Page 1: The Second Digital Revolution is Here. Are You Ready for Hyperconnectivity?

The  Second  Digital  Revolu3on  is  here  

Are  you  ready?    

Ross  Mason,  MuleSo;  @rossmason  

Page 2: The Second Digital Revolution is Here. Are You Ready for Hyperconnectivity?

Quick  history  lesson  

1712:  Steam  Engine  

1793:  Co=on  Gin  

1876:  Electric  illuminaAon  

1850:  Rail  Roads  

1903:  Airplane  Flight  

1945:  Programmable  Computer  

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Digital revolution sparked

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70  years  later…  

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The Internet Web: Democratization of Information

Open Source: Democratization of Software APIs: Democratization of Resources

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No one knows everything, everyone knows something,

all knowledge resides in humanity.

- Pierre Levy, 1997

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No one knows everything, everyone knows something,

all knowledge resides in networks.

Page 8: The Second Digital Revolution is Here. Are You Ready for Hyperconnectivity?

2nd  Digital  RevoluAon  hierarchy  of  needs  

The  digital  network  that  connects  2.8  billion  people  to  unlimited  informaAon  

The  Internet  

Over  10  billion  devices  connect,  outnumbering  people.  The  Internet  

is  how  the  things  connect    Machine  readable  Internet  -­‐  APIs  

Apps  and  locaAon    services  changed  how    

We  Interact  with  the  world  Smart  phones  /  Loca3on  

Everyone  Can  disrupt  

The  status  quo  Cri3cal  mass  of  open  services,    data  and  devices  

‘Think  Different’  Trigger  

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The  1st  Digital  RevoluAon  created  the  network    

The  2nd  Digital  RevoluAon  is  leveraging  the  network  to  democraAze  everything  

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The  share  economy  

Rental++  -­‐  Centralized,  CAPEX  heavy  

App  and  services  that  enable  peer-­‐to-­‐peer  transacAons,  cu\ng  out  middlemen  


Owner  shared  -­‐  Decentralized,  low  overhead  


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Shopping  transformed  

Centralized  DistribuAon   Decentralized  DistribuAon  

Don’t  come  to  us,  we’ll  come  to  you  

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DecentralizaAon  of  compute  power  

Real-­‐Ame  locaAon  and  state  

Trend:  IoT  and  the  physical  web  



Moto  360  


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What  does  decentralizaAon  mean  for  enterprises?  


Brand & Reputation


Networks of relationships

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What  does  decentralizaAon  mean  for  enterprises?  


Brand & Reputation


Networks of relationships

APIs   APIs  

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InsAtuAon  Payments and Loans - Trusted financial institutions, regulated    

DecentralizaAon  of  finance  

CollecAve  Merchant & P2P payments, Micro-financing, Crowd-funding  

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InsAtuAon  Core Banking - Trusted financial institutions, regulated    

DecentralizaAon  of  currency  

CollecAve  Crypto-currency, replaces trust with cryptographic proof  

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The  currency  revoluAon:  BitCoin  1.  Crypto-­‐currency:  digital  exchange  of  value  2.  Decentralized  global  currency  –  no  forex,  free  

money  movement  3.  Micro-­‐transacAons  =  micropayments  4.  Block  chain  -­‐  public  ledger:  clear  transfer  of  

value  and  value  chains  

BitCoin  defines  an  open  protocol  to  transact  between  par3es  based  on  cryptographic  proof,    

not  trust.  

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Centralized  idenAty  management  

What  about  idenAty?  

Decentralized  idenAty  management      

BitCoin  for  IdenAty?  

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2nd Digital Revolution is democratizing everything

What will you do with all this power?

Thank you! @rossmason

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Page 21: The Second Digital Revolution is Here. Are You Ready for Hyperconnectivity?

Digital  RevoluAon  hierarchy  of  needs  

The  digital  network  that  connects  2.8  billion  people  to  unlimited  informaAon  

The  Internet  

Over  10  billion  devices  connect,  outnumbering  people.  The  Internet  

is  how  the  things  connect    Machine  readable  Internet  -­‐  APIs  

Apps  and  locaAon    Services  changed  how    

We  Interact  with  the  world  Smart  phones  /  Loca3on  

Everyone  Can  disrupt  

The  status  quo  Cri3cal  mass  of  services,  data    

Hyper  Connec3vity  through  APIs  

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Page 23: The Second Digital Revolution is Here. Are You Ready for Hyperconnectivity?


•  Global  network  •  Everyone  can  connect,  anyAme,  anywhere  •  Race  to  engage  consumers  •  Things  start  to  connect  •  Data  gets  unlocked    •  New  business  models  –  mobile,  Crowd  Sourced,  extreme  automaAon,  real-­‐Ame  logisAcs  

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Manufacturing:  Spare  parts  

Trend:  3D  PrinAng  Decentralized  Recycling  
