
The Progressive EraThe Progressive Era

Today’s LEQToday’s LEQ: How were social : How were social reforms brought about during reforms brought about during Progressivism?Progressivism?

What Was the Progressive Era?What Was the Progressive Era?

Took place between 1890 – 1920Took place between 1890 – 1920 Problems created during the Problems created during the

Industrial Revolution were Industrial Revolution were addressedaddressed

Progressives believed that political Progressives believed that political action and reform were required action and reform were required for progress in societyfor progress in society

Progressive Goals and BeliefsProgressive Goals and Beliefs

Progressivism was Progressivism was not a single, not a single, unified movement. unified movement. Efforts fell into Efforts fell into four categories:four categories:


Social Reform

Moral Reform

Economic Reform

Political Reform

Social ReformSocial Reform

Involved the idea that government Involved the idea that government should be given expanded powers should be given expanded powers to help improve the lives of its to help improve the lives of its citizenscitizens For example, progressives sought to For example, progressives sought to

remedy poor living conditions and remedy poor living conditions and dangerous work environmentsdangerous work environments

The Changing Role of WomenThe Changing Role of Women

Many women joined the labor forceMany women joined the labor force The number of women working outside of the home The number of women working outside of the home

tripled between 1870 and 1900!tripled between 1870 and 1900! New appliances made available through New appliances made available through

mass production helped many women find mass production helped many women find more time for social causes and charitable more time for social causes and charitable activities outside the homeactivities outside the home

Some even had the chance to attend collegeSome even had the chance to attend college

Break for Washing Machine Video ClipBreak for Washing Machine Video Clip

The Fight for Women’s RightsThe Fight for Women’s Rights

Despite their changing role,Despite their changing role, women had to fight women had to fight for rights already guaranteed to menfor rights already guaranteed to men For example, the right to own property, ask for a For example, the right to own property, ask for a

divorce, or use birth controldivorce, or use birth control

Many women did not have the right to voteMany women did not have the right to vote A few western states had granted voting rights to A few western states had granted voting rights to

women, butwomen, but there was still no women’s there was still no women’s suffragesuffrage at the national level at the national level

Women known as suffragists pursued voting Women known as suffragists pursued voting rightsrights

Check for UnderstandingCheck for Understanding

Why do you think some western states Why do you think some western states were the first to grant voting rights to were the first to grant voting rights to women?women?

Creation of the National American Creation of the National American Women Suffrage AssociationWomen Suffrage Association

Women demanded the right to vote as early Women demanded the right to vote as early as 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention in as 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention in New YorkNew York

Leading suffragists joined together to form Leading suffragists joined together to form the NAWSA with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as the NAWSA with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as its first presidentits first president ““The power to make laws was the right through which The power to make laws was the right through which

all other rights could be secured.” - all other rights could be secured.” - Elizabeth Cady Elizabeth Cady StantonStanton

This group helped organize the suffrage This group helped organize the suffrage movement into a powerful political force at movement into a powerful political force at the state and national levelsthe state and national levels

The First Victories for Women’s The First Victories for Women’s SuffrageSuffrage

By 1898, four western states had By 1898, four western states had granted women the right to vote. By granted women the right to vote. By 1918, women had voting rights in 15 1918, women had voting rights in 15 statesstates

As a result, they began to influence As a result, they began to influence electionselections

The Creation of the National The Creation of the National Women’s PartyWomen’s Party

Another prominent suffragist was Alice Another prominent suffragist was Alice PaulPaul She was forced to resign from NAWSA for She was forced to resign from NAWSA for

being too radical in her approachbeing too radical in her approach Paul organized the NWP which used Paul organized the NWP which used

strategies such as mass marches and strategies such as mass marches and hunger strikeshunger strikes

Women Gain the Right to VoteWomen Gain the Right to Vote

Although NAWSA and NWP disagreed Although NAWSA and NWP disagreed on tactics, both helped women’s on tactics, both helped women’s suffrage suffrage

On August 26, 1920, the 19On August 26, 1920, the 19thth Amendment was passed and allowed Amendment was passed and allowed women to votewomen to vote

Break for Women’s Suffrage Break for Women’s Suffrage Article & QuestionsArticle & Questions

Day 2 – Day 2 – Progressivism & Social ReformProgressivism & Social Reform

Today’s LEQToday’s LEQ: How were social reforms : How were social reforms brought about during Progressivism?brought about during Progressivism?

Remember these Remember these images?images?

Changing Living ConditionsChanging Living Conditions

• Urban poor were jammed into tenements Urban poor were jammed into tenements & lived in unsanitary conditions.& lived in unsanitary conditions.

• Progressives took on the challenge of Progressives took on the challenge of making cities cleaner & more livable.making cities cleaner & more livable.– NY passed the Tenement House Act of NY passed the Tenement House Act of

1901 – required each new tenement to be 1901 – required each new tenement to be built with a courtyard & to have a built with a courtyard & to have a bathroom in each apartment.bathroom in each apartment.

– NY created the Dept. of Street Cleaning – NY created the Dept. of Street Cleaning – garbage collection & street sweeping.garbage collection & street sweeping.

Improving Working ConditionsImproving Working Conditions

Progressives had mixed success in Progressives had mixed success in helping adult workers.helping adult workers.

Reforms needed…Reforms needed… Fewer HoursFewer Hours Higher WagesHigher Wages Safer FactoriesSafer Factories Right to UnionizeRight to Unionize Workers’ CompensationWorkers’ Compensation

Ending Child LaborEnding Child Labor

National Child Labor National Child Labor CommitteeCommittee – – convinced states to convinced states to pass child labor laws pass child labor laws that prohibited that prohibited children under 14 children under 14 from working. Also, from working. Also, limited the number of limited the number of hours that older hours that older children could work.children could work.

Medicines at the Turn-of-the-Medicines at the Turn-of-the-Century…Century…

did not require a prescription.did not require a prescription. made exaggerated claims.made exaggerated claims. were used for a variety of ailments.were used for a variety of ailments. contained dangerous ingredients.contained dangerous ingredients.

Cocaine was a common ingredient – even Cocaine was a common ingredient – even in children's children's medication.

Protecting ConsumersProtecting Consumers

Meat Inspection Act Meat Inspection Act – required the Dept. – required the Dept. of Agriculture to inspect meat.of Agriculture to inspect meat.

Pure Food & Drug Act Pure Food & Drug Act – created the – created the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), to test Food & Drug Administration (FDA), to test & approve drugs before they went on the & approve drugs before they went on the

Environmental DestructionEnvironmental Destruction

Industry & urban growth had polluted the Industry & urban growth had polluted the air, water, and devastated the landscape.air, water, and devastated the landscape.

Protecting the EnvironmentProtecting the Environment

Some progressives supported…Some progressives supported… PreservationPreservation – the protection of wilderness – the protection of wilderness

lands from all forms of development.lands from all forms of development. Sierra Club, 1892, founded by John MuirSierra Club, 1892, founded by John Muir

ConservationConservation – the limited use of resources. – the limited use of resources. ““We are prone to think of the resources of this We are prone to think of the resources of this

country as inexhaustible. This is not so.” Teddy country as inexhaustible. This is not so.” Teddy RooseveltRoosevelt

Protecting the Environment Protecting the Environment (cont.)(cont.)

US Forest Service US Forest Service – protect forests & – protect forests & other natural areas from excessive other natural areas from excessive development.development.

National Wildlife Refuge System National Wildlife Refuge System National Park ServiceNational Park Service

11stst National Park, Yellowstone, National Park, Yellowstone, 1872 1872

Day 3 – African Americans Struggle for


Today’s LEQ: How were social reforms brought about during


Let’s Review for a Moment!

Reconstruction Amendments 13th abolished slavery 14th gave citizenship to all born in US 15th gave all men the right to vote

Black Codes Instituted across the South to deny blacks their

rights; eventually outlawed. Jim Crow

Created in response to Black Codes being outlawed.

African Americans in the Early 1900s

4/5ths lived in the South Most struggled to make a living as farmers Subjected to strict segregation Disenfranchised via poll taxes, literacy

tests, understanding clause, grandfather clause

“Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests, & Other Measures” Secondary Reading Roots the Next Generation Video Clip

Think, Pair, Share Think, Pair, Share

In what ways were In what ways were blacks disenfranchised?blacks disenfranchised?

Inspired by Progressive Ideals

Many African Americans were inspired by progressives and worked to improve their conditions.

Two Leaders who Promoted Advancement: Booker T. Washington W.E.B. DuBois

Booker T. Washington

Founded the Tuskegee Institute, a vocational college for African Americans in Alabama.

Encouraged blacks to gain respect and status by working their way up in society.

P. 228, History Alive Venn Diagram

W.E.B. DuBois

Founding member of the NAACP. Scholar and Activist

P. 229, History Alive Venn Diagram

Think, Pair, Share Think, Pair, Share

Which leader’s methods do you agree with Which leader’s methods do you agree with most and why?most and why?


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1909

Fought through the courts to end segregation.

Tried to ensure that African American men could exercise voting rights under the 15th amendment.

Protested lynching and other racial violence.


A mob killing of someone, usually by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.


3,745 lynchings between 1889 and 1932 Most in the South Black men were usual the victims

• Presumed threat posed to white women Community participation

• Few denunciations from white leaders Women also lynched, but less common.

Lynching Secondary Reading & Questions
