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August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5



[email protected] 908-233-8533


Wait for the promise of the Father 1


On August 6 we celebrate the Transfi guration of Jesus. It was on this day that Jesus was transfi gured before Peter, James and John as the glory of His divinity fl ashed

through His body and His clothing. “And even as He prayed, the fashion on His face was altered, and His garments became white and dazzling…”-Luke 9:30.

This glory was always with Jesus. The wonder of it was that it was repressed. Jesus did not add anything to his nature at the Transfi guration that He did not always possess. He merely revealed Who He already was. He was always divine and at the Transfi guration His divine glory was revealed. It fl ashed through His physical body. Those who deny that Jesus is God, regarding Him merely as a great teacher, do so from spiritual blindness. For how can anyone behold the dazzling light that illumined Christ at the Transfi guration and say that Jesus was just another great teacher?

The Transfi guration is not simply the commemoration of an event in the life of Christ that happened in the past. What happened to the humanity of Christ can happen also to the humanity of Christ’s followers today, to you and me. As one of the aposticha in Vespers says, “Today Christ has changed the darkened nature of Adam, and fi lling it with brightness, He has made it godlike.”

T h r o u g h t h e Tra nsf ig u rat ion , man is allowed to glimpse the glory of God in anticipation of the Last Day when “every eye shall see Him” and the believers will not only see Him but also share in His transfi gured glory.

Just as through baptism we share in the death and resurrection of Christ, even so we shall, if we persevere in our walk with Jesus, share one day in His transfi guration. “We shall be changed,” writes St. Paul, “ in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

This great feast day of the Church is celebrated with a divine liturgy on Monday, August 6. Orthros, 8:30 AM and Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM. ^


[email protected]

T h r o u g h t h e Tra nsf ig u rat ion , man is allowed to glimpse the glory of God in anticipation of the Last Day

“every eye shall and the

believers will not

we shall, if we persevere in our walk with Jesus, share one


Pag. 3

To many, the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, is a source of many blessings. The Church’s love and devotion to her, as the greatest of all the saints, is shown in the many hymns written and chanted during the divine services. She, having given birth to Christ

God, allowed salvation, Jesus, into the world. She is the mother of us all.

St. Nektarios, a saint of the 20th Century was a very pious hierarch of the Church. He loved the Theotokos and constantly called upon her intercessions. In the attempt to deepen his prayer life, the Theotokos herself appeared before him and requested that he record on paper a particular poem the angelic choirs were about to sing.

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey2 The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5

August - SeptemberDates in the Life of Our Church

7:00 PM Paraklesis

7:00 PM Paraklesis

8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy

Holy Transfi guration

8:30 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy

7:00 PM Paraklesis

7:00 PM Paraklesis

8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy

12:30 PM Baptism

7:00 PM Paraklesis

7:00 PM Great Vespers @ Holmdel

Dormition of the Theotokos

8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy

8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy

8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy

8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy

2:00 PM Wedding

8:15 AM Orthros

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy









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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5 3


A Poem to the Virgin Mary

The original script of this hymn “Agni Parthene” can still be viewed on St. Nektarios’ prayer table in his bedroom at his monastery in Aegina.

Having read this tremendous poem and comprehending its spiritual beauty, monks on Mount Athos set it to music. This hymn can be heard in Greek and English by visiting Holy Trinity’s webpage: www.holytrinitywestfi

Through this inspiration, he wrote a beautiful hymnto the Virgin Mary simply called, O Pure Virgin.

O Virgin Pure, Agni Partheneby St. Nektarios

Refrain:O Rejoice, Bride Unwedded .

O Virgin pure, immaculate/ O Lady Theotokos O Virgin Mother, Queen of all/ and fl eece which is all dewy

More radiant than the rays of sun/ and higher than the heavens Delight of virgin choruses/ superior to Angels.

Much brighter than the fi rmament/ and pure than the sun’s light More holy than the multitude/ of all the heav’nly armies.

O Rejoice, Bride UnweddedO Ever Virgin Mary/ of all the world, the Lady O bride all pure, immaculate/ O Lady Panagia

O Mary bride and queen of all/ our cause of jubilation Majestic maiden, Queen of all/ O our most holy Mother

More hon’rable than Cherubim/ beyond compare more glorious than immaterial Seraphim/ and greater than angelic thrones.

O Rejoice, Bride UnweddedRejoice, O son of Cherubim/ Rejoice, O hymn of angels

Rejoice, O ode of Seraphim/ the joy of the archangels Rejoice, O peace and happiness/ the harbor of salvation O sacred chamber of the Word/ fl ower of incorruption

Rejoice, delightful paradise/ of blessed life eternal Rejoice, O wood and tree of life/ the fount of immortality

O Rejoice, Bride UnweddedI supplicate you, Lady/ now do I call upon you

And I beseech you, Queen of all/ I beg of you your favor Majestic maiden, spotless one/ O Lady Panagia

I call upon you fervently/ O sacred, hallowed temple Assist me and deliver me/ protect me from the enemy

And make me an inheritor/ of blessed life eternal.

O Rejoice, Bride Unwedded(Source and translation from: Holy Nativity Convent, Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey4 The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5


The fi rst half of the year ended with a very successful Greek Fest. This was the third consecutive year of our re-energized Fest. As with the prior two, many parishioners participated, bringing many of us closer together in a collaborative effort. Led by Peter Ladas as Chairman and two Co-chairs Michael Savva and Agapios Kyritsis, the committee was

outstanding. I would also like to recognize the following people who had leadership roles in the Fest:

Our parish continues to function well. Programs for the youth, Greek school, religious education, seniors and plain old regular parishioners are ongoing. The Parish Council leadership has attended Clergy/Laity Conferences at the Metropolis (N.J.) level as well as the national level. Recently I along with James Fountas, Theodore Bozonelis, James Gianakis and Father Peter, attended the Archdiocese Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Other members of our community were also there, representing other organizations of our church. At these meetings, which are held every two years, budget and operational procedures of our national church are discussed and approved. Major issues facing our church are also put forth for discussion or approval.

The summer break will be over before we know it. We will be looking forward to our fall dance, the resumption of regular programs, a review of our fi nancial condition and our goals for the future.

The parish council strives to serve Holy Trinity in an exemplary fashion and I welcome any comments, critiques, or advice that you can offer us in our effort to do the best job we can do for our community. ^

Parish Council - 2012President’s Message

Kitchen: Stephen Ladas

Set up/Construction: Michael Savorgiannakis

Gyro/Souvlaki: Chris Vasilopoulos

Volunteer Coordinators: Chrissy Vasilow, Nina Anastasiou, & Debbie Efthimion

Master of Ceremonies/Website: Ted Vagelos

Patron Book: Kassandra Romas

Vendors/Greek Market: Catherine Papadimas

Building/Permits: Notis Kotsolios

Decorating: Christina Colonias & Lauren Karanikolas

Decorating YiaYia’s Kouzina: Fran Frigerio

Donations: AJ Karanikolas

Pastries: Julie Exarhakos

YiaYia’s Kitchen: Helen Bozonelis, Joanne Panayi, Penny Pefanis, & Cynthia Ladas

Kitchen Supplies: Dino Genakos

Treasurer/Cashiers: George Colonias, Jim Fountas, & Ted Exarhakos

Secretary: Diana Waltsak

Jr. Holy Trinity Dancers at Greek Fest 2012

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5 5

The 41st Bi ennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America offi cially began its work on July 2. It was highlighted by the Keynote Address of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America presented to an audience of more than 1,200 participants.

Archbishop Demetrios defined the mission and outlined the steps necessary for the fulfi lment of the theme of this Congress with the charge by our Lord Jesus Christ, who has chosen and appointed us to go and bear fruit.

His Eminence began his Keynote Address by expressing gratitude to God and devotion to His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew along with wholehearted wishes for the Patriarch’s 20th anniversary in the throne of Constantinople. (See the full text of the Keynote Address at

“The world to which we have been appointed to go and bear fruit is a wounded world, a confused world, a fragmented world, in which we have to cultivate and offer the fruit of faith, love, healing, peace and hope,” said Archbishop Demetrios as he outlined seven fi elds that should be the focus of cultivation so they can bear fruit in the time to come. He identifi ed these fields as: 1) the lives of families of interfaith marriages, 2) children,

adolescents and young adults, 3) places of work where we communicate effectively our faith, 4) gathering and re-connecting our disconnected people, 5) inter-orthodox relationships, 6) increasing our stewardship numbers in our communities, and 7) preserving our universal Hellenic treasures and Greek language.

“Let us not waste time. Let us go now. The fi eld is open, wide open by the grace of God, Who was, is and will forever be with us,” concluded the Archbishop.

T he Pat r ia rcha l representat ive , Metropolitan Sotirios of Toronto, conveyed the paternal and patriarchal greetings and blessings of His All Hol i ness Ec u men ica l Pat r ia rch Bartholomew and read the Ecumenical Patriarch’s Message to the Congress. (See the full text at

PLENARY SESSIONThe official business of the 41st Clergy-Laity Congress concluded Wednesday July 4, 2012 with the plenary session which lasted a l l day and was the culmination of the forums, meetings of the committees, workshops, receptions and social events of fellowship--all of which contributed to a very productive and successful Congress, inspiring the delegates and participants to spread the message, Chosen and Appointed by God to Go and Bear Fruit.

The Clergy-Laity Congress was attended by 790 participants, 651 of which were registered delegates from 326 parishes. The National Philoptochos Convention had the second highest participation record with 372 delegates. The grand banquet was attended by over 1400 people.

Following the presentation of the Administration Committee report, there was significant discussion regarding the issue of convening the Clergy-Laity

Congress every three years instead of every t wo years as the practice has been for many decades. Finally the overwhelming m a j o r i t y v o t e d to ma inta in t he current frequency of the Clergy-Laity Congresses at every two years.

The Resolut ions C o m m i t t e e p r e s e n t e d f i v e resolutions which were adopted by the majority of the delegates . T hese were: 1) a resolution of support for the suffering people in

Greece, 2) a resolution on the Patriarchate of Antioch and the situation in Syria, 3) a resolution for the protection of religious freedom of all Christians in Egypt, 4) a resolution supporting accessibility of church facilities to people with disabilities, and 5) a resolution of “Thanks.” (See the resolutions online at

In his closing remarks at the Plenary Session, Archbishop Demetrios of America expressed his gratitude to all the delegates for their diligent work and participation and to the all the Metropolitans for listening lovingly. He said that special care should be given to young adults and college students, for the Orthodox Christian family, in outreach to the unchurched and the baptized who are not regularly practicing, and to the opportunities for outreach that arise in our parishes on occasions like church festivals, etc. ^

Photos by J. Mindala

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey6 The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5

Parish Life

Rebecca with her family,His Eminence and priests.

Mother’s Day – Chrissy Vasilow& Helen Hadzitheodorou

with Fr. Peter & Fr. Alexander.

Rebecca Kotsonis being awarded the Alpha & Omega Award.

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5 7

To aid the poor, the aged, the hungry, the needy, and the sick through charitable works performed with discretion, courtesy, and kindness.

New York, NY. – National Philoptochos President Aphrodite Skeadas announced today that donations totaling $160,000 from Philoptochos Chapters and

friends of Philoptochos n a t i o n w i d e f o r t h e Philoptochos Appeal are being distributed to fi ve organizations in Greece for the rel ief of our brethren suffering due to the severe economic crisis.These funds are in addition to the $25,000 donation o f f e r e d i n Fe b r u a r y 2012 from the National Philoptochos Emergency Fund expedited through IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) that provided medical supplies and food staples to the people affected by the economic crisis.President Skeadas reported that many requests for aid were submitted to Philoptochos and the selection of the following organizations was determined by the Executive Council of the National Philoptochos based on the extensive research and recommendations of a special committee led by Paulette Geanacopoulos, National Philoptochos Social Worker.

Apostoli is the non-governmental, non-profi t organization founded by the Social Services Department of the

Archdiocese of Athens. Their main objective is to provide immediate assistance to children, elderly and families suffering hunger, disabilities and illness.

The Metropolis of Thessaloniki, under the leadership of His Eminence Metropolitan Anthimos, will provide assistance

for those who are suffering.

The Archdiocese of Crete, under the leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Irenaios, will distribute food and

medical supplies those in need in Crete.

Kivotos was founded and is guided by Reverend Father Antonios Papanicolaou in order to provide care and

support, offering hope for children and their families. Kivotos provides food, clothing, education and shelter to more than 150 needy children daily. The goal of Kivotos is to keep families together.

The Theotokos Foundation is a non-profi t organization based in Ilion, Greece. For more than 45 years it has

served more than 5,000 children, adults and families with learning and other developmental disabilities. Its services provide children and adults opportunities to communicate, function with adequacy, be independent and self-suffi cient, and enter the workforce. Due to the fi nancial crisis this philanthropic organization, as well as many others, has seen the fi nancial assistance provided by the Greek Government substantially reduced making them unable to provide care for those in need.For this important expression of love, National President Skeadas expresses her gratitude to all those who so generously responded to the call of the National Philoptochos and anticipates that additional funds will be collected for this worthy effort. Donations may be sent to National Philoptochos, 7 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019 or can be made online at ^

FOR AID TO THE PEOPLE OF GREECENational Philoptochos distributes $160,000

Holy Archdiocese of Crete - $25,000

Theotokos Foundation - $25,000

Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki - $50,000

Apostoli - $50,000

Kivotos Tou Kosmou (Ark of the World) - $10,000

Photo by D. Panagos

Page 8: The Promise-AUG2012

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey8 The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5

Protectors of Orthodox Marriage

Sts. Prokopios and Constantine

In the blessing at the conclusion of the Holy Matrimony service, the prayers of St. Prokopios* (commemorated on July 8) and those of Sts. Emperors Constantine and Helen

(commemorated on May 21) are requested, as they are considered as protector saints of marriage. But I have been asking myself why the Church considers St s . C on st a nt i ne a n d H e l e n a n d St . Pr ok o p io s a s i n t e r c e s s o r s f o r marriage?

Reading about the lives of these protector saints of marriage, we find some striking similarities between t h e m . B o t h S t . Constantine and St. Prokopios had a vision of the Holy Cross.

Most of us are familiar with the revelation to Constantine, which changed the course of history. The vision of the Holy Cross was instrumental in Constantine’s decision to make Christianity the offi cial religion of the Empire. It also empowered his mother Helen to travel to the Holy Land to fi nd the holy places where our Lord lived, walked, taught and ministered unto us and to build churches on these sites.

Reminiscent of St. Paul the Apostle, St. Prokopios, who was at one time a general in the Roman army of Diocletian, was sent to Alexandria to destroy those “who believe in the One who was crucifi ed.” About three o’clock in the morning, while on the road to Alexandria, an earthquake shook the ground and there was lightning and thunder. Prokopios heard a voice from Heaven asking him, “O Neania (which was his pagan name), do you come against Me also?” A bright Cross appeared in the sky and the voice continued, “I am Jesus the Crucifi ed One, the Son of God.” The Cross went up to Heaven and the voice spoke again saying, “In this sign that you saw, you will defeat your enemy and My peace will be with you.” The Holy Cross, which led these Saints to the true faith, united them in the Body of Christ and protected their lives, is also the guiding sign of Holy Matrimony. The experience of the Cross is what made these Saints the praying protectors of Holy Matrimony.

Of course, we acknowledge the fact that “all of us must carry the cross” in following Christ as part of marriage. However, the Cross is also associated with marriage, because marriage is seen as a fi ght. This fi ght is not a struggle between two persons trying to work out their differences and making the marriage

(the “becoming one”) work, as we might simplistically see it. This is a good fi ght, a “warlike” fi ght, the husband and wife become partners, and they help and support one another.

We understand marriage as a school of virtues. The expression of true love between a husband and a wife is fully expressed in various ways. We learn more about our personal self as we are fulfi lled in the spouse’s love.

Sts. Constantine and Helen are considered as intercessors for marriage, because they were crowned emperors. The Church speaks of them as being the “God-crowned Kings and Saints-equal-to-the-Apostles.” Marriage is also called “a crowning” for in marriage, a crowning takes place. The new couple indeed becomes King and Queen, being crowned for each other. Their crowning is recognized on earth and in Heaven. They start a new dynasty, a new life, and a new little church,” which can last until the end of the world through their offspring and into eternity.

What is fascinating is that Sts. Constantine and Helen’s crowns were received in Heaven. We know the same thing about St. Prokopios, who died as a martyr for the faith in Christ. From the Heavenly place, these saints pray that the crowned servants of God in Holy Matrimony will also become worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom. Let those of us who receive the crowns of Holy Matrimony, remember that marriage will succeed only when it is under the protection of the sign of the Holy Cross. Let us also remember that, ultimately, marriage is not a goal in itself, but a means for the salvation of our souls. In this respect, the prayer of the priest at the crowning is meaningful: “Bless their goings out and their comings in; replenish their life with good things; receive their crowns into Your heavenly kingdom, preserving them without spot, without blame, and without reproach, unto ages of ages.” Amen.

* It should be noted that the name Prokopios mea ns “to adva nce” or “to move forward” or “to improve” or “to increase”. In the last prayer during the Service of Matrimony, when St. Prokopios is invoked, it is prayed that the newly-crowned couple “adva nce” or “move forward” (προκόπτων) in their faith in Christ. In the hymns dedicated to St. Prokopios we pray that just as he “advanced” in faith, that he also lead us to “advance” in Christ and good works. This is the primary reason St. Prokopios is invoked during the Service of Matrimony. ^

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5 9

Paraklesis and Divine Services For the Fast of the Dormition: Each service will begin at 7:00 PM.

August 1, 3, 8, 10, 13.

Also Orthros and the Divine Liturgy will be held for the Great Feast of the Transfi guration on August 6;

Orthros, 8:30 AM; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM.

The Dormition of the Panagia will be held on August 15; Orthros, 8:30 AM; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM.

The Paraklesis is a beautiful service that sings the praises of the Theotokos. Its composition is attributed to the monk Theophilos.

In its essence, this service seeks the protection, guidance and comfort (paraklesis) of the Mother of God. We call upon the Panayia for intercession because she is the greatest of all the Saints.Having dedicated her life entirely to the pursuit of holiness and by being the Mother of Jesus Christ, she has acquired the favor of God. She now continually stands in watchful prayer asking her son and our God to grant us salvation.Her constant prayer is quite effective for our salvation because Christ is quick to listen to His mother’s appeal (see the Wedding in Cana, John 2:1-12.) The Panayia always seeks to help those who encounter misfortune by directing them towards Christ. “Do whatever He tells you,” she told the servants at the wedding in Cana. Having run out of wine, a symbol of joy, the Theotokos brought the servants to Christ - the One Who bestows joy. The Lord said to His mother, “my time has not yet come,” teaching us that the fullness of God’s revelation would not come until after His Resurrection. The Theotokos, however, was eager for the attendants of this wedding banquet - who represent all people - to share in the joy that God had brought to her. By interceding to her son, thirty stone jars of water were turned into wine. Her plea was the catalyst that set into motion Christ’s fi rst miracle. We now plead to her to become, once again, the catalyst for our salvation. ^

What is the Service of Paraklesis?

Please enter the full baptismal namesof your loved ones.

(For example: “Nicholas” instead of “Nick” or “Niko.”)

Please return form to Fr. Peter.


SERVICE OF PARAKLESIS TO THE THEOTOKOSἩ Ἀκολουθία Τῆς Παρακλήσεως Τῆς Παναγίας

Please intercede for the health and Healing of the Servant of God:

Ὀνόματα τῶν ζώντων Ὀρθοδόξων γιά τίς Παρακλήσεις εἰς τήν Παναγία

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey10 The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5

The Promise • Classifi eds

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As we step to the “sidelines” with end of our tenure as advisors, we want to express our thanks and appreciation to all. It is truly an honor to have been able to work with

our talented youth members and the many wonderful parents. We take with us special memories that will always remain with us.We want to thank the following: Father Peter, Fr. Alexander, Fr. Gregory, the Board, Notis, with the offi ce staff, Irene, Ocione, Jose, Geraldo and also Dino and of course our co-advisors and coaches – Evans John, Michelle Kallinosis, Stathi Afendoulis, Op Kyritsis, Despina Markos, Peter Tarhanides, Andrew Jason, Peter Boutsikaris, Mike Savorgiannakis, Aida Economides as well as other individuals of past years for all their support during our time with the youth program.We believe that the youth and this program are vital to the future of the Greek Orthodox Church. Our wishes for the continued success of YHT as additional advisors join the team: Yianna Leichtling, Jenny Logus and Kathy Maglaras.OLYMPIC WRAP-UP AND WESTFIELD OLYMPIC MEDAL WINNERS– 2012On Sunday June 10th our Olympic team was recognized for their efforts at the annual Olympics held at Monmouth University. We thank the team, coaches and parents for all their support, time and donations. The youth and advisors would like to especially thank the Savorgiannakis, Tarhanides, and Tsirigotis families for their very special donation of uniforms for the Olympics.

CONGRATULATIONS TO :Our coaches Ellen Conti, Evans John & Zenon Christodoulou.•SB 400 m. GOLD Jonathan Savorgiannakis•JB 400 m. BRONZE Andreas Vlahakis•SG Mile SILVER Katie Tencza• SB 4x100 BRONZE Greg Vlahakis, Mike Anastasiou, Nik Karsos,Jon Savorgiannakis

• SG 4x100 SILVER Elena Baurkot, Vickie Zourzoukis, Dina Savva, Christina Daifotis, Alt. Stephanie John

• JG 4x100 BRONZE Samantha Anastasiou, Christina Kallinosis, Christina Karsos, Juliana Baurkot

• SB 4x400 SILVER Greg Vlahakis, Tommy Papas, Nik Karsos,Mike Anastasiou

• SG 4x200 BRONZE Elena Baurkot, Vickie Zourzoukis, Dina Savva, Katie Tencza

• Mixed Relay 4x200 BRONZE Lauren Tencza, Andreas Vlahakis, Christina Daifotis, Jon Savorgiannakis

• SB Long Jump GOLD Jon Savorgiannakis & BRONZE Mike Anastasiou•SG Long Jump BRONZE Dina Savva•SG Softball Throw BRONZE Stephanie John• Swimming SB 50 Freestyle GOLD Nick Constantine& BRONZE Tommy Papas

•SB 50 Backstroke GOLD Nick Constantine•SB 50 Breaststroke BRONZE Nick Constantine•SB 50 Butterfl y GOLD Nick Constantine•GOYA Marathon Top Girls – Katie Tencza – 4th placeTOTAL MEDALS:18 •4TH PLACE OVERALL ^

A note from Mrs. Chantzis & Mrs. ContiYHT

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The Promise ^ August 2012 ^ Volume 36, Issue 5 11


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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

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The Promise: Volume 36, Issue 5

10 issues published annually. No subscription fee.Article deadline - 10th of the preceding month

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox ChurchMetropolis ofNew Jersey

250 Gallows Hill Road ^ Westfi eld, NJ 07090Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

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of the FatherPromiseThe

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Schedule of Services

Sundays Weekdays

Orthros 8:15 AM 8:30 AM

Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM 9:30 AM


Parish Council Ted DemetriouPhiloptochos Avi Kiriakatis

Religious Education Eleftheria WolffGreek School Rita Fitanidis

Trinity Circle Athena ManosTAG Barbara Arbes

Youth (GOYA) Vickie ZourzoukisJOY / HOPE Kathy Maglaras

Yiana LeichtlingSandy Boutsikaris

TOTS Joanne ParasBookstore Sandy Mouratoglou

Cultural Barbara ManosGreek School PTO Irene Cohen


Psaltis Pascalis KuvalakisChoir Director Kathryn Athanasoulas

Organist Phyllis VerenesHead Acolyte Christopher Wolff

Office Staff

Administrative Assistant Irene PanagakosAccountant Diana R. WaltsakCaretaker Ocione Nunes

Contact Information

Mailing Address 250 Gallows Hill Rd.Westfi eld, NJ 07090-1109

Phone 908-233-8533

Fax 908-233-0623

E-mail HtgocWestfi [email protected]

Web site holytrinitywestfi

Presiding Priest Rev. Peter Delvizis

E-mail [email protected]

Priest Rev. Gregory Rubis