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The Power Gun OffenseDavid Gutshall: Dorman High School, South CarolinaPower Gun Offense Basics#1 Play is the Triple Option (2008 season recorded 4101 yards rushing) They committed 100% to the gun,

the only time they do not use the gun is if we have to kill the ball (we use it in the victory formation).Reason for this is because we didnÂ’t want to spend practice time on both, just commit 100% to one andperfect that.

Advantages of Power Gun Offense1.  Spread concept for the pass game2.  Good formation for power plays3.  Be an option team to put the defense in assignment football4.  Make big plays in the passing game (b/c the defense loads the box)5.  Our defense loves it because we are a ball control team

Reasons to Change It1.  Had the personnel to be a power team2.  To beat our rival we had to become a physical, ball controlling, north-south running, offense


Needed to find an offense that would allow us to keep the spread no-huddlePhilosophy of the Offense1.  Make opponent defend the power game2.  Be good at the triple option, forces the defense to play assignment football (cover pitch, dive, and

QB always)3.  Be able to create 1 on 1Â’s with WRÂ’s4.  Be able to run the option out of all our power plays5.  Use quick motions with the Y and RB to get into ideal sets

Tight End (Y) = really is the FB1.  Placement of the TE is crucial in most of our plays2.  Player needs to be in a good position to lead block3.  You have your one of your best player in pass protection4.  He is in good position to release into pass routes

5.  He is in good position to be the trapper6.  He is a good OL with more athleticism (use what you have a physical slot, a quick guards etcÂ…)

Blocking SchemesAll blocking assignments are either Gap or Man. Either are responsible for a gap or responsible for a man(based on a count system on the LOS). OL always will call (one OL assigned this responsibility to alert therest of the OL with certain at LOS calls) the scheme being used no matter whether it is pass, run, or screen.In reality the OL donÂ’t need to know the plays just the three schemes:

1.  Outside Rule: responsible for the gap away from the ball. (inside zone & outside zone)

2.  Inside Rule: responsible for the gap to towards the ball, Center always responsible for backside A-gap. (power/off tackle)

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3.  Man Rule: Guard is responsible for #1, Tackle responsible for #2, FB responsible for LB to #3.The Center is always responsible for backside A-gap.

FormationsFormations with words equal 2 x 2 sets (Pro). Formations called with Florida cities equal 3 x 1 sets(Tampa).

Daytona Strong


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Pro Strong

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Tampa Right

Tampa Strong

Power-Part of the OffenseAll of the plays are called by their generic names. Can tag Option on to the end of every play, where thequarterback is reading the BSDE.Hand Sweep

OL need to reach, if they cannot reach go to the 2nd level.Linebacker Trap

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 OL use man-blocking. If there is a BS 3-tech, then pull the center.Knock

FSG needs to make sure the 3-tech is secure before leaving for the LB.Counter

FST works from the PSLB to the BSLB, if he shows up in your gap, then take him.

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Option phase1.  Run the option out of all the power plays, by tagging a word that makes automatic. Play is

changed by aiming point of the lineman with a good ball fake inside.

2.  H or Z should run a pitch route on all the plays. It is done with 4 different routes.Option Routes

3.  Lead option can be used to threaten outside quickly

OT can get release inside go there and get the LB.

QB needs to attack the outside armpit of End, make the 5-tech tackle you. (Have to make the QB pitch forthe play to be effective) If there is a blitz on the edge, make an outside zone call. Tackle needs to make acall of what route he is taking on his release (inside or outside) so the QB knows the speed of the read. If itis an outside release his read will be slower, if the release is inside then the read is faster. Want to pitch theball sideways not backwards.Zone Read

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