, the small pool which occupied three-quarters of his garden ...


little Molly nervousness disappeared and soon she talked, laughed, as if nothing

had happened.

The return was as enjoyable as the previous ones. As before, the Richard

accompanied her onto the porch.

- Next Sunday, baths and relaxation program.

For lunch, you'll get my specialty: barbecued foods. Agree?

- Hmm, I like it!

- Nine o'clock.

- Impeccable.

He opened his arms and pulled her to him, in a movement of a slow and a

Molly took off sensuality any desire to resist,

- I do not limit myself to a casual handshake, he whispered.

He kissed her, pressing her body against his, and nothing except the hot passion of


mouth, possessive strength of his embrace, no longer existed for her. She kissed


with instinctive passion. How long they stayed and lost in the arms of one

the other? She never knew. But when they separated, she felt back

a very long journey.

Page 67

Richard's smile reflected immense satisfaction.

-With This memory, I can go back without sadness in Melbourne, he said softly.

Bye, Molly.

He stroked her cheek one last time and then returned to the gate, leaving the


steps, trembling with desire and love.

Page 68


She says a big effort to reconstruct his face before facing Beth. In the

recent weeks, she had casually dismissed the pessimism of her friend about the

relationships between men and women, claiming that Richard himself was of the

seed of true

gentlemen. And she continued to be convinced, even if it became more and more


Qu'objecter her kisses, since she met in such haste? In addition, he had

Because, what relationship could withstand stagnation? If it does not evolve, it was


interest for lack of stimulation.

She entered the house ready to defuse his usual pleasantries

friend. But it did not come welcome, as usual. The hall was plunged into

darkness; a strange silence reigned.

Molly frowned. It was not like Beth out. At that time,

generally, it was following the news on television.

- Beth? She called out, a little worried.

No answer. She suddenly remembered the suffering severe headaches that

sometimes the

young woman. Very gently, she opened the door of his room and scanned the

darkness. There

coiled form on the bed seemed to confirm his hypothesis.

- Beth? She whispered. You sleep?

- No.

- Can I get you something?

Silence. Then slowly, heavily, the figure straightened. Feet sought the


- Do not move, see, Beth! I take care of everything.

- It's okay, she whispered, sitting down on the bed, his head in his hands.

- Are you sure? You do not have the voice of the great shape of days!

Anxious, Molly turned the switch. The light shines in the room.

- No!

Page 69

Too late. The young woman remained stunned seconds before the puffy face

tears of her friend, before having the presence of mind to turn off.

- I'm sorry; I had not realized that ...

- No matter, Beth interrupted wearily. Anyway, I need to

speaking; I certainly repleurerai like a fountain, so ... Prepare us a coffee, you want

? I'll pass me water in the figure.

While bustling in the kitchen, Molly, upset by the state of Beth wondered. His

friend had obviously been crying for hours. Why? Was it because of these long

Sunday lonely since Richard was bothering? Fears about their business

she might leave one day to the next to get married? An awful feeling

guilt gripped her heart, and she hardly dared to turn to his partner when it

collapse came on a stool. Look, washed out, painful grimace, swollen eyelids ...

Despite his obvious disinterest in food, Molly pushed towards her a plate of toast.

- Thank you.

Then she sat in front of her. On an encouraging smile, she encouraged him to

undertake the

reasons for his distress.

- A man came today Beth began in a hoarse voice. He brought me

a letter from Brendan.

- Brendan!

Yikes! The idea that the husband of Beth could be the cause of his depression had

not even touched. In short, after two years of absence, he was out of his field of


- Yes I Am; I was shocked too. The man lived in New Zealand and came to spend

vacation here. Brendan asked me to look, to make sure all was well, and

send me a letter.

- Brendan lives in New Zealand?

- There he found refuge when it is ... gone. There was not another

wife, Molly. It was a story of the game. That's why there was not a penny. Men

looking for him. Bailiffs serving a bookmaker. He had a lot of money.

- But why does he has not talked to you? Why has he abandoned without a

Password? Molly was indignant.

Beth's eyes filled with tears.

- He had sworn that he would no longer play. It had happened once ... but my

father Us

Business had learned to time, and Brendan had promised never to approach a

game table. In his letter, he said that at first he was betting that the tips he received

Page 70

at the restaurant. But the game is like a drug, and it has been caught a second time.

She sighed.

- It was always the next bet which was to get out of trouble and make

millionaire. Obviously, it did not work ... He has not been able to pay on time

the money he had borrowed fatally; was threatened, he was frightened. He thought

he was

better for me not to know where he was. He also said that I would live better


him. He really believed this, Molly, she continued, rising to her friend a feverish

look. This

felt too guilty to confess everything to me, too ashamed to ask me to share

worries. He was so withdrawn, the last two months! I wanted to have a child ... it


not want to hear about it. In my mind, it could be that of another woman.

The idea of the game does not cross me a second. I was really convinced that he

never start again.

- What's going to happen now? Why is it written?

- He wants ... He wants to know if I can forgive him one day.

- What's your opinion?

Tears overflowed, streamed down her cheeks.

- How can I, Molly? Oh, I do not know, I do not know.

She dipped her face in her hands.

- Two years ... It's been two years. And I was so wrong! Now I'm better ...

Better off without him.

Molly waited until her sobs subside. In thought, she flew over the long months

since the departure of Brendan. Empty month that only work had guided. Sure,

Beth had

experienced the satisfaction of success ... but not much else: no love, no

heat, no laughter. She was devoured from within, like burnt by her grief, and she

had nothing to offer to other men. She never remarry. Besides, she had

even thought to divorce, since the abandonment of Brendan. She would not

children ... No, it was not a fulfilling life.

- You really believe to be happier without him? Molly asked when her friend

had somewhat subsided.

- How dare you ask me that? You were there! You saw what he did!

- Yes. But first, you loved him, Beth. When I met you, I thought you

were forming a very nice couple, both. A happy couple.

- Maybe ... But he ran away, he left me, Molly.

- I know.

Page 71

How to forget the terrible betrayal of Brendan respect to the one he claimed to love

? One that, in the time of his first troubles, had loyally supported?

- How can I trust him now?

It was the cry of the heart; and Molly had nothing to answer.

- I do not know, Beth. Maybe is it impossible, indeed. But you can still

seek from him a kind of happiness. Only you have not been happy.

- No. However ... how to be happy with him after what he did to me?

- It is a matter of choice. What do you prefer? A lonely and empty life, or a life

Both, however difficult it may be? Live without him or with him?

She returned to the question she herself had arisen during the afternoon. That

choose between a sterile existence and risky to suffer for conquering love? Richard


had done nothing wrong, not once since she knew she had suffered

because of him. On the contrary. She could really give her confidence.

Beth, she had all the reasons in the world to doubt Brendan. And

However ... maybe this time he would keep his promise? Perhaps they would be

able to

find happiness? If Beth tried anything, she would never know. This reasoning

suited his own case: if it does not go further with Richard, she would know

never their chances of success.

Beth let out an angry sigh

- I like it as much as I hate it. This is the man of my life, and ... Oh, what do I do,


- Why not let the open position? You can write to him without

freeze you into a decision. Tell him that you would see, talk to him. If he cares

about you, he will come. You

then see how you feel, and you will act accordingly.

- Yes.

The young woman nodded thoughtfully.

- Yes, it's a solution. If he comes so far, it already prove something, right?

The glimmer of hope in the reddened eyes of her friend, Molly brought to tears.

- I believe that nothing is gained to risk nothing, Beth. If this man still has

for you, do not hesitate, she said softly, aware that she was betting as well as for


for itself.

Beth stood up all of a block:

- I run write. Yes, this is what to do. Thank you, Molly.

Page 72

The following day, she appeared so nervous that Molly was afraid of having bad

recommended. But on Thursday, when Brendan telephoned from New Zealand, all

his doubts

vanished: in seconds, Beth became another woman, young, lively,


- It takes flight Saturday and Sunday will be here, she announced with joy

completely contradicted the declared hatred few days earlier.

Until Sunday, his mood oscillated between joy and the blackest pessimism.

Yet lorsqu'arriva finally the big day, she looked like a teenager preparing

for his first appointment. What to wear? What look like? What to say and even


welcome? Molly tried to calm her, to no avail itself was to meet Richard, and

was not far from feeling the same excitement.

She chose to wear the striking outfit bought while on holiday: a skirt

printed portfolio diamond emerald, royal blue and purple. Up, which highlighted

the elegant line of her shoulders and neck, down to mid-thigh and could be


in the skirt or worn alone on the matching swimsuit. Molly loved so much this set

she bought sandals to go with.

At nine o'clock at a quarter bell rings:

- This is Richard? Beth inquired anxiously.

- Hmm ... A little too soon. Brendan when he arrives-t?

- I do not know. We did not think to arrange a time. He must come in the morning.

- You want to go to open?

- Go ahead, you, I prefer. I'm making coffee.

... It was Brendan who stood on the threshold. He seemed about to throw behind

the hedge a bouquet of daisies. He turned toward the door an anguished face ... and

looked very

relieved when he saw Molly.

The mustache was gone spirited. The short sleeves of his sports shirt

revealed tanned and very muscular arms, as if he had worked hard under the sun.

His tanned face, weathered, had aged. Although deeply affected by these two

years in exile, he was even more attractive; we read in him a maturity that before


was lacking.

- Hi, Molly, he said nervously. Is Beth ... is there?

- Yes. That's it, this bouquet?

He looked down at her flowers with anxious face.

- I thought ... These are the daisies she likes best ... but they lack

Page 73

class. I should have taken the roses.

Molly smiled, warm:

- Surely not, Brendan. Between. Beth prepares coffee.

- I can not too soon?

"You have two years late," she almost argue. But she restrained the bitter reply:

Brendan was going to live sufficiently difficult times, so that it does not add its



- No, we're standing for a long time. It's all right.

She followed him into the hallway. He walked heavily, as constrained by the



- Beth! threw the young woman, raising his voice. Brendan is here!

She did not go into the kitchen after the man, but his concern prompted her to

stay on the doorstep: provided the first moments are going well!

Neither of them spoke. Their bodies were tense, their faces marked; their eyes

is looking for. Tentatively, Brendan handed her bouquet. He tried to speak ... no

sound came

her throat.

Beth took the flowers, looked at them. With one finger, she stroked a petal. His

hands were shaking.

Then she looked at her husband eyes shining with tears.

- You remembered ...

- Beth!

It was like a cry.

- Beth, I ... Oh, my God, do not cry; no, do not cry, I beg you.

Instinctively, his arms opened. One step, and he took her feverishly against him,

in a blind need to comfort her. His own eyes were closed, but tears

glistened in the corner of his eyes ... to finally roll down her cheeks.

Molly turned away. Quietly, she went to fetch his bag in his room, then went out

in the garden, breathing deeply to recover from his emotion.

Richard slammed the door of his Porsche. Even through the veil of her tears, she

found beautiful, so right, so strong and ... and if trustworthy. She began to run. To


Richard's surprise, she did not used to such effusions, she rushed over

him and wrapped her arms around his neck to plant a sound on her cheek kiss. It


instantly and pressed against him with adoring possessiveness. Suddenly, he


the tears in her eyes clear.

Page 74

- Hey! You cry!

- No, she said, smiling reassuringly. I am happy, that's all.

- Happy at this point to see me? Exclaimed he incredulously.

- Yes and no.

He laughed:

- Let's erase the non quickly! It spoils my enjoyment.

- Let'S Leave. I'll tell you the way.

She reached the car when stopped:

- Wait a minute! A miracle just happened, and you would

leave me with a simple kiss on the cheek? Do things properly!

He captured her lips with passionate fervor, mocking completely to

find in the middle of a highway. When he finally decided that his kiss would

unforgettable, Molly was red as a beet and her heart was pounding


The look of the man caressing landed on her, he touched his forehead with a tender


- Now we can go, he said simply.

- Yes, that would be preferable.

He laughed, while pushing unceremoniously in the car. Then, small

enthusiastic strides, he won the driver's seat; the engine roared exuberantly ... In


- So? Tell me quickly this welcome ... welcome!

- Well, I was happy to see you ...

- You've proven me is heard.

- ... And I had to attend a very moving scene.

The reunion Beth and Brendan.

- Brendan? The runaway husband?

- Himself. They love it. Richard, I felt it. When Brendan arrived this morning,

so touching in his confusion, I had the revelation that truly represented

love. Nothing else in the world that mattered to them to be together, I can tell you

say! It was both heartbreaking and wonderful.

She told him all the events since his return the previous Sunday.

Page 75

He listened with an air person she loved so much.

- And now they are going to live very happy and have many children, he



- I'm not idealistic at this point! I know that life will not be all pink

days, but I think Brendan has suffered so much without Beth Beth without him.

They love, they

desperately need each other. I think their story will continue.

- Have you thought that it would change for you?

She frowned:

- For me? What do you mean?

- If Beth joined Brendan in New Zealand you will find yourself alone at

your business head. This reconciliation does not serve your interests exactly.

- Oh! How dare you think so! she is indignant. What does all this, if

Beth is happy?

He smiled with a warmth that sounded like relief.

- Totally agree with you, Molly. I was just wondering how you

débrouilleriez without it.

-This Do not care, I'm still me out of all situations. Beth can

go with my blessing and my wishes of happiness. For our case, I'll manage: with

Gina and fewer customers, it is very doable. Whatever happens, I will not die of

hunger: a

good cook always work, is not it?

- Mmm ... Myself, I would appreciate to have one at home. Say, you

accept the exclusive work? he added with a mischievous wink.

- It costs a fortune, Richard Pembroke!

- Maybe I concéderiez you a small discount for the benefits you

would find work at home?

- And what benefits?

- The pleasure of cooking for a man who appreciates you, for example.

- Well, well! And what do you mean by "a man who appreciates you"?

- ... I imagined how it would be nice to come back every night to find a

meals concocted by Molly Fitzgerald. And then I thought it would be even nicer if

she sat in front of me to enjoy it. Better yet, if she came to greet me

door, with the same joy that just now. This gave me hope, and I thought ...

- You should stop thinking, she interrupted.

Page 76

A heat wave had spread to her; Richard's dreams were like as

to his own! But based on other bases, bases which it would not.

He suddenly stopped the Porsche on the aisle, turned off the engine, took off his


security and turned to Molly before it has had time to wonder.

- You are absolutely right, he said with conviction. Thinking is not enough.

- Richard ...

The mouth of his companion brushed his with a maddening sweetness.

- We're in daylight ...

- That's perfectly true, he agreed playing with his lower lip.

One hand slid under her hair. With one finger, he followed the delicate outline of

her ear.

Molly's heart was pounding. Weakly, she tried one last protest:

- Richard ...

- I'm here, he whispered.

The sensuality of his kiss destroys everything in it, except wild desire he awoke


so confidently ... and to which she submitted willingly.

- If you continue like this, Molly, we'll grab a ticket for

improper parking!

- But I ... she began.

She stopped, one of his hands clutched at the nape of Richard and his fingers


her hair. A fun flash lit the gray eyes of his companion while

confused, she let her arms fall.

- I did not say it bothered me!

- You are a lawyer, and supposed to respect the law!

- Maybe ... But now I'm a different man.

He returned to his place with a satisfied sigh.

- Actually, I've never felt so alive.

The speed with which he led the Porsche all the rest of the way showed

lightness of spirit that the young woman did not share at all. From the beginning,

she knew

by encouraging a little bit Richard, she would lose control of the situation.

She did not complain, either. She wanted to be loved; she wanted to see her dreams

materialize. But it was the role of wife she heard play, not that of stove

remains and occasional mistress!

Page 77

Helpless, unable to deny her anything now, she could

wait and hope that he really was a man of honor. His thoughts returned to Beth,

a moment she envied the fate of his friend, despite the difficulties to solve with

Brendan in

Despite the pain he had inflicted on him, she possessed an invaluable asset:

Brendan him

belonged to her and no other. Whatever his faults to her, the constancy of

His love was no doubt. They were married, they could settle together when

they pleased, start a family ... The future thy awaited them.

Molly stared intently Richard. With all his strength, all his heart, she wanted

he intends with it the same future.

Page 78


Richard entered idling in an alley that bounded two rows of pavilions

stopped at a garage. He tapped a code, the door wrapped on itself; he caused the

Porsche in a large room, very modern, the bottom of the wall was completely


shelves and drawers. The door closed automatically behind them.

What do you hide in these closets? Molly asked while Richard helped him

go down.

She was the victim of a ridiculous shyness access; any topic of conversation

was better than silence.

- Oh, my archives, the filters of the pool, garden products, few tools.

It's not that I am very handy, but I can manage in an emergency. Not you?

- I know change a lead or a seal ... but it does not get much


Once outside, she relaxed a little. The sun seemed right on the pool,

dazzled, she had to shield his eyes with one hand. The other side of the basin, a


shaded ivy leaning against the house; protected from the sun, two lounge chairs

comfortable, separated by a coffee table. On the left, a space defined by partitions

painted wood, probably a bath cabin; right, an outdoor fireplace.

- You receive a lot? she asked, eager to learn more about his life.

- No. Not here anyway; I set my appointments in the restaurant business or a

club. Only my true friends cross this door.

She sketched a mischievous smile:

- You see me very flattered!

- Oh, you, I invite you even in my kitchen! he said while wiping with

a mocking bow to pass.

The large bay window that opened onto the pool gave when you entered the room

room, an amazing feeling of space. Very clear, a beautiful slate tiled material

this piece rather straight to the young woman, As for the furniture, simple and

tasteful, it

fit quite what she imagined Richard: a thick wool carpet raw, table

Page 79

and six chairs lined with leather, light wood buffet, some colorful trinkets. On the

other side,

a large work surface marked the limits of the kitchen, a modern model.

- Say, you are well installed! If she exclaimed admiringly.

- Oh, that's the minimum. A simple single house.

Two rooms downstairs, two upstairs. It took shoot an incredible number of walls

let the light in each of them, I hate confined spaces. Finally! I

here has a quiet, well to me, close to the city ... the indispensable pool.

I would never have been able to enjoy in the center of such benefits. Come, let's

see the rest.

She followed him, slightly worried: what to do if he showed him his room?

They crossed a corridor; above the stairs an open canopy of the sky

bathed in bright light shelves structure installed there: multiple books, records,

plants, Hifi ... In the living room, same impression of life, even comfort. The thick


accentuated dark red ocher and brown harmony of leather armchairs and furniture

timber; walls, Richard had hung beautiful pencil sketches.

- Where do they come to you? Molly inquired curiously.

- These are my works. I occupies my lonely hours. I admit that it weighs me


- In any case, it inspires you! retorted her with admiration. I knew you

not what talent!

- I have more tricks in my bag, Miss Fitzgerald! Well, I'm ready to drink, and

we will settle out. Agree?

- Of course! My answer always present when it comes to basking in the sun!

She followed him in silence in the kitchen. Thus, his loneliness weighed on him ...

He was not him

proposed remedy, as the occasion arose; she did not know if it had to

feel disappointment or relief.

While depositing the tray of bottles a plate of appetizers, it

turned to her:

- If you want, you can change you; the small cabin, right out, is

made for this.

- This is an idea ...

Sooner or later he would have to go through it, and she would wait more test him

seem difficult. Generally, it did not feel any embarrassment to show up in

swimsuit. But Richard deeply troubled; even the consciousness that she had

his body was upset.

Page 80

In the pretty little white tiled room Green was a large mirror in front

where she spent her bikini, almost reluctantly. She fixed her hair on top of her

head soft bun then taking his courage in both hands, left the cabin, with

painful sensation of being completely naked.

Richard appeared at that time in jersey too, a plate of chips in hand.

His eyes fell on Molly, to the embarrassment of the young woman.

Slowly, he stroked the eyes every curve of her body.

- Do not look at me, please! You put me ill at ease.

He shook his head and smiled.

- I can not help myself, Molly; you are so beautiful!

- But no!

She lay down on the nearest couch, regretting not being able to hide under

a towel.

- I'm the same as you are dating for weeks, you know!

she said, trying to put a note in his voice lightness.

Richard placed the plate on the table, without taking his eyes.

- I must say, if you are beautiful skirt or pants, you are a thousand times

more so, Molly.

And it then! She thought, overwhelmed by the power and elegance of her figure.

- Well, you're not bad ... for a lawyer, if she laughed.

- Contempt of court? You do not get away so easily, my pretty!

He jumped on her, slid his hands under her arms, and she found herself suddenly

standing his

whole body trapped in a relentless grip. Panic-stricken, she stiffened,

tried in vain to push him away.

- Richard! You do not have the right to ...

The heat of his gaze disarmed completely.

- You have been unattainable so long, Molly! Now I too need me

prove your existence; I too need to understand that I am not dreaming.

She also felt the same thirst: real, it was real; real as his strong body, his

invitation to succumb to the charm of his manhood; she was dying to get his hands

on her

shoulders, feeling the sensual caress her cheek on her skin. She wanted ... My God!

He ... not

should not she abandons herself to such thoughts! She absolutely had to interrupt it


that ...

Page 81

- Molly?

In the eyes that she looked at him, we read clearly the conflict between his distrust


desire. An indulgent smile appeared on the lips of his companion.

- Do not worry, Molly! I know it's still early. But I could not

support a new wall between us. I want to know what you think, what you

feeling. Let yourself go, trust me!

Two tender kisses came close her eyes full of doubt; she relaxed and

offered his mouth, reluctant at first, then with abandon growing total. The embrace


Richard was not demanding, on the contrary, slow, gently persuasive, she upset the

young woman with its delicacy. He covered his face with kisses, followed the

drawing of his neck,

line of her throat, with growing sensuality ... until it's Molly who

retain, almost pleading.

When he took off one by one the pins that set her hair, the girl lost

definitely hope to resist: it flowed in a wild passion that invited him to

submit to his dark forces.

Her hands slid over bare shoulders of Richard, caressed her back with

freedom and pleasure which she knew nothing before; what joy to feel a man so

close to home!

Suddenly he broke the kiss and pressed her head against his shoulder.

- Molly ... Tell me I'm not dreaming. That all this is true.

In his hoarse voice pointing a note of concern.

- No, Richard, you're not dreaming.

Nestling his face in the crook of his neck, she pressed her lips fervently. It

wanted to dive in him, belong to him entirely, and forever. He pushed a little,

to better observe; her eyes shone with an intense happiness.

- I think I will never get tired of you, Molly, this is the first time that

I feel such emotion to keep a woman in my arms. But I would not go too

further, the risk of offending you. It would be safer we run swim. What

do you think?

At that moment, Molly was ready for anything. His body thought only that of his

companion, she burned with desire ... but inside of herself, she was grateful to

Richard this

interruption: it made him no promises yet ... So, it allowed him not

betray his good resolutions.

- It's an idea; let's go.

He also raised ta easily he would have done with a pen down the few

Page 82

steps that separated them from the water and jumped.

They reach the ship, blowing, gasping, laughing like two children; then, each

on their side, they swam several pool lengths.

Molly was starting to feel really good; any inhibition flight, she could

admire at leisure the body of Richard, like accepting without shame he laid eyes on


Determined under the onslaught of his companion, the wall behind which she had


to collapse; and instead find themselves vulnerable, defenseless, she felt an


a wonderful feeling of freedom.

When she came out of the water, he greeted with a large towel and undertook to

dry; under his vigorous massage, she ends up laughing.

- Hey! You will flay me alive the

- It is that I have not used ... but I learn, I promise you.

This allusion to a close future illuminated the heart of the young woman of hope

intense. Head full of dreams, she lay in the sun, a fruit cocktail in hand.

They chatted cheerfully, without attaching much importance to their conversation:

it was especially their eyes that spoke. At lunch time, Richard lit the barbecue and

there was grilling jumble meats, tomatoes, onions, while Molly turned her salad.

- I could prepare a more elaborate meal, he apologized. I shrunk the risk

wipe your criticism, I admit.

- Oh, oh! What excuse! Instead, say that you are an incorrigible laziness!

- You can always improvise your delicious desserts, if you are not


Not happy? She was thrilled. She loved Richard, while her delighted: his strength,

altruism, humor, delicacy ... the list of his virtues seemed infinite,

and she could not find her the least defect. In his eyes, he played perfectly.

- Here, you have never spoken to me of your family! she threw while at

new elongated, they tasted great coffee. I told you all of mine!

This thought came from the cross and she had not thought about before taking the

word. The look of Richard suddenly darkened.

- The subject seemed a little tricky. Only my mother and my sister; and

children, he added, as if reluctantly.

His sister. The wife of Jeremy. Jérémy children. Molly immediately understood its

reticence when they first came out, she had specifically asked him to never

about this man.

Page 83

A sudden fear seized her: she had almost forgotten, that deceiver without

scruples! It meant nothing more to her now. If this brief and regrettable

History had implications for its relations with Richard? If it did prevent life

commune? Because it was hard to imagine a meeting with the sister of his

companion. Of course,

Jeremy and Dana lived in Brisbane, he told her to reassure; and why would she feel

guilty? She was in no way responsible! Better to talk now with Richard;

the problem would be closed.

- Your sister is younger than you? she asked, hoping he would accept


- Yes, eight.

He smiled, relieved that it dared to broach the subject.

- Does it Work?

- No, the kids are too small; Tracy is an adorable little girl of six years;

Steven, he has only three, i give a lot of work to his mother, for now: it is a

hyperactive, a little devil as endearing qu'épuisant.

This too energetic child have caused trouble in the couple Lambert? She

careful not to ask the question, it does not concern.

- And your mother? She also lives in Brisbane?

- Yes. She joined Dana at Tracy's birth; she likes it a lot. Any

way, she had to move: she was so unhappy, since dad had left us ...

- What do you mean?

Was it a somewhat dated phrase to say he was dead? Richard had

not used when he spoke, to use such detours!

It was a bitter sneer; his gaze lost in the distance.

- By the fifties, my father lived a stupid affair with his secretary, a

youth of twenty-five years. The noonday demon, as it is called. Alas, his mistress

pregnant; she rushed to my mother to tell him the news and he has

told an incredible story; it sought to appropriate my father and to enjoy its

property, of course. I have often seen this noble person afterwards, and I confess to

have never

woman met more odious; pass. My mother believed his nonsense, was draped in


dignity, pride refusing to listen to my father, and demanded a divorce that at

bottom neither

the other is really wanted.

The bitterness in his voice gave the thrill Molly. She understood now virulence

his reaction when they first met he had seen in her one of those killer of

couples ...

Page 84

- I was twenty at the time, he continued darkly. Dana twelve. A real

cataclysm; moved by a sense of honor, my father married his secretary. He did not


no. He died two years later of a heart attack. His wife returned to live with

his family in Perth. I have not seen; child, for that matter. It must have fifteen


My half-brother ...

He sighed and looked sadly at her veiled look bad memories.

- I hate divorce, Molly. Everyone suffers, especially children. I was

old enough to understand, but the poor Dana ... All his world collapsed. My

mother, herself

even permanent depression, could do nothing for the emotional distress of his

daughter. This is

I who have supported my sister; I tried to give her everything she needed: love,

confidence in her, hope for the future. The day of his marriage was a relief to me


an award.

He looked away from the face of Molly; he hesitated to pronounce the name of

Jeremy. By

account for it? Disgust for his brother?

The young woman took his cup of coffee, took a sip and grimaced ... He was cold.

- I can go to warm up, immediately offered his guest.

- You are nice, it will go.

They smiled.

- If you are interested in my family, I can show you my family tree; by my

father, he goes back to the fifteenth century.

- You are joking!

- Not at all. I even have an ancestor who bears the beautiful name of Neptune


- I'm sure it's a joke. It looks like a cartoon name.

- I swear it's the absolute truth.

- Hiram ... Neptune Blood. It was a pirate? A sea-rover? Laughed she,

still skeptical.

- No; a simple notary clerk. I come from a family of saints, you know


She laughed.

- Saints ... and convicts! Your thief Bible is there too?

- Absolutely. It is even a vital link in the lineage.

She was beginning to believe it.

Page 85

- Is it you who have done the research?

- Yes, for the Australian side. But I had to consult a genealogist to English

continue. This kind of challenge stimulates me a lot; I lived fascinating months


and time.

- I understand you. I'd really like to see the result.

- It's upstairs in my office. You come?

She rose smoothly and took the hand he held out.

- You read the book of Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice ?

- Yes. What has it to do with your ancestors?

Richard's face lit up, this enthusiastic glow What collectors

passionate when they find an audience:

- You remember Lady Catherine de Bourgh?

She nodded, still intrigued.

- Yes of course; the protective Collin.

- Well Jane Austen borrowed this name to a real person; and that character ...

- Do not tell me: it belongs to a lineage.

- Exactly.

- Other personalities?

- Mmmm ... If King Charles 1st is a personality ...

- Well! Show me quickly it all!

She climbed the first; top, she paused, not knowing which door to choose,

- That's right!

She opened and stopped, very impressed with the room where she had just entered.

At The

center, a beautiful cedar top with a tray covered with leather was lined with gold

; a large window opened onto a balcony invaded Virginia creeper; on the other

three walls,

shelves groaning under the weight of books went up to the ceiling.

- What place! If she gushed.

With the speed of a curious little girl, she walked around the table and dropped

in the easy chair; delighted, she began to rotate.

- Noble or not Ancestors, you have to feel like a king, sitting in this office.

Page 86

Laughing exuberance, Richard approached a small cabinet and took out a large

card he unrolled before it,

- Look, woman of little faith!

Stationing themselves behind her, he pointed to the names she already knew. With


fascinating storyteller, he narrated to him the disappointments of the various

branches of his family; Molly

listened, asked questions, overwhelmed by the mass of information gathered

during these


- But I have to get bored, said he finally, as he spoke for a long


- Oh no, not at all. I love that I tell stories.

The evidence of his pleasure brought a smile to the lips of his companion. He


hand and tenderly stroked her cheek. The reaction of the young woman was

immediate as

instinctive: she pressed her face into the wide palm it provided him with abandon

upsetting. Richard's smile vanished, and the look he put on it was almost


- I love you, Molly.

- Oh, Richard ... she whispered.

Heart full of love, she found herself in his arms, hug, kiss, subjugated

the feverish passion of his companion. She herself felt devoured by an inner fire

Almighty that had lighted in her statement of Richard. As she loved him, she


He held her against him without sweetness, as if trying to soothe the burning


Their feverish hands off together to the discovery of the body of the other; their

tremors, impatience of their actions, the intensity of their eyes, all reflected

the violence of their feelings.

Suddenly Richard abruptly interrupted his kiss; heavy breathing, he pressed

his chin against the young woman's hair:

- Molly, he said hoarsely, stop me now, if you want it to be


- No, I do not want you to stop, she replied without hesitation, upset by his


He held his breath, as if under the effect of surprise; his hands were raised,

surrounded his face, and his gray eyes bore into hers, seeking assurances that there

not dreaming.

- Are you serious?

Page 87

- Love me! she begged in response.

- To love you! My God!

He lifted her from the ground and carried him to his room, laid her on the big bed,

stretched out beside her; soon they were naked, frantic desire and love, seeking


caresses to further increase the folly of their emotions; intoxicated by the freedom

of their erotic game,

they let themselves carried away in the whirlwind of pleasure, higher and higher,

more and further

; when they finally came together, it was in a total abandonment of themselves,

finding in

the harmony of their movements the pace of life; invincible drive, giving happiness

and sharing, ecstasy ... Together, they created a moment of absolute perfection that


be for ever, and whose only remember justify their existence.

When violence of their passion had subsided, they remained entwined, bathed in

this languorous weariness born of achievement. Still their trembling fingers

they brushed again, as not to let her die too quickly the echo of their ballet

bodies were composed.

When the bell rang the front door, she seemed so unreal, coming from so far

they paid no attention first; they floated in another universe. But

the intruder and insisted " dring "uninterrupted eventually reach Molly. She raised

her head ...

Richard took her back against his chest authoritarian gesture.

- I will not open, he whispered. A person.

The bell ceased. Silence. They found the fullness, softness of their mad

drowsiness. Sighing welfare, Molly snuggled closer to her lover; He stroked her

tenderly hair.

But suddenly they jumped: it had opened the door; it closed with

a snap. Tense, ears pricked, they followed the slamming of heels on the floor of the



- Richard? You're up there?

A voice shrill, anguished.

- Dana? It is you, Dana? Richard exclaimed in disbelief and obviously very


- Richard! God thank you, you're here! I ride.

- No! Stays down, I'll be right there. Go and make coffee.

He gently pushed Molly, looking sorry.

- Wait for me here, 'he whispered.

- This is your sister?

A dark foreboding had seized her; she was suddenly cold. Richard nodded

Page 88

head, frowning.

- Something's wrong, that's for sure. She would not have come so far, otherwise.


I must go down.

He disappeared into a bathroom adjoining the young woman had not

noticed before. There was the sound of a shower, then the clothes rustling threaded


Molly, alone in the big bed suddenly felt completely abandoned; she had

beautiful curl up in the place that his companion had just left, to regain some

its heat, it remained icy. An irrational fear froze his heart.

Why was Dana coming? Why all the way from Brisbane, without

have announced?

She had to jump on the first plane to take refuge with his brother, confidant,

In support of his youth ... Where was Jeremy? Dana why she had without him?

"Oh, God, I beg you! Make that nothing will come between Richard

and me! "She prayed from the depths of his soul.

Page 89

Page 90


Richard reappeared, dressed in jeans and a shirt he finished buttoning. Their

eyes met, worried; Yet as he sat on the bed, it was a soothing hand

he stroked his arm.

- I'm sorry, Molly, but I have to go talk to him; Perhaps is it too

serious ...

She shook her head.

- Richard, there is no way I'm waiting for you here; you will not return your

sister, after all, the way she did to see you! I left my clothes in the

cab down; can you bring me? It should also call a taxi: I'll go.

I do not want to see you go, he pleaded softly. Wait a while ...

- No, you and I both know this is not desirable.

He heaved a deep sigh, and took her in his arms.

- Was it really her to come today?

- Join me at home as soon as possible, it proposed anxious.

As she needed reassurance! Fear gripped him so hard ...

- Of course, Molly; I promise. I'll get your business. But first, I have to

Dana explain ... You understand?

The cheeks of the young woman became excited at the thought of disclosing their

privacy, but

it was the ultimate solution.

- Yes, I understand, she whispered. I'm waiting for you.

He put a fervent kiss on her forehead and left the room. She listened to her not


the stairs, the heart of increasingly tight. She absolutely had to push the cloud came

darken his joy, break the unbearable tension that inhabited. Since encounter

Dana necessarily, if only for your welcome, as presentable. She took a shower,

combed her hair before her hair again, and then back into the room, lost in

bathrobe of her lover. A long quarter of an hour had listened ... Richard did not

return. That

was going on down there? Sitting on the bed, she fell gradually overwhelmed by


Page 91

Every minute accroissait his anguish.

Finally, in the corridor; the door opened, and Richard appeared in his clothes

arms. Frozen in the doorway, he threw a burning gaze. Then he looked back to


and his face took on the rigidity of the stone. Why pursed mouth, the eyes half


? the sudden expressionless mask -She did not dare ask him; Only his eyes

implored, begged an answer.

He gave a weary shrug and put his business on the bed

- Sorry to keep you waiting, he whispered. It is better to go, Molly.

- What's happening? she threw in a voice that fear darkened.

He hesitated a moment, then he turned away:

- This is a family problem, he evaded. This does not care of itself, alas; it

is best that you stay out of it, Molly.

With a heavy heart, she returned to the foot of the bed and took off the robe, aware


Richard gaze rested on his body; look of intense desire ... but without any heat.

A shiver ran through: something was wrong; and because of this, Richard no

longer loved her

in the same way.

- I am ready, she said in a faint voice, thrusting her bikini in her bag.

Then he approached her and imprisoned him in an embrace of iron, to kiss

with desperate passion.

In his eyes, Molly sensed a note of uncertainty that did not exist before.

- What we experienced ... Did you desired, Molly? You wanted me, really?

She threw her head back, shocked by his question.

How could he doubt it.

- Of course! if she cried vehemently. You know me so badly you think

that ...

- Please, do not get angry. Molly! It's just that ...

He frowned and paused.

- Come on, everything will work out, he sighed. Come, I'll introduce you to Dana.


know it's not very funny to you, but I do not see how to do otherwise.

- Do not worry. Richard? she replied with an assurance that it

not really feeling. After all, it's your sister, this should help me!

¡It drew him back against him, gently this time, as if he wanted to make sure

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their complicity. Hand in hand they went down the stairs.

Dana was sitting in the dining room, head buried in his hands, motionless

over a cup of coffee which she had not touched. His attitude reminded

immediately Molly Beth that of the previous week.

The resemblance became more striking when ink Dana lifted her face streaming


- Dana, here Molly Fitzgerald. Molly, my sister Dana.

- Hi, Dana.

Molly waited ... The visitor does not open his mouth; She watched him with an


troubling. The fixity of his gaze did not give much hope for the possibility

one answer. Finally, she shook her head slightly, as if to wake up.

- Good Morning.

She raised a trembling hand.

- I'm sorry ... I'm sorry for interrupting your ... I do not think ... I ...

- It does not matter, Molly reassured her, eager to dispel their mutual


- I'll call a taxi, Richard said as he walked toward the door. Settle,

Molly. It will not happen right away.

She complied and chooses the farthest seat Dana; meet head-to-head

with the wife of Jeremy's horribly embarrassed. Dana was very thin and fragile

when it is

appearing to his brother, so strong. But she, like him, very thick brown hair,

she wore a short, stylish cut. Her delicate features seemed dominated by

gray eyes with long black lashes; eyes that had resumed their observation.

At the height of the unrest, Molly ran a hand through his hair, thinking, perhaps,

Richard had disheveled kissing ... But no. Yet finding his rudeness,

Dana lowered her eyelids.

- Excuse me ... It is because of your hair; their color is so rare! she whispered.

- Thank you, Molly replied.

But was that a compliment? The burning gaze on it allowed to doubt it.

- This ... Long ago you know Richard, 'said Dana nervously.

- Somewhat, yes.

The circumstances of their meeting were only too present in his mind.

- I did not know he had someone ... Finally, a friend.

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A friend, she repeated low as for herself. With a trembling hand, she

rubbed his forehead.

- I must seem strange to you; Excuse me, but I do not have very clear ideas.

The young woman was dying to ask him the question, ask him also

Because of his coming. But Dana's eyes filled with tears again. Any

so, the question was too indiscreet!

Fortunately, Richard ends up back.

- The taxi arrives in about ten minutes. Do you want to drink something, Molly?

- I want to, yes.

- From hot? The cold? There is coffee in the percolator.

- Okay for a coffee. Richard passed to the other side of the counter and began to


- And you, Dana? Another cup?

- No, thank you, Richard.

- How long have you not eaten?

Dana winced.

- I had dinner with mom last night. And please, do not tell me I better

eat: my stomach is unable to keep anything!

Richard pressed his lips, looking forward:

- Is the kind of remarks that are very well happen, Dana. Control yourself! Think

with your head, instead of thinking with your stomach!

His sister gave him a heavy look of reproach, he ignored it. He placed a cup before

Molly, as he sat with his own between the two women.

- You can not imagine what that does to discover your husband deceived thee!


Dana, full of rancor.

Molly froze; withdrew his blood from his face and for a moment she thought that it


will vanish. One hand under the table, came and seized his and squeezed. Voice

Richard took her back to her.

- Dana! I asked you not to say anything to Molly! He thundered.

The doorbell rang the front door. Damn it! Molly thought, desperate.

Richard still pressed his hand before leaving. He got up without having reached the

watch. That's it. It was late, she knew.

Page 94

A taxi would win, while Richard would remain with her sister. And Jérémy

now would draw them as a barrier preventing them any future.

-It Sure your taxi, Molly.

She closed her eyes, stood up, too. His legs were shaking.

- Go ahead, Richard, I'll be right there, she murmured, leaning against the table

to hide his weakness.

He hesitated a moment, then left the room. Steeling himself, Molly turned to


- I'm sorry you hurt that you did. I hope ... I hope you

can ever forgive your husband; Goodbye, Dana.

Without waiting for an answer, she walked to the door.

She had not yet reached that rang through the house with a loud voice, angry,

determined. A voice she recognized immediately: Jeremy!

- Let me go! I know she's here! My wife, Richard, do not meddle with

This does not concern you!

- It is out of question that you enter.

A control noise, gasps ... Paralyzed, Molly stood near the door; Dana came the


- Okay, you're stronger than me. But I do not go away, Jeremy hissed. I'll stay on

on the door, screaming all night if necessary. These are my children, you

understand? My

Children! I do not want a divorce!

- You should have thought about that before your pranks, do not you think? Take a


the host; call me about seven. Until then, I hope you all calmed the two, and

able to hold a meaningful conversation. A meet you right now, you will not do

worse. Trust me, Jeremy.

- No! I know that you will never be on my side.

Let me in.

- Stop! I forbid you to go.

- This is my wife!

Jeremy burst into the living room, shaggy, crazy eyes.

-Dana! You do not have the right ...

The shock of being face to face with Molly interrupted him. He stared at her, both

Page 95

incredulous and horrified.

- My God! You! You here?

Molly, crushed by the weight of the disaster that befell her, remained silent.

- But hush so Jeremy!

While launching this order vehement, Richard had approached Molly to surround

his shoulders with a protective arm. That's when Dana went hysterical laughter:

- It was you! It's you, is not it? And I blamed myself for having had this

thought! But you have betrayed your hair: you do not see every day such a color!

She gave a disgusted grimace:

- But what woman are you? First my husband, then my brother? You

sleep with every man you meet?

Molly felt like rushing over her, screaming his innocence ... His feet were

lead, and no sound crossed his lips.

"It's just a bad dream ... a bad dream! "Repeated a little voice in it.

- Dana, I order you to shut up! Richard launched, very dry. You do not know what



- Oh no, really? And the red hair that I found on Jérémy garment? That

he wore during his last visit to Sydney? And expression guilty he now?

That's it, I'm sure. Request it to him, asks! Look at his guiltily at it too! You

you're wrong bed once too, bitch! she yelled, gesturing at the height of


- Enough! Richard cut, cold. You're not in your normal state, okay, but I do

not tolerate you talking to Molly knew that tone. I hold in high regard its morality,

so hold

your tongue before saying anything!

We took the defense of her rival? His own brother, who had always shouldered,

abandoned him on that tragic moment? This was too much for the young woman;

under the effect of the

pain, his face twitched and she burst into tears.

- Richard ... I'm your sister! It is ...

Jeremy distress propelled forward.

- Why, of all the women you could seduce, was it necessary that you choose

precisely Molly? he blamed his brother.

Dana reacts violently to his approach movement:

- You do not touch me! she cried, stepping back into the kitchen. I never want to

see you!

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Ah, men, all traitors! Even you, Richard! I thought I could count on you, and

then ...

She burst into tears again, hiding her face with her hands.

Richard took a deep breath, took off his arms and shoulders Molly, pushing Jeremy

took his sister tenderly against him.

Molly looked stroking black hair and all the hope that, through its support, Richard

had to live in it, abandoned: once again, family ties had won. It

was only an intruder, a spoilsport excluded. Living with Richard? A beautiful

mirage! He

had said he loved her, of course, but they said not all this? Family triumphed

ever, because she, Molly, represented nothing important in their eyes; just a

momentary distraction. Richard had to choose sides; it would never be her

husband. Indeed,

how to reconcile the immense love he had for his sister and betrayal that would

constitute a

alliance with its rival?

No, for her, there was only pain, as always. It had nothing to do

among them. She walked to the hallway.

- Molly!

Even the cry of her lover did not stop. He caught when she went to open the door

input, and put a firm hand on his forearm.

- Leave me, she whispered, her heart crushed.

- Molly! You can not leave now, of course! Not until we put

things straight!

- This does not concern me.

He shook it.

- You do not feel the need to restore the truth?

- What good is it for me?

The fingers on his arm tightened their grip.

- You want their marriage breaks?

- Richard, I can not help it. It is for them to fight, not me!

She knew she was showing too hard, that his behavior grieved her

lover. But not collapse, she had to hide her distress behind a wall

indifference. What made it the worst, it was his interest in his family ...

detriment of itself.

- Is it because you still love Jeremy you do not want to face them?

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That was the coup de grace! Jérémy love? How could he think that, and tell him?

She had to give him whole, with the greatest drop! He knew


Pain silent, she stared at the man she loved, and her eyes filled with

tears. But obviously a gulf between them: the expression of Richard became hard,


- Where is the woman of honor that I have known? He began in a scathing voice.


woman able to defy the enemy and fight to defend his reputation? You have

heard what Dana thinks of you; will you reinforce in his error? For out of here

Now, that would confess your little virtue. Dana will never believe Jeremy, also


can he be. This will be the end of their marriage, and their children, the beginning

of Calvary. A

honorable woman she can tolerate this? No, especially if it is in his power to fix


Again, the doorbell rang; Richard, very pale, Molly dropped the arm. He ... not

not look away from his; Eye burning his soul.

- I understand that I will not let you insensitive, Molly. Your enthusiasm

is it already happened? Everything that has happened to us today means so little to


So even used it! Ready litigator, he used it against all

weapons at his disposal.

Certainly, it reminded them of something that looked like a future ... But what

future? A connection without consequences, with no real involvement; because

nothing would be the same,


Once again, fate had trapped; by enclosing it in a series of accidents

unhappy, he had spoiled forever their chance to live together. Share bed

Richard without sharing its entire existence, it was not enough. And she would not

accept it.

It rang again, impatiently. Taxi surely waiting outside for

take it away from here. There was no way to stay a minute longer in this

frightening and destructive atmosphere.

She pulled his bag over his shoulder and put his hand on the doorknob.

- I never would have believed you if selfish, Molly.

The brutality of his judgment reached the young woman's heart. Resentment,

the pain had hitherto veiled, swept over her, submerging the whole.

Selfish! But Richard wanted to engage in a conflict that concerned her anything!

It was Dana and Jeremy, selfish! They did not care about the pain they

occasioned around them; moreover, they saw only the? To hell, they

their adequacy blinded! As for Richard, since he did not understand all this, it was

Page 98

so blind as them.

Anger overcame despair. A woman of honor, said Richard? A woman

fire? Well, she would show him that he was right. And teach the couple

Lambert what it cost to hurt Molly Fitzgerald; to accuse a woman of dishonesty

that, not once in his whole life, had been to blame anything.

She looked up, turned around ... A third time the doorbell rang.

- Return the taxi! she ordered peremptorily. I'm staying.

Leaning against the banister, she waited for him to return. Dana and Jeremy, the

living room,

threw themselves at the head of the horrors, shamelessly; their cries resounded


home, and, without a doubt, the neighborhood took advantage of their heated

argument. According to them,

Molly felt grow his aggressiveness and disgust.

When Richard returned, she gave him a look full of pride.

- Thank you, 'he whispered, laying his hand on his shoulder.

- Do not thank me; you certainly do not enjoy what I say. But

you should not complain.

She stared into his eyes.

- Because you did not have the right to ask for my help, Richard. Neither One. Yet

we go: I have nothing to lose anyway. This will be my farewell speech.

Over her shoulder, she called:

- I'm selfish, you say? So come: I invite you to share my pain.

She entered the room, head, heart pounding with excitement. Dana interrupted net

his plaintive monologue; Jeremy, who paced up and down the room and forth,

stopped. Both the


Molly encamped between husband and wife, and it was a silence of death that she

launched her

first attack.

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- Do you love me, Jeremy?

He opened his mouth in amazement ... then raised his hands to heaven in a gesture

of despair.

- Anyway Blood! What do you play? This is my life this is!

- There is not so long, you claimed to be madly in love with me, Molly insisted


any mercy.

He turned pale with indignation.

- Words, of course! It was just words!

- They did not mean anything to you?

- Of course not! if he exclaimed, turning to his wife. This is Dana I love,

nobody else!

- But you desired me, 'said Molly, unperturbed.

He looked up at her with pleading eyes, from which all pride was gone.

- What are you doing? He whispered, horrified. You know that it was nothing!

- And for me, Jeremy? Do you think it was nothing? Do you believe that learning


Indeed, on the evening of ballet, was for me a pleasure?

- You've avenged, instantly! he replied in a tone still pierced through the


- Avenged? Oh no, Jeremy! I have done only interrupt your adulterous tendencies!

He blushed violently.

- You really are ruthless! Well, if you insist that much, this sacred

truth, say it to my wife!

- Heard.

She gave him a scornful look a bit before turning to Dana who supported the

kitchen counter, face defeated the badly fixed. The hardness of his gray eyes took

off to

the young woman like any home appliance. To say that just now, she felt the

compassion for it!

Page 101

- You really want to hear this story?

- Yes, replied Richard's sister in an aggressive tone.

- Well, I met your husband on the last night of my holiday in Queensland; him

was there on business.

- So it was there! Dana broke, poor.

- But it does not happen! exclaimed her husband. Nothing at all!

Molly walked up to him, fire cheeks.

- Do not you think of me that way! She broke out. Do not you

call me "nothing"! I am a human being, able to feel, to suffer. Your behavior

stupid may have injured your wife, but it made me worse to me! Then, have the

decency about me otherwise.

Speechless, totally disarmed of his tirade, Jeremy was silent. Molly trembled

of all its members, and it took a great effort of will to recover.

Dana, in his corner, watching an icy eye.

- You think the only authorized to blame him? Molly gave him. Your husband

I carefully concealed that he had a family. In my mind, he was free as air.

But back to my story. Sitting at the bar, I drank a glass before dinner. Entered

at that time the most attractive man I ever met before: Jeremy. He surprised

my eyes and I smiled; why not? I was on vacation, relaxed, happy and ...

alone. I found it very, very attractive. After a short hesitation, he came to settle in

the bar,

next to me.

Interrupting herself, she turned to Jeremy who was watching the tips of his shoes:

- Why were you approached?

- Why would I not? Rebelled he in a tone of challenge. I see a

beautiful woman, she smiled at me ... What harm was there talking to her? I felt


to be honest.

To his wife, bitter, he reproached:

- It's been a long time since you no longer was expressing any interest for me.

- Nice excuse! You want that after seven years of marriage, I still make you eyes


- A man needs to feel wanted, Dana; as a woman. When will

was the last mark of desire that you have given me? I dare not think about it!

- What does it matter? I've always been a good wife! And true, she added with a

glare towards Molly.

Page 102

- I did not sleep with her! Jeremy yelled.

- No, it's true, Molly interjected quietly. But that does not prove your virtue,

Jeremy; because if I had listened to you, we spent the night together ... Maybe not


did he want to have a drink with me, she went to the Dana address. But we

really hit it off, and decided to have dinner together. Then we went dancing. There

evening was wonderful; I loved the company of this man, his pace, his

carelessness. And I

wished, Dana, I foolishly wanted him.

Behind her, Richard took a deep breath, as if the air was missing. A moment,

Molly hesitated to continue; but after all, he did what he deserved. Too bad for

him, if he

did not appreciate his revelations!

- You see, Dana, I have not been as fortunate as you! she replied.

- Of Luck! You are joking!

The woman clenched teeth; anger dominated the whole.

- No, I'm not kidding! I've never even been serious! You imagine

not the size of your privileges, spoiled child! When did you meet Jeremy? At


years? At twenty? You loved him, he loved you, you got married. It is the dream of


women; very simple recipe for happiness. After that, it was that depended the

success or

the failure of your relationship.

A well known pain got into her as she continued:

- Twenty-two years, I met a man I wanted to be the wife. It was the

paradise. Until he confessed the existence of his wife and three children.

She paused. His face was darkened.

- After that, I no longer want to hear about men. For years. Of

years you, you pass to love Jeremy, make him children, build a home.

I did not own anything except my work and sometimes unbearable loneliness. And

then I

met Jeremy, and for some time I really thought to have reached the goal. But then,


also hid me he was married.

Jeremy looked down; then, face full of guilt, he advanced towards Molly. On

icy stare, it stopped.

- I'm sorry, he muttered with a gesture of helplessness. Sorry. I did not know

... I thought ...

- That I was an easy woman? A hobby for empty evenings? Molly suggested,

suddenly very tired. I had good reason to wait ... I wanted to be loved and at the


time, I was afraid of being wrong again. I needed evidence. So I you

held remote to test your sincerity. I would have agreed not to see you again after


first evening; I would have been a reason, I think. Why have you reminded me,


Page 103

He shook his head and turned away, too ashamed to face him. A slowly, shoulders

bass, he headed for the bay window and leaned his forehead on the window.

- I'm not going to go so far, Molly. I got carried away by your

enthusiasm. You were like ... like a dream. I was living a fantasy: to feel Casanova,

seduce a beautiful woman ... A woman like we never met in his life. And if

Miraculously it occurs, everything goes out of reality, in a kind of waking dream.

He sighed, turned his head to his wife who was watching with dread.

- It seems that men lack the romance; Believe me or not, the next day,

I was glad that Molly had rejected me, I have never deceived you, Dana, and I do

not wish


- Then why did you revived? Why?

He clenched his fists.

- When I got home, I made a firm decision to reclaim you.

I longed so much to regain the happiness of the first years of our marriage! I


full of hope ... You, you were not there to greet me. Party. Without a word,

without a message.


- But you know why! she screamed.

- Oh yes, Steven! A broken arm ... There are no phones in hospitals? You

could have called me! But no, you absolutely did not think of me. Then the image

of Molly

came back to haunt me. I thought: why not? I called. And her cheerful voice,

warm, evoked a love that I desperately needed: a love that I

getting more at home. The temptation was too great at this time, for me to resist.

Molly blushed humiliation, the memory of his joy, his naivety.

- You do not think of me, Jeremy, she called. I was nothing. You're thinking only

you and your desire.

- You you show so fervent, Molly! ... I felt in my right.

- In your right ...?

He shook his head.

- I'm sorry. I did not know I was hurting you. I would like ...

- And word in? Dana broke with fierce jealousy. I guess me

either, you do not want to hurt me?

It was a heartbreaking sigh.

- Dana, I thought you cared no longer mine. When you are home from the hospital


thou hast learned Steven accident, I felt intense guilt. It would have been enough of

a single

Page 104

gesture of you, before I left for Sydney, so I immediately renounce Molly.

- And you expect me to believe you?

- Oh, go to hell! You believe have no wrong, you? I suggested you to go out,

dine out, go dancing ... it bothered you. I wanted to make love to you ... you were

too tired.

I offered you flowers, you accused me of throwing money down the drain. And

when I tried

to talk about this with you, you have to follow your favorite soap opera on


For the first time, Dana's cheeks reddened, and his anger seemed to falter.

- I need love, repeated Jeremy. Love as before.

In his tone pierced immense nostalgia. His wife lifted her chin, aggressive


- So you went to ask this ... this girl! She sneered.

- Dana!

Richard's voice, stinging, authoritarian, gushed across the room.

- Do not talk to Molly that way, I will not stand!

- Oh, you, not because you just sleep with her ...

- Damn it!

It was like a thunderclap, and Dana fell silent, subdued. Speechless, she stared

his brother.

- But you're so not a delicacy ounce? Can not you see that this young

woman comes to endure?

A strong arm put around his shoulders when Molly felt decline.

When he pulled her against him, tears burned her eyelids too weak to resist him,


lived intimacy as torture. It evoked too broken dreams.

- Blame your husband as much as you want, Dana; but do not touch Molly. She is


with all due respect. Also to yours, moreover, as that of Jeremy. Without taking


consider her own feelings, she dismissed as soon as I learned that he was married,

all that Jeremy could offer.

- It is you who tell him? If she exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. You were

So know?

- Yes. I met them at the theater, the day of the arrival of Jeremy. I intervened

in what looked like an illegitimate relationship. To defend your marriage, I cruelly

Molly accused; and I bruised as much as you just did. But tell you that she is

innocent, Dana. She bore you any harm, on the contrary.

Page 105

Only his sense of justice dictated his words. Not love, Molly felt good.

And she found her much harder compassion assuming that the silence in which he

was stationed before.

- As for Jeremy, he replied, I had a long discussion with him. He acknowledged his

... extreme imprudence, to express myself moderately. He promised to do

everything possible

to save your marriage.

Jeremy shrugged.

- Since the day she found a Molly hair on my jacket, heaven is my

fell on his head. They are continuing disputes, endless scenes. All my efforts

were unsuccessful. In each of my explanations, she found new reasons

overwhelm me. Besides, I do not even know why I followed so far, he added,

discouraged. Our union is definitely broken. I am wrong to me stubborn: divorce

seems the

only reasonable solution.

- We are finally agree on something! Dana exclaimed sarcastically.

- It's your pride talking, Dana! Richard interjected softly. You have no more

want to divorce than desired the Mother. And you are well placed to judge

dramatic consequences of separation on families.

- Oh, Mom was already old, she retorted Dana obstinately.

She gave her husband a glare:

- I still have time to find someone else, a man on whom I can


- Species of idiot!

Outraged by the destructive attitude of Dana, Molly could not contain himself: as it

underestimated the wealth that life had equipped it! As she disdained! A

wave of anger swept over the young woman, much stronger than itself harbored

the slightest hope of living with Richard. Moving away from the grip of her lover,

she advanced towards Dana. She stopped near your table she suddenly slammed

his fist. There

violence accumulated during years of frustration rose to the surface.

- You have lived so long in your cozy that you do not even know

that "loneliness" means. Imagine that another will immediately kneel

your feet and resume up where Jeremy left them? But wake up, Dana! Of

men, there is more for you! They are all already married, or too young to think

to marriage. Oh sure, you will find from time to time for someone to come into


bed and give you a little tenderness ... But as for sharing your everyday life ...


Dana had tracked the expression of someone we just attacked by surprise. Molly

did not give him time to regain his senses.

Page 106

- Oh, it's wonderful to be free and independent! Prepare the person for whom

meals, washing or ironing, no accountability ... But also someone to lean on,

to laugh with or share his problems. Person.

Dana wore again sulky pout; when Molly had finished speaking, she crossed

arms, disdainful, apparently refusing dialogue.

The woman shook her head as she was tired! Why did she beat so?

She did not know, but she felt the urge to continue fighting. It is

tramples not so love. Although she personally had no interest in saving the

couple, she wanted something positive spring from this mess. She could not see

only one solution ...

- Well, Dana, if you are really sure of not bear Jeremy, maybe powerful

I try my luck?

The blow had struck: they put on her a panicked look.

- But ... but you Richard! she is indignant.

- Your brother? Oh no, Dana! retorted Molly, heavy heart. Thanks to your care, it

is no longer the question. But if you chase your husband, it's free, right?

- Molly, are you kidding? Richard interrupted, tense.

She turned to him, her eyes shining with tears.

- You either, you do not like the truth?

He held out his hands ... she escaped and headed toward Jeremy.

- You wanted me to intervene, Richard, do not forget it.

- Not that way!

He gave her a pleading look. She shook her head with infinite sadness.

- Our history has no future, you know. Not after what we


She suppressed a sob, and brought his attention to Dana. It had to end.

- I know that Jeremy loves you, Dana. Every word he uttered this afternoon

proclaimed his love for you. After all, he found me attractive again, and I'm sure

that ...

- Molly! cried to Jeremy, the bustle of height.

She approached him, hands outstretched in a gesture of prayer.

- I'm not a dream, Jeremy. I can offer you everything you refuse it.

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She touched his face, and he stiffened, shocked by his behavior. The demon of

Revenge dictated to the young woman his last words.

- You desired me. Remember how you wished me!

Behind her quick steps ... she was violently pushed aside.

- Do not touch my husband, witch!

Molly stumbled and bumped his head against the door ... while she sank to the

floor, she

Dana lives surround her husband of his possessive arm.

- Excuse me, darling, sorry. I love you more than anything, I do not want a divorce.

I will

promise I will never hurt you and ...

Surrounded reassuring arm Jeremy, and she continued, in a tone both hug and


Molly's shoulders began to shake; soon hysterical laughter shook all

whole. Laughter, gradually turned into sobs. She hid her face in his shoulder

full of tears; absolute despair over him. Richard raised her, poor thing

abandoned, drained of all energy, countered and took him to inform him of some

of his

heat and strength; but failed to achieve the cold in it.

- Now get out of here, he ordered Dana and Jeremy. And the next time you

want to rip you in public, try not to hurt innocent people.

- Richard ... Dana began hesitantly.

- Go, for Heaven's sake! I never want to see you! For years, I did everything

for you, Dana, everything! You, not once you did worried about me. Then

Now, let me take care of my life. Go away!

He took a deep breath, then added in a hoarse voice:

- More than anything, I want you're never came.

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- Would you like me to drive you?

The question asked gently, Molly brought to reality. She had tried to do

vacuum in it: where might place her mind that if she could only see suffering.

Dana and Jeremy had left them. Certainly, there would be no divorce ... but their

Molly had destroyed reconciliation. Now she was banished from their families and


entourage. The question of Richard reminded him politely.

- Do you want me to leave now? She asked, very tired.

He sighed and leaned her cheek against flaming hair:

- Molly, I have already asked you a lot more than I was entitled to.

Respect your wishes seems now to be the least of it. I should have

understand just now, when you go away. I thought ... but whatever

what I thought.

"Yeah, whatever" was repeated Molly, miserable. Their story was definitely

complete, and it was better to go early. Prolong the inevitable farewell session only


She sighed and pulled away from his embrace.

- It is indeed time I return. I'll get my bag.

The few steps that separated the chair where she had left her things were a

Calvary. His legs trembled, his body rejected any effort. When she turned, Richard

had already opened the door and waited, his face the stern look. He was very pale.

- I do not think ...

He paused, hesitated.

- I want you to stay with me, Molly, he finally said, eyes downcast.

- What's the point? she whispered with a heavy heart. You know we're not going



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Quick! They end with all this pain!

- You must be right, he sighed after a long silence. Forgive the incongruity of

my proposition.

Head down to hide her tears, she passed him. The temptation to accept

all he wants to offer him was so great that no longer really knew what

meant the word "honor."

His walk was like a race, a desperate flight. In fact, she reacted

instinctively demons that assailed him: they whispered him to turn to choose

love at any cost, without thinking of the consequences. But against them stood

even more powerful forces: those hard won during his experiments

unfortunate. If Richard could not offer him a stable love, reassuring her infinity ...

preferred to flee as soon as possible.

When he got to the garage, it was already installed in the Porsche. He sat without

word. Clenched teeth to avoid pronouncing the words which betray Molly watched

staring before her.

It took forever to the automatic door to open. Finally, they engaged in

road. The young woman stood stiff and silent. Richard tried his side into nothing

relax the atmosphere. And she did not expect him to do: an honest man like him

could claim that a future lay before them; the revelation of old wounds

his lover forbade him to hope for a simple adventure: she was too clearly shown

its need for security.

He let her go without protest, even if he had to suffer. A man of honor

had no right to behave otherwise. During the rest of the way, Molly tried to

back, determined to leave with dignity Richard. Face turned to the window, she

bit his lip to contain the emotion that threatened to break it.

Traffice evil in the city center, at the end of the weekend. Richard made no attempt


avoid traffic jams or to shorten the course, the opposite: he stood in the queue

slower, contrived to get all the red lights, as if to delay the inevitable

time of separation. He said nothing, though, and the atmosphere in the car was



It was even worse when it finally pulled up to the house of Molly. He cut the


and remained motionless, apparently having no intention of going. With trembling


young woman undid his seatbelt.

She dared not look at him.

- Molly ...

She froze, his hand on the doorknob.

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- I have to tell you ... I did not understand the importance of my request when I you

have pushed to save the couple Dana and Jeremy. My own feelings blinded me. I


made a terrible mistake; words are very weak, although inadequate, but ... thank

you Molly.

Then there was the click of her own seatbelt.

- I'll go with you, 'he said sadly.

Crushed by the weight of his despair, Molly opened her door. Still some

minutes, and torture of being at once so near and yet so far from him would end. It

longer stand the proximity of this adored body that would never be her.

Richard took her by the arm and without a word they crossed the few meters that


separating the steps. Outside the door, Molly rummaged her purse looking for her

keys that:

had she thought about taking them during the journey? She lost a precious time.

His relief was intense when the door suddenly opened. Beth and Brendan

appeared, his face lit up with happiness.

- Molly! Back already? I left you a note on the kitchen table: I take

Brendan at the airport.

Her pink cheeks, bright and cheerful look left understand that separation

not last.

She wished to welcome Richard with a warmth that she would certainly not

manifested a week earlier.

- This is my husband, Brendan Patterson. Brendan is Richard Pembroke, the friend

of Molly.

Molly started at these few words; fortunately nobody noticed her distress.

The two men shook hands. Brendan then turned to Molly with a smile

recognizing but also a little apprehensive.

- I am happy to see you before I left, Molly. I wanted to thank you for

Beth supported.

- You know, we supported each other, she replied hastily.

And as she feared he added something that makes him wrong, she went on in

even managing to smile:

- Beth was like a sister to me. It is a great pleasure to see you together.

Brendan was infinitely relieved.

- Thank you for that too, Molly Beth told me that it was on your suggestion that

had written to me. Without the letter, I would never have had the courage to come.

He pulled his wife against him and, in the light of love they exchanged, Molly


they went away on a solid foundation.

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- Hurry! Their she advised on a false playful. Traffic is

not in the center.

Plunged into each other, they did not notice that her gaiety was only a facade.

Beth looked just when she asked:

- Can I borrow the Datsun? It is easier to park the truck.

- Obviously, Beth! You do not have to ask me!

- Thanks, just now!

Molly crossed the threshold, a heavy heart. Of course, she wished them the most

brilliant future

possible ... but need to be happy, too, weighing on his soul.

Beth and Brendan, Dana and Jeremy. Definitely, what a day! Two reconciliations

which it had actively participated ... And she, in all this?

She looked up Richard miserable look. He smiled at her with such sadness and


compassion she almost burst into tears; he knew how she felt ... and she had to

leaves the being that was closest to him in the world!

- Richard, thank you for having me home, 'she said in a muffled voice. And


He took the ice hand she held him, and clasped in his, as if to do

plus the try.

- Molly, I can not ... I do not want to separate from you. Is he therefore no

chance that you forget? This afternoon, when you were in my arms ... pensiez-

you to him? Even at this moment?

Him? Molly was stupefied seconds. Who was he talking about? Then she realized,

horrified he thought back to Jeremy! He believed that ... No! It was not possible!

- So you did not understand that I could never do that? if she cried,

vehement. It's you that I love! You! And since everything is possible now, go


in! Leave me!

Releasing his hand a sharp movement, she turned her back and walked a few steps

in the

corridor, hoping with all his might that he would respect her pain, shut the door


him, and would go away.

He closed the door, certainly. But he remained on the wrong side: inside. With one

bound he

caught and held her against him in a more violent amorous embrace. In


young woman stuffed his shoulders shots ... so blind fists hitting a rock!

- Let go of me! she begged, dropping his arms. I beg you.

- Molly, you were serious just now? It's me you love?

- What difference does it make?

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- All the difference in the world! Exclaimed he, in a voice that alter emotion.

From the beginning, I tried to wait, I exhorted to patience, hoping you

would arrive one day to forget. And today ... today, I thought that finally, you

belong to me.

Until the arrival of Jeremy.

He paused, looking sad.

- And then I noticed that you did not have the courage to face him and Dana,

he resumed. I concluded that he still had a lot to you. Then I you

heard clear your heart, I saw you turn to him to beg. Imagine

only what I have felt, when you said to want to try your luck with him

? I do not think.

She stared at him, dumbfounded by the interpretation he was doing his scenario: he

took the foot

the letter each of his improvisations of the afternoon!

- But ... I did this to your sister! To show her ... I do not like Jeremy, see

: I harbored feelings for it, and you call incorrectly "love" died

long time.

- It is not true, Molly. I remember the expression on your face when you

talking about him at the Lee restaurant. I also remember the day you asked me not


evoke; and this distance you put between us. All this was because of him, I

am convinced. Even today ... Oh, please!

He took a deep breath and plunged in her eyes a burning gaze intense.

- I need to know the truth.

- I was scared, she whispered, unable to resist her prayer.

- Afraid of what?

- Fear of loving. The attraction I felt for you was too strong; more

powerful than anything I had experienced before. I was afraid of being wounded

again, and

harder than other times. But today ...

She moaned at the memory of the disaster of the day, would push the ...

- Yes today? He insisted, holding her more firmly against him.

- Oh, why bother? You see that everything is over, now you do

I never marry. I marked forever as the "other woman," the rival. There

same story again, again and again. The family comes first. I acted like you

wish I reconciled for you two idiots ... so now, pity, let

i. I can not stand it. It's not just ...

Her voice broke into a sob.

- Really not fair.

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Nicely, he wrapped his face in his hands.

- But for me, it's you who pass all, he said very softly. Agree

be my wife, and you alone, you will be my family.

Molly gasped. Unbelief paralyzed. She searched his face. Himself

mocking it? But no, he was sincere: his right eye, his expression became serene

not allow for doubt. Yet his mind stunned not well assimilated the

discrepancy between the statement of Richard and his own preconceptions.

- Molly, there can not be an obstacle to our union: yourself.

- And Dana? She finally managed to articulate.

He had an exasperated grimace.

- Despite all the love I have for my sister, I live very well without it. Should it

refuse to accept you in our family, I do not want him is to it

I would close my door, not yours. I'll never let you go, Molly: I too need

you to live. Your presence is essential to me and has been for a long time. You me


He gently shook to punctuate these words. If it included? The

happiness, desire, love came down on her, sweeping the last traces of grief.

His soul was filled with a joy so great and so pervasive that it was almost painful.

- Oh, Richard! she whispered.

Behind the tears, her eyes shone enough to say no misunderstanding

remained. Their sky was finally calm.

The next few minutes were a whirlwind of passion where, feverish kisses,

impatient and disordered hugs, they removed the doubts and despair that had

almost breaking. To their relief mingled infinite happiness to finally glimpse the


- Say you marry me! Suddenly ordered

Richard between kisses.

- I will marry you!

- Say "I swear."

- I swear!

They laughed together, like two children laughing at life. Richard then the

raised ground and clutched his hands around her neck like the young

married, abandoning all his body to the strong embrace of the man she loved;

the most honest man, the most honorable of all. Had he not win the heart of a true

woman of honor?

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