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Page 1: The planet: Keplar 22b

By Clayton Freeman, Alex Irizarry, Christopher Le, and Taylor Bryson

Page 2: The planet: Keplar 22b

Microorganisms we are bringing- We are including bacteria, fungi,

archaea, protists, microscopic plants like (green algae); and animals such as plankton. These are all vital to an ecosystem because even though they are small and seem useless.

We will also bring some microorganisms such as E.Coli to help us digest food. We will bring the necessary microorganisms that plants and animals need for their health.

We are not bringing harmful microbes like pathogenic microbes since they invade and grow within other organisms, causing diseases that kill humans, other animals and plants.

Flowers and Bees for pollination Trees for oxygen Predators and prey so there is a food chain

- larger Mammals- Small mammals-Larger Birds-Birds-worms-plants

The typical farm animals and crops like cows for meat and crops and vegetables for food. Chickens will be brought for eggs and for chicken of course.

All these animals will need to be on our new planet for a well rounded and balanced ecosystem.

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Keplar 22b's composition

Nutrient Rich Soil




Note: The composition data is based on the surface of the planet. We are still conducting research on how deep the oceans are so that we can get an estimate on the exact composition.

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Page 5: The planet: Keplar 22b

Humans impact the new planet in that it has never had humans on it before. Now we will effect it by retrieving nutrients and using plant life such as trees to build things. We will not be making the same mistakes that we made on Earth.

No one can kill an animal until the population of that animal grows to the specific population specified for safe hunting, because if there were to be hunting when the population of the animal is low then that species won’t be able reproduce fast enough and become extinct (therefore disrupting the food chain).

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We will celebrate all the holidays from Earth on Keplar 22b such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. There will be some new holidays added like National Blood Donor Month. Everyone will have to donate some blood to help those that need it. There will also be a Keplar 22b day which is the same as Earth day. We will spread the word to not litter and to pick up any trash you see on Keplar 22b day. There will also be a National Goof Off day where just about everybody can relax, take off work and school, and enjoy life. It’s a day to do anything and everything. We won’t have to worry about stresses of any kind.

On Keplar 22b!!!!

Click the eye for the breaking news!

Page 7: The planet: Keplar 22b

Organisms, populations, and communities respond to external factors in many ways. If an organism has too much or too little of a substance/condition, it will not be able to grow well, if at all. Organisms can be affected by too little or too much of water ( including humidity), temperature of the surrounding medium, food (nutrients), light (like quality/color, and duration), pressure of various gases, and/or current/pressure (a moving vs stagnant medium). An organism’s or species’ tolerance to conditions may vary seasonally, geographically, or depending on stage in the organism's life cycle. The next picture will show how animals react to external factors!

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Microorganisms help maintain an animal’s digestive system and help the animal fight infections, but some bacteria can be disruptive to the animal’s health (Streptococcus). Antibiotics are used to stop these infections but the bacteria can easily adapt to the antibiotics. Bacteria is everywhere, they could be in the air, on water fountains, and on the ground. So the environment is heavily affected by bacteria, because when you touch something pretty much everything you pick up is bacteria.

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Roles of Microorganisms- Microorganisms live in all parts of the biosphere where there is liquid water including soil hot springs on the ocean floor, high in the atmosphere and deep inside rocks within the Earth's crust Microorganisms are critical to nutrient recycling in ecosystems as they act as decomposers As some microorganisms can fix nitrogen, they are a vital part of the nitrogen cycle and recent studies indicate that airborne microbes may play a role in precipitation and weather. Microorganisms will be vital to bring on our new planet.

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Ecological successions have major effects to an ecosystem. So if there would be a forest fire, then a lot of the trees will burn and if they burn the birds won’t have anywhere to live. If the birds have nowhere to live, then they will either leave and find another place or die, and if they die the food chain will be disrupted and many other animals will die. So Ecological successions have major impacts on ecosystems (even an invasive species can do as much damage as a forest fire can).

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Interdependence means that something cannot live without the other. The depend on something else in order to thrive. For example Bees depend on flowers for nectar and flower depend on bees for cross pollination. Other interactions include the food chain and the circle of life because if there weren’t for predator and prey interaction the population of animals would be all out of proportion.

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We will bring enough animals to satisfy a number of needed food webs that will sustain certain ecosystems. We will not bring any parasitic organisms into our ecosystems mainly because most parasites are pests and have no beneficial niche. We will bring animals and plants to fit our food/ medicinal needs (farm animals/ plants and herbs). To control the populations on the planet we will bring predators too to do this. So with all the plants and animals there will still be commensalism (one benefits and other is not affected), and there will also will be mutualism which is usually not a bad thing since both organisms benefit.

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Food Webs Most food chains are interconnected. Animals typically consume a varied diet and, in turn, serve as food for a variety of other creatures that prey on

them. These interconnections create food webs. The Sun, which provides the energy for everything on the planet.

Producers like all green plants. There are Producers: These are also known as autotrophs, since they make their

own food. Producers are able to capture the energy of the sun to make food. Every (aerobic) organism is dependent on plants for oxygen and food (which is produced in the form of glucose through photosynthesis). They make up the bulk of the food chain or web.

Consumers: they are every organism that eats something else. They include herbivores (animals that eat plants), carnivores (animals that eat other animals), parasites (animals that live off of other organisms by harming it), and scavengers (animals that eat dead animal carcasses). Primary consumers are the herbivores, The animals that eat the herbivores (carnivores) make up the third largest biomass, and are also known as secondary consumers. This continues with tertiary consumers, etc.

Decomposers: These are mainly bacteria and fungi that convert dead matter into gases such as carbon and nitrogen to be released back into the air, soil, or water. There is also fungi. Most people hate mushrooms or molds,but they actually play a very important role. Without decomposers, the earth would be covered in trash. Decomposers are necessary since they recycle the nutrients to be used again by producers.

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An adaptation (or adaptive feature) is an inherited feature of an organism that enables it to survive and reproduce in its habitat. Adaptations are the end result of the evolutionary changes that a species has gone

through over time. Adaptations may be: behavioral, physiological, and structural (morphological) Exploiting a Habitat: Organisms have adaptations to exploit, to varying extents, the

resources in their habitat. Where resource competition is intense, adaptations enable effective niches for

resources. In the African savanna, grazing and browsing animals exploit different food

resources within the same area or even within the same type of vegetation. The large thorns and dense, tangled growth form of the African Savanna are adaptations to counter the effects of browsing animals such as antelope.

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In the natural world, limiting factors like the availability of food, water, shelter and space can change animal and plant populations. Other limiting factors like competition for resources, predation and disease can also impact populations. If any of the limiting factors change, animal and plant populations change, too. They change because some animals in populations are interdependent on other factors in an ecosystem. Some changes may cause a population to increase. If there are more plants than usual in an area, populations of animals that eat that plant may increase. If one animal's population increases, the population of animals that eats that animal might also increase. Increases in population aren't always good. Sometimes a population will grow too large for the environment to support.

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The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth. It is one of the most important cycles of the Earth and allows for carbon to be recycled and reused throughout the biosphere and all of its organisms. So if the carbon cycle would be disrupted in anyway there will be major consequences. If oxygen levels dropped, animals will have less to breath and in addition plants will have less CO2 to use too. The nitrogen cycle is the process by which nitrogen is converted between its various chemical forms. This transformation can be carried out by both biological and nonbiological processes. Important processes in the nitrogen cycle include fixation, mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification. However, atmospheric nitrogen has limited availability for biological use, leading to a scarcity of usable nitrogen in many types of ecosystems. The nitrogen cycle is of particular interest to ecologists because nitrogen availability can affect the rate of key ecosystem processes, including primary production and decomposition. Human activities such as fossil fuel combustion, use of artificial nitrogen fertilizers, and release of nitrogen in wastewater have dramatically altered the global nitrogen cycle.

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Just like an ecological succession an environmental change can completely disrupt an ecosystem. For example, if the climate changes in the arctic (such as polar ice caps melting) the animals there will be greatly affected. The animals could start to lose their habitats causing them to go extinct.

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Parasitism where one species benefits, the other is harmed A tapeworm can harm humans or animals because it is gaining energy and nutrients and the human is severely harmed Commensalism where one organism benefits and the other does not. Squirrels take nuts or acorns out of trees, but the tree neither gains nor is harmed Mutualistic relationship examples where both species benefit Lichen is an example of mutualism as well. Lichen is made up of algae and fungus; the algae, which is green and is able to photosynthesize, produces food for itself and the fungus, whereas the fungus takes in water for the algae, and together they form the lichen.

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Page 20: The planet: Keplar 22b

This is how we are going to bring up and raise our new planet. Without all of the symbiotic relationships, roles of microorganisms, and animals we are bringing, we wouldn’t have a well rounded ecosystem. Food chains and trophic levels also provide nature with a well rounded ecosystem and keep the circle of life moving!