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Dr. Christos G. Toumpanakis MD PhD FRCP AGAF

Consultant in Gastroenterology/Neuroendocrine Tumours

Honorary Associate Professor, University College of London

Neuroendocrine Tumour Unit - ENETS Centre of Excellence


The role of Gastroenterologist

in the management of GEP - NEΝs

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NOVARTIS: advisory board, research grants, educational grants, honoraria for lectures

IPSEN: advisory board, research grants, educational grants, honoraria for lectures

AAA: research grants, educational grants, honoraria for lectures

Lexicon: advisory board

PFIZER: advisory board, educational grants

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• History and clinical examination

• Biochemical tests (“Biomarkers”)

• Imaging studies

( for localization of primary and metastatic lesions)

• Histology - “ gold standard”

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DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS –Diarrhoea + Abdominal pain

“Small bowel NENs” associated

diarrhoea + abdominal pain

• Diarrhoea always secretory

(persists with fasting)

• Abdominal pain

- Even during the night

- Usually periumbilical

- Occurring > 2 h after meals

- Not settling after defecation

- Features of sub-acute bowel obstruction

Diarrhoea and abdominalpain due to IBS

• Usually young females• Non-secretory diarrhoea

• Alternating with constipation•Abdominal pain settling with defecation,

not occurring during the night

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• Small bowel NETs (Carcinoid syndrome & other causes)

• VIPomas (chronic diarrhoea, dehydration and hypokalemia)

• Gastrinomas (chronic diarrhoea that responds to PPIs)

• Glucagonomas (+ other features of those tumours e.g migratory necrolytic erythema)

• Somatostatinomas (steatorrhoea)


• Bronchial NETs (carcinoid syndrome)

• Medullary Thyroid Carcinomas


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Refractory Carcinoid Syndrome

SteatorrhoeaBile acid malabsorption

Small bowel bacterial overgrowthMesenteric ischemia

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• History and clinical examination

• Biochemical tests (“Biomarkers”)

• Imaging studies

( for localization of primary and metastatic lesions)

• Histology - “ gold standard”

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The role of upper GI endoscopy for diagnosis of gastric NEΝs

Type 1 gNEN

Type 2 gNEN

Type 4 gNEC

The surrounding mucosa should be ALWAYS biopsiedespecially in gastric NENs

Type 3 gNEN

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Types of G-NENs

Type I Type ΙΙ Type ΙΙΙ

Relative frequency 70 – 80% 5 – 6% 14 – 25%

Features Usually multiple (<10mm) Usually multiple (<10mm) Usually solitary(> 20mm)

Ass. diseases Atrophic gastritis ΜΕΝ-1/ Gastrinoma No

Histology G1 G1 G2 / G3

Serum Gastrin Raised Raised Normal

Gastric p H Alkaline Hyperacid Normal

Metastases < 5 % 10 – 30% 50 – 100%

Tumour relateddeaths

- < 10% 25 – 30%


(? type 4)

6 – 8%

Very aggressive

Mixed histological


Metastases > 80%

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The role of lower GI endoscopy for diagnosis of rectal NEΝs

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Role of wireless small bowel capsule endoscopy

� Indications :

- To detect the primary (-ies) in suspected small

intestinal NENs

- To identify source of small bowel bleeding in NENs

Sensitivity : 75 – 83%

(CT : 62.5 %, Push enteroscopy : 44%, colonoscopy :


Specificity : 37.5%

Positive Predictive Value : 55%

Negative Predictive Value : 60%

Nujaim et al, Gastroenterology Res 2017

Furnari et al, J Gastrointersin Liver Dis 2017

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Role of double balloon enteroscopy (DBE)

� Rarely, small bowel NENs can be

diagnosed only with DBE

* * *# ++ *

� Indications :

- To precisely localize the primary (-ies) in suspected

small intestinal NENs

- To identify +/- treat the cause of small bowel bleeding

in NENs

DBE vs Capsule endoscopyDBE identified additional lesions in 62% of patients in a recent surgical series(82% of them confirmed in histology)

Gangi et al, J Gastointerstinal Surg 2018

Rossi et al, United European Gastroenterology J 2017

Telese et al, UKI NETS 2017

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The role of Endoscopic Ultrasound in G-I NENs

� Type 1 and 2 gastric NENs: to evaluate the depth of invasion and indication to endoscopic treatment that is reserved to lesions not infiltrating beyond the muscularis propria.

� Type 3 gastric NENs: to stage the disease by assessing the presence of regional lymph-node involvement.

� To stage duodenal NENs with diameter >2 cm. To exclude loco-regional lymph node metastases and thus indication for endoscopic mucosal resection.

� To determine the indication of endoscopic removal in Rectal NENS versus transanal excision or radical surgery, in particular for those with diameter >2 cm, by assessing depth of invasion and the presence of lymph node metastases. To follow up patients after resection.

Zilli at al, Dig Liver Dis 2018

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The role of Endoscopic Ultrasound in pancreatic NENs

� To differentiate pancreatic NENs from


� To localize small pancreatic NENs, mainly

insulinomas or gastrinoma, before surgery,

especially if other non-invasive imaging studies are


� To stage the NEN by evaluating the presence of

vascular invasion or loco-regional lymph node

� To evaluate the distance between pancreatic lesion

and the main pancreatic duct in a pre-operative

setting, thus predicting the risk of developing

pancreatic fistula

Zilli at al, Dig Liver Dis 2018

Diagnostic accuracy of EUS

• Pooled sensitivity: 87%• Pooled specificity: 98%

• Mean detection rate: 90% in suspected p NENs (mean detection rate of CT/MRI : 73%)

• Increased pre-op p NEN detection by 25%

Puli et al, World J Gastroenterol 2013

James et al, Gastrointest Endosc 2015Manta et al, J Gastrointest Liv Dis 2016

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Endoscopic resection in Gastric -NENs

Snare polypectomy, Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) or Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection

(ESD) ?

� 33 pts, (polyps 2 – 20 mm), 45% polypectomy with snare.

� 63.6% had recurrence (within 8 months).

Merola et al, Neuroendocrinology 2011

• 62 pts had either EMR or ESD. • The overall ESD complete resection rate was

higher than that of the EMR rate (94.9% versus 83.3%, P value = 0.174).

• A statistically lower vertical margin involvement

rate was achieved when ESD was performed compared to when EMR was performed (2.6% versus 16.7%, P value = 0.038).

• The complication rate was not significantly different between the two groups.

Kim et al, Gastroenterol Res Pract 2014

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EUS-guided RFA for pancreatic NENs

� Two devices are currently used:

- HabibTM EUS-RFA catheter; EMcision Ltd., London, UK)

- EUSRA from STARmed, Korea or HybridTherm Probe [HTP], from

ERBE) that resembles the conventional EUS FNA needle.

� The controlled heating of the target lesion can be visualized real-time

with EUS as the appearance of echogenic bubbles around the

needle tip.

� More than one zone in the lesion can be ablated depending on its

size .

Lakhtakia, Clin Endoscopy 2017

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Results of EUS-RFA in p NENs

No of

ptsTumour Mean size

in mm

RF sessions Outcome Recurrence Complications

Armellini et al 1 P NET 20 1 Complete - None

Rossi et al 1 P NET 9 1 Complete None at 34 mo None

Pai et al 2 P NET 27 1,2 Necrosis None in 1 mo None

Lakhtakia et al 3 INSULINOMAS 18 2 Size reduction None in 12 mo None

Lakhtakia, Clin Endoscopy 2017

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Take Home messages

� Many NETs can cause chronic diarrhoea

� Consider also other causes of diarrhoea, than refractory carcinoid syndrome, in small bowel


� Upper and lower GI endoscopy provide the diagnosis of gastric, duodenal and rectal NENs

� Wireless capsule endoscopy can identify the primary (-ies) and cause of obscure GI bleeding in

small bowel NENs

� Double balloon enteroscopy can localize precisely the primary (-ies) in small bowel NENs

� EUS can assess the depth of invasion of G-I wall, from a G-I NEN prior to endoscopic treatment

� EUS can be very important in diagnosis, localization, staging and pre-op assessment of p NENs

� EMR & ESD are the methods of choice in endoscopic treatment of gastric and rectal NENs,

when indicated, with ESD being associated with higher R0 resection rates

� EUS RFA seems promising for endoscopic treatment of localized /functional p NENs

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Thank you

very much
