
Starikova Elena AnatolevnaParshakovskaya school

v. Parshakova

The Seven Wonders of

Permskiy region

You may travel the world over, but you will find nothing more beautiful than Permskiy region

I would like to offer you The Seven Wonders of Permskiy region

The Permskiy region is very beautiful and fantastic. My region is famous for its numerous places of interest.

It is full of a charming landscapes and wide scopes. There are different sights in Permskiy region and I want to tell and show you

its seven sights.

The Seven Wonders of

Permskiy region

National Park Visherski. National Park is situated in the Urals. It has an area of 241, 2 square kilometers. Travelers can visit National Park Visherski to see the view of its wildlife and spectacular sunsets . There are about 528 types of plants in the National Park Visherski. Nothing can beat it!

For those seeking a natural high, the best place in my region may be Vetlan. It is a long and beautiful mountain on the river Vishera. It׳s height is about 100 meters. Here you can see beautiful river and mountain Polyd. It is the tops!



The Vishera is a beautiful river. In this river you can see a big and beautiful mountain Vetlan. You׳d be nuts to miss a chance to see it.

Kungurskaya Ledenaya cave

The Kungurskaya Ledenaya cave was discovered in the 18 century. It is marvellous. It has length about 5600 m. In the cave there are more 60

lakes. You will be impressed by its beauty! It is one of the kind!

Ordinskya cave

This is underwater and the longest cave in Russia. Here arrive people from different Russian regions and from different countries. In the cave you can see wonderful craters. This cave is a very interesting place. It is better compared to others!

Ordinskya cave

Waterfall ZhigalanZhigalan is one of the most beautiful waterfalls of the Urals. It begins on mountain in range the Kvarkysh. It׳s length is seven kilometers. Many tourists visit Zhigalan every year. It is a marvelous sight!

The Museum of spoons was founded in 1958 in Nytva . In the museum there are 170 exhibits of spoons. It is one of a kind! It is very entertaining museum!

Museum of spoons

You can travel and open new things for oneself. But If you was in Permskiy

region You will never forget our endless scopes, wonderful places, that full of

calms sound of nature.It was only seven sights of Permskiy

region. I want to say you that Wonders in my region are endless !

Список источников

1. Е. Дорофеев «Кунгурская ледяная пещера. Путеводитель» Пермское книжное издательство, 1975г.2. А. Комлев «Реки Пермской области» Пермское книжное издательство, 1981г.3. В. Колбин «Вишера заповедная» Красновишерск, 2005г.4. В. Колбин «Вищерский край» Красновишерск, 2002г.5. В. Колбин «Заповедник Вишерский» Красновишерск, 2006г.6. В. Новикова «Природа и природопользование в бассейне Вишеры» Красновишерск, 2009г.7. Е. Федченко Экологический атлас Пермского края. Пермь, 2007г.8. Е. Черных «Твоё Прикамье» Пермь, 2002г.9. «Наш Урал».10. Сайт о путешествиях.11 Пермский край. Ураловед. Портал знатоков и любителей Урала.