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Innovation Opportunity Diversity Success


At Glenwood High School we are very proud of the many polite and courteous students we have the pleasure to work with every day. Their presence brings us all great joy and it is particularly wonderful when members of the public recognise and acknowledge this as well. Last week I received an email from a man who was running the canteen at a venue Glenwood High School students were using. I am including the email as a congratulatory item for all students involved as well as other students who continue to uphold the good name of the school in all their endeavours.

Dear Headmaster, As I type this to you, I am running the canteen at Pennant Hills Hockey Field where a number of your students are playing hockey against Colo High. I felt compelled to put in writing how delighted I am with the good manners, courtesy and confidence they all have demonstrated in my brief dealings with them at the canteen window. The future of Australia and indeed the world is in good hands with fine young women & men like these. Congratulations to the students, their parents and also to your school, for your team have obviously modelled such positive behaviour for them to follow to backstop the way they have been raised at home. Well done!

I, personally, could not be more proud of our students and parents/carers when I receive such

comments. Year 12 Half Yearly Exams When this newsletter is published Year 12 will have started their Half Yearly Exams and I am aware many have been working extremely hard in order to be thoroughly prepared for this important assessment time. This is a difficult time for both students and parents/carers and it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maximise results and manage the stress of exams. Parents can encourage students to eat balanced meals, drink plenty of water, get 8 hours sleep and exercise moderately in order to boost concentration whilst both studying and in the exam


From the Principal

Falling down is part of life. Getting back up is living. - Anonymous

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Students need to ensure they have a study timetable to ensure they are spending adequate time on each course. They heed to summarise their notes for each course under the Syllabus dot points if appropriate; access the Board of Studies website to review past papers and make sure they practice write under exam conditions in order to be thoroughly prepared. When in doubt students must seek out their best and most reliable resource – their teachers! Year 12 are wished all the very best for these exams and are reminded to make sure they take careful note of the feedback teachers give them after the exams have been graded and marked to ensure they fully understand how they can improve upon their responses in the future. Even the student who is placed first can improve and continually strive for excellence. Harmony Day – Friday 14th March 2014 Over the past 7 years Harmony Day has become one of the most important days on the Glenwood High School calendar. Each year I have watched it grow from strength to strength with students, staff and parents thoroughly revelling in the celebration of our diverse community. From the vibrant student performances in the hall to the intricate cultural workshops and presentations and finally the lunchtime international food stalls and quadrangle dance off, it is truly a day of harmony.

Farewell It is with great sadness that we say farewell to the wonderful Mr Richard Schiliro who will be a huge loss to Glenwood High School. For the past six Mr Schiliro has been the Head Teacher Mentor working with, and coaching, the numerous early career teachers who have been appointed to Glenwood over that time. As his position at Glenwood has come to an end he has accepted a similar position in the Fairfield area. Mr Schiliro has been a phenomenal leader and teacher during his time at Glenwood and many teachers and students have benefited enormously from his insight, guidance and wise counsel, including myself. His support of the Glenwood High School community has been invaluable and many teachers owe their success to his nurturing and coaching through the lengthy and demanding accreditation process. Mr Schiliro is wished all the very best for a wonderful future and we hope he will return often to catch up on all the fabulous happenings at glenwood. Changes to the Enrolment Policy and Boundaries As many of you are aware the opening of The Ponds High School in 2015 has brought about changes to the Glenwood High School boundaries for students in Year 7, 2015 and beyond. Please go to the school website to read the full version of the policy. However, I wish to stress that siblings of current students who live in The Ponds drawing area have sibling rights to enrolment at Glenwood High School for the next four years. Similarly, students are able to apply for a non-local placement should they wish to be considered for enrolment at Glenwood High School. Careers Insight Day On Thursday 27th April 2014 Mrs Simone Fevre, Careers Adviser, organised a Careers Insight Day for Year 10, 11 and 12 students. This was a great day for students to gain an understanding of a number of professions and trades. The guest presenters and display holders were most impressed with the behaviour of our students and their passion to find out as much as possible about a variety of different career pathways. They have already requested to be involved again next year. A huge thank you must go to Mrs Fevre for creating this opportunity for our students

NAPLAN – Year 7 & 9 As many of you are aware the nationwide NAPLAN assessment will take place on 13th, 14th and 15th

May, 2014.

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We shall be spending time preparing Year 7 & 9 for this assessment. Currently Year 9 are completing work during Connect honing their reading, grammar and punctuation. The written component will be either a persuasive text or a narrative. At present teachers are focusing on ensuring students understand the structure of an exposition and narrative text and have the opportunity to practise writing such a text. Parents/carers are asked to please reinforce the importance of mastering this skill as successful writing will support student learning far beyond school.

Congratulations Throughout March we have had much cause for celebration as Glenwood students continue to shine in many fields. Our congratulations goes to:

The Glenwood High School Diversity Team led by Mr Rob Leaver who organised a most amazing Harmony Day. A wonderful day was had by all on Friday 14th March, 2014 with a record number of students leading workshops and performing throughout the day;

Lisa Mays (Year 8) – for selection in the Sydney West Tennis Team.

Nathan Coxall, Tim Arthur and Matthew Hurley (Year 9) selected for the Sydney West U/15 AFL team. This is the second time Nathan has been selected.

Cameron Rogers (Year 11) – for being an amazing role model for all students on the overnight Duke of Edinburgh hike. He led the Delta team of novice hikers navigating without error. He was mature and respectful, managing all students with great success. The team had a wonderful rapport by the second day of the camp due to Cameron's management and encouragement.

Sandy Moharib and Olivia Callaghan (Year 11) for the ‘Sisterhood’ initiative which gives girls the opportunity to meet once a week to recognise the value of listening to, and supporting, each other in today’s world.

Our swimming champions at the Sydney West Swimming at Sydney Olympic Park where the 13 Yrs Boys’ Freestyle Relay Team came 6th overall. Nicholas Beros (Year 8), 2nd overall in 13 Yrs Boys; Hayden Illingworth (Year 9), 3rd overall in 15 Yrs Boys; Ashlee Lakeman (Year 10), 3rd overall in 15 Yrs Girls. Yoong Lin Kilgannon (Year 9), qualified for 100m Butterfly. These students will now represent the school and Sydney West in CHS swimming at Homebush early in April.

Tayla Chaplin (Year 10) selected in the Macquarie Zone Netball Team. The Open Girls’ Netball Team who represented their school in an exemplary manner, were

very encouraging of one another and a pleasure to coach at the Macquarie Zone Gala Day where they were placed third overall.

Year 7 & 8 Debating Workshop Participants who were focused and engaged throughout the day. Patrick Gleeson (Year 8), for outstanding involvement in the process.

Tyler Norman, Courtney Marshall, Jasmine Eather, Lydia Surgeon, Kristina Doljevic and Aliitaeao Siosefa (Year 10) who did the cimmunity a great service and participated in Clean-up Australia Day at Glenwood Reserve - Sunday, 9th March, 2014.

Renee Blakemore (Year 11) selected in the Sydney West Girls Soccer team for the second year.

Till next time Erla McMaster Principal

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FROM THE DESKS OF THE DEPUTY PRINCIPALS “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before


(Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland)

Impossible things happen each and every day at Glenwood High School. Our school has a diverse

range of students from many different backgrounds and recently, it was a pleasure to see such a

magnificent affirmation of multiculturalism in the form of Harmony Day. This was held on Friday, 16

March 2014. This celebration of diversity, understanding and acceptance affords students the

opportunity to present cultural dances and performances and helps share knowledge of different

cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student

body who worked together to make this day the highlight of the school calendar. All of the students

who performed on the day and contributed to the multicultural feast at lunch are to be commended.

In addition, all students participated in the day’s activities enthusiastically and respectfully, in

accordance with our school’s Positive Behaviour for Learning values.

As we come to the end of Term 1, the deputy principals would like to thank staff, students and

parents for their efforts in making our school the school of choice in this area, as we continue to

build our reputation for excellence. Core faculties have been busy implanting the new Australian

Curriculum for Year 7 and Year 9 students. The Australian Curriculum focuses on the following

general capabilities and 21st century skills:




critical and creative thinking

personal and social capability

ethical behaviour

intercultural understanding

Teachers recently attended a Saturday school conference which focused on differentiation for gifted

and talented students and those with learning difficulties. Our teachers approached this

professional learning event in a professional manner and will implement new ideas learned at this

conference to improve the high school experience for students who require differentiated work.

Community Feedback

Term 1 has been a successful term at Glenwood High School. The school has an excellent

reputation in the community and this is attributed to the conduct of our students both inside and

outside the school. The school regularly receives positive feedback and letters from community

members, commenting on the way in which our students act respectfully and wear their school

uniform with pride.

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We remind students that their conduct is always on display in the community and they are required

to present Glenwood High School in its most positive light on the way to and from school and when

leaving the school grounds for excursions. It is always pleasing to receive such positive feedback

from the community.


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual test of

student performance in Year 7 and Year 9 in domains of reading, writing, language conventions

(grammar, spelling and punctuation) and numeracy. These tests will be held on 13 May 2014 to 15

May 2014. Year 9 students have been preparing for NAPLAN through their Connect classes and

our Year 7 students should be familiar with the process from primary school. It is important to note

that the NAPLAN is a diagnostic tool designed to identify strengths and weaknesses for individual

students which then allow teachers to implement student-specific and whole school educational

improvements. As with any test, it is important for students to prepare for NAPLAN and we

encourage students to do well in this assessment. Students and parents should be reminded that

it is primarily a tool used by school staff to help plan teaching and learning programs.


The high school experience can be a challenging and demanding time in any student’s life. One of

the major issues that face students, especially those in Year 11 and Year 12, is that of stress and

workload pressures. Our Head Teacher – Welfare recently ran stress management workshops for

HSC students to ensure they have the skills to identify and manage their own stress. In some

ways, stress acts as a positive motivator for students and helps regulate their activities, time

management and work ethic. Glenwood High School expects that senior students devote three

hours a night to revision, study, assessment preparation and coursework. As students juggle

sporting commitments, part-time work and family matters, it can be difficult to effectively manage

all of these pressures and some students experience stress, whether it be in physical or emotional

form. As parents, it is important to ensure that your child has an appropriate balance between

school work and non-school commitments. This includes reviewing the amount of part-time work

your child is undertaking to ensure that it is not excessive. In addition, it is important that students

have a dedicated study area at home that is free from noise, distractions and technology. Children

will tell their parents that they are excellent at multitasking, however, a significant amount of study

time is lost with students being distracted by mobile phones, Internet, Facebook and other forms of

social networking. An important part of managing school stress is to have positive thinking.

Students should avoid the following ‘thinking traps’:

fortune-telling: “I’ll never be able to pass my test.”

black-and-white thinking: “If I don’t get a good mark, I’ll totally fail.”

mind-reading: “Everyone thinks I’m stupid.”

over-generalisation: “I always fail.”

labelling: “I’m dumb.”

filtering: “I got one multiple choice question wrong.”

catastrophising: “I’m going to freak out and no-one will help me.”

should statements: “I should never make mistakes.”

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Students need to be mindful of times when they feel this way and train themselves to make their

thoughts more realistic. This will involve retraining their brain to encourage a more positive

approach to their HSC. Three easy ways to alleviate schoolwork stress are:

focal breathing: Stress is often a result of a lack of oxygen. Deep breathing exercises will

help students de-stress and boost their energy levels.

aerobic exercising: Completing some form of exercise that elevates the heart rate for at least

thirty minutes will help reduce stress. Students should aim to do this at least three times a


adequate sleep: Students need adequate sleep in order to function effectively at school.

Various websites have excellent information on study skills and stress management, including:

Assessment Issues

If a student in Year 9 to Year 12 is absent for an assessment task, they must contact the relevant

deputy principal as soon as possible and provide a medical certificate for the absence and/or other

documentation justifying the absence. It is important that students familiarise themselves with the

school’s assessment policy, which is available on the school’s website. It is important that all

students in all grades know rules and follow them. In particular, we would like to draw attention to

the following rule:

Students are solely responsible for maintaining backups of all personal data files,

independently of the school’s computers and network. Students should save their files in

multiple locations including emailing themselves or saving documents in ‘cloud’ services. It

is unacceptable for a student to cite technological failure as a reason for an appeal when the

student could have saved their work in other locations.

Otherwise, students may receive a zero mark and these marks may not contribute to the student’s

overall HSC mark submitted to the NSW Board of Studies. In addition, specific rules apply to all

examinations at Glenwood High School and the consequence of breaching these rules, even if

unintended, is often a zero result. Therefore, it is important that students are aware of the following


No food, drink, MP3s, iPods or mobile phones are permitted in the examination room;

All phones are to be kept in student bags and must be switched off. Any disruption to an

examination due to a phone will result in serious consequences.

Only equipment needed for the examination should be taken into the exam venue. All other

materials (including magazines and novels) are not permitted.

Electronic device such as an organiser, dictionary or computerised watch are not permitted

into the test room unless approved by the Board of Studies.

Once seated, students should remain silent, face the front and not communicate with other

students without the permission of an examination supervisor.

Students must behave in a way that is not likely to disturb the work of any other student or

upset the conduct of the examination / test.

Students must make a serious attempt at answering all questions in the examination/test.

Students caught cheating will have their examination paper cancelled and will be dealt with in

accordance with the School Discipline Code.

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Non serious attempts at any exam will not be marked. In addition, exam papers with offensive

writing or graffiti will not be marked.

Students will not be permitted to leave the examination room for the toilet. If a student has a

medical complaint which makes this necessary, that information should be provided to the

Head Teacher – Welfare in advance of the examinations. This will then be recorded and

examination supervisors will be notified.

Students must stop writing when advised to by the supervisor.

Test material cannot be removed from the examination room.

Students arriving late to an exam without a justifiable reason will complete the exam in the

time remaining. Students late to exam where circumstances were outside of their control or

are not in a fit state to sit an examination are to see a Deputy Principal before entering the

exam hall.

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Glenwood High School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school. As a PBL school, we

choose to focus on rewarding positive behaviour in order to create a successful learning

environment. At Glenwood High School, we use the following core values to guide our teaching and


respect for others

respect for self

respect for property

responsibility for actions

ready for learning

Recently, Glenwood High School was reviewed by our local PBL consultant, resulting in an

excellent score using the Schoolwide Evaluation Tool. Our score, which was above 90%,

demonstrates the strong commitment the school has to the principles of PBL. The school is

currently in the process of refining our rewards system to ensure that it records more of the positive

achievements of students and is more streamlined. This review involved both staff members and

students holding a forum to discuss positive changes that could be made to our systems. This will

build upon some of the reforms already implemented as a part of or renewed focus on house spirit.

Banned Items

Glenwood High School maintains a ‘banned items list’ to ensure that the school remains a safe

environment for all. For the safety of others, their property and school property, under no

circumstances are students to bring the following items to school:

chewing gum

permanent markers

ring pull cans (ie, salmon/tuna tins, etc)

liquid paper

aerosol deodorants

aerosol cans of any description

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laser lights

metal rulers




imitation guns or weapons

illegal items (eg, weapons, drugs, drug paraphernalia, etc)

inappropriate or offensive material

‘V’ drinks or highly caffeinated beverages

medication of any kind (unless registered with the front office)

‘deep heat’ or similar products

We appreciate the support of parents in this regard.

Communication with Parents

Glenwood High School is a very large school and we have a Facebook page to help us

communicate with both parents and students. This can be accessed at:

We presently have more than 1300 ‘likes’ and this continues to grow each week. Our Facebook

page is an excellent source of information for reminders about activities, excursions, examination

timetables, parent evenings and office announcements. It is also an excellent showcase

demonstrating what a remarkable school we have, evidenced by the achievements of our students

in cultural endeavours, on the sporting field and in the classroom.


Glenwood High School is proudly a uniform school and we expect that all students will show pride in

their appearance and dress in the correct school uniform each day. By doing so, students indicate

to their teachers that they are ‘ready for learning’ and have the right mindset for learning. We are

readying students to be successful members of the workforce and their future occupations may

require them to adhere to a uniform code or dress code. The school website has detailed

information on the school’s uniform policy:

In particular, our website has images of approved and non-approved shoes to assist parents in

purchasing appropriate footwear. The following are not acceptable forms of footwear and must not

be worn to school:

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The school closely monitor the wearing of the school uniform. With the cooler weather coming, we

ask parents to ensure that their child has purchased the school jacket, jumper or blazer. Students

are permitted to wear an undershirt if needed, however, this must be plain white and not extend

below the sleeves of the shirt. As the school’s reputation is built on its positive image, it is

important that this is maintained during the winter months. Parents and students should be aware

that the school may ask their child to remove their non-uniform jacket or jumper, even if they

present a note from home, particularly if the non-uniform jacket is colourful, has a logo,

inappropriate language, etc. In this instance, the student may be offered a school jacket or jumper

as a loan item. We have an extremely high rate of compliance with the school uniform policy. It is

fantastic to work in a school where students have an appearance which shows they are ‘ready for


Glenwood High School is enjoying another fantastic year. We look forward to continuing our

commitment to delivering quality teaching for the rest of 2014. Until next time,

Belinda Young (Deputy Principal – Year 7 and Year 10)

Donna Healy (Deputy Principal – Year 8 and Year 11)

Mark Sutton (Deputy Principal – Year 9 and Year 12)

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Career News

Parents As Career Transition Support

(PACTS) Training

Do you know much about the career options for your child?

Will you know how to support your child if they don’t get into University, TAFE, College or even

decide they don’t want to stay in school?

Would you like to be better informed in helping your son or daughter plan for their future?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions and you currently have a student in year 10 then

PACTs training will be beneficial for you. Please register your interest by emailing Glenwood-

[email protected] with subject “PACTS Interest”

Work Experience Opportunities

Year 10 students have the opportunity to

participate in work experience at the end of

November (24th – 28th) and beginning of

December (1st – 5th), 2014.

Work Experience provides students a unique

opportunity to “test their interest” in a

profession and validate if that career choice is

for them. If you or the company you work for

are in a position to place one or more students

please email [email protected] with subject “Work Experience Opportunity”.

Please provide information on the business roles available and how many students can be


Career Inspirations

Last week we (Daniel Place, Fabian Glynan, Rebecca Davey and

Shelby Bryon) went on a sign and graphics work inspiration program

at Mount Druitt TAFE. We received an insight into the signage

industry and we learnt a lot about the techniques and equipment

used. It was a great program because it allowed us to be creative

and taught us a lot. During the program, we visited Wizardry which

is a sign and graphics company and we had a look at the work

environment in this industry. We got to see professionals at work.

We made a light box and stickers which we designed on the

computers and pressed our own t-shirts. We also made posters

advertising the industry which we did in Photoshop. We were able to

be creative and express our interests.

Rebecca Davey and Shelby Bryon – Year 11

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Career Insight Day

The Career Insight Day was run for years 10, 11 and 12

in March. The focus of the day was to educate the

students on a variety of career options. For example;

Animation, Science, Legal, Teaching, Animal Care,

Defence Force and various trades to name a few. In total

14 different business areas attended the day and

discussed career opportunities to the students.

The Career Insight day was a good experience. I learnt

heaps of new things about different companies and different

careers. It was very informative and it really helped me with

work experience placements and what I want to do after


Evelyn Kiefel – Year 10

I was fortunate enough to be one of the few year 11 students

that went to the Career’s Insight day held at the school last

Thursday (27/03/14). I went into the experience with my mind

set on a specific career path that I had wanted for several

years, and found that listening to the many speakers we had,

made me think about careers that I had never thought about

before. It was an amazing experience to listen to everyone

talk about their respective fields because not only could you

hear their passion but you could see just how much they

loved the job they were in. A few laughs here and there made

the day an overall success. Having the opportunity to go

around and speak to everyone gave me further insight into a

typical day in the life of their job, and they also gave us

information about how to get into that same job should we

choose that career. I found the day extremely valuable and

enjoyable, definitely one of the best days of school… So far!

Jessica Rogers – Year 11

Tax File Numbers

Did you know that the easiest way to get a Tax File Number is through your School.

By applying through your school you don't have to provide The Australian Tax Office with any documents to prove your identity, because the school verifies this for them. However, you will still need to include on your application form some details from your:

Australian birth certificate Australian citizenship certificate, or overseas passport.

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Important Update regarding Anaphylaxis




What is this article about?

If you have told the school that your child is diagnosed a risk of anaphylaxis you should have

received a letter from Mrs E. McMaster, Principal /Ms B. Young, Rel. Principal.

This article provides more information about anaphylaxis.

What is an EpiPen® and an Anapen®?

EpiPen® and Anapens® are the emergency treatment for children who are having an anaphylactic reaction.

What is anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis is a severe and sometimes sudden allergic reaction. If your child has been diagnosed by a doctor as being at risk of anaphylaxis there are some important things to remember that will help the school to support your child’s health care needs.

Why you need to keep us informed if your child is diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis or if his or her condition changes. This includes if they have an anaphylactic reaction while

not at school.

The school can only respond to risks it knows about. Please keep the school informed by sending us the information or calling Mrs Achar on 9629 9577 so that we can plan to support your child at school.

Why you need to provide the school with your child’s current ASCIA Action Plan for

Anaphylaxis and an EpiPen® or Anapen® signed by their doctor

The plan sets out the steps the school needs to follow in an emergency. It is essential for us to have this to keep your child safe.

We will keep a copy of your child’s ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis stored with your child’s EpiPen® or Anapen®.

Why it is important to talk regularly with your child about some simple steps to help keep

them safe

It is important to regularly talk with your child about when and where they are at risk of contact with the things they are allergic to and how to avoid this. If you have told them not to take part in sharing food at school, regularly remind them of this.

Reassure them that if they do come into contact with something they are allergic to or they feel

unwell at school they won’t get into trouble. They need to tell a teacher immediately.

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Why does the school need to know if your son or daughter is carrying their own EpiPen® or


Staff need to know your child carries an EpiPen® or Anapen® in an emergency. For this reason this information will be included in your child’s individual health care plan.

They also need to be able to find it quickly so it is important that it be in an easily identifiable and accessible spot. (e.g. not a locker). `To find out more go to the Department’s public schools website:

Consider whether your child should carry their own EpiPen® or Anapen®

If your child has been diagnosed with anaphylaxis they can carry their own EpiPen® or Anapen® to school and at school. The forms we sent home recently included a section regarding this. Please inform the school if you haven’t done so already about whether your child carries an epipen or not.

If you request that your child carry an EpiPen® or Anapen® with them to school and at school you will still need to provide the school with at least one additional EpiPen® or Anapen® for storage in a central location within the school and for access by staff in an emergency.

The school will contact you about any request you make for your son or daughter to carry their own EpiPen® or Anapen®.

Our Captains and Vice Captain attended NSW Parliament House in

Sydney on Wednesday 19th March 2014 to meet with Her Excellency,

Professor Marie Bashir, AC, CVO, Governor of New South Wales

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Dear Parent/Caregiver

New Medical Forms Policy

Last year the Department of Education and Communities introduced a new medical recording system. All schools are required to update their medical records to ensure they have the most up-to-date information on your child’s health.

The new forms help us collect your child’s important medical information, and the introduction of new systems will mean we will be able to better manage the daily and emergency health needs of your child.

These forms have already been sent to the parents of students that have indicated to us that they have a health/medical condition noted on our files. If you did not receive a letter and medical form for completion and your child does have a health/medical condition, could you please complete the attached Medical Form and forward to the front office. Please ensure that you attach a current Action Plan signed by your child’s doctor if your child’s medical condition is of a high risk nature.

When completing these forms we ask that you take care to answer every question, be accurate

and write legibly.

If your child has an allergy condition there are eleven (11) questions, if your child has other medical conditions there are seven (7) questions. If your child’s condition relates to allergy and other medical conditions, all questions must be answered in full. A current action plan signed by your child’s doctor must be attached, if required.

Please complete and return these forms as soon as possible.

Forms can be delivered to the front office or alternatively you can return the forms by mail.

We appreciate your support as we start collecting the information, and if you have any questions please call us on 9629 9577.

Yours sincerely

Ms E McMaster


Glenwood High School Innovation Opportunity Diversity Success

Page 18: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Page 19: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Page 20: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

TERM 1, 2014

31 MARCH—11 APRIL 2014

Year 12 Half Yearly Exams

2—4 APRIL 2014

Year 7 Camp—The Great Aussie Bushcamp—Tea Gardens

2—APRIL 2014

Autism Awareness Day


Year 7, 2015 GAT Test 8.30-11.30am—hall


Anzac Ceremony

Last Day Term 1, 2014

TERM 2, 2014


Students return


Athletics Carnival

5—16 MAY 2014

Year 11 Half Yearly Exams


Year 12 Parent Teacher Evening - 6pm

12-16 MAY 2014

Year 8 Assessment Week

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Page 21: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Download our

New GHS app! Introducing our Glenwood High School app!! Our school smartphone mobile app is now available on both the Apple and Android networks for you to download and start using. The app is going to give parents the ability to instantly access newsletters without going to the website, send in a sick note, bell times, updated calendar and much more. We will be sharing many of the other features with you over the coming weeks, but for now download it to your smartphone by going to either the Apple App Store or Android Google Play Market and search for our school name.

On Apple

• On your iPhone open the app store

• Search for our school name

• Press Install

• Enter your iTunes password

• It will commence downloading immediately

Anroid/Google Play

• On your SmartPhone open the Android/Google Play market

• Search for our school name

• Press install

• Your app will start installing instantly

To Open Our School App

• Look for our schools app icon on your phone screen

• Press the icon once

• It will open automatically

• When prompted select yes to receive notifications and use your location (this will

make sure the google maps and pop-up alerts work for you)

If you encounter troubles;

• Shut down the app and or your phone to refresh the phones memory

• Uninstall your app and reinstall it

• Contact for help within 48 hours.

Page 22: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

The school wishes to inform all parents/carers the exact

cash is required when paying for excursions and accounts. In

the past, the giving and collection of change for such

payments has caused undue stress and confusion for

both staff and students. The school is most happy to accept

payment by cheque or credit card for all expenses.

Eftpos Facility Due to the financial cost of the use of the Eftpos facility the policy of a

$10.00 minimum charge will remain.



TERM 1 Tuesday 28 January School Development Day -Teachers and Staff Resume Wednesday 29 January Students Resume —Years 7, 11 & 12 Thursday 30 January Students Resume—Years 8, 9 & 10 Friday 11 April Last Day of Term 1 TERM 2 Monday 28 April School Development Day—Teachers and Staff Resume Tuesday 29 April Students Resume Friday 27 June Last day of Term 2 TERM 3 Monday 14 July School Development Day—Teachers and Staff Resume Tuesday 15 July Students Resume Friday 19 September Last Day of Term 3 TERM 4 Tuesday 7 October Teachers, Staff & Students Resume Wednesday 17 December Last day of Term 4 for Students Thursday 18 December School Development Day Friday 19 December School Development Day—Last Day of Term 4 for Teachers and Staff


MONDAY 8.00AM - 11.00AM

TUESDAY 2.30PM - 4.00PM

WEDNESDAY 8.00AM - 11.00AM

FRIDAY 2.30PM - 4.00PM




Payment of fees: 8.30AM - 2.30PM

Page 23: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:


Notes are required from Parent / Guardian to explain reasons for lateness, absence or leaving

early. Please ensure your child’s full name and year is clearly written on the note.

If a student does not produce a note for lateness a detention will be issued for that day.

ALL notes are required to be handed in at Student Reception at the beginning of the day to enable

a pass to be issued to the student and for the details to be noted in the system to avoid a truancy

note being issued.

OUR NEXT P & C MEETING will be held on 7 May in the Conference Room. Please

come along and join us 7.00pm start.

NEWSLETTER is on our website just prior to the P & C Meeting


The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) has continued fostering positive relationships between

the school community and the staff at Glenwood High School this year.

The introduction of our P & C Contribution and the support shown by the parent community to it, has enabled us to work closely with the school Executive to put those funds toward additional resources required to assist our students at Glenwood High School receive the best education possible.

Martine Balcombe

P&C President 2014

The P&C meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the School Front Office

(Excluding School & Public Holidays)

May 7th

June 4th

August 6th

September 3rd

November 5th

December 3rd (AGM)

These dates maybe subject to change & notification will be given of any changes.


Page 24: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:


Page 25: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:


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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:


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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:


Page 30: THE REDGUMTHE REDGUM - Glenwood High School · cultures across the school. This day was overwhelmingly successful and a testament to the student body who worked together to make this

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:


Dear Parent/Guardian

The need for our school to keep records up to date and accurate it is extremely important, particularly in the case of

emergencies. Please fill in the following change of record details and return to the school at your earliest


ATTENTION If you have moved out of the Glenwood High School local enrolment area you need to attach a letter

to the Principal outlining the reason for your move. The letter must also explain why you wish your child to remain at

the school as a non local enrolment, instead of moving your child/children to their local High School.



(include Siblings ATTENDING

Glenwood High School)















(other than parent / guardian)




