Download pptx - The T in LGBT

  1. 1. The T in LGBT What does it mean to be transgender?
  2. 2. Defining Transgender Transgender is when your gender identity doesnt match the gender assigned to you. FtM = Someone who was born female, but identifies as/is male = A transgender man. Feelings of being in the wrong body assigned the wrong gender.
  3. 3. Current Events December 28th, 2014 - Leelah Alcorn Unsupportive parents, conversion therapy Fix society. Please. Misgendered even after death.
  4. 4. Statistics 80% of transgender students feel unsafe at school. 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide. Supportive parents make a huge difference! Out of 433 transgender people, 75% of transgender individuals without supportive parents have suffered depression, and 57% have attempted suicide.
  5. 5. Laverne Cox Transgender activist, actress, and public speaker. Active on social media Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. (Leelah Alcorn) Transgender pride and current events. It Gets Better The T Word Orange is the New Black Allure Magazine Time 100 Most Influential People
  6. 6. Three Things to Know about Being Transgender 1. "Please do not ask us about our genitalia unless you are a health care professional or if you are seriously interested in dating us." 2. "We are so much more than the sum of our parts as human beings. Please don't reduce a transgender person to what surgery they have had or haven't had." 3. "Pronouns matter, so please ask a trans person what pronoun they prefer to be referred to as.
  7. 7. Fight for Gender-neutral Bathrooms DoC survey find that 70% of transgender people have issues in the bathroom. Importance of creating a safe-space for everyone. (Transgender Fight for Gender Neutral Bathrooms)
  8. 8. Refuge Restrooms Helps transgender people to locate gender-neutral bathrooms. Non-gender conforming individuals.
  9. 9. Become an Ally Take the pledge! Team up with the Trevor Project!
