  • 7/27/2019 The People's Constitutional Proposal for Malaya (1947)


    ( - -__) $1 7 THE,

    FORMADAY: _ _ rr.,' I : I)rafted by Represehtatives of th& PUSAif';;:' l ' l iN

    AGA IiA 'A YA'I ' or I jU' I ' l i l tA, ancl the Aqtr; I-

    j \4ALAYr\ COLINCIL Ol i JOIN' l ' AC' f lON betu ,een.t l rc r r ron th .sI N{a_r 'r r r r lAugust , 1947;uu l a1 i1>rovcc l ' l lvtrvb Corrferences f Delegates ronr thc .L)UTEIiA anilr l re ALI , -MALAYA COUNCII , OF IOINT ACTIONorr J uly .4-- .7,ancl on Angust 10,":1947ogether with at:u l l exposition, arnclalr analysis.of the Government's


    ' ( l )or ls t i tut ional roposals.' : ' . . : ' ' lit;:

    NKualaLurnpurTa Chong;PressCo .Noyembcr1947,

  • 7/27/2019 The People's Constitutional Proposal for Malaya (1947)


    t .ls$I

    " Political rights . .should be extended to those whregard Malaya as theirr real home and the objecttheir loyalty." (Mt. Arthur CreechJones,Secretaof State or the Colonies).

    First printed 19{7,

  • 7/27/2019 The People's Constitutional Proposal for Malaya (1947)


    r. (

    i : ^l ' . .I .


    CONTENTSIta g't'I ' I I i t ' l -111{,1'111l111l l iorr(J

  • 7/27/2019 The People's Constitutional Proposal for Malaya (1947)


    " ifflFIl ti li lr ii , ' ii l

    . f iir,i:"


    l'hc Ut'rrltitutional Proposals and their exposition, s'hic)r follorv in llartl[wo, have been drawn up by the Pusat 'I'enagu lla'ayat and the All-Ilalaya(.jouncil of Joint Action.It is neceesary at the outeeb to review the political developrnents inMalaya duriug the $eriod eince the liberatiou of the oriurrtry frorn the-JapaneseIt wae clear, lvlren the wor lvas over, that the pre-war systeu-r ofddruiuietration had to be drastically refomred, and. that, the

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    IIir iHr:d i" l riliii ,i r,I ,,],;fiil l i itlt,J'i l 'r l lt J 1Iilli:.lilI i itI irtI!$;?t;[${ll rfntJ{tilrutli$frwrh\

    2I i i r rg

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    :It +I)eferrce of the courtl ') ' should bc th e joint rospc,nsibi l i tyof the govcluurerrtof ]IalaJ'a arrd IIis -Nlajcsty'sGoverunreut; tirat the telrrr "Mela;'u" shouirlbe, tlro title of any citizeuship or uabiorral status in lt{ala1,a; artd that tlrr.lrrutiorral flag of the oouutry shoulcl iucorPorato the Malay uatioual colouls.rl 'ogtrther'.th c l 'UTHllA rurd tl ie A.ILC.J.A. hrvc a tottl nreurbership,throug'lr fi ti r ofti l iutoclolg'auisrrtions, f u[rproxinrntely i00,000. Together.thoyirtcludo 6l l th e Malu;,u-r' i4e poli ticu,l br-rdiesvith tLo eliceptiou of tjre ru.isttr-o'utic urrd "ul lgsryabive United }lalays National Orgunisutiou, aud of tl ieLjouuuuriist l?arty of Mulayu rvhioll, though lt is not, uud has uot been a ureurberof citlrer the l)tlTl l ItA or ,\.-M.0.J.A,, ha s dec'luretl ts suppolt, of theirirrinciplcs. 'l 'his rueaus that all the nrost politically corrsci

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    '( j t.rrrsrrl tutiveCourrlri ttee because: (i ) they realised th c durrgels lefcrredr'lrove, (i i ) tLel ' fr:l t that th e pletlges of "ful l &nd free ccrirsnltation" Ir rtrot bccrr ftrl fi l led by this r)r'ocedure. i i i ) since.'theA.M.0.J.A. arrd PIITEIirot bccrr ftrl fi l led l"ry hi s Ptocedure, (i i i ) since.'theA.M.0.J.A. arrtl IrUTEll,A\r('r_e -'olrrponetl-nd suplorted lry all the politic*l parties, the Pon-Mnlayurrl"ctl t ' t l t iolt of ' l 'r 'rr,

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    efioct of the Working Oomnri t tee 'sPr 'oposnlss to drapc a fo$' tr tot ' t ,lUeless nd trausl larent plctences ()r'(rr hc naketlness_o f colrminl dorninlttiorrrvhich -sre, lrirr 'ever, no longer al l le to nchievtl tht' ' i r l l rrrprjst'oft l rc } l r r l lv Stntes, s absol tr l ,e nd unfetteret l . ling this fact fronr thc people of Malavn.;a', (i i ) On th e other lrorrd, the I{igh f)opuuissioner

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    tlhc rlcfirri l , ionof coust,i tutiorral ronaft,h given ntrove $'oul(l lot. lrowtvt'r ', i trelrrrlc JIis ,r\[:r.jestvrr relation to t,lro pcoplu of n colonv, sirree [il l rr icstv's .jurisrl ictiorrover suclr peoplc is delcgnted, no t to tho clocl;crl r

    l 0l r rorrg 'ht, ,n faet, , f not in lcgnl is l , ic heor '1 ' , nr lcr tho di r :eetnr lnr in istrnof TIis .t\l r.iest'.y's {ovet'nlne,trt s n colonv

    1r' lTlti , tendenev comnlet'slv orcl ' loolrn, in ottr sien', tl to long an d elost'ls tor jeal nsrociat ion f Singaj 'o le rvi t l r t l re rr ra in lnttr l . . l ' l r is h istrr l ' i r 'a l rn i i r 'i ic.forged o senseof unit'r '.t '1,i ,,h. before tl)c u'nt', over-t'o(le,nn d toclav sti l lier.rides, t,lre nrelel l ' 16'si111i1rrrlnd legalistic differentes of statrts. Thisof rrni tv t 'elche,[ rr t ic \ \ ' le1't l ., 1

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    12B stnte lr y ro.s,o.rof birtlr, nntrrrnl isotion, or (in tl ,e cnse of worrren) nrorring.r"N ntiorrul i f.) iB , in it s l lol i ti r:al eclrsc, rr) ' l (,n).rrrol l$with 'citizerrahi l l' I ' l rc essentiul ttflbl,t* of both eitizenshif aird uationoli tv is th e tluty oallegi:rn

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    l4tlo t, in orrr'ltropnrnls,irc real nn,I'volid expression'hichs'e feel was'nrit;; ' ivel to it bv t,lre Proposnls of t' l re Working (.lorrtrnittee.This rv o havc done:(i ) bf incorporatirrg the rlenrnnd fo r al legiance

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    16il:ll":,;::,9.,1":]l:::.,"{hc rcaui'g.of .,r'e vord.,'ario1lalir3.',.rLuf r c

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    {8tlel iberate rejecti

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    ( , ' )( d ) thnt tlris allegiance ootrnotesdrrties, in parti.oular the duty to defthe c

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    22they stiessed (i1 ou" .riu*, borrestly) that this principlo sfiould fiestl ictlv interpreted.'fhey felt that' this principle rer;uired qualificat'ious for citizeuship whichwoulcl sotisfy trvo conditions; narnely, that those rvho uequirecl citizennhilrshould regurd l{olaya:(u) as tl ieir real horne, antl

    (b ) as tlre object of their l

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    24_By divorcing citizennhip, n efiaet, fronr lo1,nlty, t is obvioun thnt thererrould_beno quostion of even nttonrpting. o tesi lovaltv.In order, l towever, to lul l tl re irrsti fialrL: srrapiciorrs f t,lre I\[nln.1's,rvlr,r1e.rvnotnral lv would regnrd t'he cleation of a iri tizenshipdivorced frorn'loynltvn'ith great slarn, the \4'orking Conrrnittee $'ere forcerl to go throrrgh- lreryotions- of testing sorrtetlting, so that the peolrle of Malayo; and partii:ularlytl e Mola-ys, nriglrt be hoodivinked into bi l ieving tbat tirev were sntisfying'

    th e r-equirenrentd f tlre f.Tndcr-Secretnrvof Stote's principle._This principlercanrrot, horvever, be'dissectecl in this lvay. Tlre kc vyor$s in-the Prlnciple*"r'eal fiornet' and ('loyaltv"-ore not gepor*te nniirl istinct, bu t ni e insepar.ablyborrnd togethel in ' rneaningAe we have shown unrler Section 2 of our Prog,snls, loyolty cannot ber,dequatelv defi4ed in it s consti tutional sense without .*f"rutt"u'to th e fact'that the ob-iectof the lovalty ili the country rvhich is t,he real home.fn other words, tJrere-s one. an d 6nly 6r". teet of rvhether Malava islegnrded ns th e real horrre,ond tlrnt is th e tbst bf'whether Maleva is rei;rde4uE he object of lor-,altv. Arrd there oan be orre, and onl.y one, test of l"ovaltv-the frqe_ and willing acceptance of an ollegiance connoting full nationalqtatus,. and^ con4oting the duty to defend the country agiinst .all othercountiies, if neceisarvT-hai ie th e acid'teet*to sn1,, n effect, to th e potential citizcn of, forcxample, Clrineee nee: "Are vorr plepared, if cal lei l^u1rono ao sof to hgtt,in th e defence of l![alava aqninst Cli jrrnPThat, -we, elairn, is ttrb test provided b1' our Proprrsale.. ..Th".'Worfting Comnrittee. bv conco,cting a so-calierl .oitizenship" u'i thout l)leaning or srrbstance,precluded .theruselvegro m providing quali-ficatione with nn v nlesninq r.rrsubgtance.'rhe necessitv t' fo'nulate the real test which is irnpl ici t in tl ie under-Sec-retarv'spriuciple. in terrns of an allegionco, th e essential eatrrre of wlrich:is th e dutv to dcfend th e country in time of war, is th e result of th e fact'thatlol.altv ha s it g grentest significnnce in tipe of -rvar. .' ! ' j :.fu,st os the tluties which arise ont of a relationship of loyalty betrveenfrierrrls becotne especia,l lvsignificant when on e of those'friends"is in tl te-irrrpl icttirtns bf al lcginnce nn d lovalty becolue especial lSrrsignificantn'time of tvar.The -dutv- to fi-ght, nnd, if necess&ry, die in the clefence of tlre conntr.r,n-i l l 6111y-be i l l inglv undertaken if th e country is regnrded rt s th e real hi as the obiect' of loyalty. . 'l

    . 9tt" .Pro, feel, rleet the requirenrents of th e Under-Secretanv's'nrinoirrle n tlre onlv'_Trroper-lno,unery demnnil ing allegiance, an d acceptinginto citizenship only thoee wlro have, expressly ot' irn ctJar imnticotio.l .-.i to*itlreir wil l i rrgnlsl-to- give this al legir.nce.- Only such personsLorr be said, n. eleel, to regard Malnl 'a as t'heir ienl horue an d tl s the.-obiect of their lovaltr-.since it is, irr our opinion, inevitable th'ot those wh o are, in this wav:'focedrvith tl,* free choice bet'ween one "alleqisnee cnd alother, betwee'n one'n_ationalitp' and_ nother, will,ehoose that'allegioqcq nnd that nationality vhi-hdbrlves fropr tlre conntr.y. vhich thcy regnrd ns tlreir renl lrbrne on $ as th er'bject of their loyalty,

    26Srrh-Seetion (2) follown closely thc principle of the Rritiah Nationalitr'nn d Stntus of Al iens Aci 'his pri lciple is boserlon th e tlesirobi l i ty of excluding f.rrun hc lutordatioacquisition of citizenship, the seconrl arrd subsequentgenerntiols l torrt outsitlr lt l rc countlyIn th-ip wry, only those born in Molaya, orlho have proclairnetl theirItrvnltv by o poritive-oct of naturnlieotion, can poss on citizenslrip to their

    o{i-spiing- bonr gutside Maloyr, rvithout the perforntance of a positive :r,r't'which Bel'ves o re-ufiirnr lovtlt). to Malav& on the part of the father.Sult.sectiorl (3t is ruerel.y the formal expression of the -colllmonl.vrtccepted principle ihat n n'on,an" ollows the notio-nality of her hrrsband.SECTION4:-(1) Citizenship aybeacquiredy thegrantingof a certificateof naturalisation.(2 ) A certificateof naturalisationma y be grantedby the Minister fo r Home Affairs bn his being satisfieclthat the applicant:(i) has resicled n Malaya for eight ou t of the tenvears preceding lre application,' Provided that any perioct or periods of absencefrorn Malaya, for tlge.purpose f educationor otherwise,consistent with essential continuity of residence inMalaya, may be inclucled n computing an y such perioclsof residence;. An d provided that this qualification shall not berequired of any wonlan who \ /a s a citizen prior to he rlnarriage tb an alien, alldl whose husbariclhas diecl, orwhose marriage has beendissolved;- ( i i ) is over t l ie age of 18 yearsat the t ime of theapplication;( i i i ) is of good character;

    ' ntends, f his application s granted, o residepermanent-ly in Malaya; and, , ; , . , ( ' , r ) , a,s passedlangudge, a.s imple ,ora l tes t in the MalaY '

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    26,(3) A cert i f icate of naturalisation shall not ta l

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    28in wr it ing attested by two witnesses o the effect that hclesires o retain his cit izenship, andcleclaration o the Minister for Homesuch period of tw o years,Provided that any period of absence rom Malayafor the purposeof edtrcation.or therwiseconsistentwithessential continuity of resid.encen Malaya, shall not bedeemed to constitute absence rom l\{alaya for th e prrr-poseof this sub-section.or (b) any foreign state and not undleradisabi l i t l 'obta insa cert i f icate f naturalisation s a c i t izenof such state, or by any other voluntary means becomesnaturalised n that state,or doesany act inconsistentwiththe retention of citizensl-rip,or (c ) ' being female, marries or is married to ana l ien , Provided that any citizen rn'hose usband ceasesduring th e continuanceof the marriage to be a citizen,frzy, within six months frorn the date of the loss ofcitizenshipby such husband, rnakea declaration hat shedesires o retain her cit izenship,and shal l thereupo4be

    delivering suchAffairs within

    deemed o.remain a cit izen,or (d) make a declaration of alienage. Atyci t izen of the age of t8 and above,and not under a 'd is-al-,ility, may make a declaration of alienagcl ,rvho at his birth -o rat any other time, bedpmelaw of any'foreign,state,he'subject f thatand s sti l l suchsubject;who has been naturalised as a citizen of

    - ( i i i ) whose parent or parents obtained whi lesuch. ersonwas under the age of !8 years,a certificateofnaturallsation in which tha! P9r.s-on1sam e wa s inCluded;

    ttnder the'statealso,( i i )Malaya;

    29' Provided that no cit izen may'inake a'eleclaratibnof alienage or the purposeof evading military service;or (e) is a person under the age of 18 years,,rv\ose ather or widowed mother ceases o be a citizen,Provided that this shall no t apply when th e widow-ed mother loses er c i t izenshipby reasonof her marriageto an alien,And provided that any child who has so ceased obe a cit izen fr&y, with in one year of atta in ing to the'age of 18 years, make a declaration that he wishes toresumeMelayu nationality, and shall thereupon esumeMelayu nationality,or (f ) being a citizen by virtue of the operationof Sect ion3 (2) (c), doesnot, with in one year of atta in-ing to the ageof 18years,makea declarat ion f retent ionof cit izenship,duly registered.

    \\re have thoughi ' i t 'di isirable nnrler Sub-section (1), that certi ficates ofrraturalisation ehould only be revoked after public jrrdical enguirv, the Ministerrrrerely taking fornral action on the recommendation of the Federal Court.The principlee on n'hich the Federal Court would act, in the case of suclrreference by the Minister, and such tletails ns tlre method of service of thelfinister's report, &ppe&ranceby Counsel, anil other rnatters of procedtire, rl'elrnve left to later legislotion.Srrb-Sention (2) (a) follows Arnerican practice, ancl is, in our opinion, nverv desirable nnd necesBarv provision having regard to the special problerns'nrising frorn Malaya's racial composition".The remaining provisions follo$' English praetice s,nd.are based o;thsBritish Nationalitv and Status of Aliens' Act 1914.

    ' . , 1 r i i ' t j : , " , ! : i r r ' ' i i i . , IA.-RIGHTs.SECTION 6:-All citizens of Malaya enjoy equal .fundamentaland opportunit ies in the pol i t ica l ,"econornie,ights

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    g0educationbl nd"cultural pherds,egardlebs f ratc, creed,colour.orsex. ' 'SECTIbN.7:_Al l citizens of Malaya'are equal belore tl ie law.

    i o . . . " , : i _ _ : . . .-SE.CTION8:- . ." :Womenenjoy equal ights with men".unslqrhe,_:,ol:tit"tionn.evqry gspegt.. ..: . :"SECTION9:-- ':p-ersony,'hich shall include:

    Freedomof speech '* ' 'i : ' \ . ' ,"L Freedom of publication , ?Freedonr of religion and conscienceFreedom of mo,vement : .SECTION 10:-' Citizens of Malaya shall no t suffer arrest ordetentiofr or search'of their hoines and correspondbnceexcept. under 4t " proceis of the law. They -ar e alsoguaranteeda speedy'and air. rial in the event of arrest.

    of citizens of Malaya ar eendangered without due

    t : - - ' ' , ' ' . :wa[re level shall be'fixecl or all wag'evyhether'rtanual,clerical,professionaI: "

    ' - . . - : ' . ' ' \ . ' i " - '

    S,ECTION 1:-Th e rights of propeftyguarantedd ancl shal l not beprocess of law.SECTION,. l2,=A nrinimumand salaryearners,or otherwise.:SECTION.13r :=- ' 'n ; ' " ' ' ',:" ' Citizins. if Matala hive"tlie'right To rirainterrdnbe'

    5r rin ol d ag e ancl also ir the case of sickness or loss orr,capactty o vvork.SACTION L4:- 'c i t izens of Nla layahave the right to le isur.- r ' ;SECTION 1q:*)r,! ' citizen"sof Malaya have trre rigrrt to eclucation. ,:'riSECTIOIV16:-

    . Eu:ry rn'orkerha s the right to at least two.weel

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    dl"specialattention to the advancementof any section:o{ hepeoplewho are,or who may be ound to l-re,n a conditiorineeding such advancetnent, be it econorlr , social,educationalor cultural.

    ' I 'he lJnder-secretary of Sta[e's pl inciple states: "l 'ol i tical right,;....should be exteuded to those *'ho regard Malaya ts their real hotnt:arrd th e object of their lql 'alti ." 'Having taken adetluate steps to ensuret'hat those who becornecitizeus ttnder our Proposals do so regarrl Malayp. u' eIrave accordingly extended to thom those poli tiqsl l ights which'rrro todn.l 'genetally accepted aF necessary.'8ince, however, political rights c*nnot exiet rvithout, cir-ic duties, wolrave ldid dorvn those civic dut'ies rvhich are vitol fol a deruoclti"io seslety.ALIENS.SI1CTION 22:Aliens are g'uaranteedus t andsafety of personand property,and

    rvithin the limits of the law.FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.SECT'ION23:-There shall be a strong central Federal Govertr-nent to which the States and Singapore,Pertang and\{alacca will delegate egislativeauthority on the subjectsenumerated n ScheduleA.

    ' The Schedule referred to is ideutical witL that drawn up bJ ' the \YorkingCommittee, oith the'exceptiou bf certirin amendurents made with o view to.ti"1tgttru"i"g the central' governurent,. , 'I'hese' amendurents are libted illSchedule B. FEDERALLEGISLATIVE 'ASSEMBLY.SECTION 24:--(1 ) There lrall ea.f^ederalegislative 'ssembty.(hereinafteralled he Asserhbli),cornposb.If i'epre-scntativesof the peopledirectly electerl y ekizeps"of-the'ig.:oi .18-ancl bbve-:ancl ot subject to legal;incapacity,l iy .secre t 'vo t ' " , - - ' ' ' : ' ' - ' ' t "

    humane treatmgnt,freedom of act ion.

    $d(2) Each state and Singapore, Penang atldMalacca shall be a constituency for the purposes ofelect ions o the Assembly.(3) 'fhere shall be one representative in theAssembly for every 45,000citizens.(4) 'Edch state and $ingapore, Penang andJ\{a laccahall be ent i t led o return such number of repre-sentatives o the Assemblyasshallbe equal, o the nearestinteger, 'o . the tota l number of cit izenswith in suchState,,rr Slngapore,Penang orMalacca, divided by forty-fivethousand.(S) Candic latesor seats n the Assembly shal llre citizerlsof th e ag e of.23 or over.(6) The life of the Assemblyshall be

    . (.7) There shall l,,e no' communalcandidatures, epresentatives r allocation ofc'ver,Provided that for the f irst three Assembliesonly,rrot ess han 55per centof the seats n the Assernbly hallbe helcl by citizbns of Malay race, to be effected by the1'o l lowing rocedure:' (a) i f , af ter the holcling of the elect ions o theAsEembly, t is found that less han 55 per cent of the re-presentaiiyes re of Malay race,-then uc hn'umberof seats

    Statt be added o the number of seats n the Assembly aswoulcl, f filleclby representatives f the Malay race,bringthe number of representatives f l\[alay.raceup to $$ pe rcent of the total number of representatives;(b)- such seatsShall thereupon. e-;filledby thosecandidatesof Malay race who polled the largest numberof votes ,among those candidates of Malay race not re .turned at the electionS;


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    31' .(.) th is proviso shall not, under any circunr-stances vhatever, e subject o any amendnrent. I(B) Amendments to the Const i tut ion"shall l>et:ffectedby ^ two-thirds majority of al l rnembersof thc,t\ssenrbly.(9 ) Representatives hall recpive,duringof th e Assembly, an emolumenf of $600 pe rcxclusiveof travelling expenses, uclr sunls to be: ib le on the funtls of the Federal Governnrenr.(10) ' l 'hesessions f t he Assenrblyshallcc l by the High Commissioner.

    'be pub forward- nit is necess0rvobenefit from'ihe

    'W-e have proviclecl for a fully-elected. Federal Legislative Assenr|lv.. .... Tllg Report of the Working Comr,nitteestates" lZ, paragrapii il, :"'lhe Comrnittee lvere unanimous that the intioiliictiotr of inv-foirn olelections on a rvide fr-anchise woulcl be premature, and coulil not be regardeclas'feasible in the earl.y stages of th e n6 w Federation.,'' No reasona were given for this decision, but we .srrggest thot, if tliel lrorkirrg Oornluittee l-radpu t forward a re&son, t rvorrld tri ie been thrt tlrerlgh[ .to g

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    Soits d.ecisionto grant Indian indepeldence on India's standards of literacy or"tl,r.uiiot . If

    ''bilucational standarils were really the touchstone for readincesfo r self-government, then it ma y jusi i fiably be contended ha t Malaya is juetrts ready-for self-gcrvernrnent s Indio is, since th e percentuge of lrteracy tnlndia autl Malaya today is approximately the sarue.If good nealth is also to be used. as a criterion,- as tho Rt' Hon' Mr'Arthur ireech Joues lrae maintained to be a truism, then we feel that therei.r" U" Iittle doubt that Mala-ya'e health is vastly superior to that of India.'Ihis reveals that the aiqument-that the -readiness of a colonial pgoplefo r self-government is to be judge{ by reference to their educationol standards__is ouli a cloak to hide theha[ed fact that t6e imperialist' power will prglongits contiol for as lons as it , considersthat it is in ite general interest to do s-o,srrch educational levEls being in fact totally irrelevant when it coures to theuoint.Ii has been shown that unified polibical p1essurealone will wiu for ncolonial people the freedom to exercise their right to self-government'.- - The-re is, ho*e'tt"r, the saying that, "it ie never too late to ntend'"The DeoDle oi Great Biitain shbuli realise that the love of freedon is noti."iiti"aio themselves alone, but is also held by their subject peoples. Tl"ynhould therefore eee to it thai their democratically-elected goverupents under-stlrrd the wistiom of securing the lasting friendship of their colonial pegplgBbr uerrrri ttins them to exercise their basic right to self-governrnent, and.trletritty of waitiig until mountiug political hostility has ilestroyed the foundationsof th ie goodwi l l .(:J)" This line of argument ignores the fact tlnt ihe co-opelation of thcpeopld is eesential to good governrnent. No m3!t9r- horv .expert the porsounl -i,f tfr" governrnent ilay b6, no matter- how hig.hly ekilled or profound,,irrtt,t,hnicrri 'krrurvierlge,f ihe governurcnt docs not, el ici t th e co-operationot*tl tepcaple, it u'ill never bo abie to promote the welfare of the pbople' Thisir".ior" cannot, be prouroted efiectively except Lry..the people tlleuraelvestlrrt-rgglr lrcir elccled le1;'e_sentntives,vl i

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    3t:'A folrn of citizenshipwhich would'-make. t necess&ry'u certairrc'ircurn-rrtarrces,o iriter* o.;;;;riy'rii"irr o subetantial proportidn,of, le elected re'i,,"r.,, i i ,r ir.,. iuf tl,, ' ;;1""".; '; i;; ull.rn tlt*t,, i*ue to ta\c po'r:t' th cl,.f,rl i, i*t.*tion 'ltot'iftJ;i '.*t nationulduty woulil be to work fo r the 'defeat', ' i ' l t i ir"i: l, is , i' , ou r fri"i. i i ,-" irose vho framed t, qn insult toif,u*""rrl ir i l 'o*le.,yalty-i; lh"'cou.'t iy, a lasting sltarneo the oeouleof Greutllyit l l irr. ,rr.lrrsc uurri,,,,;,, i- l*"trit i!. i lt t.-1,? i.trod.uced,n" a * laugling-stock to t'lrc resl of the world' --rr*ub#sg ggrFr.:F E D E R A L E X E C U T T V EC O U N C I L .

    SF:C'T]ON25 -(1) ' l i l rer" shal l be establ ishecl F 'edel 'a lI. lxec'ttt i 'e Council composecl of tllembers elected. y, arrrlresponsible to the Assernbly,. from among its owntnel l lbers.(2) The Prirne Minister shall be glectecl y theAssembly .iSl T5 e Prime Minister shall allocate he follow-ing Departments.among!!9 tr .*bers of the Council: " i)efenc., ForeigriAffairs, Iiina'ce, Ilome Affairs,'fustice, Eclucation,L-abour,Public Works, Agricultutg:I . ' isher ies,.ransport, Health, and such other Depart-lnents as ruay from' time to tirne be created by tht:A.ssembly."- di ,lhe Pri*re Minister shall be Presidentof tlreCouncil.iS) Mernbers of tle Council shall receive suchcrnofullnents as may from time to time l-re fixed byi.g;rtution l-rutsuch egislatiol shall not becomeeffective; i ; t t " ; t l ie l i fe of the'lssembly'by which it .was passetl.

    \\-r: huve s,d

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    40Bill shallbe returned o the Assembly,ogether n'ith hestatements { ob.iecting embers s n (d) above.(i i) If such Bil l , after re-considerationy the,Assembly, s again passecl y the Assembly, t shall bereturnecl o the Council, ogether with a f tr l l recorc l f thcl l roceecl ingsf the Asscrr-rblyn such e-consicleration.( i i i ) If the Council, af ter re-consit ter ingsuchBil l , again rlecideshat suchBil l is d iscr iminatory, t shallbe returnecl o the AssemLly togetherwith sucl ' r urtherstatementsas any object ingmember may wish to make,(i") If suchBil l , a f ter further re-considerati on vthe Assembly, s again passedbv the Assembly, t shallbe returned to the Council, ogetherwith a fu l l recordofthe proceedings n such further re-consideration.(v) I f the Counci l ,af ter further re-considerationof suchBil l , again decides hat suchBil l is d iscr iminatory,such Bi l l shal l not become law during the l i fe of ther\ssembly,but i f suchBil l shall be ntroduced n the nextAssenr l - r ly ,t sha l l , a f te r fo r rna l assenthas been g iven,ihereuponbecome aw.(f) I t at anv t iure a{ter the Counci l has clecicleclg'hether or not any Bi l l is d iscr iminatory under (d) or(e) above,and beforesuch Bil l becomesaw, any amend-ment is passed n suchBil l by the Assembly,suchamend-hnentshall be treated or the purposes f th is sub-section,as i f i t were a provis ion in a Bi l l appearing or the f irstt i rnebefore he Council,and the Councilshal laccordinglyhave three opportunities of recorcling ts decision hatsuclr amendeclprovis ion is d iscr iminatory before suchprovision becomes aw. :^ (g) I f the Counc i lsha l l dec ide , nder (e) ( i ) or(e) ( i i i ) above, hat any Bi l l is cliscriminatory; -rut ue tothe terminat ionof the l i fe o f the Assemblysuch Bi l l isnot brough.t efore he Councilagain or the second r

    4lthird time, such Bill, i f brought before the new Councilby the next electecl ssembly, and if i t is again clecidedto be cliscriminatory, hall he'referrecl o t l ie Assemblyfor consideration, ncl f i t is , af ter suqh consideration,passed, hal l ,after forrnal assenthas been given, there-upon Lecome aw.(6) ( i ) I f a t any t ime the Counc i l sha l l c lec ideby a major i ty , but not unanimously, hat any Bi l l is c l is-criminatorv, ancl a resolut ior i s c irr ied by i two-thirdsnJajor i tyof the Assembly hat such clecis ions unjust i f i -:Lble, n th e grouncl that the reasonspu t forward by theCounci l or i ts c lecis ion re unsatisfactory ncl naclequatethe mat te r sha l l thereupon 'be aid before the Federa lCourt. ( i i ) I f the F'ederalCourt,af ter an exalninationofthe minutes of the proceeclings f the Assernblyancl oft l re Council, and after hearing any members of theCouncil or of the Assembhtor of both the Council andthe Assenrbly as"it, shall ih ink f i t , is satisfieclbeyoncireasonable oubt that the Bi l l is not discriminatory,sucl-rts i l l s lra l l ,a f ter formal assenthas been gil 'en, thereuponbecome aw.(7) The Council may recomnlenclo t he Assem-tr ly any nleasurewhich it clecides y a major i ty or trn-animously s necessarvor the advancement r protectionof any sectionof the people,

    Providecl that, in th e case of an y such lneasrlrebeing introduced into the Council and being defeated,the proposer of such measllre ma y demand that theminutesof the discussionn the Council, oget her with astatementas to the desirabi l i tyof the measureproposed,drau'n up anclsigned by the proposer,shall be tiblia be -fore the Assembly.' ; r ' (8) Al l motions n t lre Councilshall be proposecl

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    by., member of one commttni ty ancl secondeclbv a,nrbnrber f another.col11mtrnity.(g) A quorurll of t6e Cduncil shall be two-thirdsclf he'metnbers.( 10) Each tnember shall have on e vote'(t t ) The Council shall elect a Chairrnan fromamoni ts own members.Ou r Conference aoeil th e fact that thie Constitution is the first step.that1,"* v"t l leen t,al

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    44enactedby legislation, an d to controversies ietween the, variousStatesand territories comprised rr th e Fedgration.(3) The !'ederal,Executive Counci l shall nomi-nate th e ChieT Justice and the Judges of the FederalCourt, and the Ccinferenceof Rulers shall thereuponappoint such Judges.(4 ) Th e Judges of the Federal Court an d al l in-ferior Courts shall hold officeduring good behaviour,an dshall only be removable from office on a motion to peti-'tion the Conferenceof Rulers for such emovaLbefore heFederal Legislative Assembly, carried by " majority oftwo-th irds of the members present and voting; iuchmotion to be precededby an inquiry conducted by ujudic ia lcommitteeof not less'than iveand not more thanten members of the Federal Legislative Assemlily, andpresided over by ' the Chief Justice, whose recom-mendation shall be laid,before th e Federal LegislativeA'ssembly, ogether with a full and'complete ecord of theproceedingsof the enquiry.(.S) The Judges of inferior Courts shall beappointed by the Minister for Home Affairs.

    It wi ll be observed that the appointrnent and removal of Judgee isprovided ascordancewith the principlo that the 'ffountain of juitice"is the sovereignhead of the State.I ' U 8 L I M R E T I G I O N A N D MALAY CUSTOM.SECTION 29:- :

    Al l matters pertaining to the Muslim religio.nan dCustom of the Malays shall be,outside he control andjur isdict ion of any of the inst i tut ionscreatedby Sections23 to 26 enclusive,an d Sections 32 and'33, of this C on-stitution or any other rinstitutions which may hereafterbe createdby l egislation, other than'.suchiinstitutionsasmay be created by, or at the instance of, th e Malays,, orsuch purposb,an d shall be the sole concernof the Malaysl

    46Providecl_ha t aii legibration ouncl necessarybythe Malays for the enforCement f suchmatters of Muslirnre l ig ion and Malay custom as'are the proper subject oflegislation, may be recommendecl o the ^Asse*bl. t ,bvsuch nst i tut ionsasyry hereafterbeset up by the Malaysto regulate their religion an d custom.

    . .. Th e lYork_ing co-nr'ri ttce's Proposals permitted th e councils of stateln the Yorlous Malav Stntee to le-gis-lateon rnatters of Musliu religion andHl?L,!ulto-, altiiough such b'odies contained non-Muslifr.'

    - iili;;;i;Ilheir Highn_e!6e.qnder tlose Proposals retained veto and reserve powers over:natters of Mrrsl im rel igion an d Malay custom ,,inter al ia,r, arid al lhoughjl ,"rt.*".1" not,subier:t i i -r h" exercise "o t tho*u purticrrlar;;;ur; o"tv m ?8""advice" of th e British Adviser,'vet our'conf'erence uninimouslv ielt thatit was highlv undesirablc thot non-Muslir's shourd take any p-"i $ulr"""..,even in on advigory cupacity, in matters of Muslim religion itttl Mut"y *rtom.However, i t rvas pointed ou t to our Coufererrcebv th e Malav delep,atcstl tnt.there.nright be certain matt,ers, particularly of "custom, *iri"h ,i iEttt,rcqulre legislative sanction for their enforcernent, anil we havo therefu.u midolrrovision {9" lhq giving oJ srrch stnction, which is , however, to be qiven if ,nnd only if,- it is expressl5 sought, by suclr insti tutions or ihe Malavs ma vthemselyes have set up fo r the regulation of their religious and ",rJtomarylTairs.

    SECTION 3o:- ' r f lcx cPMMlss loNER', n. His Maiesty, as sovereignconstitutional monarchof ,Singapore, Pena_ng,_andatacca,shall appoint a HighCommissioner s HiJ Representative. ' r r

    ASSEI|TTO BILI8.SECTION 31:-' ' Al l Bil ls passed-by the 'Assemblyshalr receiveI?TT"I assent,,iryhe affixing thereonof the seal of the$iqh commissioner as tf t Repr'eseritative f HisMajesty,and of the Rulers,Seal,wfri.t .frrff be affixedt'hereonn the presence f a Stancling o**itt.; ;i;;,1j,fneir Highnesseshe NlarayRulJrs"ere.iecly Theiri l . ighnesses,ho shall, ign as'witnessesto the seil ing ofsuchBills. ' I

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    SECTION32:-(1 ) There slrall reestablilh"4 l"' 'eachof the territories of th-eFederation.;,f--

    '(i)Such Assemblies shall exercise#ithin theirrespective territories, full legislative 1Ld executivenotitiity, subjectonly to the piovisions of Section 23 ofthis Constitution iSl The metnbers of such Assemblies shall becitizens nf N{atayaof th e ag e of 23 and above'(4) Such Assemblfusshal l consist of the'repre-sentptive. of ttt," people of _sucherqiiories, directly electedbv the citizens'reiidint within sucfi territories of the ag eoi tg anclabove,by secretvote.r() ' There- shall be no communal electorates,candidiiures, representativesor allocation of seatswl11t-)ever, Providecl hat, fo r the tife of th e first three Arr.iir-lllies, th e proportion of repres'entatives f .Malay race toother ,.pr"s.rtatives shall no t be es s ha n the proportionof Citizerrs f Malay face resident n such erritory'jo th9total number of citizens resident therein,'to be effecfeclbv th e sameprocedure,mutatis tlrutanclis,as is providedir i the Provisb to Sect ion24 (7).

    I jECTION 33:-( 1 There. shall be establishecl an ExeculiveCouncii in eachof the terr i tor iesof the Federation.' (2 )s , ' . r '_Counc i lssha l lberespons ib le toandelectecl'Ly heir respectiveLegislative Assemblies, romarnong their own members.- ' - - - --(J) T,heMentri Besaror Prime Minister of eacl.of th e 'territories -o f th e Fecleration strall be elected by;lr*i; iespective Legislative Assemblies' ' : ' "

    41(4) TrheMentri Besaror pr ime Minister of eacLof tlre territories of trre Fe

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    48;i SCHEDULE A.

    Matters with RespectTo which rhe Federal LegislativeAssembly Has Power To Pass Laws: And Extent ToWhich The Government Of The Territories Of The'Federation E{aveExecutive Authority under such Laws.(2>Ext'ent to n'hich each of tho Govern.ureuts of tfie territories ,t theli'ed,eratir.rrr is to have exeoutiveauthority under such laws, urrleesruatters of policy corullron to two orruore States are involved.1 .


    (1 )Ifattcrs with respect to which thoI:cgislative Asucurbly has power topass aws.

    1. All uratters relating to defonceirrcluding i(o) naval, ruilitory or air forces ofHi s Majesty; locol forces anyarrned foroee which are uotforces of His Majesby but aleattached to or operatius witharry of Hi s Majesty's -forceswithin the tr'ederation:(b) naval, rrri l i t{rry und air folce ordefenco works; militory andprotected. eras;(") naval, military and air forceulanoeuvres:(d ) central intel l igenqe burenu;( u ) p r e v e n t i v e e t e n t i o n f o rreasonBof State connected withclefence;(f) clefenqecontribution.2. External afiairs including:(a) the implementing of treatiesconventious and agreeruentswith other countries- or inter-national organizations ;(b) obl igations of th e Ilederationin' relation to the tsritishEnpire and an.y part thereof ;( c ) e x t r a d i t i o n a n d f u s i t , i v eoffeudcrs prisonorst reruoval.3. Actionable wrorqs.4. Actions in reur- and pereonalBctiong,


    40ct )5. Arbitration.G. Ascertainment in a State ofMuslim La w an d th e Custour.of .theIlalays.7. Bankrupic_y aud insolvencv.'8. Civil law and Procedu.o. -0. Companies and corporations.,10. Coubracts, including partner-shrp, agency, sontracts of carriaseand other special forms of contract.-11. Crirninal law_ generally, excepbofiences jtgalnst -tinactmente of anyState or Settlement.12. Criurinal procedure.

    lq . Delegatiohof Federalpowers.I4. Easernente.. 15. Eruergency poqers, -llergoncyIegislation; Trading with th'e eo-"urv:onemy property; cuetodian of pro,perty; war damage clairne and cbm-lrensation; relief,- r'sh;bilitat^ion andony other urattere whetsoeverarisingout of war.16. Equity: truste aid truetees:oquiteblo relief: specific relief.17. Esta|11r5*"nt, jurisdiction airdp9w9l8 o_f all Cou'rts, 'excludingMuelim religious Courrs.18 . Evidence.19 . Factors.20 . Hire purshase.21 . Indernnitv.?2 . Jnns and"innkeepers.:rii. Interpreta0ion - andcleuseg:official titles.

    12. .Pr.erogative of pardon andnrercy in cases tried in a Malav State!o be exercised by the Rrite" inCouncil with legal -advice from theAttorney-General,g Departurent.13 .14.15 .

    5 .ii .

    16 ._ 17. The appointment of District/"$S"l and }fegistrates in any gtatelg be by. the Ru-ler in Council tf"thr;$tate.18 . .

    24, Rent reetriction.


    1 1 .

    geperal24. Landlord end tenunt I tentreetriction.25. Iraw26 . Law27; Lien.

    of highwaye.oI lDSurance. 25 .26.2T.&8.8. Limitotion.

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    :l l . ) lrrrri ,rgc nrrd divorc'e legiti-i l rrI( '.!- ' rg o oT rrlajori ty; infauts an drur inors;adoPtion.30. Married 1Ys11ctl'8ProPertY'31 Master an d servant32. Mercantile law generallY':J3. Ncgotiable inst'rurnents' rncluo-iu o cheoJes, bi l ls of exchange, ^notcs au d other'l ike instru-nents,i l4 . Oath.s au d aff i r ruat iouslst,u,tutorvdcclarations.;t5' riassing off; slarri lcr

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    b2( l )

    05 . Public an d Bauk holidaYs'66 . Standard t,ime.67 . Statistics.

    68 . $uperannuationl ponsions; pro-vident anld bet evolent, funde.69. 'Irade Uniong; industrial andlabour disputes.70. Unemployurent inBur&nce'7L. Unauthoiised usq. of arms andalrnorial bearings, flags, emblertts,uniforms, Orders arrd decorations.72. Welfare of labour; conilitionsof labour I eurployere' liability anil11'6ft6en's corfpeneation; health in-6ur&nce including invaliility ponsiousold aqe pensions.73 .

    "Bourding houscs an d lodgingLouses. '74. Iliudu Dndowrnent Boorde'7it. Municipal CorDorotions, hu-provernent {i$, To,uo Bourds,hural Boardii"and otLer local Author-ities, including elections to suchbodiee.76 . Town plarrrring an d housirrg tc rthe extent of eusuring uniformity ofleEielation,11. Youth organisotions.78. Charities and charitable r In-etitutions.79. Priurary, s'econdary and tradoschool oducation to the extent of en-suring a common policy and a corn-ruon s.ystern f adrninigtration; higherc.duoa['ion; echnical education; train-inE of teachers; registrution ofschools; Federal educational iusti tu-tione: translation bureau.

    80. Ethnology, antbropologY andarchaeology eo ae to ensure the pro-motiop ol s-cience ou propef lines Iscientific societiee.

    (2'65. 'l'o rleclaie' public holidaysrvithin the State.66 . -67. In so far as it is consideredbv tho Lesielative AsserublY to beaipropriate - for execut,ive authority

    to'be- eicrcised by ' th e State.68.

    73 . The whole.l!". iire rvlule.

    76 . Th e whole'TT . , - ,78. State cliarities.and choritablbinstitutious.79. Primery, secondaryand trade

    schogl education excluding measureedeeigned o ensure a com-tnonpolicy,antl a common system of administra-tion; State echolarehips Stateoducat iona lendowrnentg . ,

    69.70 .Tt .72.

    80 .

    53o).81, I,'edoral agencies aud instit,rr-Uone ior the following purposes, thatis to suy for researchr-f6r profesiionalol tcchnical training. or ibr the nro-urotion of special studies.82. Librariee, ruu8eurns, rnenrorialeald sirrrilar institutiong controlled orfirranccd by the lfederation.83. Met'eoroloqv.

    - 84. Protectiori" of arrcicnt arrdhietorical uronuruents aud arclraeo-Iogical sites and remaius: trerruretrovo. l a n d ,botsniss,lboundaries

    (2'8 1 .

    82 .8ij.84 . Tho who'le.

    85 .5- Surveys, includinu. uurysJd , u rc luo l l lgmarils, aerial, . geological' ' o - o - - - - 'ar)o zootogrca,I surveys;and surve - maDs.80. W-ild life plesorvatiou..87. Aircraft an d ai r naviAatiorr:the provieion of aoroclrorxesi il* ;r:

    l tulatiorr _and organisation' of ai rtraffio and of aer

  • 7/27/2019 The People's Constitutional Proposal for Malaya (1947)


    64(1)96. loisons a,til d,eleterioue drugs'ii. rl"r-,ri"' health and sanitation;

    "nt*rui * specialised hospitalsor

    rttJi",ir -i,,.tit..ttiot-,s inteideil . o;;;;";r* tban one State; Prevention'of dieeaee; quarantinc; mosqultoes;anti-Inalarial measures - n-anut&clure'rrreDaration and sale of drugs, loooitt,l d"i.,k.'bi' ^ir"g'lttration of birtlr' brddqaths.. - 9t). Vagrants and decrePits' o100. L)otupulsoly acqulsltloll orl rud.fOf. Land legis lat ion to.tLe "*;tcnt of errsuring corrlmo-nPollcy,.Rlruil coDtnlon sysberu of admrmstr&Eloll'il"i--iiuvi"g- regard to cuetoma'rYiuit*et and-usage and. other nocesBsry .voriationn in any Sbate; @nveyancrng*nd ltrrv oI propert.y; registrat'lon -ortiil;'"'o"d -rufitttitiooof Peeds;;;;6"g" utd" charges int'erestrestriction."i0t: -M*l"y reservatiotrs to tho";tuii Jf .oittit,g cornrno' policy'-f OU. Inland wat'ere, waterghede'rvater sttplrlies, wat'er storage' w&GerDolvor, i rr igat iorr and

  • 7/27/2019 The People's Constitutional Proposal for Malaya (1947)


    60(t )124. Trade au d commerce; re -gistration of businessee.125. Weights snd tneasures.726. Merchant shipping; col l isionsat sea; solvage pi lots onrl pi l trtage.I27. tr[ari tinre shipping an d navi-gabion, inclrrding shipping an d navi-

    gation on tidol wnters; adrrriraltyjrrristl ictiorr; adnriralty transports;adnriraltt ' lvaters; tenitorial wnters.foleshorcs; wrecks; flotsanr und jet-En n.128. Ports an d horbours: consti tu-tion a,n!-Adil the wordg"i n Corrucil" after tword " Ruler."f3 (l)!-Add tlre words d'of aliens" after tword " banishment."

    SECTION f5 (1)!-Delete the words " Control of."SECTION 5e (2)!-Delete the rvhole.SECTION 8f (2 ) !-Delete the whole.SECTIOX, 75 (l) ! -Delete the words " To the extentensuriug uniformity of legislatiou

    G. SECT|Ol{ 77 (1 ) !-Delete th e 'rvords"Boy Scouts.. . . . .similar" and insert the rv(t 'Youth ' "H. SECTION 70 (1)!-Delete the word " Malay" 'l . SECTION 11 9 (2) i-Delete the whole.J. . SECT|O]| 121 (2):-Delete the s'ord " pawnbrokerg."K. tE0TlON l3 f (2)!-Delete the whole.

