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Sieze the Day: How five students found the ultimate secret


3 Review 8 Reveiw

Avengers: Superhero vs. Robots Lipstick

4 Opinion 10 Backpage

When all your friends graduate Crossword

5 Cover story

Sieze the Day

Meet the Staff

Madeline Silva ‘16 De’Ja Bunyan ‘17

Favorite food: Hot dogsFavorite Movie: Silence of the LambsFavorite song: A New Life by Pet Shop Boys

Favorite food: MangosFavorite movie: Lion KingFavorite song: Ordinary Peopleby John Legend

Avengers:Age of Ultron


Avengers versus robots is the new and improved way to go for future marvel films. “Avengers: Age of Ultron” is a great mix of dark and fun at the same time, but does this film deliver after the whole Phase 2 build up? Does it surpass the original and live up to all our expecta-tions? The Avengers are back and they now live and work together at the Avengers Tower. Right from the get go the opening scenes of the Avengers fighting their way into Sokovia was well thought of and had a somewhat animated feel to it. The whole movie had a huge comic book type of setup and impressive visuals to accompany it. The movie also has fast pacing and some things felt a little bit too rushed. For example, Ultron (bad guy) suddenly becomes this strange and menac-ing villain within a few minutes. Come on people, where is the build of suspense? Where is the background story, because we all know every villain has one? Speaking of Ultron, James Spader did a wonder-ful performance and Ultron as he uses inflection in his voice to really woo the audience. For sure I was wooed. This robotic antagonist sets himself apart from other Marvel villains. My only concern with him as the villain is how he felt quite underdeveloped and kind of felt like his plot was just another generic villain plan: global destruction and total domination all at once. The Avengers as individuals were developed really well in this film and characters like Hawkeye was more likable and notable in this film. New underdogs like Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Vision were excellent as well in their own parts. I particularly liked how the each Avenger was given their own six minutes of fame on the tv screen individually and how as a result of their own individuality brings them together as a strongly bonded team.Because what’s a superhero with-out back up right? What was also very appealing is the focused more

based on saving lives instead of the fame and fortune ( yes this is mostly for Iron man). There were some great backstories thrown in the movie that intrigues me more towards some characters, well done to the different music themes that ac-company each Avenger individually. It is also notable how the audience was introduced to many things that will foreshadow the crucial scenes in the film, like a glimpse of Civil War or maybe a glimpse of the upcoming Infinity War. Overall, an enjoyable popcorn flick movie to watch with your friends, I am a huge lover of superhero movies and I highly recommend watching Age of Ultron. However, i do suggest to watch it a second time just in case if there are gaps in the film.




Tom Cruise auditioned for the rol of Iron man but turned it down

Scarlett Johansson (Black widow) got Best Female Lead for her performance in Manny & Lo

The Hulk was originally canceled after six issues in 1963

Marvel’s first ever African-American superhero, the Falcon, was introduced in Captain America #117 (Sept. 1969)Thanks to Tony Stark’s engineering skills, Hawkeye received an upgrade to his weaponry

A mAcAbre horror bAsed on A true story:

the ListicLe

advanced doublethink techniques. You suppress the thought that oh my god my life is going to be over when they leave fuu- and replace it with a tidy lie: everything is going to be okay. This thought will be your sanctuary, however false it may be. The denial period is by far the longest part of this wretched process, lasting six months or more.You manage to remain willfully ignorant of the truth until the second half of third trimester. Good job! Your denial skills will serve you well in life. But now comes the hard part.

You will panicOf course, inevitably, you face facts. You’ve

never liked lying to yourself, even when it is necesary. So you begin to phase the truth back into your consciousness: Your social pariahdom is impending. In mid-April or so, this reality hits you head on, and you freak out. Shaking, crying, the whole thing. For a time, it becomes difficult to do schoolwork (more difficult). You whine, way too much, to your friends about how you’re going to be alone next year and how scared you are and blah blah blah.

They dont actually care, no one does, and rightfully so, but they do a good job of pretending. This period of being consumed with anxiety lasts about two weeks until the stress from finals comes in and takes over. You no longer have time to worry about being alone next year.

You will be unbearably proud of them

Based on your aforementioned panic, you expect the graduation ceremony to be awful, but it won’t be. In accordance with the celebratory air, you swell with pride at your friends’ accomplishments. They have done a lot, after all, and it’s thrilling to see their hard work come to fruition. This is the one time you enjoy yourself in this whole process. Being fed

free mac and cheese and cake at grad parties also helps.

You will be consumed with jealousySeeing those rat bastards treasured friends

walk across the stage, finally done with high school and ready for their futures will make you proud, yes, but also ravenously jealous. You would give anything to be graduating with them; they are connected to each other in a way you’ll never be. You feel like an idiot for not making arrangements to graduate early last year, even though the idea of that made you uncomfortable. You feel like an idiot for being born in 1998 (this is definitely somehow your fault). You scream internally and curse your temporal bad luck. These incompetent goons had better go to my graduation, you think with equal amounts of love and spite.

You can do thisAfter your initial panic and after everyone

actually leaves, you begin to see the upsides- it’s not like you’ll never see your senior friends ever again, and this will give you the opportunity to expand your horizons! Talk to people you’ve never talked to before (i.e. almost everyone)!

You most definitely cannot do this.But then, the first lunch you have to spend

alone, all your confidence immediately leaves. Everyone at this school is terrible but you’re more terrible. Making new friends seems impossible. You’ll see your senior friends, sure, but they won’t relate to you; they’ll be on to bigger and better things at unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. It’s going to be a long year.

Did you expect this article to end on a postive note? Sorry about that.

You will improve your self-denial skillsWhen all your friends are seniors and

you aren’t, you start realizing what is going to happen fairly early in the year: they are going to leave, and you are going to be alone. Intellectually, you understand this, but actually acknowledging it would be far too traumatic to deal with. So you push it down and put off dealing with it for as long as humanly possible. This involves avoiding the subject when any well-meaning relative brings it up, and some

BY MADELINE [email protected]


Things that happen when all

your friends graduate

Sieze the Day: The ultimate secretBY DE’JA BUNYAN

How the students did it:

Play music. Play your favorite songs on your playlist to pump you up in the morning. While doing this visualize yourself tackling the day instead of the day tackling you.

Switch it up . Part your hair a different way, change your nail polish or wear a different type of cologne. Do something that is out of the routine. Although the inside matters a lot, but it also helps when you look good .

Stay positive. Smile more and allow yourself to laugh even in the midst of those busy days. Having absence of humor can help you relax because you owe to yourself to have a good day . Who knows your laughter might be the very thing to motivate someone else. You’re never fully dressed without a smile.

Exercise.Sometimes getting that early morning workout can be the first thing you need to take on the day . This should be the only time the world should see you sweat.

Imagine this! Bad hair day, you crammed for a test and oh by the way, you got 4 hours of sleep. You would think that this is a recipe for a bad day right? The truth is you’re absolutely right. But the question is, What are you going to do about it? School can be a breeze for some students. But for others, they could be struggling to get by. With a heavy homework load and extra curricular activities with a splash of drama, it is easy to lose focus. Let’s face it, life or time doesn’t stop for anyone. You have the power to decide to have a good day despite all of the things that the world has to throw at you. Its pretty simple actually.


Activity 2:


Activity :4

How the students did it:

Play music. Play your favorite songs on your playlist to pump you up in the morning. While doing this visualize yourself tackling the day instead of the day tackling you.

Switch it up . Part your hair a different way, change your nail polish or wear a different type of cologne. Do something that is out of the routine. Although the inside matters a lot, but it also helps when you look good .

Stay positive. Smile more and allow yourself to laugh even in the midst of those busy days. Having absence of humor can help you relax because you owe to yourself to have a good day . Who knows your laughter might be the very thing to motivate someone else. You’re never fully dressed without a smile.

“I have to have my watch be-cause my left wrist feels weird and I have to have my frisbee.”Aaditya Deshpande '17

“I set my alarm clock 2 hours and 20 mins ahead to make it feel like I'm sleeping later than I actually am” Molly Howes ‘17

“10 minute workouts are the best. If I don't I would just feel dead all day. It really motivates me”Sydney Shie '17

“Everyday I have to have coffee. It is something that I look forward to”Reagan Grieser-Yoder '17

"I take a shower in the morn-ing . I guess I don't do any-thing special"Jacob Hoffman ‘17


Feline- An on-trend (cue eyeroll) dark burgundy. Applies opaque and deliciously creamy and smooth. It’s just packed with pigment, which is great, but due to extreme creaminess also smears easily.

Dahlia- Sort of a strange color. I couldn’t find words to describe it, so I consulted Nyx’s website, which calls it a “black purple”. I can’t ar-gue with that. It looks far more brown in the picture than it actually is; I couldn’t find a good way to bring the purple out, but trust me, it’s there. Of all the colors, I like this one the least. It’s sort of difficult to ap-ply; I had to go over some spots to get decent coverage. Not bad though.

Playdate- A bright, light lavender. I have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, I love it and want to wear it every day like a delicate flower prin-cess, but on the other hand, its yellow undertones make my teeth appear the same color as a bowl of chicken ramen. The pigmentation of Playdate is not as good as the others I tried, but that is to be expected with a pastel color.

BY MADELINE [email protected]


To preface this largely irrelevant review, I must say that I spend way too much time looking at makeup accounts on In-stagram, and the following word vomit is a direct result of that. Don’t go on the internet, kids; it’s not good for you. Now, to those still interested about an incompetent teenager’s mus-ings about a wholly superfluous class of products: Let’s dive in.

Disclaimer: The following swatches were taken with a toaster in a pitch black room. Note my professional tech-nique; as you can see I either heavily favor the right side or my face is horribly malformed. Probably both.

Nyx High Voltage LipsticksFor the uninitiated, Nyx is probably the most trendy drug-

store brand out there. Whereas Maybelline, Covergirl, and others of their ilk offer predictable makeup at reasonable pric-es, Nyx is both more interesting and cheaper. No lipstick I’ve seen from there has exceeded $8, and the High Voltage col-

lection is no exception, coming in at $5.99 apiece. Less than an hour’s work at minimum wage! How could you say no?

Bucking the recent trend of matte, matte, matte, Nyx re-leased these cream-finish lipsticks a few months ago as part of their spring collection in a range of honestly fantastic and very modern colors. I would still want all of them even if their formula wasn’t amazing, and it is. They’re creamy ex-tremely pigmented, so much so that I ate greasy pizza while wearing one and the coverage was still remarkable. They smell nice too; I’ve heard it described as buttered popcorn.

Overall I would highly recommend these; they’re the lip-stick line I’ve had the most success with so far, and they’re so cheap I’m considering buying all or most of them eventually.

Wine & Dine- A gorgeous vaguely berry-ish red. It’s hard to describe and the photos don’t do it justice, but this color is absolutely fantastic. It’s very unique among the bright pure or orangey reds that are every-where, and it’s also different from the deep burgundies that are popular lately. This ties with Nyx’s Thalia as the best lipstick I own. You can tell it’s good because its swatch is the only photo on this page that wouldn’t make a proper beauty blogger pull her eyeballs out by her false lashes.


L I P S T I C K SLASplash Liquid-to-Matte Lipsticks

The makeup section of Instagram (abandon all hope) has been having a collective stroke about liquid to matte lipsticks for the past year at least. Matte certainly is the finish of the moment, if not the decade, and liquid to matte lipsticks offer a true matte texture and excellent tenacity. However, they are often difficult to apply and are unforgiving when it comes to mistakes, due to their permanence. They can be sticky, drying, and difficult to reapply without adding too many layers and ending up with a thick mess. All that is not to draw you away from the idea though. I figure I might as well put all the cards on the table. Issues notwithstand-ing, I would recommend liquid to matte lipsticks to anyone will-ing to learn how to apply them - something about them is just so pleasant. I don’t know. That’s probably the marketing talking.

These LASplash colors are about midrange for liquid lipsticks, costing about $12 per tube on the company’s website. Absolute murder for a cheapskate like me, but you get what you pay for. These last f o r e v e r. I’m serious. I’m not entirely unconvinced

Sirius- a dark navy blue. Yeah, blue lipstick. Ugh. Sorry. I’m for-ever torn between wanting to wear it and not wanting to be a hip-ster twat, but fear of being a hipster twat has never kept me down before, so here we are. The formula is somewhat thicker than that of Untamed, but beyond that I can’t detect any differences.

The blue is so dark that it can be difficult to distinguish in some lighting; honestly I wish I had gotten the lighter blue option, Vin-dictive, but it was sold out (I cry every time). I sort of regret buy-ing this. Everything about it is fine, I’m just not feeling the color. Think twice before buying edgy colors, kids. Most likely I’ll be crawl-ing back to LASplash to invest in some more wearable colors soon.

Untamed- A rich true brown. No reddish nonsense here. It’s probably extremely ill-advised for someone as light-skinned as I am to wear such a dark brown if I want anything remotely flattering, but I don’t care. Fight me*. I really like this color. I will forever love dark lipstick, but this just isn’t that great for everyday wear.

*requests to fight me can be sent to [email protected]


they’re not just selling straight up house paint in a tiny tube. They’re waterproof and smudge proof once they dry. The first time I tried one on, I had a minor freak out because I just could not get it off. Even make up remover didn’t make that much of a dent. I eventually discovered that the best way to remove them is to apply lip balm and let it sit for five minutes before scrub-bing it off. These are not for beginners. Frankly, even I prob-ably shouldn’t be be using them, as evidenced by the atrocious swatches below. The colors ostensibly have no smell, but have a slight chemical note to them that goes away once they dry.

I’m pretty underwhelmed by the colors I got, but that was my own poor choice; there are about two dozen colors available and most of them look interesting. I would recommend this product to someone looking for either A. a midrange liquid lipstick (An-astasia Beverly WHO amiright) or B. a very permanent lip color.

Across3. Generates millions of dollars in sales tax a year for CV7. Dying mall (downtown edition)10. East side taqueria; probably the best restaurant in IC11. Enormous waste of space for rich people to chase balls around (CV edition)14. Watch hella sportsball with your bros here18. Hear live music and get accosted by drunks here19. After school study spot/money dump for kool kidz21. #PRAM2K15

Down1. An unending parade of retail hell sure to induce melancholy in even the most cheerful2. Obama visited this bastion of a dying industry4. Dying mall (east side edition)5. Leporine clothes and gifts for worthless hipsters6. Popular ice cream parlor with extremely unfortunate name8. Cramped, goose-poop-filled beach along a man-made lake9. Enormous waste of space for rich people to chase balls around (IC edition)12. Its golden dome caught on fire years ago13. Take cute fall pictures to inspire envy in all your Instagram followers here (and maybe pick some apples)15. The moat that separates us from the peasants to the east16. Delicious Mediterranean food for worthless hipsters17. Buy your um… tobacco… pipes here20. Our *ahem* distinguished colleagues to the east

KeyAcross: 3. coralridge 7. oldcapitolmall 10. laregia 11. browndeer 14. kinnick 18. pedmall 19. javahouse 21. memorialunionDown: 1. coralvillestrip 2. prarielights 4. sycamore 5. whiterabbit 6. whiteys 8. macbride 9. finkbine 12. oldcapitol 13. wilsons 15. iowariver 16. oasis 17. almostparadise 20. cityhigh

CROSS WORDS CROSSWORDIowa City and Coralville Landmarks Edition!

How much do you know about the beloved land-marks of our metropolitan area? Test your knowl-edge and see if you can guess the location based on

these cynical clues!

