
Acta histochern. 74, 142 (1981)


The Second International Symposium on Nephrotoxicity

(Satellite to the 9th IUPHAR Congress in London)

will be held in Guilford, England, from the 6th to 9th August 1984. The two major themes will be:

1. Recent Ad vances in Monitoring the Early Renal Functional Changes in Animals and Man Following Nephrotoxic Insult.

2. The Biological Basis of Chemically Induced Site-Specific Damage to the Nephron.

The Symposium will be multi-disciplinary and consist of a small number of K ey­note lectures and as many unsolicited free communications as possible, an approach that will make the meeting most beneficial to all those who attend. The abstracts of papers present:ld at the Symposium and the full Proceedings will be published.

An integral part of this Symposium will be a series of workshops which will con­centrate on those important t echniques which can bc used to study renal structure and function in health and in disease. These will take the form of discussions, live demonst rations and /or film-video presentations of the t echniques and highlight the interpret ation of data.

Olo8ing date for regi8tration 18t May 1984.

For more information write t o Dr. P. H. BACH, Second International Symposium on Nephrotoxicity, Robenl'; Institute of Health and Safety, University of Surrey, Guildford , GU2 5XH, Surrey. England.

~------------------------------------------Acta histochemica. Verlag: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena , DDR - 6900 Jena, Villengang 2, Telefon 27332. Verantwortlich fur die Redaktion: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h. c. Joachim-H ermann Scharf, DDR - 4010 H alle, PostschlieJ3fach 302. R ella ktioneller :Ylitarbeiter im Verlag: :YIonika Luck. Veroffontlioht unter de l' Liz"IlUlIlTn mer l OG!) dos Prossea mto8 beim Vors itzenden des l\Iinisterrat,fls dol' Deutsc:hen D emokratisohen R epublik. Satz, Druok und Buchbinderei : Druokerei ,,:vragnus Poser" J ena , Betrieb des Gmphischen Grol3be triebes I NTERDRUCK Leipzig, Betrieb del' a usgezeiohn eten Qllali tatsarbeit. Aile Rochte heim Verlag, Nach dl'llck (a uch a uszugsweise) nur mit Genehmigung des Verlages und des Verfassors Bowio mit Quellenanga be ges tattet. Printod in tho Cerman Democratie R epublic. Artikel-~r. (EDV) 5021:l Erscheinungsweise: 4mal jahrlioh , Hoftpreis: DDR 37,50 lVI
