Page 1: The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 30

Why hello there! What is this you say? Yes I know, I've forgotten as well. But apparently it's The

Science of a Legacy Chapter Thirty, Part One. My goodness these intros are getting long!

But yes, I'm back and actually writing new things about my favourite residents of Strangetown,

hurray! Last time (in the far off distant past) the older members of Generation Six continued their

time at La Fiesta Tech, while the younger half made a start in order to witness first born Sidneyia's

attempt on University Challenge. Although unsuccessful no one really minded, because it's quite

hard to be upset when there's a Shrew with a microphone present! Meanwhile back home, Tricou

teen Tyler became horrible torn between his feelings for youngest Tegenaria Marella, and his duty

to his family. What to doooo!

So what else is happening at university? Find out now, by pressing the red button! .. Or the arrow.

Either's fine.

26th April 2009

Page 2: The Science of a Legacy: Chapter 30

Taylor Baena surveyed the desert in front of him. He still couldn't quite believe his luck - he was

actually here! At La Fiesta Tech! Away from home and all the ickiness it entailed at long long last.

He smiled happily to himself and set off.

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He had a girl to find.

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"Look Tyler, I'll cut you a deal. Clearly you're even more spineless than I thought, but I think we can

make that work.

You bring her here to me - and you will not be made the Second Sacrifice."

Jon Smith Tricous had said bluntly over breakfast one morning.

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Tyler eyes widened. He'd been sure he would have to die for this mess, no matter the outcome for


Jon Smith registered his gasp.

"See?" he smiled. "Things don't have to be so 'dire' now do they son? You can live, just as long as

she doesn't. What do you say to that?"

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"There might be a slight problem with that Jon." said Jennicor. "The girl has left for La Fiesta, if

what Tyler says is true. I fear we are too late."

"Fret not my dear, there is always a way. So Tyler, how do you fancy getting to see the world a


"You-you mean it? I can really go, and and.. Everything will be safe?"

"Now now Tyler - it's time to pack. With haste you'll still be able to make it for the start of the next


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"This is ridiculous!" shouted Taylor Taylor as his brother gleefully went upstairs, "This is just the

Ocean situation all over again! If you'd sent me in the first place instead of Tyler, this never would

have happened. And if you're not going to kill him what's the point?!"

"There's a point to everything Taylor. Try not to forget that dear.“

- - - -

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"..It's just really strange I haven't seen him is all I'm saying. I know we all turned up here in a rush

for Sid's contest thingy, but you'd at least think he'd come and say hi or something! Because

everyone comes to LFT, it's the rules!"

It was an angry Marella Tegenaria that was currently residing in the Attenborough Dorms. Not that

her dorm mate was particularly phased by this though.

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"Oh if only darling Tyyyyyler was here to make kissy faces with, mwa mwa!'

Oh please Marella. we've been here a whole semester and you haven't shut up about that idiot -

we're all sick of it! And when I say we, I mean me, because no one else counts. They're simply not

Evil enough."

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"Yeah, I know - I get it. C'mon Evil Susan, what do you think?"

"For the millionth time, I really couldn't care less 'Rels."

"Hmm." The youngest Tegenaria thought for a minute. "Let's go get coffee. I think best with coffee."

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"But I don't want to go out for coffee." snapped Evil Susan slamming down her cue.

"Why? We're students, it's what we're supposed to do!"

"No, what I'm supposed to do it spread disaster and mayhem. I can't waste time by drinking coffee!

Plus it's vile.“

- - - -

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"Now I'm asking you for the last time service peon, and bear in mind that I am Evil when you

answer, what do you have that isn't full of filth?" sighed Evil Susan when they reached the little

cafe. She already didn't like this plan.

"We got plenty of cowfee m'am!"


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"It's the best cowfee on campus Ma'am."

"Marella.. This child isn't listening to me.. Why is this?"

"Aww, you must just not be looking Evil enough today! Or she has a deathwish. Either way."

Evil Susan stomped off, she didn't like any part of this coffee business. Muttering that the whole

rotten business was clearly beneath her, she sent some very Evil glares back at the cashier.

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"Look, here you go - now drink it and shut up, mmkay?" smiled her friend as Marella handed her a


"What the heck is this?" said Evil Susan as she looked disdainfully into the cup in her hand.


"But I don't want chai." she snapped.

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"All I want is a nice afternoon on poking people in the eye, preferably with some hot chilli sauce

involved! No coffee, no whateverthefoo this is, and no more on your constant boy chatter!"

"Oh my goat! Evil Susan - look who it is!" said Marella excitedly, and suddenly started pointing

across the shop floor.

"Well I hope it's a Shrew so I can at least jump on its tail for a bit to make myself feel better."

"No - LOOK!"

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Marella jumped up and left her best friend cursing the chai on the sofa (it was probably for the

best). She was wasting no time.

"Oh wow, Tyler?! Is that really you? I've been looking everywhere for you, what took you so long?

Where have you been?" she said as she ran up to the young man.

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"Hey Rels." Tyler smiled. "It's good to see you again. I see LFT hasn't changed you one bit."

"Nope!" she grinned back happily. "But you.. I mean, wow! Just look at you! You're so.."

Tyler ran an embarrassed hand through his hair. He still couldn't quite understand why this

beautiful and vivacious girl was so happy to see him, but he was hardly going to deny he wasn't


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"So," Marella went on, "dinner tonight? Or how about a date right now, why wait?"

"Um.. Um.. Gesh, I don't know Marella. I've only just got here and everything, and I really need to

head back to my dorm and unpack my things. I just came here on the off chance you were.. Well,

you were!"

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"Ah, playing hard to get I see." she nodded.

Tyler looked embarrassed again.

"Marella, it is great to see you, but.. I think it's best I just get to know everyone here first. Before..

anything else."

"I hear you, and we should be heading back too. So until next time Mr Baena." she said, giving his

hand a friendly shake.

"Until we meet again Miss Tegenaria." Tyler said happily as she turned to leave.

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"Evil Susan come ON!"

"Bwahahaha.. Suddenly I feel much better." Evil Susan cackled happily, and followed Marella back

to their dorm, leaving behind a cafe full of rather confused chicken people.

(..And a nummy Victorian.)

- - - -

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".. yes Mum. Yes! We're eating fine. .. No, no we really don't need you to send over any grilled

cheese sandwiches, it is really is fine. Honest!


Yes, I did move into the Greek House, stop worrying about us! No, Sid's not being mean. Sort of.

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..He's built this place like a skilling den, he's really happy Mum. YES! Honest! I think he's even

going all his points now.


Yes, I'll tell him you've enquired about his levels of cheese consumption, and I'm sure he'll be

thrilled about it.

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Tell Dad I'm sorry I didn't call him back this morning, it was that secret society lot again. .. I know I

know, Dad doesn't approve of them and is a bit freaked out by their basement, but just tell him it's

not so bad if he'd gotten to know the people there, ok? Because they really are nice.

Everyone's nice here! .. Yes, you're still the nicest one of all Mum, don't panic. But I really have to

go ok? .. Yup, give my love to Boris Johnson. .. Bye Mum ok, BYE!

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Finally, Vauxia was able to hang up the phone from Cadence's evening call.

"Sorry about that." he smiled to that evening's female companion. "But I think we were somewhere

about here.."

But much to his annoyance, our heir apparent spotted a sobbing black and white figure out of the

corner of his eye.

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"Urgh, it's all just against me tonight.." he sighed. These interruptions to woohoo were not helpful!

"Excuse me, won't be a minute."

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"Oh great smexy haired one with a gun! Pleeeeease don't shoot me! Take down your cow head of

doom for it is made of woooooe! WOOOOOOOE I tells thee."

"Well tell Sid, it was his idea! And not one I'm particularly fond of. You guys always tend to show up

at awkward times and if I'm honest? I'm far happier when someone else does the shooting, it's not

really my thing."

But sensing his date's impatience, Vauxia did the sensible thing and made pow pow noises with

the blaster until the mascot ran away, moowoe-ing all the way back to the farm. Or somewhere.

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"Oh that was so brave!" the red-head squealed as the cow ran off in clear delight. "You slayed the

might beast!"

"I.. guess I did." Vauxia said happily. Anything that made girls leap into his arms was a good thing!

It usually didn't take a lot though. Maybe this evening wasn't going so badly after all?

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"Woohoo, this is a GREAT evening!

I think I should slay cow mascots more often."

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After he'd said goodnight to Trista, with of course the always-kept promise of a second date, Vox

bounded around the Greek House until he found Sorex, knowing that the Pleasure Shrew was

more than likely to agree to his latest idea.

"We need to have a toga party!" he said quickly. "Girls, togas, no togas, it's going to great!"

"Togas, no togas you say? SHREW! Count me in. Can we have it now?"

"Well it's a bit late.." Vox laughed, "I was thinking more tomorrow? We'll invite the freshman too,

they should probably start getting to know the place anyway."

"Shrewtastic. I'll get the sheets, you get the scissors"

"Sorex.. we don't need the togas!"

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"Sid! Come out of the study!"

"Pleeeease? It's fun out here, honest!"

Sidneyia sighed. He'd been hoping to ride out this storm of a party by keeping himself busy in the

Greek House's library. He was still so pleased to have designed it himself, it worked perfectly. But

this banging on the door was really putting him off his essay!

Not seeing much of a choice, he reluctantly came out to join the others.

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And immediately wished he hadn't.

"Hurray, well done Sid! I knew you'd come and join us eventually. You're even joining in with the

dress, good on you!"

"Well I didn't have much of a choice did I? Sorex just grabbed me.. Oh this is so embarrassing, I

can't believe you do this for fun Vox, it's just ridiculous! At least it can't get any worse."

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"Oh I really shouldn't have said that, should I?"

"Lighten up! Find a girl, talk to actual people for a change Sid." his brother shouted as he pulled

tonight's date, Allison, into the photobooth.

"You might actually enjoy it!"

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"No thanks, I know what I enjoy and it has nothing to do with photobooths and girls in short


Cursing himself for knowing it was a bad idea all along, Sidneyia went to try and find where the

Shrew had hidden his clothes.

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A little later on as all the freshman started to arrive, Marella was anxious to find Vauxia. Spotting

her brother without a girl attached to him for a moment, Marella swooped in to tell him her exciting


"He's here Vox! He's really here, I knew he would be."

"Who, your boyfriend from before?

"Yes! Isn't that brilliant?"

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"Oh wow 'Rels, that's great news! I'm really pleased for you."

"I know, right? And we're going to meet up soon and and, oh Vox I'm just so so excited!"

"That's awesome 'Rels, really."

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"But you do realise I'm going to have to do the overprotective brother thing, right?"

"Oh, do you have to?" Marella sighed.

"Yes. None of us have actually met him yet, remember? I need to check he's good enough for my

favourite little sister."

"Oh.. fine." she relented.

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"Good. Deal?"


"Excellent. And I really am pleased 'Rels, I know how much you missed him. Now party?"


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The turnout had been a pretty big one, not that that was any surprise. There may have been a lot

of kids from Strangetown attending La Fiesta this time, but they still somehow managed to be a

pretty tight bunch, Shrews and all.

But the toga theme did seem to have gone a little awry.

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"Nice work Sid! I told you you should listen to my advice, I really am only trying to help."

"No, I'm just congratulating Amalthea here for being the only person who bothered to show up in a

toga. Good job, kid."

"Thanks." grinned Amy. She'd only just started at LFT along with Marella and Evil Susan, and was

pleased that at least she'd done well on the toga front. And that Sid had noticed, she'd always

looked up to him when she was little, he was just so smart! She wanted to be like that.

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"Shrew to the left, Shrew to the right, smustle with a Shrew and you'll smustle all night!"

"Oh. My. Poor. Ears." gasped Evil Susan, who obviously didn't want to partake in the Shrew Step

this evening.

"I've had enough of this!"

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"RIGHT! Everybody home!" she yelled, reaching for the cow blaster.

"I'm tired and bored and you're all too noisy and naked. ENOUGH. So get back and start doing

something useful with yourselves! Don't think I won't use this thing."

It was no surprise everyone present hastily scuttled off to bed. And thought about getting a padlock

for the blaster.

- - - -

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Term wore on, and deciding that 'soon' was just a bit too vague for her - Marella called Tyler and

convinced him with ease to meet her one afternoon.

".. Oh it was so funny Tyler, I wish you were there! Well I kind of always wish you were there, but

anyway, it was like the third time Vox had taken a girl into the photobooth that morning and when

they came out Sid just went ballistic and started throwing the chess pieces at him! It was sooo

funny, I can't wait until I move in with them, Greek life is going to be awesome.. Heh, sorry, I know

it's a bit of a tangent but I'm just enjoying it here so much!"

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"You always have such great stories about your family Marella." Tyler smiled happily. He was more

than happy to just listen to her talk, and to be fair Marella really did talk enough for the both of


"I wish mine were as interesting. But you always tell things so well.. You have such a lovely voice,

and well, just. Just you're all lovely really."

Covering blushes really wasn't Tyler's strong point.

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"Aww, you're always so sweet. See, this is why we need to spend much more time together, right?

You actually care about what I have to say, no one listens as well as you do, Tyler. Evil Susan just

generally starts cackling and Amy tends to get jumpy after a while, and much as I love Vox I don't

think he's ever really listening and is more interested with the girls walking past. See, tangent! You

really should stop me."

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"But I'd never try and stop you 'Rels. I love listening to you, and I love spending time with you and I

just really love, er. Um. Er."

"I agree, none of this silly taking it slow business from now on." she grinned as Tyler continued to

stammer over what he'd just said.

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"I love it all too."

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"So you're my boyfriend again, right?"

"Do I have a choice in the matter?"

"Nope. Would you want one anyway?"


Tyler smiled. He had really missed her.

- - - -

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"You cannot be serious Ysabelle! You can't just go and.. go and.. You're too pretty! I'm having none

of it. What if.. what if.. he's an evil man! He might catch butterflies in a jar and then just let them

die, you don't know these kinds of things yet!"

"Oh Becks, Larry is perfectly safe."

"And what kind of name is Larry anyway?!"

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"It's a great name thank you very much. Mr Larry Owens. Maybe even Sir Larry Owens."

"But you've only just met him!"

"No I haven't Becks, I've known him for.. at least two months."


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"Hush, it's fine, really! But my Grandmother was so right about the kind of man I needed to find.

And I just want to make him happy. I'm so glad I never gave into any of you guys when we were

teenagers, that would have been such a mistake!"

"Huh, thanks."

"Oh come on, you know what I mean. None of you would ever be as rich as Larry is!"


"So that's what I need in a man, Becks! You should always take the advice of your elders,

especially family."

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"But what about the fights?"

".. It's nothing, you're just exaggerating like always! You remember that time when you were twelve

and told me you had 23 cars?"

"Well I might do someday. Would you date me then?"

"Oh dear.. No Becks! Now stop this, I've got to get ready to go."

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After a final adjust of her dress and generous squirt of a far-too-pricey-to-be-worth-it perfume,

Ysabelle rang her new lover to confirm their planned dinner date.

"Larry honey? Yuh-huh, I'm all ready. .. Yes, of course I'm wearing that lipstick that you like! .. See

you then sweetie."

Ysabelle knew Becks was secretly hoping she was just dating Larry to annoy him, the rest of the

boys had given up the candles they held for her once they'd arrived at La Fiesta and gotten to

meet some more girls. But Becks.. just wasn't being helpful. And she really did love Larry.

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At five o' clock on the dot, she presented herself at the stunning Owens mansion where Larry was

ready to meet her, and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"My goodness.. What a place!" she gasped as she looked around. It certainly was big.

"I had it designed especially for you." Mr/Sir Larry Owens said smoothly. "Come, let me show you."

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He led her through the stunning stone architecture and into a large room, where Ysabelle could do

nothing but stare in wonder.

"Do you like it?" Larry asked anxiously.

"Yes, of course! Oh honey, everything in here must have cost a fortune.."

"It did." he smiled, and they both laughed.

"But beautiful things for the most beautiful girl in the whole desert. You deserve the best Ysabelle,

your faces has it written all over it."

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"Why don't you go and explore the plaza?" he continued. "I'm sure you'll find many things for your

liking. Statues and the like. Of course, none so lovely as your beautiful visage.."

Ysabelle blushed. She'd had a high level of male attention her entire life, but now she felt she was

actually getting somewhere. This was the real thing! A real man, wanting to give her all these

things.. These expensive pretty things. Sighing with happiness, she walked outside.

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The courtyard was stunning, and Ysabelle felt just like a princess. Except this time it was real!

"You like?"

"Oh, ever so much!" she gushed.

"Splendid. I was hoping you would like to live here someday. Soon."

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"A beautiful woman such as yourself should have nothing but perfection. Which is why I, Larry

Owens, am asking you, Ysabelle Agelenidae, to become my wife.

Together we are an ideal, it would be madness for me not to have you."

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"So, what do you say? It's 24 carat."

"..24 carat?"

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"Oh Larry, of course my answer is yes!" Ysabelle cried and threw herself on her now fiancé.

This is wonderful, I love you so very much."

"I know. As it should be.“

- - - -

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"Yo! Boys!

Hello-o? It's moving in day, remember?"

"They're probably still all asleep Marella, lazy good for nothing idiots.."

The three girls moving into the Greek House had arrived to find the place deserted.

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"Oh you'd be surprised what we get up to in the mornings Evil Susan." smiled Vox as he came

down the stairs to greet them. "Where's Amalthea?"

"Bringing my stuff I hope!" cackled Evil Susan. "Oh, nice quiet Family Sims.. Now leave us be you

with the silly hair, and get back to whatever it was you were doing before."

"Gladly." he smiled, and winked at Marella as he headed back upstairs.

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"..So they didn't need your help then?"

"No, and I don't think it's particularly clever to get in the way when Evil Susan's making faces like

that. Besides, I'd much rather be here anyway."

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Evil Susan having scared Amalthea into doing all the girls' unpacking, she and Marella were free to

explore the new Greek House known to the world as Phylum Genus Meow Meow.

"Oh wow Evil Susan, I love this photo machine thing! Look, we can keep this as a memento of the

day we moved in, isn't that cool?"

"Oh joy."

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Although she loved her friendly dearly, after she'd taken everything upstairs Amalthea decided to

retire to the study for a few quiet moments to get settled into her new home, as they could be

rather loud. Especially now that Evil Susan had found the padlock on the cow blaster.

But the library was of course someone else's favourite hangout.

"I remember you.. Amalthea, from the party, right? Metis's little sister. Did you just move all those

boxes in by yourself?" asked Sidneyia, getting up from his studies to see what was going on.

"Yeah, my hands are pretty sore though now.. But it's always good to help! It's the nice thing to

do." she said, rubbing her wrists.

"It's the stupid thing to do. Let me see." he said, and grabbed her hand before Amalthea could run

away. "Wow, that's very soft for someone who's just moved in three people's worth of stuff. Hey -

where arer you going?" Sid called after her as Amalthea managed to flee from the room, eager to

hide her flaming cheeks.

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As the girls settled into Greek life, one thing became painfully clear. To most people anyway.

"So. You like Sid." Marella said over breakfast one morning, deciding that directness was the best

way to tackle this.


"Yes you do, and we all know you do."

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"Morning all, what are we talking about?" joined in Vox as he appeared downstairs.

"Amy's fascination with Sid."

"Oh, finally."

"Oh geez.. Does everyone know?"

"Yup. See you girls in a bit, I just need to grab a couple of snacks."

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"Oi, you!" Marella shouted as her eldest brother came downstairs and the other went back up.

"Where are you going?"

Sid's eyes narrowed. He still wasn't used to Marella's constant shouting again.

"Outside, re-match with Evil Susan. If she called me noodle arms one more time, I'll-"

"Great! Amy will bring you some lemonade. Won't you Amy?"

"I er.."

"He responds well to food!" Marella whispered.

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Outside, an epic battle was taking place in the Greek yard.

"Alright Evil Susan, I'm watching you.

Now stop kicking this thing at my face, that's not the point! And I can kick just as hard back."

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"Yeah, the point is you can't even stop it with your face which is all kinds of pathetic." she taunted

back. "Now shut up and get ready to make a pathetic dive in the wrong direction again - like


"You wish." Sid shouted, he was determined not to lose to Evil Susan yet again. "Bring it on you


"Does anyone want, er.. Do you?" Amalthea said quietly, having been pushed out the door by


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"O HO! Right on the face, I knew it! As if your nose isn't bent enough already.." gloated Evil Susan,

after having successfully kicked by ball on target yet again. "Now waddya want Amy? Surely not to

join in, little flower?"

"No.. Er.. Lemonade?" she said quietly.

"OI, crooked face! Green face has asked my witch face if we want some lemonade in our faces.

What says your ugly face?"

"Oh do you ever shut up?" Sid shouted loudly, which frightened Amalthea and she hastily ran back

inside the house.

"Ni-ice going there crooked face.."

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"Vox Vox Vox! You've got to help me! He got all shouty and I didn't know what to do so I ran away,

and oh Vox what do I do?"

"Er, Amy..?"


"Now's really not the best time."

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"Oh my stars, you're all naked!" she shrieked.

"Kind of. It happens!"

"Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'll I'll just go." she cried, and quickly sped out of her friend's room and into

her own.

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Wondering if she could possibly be more overcome with embarrassment, Amalthea spent the rest

of the day hiding in her room. But such a strategy always leads to the problem of hunger, and

hoping that the rest of the house was busy decided to make a dash for it in the evening

But Sidneyia had been waiting for her.

"Oh good, Amy - I've been looking for you. Look, I'm really sorry about earlier, I was yelling at Evil

Susan, not you. I like shouting at Evil Susan, and everyone really, but it doesn't seem right to do it

to you and you just ran away so quickly."

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"It's ok, I know. It's just been.. a bit of a flustery day." Amalthea sighed, happy that he wasn't

actually cross with her after all.

"Poor girl with the soft hands, you've been acting oddly all day." Sid said, taking her little hands

once again.

"I.. um."

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"Look, Amy, I don't really know anything about all this."

"About what?" she said worriedly. She'd liked him holding her hands! What had she done wrong


"This stuff. It's Vox stuff. I mean, things like.. Oh geez Amy, I don't know. But you're so nice, and I

can't even be mean to you because I er, er. Look, this is hard for me to say alright, so could you

please try and look less worried. Just stand still for a minute. What I mean is things like..

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"Oh. You.. you really like me?"

"Well, yeah."

It's just as well the two of them were both wearing ridiculous smiles, because neither appeared to

be a great kind of communicator in this situation! Luckily, sometimes you just don't need to talk

overly to understand.

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That the great god of bubble blowers for that.“

- - - -

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"See Tyler, look how cool this is! And now we have a memento of the day that you met my

brother." Marella said happily, still enjoying the novelty of the photobooth.

"D-Do I have to?" Tyler asked nervously.

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"Yes! But I know he'll love you, he kind of loves everyone."


"Not like that! Well, sometimes like that but still - you know what I mean. Now come on and keep

that smile on your pretty face, he'll be back any second. But you two will be best pals in no time,

I'm sure of it."

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And no sooner than she had said it Vauxia did indeed return from his lunchtime date at the Union,

and made a beeline for Tyler.

"So, I finally get to meet the mysterious boyfriend at long last! 'Rels never shuts up about you - but

don't worry, that's probably a good thing." he added, seeing Tyler's worried face.

"It's nice to meet you too, er, sir."

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"Sir? You what?"

"Oh gosh, sorry, I didn't know what to do I er, I um." Tyler started to stumble again, a bit worried

that Vauxia was laughing so much at him.

"Calm down Tyler, it's ok. Really. Just save the sirs for Dad ok? That's when you're going to need

them, what with dating his precious little 'Rels and all. Please just call me Vox, like everyone else

does. Except for Evil Susan, she doesn't really count. Oh gosh, you haven't had to meet her yet

have you?"

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"Yes actually, she was shouting about losing a newt or something earlier and wouldn't stop glaring

at me until Marella found it under the pool table. She's.. a little scary."

"Yup, that's our Evil Susan alright. But you get used to her pretty quickly Ty, don't worry."

"Ty? Wow, no one's ever given me a nick name before.. You're ever so kind." Tyler let a smile

creep over his worried face.

"Ah, I'm all about shortening names. It kind of becomes a necessity in our family after a while!

People on campus think our names odd, but seriously Ty, I met a guy called Steve the other day.

Steve. What kind of name is that? No one has names like that at home."

"Well I think all your names are great, I mean, Marella's not only the most beautiful name I've ever

heard but she's the most beautiful girl I've ever met! Oh. I mean she's. Um."

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"See! You're best friends already." said Marella wandering back, deeming them to have had

enough time. "I'm bored. Come on Tyler!"

"Er.. ok?" he replied nervously, glancing at Vox.

"It's alright Ty, off you guys go. You seem like a decent guy, so I know I don't have to tell you this

but feel it's my big brother duty. Look after 'Rels ok? But it's obvious how you feel, and I should

know, so I know I don't have anything to worry about do I?"

"No. No, I'd never hurt her."

"Atta boy Ty."

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Later that afternoon and finally bored of taking 'memento' shots in the photobooth, Marella dragged

Tyler upstairs as the others began to arrive home after classes.

"See, I told you you guys would be the best of friends!" she gushed, pleased how happy Vox had

told her earlier he was she was dating Tyler. "So don't be worried about coming over here, alright?

You're so totally welcome here, any time."


"'Course! But now I feel it is my duty to welcome you formally into our Greek House."

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"I get to be a member?" Tyler asked excitedly. What a day this was turning out to be!

"Yes! But like I said, there is a very important ritual you have to undergo first. And I absolutely

insist upon it, because otherwise it just won't be official."

"Oh ok, what is? I'll do anything for you 'Rels, really!"

".. Anything?"

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For some people, this had been a day that was a long time coming.

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For some, this day was to be newly expected.

"I can't believe finals finish tomorrow.." said Sid, returning home from the library to find an

Amalthea in his room, which he didn't really mind when he thought about it.

"You've been studying so hard lately, I think it's great you care so much about your work. But you

were gone so long I got worried and came up here to look for you.. In case you needed anything."

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"You didn't need to do that Amy, I would have come back eventually."

"Yeah I know, but I just wanted to make sure you weren't stressed or worried or lonely or anything.

I care about these things Sid!"

"I know you do, but exams are my thing remember? I'll be fine. But.. you could always stay here

tonight if you wanted to help - just to check I get up on time?"

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"Eight-thirty, right?"

"Right. Thanks Amy. For.. everything."

Feeling happier than he had for a very long time, Sid drifted off into a happy sleep with thoughts of

exams and coursework a million miles away for once.

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"You need more looking after than you think you do, silly boy.. But that's ok, you'll always have me

watching over you now. I'll be here to look after you."

Some people would call this the happiest day of their lives.

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And some?

Some just called it Thursday.

- - - -

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The next day, the house was a hive of excited activity.


"Moring 'Rels, I believe some congratulations are in order?"

"Yes, thank you Vox and please be quiet now. That's kind of creepy.."

"Just looking out for your happiness 'Rels, honest! But do you think you could get dressed for



"Oh my goat Evil Susan, would you be quiet? We've having what might be a tender family moment

over here, but I'm not quite sure." Marella shouted across the kitchen.



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"I'm so proud of you Sid - well done! First class honours, that's some achievement." said Amalthea

when Sid returned from his finals that afternoon.

She was very proud of how well he had done, but was more than a little sad that it meant he would

be graduating that evening. Somehow it didn't seem quite fair, not that she would ever say it out

loud of course. She just wanted to help make him happy in any way she could.

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"Thanks. It was sweet of you to come meet me, and you didn't need to bring snacks either!"

"Yes I did." Amalthea said kindly. "Now come along, we need to sort you out before you parents

get here for your graduation party."

Still not having it quite in him to argue with her, Sidneyia obediently followed her into the house.

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It wasn't long before the cover of darkness fell and Gadus and Cadence were able to travel across

the desert to La Fiesta, where a rather pleased with himself young graduate was happy to gloat

over his university successes.

"I couldn't believe how easy it was Dad, didn't you find that about it when you took Biology?"

"Not really." replied Gadus. "I was a bit preoccupied, what with your mother turning me into a

vampire and all for a while."

"I'd forgotten about that! That must have been brilliant. Do you think she'd turn me if I asked?"

"To be honest Sidneyia, I think she'd just try and tell you about the pros of stilton over cheddar."

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"It's just so much crumblier, it is!"

"I know Mum, and like I tell you every time I completely agree with you and your thoughts on grilled

cheese. And it's nice to see you too." said Vauxia, giving Cadence a big hug and a kiss.

"Ow yes, tha' too. Is you coming back too? You is the only one who ever doesn't get cross about

the stilton, not that I knows why! I fink it's bloomin' marvellous. And it's good to 'ave an 'obby ain't


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"Pumkin chops, I is not too sure abou' these big ole stick fings. They is lookin' rarfer too pointy for

my loiking.."

"It's fine Cadence, honest love. They snooker cues are not out to get you."

"..Is you sure?"

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But before he could convince his wife further, Marella dragged Gadus away to tell her all about

how happy she was.

"It's brilliant Dad, Tyler's just nice and sweet, I know you'd love him! He was going to be here, but

then he got a bit nervous and ran away, he does that sometimes but now I just think it's funny.

Anyway, you'll love him when you do get to meet him which will be soon. I mean, he said he was

going to take me to meet his family soon, isn't that great?"

".. Little V, some help here please?" asked Gadus.

"It's fine Dad," said Vauxia, "he's a good guy. And he loves 'Rels to bits, he just stares at her with

this expression of wonder the whole time.. Kind of like you do actually."

"Ah, that's alright then."

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But the time came as the time always does, and Sidneyia became the first Tegenaria of

Generation Six to graduate from La Fiesta Tech, and after a final night in the Greek House made

his way back home to Strangetown.

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I'd never really realised just how.. blue, our house was before."

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"Dad, has it ever occurred to you just how blue this place is?" Sid asked when Gadus came to

greet him.

"Not really, no. Is it? It's just home. Or at least, it was."


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"We're giving you the house Sid, your Mother and I. We're moving you see, and we want you to

have this place. It's a good home."

"What, the whole place to myself? That is excellent Dad! I can do so much with it.. It definitely

needs a lot of work. And a lot less blue."

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"Well I know that's as much of a thank you as I'm going to get." Gadus laughed, and gave his

eldest son a hug. "Just don't go too crazy on the place."

"We'll see. When are you leaving? Oh wait, you are taking the cat aren't you?"

"Yes, I don't know what I'd do without Boris Johnson, and your Grandmother would want him to

stay in the family I think. As for when we're leaving.."

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"I fink I made a mistaken when bookin' the taxi, didn' I?"

"Maybe just a small one Cadence.. Oh, I wonder if this is such a good idea." Gadus sighed. "I

really am going to miss this place an awful lot.. It's home. It's always been home."

But he didn't have much time to dwell on saying goodbye to the house, as it became rather more

important to bundle Cadence into the taxi before she became Mrs Big-Pile-Of-Dust Tegenaria.

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"Why is we takin' a taxi anyway? It's only next door!"

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With the parents gone and the house to himself, Sidneyia turned on the radio and began to dance

in a thoughtful fashion, and think about what he was going to do with himself.

And the house.

And the blue.

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"Chicken feet, doing this in the middle of the day was a roight silly-winkle idea it was! But oooh,

look at eet! I's ever so big..“

- - - -

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"Why. Are you. Talking about this. AGAIN!" growled Evil Susan, slamming her hand to her forehead

angrily in despair with her two friends.

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"Because it's healthy to talk about these things Evil Susan." calmly replied Amalthea.

"Yes, and boys are a lot more interesting than cloud of doom - no offence." added Marella.

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"But you're both being so boring. I need to go out and do.. things! Anything! I swear I would even

have a conversation with a Shrew rather than listen to you two yammering on any longer."

"Don't worry Evil Susan, one day you'll understand the joys of love." said Amy, actually meaning it

with kindness. This was probably not sensible.

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It wasn't.

"Excuse me? You actually think I, Evil Susan, would want to turn into a sappy idiot like you two? I

think not - you can't be Evil with all this sappy love business about. It never comes to any good,

mark my words. Actually now I've come to think of it, I've had it. With all of you. I shall leave this

wretched place."

"But you can't!" whines Marella, "it's Vox's party later! You can't miss that."

"Oh just watch me."

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Furious that Amalthea had dared suggest such a thing, Evil Susan stormed out of the Greek

House without a backwards glance at her confused and hurt friends.

Summoning her 'mode of transportation' that she kept hidden away from the others, Evil Susan

took to the sky.

"'You neeeed looooove..'. Arse badgers to that. I'll show them. I'll show them all..“

- - - -

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"What's wrong 'Rels? You really don't seem like yourself at all today.."

Tyler was very worried about his girlfriend. She's barely spoken all day and this was clearly a sign

that the world was on the verge of apocalypse. Or something.

"Sorry.. It's just ES kind of ran away earlier, and that's not really what she does, you know? Usually

she just waves her arms and shouts, cursing everyone in sight. Oh, I miss her."

"Oh Marella, I'm sorry that your friend's upset.. But I don't want you to be upset either!"

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"Would it help if I told you I had exciting news?"

Marella perked up.

"News? What kind? Is it good?"

"Yeah, I think so! My parents are renewing their wedding vows at the weekend, because er, they

got separated for a little bit. Um. But er, I was wondering if.. You'd um. Y-You'd like to come to the

ceremony as.. as my date? They said they'd really like to meet you."

"Really? But you haven't even met all of my family yet!"

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"I know, I know.. But I just thought. It was kind of be quite.. Romantic? I mean, there's be lots of

flowers and balloon and cake." Tyler said, waving his arms around the imaginary cake.

"But I thought you said you didn't really get on with your family, and you liked living away? I'm

confused Tyler."

"W-well you're right, they used to be.. Well, kind of mean actually. But they really changed I think.

I-I thought they'd never let me come to university, but then they did! And my Mother's been so

lovely in the times she called me, always asking about you. You know, I think they've really

changed 'Rels." Tyler said happily. He was still amazed by the transformation in his parents, they

had said everything was safe now after all.

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"Hm, I guess we have a date then!" Marella grinned.

"..I had you at cake didn't I?"

"Well yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy for your parents Tyler, I bet mine would never

think of anything so romantic as a vow renewal - that's kind of awesome in an old person way.

Speaking of old people, you'll finally be able to meet my Dad at Vox's party tonight. Cool, huh?"

"Oh. Erm. I don't think I can make it Marella.. I'm sorry. I have er, late classes tonight." Tyler said

quietly. Just because he felt things were safe at his home now, didn't mean he thought they'd be

safe for him when Marella's homelife was concerned..

"What, again? That sucks." she sighed. "But I guess that means that we'd better just make use of

the time we've got left! Now come here!"

"Argh, 'Rels! What are you doing?" shrieked Tyler as Marella lunged for him.

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"Stop complaining and just kiss me you idiot boy!"


"See? I always have the best ideas."

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It was quite a while before they realised how late it had gotten.

"Oh wow, everyone's going to be here any minute.. Huh. Wonder how that happened." Marella

sighed happily eyeing the clock.


"Hey, calm down Tyler! I'm sure they won't mind if you're a lee-etle late for class.." she said

snuggling up against him.

"Huh? NO! I'm sorry 'Rels, I've got to go. Like, now. But but I'll see you at the weekend ok?" Tyler

said quickly, and before Marella even had a chance to reply he'd grabbed his clothes and was out

the door.

So you know how fast he must have been.

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Much to Tyler's relief there was still a little bit of time before the guests arrived for Vauxia's

graduation party, but that still didn't stop him sprinting away before anyone had so much as the

chance to say 'Ginger beer, ginger beer, oh how I love my ginger beer'.

"So that's two people who've run out on me today.." mumbled Marella as she hastily ate her pre-

party snack.

"Something wrong 'Rels?" asked her brother, who was also annoyed. Not at the running, but at the

fact that his graduation hat had completely smushed his smexy hair.

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But before she had a chance to reply, all their friends and family started streaming through the


"Another one of these already?" said Gauds happily, coming over to congratulate his heir. "I hate to

say it Little V, but you're just growing up too fast!"

"Oh don't start Dad, I had Gin sobbing about that over the phone for most of the afternoon.."

"Yes, she can be a bit sentimental sometimes can't she?"

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"'oo? She oo? 'Oo did wha'? Does I haff to bite anyone piglet snout?" said Cadence following him


"I'm afraid not my dear, unfortunately you're going to be stuck with me for a long time yet.."

Much as he thought it was sweet how much his parents loved each other, Vauxia was thrilled that

they were hastily followed by all his friends who had already moved back home to Strangetown.

But then they had hair, it wasn't fair!

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All Tegenaria parties tend to be rather on the large side, but this one was one of the most chaotic

for a while!

But among the throng Marella was finally able to find her brother and fill him in properly on the

day's events.

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".. But it's kind of hard to be annoyed with them, you know? Oh, and congrats and stuff Vox." she


"Thanks 'Rels." he said, and gave her a big hug. "Now no more of the sad, ok? They both love you

really. Though not as much as me." he finished by giving her an extra tight squeeze.

"I know, and that's why I'm going to miss you soooo much."

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"Are you sure you have to go?" she pleaded.

"You know that's how it works.. They'll come back to you Marella, don't worry. And I won't be that

far away, and you'll be back home soon enough - you'll be amazed how fast it goes now you're a

Junior! I kind of need to manage to get through the door before Mum and Dad realise I'm not

actually engaged, that sort of requires a speedy exit tomorrow morning. Well, after a few extra

goodbyes anyway.. Could take a bit."

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"Speaking of our parents.." said Marella cringing, noticing what was going on behind them. "Don't

turn around Vox."

"Holy Shrew man, that's amazing! I am so over there!" squeaked Sorex running off to the source of

Marella's embarrassment.

"Where? What? What's happening!"

But then he saw it.

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"You shake it Mrs. T!"

"Yeah, that's the most Shrewtastic Shrew Step I've ever seen!"

"Ooow, fank you boys. You is rarfer sweet you is. 'Oows this?"

It turns out Cadence was enjoying herself a bit too much at these gatherings.


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But for some people, the most exciting this about the party was not seeing off the Generation Six

heir, but rather seeing those returning to campus. And so it was with a bit smile that Amalthea

finally managed to track down Sidneyia in the entertainment room.

"Hi Sid. Hi-i! It's so good to see you, I'm really glad your back!" she trilled.

"Oh, hey Amy." said Sid, finally noticing her after all her hovering.

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"Enjoying the party?" he asked politely.

"Mhmm, but all the more now." Amalthea had missed him so much that she didn't even mind the

fact she knew she was already blushing.

"You didn't call very much, you been busy? Have you got a job yet? What are you doing? I can't

wait to hear!"

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"Yeah, it's been crazy. You remember that internship Lodge offered me after the show?"

"Yes, didn't he say you were the best student he'd ever seen? And the way you covered the

Bluewater Plague last summer - I mean it so was amazing! You're so talented Sid.." Amy gushed.

"True. But he's offered me a job, and I'm leaving in a week!"

"..Leaving?" she asked in a small voice.

"Yup, I'm going to cover Takemizu for the next few years as the station's correspondent and writer

out there - isn't that amazing? It's perfect, I can't wait to leave."

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"You're moving to Takemizu? On the other side of the world?" Amalthea said quietly. "Wow Sid,

that's.. That's great!" she said, forcing the biggest smile she could muster. "I'm so happy for you, I

know you'll do a great job!"

"You bet I will. I've always wanted to get out this place and do some real travelling - and now I

finally can! And I've always got the house here if I need it, not that I'm planning to come back

much. Maybe I'll ask Marella if she wants it.. Hey Amy? Your face is twitching."

"Oh? Really. Well.. If you'd just excuse me for a minute.."

And once again she flew from the room in her traditional style.

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Having come upstairs for some time to worry about Evil Susan and Tyler some more out of

Vauxia's line of sight, it was no surprise Marella heard Amalthea's door slam and the subsequent

sobs coming from within. She'd had enough of everyone being sad today, it was ridiculous!

"..Amy?" she ventured, slowly opening the door.

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"Oh Amy, what's wrong? You're not worried about Evil Susan too are you?"

"NOOOOOO! I'm so stupid." she howled. "I thought.. I thought we were going to get maaaariiiiied,

and instead he's leeeeeaving!"

"Oh Amy.."

"I'm so *hic* stupid, I thought he *hic* really loved me! But I was just kidding myself, I'm an idiot! A

stupid stupid idiot! Evil Susan was riiiiight.. Love is rubbish!"

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"Shh, shh! It's ok! Firstly, Evil Susan is never right and especially not with what she said this

morning. And secondly, you seem to have forgotten one very important fact Amy."

"What?" Amalthea sniffed.

"This is Sid we're talking about here. He's a total idiot."

"No he's nooooot, I am!"

"Nu-uh. He is. When it comes to dealing with other people anyway. I don't think he meant to upset

you, I'm sure he does like you really. You're the only one he never yells at. Look, it's really late.

Let's just get you to bed alright? I'm sure things will look better in the morning." Marella said kindly,

putting an arm around her friend - who nodded shakily in return.

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While the girls were having a good old sob upstairs, our little heir finally grew up. Into appaling

clothes and an even worse 'fro.

"..Can I have my lovely hair back now please?"

Yes. Yes you can.

- - - -

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"Thank you so much for agreeing to come Marella! I'm so excited, I just know they're going to love

you." Tyler said happily as the two arrived downtown to the House of Fallen Trees the following


"I know, right? This is going to be brilliant Tyler, I just know it!"

"Uh huh. My mother says she's really happy she's going to meet you, I'm sure you'll get along


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"Aww Tyler, I really hope so."

At that moment, the door flew open and Jennicor Tricou burst out, shortly followed by Jon Smith.

"Tyler, sweetheart! I'm so please you could make it! And who is your lovely little friend? Don't be

shy, do come and say hello children."

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"Do you have to behave quite so idiotically?" growled Jon Smith.

"Just shut up and smile." said his wife through gritted teeth, a firm grin set firmly on her usually

expressionless face. "It's just for a few hours. Hopefully less."

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"Thanks Mother, I'm so happy to see you. I-I've missed you. Thank you for all your calls lately, I

knew it would just take you a while once you were brought back to feel better." said Tyler, rushing

over to give Jennicor a hug. "You're going to love Marella too."

Stiffly she patted him on the back.

"Yes son. I'm very happy that she's come with you. Very happy indeed. Now come along!

Everyone is waiting in the garden for you both. So off you go, and your father and I will be along


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Stepping around the side of the house, Tyler felt his heart sink as he saw an oh-too familiar

scowling face.

"Hey Taylor." he said.

"Ooh, so the fancy college boy did come home after all. I trust you didn't forget the whole point of

this needless exercise?"

"Point? What?" But Tyler chose to ignore him, and when he saw Marella smiling lovingly at him

from the other side of the aisle, happily skipped over to join her and sent his brother to the back of

his mind.

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"So er, that's your brother right? The one you used to talk about?" she asked. "He's certainly.. Well,

he's no Vox Tyler - I'm going to tell you that now!"

"I know. That's just Taylor. He's just.. Uh, it doesn't matter. Just ignore him - it's usually for the


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"Ignore me?!" Taylor snapped over his shoulder.

"Ignore him more like.." joined in Marisa, one of the Tricou sisters. "He's not worth it Taylor, he

never was. That is so totally not what today's about anyway!"

"Yeah boys," added Marella, "shouldn't you be thinking about your parents love and stuff?"

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"'Love and stuff'? You shut your face you blue haired brat, you have no idea what you're talking

about." Taylor shouted. "And you, Tyler, you've completely lost your mind! Skipping around like

Mother and Father are not.. Mother and Father! Like you're not a damned Tricou anymore!

Sometimes I think you don't even remember the mission."

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As Marella started to make faces at Taylor, Tyler fell quiet.

And then.. he began to wonder.

"Marella. I think we need to go. Now."

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"Oops, no time for that now! Now shut up Taylor, and keep that girl under control Tyler. It's time to

pay attention to Mother now."

"Ah my dear, you always knew how to command a situation.. That's one of the reasons I've always

loved you." said Jon Smith proudly.

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"Wow you're family are weird!" laughed Marella as the elders began declaring sentiments of love to

each other. "And so's your house.. You've got a heck of a lot of graves out here Tyler. Doesn't it

ever creep you out? Who are they all anyway?"


"No talking at the back!" shouted Jennicor.

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"..and through it all I knew you were right, you were always doing the best for me." she continued.

"I never forget that Jon, no matter the consequences. I'm proud to be a Tricou, and would dedicate

my life to you as many times over as necessary."

"As would I to you, my darling. Now that you have bee returned to my side I only see success in

our future. Together, my beautiful Jennicor."

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The kids all started to clap, and even Marella had to admit that the unusual air of joy in the Tricou

house was quite catching.

"That could be us one day you know.." she smiled at Tyler, who's jaw dropped to the floor and

suddenly looked the happiest he had ever been in his life. What had he been worried about?

Stupid Taylor.

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"So I think it's about time we started rebuilding the rest of our family, do you not agree?"

"I always agree with you Jennicor, and never more so than at this moment.."

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They turned to the children.

"Restrain the girl."

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"What? ME!?" said Marella, clearly started by this abrupt mood change.

"Mother.. I thought you told me we were passed this?"

"Passed what? Tyler, what the heck is going on here?!"

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"You ignorant boy, Taylor was right. Your head is up in the clouds, just as well we know exactly

how to control you." hissed Jennicor as she walked towards the young couple.

"We need her dead Tyler, and that has always been the plan as you know full well."

"But..B-But.. I thought you.. That.."

"Oh, shut up you useless simpering child and get out of my way - we shall do what you could not."

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" *pant pant pant* "

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"Put your hands down and step away from the Tegenaria!" gasped Evil Susan, skidding to a halt as

she ran into the garden party. "No dice, old lady."

"What the hell do you think you're doing in my garden, you unclean small child. Get out! At once!"

hissed Jennicor at the stranger.

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"Never, bat bag. I knew something was amiss here - I always knew it! I never trusted that idiot and

now I know I was right, aha!" said Evil Susan triumphantly. "He was up to no good the entire time."

"Tyler? No, he is but a fool. He is useless to us, his thoughts were clouded by an impure love."

"I have HAD IT with hearing about damn LOVE!"

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"ES, what are you doing here? Where have you been all week!" asked Marella coming over to see

her best friend. Somehow having Evil Susan in the garden made the saggy angry Jennicor seem

far less.. threatening.

"I keep telling you 'Rels, I didn't trust that wussy wuss bag from day one - and look! Just look at

where you are! Spending Saturday afternoon with Pointy McDeath-Face here, who I also don't like

the look of. Let's get out of here."

"I'm just getting to know his family, it's totally safe."

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"Haha, right!" laughed Evil Susan. "That old bag about to fall out of her dress at any second? So-o

not safe 'Rels. But this place is seriously creeping me out, and I don't want to have to stick around

for any ghastly cake."

"Marella.. Please. Listen to her." pleased Tyler, agreeing with Evil Susan that leaving may well be

the optimal strategy.

Meanwhile behind them, Jennicor was becoming more and more infuriated as the girls laughed

lightly at the situation in hand.

"Aaargh, Jon! Do something!" she shrieked. "KILL HER and do it now!"

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"Aww, do you hear that ES? They want to kill me from all the way over there. Oh woe. Whatever

shall I do?" said Marella in a mocking voice.

"Ahaha, I knew you hadn't lost it 'Rels! Now c'mon, there's a bar back home with our names on it."

"Marella!" Tyler began to shout behind them. "You don't understand! You need to run! Run now -

Please! He's very very dangerous!"

"Tyler, wh-?"

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The air was suddenly broken.

Jon Smith Tricou raised his hands and closed his eyes.

No girl would mock his family like this. Especially one born of that blood-traitor Ocean's line.

She had to die.

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Frantically, Tyler had pushed Marella out of the way and stepped in front of her.

Just in time to be hit with the full force of the wave.

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"What the HELL HAVE YOU DONE?" she screamed and fell to her knees with the convulsing


"M-m.. rel..a.." Tyler whispered faintly.

"HELP HIM!" she shouted. "Don't just stand there, he's your son. You've got to help him!"

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"Well. That was not what I was expecting.." said Jennicor stepping forward, watching Tyler

struggling on the floor with a sick glee. "But it will do."

"The brainless imbecile. I had her Jennicor, I had her!" snarled her husband angrily.

"Indeed. But this may in fact be most fortuitous for us."

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"You can't just leave him! Undo what you did - HURRY!

Why are you just standing there like freaks?! DO SOMETHING."

Marella continued to shout at the Tricous, as Tyler struggled to breathe faintly on the floor. It was

getting quieter and quieter with each passing second.

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"Alright!" cackled Evil Susan, raising her hands in the air.

"Oh I was so hoping you'd go and do something stupid. So I can pull of my revenge card, and oh

it's good. Evily good.

Because I'm Evil Susan - and you've pissed me off."

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"Quiet. Just let me enjoy this moment." breathed Jennicor, ignoring Evil Susan's taunting and

Marella's constant crying and she continued to lean over Tyler's shivering body.

"Never going to happen sag-boobs."

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"Jon.." said Jennicor threateningly.

"I'm already centring my power, love."

"Oh yeah?" said Evil Susan, and pulled something from out of her pocked.

"What? What is that!" demanded Jennicor seeing the wand brandished in the young woman's


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"Oh this? This is my favourite toy. Evil toy, but of course you know that cow-bags.

Now you've upset my friend, and I don't take kindly to people who mess with my Marella. So you

and Mr. Mojopants have got it coming to you. Big time.

It's EVIL time!"

She began to wave the wand in a most Evil fashion, and judging from the look of hate in Evil

Susan’s eyes, Jon Smith decided to make a break for it.

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"Oh no you don't!" she yelled, and with a final flick the Tricou was surrounded by a sparkling green


And bees!

"Ahahahaha, that's awesome!" laughed Evil Susan, "even better than I thought."

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"Argh, get them off me! Get these wretched things away from me!" cried the old man.

"Remove your foul vex from my husband at once. So he can finish you. All of you!"

But Jennicor's threats could hardly be heard over her husbands screaming and Evil Susan's howls

of laughter.

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"You people.. Ahaha, NOW you know why you don't mess with Evil Susan. Or you'll


Jennicor screamed in frustration, and ran after her husband to aid him. Evil Susan just thought this

was hilarious! ..And it had started off as such a slow day. She'd almost forgotten about the sobbing

and frightened Marella, until she felt a familiar cold presence over her shoulder.

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"Grandfather? What are you- .. Oh no." she finished quietly.




"But I had to! Look what he did to 'Rels!"

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"Yeah, but it's funny!"




"Grandfather, can you not just.. Undo this thing? Whatever he did?"

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"Man. I didn't like him but that sucks for 'Rels.."

"I DO NOT ENVY HER PLIGHT." said Death, and patted Marella kindly on the head. "SHE IS A



"Love again? Seriously Grandfather.."

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BENEATH YOU AS YOU SO BELIEVE. BUT THIS.." He gestured around the garden. "THIS IS.



Evil Susan nodded.


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Dragging Marella away from the garden and to the front of the house took some work on Evil

Susan's part. But she was anxious not to disappoint her Grandfather again and so pulled her and

all her sobs along.

"Evil Susan! What just happened? How did this happen? I can't leave him!" Marella cried.


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"Just.. Don't worry. Ok? Grandfather will sort it out. I'm.. oh, to heck with it." said Evil Susan, and

for the first time ever put her arm around someone.

"ES..? I just. I just can't.. Thank you. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there.

But oh, no.. I.. no. Help me?" Marella sniffled, and fell into her friend.

"Come on 'Rels.. Sure.

I may be Evil, but that doesn't make me a villain.“

- - - -

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Anyone home?"

After some prolonged female goodbyes, Vauxia finally arrived home to take up his heirship.

Although the new Tegenaria home was a slight culture shock.

"I thought they said it wasn't all grand!" he sighed, looking around the marble entrance hall. It was

quite a change from the blue undersea world he was used to.

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"Ha, awesome! Now I know I'm in the right place at least." he grinned, and investigated the two

huge fish tanks that took pride of place in the hall way.

Because c'mon, what's a Tegenaria home without a giant eel or two?

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"Hey hey Dad, nice tanks." he said following the hall through to find Gadus enjoying a leisurely

afternoon of pool.

"Boris Johnson is a bit confused by them Little V. But then again, she's confused by most things.

Come and join me, pull up a cue. It took a while to convince your mother to allow them in the

house but there should be another one around here somewhere.."

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Eventually they located the second cue strapped under the curtains behind the dresser, with a note

attached reading "If yous take this yous right owes me some wenslydale yous do!" and continued

the game.

"I can't help noticing Little V, that you don't appear to have brought anyone home with you, nor do

you appear to have any rings on your fingers. Care to explain that son?"

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"Oh come on Dad, you know how it is." Vox sighed.

"Not really, no. I found true love when I met your Mother and after all the girls you always told me

your were dating I assumed you would just choose the one you liked best for your wife." Gadus

said sadly.

"But that's just the thing Dad.. I don't like one best! Well, not enough to marry anyway. Allison was

always kind of special, but then so was Asia and Elise and Lucy and well - all of them! But I

thought you knew Dad, I'm not going to get married."

"..Your mother's going to love that one. I'll let you tell her."

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At seven pm on the dot, Cadence rose from her coffin, grabbed her apron and went in search of

her son.

"Ooow, is that moi lit'le boy come 'ome to 'is Muvver?"

"It is, or at least it's your little boy come home to clean up cat pee.."

Boris Johnson happily wandered off, shaking her beautifully long fur barely even noticing the


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"Nows moi lit'le love, where is yous lovely bride? I want to makes her feel roight welcome I do!"

she asked excitedly.

"Er, now try and stay clam Mum but.. I'm not going to get married. Ok?"

"But 'ow will you make me lots of lit'le grandchildren if yous is not married? Tha' could be a

problem it roight could."

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"Erm.. Well.. Mum. In this modern world there are many many ways to - LOOK Dad's making

grilled cheese!" Vox said pointing to the kitchen.

"Ooh, 'ee is? Where!"

"Um. I think Boris Johnson ate them. Never mind. Come on Mum, let's go and check out all that

new stuff on the porch. It looks awesome!"

"Well.. alrigh' then. Because it's you it is."

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"NOW who's allowed to hog the telescope all night!" grinned Sid happily.

This house-to-himself-business was really working out well. He loved not having to compete with

Marella for control of the stereo and could stargaze to his heart's contents now Vauxia wasn't

chained to the balcony all evening.

"This is incredible! Just look at all this stuff.. Hang on."

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"Oow, I don't know if that looks very safe! Maybe yous should get off and come inside for some

grilled cheese instead?"

"Don't worry Mum, it's fine! Becks had one at uni and said it was awesome - I can't wait to try it out!

You sure you don't want a go first?"

"No I's does not! But I's.."

"I promise to shout if anything goes wrong." Vox smiled. "Everything's going to be fine, don't


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"This is fantastic!" he shouted as the dance sphere started to spin.

"You HAVE to try this Mum, it's better than all the cheese sandwiches in the wo-"

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THE GREMLINS 'AS GOT MOI BABY!" screamed Cadence, and ran away into the house.

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"Cadence? Cadence, are you alright?" called Gadus when he saw his wife streak into their

bedroom. "What are you doing in the cupboard.."


"Ssh, ssh.. There's no gremlins, it's just me. Here, let me help."

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"BLEH! I feels much bet'er now, fanks peach cheeks. I told you being old wouldn' make any

difference! Bu' er, the gremlins still have our son. Wha' is we going ta do?"

"Don't worry, I think I heard something on the porch. Sandwich?"

"Yis please, snuffle bum."

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".. Just don't mention this to anyone ..

.. Ever .. "

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"What a freaky night.. Just don't mention it to anyone.. Ever."

The following morning Sidneyia was due to leave for Takemizu. Not having had much sleep he

was even grouchier than usual as he made his way to their airport.

"Just so long as I'm not late for the plane. Damn aliens."

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Meanwhile his father and brother were sitting down to breakfast. Or at least attempting to.

"Hm, I wonder where Little V went? He never doesn't finish his pancakes! He never doesn't finish

his pancakes.."

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"Bleh, this'll be impossible to date with..

Damn aliens!"

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And that evening..

"Oow goodness!

It's been a while, but tha' don't half feel like anuvver little 'un.. Binky Bottom! Quick! I is in need of

extra cheese rations I is.“

- - - -

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Many miles away from extra grilled cheese portions, Sidneyia was taking some time to get settled

into his new home for the next few years in Takemizu.

"Ah, this is much better. No shouting, no noise, no Vox and his stupid hair. No.. aliens."

Putting down the rake, he decided it was time to explore some of the sights before his first

scheduled interview tomorrow.

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Heading to the park, he soon ran into a rather ninjarous ninja. Looking ninjary.

"Awesome, so you can teach me that teleport thing then?" he asked, "because I am not flying in

economy class again."

"That depends young one with the strange ways. Something tells me you are not ready for such a

burden. So tell me, which is more important in the face of adversity? Courage young one, or


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"Well that's obvious, but I can see you don't want to teach this to any old moron. The answer is

Wisdom of course."

"Ah, I thought as much. But the mind is nothing without a strong heart to drive it. And you do not

believe that, and so I shall leave you to your thoughts."

The ninjary ninja vanished in a rather impressive puff of smoke, much to Sid's annoyance.

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"Well what the hell was that?

He has no idea what he's talking about, none at all.


And he stomped back home.

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"What does he know anyway? I'm fine just the way I am. I have my mind, and nothing is missing at



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In the morning he grabbed his Dictaphone and headed to his interview. Sidneyia didn't really know

what to expected, all his editor had told him was that it was imperative he met with this client and

got the whole story.

And Sid didn't want to disappoint.

"Wow, no wonder not many people come here. This place may be huge, but it's completely hidden!

I wonder what kind of person would actually want to live here.."

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"Er.. hi. Ni hao?" he tried, and bowed to the elderly gentleman floating a foot or so off the ground.

But he got no response.


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"Ah, my apologies." said the man, springing to his feet. "You are..?"

"Sidneyia Tegenaria. For the StrangeTimes. We have an appointment, remember?"

"Ah yes. Yes of course. My name is Shim-Sham the Wonder Man."


"But of course. Now come, we shall drink some tea and begin our talk."

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"Oorf, floating up if a lot harder than floating down.."

"So you're no 'Wonder' at sitting down then?" Sid said, pouring the tea as he waited for Shim-

Sham to lower himself down.

"Not so much these days. Ah, I see you are already trained in the art of taking tea. That is a

pleasing sign." the old man observed.

"Blame my Mother. Many many bedtime picnics of cheese and tea as a child gets to you after a

while. I think she was just trying to keep us occupied, but it never really worked."

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"What do you mean?" Shim-Sham asked.

"My Dad was missing. For quite a while actually, so she and my Grandparents had to look after me

and my brother. He was such a kid about the whole business, always whining and saying that Dad

would be home any day, when I knew he probably wouldn't be. I was realistic and he wasn't, and

no one liked to hear that. So, there were many tea parties to keep us quiet."

"I sense you still have not fully resolved this situation, and that is most distressing. But your Mother

was right, tea does help. Tea helps everything. Don't you think?"

"Yes. No. Whatever, this is supposed to be about me asking you questions, not the other way

around! Apparently you keep some big old secret up here, and I am going to be the first one to find

out. Now are you ready to talk old man, or what?"

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"I think the answer to your question is kept within another. How much do you really want to know?"

"Everything. I didn't fly all the way out here to just sit and drink tea, I need to know the truth and I

need to know it first." Sid said directly. Well, there was no point in lying about it.

"That is encouraging. There is perhaps a way after all.. Come back tomorrow. We shall talk some


"And you'll tell me whatever it is?"

But Shim-Sham just smiled, and drank some more tea. Oh, it was good stuff.

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So Sid came back the next day.

"..How is this helping exactly?"

"Oh, it is. I admire your persistence, you are quite dedicated to your cause. Now what was it you

were saying?"

"What, about Marella?" Sid said absent-mindedly. "It just bothers me that they never left well

alone, Dad and Vox. It's obvious she's quite capable of looking after herself, but they never let her

just get on with things, you know Sim-Sham?"

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"I.. have experience in such areas." smiled the old man.

"Then you know what I mean! She'd have been fine on her own. But now she takes everything for

granted, because they always give it to her and Vox even started trying to get her on his side when

she was just a baby - now there's malice if I ever saw it."

"You really think that?"

"No. Yes! Look, what does this have to do with anything? Stop trying to distract me Shim-Sham,

I'm going to get it out of you eventually."

"I have no doubt. But I think it would be best if you came back tomorrow."

Sid sighed. "I guessed as much."

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So he did.

"Look old man, I'm getting a bit tired of this and of staring at your weird bowl of plastic fruit all day.

What's the deal here? I just want to know what it is you're keeping up here. It's my job to find out,

and I'm going to keep coming back until I do."

Shim-Sham the Wonder Man grinned.

"A story." he said.

"A story? That's IT?!"

"Yes, that is it. I have not wanted to share it with the world, because its meaning is often twisted in

the way seen fit by those who hear what they want. It means many things to many people and that

is very dangerous. But you.." he smiled, "you I feel safe with. Now sit, and I shall teach you."

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Sid sat down on the floor, pleased to have finally gotten what he wanted. Ok it was just a story, but

think what you could do with that! His editor would be thrilled, and so he listened with interest as

Shim-Sham began.

"There was once a city. It was a fine and mighty city, and stood proudly above the hills of old

Takemizu. All the citizens were overjoyed to watch it grow day by day, and were proud of their city

- the first of its kind."

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"One day, passing through from a distant land, came a beautiful young princess. She had never

seen such a city before, and was drawn to its strength and the goodness of its citizens. Instead of

continuing with her journey, she stayed a while and observed the city and its workings - fascinated

with what she saw."

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"But one day, terrible thieves attacked the city and ransacked it of the treasures it held. The

citizens were frightened as the horses stomped and brayed and the people ran in fear as their

houses were burnt and their lives destroyed. The princess was distraught at what she saw, and

became desperate to save the city and its citizens whom she had grown to know and love."

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"Wishing for strength to help them, she entrusted her tale to an ancient dragon whom she begged

for strength to defeat the terrible invaders. She refused to let her city burn. After seeing the

princess's passion, the dragon consented and agreed to help her at once."

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"Fuelled by the princess's strength, the dragon took flight towards the city. Using his fiery breath he

drove the invaders away, replacing their destructive fire with his own kind of flame through out the

city. The bandits fled, taking with them their destruction and hate and left the city in control of the


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"The dragon the proceeded to encircle the city with his flames, until every last trace of the malice

and fear had ebbed and the faithful citizens began to return from the hills and valleys within which

they had hidden out the peril. The world was changing."

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"Out of the dragon's flames, new life began to spring up all over the city and the citizens rejoiced.

The princess smiled down upon the land, thankful that the city was safe and flourishing once more.

Although the citizens never knew what she had done, they felt her goodness and knew they were

safe because of her and welcomed her as one of her own.

The princess never did continue with her journey."

Shim-Sham finished his story, and Sid stood up.

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"Nice story, everyone loves a good dragon." he said. "My editor will be pleased."

"We shall see." said Shim-Sham. "Now you may go, and spread my tale if you so wish. For I, am

Shim-Sham the Wonder Man!"

With a puff of smoke, he jumped up and vanished in a puff of smoke - very ninjary ninja style-esqe.

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"How can everyone do that in this place but me?" Sid grumbled as he made his made his way

down the pagoda steps and back towards Takemizu.

"Good story though.." he mused. "Good story. But darn it, I want to teleport!"

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On the hunt for the ninjary ninja, Sid headed back to the park where he had first encountered him.

Annoyed that there were no ninjas in sight, he instead wandered over to the wishing well Shim-

Sham had mentioned a few times.

Well, what the heck?

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"I wish.. Ok, this already sounds ridiculous. Hey, maybe a dragon'll pop up or something at the

very least. Huh. I wish. I wish for some of this trip to make some actual sense!

Oh, and possibly a dragon." he added, and flicked the coin at the shrine.

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To his great surprise, it actually started to glow! And speak.. weird things.

"The dragon's flames cannot be escaped.

Not through time, nor through the most ravenous of fires.

Trust to Cecily. She will show you the way.

She is the only one who knows."

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"What? That's it?! Haven't I heard enough about fires and dragons for one day? I actually wanted

to see one! And who the heck is Cecily? I don't even know anyone called Cecily!

Cheap.. stupid.. tourist trick thing."

Annoyed at himself for buying into all this mystical Takemizu rubbish, Sidneyia stormed back to the

hotel, determined to write the whole rotten first week's experience up as a fraud. But he was in for

a shock.

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"Oh no.. But, but this is impossible! Argh, damn aliens."

Frustrated and annoyed, Sidneyia did the only thing he could do. Convinced the whole trip was a

joke, he was happy to cut the experience short and booked the first available flight back to

Strangetown. This had to be someone's fault.

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"So you too huh?" Vauxia asked when his brother stormed into the house the following evening,

full and ready of complaints.

"It's not like I asked for this." Sid snapped. "Do you know what it cost me to leave Takemizu? I

could get fired for this!"

"Well I'm not exactly thrilled either. You know how many dates I've been on since this happened?

One. With Dad. To buy cheese." Being pregnant really wasn't agreeing with Vox. His usually

cheerful spirit seemed to have gone on holiday for a while. Possibly with his clothes.

"Well I think it's all rather wonderful." said Gadus happily.

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"Oow, I is agreeing with you monkey-knees. And to fink I was worried about me boys not 'aving

families of their own! We're goin' ta be such a big happy old family we is!" said a very very happy

Cadence, rubbing her growing belly. "Everyfin is so perfect."

"Oh yes, this great!" Sid shouted. "Because we're so happy with the situation! The only one who's

managed to get off scot free is-

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.. Marella. Oh now that's just perfect."

"Beetle bum? What is you doing 'ere? You 'aven't finished school yes you 'asn't! Two more years


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"I left. I had to. I went home, but none of you were there. And then I didn't know what to do. But

then I could hear Sid shouting from down the street and.. and I knew you were all here. And.. and..

it's just all so wrong.

Why did it all go wrong?"

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"Oow, don' worry pet! I'm 'ere. We all is 'ere. And don' you fret abou' one lit'le fing, I sort you all

out." said Cadence kindly, and have her poor frightened daughter a big hug.

But of course, she could hardly have failed to notice Marella's rather large bump. And so dragging

the rest of the family off the couch she all gathered them together in a big hug.

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But she couldn't stop herself from jumping for joy.

"Oow, this is goin' ta be so much fun! All moi babies - 'avin' babies! And I'm 'aving more! Oow, it's

every Muvver's dream! I canno' wait I can't! Grilled cheese for all I reckon. Oow, you must all be so



- - - -

And this is where I shall leave you! Generation Seven is on the way, hoo-o! Hopefully you've

enjoyed this long ‘un, I've been looking forward to getting to this point for ages so yay. Thanks for

reading, writing this is still my absolute favourite thing to do so it's just an extra bonus that I get to

share it with you lovely little ducklings :) Thanks to clever CC makers too, and Shim-Sham for

amusing me with his bowl of fruit. See you next time, for babies babies babies. Babies! This has

been Gin, avoiding tidying my folders off the floor. Byeee!

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"Waaaa, oh tai chi is so haaaaaard..

I can do this far better than Gethin Doran ever could."